E Marketing

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Presented by:-Ankit Kamal Roll no:-06 MBA(EB) Semester 4th 2010-2012

What is E-Marketing

E-Marketing or electronic marketing refers to the

application of marketing principles and techniques via electronic media and more specifically the Internet. The terms E-Marketing, Internet marketing and online marketing, are frequently interchanged, and can often be considered synonymous.

E-Marketing Planning and Strategies

Market-oriented strategic planning is the managerial process of developing and maintaining a viable fit between the organisations objectives, skills and resources and its changing market opportunities.
The aim of strategic planning is to shape and reshape the companys businesses and products so that they yield target profits and growth.

E-Marketing Planning and Strategies

Competition - competitive forces, analysing competitors Monitoring environmental change - managing strategic

environmental issues Opportunities - market and sales opportunity analysis Competitive advantage - distinctive capabilities, cost and differentiation strategies, product differentiation strategies Resource reviews Strategic fit - fitting both market opportunities and internal capabilities

E-Marketing Planning and Strategies

There are five types of company: 1. those who make things happen 2. those who think they make things happen 3. those who watch things happen 4. those who wonder what happened, and 5. those that did not know that anything had happened

E-Marketing Planning and Strategies

marketing strategy is a series of integrated actions

leading to a sustainable competitive advantage strategic marketing seeks to secure and maintain competitive advantage in order to meet the goals of the organisation searching for advantage involves both an inwardlooking resource-based view and an outwardlooking view of market and selling opportunities it involves consideration of the interaction of three key variables: external environment, organisation goals and strategies

E-Marketing Planning and Strategies

1 objectives
Strategic Focus what business are we in? what business should we be in? what business should we not be in?

corporate objectives

2 situation review

marketing audit SWOT analysis formulate strategies forecasts


identify opportunities target markets product, price, promotion and distribution strategies

3 strategies and plans

4 action
Implementation programme control Performance review and evaluation action: products, prices, promotion, distribution

E-Marketing Planning and Strategies

Environmental Influences:-----1)broad environmental variables: economy, technology, society 2)industry variables: industry structure, lifecycle, specific technology, structure of competition, strategies and performance 3)market variables: lifecycle, segment structure, demand influences, purchase size and frequency

E-Marketing Planning and Strategies

Factors influencing company marketing strategies
Demographic/ economic environment Marketing and sales information system Marketing and sales intermediaries Technical/ physical environment



Target customer s


Marketing planning system


publics competitors Political/ legal environment

Marketing & sales organisation system

publics Marketing organisation and implementation system

Social/ cultural environment

E-Marketing Planning and Strategies

Factors influencing competitive success
Environmental factors e.g. rate of technological change nature of competition intensity of competition

Organisational factors e.g. size structure culture innovation capability

Strategic factors e.g. long-term objectives strategic time horizon product-market strategy

Marketing factors e.g. use of market research customer service product quality

Managerial factors e.g. communication attitudes leadership style

Business Performance

E-Marketing Planning and Strategies

Strategies bedrock strategy - to build and sustain capabilities of reputation, know-how, relationships, physical resources then determine strategies to transform these into positional advantage vis a vis competitors must derive strategies for market positioning in the chosen target segments have strategies to deliver continuing customer satisfaction

E-Marketing Planning and Strategies

Value creation for customers

Organisation capabilities Used to create value for customers Provide customers with desired benefits

Careful assessment of these capabilities what capabilities to build analysis of opportunities choice of opportunities to address Internet website and ecommerce

E-Marketing Planning and Strategies

value-defining processes [influenced by e-marketing]
market sensing to understand what customers value (what benefits buying) assess what the organisation creates from a customer perspective

value-developing processes [influenced by e-marketing]

what creates customer value in the value chain? how can customer value be enhanced through product and service

development? what facilitates and inhibits better product or service delivery

E-Marketing Planning and Strategies

Value-delivering processes [influenced by e-marketing]
can the product or service be better delivered? can it be made available at better times in better locations?

Value-maintaining processes [influenced by e-marketing

customer linking, channel bonding, managing brand equity

E-Marketing Planning and Strategies

Potential benefits of an Internet site:

Improvement in corporate identity and image Improved customer service Increased visibility among targeted segments Market expansion Online transactions Lower communication costs

E-Marketing Planning and Strategies

Website generations: 1. First generation: static electronic brochures, supplier broadcasting to many potential and existing customers 2. Second generation: interactive website, with product stock availability, FAQs and pricing information; still supplier driven 3. Third generation: fully interactive website, personalisation and market research information collection

E-Marketing Planning and Strategies

Basic Conditions
Supply raw material technology product durability value/weight Demand price elasticity substitutes rate of growth cyclical, seasonal

The structure-conductperformance paradigm

Market structure
number of buyers and sellers product differentiation barriers to entry cost structures vertical integration diversification

Conduct pricing behaviour product strategy and advertising research and innovation plant investment legal tactics Performance production and allocative efficiency progress, full employment equity

Public Policy taxes and subsidies regulation price controls antitrust information

E-Marketing Planning and Strategies

Threat of new entrants

Porters five forces

Bargaining power of suppliers

The industry jockeying for position among current competitors

Bargaining power of customers

Threat of substitute products or services

E-Marketing Planning and Strategies

corporate planning


Measuring results

division planning business planning product planning E-marketing planning


diagnosing results

taking corrective action

E-Marketing Planning and Strategies

External environment
(opportunities and threats)

Business mission

SWOT Analysis
Internal environment
(strength and weaknesses analysis)

Goal formulation

Strategy formulation

Programme formulation

Business strategic planning process


Feedback and control

E-Marketing Planning and Strategies

1. Objectives: what business do we want to be in?

(where do we want to be?) 2. Situation Review: where are we now? 3. Strategies, Tactics and Plans: how do we get there?, how do we exactly get there? 4. Action and Control: doing it and asking did we get there?

E-Marketing Planning and Strategies

Business definition Preliminary objectives

Environmental situation
Opportunities and threats Strategic thinking identify key issues develop strategy options Analysis resolve issues evaluate options

Competitive situation
Strengths and weaknesses

Resources and capabilities


Analysis of past performance

Specification of present strategy

strategy performance objectives

E-Marketing Planning and Strategies

An e-marketing strategy needs to be fully integrated into an organisations business and marketing strategies and plans Rather than have a separate e-marketing strategy it is important to have an integrated marketing plan with an e-marketing plan as a sub-set of that marketing plan


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