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4th quadrant Layer 1 Layer 2 A Sorbeoconcha 9 Cephalaspidea - 7 Sorbeoconcha 10 Cephalaspidea - 9 B Cephalaspidea 7 Cephalaspidea 1 C Sorbeoconcha 2 Sorbeoconcha 5 Cephalaspidea - 13

Rice Abstract In the experiment, 50 rice grains were marked red and another 50 were marked black. The total count of rice grains was 93, 146. In layer A, 1 black and 1 red grain was recaptured in a population of 852 rice grains. In layer B, 1 black and 3 red rice grains was recaptured in a population of 2609 rice grains. In layer C, 3 black and 2 red grains was recaptured in a population of 4100 rice grains. Percent errors were computed for the three layers, layer A having 45.7% for both red and black, layer B having 46.7% and140% for red and black, respectively and layer C having 110% and 73.36% for red and black, respectively. We can see here that as the number of rice grains in the population increases, the chance of recapturing the marked grains increases as well.

Benthos Methodology In the field sampling area (mangrove area), 5 quadrats of 1m2 plots were formed randomly. Three core samples each of sediments were collected for each plot by pressing the core sampler to a depth of 30cm. The corer was carefully twirled clockwise/counter clockwise between 20 to 30 angle to loosen the sampler and avoid spillage once the corer is released from the substrate. The samples were poured onto a nested sieve and were washed until no more silt was going down. The organisms found in each layer of the sieve was taken and placed in a ziplock with 70 % ethanol. The organisms found were counted and the order (taxonomy) was identified. Species abundance and diversity were computed.

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