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C2014, PGDM1, T1 Principles of Management, Term End Exam 50 Marks, 2 hours and 30 mins 1) The paper has two

sections A and B. Please answer each section on separate booklets 2) You will be given total 10 concepts, divided between the two sections. 3) You will also be given one caselet which is common for both sections 4) You are required to answer the following for each one of the 10 concepts i) Define the concept (1 mark per concept) ii) Give 2 points as to how that concept will help the working of an organisation (2 marks per concept) iii) Now look at the caselet. In the caselet, each of the above 10 concepts has been violated or ignored. You will have to first identify any 5 out of the 10 concepts, which is violated or ignored. (any 2 concepts from Section A and any 3 concepts from Section B). Reproduce on the answer sheet the sentence/ para from the caselet which shows where it is violated/ ignored **. Then give 2 points how it is violated/ ignored (4 marks per concept) 5) ADVISE: You could first answer 4.(i) and 4.(ii) (as above) for all the 10 concepts, as this is only theory which you would be knowing. Then move to 4.(iii) which is application Length of the answers a) For defining the concept (4.i above) and describing how it helps an organisation (4.ii above), both answers together maximum 5 sentences per concept b) For describing how it is violated/ ignored (4.iii above), maximum 4 sentences per concept c) You will lose 1 mark for every extra sentence used in each concept d) **NOTE: Reproducing the sentence/ para for showing how a concept was violated/ ignored (4.iii above) will not be counted in the 4 sentences permitted.

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