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February Newsletter 5th g.

February 22, 2013

Dear parents

Keep up the good work!

We have already done with our reading number nineteen. We have done with: El caso de la nariz de Pablon, En los tiempos del rey Adobe y Un grano de arroz.

We are studying statistic, mode, mean, range and median, and also graphs. We are working in stations, and every student has a different task to do, according to their level and weaknesses and strengths. We continue working on it, and working in the basic facts with and without decimals, and problem solving, and also in all the contents that we have already studied. Just a reminder that we continue working in Standford Math. Students are asked to complete at least 100 minutes a week (50 minutes in class and 50 minutes at home).

The Read and Walk to Spain project is creating a lot of expectations. We continue reading in Spanish and English in order to obtain footprints. So far, we have reached New York City, and soon we will reach Azores Islands. Every Friday we have a test of the weekly reading. Students can listen the readings from this blog: In our stations, we have included a new one for writing composition: Facebook. Students are encouraged to post pictures and make comments (always respectful and positive, and of Spanish).

We have almost done with our second book called Disear soluciones ambientales (Designing environmental solutions). Last week we finished a project about reusable and non reusable diapers, and the impact that they have 1 in the environment.

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