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FEB 2011



Published from Hyderabad, India. VOLUME 4 Issue # 38 FEB 2011

|| hari shri ganapathaye namah|| || Avignamasthu ||

"Gurur Brahma gurur Vishnu gurur devo Maheswarah Gurur sakshat parambrahmah tasmayi sri gurave namah"





FEB 2011


Aum Bhur Bhuva Swa Thath Saviturvarenyam Bhargo devasyadeemahi Diyoyona prachothayathe








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Printers, Publishers and Owners: MK Viswanathan

Flat # 204B, Block # 1 Janapriya Township, Mallapur, Nacharam PO, HYDERABAD-500 076, INDIA. Mob: 9542 693 230 E-Mail: astrologervishy_nair@yahoo.co.in




FEB 2011



Sl. No. 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 16 17



Cover Page -- Zodiac -Editorial Board And Management. -Index. -Editorial. -Role of Sub lord. OVN Murthy US Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords is MK Viswanath shot at. Sale of land when? KP Answers. VGR Pavan Girl ran away before Marriage. MK Viswanath Assessing the horoscopes strength of a PV Ramanacharyulu nativity. Will India win against South Africa? Nayan Mukhopadyaya Pluto example. Policy, Terms and Conditions. -Longevity or Death --- K P Appraisal. GVN Prasad Letters To The Editor. -Formula to find Subs In K.P to any G. Uma Shanker innumerable Level. This month of February 2011 for you. Haresh Nathani LongevityRole of Nodes. RVSN Sarma Nirayana Transits of 2011. --Star & Stone Power. Surabhi Radhakrishna Sarma

On Page 01 02 03 04 05 09 13 18 22 26 30 31 36 38 43 52 57 58




FEB 2011

// Hyderabad // //3-Feb-2011// FROM THE DESK OF THE EDITOR


Esteemed Readers:
This E-Journal, ASTROVISION, has been marching ahead with many new concepts and new members. The progress has been phenomenal, which was not thought of in the initial stages, as the Journal was developed from literally scratch. Now ASTROVISION shall be too pleased to introduce and encourage new writers in KP, Vedic or any allied subjects and systems, so that the involvement of such persons in Astrology shall get expanded for the benefit of its readers. We have this time been able to get some meaningful and attractive articles from few rookie prodigies. There is no dearth of intelligence. It has to be sharpened. The twin birth has been always an intriguing issue for any Astrologer where many life events and general strength of the horoscope do vary between a twin pair born to same parents within a minimal time of 1 minute or so. Shri OVN Murthy, the renowned KP Astrologer from Hyderabad, is throwing some light on this particular matter in this issue of the journal.

With warm regards MK Viswanath Editor




FEB 2011

Daivagnya Siromani


Company Secretary Nizam Sugars Limited, I Floor, Shakkar Bhavan, Basheerbagh, Hyderabad 500004 AP Ph. Off. 23232212 Res. 27405975 Mobile : 94417-78427 Email: ovnmurthy@gmail.com www.saibhavishyavani.com

Om Gajaananam Namamhyam

A touch stone of KP system is Sub lord by Sri Rajender Nimje, IAS., has brought out his article on The Role of Sub lord in Prediction of Events in KP Astrology International Journal (January, 2009). He has given in depth study of the role of the sub lord, which needs any number of explanations by number of KP research astrologers as it is the foundation for the KP system.
Prof. Sri Krishnamurthy jee, who is the founder of KP system has initially used 108 Navamsa system (Rasi divided into 9 divisions) for predictions basing on Parasara Padhathi. In twin births he found that there is no difference in the birth charts, who were born within a small span of interval; then his thought has provoked with divine blessing he has brought out the theory of star lord & sub lord (Macro and Micro analyses). This system has got its origin from a Vedic Astrology wherein we apply this principle only to Moon at the time of birth to know the Dasa, Bhukthi, Anthara, Sookshma (DBAS) which is known as Vimssothari Dasa system (120 years). In this method we apply star lord, sub lord, sub-sub lord to Moon very accurately to know the Dasa Balance at the time of birth. This principle has applied to I cusp to know the twin births fate wherein the Rasi Lord (2 hrs span) star lord (53 Min) sub lord (90 sec. Sun - 9 Min. Venus) Sub-sub lord (6 sec. to- 90 sec.) will give clear picture of the infants health and longevity, connection to improving houses, etc. Here the sub lord takes time to change from 9 / 1 Min and Subsub lord from 6 sec. - 90 sec, wherein the sub lord and sub-sub lord would be different to each of the twins which gives a clear clue to judge the horoscope and the same principle has applied to all the 12 cusps to know the strength of the respective cusp which indicate a particular event of the life. Our Gurujee Sri KS Krishnamurthy has given a wonderful tool for quality predictions both in Natal and Horary charts. The star lord always indicates the area of the subject matter and the sub lord is the deciding factor normally when we want to judge a particular event thru a planet in its DBA. We look into the relevant cusp which plays the major role such as for the job X cusp, marriage VII cusp, offspring V cusp, etc to judge whether event is promised or not. These cusps are fixed as per time of birth unlike horary chart will differ from number to number of the same individual. Our Gurujee has given the wonderful concept star lord and sub lord and invited other astrologers to do further research and come out with developments on this theory through practical charts .




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As said above for all cusps and planets, we will identify the star lord and sublord while generating the KP chart, in this connection there will be 3 Parts. A student studies well (star lord favourable) and passes the exam (sub lord Favourable) A Student Studies well (star lord favourable) but fails exam (sub lord unfavourable ) A Student did not prepare well (star lord unfavourable) and passes the exam (sub lord favourable ) A student could not study well (star lord unfavourable)) and fails the exam (sublord unfavourable). In all the cases sub lord plays a vital role in determining out of come of the event. II: Indicates the 12 cusp sub lords (CSLs) which will be treated as a planet to know the strength of the cusp; a cusp is favourable or not through its sub lord. The cuspal sub lords starlord signifies certain houses and the Cuspal Sub lords sub lord decides whether the house is strong or not for giving good results. In all the above cases we have to follow the 4 step theory to decide the strength of any planet, if star is unoccupied of a planet it will give strong results about the house occupied by it and the cusps owned by it (when it is unoccupied), in case of Nodes the conjunct planet, aspect, the star lord & Rasi Lord would influence the node more strongly as they did not own any cusp. Any planet who is in the star of Node will behave like an agent to the Node (Rahu / Kethu) and gives the result of the node (as discussed by KSK jee and published in Astrology & Athrishta Article Winning of a Lottery which was brought before the Forum by Sri Nimje, IAS). Thus when the Cuspal sub lord is strong (at sublevel more particularly) then a planet is significator of that cusp would give good results, these results can be experienced through DBA. III: DBA - from the above we could understand the role of the sublord and the influence on the relevant cusps outcome either yes/no; but the same is manifested in the concerned Dasa, Bhukthi, Anthara (DBA) which has to operate for experiencing the results through its Starlord (sometimes it may not agree) but if the sub lord agrees favourable cusps then the results would operate. In all most all the cases we have to follow invariably IV Step Theory of Sri Sunil Gondhalekar for determining the fruitful significators (II & IV step is Star lord I & III Planets own signification). The star lord indicates the environment and the sub lord indicates the outcome. I: 9 planets and their star lords as significators of different cusps; then take the sub lord which as a planet and its significance again through star lord will ultimately determine whether it is promised or not. In this instant case star lord indicates the area at macro level and the outcome is decided by sub lord significance with its star lord significance whether it is favourable/ unfavourable but sub lord significance is vital in deciding the factor example While calculating the IV Step if you calculate I & II then you need not calculate the Sub lord thru III & IV Steps as the sub lord is a planet we can take the concerned planets I & II steps as III & IV steps. Thus out of the 9 planets we will arrive at fruitful significators and if those fruitful significators at Step I n II happens to be the sub lord for any Planet out of the 9 would give fruitful results only as the sub lord is protecting the Planet results would flow during its DBA.




FEB 2011

These fruitful significators if they are figured as cuspal sub lords any of the 12 cusps would bring favourable results thru that cusp significance e.g. it is like a Bank Account if there is some balance you can draw from it. In this theory the best application is the connection of the cuspal sub lord (which has to be treated as a planet) connection to improving houses would bring success to that subject matter (Marriage, job, education, children, abroad, etc). As said by many Astrologers who are engaged in research- if any planet is a sub lord for a particular cusp would bring results of the cusps concerned as a significator. In some practical cases where the marriage has taken place in the sub lord of 7th who is sub lord of another Bhukthi Lord who is not at all connected to 2, 7,11. For establishing this Rule the author has verified in many practical cases where the sub lord of particular cusp who has given the cusps matter though he is not significator of the prime cusp or its supporting cusps. As per KP system a correct birth time is inevitable for arriving at right cuspal sub lords for accurate prediction. During the KPAF, Hyderabad fortnightly meeting conducted on 09 Sep 2007 one KP Astrologer / Participant of the Meeting reported a case study of twin births; viz. DOB: 27 Sep 2004 TOB: 11.38 (Twin-1) and 11.39 (Twin2) POB: Minneapolis, State Minnesota. When a doubt was raised about the one minute difference in birth time of the above twins, Sri Rajendra Nimje, IAS., President of KPA Forum has informed the participants that it is possible as per the medical history.

I analysed those two charts of the Twin Births (appended herewith), the Gentlemen who reported that the second twin was keeping good health and first twin is not so and he wanted to know the reason for the same through KP principle. On analysis it was found that the 1st cusp sub lord of the first child is Mars who is lord of 1st & 6th for Scorpio Ascendant and not well since birth. Mars is 1st & 10th Cuspal Sub lord (no planet is tenanted in its star became strong significator) is in Suns star (10th) and sub of Kethu who is in Rahu star Rahu is in conj. with 6th cusp signifies 1st, 6th (vacant), 10 indicates sickness through present Maha dasa Jupiter x Rahu upto 18 May 2008. The second child 1st Cusp Sub lord is Rahu who is in Kethu star and sub of Jupiter signifies 5th and 11th cusps, hence his health is good. The twin birth which gives clue for cusp sub lords significance within one minute of difference of time of birth. In the first child the 5th Cuspal sub lord and 6th Cuspal sub lord is mercury who is lord of 8th & 11th in 10th in the star of Sun. Whereas in the second childs chart the 5th Cuspal Sub lord is Kethu a strong significator of 5th & 11th houses. 6th Cuspal Sub lord is mercury same as above connected to Sun in 10th as lord of 8th and 11th. In this Chart the 5th Cuspal is health lord is not connected to 6th cusp hence he is keeping good health.




FEB 2011

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FEB 2011



On Sunday morning (09-Jan-2011) as usual I got up early and was waiting for an early coffee. Casually, I switched over the TV channel to BBC. The news was being shown that: Democrat Mrs. Gabrielle Giffords from Arizona (Congresswomen) was shot in the head on Saturday at a public event held at a grocery store in Tucson, her spokesman, C. J. Karamargin, said. Others at the event, including members of her staff, were among the injured. Her condition was stated to be critical. She was taken to University Medical Center in Tucson, the trauma center for the area, about 10 miles away. Even though NPR and CNN reported that she had been killed, Darci Slater, a hospital spokeswoman, said that Ms. Giffords was in surgery. They quoted a public information officer for the sheriffs office as saying that 12 people had been injured in all and that the shooting had occurred around 10 a.m. local time. The time of watching the TV was around 6-23 a.m. by which time my second son also got up and came to sit beside me. He was asking as to whether this particular Congresswoman died or not. I told him that she will not die. He, then asked me as to how, daddy, you could say this? I told him it is just prashna. My son, indeed got bewildered, as I delivered the reading, as the gun shot was through the brain of the Congresswoman. Having not understood as to what is prashna and at not followed the astro analysis based on which I delivered the reading; probably he did not further ask any questions.




FEB 2011

The chart for the time of query is given below: Date: Time: Time Zone: Place: January 9, 2011 6:23:00 am 5:30(E of GMT) 78 E 28',17 N 23' Hyderabad, India Lunar Yr-Mo: Vikriti - Pushya Tithi: Sukla Panchami Vedic Weekday: Saturday (Sa) Nakshatra: Satabhishak (Ra) Yoga: Vyatipata (Ra) Hora Lord: Mars Sunrise: 6:52:03 am Sunset: 5:53:17 pm Ayanamsa: 23-54-51.94 Sidereal Time: 13:19:46

Body Navamsa Lagna Sun - AK Moon - MK Mars - DK Mercury - GK Jupiter - PK Venus - PiK Saturn - AmK Rahu - BK Ketu

Longitude 17 24 17 00 01 03 07 23 07 07 Sg Sg Aq Cp Sg Pi Sc Vi Sg Ge 25' 29' 01' 42' 16' 47' 37' 02' 57' 57' 06.72" 00.48" 30.29" 06.01" 23.02" 33.53" 28.55" 38.52" 45.99" 45.99"

Nakshatra Pada Rasi PSha PSha Sata USha Mool UBha Anu Hast Mool Ardr 2 4 4 2 1 1 2 4 3 1 Sg Sg Aq Cp Sg Pi Sc Vi Sg Ge Vi Sc Pi Cp Ar Le Vi Cn Ge Sg





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The longevity is always seen from the 08th house. In this case Sagittarius is rising in the star of Purva Ashada ruled by Venus, while Venus signifies 06 (clinic, injury, illness, etc.) and is posited in 12th house (hospitalization). Hence it should be understood that the congresswoman is in hospital. Sun is posited in lagna indicates doctors are attending to the patient. Mars is posited in 02nd house (first bhava) and is in Sun star indicates that she will go through surgery. 08th lord is Moon, who is posited in Rahu star Satabisha in Aquarius. Rahu is of course in Ketu star. Ketu signifies Mercury. Maraca and badhaka Mercury is in lagna. These combinations indicate critical conditions. Sun indicate injury to head. Mars /

But Rahu signifies lagna. Saturn is posited in Moon star Hasta in 10th house, a house considered good for longevity. Saturn signifies 08th house too. Mercury, Rahu and Ketu do signify maraca and badhaka. But Ketu gets aspect of Saturn. Saturn aspects lagna lord, who is also in Saturn star. Saturn does not aspect lagna, recovery shall be too late. but lagna lord. Hence

All these combinations led me to tell Congresswoman will survive the ordeal.

my son that the

Let us take the chart at the time of shooting, which was at 10-00 a.m. on 08 Jan 2011: Body Navamsa Lagna Sun - AK Moon - MK Mars - DK Mercury - GK Jupiter - PK Venus - PiK Saturn - AmK Rahu - BK Ketu Longitude 09 24 13 00 00 03 07 23 07 07 Aq Sg Aq Cp Sg Pi Sc Vi Sg Ge 37' 08' 06' 26' 57' 44' 17' 02' 58' 58' 42.43" 55.14" 12.35" 45.61" 16.84" 32.71" 22.31" 02.18" 48.65" 48.65" Nakshatra Pada Rasi Sata PSha Sata USha Mool UBha Anu Hast Mool Ardr 1 4 2 2 1 1 2 4 3 1 Aq Sg Aq Cp Sg Pi Sc Vi Sg Ge Sg Sc Cp Cp Ar Le Vi Cn Ge Sg

Lagna falls at 09 deg. 37 min. in Aquarius. Similar degrees in 06th house in Cancer and 08th house in Virgo are ruled by Saturn and Sun respectively. Mars aspects 06th bhava. It is posited in Sun star, who holds 08th bhava. 06th lord Moon is posited in lagna.





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In my opinion that the shoot out should have taken place when lagna was transiting in the star of Dhanishta ruled by Mars in Aquarius.





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Aum Sri Ganapathaye Namaha // Aum Sri Gurubhyo namaha

A person very eager to know the prospects for the sale of his agricultural land posed me the question when can I sell my land? and mentioned number 134 for Horary Analysis. KP teaches that house fourth house deals with all fixed assets. Purchase of such land is signified by 11 (desire fulfillment), 12 (investment) as well as 06 (12th to 7th i.e. the person who sells the land), 09 (separation with the ownership over land for the opponent). Hence to buy a land one must run the conjoined period of significators for 0406-09-11-12 houses. Focal cusp being the 4th, that means 04th sub lord should be connected to these houses either by himself or through his star lord. On the same logic to sell a land (whether it is vacant or agricultural), one should run the conjoined period for the significators for 3 (separation of ownership over land), 12 (general loss of property), 2 (making money by sale), 5 (desire fulfillment for the opponent i.e.11th from 7th), 10th (acquisition of land by opponent from us). Therefore 02-0305-10-12 houses must be connected. The focal bhava here is 10th cusp. There are the rules for both Horary as well as Natal astrology. Planets in the stars of the occupants of these houses, Occupants of these houses, Planets in the stars of lords of these houses and lords of these houses are termed as Significators. But if the stars of the occupants or the owners (whose houses are unoccupied) are not occupied by ay planet then the planets in the sub divisions of such lords are the strongest significators of that particular house. This is called as golden rule in KP. My personal opinion is that planets co-ruling the cusps have a definite say in the timing of the result pertaining to that house. Because in KP cuspal sub lords will change




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in few minutes but the dasa and bhukthi lords will be the same. Thus if we include the star as well as sub lord s in our analysis we can be more accurate in our predictions. (This is a research point which needs our attention). Horary map: Judged as per KP no. 134 at 16.14 N on 02-02-2011 at 07-59 AM With Sani-Rahu-Ravi-Budha as Ruling planets.
System Query Place Date Time Longitude Latitude Zone Settings Latitude Lagna Query Rasi (Moon Sign) Query Star (Nakshatra) Lunar Half (Paksha) Lunar Day (Thithi) Dasa at DOB / DOQ Dasa Balance Bhukti at DOB / DOQ Bhukti Balance Current Date Current Dasa running : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : Krishnamurthy Ayanamsa: 23 55' 01" Sale of land Tenali, Andhra Pradesh 2-2-2011 Wednesday 7-59-00 80-38-0 East 16-14-0 North IST 5.5 Universal Time Geographic Thula Swati 3 Makara Utrashada 4 Krishna Paksha (Declining Phase) Amavasya 30 Sun 1 Y:0 M:13 D Ketu 0 Y:0 M:14 D 2/2/2011 Sun-Ket-Mer Sun Dasa upto: 16-Feb-2012 Ketu Bhukti upto: 17-Feb-2011 Mercury Antara upto: 15-Feb-2011


Longitude 14 Li 26' 40.

Star Swati

KP Pointer Ven-Rah-Ket-Ket Mar-Sat-Rah-Sat Jup-Ket-Mer-Sat Sat-Moo-Jup-Jup

Planet Sun Mercury Venus Moon Mars Jupiter



KP Pointer Sat-Mo-Mer-Ra Sat-Sun-Sat-Sat Jup-Ket-Sun-Ve Sat-Sun-Ket-Mer Sat-Moo-Mer-Sa

18 Cp 57' 57. Shravana 3 Cp 16' 3. 3 Sa 39' 25. 7 Cp 41' 43. Utrashada Moola Utrashada

13 Sc 42' 17. Anuradha 13 Sa 17' 19. Moola 13 Cp 54' 37. Shravana

15 Aq 32' 18. Satabhisha Sat-Rah-Ven-Ven 16 Pi 21' 50. U Bhadra Jup-Sat-Jup-Mar Mar-Ven-Ven-Rah Ven-Mo-Rah-Mo Mer-Rah-Mer-Sun Moo-Sat-Rah-Me Sun-Ven-Ven-Ket Mer-Moo-Sat-Ket Ven-Mar-Ven-Mo

19 Cp 33' 11. Shravana 8 Pi 3' 16.

Utra Bhadra Jup-Sat-Ket-Mer Hastha Mer-Mo-Sun-Ve

14 Ar 26' 40. Bharani 13 Ta 42' 17. Rohini 13 Ge 17' 19. Ardhra 13 Cn 54' 37. Pushya 15 Le 32' 18. P Phalgun 16 Vi 21' 50. 3 Li 10' 26. Hastha Chitra

Saturn (R) 23 Vi 16' 3. Uranus Neptune Pluto Rahu Ketu Lagna 4 Pi 7' 20. 3 Aq 53' 18. 12 Sa 30' 3. 6 Sa 41' 4. 6 Ge 41' 4. 14 Li 26' 40.

Utra Bhadra Jup-Sat-Sat-Ven Dhanishta Moola Moola Ardhra Swati Sat-Mar-Ven-Jup Jup-Ket-Mer-Ra Ju-Ket-Ra-Me Me-Rah-Rah-Ra Ven-Rah-Ket-Ket





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The present horary number 134 gives Lagna in Tula rasi in Rahu star and Kethu sub. The 10th there from falls in Kataka Rasi in Sani star and Rahu sub. If we look into Rahu, he is in 3rd sign but 2nd bhava in Kethu star and own sub. Further he is with Sukra lord of the Lagna and 8th house. Kethu is in 9th rasi representing Budha lord of 9-12 houses in 3rd house. Therefore sale of land will take place but there will be some delay as Kethu is aspected by Sani from 12th house. Sale will take place in the conjoined significators of 2-3-5-10-12 houses. period for

As per KP fruitful significators are those planets which are powerful by occupying favorable sub divisions. Of course co-rulers of the cusps are also handy pointers of time. Here dasa lord Ravi is lord of 11 in 04 in the star of 10th lord Chandra who is in 03rd (in chalit chakra). But whether Ravi is fruitful for the sale or not depends up on the sub division of Ravi. Here it is ruled by Budha lord of 12 in 3. Hence Ravi is fruitful and can cause the sale in his Dasa. Bhukthi lord Kethu, though strong he cannot offer result as he is aspected by the delaying Sani. Thus left out, the upcoming Bhukthi lord is Sukra. She is in Kethu star and Ravi sub. Kethu strongly denotes 03-08-09-12 houses and Ravi denotes 3-10 houses. As Sukra is strong by sub we can select her Bhukthi. Further she is the star and sub lord for 11th house. In Sukra bhukthi we can select either Rahu or Sani anthara as Rahu being a node is conjoined with Sukra and representing Guru in 5th house. Sani is also powerful as he is in the 12th house in the star of Chandra in 3rd house. Whenever you have to sell the land 12th house should come into action. More importantly, Sani-Rahu-Sukra are the co rulers on the cusps connected with the sale of the land. Rahu being the node is with Sukra the 11th cuspual star and sub lord, thus Sukra is more charged by Rahu and the zones of Rahu(for transit) are powerful during the period of Sukra. One can ask why Chandra dasa was not considered. The answer is that Chandra in not in RP and Ravi is stronger than Chandra by sitting in her star. Chandra is the lord of 10 and star lord for 12th house as well as occupant of 3rd house. Moreover Ravi-Sukra are the co-rulers on the 11th cusp. Hence Ravi is more powerful to fulfill the desire of the client. Rahu anthara starts on 27-06-2011 to 22-08-2011. Sani anthara starts on 10-10-2011 to 06-12-2011.




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Among these two favorable times we have to see the transit of Sun to be more precise in our prediction Ravi will transit in Mithuna or Katakam during Rahu anthara, whereas in Tula and Vrischika in Sani anthara. Among them transit in Katakam in the first week of August and transit in Tula is in October month. As per the horary map these two are favorable for finalization of the sale of your land. But the dasa lord Ravi is strong significator for 3,10 houses at star level and connected with 3,4,11,12 houses at sub level hence the client will have moderate gains through the sale. Good Luck





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I am pleased to inform you that a book written by me under the title "BASICS OF NAKSHTRA PADHATHI (Marriage, Profession & Health) has been published by M/s. Sagar Publications, New Delhi , and it has just arrived in the market. The book covers subject of marriage matching, and the other important points one astrologer has to evaluate at the time of fixing the marriage matching viz: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) Marriage koota or alignments, longevity, Job or profession, Different types of marriages such as love marriage, multiple marriage, Divorce, unconventional marriage, dual or multiple marriage, extra marital affairs, denial of marriage, Children, delay or denial of children, Misfortunes like Death of spouse, accidents, jail yoga, mental illness or lunacy, alcoholism, Charity, wealth factors, Ascetic yoga, etc., Intelligence, hearing or communicative abilities, etc. etc.

The book is consisting of 290 pages, and there are around 150 natal horoscope charts in South and North Indian style discussed covering various points. The Publisher has priced the book at Rs.270/-. Any member desirous of having the book may approach at astrologervishy_nair@yahoo.co.in. Warm Regards MK Viswanath Mob 9542 693 230





FEB 2011


GIRL RAN AWAY BEFORE MARRIAGE A friend of mine gave a marriage card of her boy, who is employed in Indian Navy. The girls father was also known to us. The marriage was fixed at 11-45 a.m. Pathanamthitta, Kerala, on 26 Dec 2010. to 12-15 p.m. at

Unfortunately, the girl did not like the alignment which was fixed much earlier by her parents and she just ran away from the railway station at Secunderabad before boarding the train to go to marriage, putting her parents and relatives in a fix. On seeing the marriage muhurta chart, I had told in my home that the girl does not like this alignment. The marriage card was first given to us by the mother of the boy, who was also well known to us. The marriage below: MUHURTA CHART Date: Time: Time Zone: Place: December 26, 2010 11:45:00 am 5:30: (E of GMT) 76 E 47',09 N 16' Pathanamthitta, India Lunar Yr-Mo: VikritiMargasira Tithi: Krishna Shashthi Vedic Weekday: Sunday (Su) Nakshatra: Poorva Phalguni Yoga: Priti (Me) Ayanamsa: 23-54-50.05 Sidereal Time: 17:40:43 chart planetary longitudes have been shown





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Body Lagna Sun - GK Moon-PK Mars-PiK Mercury(R)- AK Jupiter-DK Venus-AmK Saturn-BK Rahu-MK Ketu

Longitude 00 Pi 26' 10 Sg 26' 15 Le 02' 20 Sg 02' 27 Sc 04' 01 Pi 54' 24 Li 17' 22 Vi 27' 08 Sg 41' 08 Ge 41'

08.37" 26.75" 48.83" 00.65" 35.88" 34.83" 34.48" 48.77" 34.13" 34.13"

Star / p PBha 4 Mool 4 PPha 1 PSha 3 Jye 4 PBha 4 Visa 2 Hast 4 Mool 3 Ardr 1

I saw Pisces rising in the marriage muhurta with Jupiter in lagna. Moon is in 06th house in Purva star. Saturn is in 07th and Venus in 08th. For a marriage chart, planets in 06, 07, 08 especially with Moon, Saturn and Venus are not desirable. Moon should never be in 06th (which negates marriage --07th house). Saturn in 07th indicates Moon in saade-saath (02 / 12). In a marriage chart, 7 and 8 should be free. Venus should never be in 08th. On seeing the Moon in 06th and Saturn being lord of 12 in 07th, on getting the card from mother of boy, I told my wife at home that the girl does not like the alignment. NATAL CHART Date: Time: Time Zone: Place: May 6, 1989 00:40:00 am 5:30:00 (East of GMT) 76 E 47' 00", 9 N 16' 00" Pathanamthitta, India Lunar Yr-Mo: Sukla - Vaisakha Tithi: Sukla Pratipat (Su) (64.13% left) Vedic Weekday: Friday (Ve)




FEB 2011

Nakshatra: Yoga: Karana: Hora Lord: Mahakala Hora: Kaala Lord: Sunrise: Sunset: Janma Ghatis: Ayanamsa: Sidereal Time:

Bharani (Ve) (5.38% left) Soubhagya (Ve) (43.04% left) Kimstughna (Ve) (28.26% left) Jupiter (5 min sign: Ge) Jupiter (5 min sign: Pi) Venus (Mahakala: Venus) 6:08:42 am (May 5) 6:30:28 pm (May 5) 46.3041 23-36-41.75 15:11:40

Body Lagna Sun - MK Moon - AmK Mars - DK Mercury - GK Jupiter - PK Venus - AK Saturn (R) - PiK Rahu - BK Ketu

Longitude 18 Cp 58' 21 Ar 38' 25 Ar 56' 10 Ge 28' 11 Ta 19' 16 Ta 59' 29 Ar 39' 20 Sg 10' 07 Aq 33' 07 Le 33'

22.73" 42.81" 57.69" 45.17" 59.31" 57.22" 45.16" 46.83" 58.12" 58.12"

Star / pada Srav 3 Bhar 3 Bhar 4 Ardr 2 Rohi 1 Rohi 3 Krit 1 PSha 3 Sata 1 Magh 3

The natal chart shows that the girl is running Mars VMD and Mars is posited in 06th house in Arudra Star ruled by Rahu. Rahu signifies other caste. In the chart also Mercury is posited in 5th house (romance) and is in Rohini ruled by Moon, who is lord of 07th. Moon is in the star of Venus (bharani) and Venus rules romance. Mercury signifies 05, 06, 07, 04 and 09. I later told the father of the girl that she will be having two marriages.




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A few days thereafter when I visited the home of the girl, her mother asked me as to whether marriage took place or not. I saw cancer rising at the time of query with Moon in 06th house in Sagittarius and lord of 07th Saturn is posited in Moon star in Hasta in Virgo. Hence I replied to her mother that marriage did not take place and it is agreed for a marriage because of 03 (agreement) and 07 (marriage).





FEB 2011



Om namo Maha Ganapathyenamah

With my humble regards to every one in the K.P. fraternity, I wish to introduce an interesting horoscope, belongs to Sri Ananta Sriram, a popular lyric writer in Telugu film industry. He started writing from a very young age and left his B. Tech to settle down in this career. He is successful in rendering many hit songs.

Astrological analysis of the natal chart.

The native is borne in Kumbha lagna, an airy sign. Moon is also found in an airy sign Mithuna. Further the Lagna lord and lagna sub lord Saturn is occupying an airy sign. Thereby qualities of all the airy signs are reflected in the nativity. Lagna lord Saturn has become the Lagna cusp sub lord. Saturn is in his exaltation sign and 9th bhava. Saturn is in the star and sub of Jupiter lord of 2 & 11 at 11th bhava. Saturn, Venus and Ketu are in exaltation signs and in the progressive bhavas. Jupiter and Mars are in their own signs and in progressive bhavas. All these 5 planets are connected to Lagna bhavam.





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Writing abilities are promised by the 3rd cusp sub lord Jupiter signifying 1st and by being posited in the star of strong Venus at 1st bhavam and Jupiter occupying 11th bhavam. The 10th cusp sub lord Mercury is in the star of Ketu at 9. Mercury is lord of 5 & 8 at 2nd bhava. Mercury is in his own sub. Signification of 5th to the 10th cusp indicates a career in cine field. Mercury and Moon both are in receipt of Jupiters aspect from 11th house. Moon is also aspected by Mars from 10th house (courage to express)

Prediction of marriage of this native.

Around January 2010 celebration of marriage of this native was predicted during the month of November 2010 during Saturn Dasa Mars Bhukti and Mercury Antara. VII cusp sub lord Mercury is occupant of 2nd promising marriage to the native. Saturn the dasa lord is in the star and sub of Jupiter lord of 2 & 11 at 11. So Saturn dasa allows the event to happen. Bhukti lord Mars is in the star and sub of Saturn. Mars is not a signification of either 2 or 7 or 11. Mars is signification of 1st house. Saturn the sub lord of the bhukti lord Mars is in the star of Jupiter at 11 th could not object the event to happen. I understood 1st house signification of Mars as per the contention of Sri Vadrevu Suryanarayana garu in Jataka Narayaneeyam that Lagnadhipathi has authority over all the 12 houses of horoscope. Here in this case Mars is well posited in the star and sub of the lagna lord acquiring lagna signification augmenting the absence of signification of either 2 or 7 or 11 during his bhukti. Antara lord Mercury is in the star of Ketu who is the cuspal star lord of the prime house for marriage i.e.7 and 11 hence marriage during Mercury antara. (On 17-11-2010) Salutations to Guruji Sri K.S.K.

Note: According to Vedic principle, Ketu is found to be having exaltation position in Scorpio.





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FEB 2011


Its an advance theory of KP Method The book is available on discount for new year Discounted price Rs.400/- only including postage in India A-4 Size, 97 pages, printed on very good quality of paper. Contains 4 Step theory rules, practical examples on Marriage, job, issue, property, foreign travel, share market, longevity etc Specialty: (1) both north / south Indian charts are given. (2) No need of ruling planets for judging events. contact: SUNIL GONDHALEKAR e-mail: sunilalaka@gmail.com
Mob: 0 9819 248 179





FEB 2011

Fourth step vision


NAYAN MUKHOPADYAYA The question is regarding the cricket match prediction. One of my friends asked me yesterday that who will win the match? India or South Africa? I immediately cast the horoscope based on the KP horary no. 206 at Hyderabad at 9.48.22 P.M. (21/01/2011).
System : Krishnamurthy Ayanamsa: 23 54' 59" Query : Cricket Match Place : Hyderabad Date : 21-1-2011 Friday Time : 9-48-22 Longitude : 78-27-0 East Latitude : 17-26-0 North Zone : IST 5.5 Settings : Universal Time Latitude : Geographic Lagna : Makara Dhanishta 1 Query Rasi (Moon Sign) : Karkata Query Star (Nakshatra) : Aslesha 3 Lunar Half (Paksha) : Krishna Paksha (Declining Phase) Dasa at DOB / DOQ : Mercury Dasa Balance : 7 Y:0 M:29 D Bhukti at DOB / DOQ : Rahu Bhukti Balance : 2 Y:1 M:14 D Current Date : 2/1/2011 Current Dasa running : Mer-Rah-Jup : Mercury Dasa upto: 19-Feb-2018 : Rahu Bhukti upto: 05-Mar-2013 : Jupiter Antara upto: 07-May-2011





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Longitude 26 Cp 6' 40. 2 Pi 43' 24. 6 Ar 37' 55. 5 Ta 29' 5. 1 Ge 7' 36. 26 Ge 46' 29. 26 Cn 6' 40 2 Vi 43' 24. 6 Li 37' 55. 5 Sc 29' 5. 1 Sa 7' 36. 26 Sa 46' 29. 13 Le 42' 38.

Star Dhanishta P Bhadra Aswini Krittika Mrigasiras Punarvasu Aslesha U Phalguni Chitra Anuradha Moola Utrashada P Phalguni

KP Pointer Sat-Mar-Jup-Jup Jup-Jup-Rah-Ven Mar-Ket-Rah-Mer Ven-Sun-Mer-Ket Mer-Mar-Mer-Rah Mer-Jup-Ven-Ven Moo-Mer-Jup-Jup Mer-Sun-Jup-Mar Ven-Mar-Moo-Sun Mar-Sat-Mer-Mer Jup-Ket-Ven-Ven Jup-Sun-Sun-Mar Sun-Ven-Ven-Sun

Planet Sun Mercury Venus Moon Mars Jupiter Saturn Uranus Neptune Pluto Rahu Ketu Lagna

Longitude 6 Cp 50' 47. 15 Sa 56' 43. 20 Sc 26' 24. 24 Cn 26' 46. 10 Cp 10' 51. 5 Pi 48' 27. 23 Vi 17' 13 3 Pi 38' 23. 3 Aq 27' 36. 12 Sa 7' 13. 7 Sa 18' 59. 7 Ge 18' 59. 26 Cp 6' 40.

Star Utrashada Poorvashada Jyeshta Aslesha Shravana U Bhadra Hastha U Bhadra Dhanishta Moola Moola Ardhra Dhanishta

KP Pointer Sat-Sun-Mer-Sat Jup-Ven-Sun-Sat Mar-Mer-Ven-Rah Moo-Mer-Rah-Jup Sat-Moo-Moo-Rah Jup-Sat-Mer-Ket Mer-Moo-Sun-Ven Jup-Sat-Sat-Sat Sat-Mar-Ven-Mar Jup-Ket-Mer-Ven Jup-Ket-Rah-Moo Mer-Rah-Rah-Sat Sat-Mar-Jup-Jup

Rule for predicting cricket match result: We should consider 6th subs signification. If it signifies strongly 6th, 10th or 11th the result is in favor of the team in question. 1, 2 and 3 acts as supportive house. If the 6th sub does not give you the definite answer check for 11th Subs signification. Similarly, it should signify strongly 6, 10 or 11 and 1, 2 or 3 as supportive house. To understand opponent teams strength we have to check 5th and 12th subs strong signification of 5th and 12th house. 4, 7, 8 and 9th houses are found to be supportive for these. Lets take an example. The question is WILL TEAM A WIN AGAINST TEAM B? So for team A we have to check 6th and 11th sub and for team B we have to check 5th and 12th Sub.
TEAM A 6th Sub Favorable Signification 6,10,11 Primary 1,2,3 Supportive Unfavorable Signification 5,12 Primary 4,7,8,9 Supportive Favorable Signification 6,10,11 Primary 1,2,3 Supportive 11th Sub Unfavorable Signification 5,12 Primary 4,7,8,9 Supportive





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5th Sub Favorable Signification 5,12 Primary 4,7,8,9 Supportive Unfavorable Signification 6,11 Primary 1,2,3 Supportive Favorable Signification 5,12 Primary 4,7,8,9 Supportive

12th Sub Unfavorable Signification 6,11 Primary 1,2,3 Supportive

Well, now the question is Will India win against South Africa? Here the 6th sub is Venus and it strongly. So, India will win surely. PLANET: VENUS Itself :-------------It's N.Swami :-------It's Sub :-----------It's Sub's N.Swami :-Itself aspects :-----Venus:- 10 4 9 Saturn-Drusht Mercury:- (11) 5 (6) 8 Venus:- 10 4 9 Saturn-Drusht Mercury:- (11) 5 (6) 8 5 8 8 1 1 signifies 6 and 11

Lets check the 11th Sub. Its also Venus. So, definitely India will win. Just to cross check consider 5th and 12th sub Mercury and Sun respectively. PLANET : MERCURY Itself :-------------- Mercury:- 11 5 6 8 It's N.Swami :--------Venus:(10) (4) (9)Sat-Drusht(8) (1) It's Sub :------------ Moon:- 7 7 It's Sub's N.Swami :-- Ketu:- (5) Rashi-Swami Mercury (11) 5 (6) 8 Itself aspects :------ 6 Mercury signifies unfavorable house 6, 11, 10 and the unfavorable supportive house 1 (For Team B) and supportive favorable house 4, 8, 9 and favorable primary house 5. So, we can say that even South Africa is very strong and may win the match. PLANET : SUN Itself :-------------- Sun:- (12) (3) 10 It's N.Swami :-------- Sun:- (12) (3) 10 It's Sub :------------ Ketu:- 5 11 5 6 8 It's Sub's N.Swami :-- Rahu:- (11) (2) 2 11 12 Itself aspects :------ 7 Mars-Yuti Mars-Yuti (12) (12)

Rashi-Swami Mercury Rashi-Swami Jupiter





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Here it signifies strongly the favorable primary house 12 whereas unfavorable primary house 11 and unfavorable supportive house 2, 3. So, this is the challenge now. How will you come to the final conclusion that who will win the match finally? Team A 6th Sub 11th Sub Total Favorable Unfavorable Team B 6,11 5th Sub 6,11 12th Sub 4 0 Total Favorable Unfavorable 5,4,8,9 6,11,10,1 12 5 11,2,3 7

So from the above table we can see that Team A has 4 favorable points and no unfavorable points. Team B has 5 favorable points and 7 unfavorable points. It means that team A has total 11 (4+7) favorable points. IT PROVES INDIA WILL WIN THE MATCH. But alas!! We all know the result. India lost the match by 48 runs. Here the tricky part comes in the picture. Notice the important role played by Pluto. The 6th sub Venus is in the star of Mercury. This mercury is in close conjunction with Pluto in 4.5 degree. So the result predicted by the rules will be opposite in the reality. When the concerned sub lord in the query is in close conjunction within 3.33 to 5 degree or in close aspect within the orb of 3.33 to 5 degree, the predicted result will be opposite. This rule is valid enough and I am getting significant result using this concept. Interested students may research further on this and may refine it.





FEB 2011


Esteemed Readers, ASTROVISION magazine shall predominantly endeavor to cover on the following subjects:-1) Astrology & Vastu2) Yoga. 4) Palmistry & Numerology. 3) Mantra & Tantra 5) Numerology.

Articles are invited from practitioners in the above subjects. The articles have to be written in English and to be sent to us by E-mail in word format. For articles based on KP system of astrology, Ayanamsa used shall be strictly as per either KP Old, KP New or KP Straight line. Contributors are free to write in any method of astrology such as KP, Vedic, Jaimini, Western, etc. In KP since there are several methods, like KP traditional, KB, Fourth Step theory, TSP, etc. For Vedic and Jaimini method of astrology, writers are free to use Ayanamsa like KP, Raman, Lahiri, etc., but they may specify the ayanamsa used. The following terms and conditions may be noted: The articles written shall various analytical aspects. be either accepted or rejected depending upon

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FEB 2011


G. V. N. PRASAD, M Sc,CAIIB,PGDFM. Plot. No.35, East Jawahar Nagar, Moulali, HYDERABAD-500 040 (A.P.)

Om Sri Maha Ganapathey Namaha


In K P system, the Longevity is assessed through 8th cusp. In fact , the Badhaka will be 11th cusp for movable Asc., 9th for fixed Asc , 7th cusp for common Asc. However , 2nd & 7th cusps , are Marakas for all Ascs. Therefore, we have to judge all these three cusps viz. Badhaka and Maraka and find out significators. In short, these are as follows. 1-Asc Sub Lords is a strong significator of Trine cusps 1-5-9 ( except when it is a Badhaka & 10th cusp)----Long Life upto 100 yrs. 2-Asc Sub Lord is the significator of both ie. Trine and Malefic houses (6-8-12)-------------Medium Life upto cusps (1-5-9) 66yrs. (6-8-12)

3-Asc Sub Lord is a strong significator of Malefic cusps and Badhaka & Maraka--------------Short Life upto 33yrs. 4-Asc Sub Lord is a strong significator of 3-8 and Maraka & Birth in DBA of Badhaka & Maraka---Balarishta. 5-Harmful Planets for Longevity--------------------a- Mars,Rahu,Ketu in 8th cusp. b- Planet in the star of 8th Lord. c- Planet connected with Mars, Rahu, Ketu. 6-Asc Sub Lord 1-3-8 is a strong significator of 8th , 12, Maraka & in the DBA of 8-12,Badhaka, Maraka-----Death




In recent years, one of my known friend's had approached me on 10-042009, about the longevity of his nephew. Immediately , I had taken the Birth particulars and casted Natal Chart, & analysed the chart on KP System. In fact , the particulars ,given to me of a person , who is not in this world, and the same did not disclosed by the friend. I had tried my level best to arrive the possible date of death of the native , on the basis , of principles of K P system. Date of Birth----------29-12-1962 31

ASTROVISION E JOURNAL VOL 4 Time of Birth---------21-10 hrs. Place of Birth---------Hyderabad, A.P. Lat.---------------------17N20 Long.------------------78E30 Aya--------------------23-14-17 Star--------------------Sravana , 3-P
IX 28-38 Me-Sat PIS VIII 27-53 Ju-Ve Jup 15-22 Ra-Ve AQU VII Mo Sa Ke Me VI CAP Su V SAG 29-56 Ma-Sa 17-29 Mo-Sa 16-26 Mo-Sa 07-34 Su-Ke 02-20 Su-Ju 00-39 Su-Ra 14-13 Ve-Ve 00-58 Ke-Ve IV 00-16 Ju-Mo Ve 00-13 Ju-Mo SCO LIB ARI


FEB 2011

X 00-16 Su-Ra TAU

XI 00-58 Ma-Me GEM XII 00-39 Ju-Ma Ra 07-34 Sa-Ke I 29-56 Me-Sa CAN Ma 01-28 Ke-Ve II 27-53 Su-Mo LEO

III 28-38 Ma-Sa VIR

Cuspal PositionCusp I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X XI XII Sign Moon Sun Mer Mar Jup Sat Sat San Jup Ven Mer Moon Star Mer Sun Mar Jup Ketu Sun Mar Jup Mer Sun Mar Jup Sub Sat Moon Sat Moon Ven Rahu Sat Ven Sat Rahu Mer Mars

Planetary PositionPlanet Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Rahu Ketu Significators---1 PCO OCC PCBL BL Ma Mo,Sa Mo 2 Sign Jup San Sun Sat Sat Mars Sat Moon Sat Star Ven Moon Ketu Sun Rahu Jup Moon Sat Sun Sub Ven Sat Ven Jup Ven Moon Sat Ketu Ketu

3 Ve Ve Me

Me,Kt Su

5 Me,Ke Su Ve Jup

6 Ma,Ra,Mo,Sa Me,keSa,Mo Ra Sa

7 Ve Jup Ra Sa,



Ra Sa

Ve Jup

Su Ve


12 Jup Ra Mo,Sa Mo


ASTROVISION E JOURNAL D B A Dasa Moon Mars Rahu Bhukti



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Rahu Jupiter Saturn Saturn Mercury Ketu Jupiter Saturn Saturn

From 29-12-1962 17-05-1967 17-05-1974 17-05-1974 29-01-1977 23-06-1979 23-06-1979 05-12-1979 30-04-1980 17-05-1992 17-05-2008

To 17-05-1967 17-05-1974 17-05-1992 29-01-1977 23-06-1979 29-04-1982 05-12-1979 30-04-1980 30-06-1980 17-05-2008 20-05-2011

First, I had assessed the Longevity of native and arrived that, the native is short life, as Asc Sub Lord is a strong significator of Malefic cusps 6-8-12 & Badhaka, Maraka. The native is a Cancer Asc. & star is Sravana. For movable Asc., 11th is Badhaka and Leo & Acquarius (2-7) Marakas. Hence, on summing up, the longevity threatned due to the following reasons, 1-There is a Cuspal Interception is seen in the chart, wherein the Asc cusp have preceded to anti clock wise direction moved into the 12th cusp, which , indicate that, Asc cusp, benefic qualities have been lost viz. happiness on all matters , connected with the life of the native, health, life, longevity ,vitality, general inherent strength of his physical constitution , resistance to diseases and losses etc. 2-Asc is in Mercury star, (6-3-11), Saturn sub, again Saturn in Saturn sub (6-7-8) 7th cusp Maraka, and also in conjunction with Ketu, a Moksha Karaka. 3-The 2nd cusp, & 6th cusp are , in Sun star , who is again in the Ketu constellation, a Maraka, Moon (6-12-1) is in the sub 2nd cusp, who is again Saturn sub ( 6-7-8). Rahu is in the sub of 6th cusp, who is in Ketu sub, posited in 6th cusp a moksha karaka. 4- The 3rd cusp in Mars star, & Mars in Ketu star, a Moksha Karaka & Saturn sub ( 6-7-8), cannot prolong longevity as it is aspected by Jupiter a Maraka with 9th aspect. 5-The 7th cusp is in Mars star, who is in turn in Ketu star, and Saturn sub , again in Saturn sub (6-7-8), as explained in para 2. 6- The 8th cusp is in Jupiter star, Venus sub, & Jupiter, as an OCC of 7th cusp a Maraka, is in the constellation of Venus, (3-3-10). Venus as OCC of 3rd cusp, an additional cusp for promoting longevity, & also 10th cusp, retirement from this world in Venus sign, is in Jupiter star (7-5-9) a Maraka. Here Jupiter, in the constellation of Venus, Venus in the sub of 8th cusp cannot promote longevity to the native, as Jupiter an OCC of 7th cusp is in the grip of Saturn. Further, the longevity cusp is in Jupiter star, being a Maraka, an OCC of 7th cusp, is in Rahu star , posited in 12th cusp in Ketu sub & is aspected by Moon, Mercury, Ketu. Ketu a moksha karaka, is in Sun star, who is in the constellation of Mercury , Badhaka (11th) & is a lord of 2nd cusp, again a Maraka


ASTROVISION E JOURNAL VOL 4 ISSUE NO 38 FEB 2011 7-Badhaka, 11th cusp is in Mars star & Mars is in Ketu star, who is in 6th cusp., in Mercury sub (6-3-11) cannot give longevity, to the native. 8-The 12th cusp is in Jupiter star, an OCC of 7th cusp a Maraka, Mars sub, who is again in Venus sub (3-3-10) cannot provide longevity. 9-On further analysis, the 8th cusp, very strongly signifying 7th cusp, which is a danger to longevity & cannot give longevity to the native, as Saturn will not allow Moon, Mercury, Ketu, as Ketu itself is in Saturn sign, Sun star, Ketu sub. 10-Saturn being a significator of Malefic cusp of 6th, in the sub of Asc & an OCC of 6th cusp, should be considered as malefic, even though, it is being aspected Mars & Jupiter with 7 & 10 aspect. 11-The benefic planet Jupiter is in Saturn sign & is aspected , by the Saturn with the 10th in 3rd cusp, should be taken as malefic, & cannot provide longevity to the native. 12-Saturn & Mercury in conjunction in Capricorn are to be considered, as malefic for 7th cusp. 13-The Badhaka lord and lord of 3 & 8 cusps are conjoined. In K P system, if 1-3-8 sub lords signify 2-7 & Badhaka cusps , then short life is denoted. On the basis of above observations, I had come to conclusion, that, the longevity of the native is over, at the time of analysis of chart .Date of analysis is on 10-04-2009. DOB is 29-12-1962 Add 33 yrs. Total 29-12-1995 So, the permitted longevity is 33yrs. Then, I had informed him, that in my opinion, the native might not be in this world. He astonished, then I told him not to disclose anymore, the period of death can be assesed, from the previous DBA. In fact, the assessing the possible date of death, on the basis short life, is a tough for me, but, I have gone through step by step & tried to arrive the date. The date of birth of native is 29-12-1962, by adding permitted longevity of 33 yrs., the, native must left the world, in between from 29-12-1962 to 29-12-1995 (DBA-Jup-Sat. i.e., 2912-1962 to 29-12-1995).The DBA have been analysed, accordingly, the calculation of D B A are as follows. 1-Moon DasaMoon is in Moon star, Saturn sub, in turn Saturn in Saturn sub (6-6-78-9-12-1-3), eliminated. Saturn is posited in Improving cusp,6th event may not occur, This dasa is eliminated as no DBA of Badhaka & Maraka were not operating at the time of birth. 2-Mars DasaMars is in Ketu star, Venus sub, in turn Venus in Moon sub (6-12-1), eliminated as , Moon is also in posited in Improving cusp 6th cusp, event may also not occur.





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3-Rahu DasaRahu is in Saturn star , Ketu sub in turn Ketu in Ketu sub .This dasa is appear suitable as Ketu being a moksha karaka ,is posited in Improving cusp, 6th , but Sun a Maraka of 2nd cusp is in the constellation of Ketu, hence, the event may occur, so, I had preferred this dasa, Rahu being OCC of 12 cusp in Non Improving cusp. BhuktiRahu BhuktiRahu is in Saturn star, Ketu sub ,Ketu is in Ketu sub ,In this Bhukti, Rahu acts an agent of Saturn , and Saturn(6-6-7-8-9-12-1-3) being posited in Improving cusp in 6th,event may not occur. Jupiter BhuktiJupiter is in Rahu star , Venus sub in turn Venus in Moon sub (6-12-1), eliminated as, Moon is also in posited in Improving cusp 6th cusp, event may also not occur. Saturn BhuktiSaturn is in Moon star , Saturn sub , who in turn Saturn sub ,in the sub of 7th cusp., event may occur in the bhukti. Saturn AntaraSaturn is in Moon star , Saturn sub , who is again in Saturn sub , reveal, the native is very serious and suffering with chronic ailment , but no threat to life as Satun is in the sub of 3rd cusp . Mercury AntaraMercury is in Sun star , Jupiter sub, who in turn in Venus sub (3-310), being as OCC of 3rd cusp, Venus will give both results viz.. promoting for survival, & retirement from this world, but not connected with Maraka. Ketu AntaraKetu is in Sun star, Ketu sub, who in turn again in Ketu is very strong , for taking life of the native. sub, which

The period of antara is from 30-04-1980 to 30-06-1980, is assessed, as the event may occur. Latter on , I had been informed , that the native passed away on 14-06-1980, during Rahu-dasa- Saturn bhukti Ketu antara- Mars sukshma. Really, K P System is an excellent system, for arriving to the accuracy of result. OM TAT SAT





FEB 2011

Dear sir, Thank you for this ASTROVISION New Year 2011 issue ! For an unknown reason, I have not received the two last 2010 issues of your E-journal (issues #35 & #36). Could you please send me a copy of these issues? Sorry for bothering you with such a demand ! Wishing you a happy new year ! F. B. Rmi Panisse Note: ASTROVISION E Journal is uploaded in astrovision@yahoogroups.com. Members are welcome to download it free from the FILES Section. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Dear Viswas, Thank you for sending the PDF file of ASTROVISION e-journal. I greatly appreciate the wonderful work you are doing. Please send me future issues at my address. Thank you and Namste. Regards Kemuel Noel





FEB 2011

Sri. M.K.VISWANATH: Latest achievement: Basics of Nakshatra Padhati(Marriage,Profession & Health) To run a small News letter / Bulletin is itself quite a tough & difficult job, whereas, Sri.M.K.Viswanath started an Astro- Vision e. Magazine during the year 2008. The articles are contributed by reputed Astrologers from A.P, other States and also from NRIs abroad, they cover all aspects of astrology, catering to the needs of students, Practitioners, Seniors Researchers, Cookery, Beauty aids and what not..?. The cover-page, photographs and the get-up are all of very good standard. It is a wonder that in spite of being in active service, how he learnt the art of Managing the Tasks & Time. It is a tremendous job to co-ordinate, edit and publish a full-pledged monthly E-Magazine on time, without compromising in the quantity and quality, continuously without break even once during this long period of 3 years. He is also encouraging in publishing the articles tried by the new comers, and publishing the comments/ suggestions from the Readers / Seniors. It is praise-worthy & deserves appreciation by all. MAY LORD GANESH SHOWER HIS BLESSINGS WITH GOOD HEALTH & PROSPEROUS LONGEVITY TO SERVE THE ASTRO-FRATERNITY IN PARTICULAR & THE MANKIND IN GENERAL FOR MANY MORE DECADES TO COME. With Regards & Good Luck Hyderabad, dated the, 18th Jan, 2011.


Dear Viswas, Thanks for the copy of ASTROVISON. I was actually totally out of touch with ASTROVISION. Thanks for the same. Very good work. Wishing you a very prosperous new year. thanks Subhash Nair





FEB 2011


G. UMA SHANKER KP-Siromani Mobile: 98665 03154 The following method shall be effectively used to find out the Sub lord in KP system. For a particular planetary position in the Zodiac, without referring to reckoners or any Astrological software, we require a shortcut simple formula.

1. to identify the Sub-lords, Sub-Sublords etc., upto any innumerable level 2. to identify the Dasa balance at any position; either with respect to Lagna, Moon, Sun or any other planet. 3. to correct birth chart in the process of identifying the correct sub / sub-sub and correcting the planetary / cuspal positions accordingly. 4. to identify the favourable position of event connected planets in transit with reference to any birth chart

For this, the span of entire Zodiac constituting 360o is to be segmented into 3 parts; within 120o each; 1st part starting from 0o in Aries to 120o upto Cancer; 2nd part from 0o in Leo to 120o upto Scorpio and 3rd part from 0o in Sagittarius to 120o upto Pisces. Thus, any cuspal / planetary position in the Zodiac (compounded degree) is identified to be within 120o in any of the above segments. Eg. Any planet at 19o in Jemini can be identified as 79o position and any planet at 23o in Scorpio as 113o and any planet at 18 o2335 in Capricorn as 48o2335.




FEB 2011

1. Identifying Sub-lords, Sub-sublord etc Let us take a planetary position of 19o in Jemini i.e., 79o in the zodiac. a. Multiply 79 with 0.075 which is equal to 5.925 which indicates that the planetary position is in 6th star in the order of Vimshothari starting from Ketu and planet has traversed a span of 0.925 units out of 1 unit in that 6th star which is Rahu the span of which is 18 years as per Vimshothari. So the star lord identified is Rahu . b. Now remove the integer part of 5.925 and take only the decimal which is 0.925. Now multiply 0.925 with 120 i.e., 0.925 * 120 = 111. Now start deducting the span of each star successively starting from star lord identified (here in eg. it is Rahu) in the order of Vimshothari till the balance is within the span of some planet. i.e., i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. 111 093 077 058 041 034 014 of 18 16 19 17 07 20 06 next (i.e., (i.e., (i.e., (i.e., (i.e., (i.e., (i.e., planet Rah span) = 93 Jup span) = 77 Sat span) = 58 Mer span) = 41 Ket span) = 34 Ven span) = 14 Sun span) = 8 which is within 10 (i.e., Moons span )

So, the sub-lord identified is Moon. The above process of sequential subtraction can be simplified with the help of table given below where the numerical span on a compounded basis is taken. Go to the 6th column under Rahu and from 111 obtained above, deduct the lesser no. which is nearer to it i.e., 103 and we get 8 units which represents Moon. Thus under Rahu column, anything after 103 and upto 113 represents Moon.
1 ke Ke Ve Su Mo Ma Ra Ju Sa Me 7 27 33 43 50 68 84 103 120 Ve Su Mo Ma Ra Ju Sa Me Ke 2 Ve 20 26 36 43 61 77 96 113 120 Su Mo Ma Ra Ju Sa Me Ke Ve 3 Su 6 16 23 41 57 76 93 100 120 Mo Ma Ra Ju Sa Me Ke Ve Su 4 Mo 10 17 35 51 70 87 94 114 120 Ma Ra Ju Sa Me Ke Ve Su Mo 5 Ma 7 25 41 60 77 84 104 110 120 Ra Ju Sa Me Ke Ve Su Mo Ma 6 Ra 18 34 53 70 77 97 103 113 120 Ju Sa Me Ke Ve Su Mo Ma Ra 7 Ju 16 35 52 59 79 85 95 102 120 Sa Me Ke Ve Su Mo Ma Ra Ju 8 Sa 19 36 43 63 69 79 86 104 120 Me Ke Ve Su Mo Ma Ra Ju Sa 9 Me 17 24 44 50 60 67 85 101 120

c. Now multiply the balance obtained (111-103) i.e., 8 with 120 and divide the same with the span of sublord identified (i.e., 10 as Moon is identified) i.e., (8 *




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120 ) / 10 = 96. Now go to column as the sublord identified is Moon earlier and under that column, deduct the no. which is less than 96 i.e., 96-94 = 2 units coming in Venus which starts from 94 upto 114. Thus Sub-Sublord identified is Venus. d. Now take the balance obtained i.e.,2 and multiply by 120 and divide the same with the span of Sub-Sublord identified i.e., (2 x 120 / 20 ) = 12. Now go to Venus column and since 12 is within 20, the Sub Sub Sub-lord identified is Venus. e. The same process can be continued any no. of times to identify various sub levels and their lords.
2. Identifying the Dasa balance and DBA : Let planetary position of 23o in Scorpio i.e., 113o. us take the

a. Multiply 113 with 0.075 which is equal to 8.475 which indicates that the position is in 9th star in the order of Vimshothari starting from Ketu which has traversed a span of 0.475 units out of 1 unit in that 9th star which is Mercury the span of which is 17 years as per Vimshothari. So the star lord or Dasa lord identified is Mercury. Now the balance in that star can be obtained as 9-8.475 = 0.525 which when multiplied by the span of Star lord identified gives Dasa balance of that star in years i.e., 0.525 * 17 years = 8.925 years which can be converted to years, months & days. b. Dasa lord can be identified as the Star lord. Bhukti lord can be identified as Sub lord as per procedure enumerated above and Antara lord can be identified as Sub-sub lord. i.e., 1. 113 * 0.075 = 8.475 i.e., 9th star which is Mercury at time of birth 2. Now 0.475 * 120 = 57. Now under Mercury column in table, 57 50 = 7 in Moon and so Moon is Bhukti lord running at time of birth 3. Now 7 * 120 / 10 = 84. Now under Mercury column in table, 84 70 = 14, which comes in Moon and so Moon is Antara lord running at time of birth 4. Thus DBA identified is Mercury, Moon, Mercury and so on c. The same procedure can be adopted to identify the dasa balances with respect to various planetary positions in the process of calculating the Longevity. 3. Correcting Birth chart : In the process of identifying various sub-lords, the span in numerical form can be identified and planetary / cuspal positions at points can be adjusted and calculation can be reversed from level of sub-lord or subsublord identification to the calculation of degree position as well. a. Eg., The sub- sublord identified under 1 above is Venus and let us take that the sub sublord could be Sun, the span


of which under Moon column spans from 114 to 120. Let us take 114 to calculate position in degrees. Now (114 * 10) / 120 = 9.5. Now add 9.5 to 103 under Rahu column = 112.50. Now 112.50 / 120 = 0.9375. Add to 5 which becomes 5.9375 and so 5.9375 / 0.075 = 79o 10. Thus correction of degree is made from 79o to 79o 10 with a change in Sub Sublord. Thus any planetary position with respect to sub or sub-subs etc., falling at border cases can also be precisely adjusted to suit according to the events experienced by the native.



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4. Identifying favourable transit positions : The formula helps to identify the favourable position of event connected planets in transit with reference to any birth chart a. Eg. Considering transits, if it is identified that event connected planet is Venus and favourable Sub for the native is Mercury. Let us take Saturns transit in the star of Venus and in Mercury sub. Now under Venus column in the table, the span of Mercury is from 96 to 113. Now 96 / 120 = 0.8 and 113 / 120 = 0.94167. Since it is Venus star, units are from 1.8 to 1.94167 i.e., 1.8 / 0.075 to 1.94167 / 0.075 i.e., 24o to 25o5320 in any of the 3 regions of the Zodiac identified above.





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FEB 2011

Vedic Astrologer, Vaastu Consultant
8/8, Surya Niwas Sion Colony Road, Sion West Mumbai 400 022 Cell +91 98672 14103 E mail: hareshgnathani@yahoo.com

Website: www.astroguruonline.in.

Disclaimer: These presentations are mere recommendations and are based on transit of planets. For actual results the status of your chart will determine. I or publisher is no way responsible for miss happenings or events not turning out to be true or false

Notes: Surya/Sun transits to Kumbh/Aquarius rashi/sign on 13.02.2011 Mangal/Mars is in Makar/Capricorn rashi/sign & will transit to Kumbh/Aquarius rashi on 15.02.2011 Budh/Mercury transits is in Makar/Capricorn Rashi/sign & will transit to Kumbh/Aquarius on 18.02.2011 Guru/Jupiter is in Meen/Pisces rashi. It will transit to Mesh/Aries on 08.05.2011 Shukra/Venus is in Dhanur/Sagittarius rashi/sign. It will transit on 25.02.2011 to Makar/Capricorn. Sani/Saturn is in Kanya/Virgo rashi/sign. It is Vakri/in retrograde motion. It will get margi/in direct motion on 13.06.2011 Rahu is in Dhanur rashi & Ketu in Mithun rashi Natives who are diabetics need to be cautious in their diet; else sugar levels can increase. Non diabetic natives can also get diabetic. Aspect of Saturn on Jupiter is an excellent yog for foreign trips & settlement in foreign countries. Retrograde Saturn can cause delay. It is the natal chart which needs to support this yog.

Health will be excellent and steady. Some aggression will be noticed post 15th. Caution should be exercised as any freak injury to arm or shoulder or legs can lead to unexpected surgery. Expectant mothers need to be careful. Stress & strain can harm the baby. Finances are stable. Finances will come by good luck. It is your impacting speech that can raise the extra money. Loans and funds are available. Career hard work is still the mantra but some ease in the job situation gets noticed. Natives under the effect of Saturn or Saddi satti need to be extra cautious. Foreign job options will be more fruitful after the 18th. Jobless natives will sense a strong aroma of new job offers. Change of job will not be fruitful. 43

ASTROVISION E JOURNAL VOL 4 ISSUE NO 38 FEB 2011 Business even though you may need to borrow some more money to make up for the short funds, business will go on but some extra efforts need to be put in for increased growth. Foreign trips will put some pressure on your business plans post 18th. Romance your spouse or the love mates are all freak lovers. They need some extra attention and are always looking & wanting to be pleased. As long as you please them with gifts your desires get fulfilled. Need not worry on the extra marital or other relationship factors. Wedding bells for the eligible. Share Market is very volatile & highly fluctuating. Investment skills will give yields. Investments in aviation, breweries & alcohol will be a good bet. Miscellaneous you are physically charged up and fit & fine. Married natives will see more favourable fortunes. Friction and compromise with the father will bridge the distance gap. Opportunities will always come by it is your intuition that will help in selecting the favourable opportunities. Prayers to Saturn are a must to overcome career related complications. Overconfidence and confusion in job related matters can bring some discomfort. Spiritually an expensive time period. Lucky Colours Red & Blue avoid cream & yellow Lucky Numbers 6 & 9 Unlucky Numbers 7 & 8

Health will not be stable. Fluctuating health till the 25th will affect the mind & intelligence. Problems may be related to the abdomen area, sexual organs, and progeny. Extra care is necessary. Finances are stable and by good fortune will keep coming. Loans & funds may not be required but compulsive borrowers will not be able to hold the temptation. Career a sense of laziness does prevail in cashing on opportunities & delay makes you miss the favourable. If you are able to overcome and allow the power of intuition to rule on opportunities, sudden windfall gains are a strong possibility. Business needs the extra efforts to make the needs met. A simple effort of stability will not apply in the present placement of planets. These placements will give nothing but a lazy view to avoid the hard work. Foreign trips will yield good results. Romance your love partners are aggressive and expect the extra energy from you for romance. Saturn brings distance which could be separation due to professional commitments or poor compatibility resulting into separation. Romance will not have the vow effect. Compulsive lovers will get into some extra affairs to bridge the loneliness. Share Market it better to stay away from market with body not supporting due to ill health. Compulsive traders need to tread cautiously. Miscellaneous your quadrants are empty hence any stability in this month is ruled out or a distant dream. It is your natal chart which can bring some stability. Avoid & do not express disappointment. Married natives with children will be more fortunate. Matters related to childrens well being will draw more attention. Fortunes are strong & favourable but the risk element can give distress. Be cautious in this month. Lucky Colours White & Ivory avoid Red Lucky Numbers 8 & 9 Unlucky Numbers 6 & 7


ASTROVISION E JOURNAL VOL 4 ISSUE NO 38 FEB 2011 Health unstable health with aggressive nature & attitude can cause chaos and the balance between the body, mind & intelligence gets affected. Finances constantly fluctuating finances will expose your miserly nature and rue your efforts of maintaining stable finances. Loans & funds are available. Career when career is stable there is a strong likelihood of taking matters for granted. Retrograde Saturn is very watchful. Overseas travels at short notices are foretold. Ambitious natives seeking foreign jobs will see some hope and light. Business requires more research and extra efforts. Steadiness and stableness should not be presumed as growth enemies are also watching on your movements. Travel at short notice is a possibility. Romance your love mates & sex partners are somehow shy to confine with you but with Venus playing an important role sudden confinement by your love mates will make romance very exciting and pleasurable. Even extra affairs will flourish. Share Market you are the intellectual worm and share market is like a running blood vessel in your intelligence box. Use it to the best of your ability. Profits will shine on you. Miscellaneous when the centre pouch is jiggling with the sound of money all seems well. This is what will be your nature for the current phase. Even ill health will not bother you as you have a strong supporting pillar by your side. But the more you research in your career the better for you. Efforts will see better fortunes mid month. Your spouse will spend more than required. Let it happen else the ting in romance will subside. Lucky Colours Green & Yellow avoid magenta Lucky Numbers 6 & 9 Unlucky Numbers 5 & 7

Health will a confused and fluctuating this month. One health issue gets resolved the other pops up. Be careful. Finances it is the good luck of your spouse that can get you steady finances; else money will come & go. You are a miser on finances, but ill health will give more pain to your hands and wallets. Career a steady and a stable job means a lot to you. Yes this is what is happening. But post mid Feb involves you in more research and deeper involvement in your work. Short notice travel cannot be avoided. Business you love to be on the move and prefer to travel. This is where the growth of your business lies. Short journeys will keep you on the move. Foreign travel increases post mid Feb. Romance your love mates and love partners love to hate romance as they do not know how to romance. A state of confusion in romance & love affairs prevails with the egos getting hurt. Some change will be seen post mid Feb. you how and with whom to freak around. Share Market Venus is the planet which rules your investment factor & mind. Your steady approach will see investment portfolio flickering in mid Feb. Miscellaneous even though life is running smooth & steady, some confusion will prevail and a shadow of doubt will rule your senses. With increased stability post mid Feb and fortunes favoring a sense of content can be experienced on select days. Where the body & mind lord is same some discontent and anxiety 45

ASTROVISION E JOURNAL VOL 4 ISSUE NO 38 FEB 2011 can affect the intelligence. Your spouse is spending more than required, can you avoid it as it is a necessity. Lucky Colours Yellow & Pink Lucky Numbers 1 & 9 Unlucky Numbers 6 & 8

Health is a variable factor. The diabetic will see rise in diabetes level and the non diabetic can get diabetic. Some improvement is seen post mid Feb 11. Finances a daridra yog can delay & deny finances. Loans are also difficult to come. Financial stress improves after the 18th. Career is better and stable. Promotion for the eligible for natives in financial, administration & media sector. Natives aspiring for foreign job postings receive some hope. Business smile does not necessarily mean everything is fine in business. It is an alternate option revealing discontent in business. Difficult times in business will get waded after 18th. Romance you demand romance but your spouse is mostly elusive. This illusion makes you impulsive and results in forced act of romance. You always look for alternative options and somehow manage to get it. This is how you will romance. Share Market the sense of money, tips, greed makes you occupied and looking for money making opportunities. Share market options are more favourable then mutual funds. Take a careful plunge as the water is shallow deep fishing will give pebbles. Miscellaneous somehow this month is not stable. With unstable health & finances, the coordination between, mind, body & intelligence will be lacking. Matters getting delayed can have some effect on your patience. It is better to postpone important activities post mid Feb. a thought of taking loan will rule the mind. Fortunes will improve post 18th. Natives under the effect of Saturn will feel a stronger pinch. Avoid the desire to spend money or being thoughtful in charity matters. Take care of your valuables. Theft or loss of mobile, jewelry, cash wallet is possible. Lucky Colours Red & Red & Green Luck Numbers 1 & 9 Unlucky Numbers 4 & 8

Health retrograde Saturn has made you tread caution on health matters. Health gets worse after the 18th. Surgery is also a possibility. Finances woes are extinct but the greed can make you lose what you ought to have got. Keep what comes in and save as much as you can. Else loans and funds are always there. Career is a wow, why worry? Job jingles are singing their tunes. Appreciation and acceptance of your authority increases your confidence. Travel trips at short notice keeps your travel bag ready in advance. Natives aspiring for overseas jobs are ready with their baggage. Business with blessings of Jupiter any fluctuation & volatility is handled with expertise. Business investments in the past in any new ventures will now yield good profits. Be prepared for short overseas journeys. Romance your spouse and love mates are little reserved when it comes to romance. An interchange between Jupiter & Venus somehow 46

ASTROVISION E JOURNAL VOL 4 ISSUE NO 38 FEB 2011 reduces the deservedness. Venus is introvert, bold & free minded. Let the shackles go off. Alternate options are always there. Share Market when Venus rules the mind, a desire towards financial independence & prosperity is always there. Investments now in the share market will give good results. Mutual funds should be for the weak & not for the brave. Else go for insurance sector investments which are safe & well defined. Miscellaneous even though this year is of Rahu, with Rahu a close friend of your body, mind & intelligence you will see a lot of stability and growth in career & life. The strength gets visible thus increasing the jealousy factor. Be watchful. Fortunes are favourable. Some thoughts of inheritance of ancestors wealth also rule you mind. Freak sickness to children can cause you to worry. Fortunes are safe & favourable. Expenses on children and romance will increase. Lucky Colours Pink & Maroon Lucky Numbers 6 & 7 Unlucky Numbers 3 & 4

Health is a mixed factor. Variable but it is your determination & will power which will help in overcoming the nagging health issues. Finances are good & stable. Your thoughts in money spinning ideas through investment will rule your mind. Career seems to give you the required boost to charge & March ahead. Growth is certain. You need to be innovative. Short journeys should not bother you. Overseas options will come at a later stage. Business will see the sky. It is your intelligence which will be the driving force for growth and prosperity. Take the plunge, make short trips & journeys, and increase your popularity & presence. Romance you are the best persons to romance and also fortunate to get an equally aggressive and receptive love mates. Venus is the gift of your romance. Your love mate has a high expectation from you. Fulfill the desire and take the plunge. Share Market you love the share market & investments but a lazy mind does not allows you to reap the returns. You need to change your mind frame. Slow & steady cooks a tasty dish. Miscellaneous this is a very expressive month for you. Look for the best and you will find it. Take the plunge and shore is nearer. Your contacts and contracts get more fruitful. Overcome the enmity and the world is yours. Rahu wants you to take a shadow deal, tell Rahu you cannot rule my mind as energy is ruling the mind. Rahu hates fire and let it happen. Fortunes are favourable. Your ancestors want to bless you with their wealth. Take it with open arms. Lucky Colours blue & green Lucky Numbers 6 & 9 Unlucky Numbers 3 & 7

Health is good & stable. Energy levels are revitalized. A glow and shine makes you feel energetic and confident. Finances somehow are not moving the way you will like to. Your control on finances is very low. Earlier money was dear to come 47

ASTROVISION E JOURNAL VOL 4 ISSUE NO 38 FEB 2011 and now when money has come, it is the dry walls, which is family is absorbing the fresh money. You need to live with it. Jupiters aspect is the saving grace for you. Career exalted mars have sharpened & increased your contacts. You need to travel on short journeys. You need to capitalize on the opportunities available. A one long step will be equal to ten small steps. Cash the overseas opportunities you come across. Just overcome laziness. Business even though is slow; do not lazily while it away. Remember the tortoise; slowly he won the race with the hare. Go with the tide. You love to be desk oriented but now the desk will make you feel like a hare. Overseas trips are fruitful. Romance you are very aggressive in romancing with your love mates & spouse and this aggression is receptive but be patient as impulsive romance leads to half cooked biryani. Keep the affairs on side lines. Share Market you have the money but are very lazy on investment plans. It is your negative thoughts that always rule and finally when you take a decision the cream of profits are eroded and consumed and what you are left is with peanuts. Change your attitude and peanuts will get into butter nuts. Miscellaneous even though you are desk oriented, it is your flexibility in adapting to the present circumstances that can give a stable month. When short journeys are required just be on the move. Fortunes are favouring. Let not the fear rule your mind as the efforts get rewarded not the thoughts. Keep a watch on the expenses. Lucky Colours Red & Blue Lucky Numbers 6 & 9 Unlucky Numbers 7 & 8

Health may be a bit sluggish but your determination is strong as the body, mind & intelligence are in control and in line to your expectations. Finances when you want money it is always forthcoming but a self dependant thoughts always make you plan and be cautious. It is your spiritual thought and will that makes your intelligence gain to steady finances. Career growth may be slow but it is steady. You need to plan, stand up & speak out to make your presence felt. Virendra Sehwag makes his presence felt by hitting the lofty shots which easily clear the fence. This is what you need to do. Let overseas journey happen on its own rather forcing it. Overseas job opportunities are little hard to come by. Business you are fiery by nature hence prefer to be on the move. This is what will happen. Go and grow will be the mantra. Travel at short notice, speak out your abilities and let the people follow you. Business is steady & good, are you willing to take the plunge? Romance you are a shy personality when it comes to romance and your spouse and love mates are hasty & quick. Now how to romance. But Venus is now intruding you to be materialistic and in mode of passion. Share Market trades are good for you as long as you are receiving the cheques but when you are asked to issue a cheque for the loss in trades you change your mind. go for long term rather getting entangle into short term trades. 48

ASTROVISION E JOURNAL VOL 4 ISSUE NO 38 FEB 2011 Miscellaneous a month which is stable and steady. You are always charged up with some fantastic & innovative ideas. When life is steady creativity for growth & prosperity always are the front runners. Speak out your thoughts, make your presence felt. Fortunes are good and favourable. Extra expenses on family & spirituality should not bother you. Lucky Colours Violet & Ivory Lucky Numbers 1 & 5 Unlucky Numbers 2 & 8

Health is good & stable. Teething problems to stomach should not bother you. Finances when ascendant & lord of finances are in the house of fortunes, finances are always nearer not dearer. Career a desire to enjoy and thoughts for change of career will always create a tussle in the mind on what is right & what should be done. This will prevail in the entire month. But this will open overseas opportunities. Jobless need to wait for some more time. Business a desire to excel will rule the senses. It is your flexibility that will help in your growth. You need to be on the move and use your skill & contacts for the extra contracts. Foreign travel and short journeys should be undertaken. Romance your spouse needs more attention from you but you being dull in romancing leads to a mere formality with less or no charm. Share Market the mind is aggressive but body is very lazy. This mismatch makes you lose the cream of any trades and you finally settle for the peanuts. Aggressive mind should be supported by the body for the cream of profits. Miscellaneous your name, fame and reliability will help you in cashing on the gains. You have good contacts; use your skill for the contracts. Fortunes are favourable but you need to overcome laziness. The mind is busy working on gains. Natives aspiring for adoption of any child or willing to adopt the sponsorship of any child can work for it. Any enmity will be tactfully handled. Just keep a watch on expenses of sense enjoyment. Lucky Colours Red & Blue Lucky Numbers 1 & 9 Unlucky Numbers 2 & 4 Health with retrograde Saturn ill health issues can increase. Anxiety & insecurity thoughts can increase health woes. Finances as long as Jupiter is present as it is the controller of finances, stringent financial matters get due protection. Career sometimes can give some uncomforted & hard times. Job change thoughts are ruling the mind. Jobless are feeling helpless and are having a prolonged jobless status. Foreign job postings are not a reality but a shadow. One needs to have patience. Business will be quite steady. Except for the health issues that can affect the 100% commitment in business, business will be smooth. You will be sitting with stretched feet and giving instructions and getting business don through subordinates. Foreign travel will be a promising travel. 49

ASTROVISION E JOURNAL VOL 4 ISSUE NO 38 FEB 2011 Romance your spouse or love mate needs some royal treatment in romance, but you being lazy and insensitive, are not able to reciprocate to their expectations. Romance thus becomes an imagination. Share Market even though Venus is favourably placed it will be more prudent to stay away from share market as with Saturn in your 8H, the body will not support the mind & intelligence. Compulsive traders need to be cautious. Miscellaneous this does looks to be a tough month for you. All the quadrants are empty, the mind is working on the gains but intelligence is in the house of loss. Events are more likely not to be in your favour. A dual thought makes you sandwiched between the yes & no factor. Natives looking forward for adoption can work for adoption or sponsorship of children. Fortunes are more or less favourable. Expenses on children is likely to increase. Lucky Colours Pink & Lavender avoid black Lucky Numbers 2 & 6 Unlucky Numbers 1 & 4

Health retrograde Saturn can have a teething effect on health else all looks well. Finances with money lord being exalted and placed in the house of gains, excessive fund investment strategy look a good option. Career change of job, shift of place or work with residence, politics at work, emotional attachment with colleagues are all happening. Jobless will have to wait for a longer duration for new job options. Overseas opportunities are promising. Business is steady & smooth. The required fund for growth is available. This is the right time for starting any new ventures or diversification of new business avenues. Foreign travel cannot be avoided. Romance you are very shy in romance and your love mate or spouse is quick & spontaneous. Saturn in also placed in the house of affairs. Venus is not strong. Where is the room for romance? Romance leads to affairs & vice versa. What can one do now? Share Market your intellectual power is good, but fast on investments thoughts. A thought does not result in profits but physical investments leads to profits. Take the plunge. Miscellaneous even though name & fame is there, back biting is also going on hence can make your mind very aggressive. With mind busy working on gains intelligence is not steadily supporting it hence restlessness takes over. This is a month of anxiety if jobless. Fortunes are good & favourable. Your spouse will spend morethan required thus leading to a tussle. Take care of your wallet. Lucky Colours Blue & green avoid magenta Lucky Numbers 2 & 3 Unlucky numbers 4 & 8





FEB 2011

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FEB 2011



Following are two articles on behaviour of the nodes RAHU, KETU who affected the longevity of the natives. The below is Mr. Ravikumars chart. He expired on 09-May2008 during Rahu Mahadasa, Rahu Bhukthi. X 13.31.01 Sat 15.35.05 XI 16.46.23 ARI XII 18.47.30 I 18.38.36 Ven 20.02.56 GEM For 07.26.21 II 14,05.00 Sun 28.33.45 CAN III Moo Mer Ket LEO Jup 11.34.38 IV 13.31.01 VIR 12.01.47 17.21.31 19.26.08 29.19.16

PIS Rah 29.19.16 IX 12.01.47 AQU VIII 14.05.00


Date Of Birth : 15/Aug/1969 Time Of Birth: 03:02:15 AM Place Of Birth: Paruchur, India Latitude 15 N 30 Longitude 80 E 6 Ayanamsa 23.19.47 (KP) Day Thursday Star P. Falguni, Pada :2 DASA BAL VEN 13Y,11M,21DYS VI 18.47.30 Mar 16.57.57 SCO V 16.46.23 LIB

CAP VII 18.38.36 SAG


ASTROVISION E JOURNAL PLANET SUN MOO MAR MER JUP VEN SAT RAH KET SIGN Moo Sun Mar Sun Mer Mer Mar Sat Sun STAR Mer Ven Mer Ven Moo Jup Ven Jup Sun SUB Sat Mar Mer Rah Mar Jup Sun Sun Rah


ISSUE NO 38 CUSP I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X XI XII SIGN Mer Moo Sun Mer Ven Mar Jup Sat Sat Jup Mar Ven STAR Rah Sat Ket Moo Rah Mer Ven Moo Rah Sat Ven Moo

FEB 2011 SUB Moo Rah Mer Rah Ven Ket Rah Jup Sat Rah Moo Mer

RAHU DASA, RAHU BHUKTI FROM 01/AUG/2006 TO 30/APR/2009 Cusp In Star Occupants I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X XI XII Moo Mer Sat Rah Sat Ven Rah Mar Moo Mer Sat Ker Jup Rah Sun Mar Of Occupants Ven Sun Ven Moo Ket Mer In Star Of Owner Owner Sun Mar Jup Jup Ket Sun Mar Moo Mer Sat Mer Moo Sun Mer Ven Mar Jup Sat Sat Jup Mar Ven

It was clearly mentioned by Guruji Sri KSK on Page 46 of VOL.3 (READER 3) that for Gemini Borns, if there is no planet in Sagittarius, at the time of birth, then RAHU in the constellation of Jupiter (who is the lord of 7 and BHADHAKA STHAN ADHIPATHI) is the strongest evil to affect ones longevity though it is very beneficial for marriage and business. This is clearly noticed in horoscope. Mr.Ravikumar worked in Gulf for 12 years and and his liver was affected due to PORTAL VEIN infection of the liver. He died after coming back to India in 2008





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His 8th cusp sub lord is also Jupiter which indicates liver problem. Moreover, 6th cusp sub lord KETU, who is in constellation of SUN who is located in KARKATAKA Rasi in the constellation of ASLESHA, which again indicates Liver problem. He expired at an age of 39 indicating MADHYA AYUSHU (Medium Longevity) His 8th cusp sub lord is well connected to houses 2 and 7 signified by JUPITER as well as house of longevity i.e., 3rd house. The point to be noted is RAHU BEING IN THE CONSTELLATION OF BHADAKA STHAN ADHIPATHI GAVE DEATH IN HIS MAHADASA AND BHUKTHI.RAHU HERE IS IN THE CONSTELLATION AND SUB OF SIGNIFICATORS OF 7 AND 2. In another example, the below chart belongs to SRI AV SUBRAHMANYAM. He expired during RAHU MAHA DASA, KETU BHUKTHI on 12-12-2001. Su 28.38.06 XI 20.58.26 Me 05.01.51 Ve 15.46.37 XII 25.15.34 I 27.19.57 Ra 29.56.08 II 22.37.59 Sa 25.24.30 Ma 02.32.03 III 28.36.01

X 17.50.26

IX 18.36.01

Name: SUBRAHMANYAM AV Date: Friday, April 12,1946 Time:09:38:30 AM Star: Magha, Pada 3 Place: GUNTUR, A.P. LAT: 16 N18 LONG: 80 E 27 Ayanamsa(kp) 23 1 1 BAL Dasa KETU 1Y 11M 12 D Ke 29.56.08 VII 27.19.57 VI 25.15.34 Fo 08.15.31

Mo 09.33.40 IV 17.50.26

VIII 22.37.59

V 20.58.26 Ju29.34.39














FEB 2011

Planet (A) Sun*(10) Moo* Mar(4) Mer(6,9,12) Jup(1,7) Ven(5,11) Sat(2,8) Rah* Ke(3)

Sub (B) Sat Sat Rah Sat Sat Sun Mer Sat Sat

lord Significators of A

Significators of B 2+,4+,5+,10+,11+ 2,5,8,9,10,11 3+,7+ 2,5,8,9,10,11 2+,5+,7+,8+,11,12+ 1,2,7,12 2+,5+,9+,10+ 2,5,8,9,10,11 2+,5+,7+,8+,11,12+ 2,5,8,9,10,11 1,6+,11+ 2,4,5,10,11 2+,5+,8+,9+,10+,11+ 2,4,5,9,10 1+,2+,7+,12+ 2,5,8,9,10,11 2+,5+,7+,10+ 2,5,8,9,10,11

1) Numbers in parenthesis alongside planets denote the cusps for which this planet is sub lord. 2) * Indicates self strong planet 3) + Means that the sub lord does not favour the house matters

Points to be noted: 1. HE expired due to liver problem (8thCusp Sub Lord Saturn is in Jupiter star indicating Liver) 2. It was stated in READER 2 Page 322 by Guruji Sri KSK that Rahu or Ketu will do the greatest evil, causing death to the person in its period or sub period if it is in the constellation of the planet in Bhadaka sthana, or if it is in that of the owner of the Bhadaka sthana or in any manner connected with kendra adhipathi or occupies the constellation of the lords of 2 and 7 or is conjoined with or aspected by them. 3. Here in this horoscope the lagna is Vrishabha lagna where the bhadak sthan adhipathi will be lord of9 i.e., Saturn. Here Mars lord of 12 and 7 occupies 2nd house. RAHU IS IN THE CONSTELLATION OF MARS. KETU IS IN ITS OWN CONSTELLATION. Ketu occupies 7th house. 4. RAHU AND KETU BOTH ARE IN THE CONSTELLATION AND SUB OF PLANETS CONNECTED TO 2, 7 AND 9. HENCE DEATH OCCURRED IN RAHU DASA, KETU BHUKTHI. 5. 8th Cusp sub lord Saturn is in 2nd house and is lord of 9th house in the star of Jupiter who is lord of 8 and 11 posited in 5. Hence 8th Cusp Sub lord is connected to houses of maraka, bhadaka and longevity i.e., 2, 7, 9 and 8 which indicates Medium Longevity. He expired at an age of 55 with ASCITES DUE TO LIVER FAILURE after prolonged illness with hospitalization.





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Pis Mer Sun Mar Mer Ven Mer-D Mar Mar Mar Apr Apr Apr 07 16 26 03-RE 17 24 Ari Mer Mer-R Sun Mar Jup Mer Ven Jup-R Jup-D Mar Apr Apr May May May May Aug Dec 29 01 15 04 09 12-RE 12 31 26 Tau Sun Mer Ven Ket Mar May May Jun Jun Jun 16 31 05 07 14 Gem Mer Sun Ven Mar Jun Jun Jun Jul 14 16 30 26

Aqu Sun Mar Mer Ven Cap Sun Mar Mer Ven Ven Sag Mer Jan 09 Ven Jan 31 ------------Ven Nov 22 Sun Dec 17 Jan Jan Feb Feb Dec 15 09 01 26 17 Sco Ven Rah Ven Mer Sun Mer-R Mer-D Jan Jun Oct Oct Nov Nov Dec 02 07 29 30 17 25 15 Lib Ven Mer Sun Sat Oct Oct Oct Nov 05 10 18 16 Feb Feb Feb Mar 14 16 19 23

Can Mer Sun Ven Mer Mer-D Mar Leo Mer Mer-R Sun Mer Ven Mar Vir Sat-R Sat-D Ven Sun Mer Jan Jun Sep Sep Sep 26 14 11 18 23 Jul Aug Aug Sep Aug Oct 21 04 18 06-RE 18 31 Jun Jul Jul Aug Aug Sep 30 18 24 18-RE 28 10


RE==Re-entry, -R==Retrograde, -D==Direct Saturn retrogrades in Virgo on Jan 26. Mercury retrogrades in Aries on Apr 01. Mercury re-enters in Pisces on Apr 03. Mercury becomes direct in Pisces on Apr 24. Mercury re-enters Aries on May 12. Saturn becomes direct on Jun 14. Mercury retrogrades in Leo on Aug 04. Mercury re-enters Cancer on Aug 18 Mercury becomes direct in Cancer on Aug 28. Jupiter retrogrades in Aries on Aug 31. Jupiter becomes direct in Aries on Dec 26. Mercury re-enters Leo on Sept 06. Mercury retrogrades in Scorpio on Nov 25. Mercury becomes direct in Scorpio on Dec 15. Transit time is taken as 12:00 a.m. (Data generated using Free Jagannadha Hora)





FEB 2011


[MEAI, MMGI, FGMS, MCC, LSA, DE(Mining) , M.A.(Eco-2), S.T (Italy) ] Astro Analyst - Stone Technologist - Mining Engineer - Geologist Hyderabad, A.P. 500 044. India. Mob.: 9989334919 email: srk.eurotech@yahoo.com Introduction Stars are innumerable celestial bodies out of which a few (27) have been recognized by the ancient Maharshis as very highly important. Unlike the Sun and Moon, they are constellations. There are certain important planets (Guru, Kuja, Budha, Sukra and Sani), sub planets (Mandi,Gulika etc.) and Shadows (Rahu and Ketu), recognized as influencing the whole Solar system, space and the earth. All their effects or influences are not our concern, but only their effects particularly on the humanity of this earth and its evolutes are worth consideration. Celestial planets are the centres of cosmic radiating forces of energy, which pass through space and the bodies therein offering least possible resistance; such cosmic radiation influence these bodies. One of such bodies is the Planet Earth. Life and its modus operandi get influenced by these radiations. The capacity to receive, absorb, modify and beneficiate / change / adapt depends on the bodies own potential (human, animal etc). There are certain highly powerful centres (spots) on this earth having direct spatial connections to receive these radiations in full concentration yielding maximum ( +ve / -ve )effect. Electro-magnetic and other cosmic radiations have strength and influence on the life in the earth. tremendous capacity,


Stones are natural geological formations in which some crystalline and noncrystallines have been recognized by the ancient Maharshis, as each representing specific star or planet. Likewise, specific plants and their roots are also said to represent certain Star constellations. They are said to have the capacity to receive the celestial radiations, retain and get enriched with the radiating charge. Some non- stone materials occurring in the sea have also been recognized as representing the celestial planets. The influence of Stars and Planets on humanity was exhaustively studied by Maharshis and incorporated in Nakshatra Shastra (Astronomy) and Astrology. Various ancient scriptures authoritatively enunciated the use of these stones and roots, as well as some plant products (nava dhanyas) for human welfare and warding off evil effects. Maharshis have accordingly advised their use and prescribed the procedure of refining them for application.


ASTROVISION E JOURNAL VOL 4 ISSUE NO 38 FEB 2011 K.P. Astrology distinguishes itself, with wider scope of analyses, (together in conjunction with and), from the traditional conventional astrological methods, for arriving at the astro effects, minutely. The general prescription only for Moon is followed without considering the location and influence of other planets in the horoscope. KP system provides keys for opening up the latent root causes, which have to be tackled rationally and not peripherally. The application of Stone power through which the cosmic power (light) passes in to human body from a certain physical pointand its resultant influence is the essence of Gemmology in its application. Not only in India, but in the whole world, the faith, its application, the science behind it and the effects of these Stone applications have been thoroughly studied from time immemorial, generations together and Maharshis advocated many uses of them as remedies, too, which are well established. This paper deals only with the salient points for the common man and not for the Connoisseur.

Star - Stone Power The power of Light and Sound manifests in their wave lengths, scientifically.Sir Dr. C.V. Raman, Emeritus Scientist, Nobel Laureate proved three different energy patterns in the Diamond: (i) Luminescence not inherent but contributed by luminescent impurity; (ii) The presence of an unidentified impurity stimulates the emission of Light, even if the Gem is capable of luminescence; and (iii) If the luminescence is inherent, its absence or extra ordinary variation in brightness and colour may arise due to the structure of the diamond. The ancient Maharshis had amply appreciated long-long before this invention, (i) the law of electrolysis when Gems were used in a ring to gain or lose a charged atom, for good or ill, depending on the astral body called a human, responding to planetary causation in consonance with the cosmic pattern at birth; and

(ii) that the radiant potency in a mineral, Gem could be harnessed in an imperceptible but effective way to act on the brain cells and the body tissues either to draw in beneficent vibrations or counter act maleficent radiations. Colour of the Gem is determined by the atoms of certain chemicals in it and the lack of an essential colour vibration in the human body could be supplied by the use of the specified Gem. There is no superstition in it. There is no blind faith. Expression is a natural characteristic of Communication. Information, communication are natural features in the hoary past of mankind. Humans, animals, birds, deities and gods, have all been well accomplished with appropriate power of expression. How does a deaf and dumb person communicate? Through the mode of sign language. It is a part of Yoga, concentration and meditation. When script, language and other facilities were not there in primitive times, expression and communication were not absent. Vision and Signals were best used. How ? What is the medium ? Nature has accomplished it. Apart from direct expressions, remote methods were applied. Meditation is another medium. Prayer is the best of expressions. Intuition is the divine Star and allied super power transmitted to the human mind. An individuals expression (to the Almighty through nature, a kind of prayer, in which transmission of the thought) is carried through Light and Sound. Using Havis, by performing a Vedic Yagjna, through the Fire God, Agni, humans convey their thoughts of desires / prayers to the Gods. Using certain medium of transmission, like, wires for electricity, ether for wireless transmission, pipes for water and using Radio waves for Radio etc. 59

ASTROVISION E JOURNAL VOL 4 ISSUE NO 38 FEB 2011 Maharshis believed that human feelings / prayers can also be transmitted for obtaining blessings through radiation and allied means by using the transmission power of stones and other materials. Thus, wearing of Stones, Gems, Precious and semi-precious ones came in to vogue from ancient times. Prior to that, and even now stones are preferred to represent God and idols are made mostly in stone. Some shrubs and roots of plants in the earth also represent respective stars and planets. Nature has accomplished so many facilities not known to humans and only research brought forth many new sciences to light. Petrology, Gemology, Crystallography are the allied sciences to this concern. The ancient Egypt, Greece, India, far east, Israel, Iraq, Jordan and Mexico have explored the original concepts of Man and God and their relationship, Man is a reflex of God. Astrology relies and rests for its inferences based on the multiple applications of Nakshatra Shastra (Astronomy, Mathematics, Geometry, etc.). Jyotisham, the science of stars has emanated from the light of stars and planets. Knowledge of these planets is conducive to appreciate their aspects on life, grasping them as reflections of an object in a mirror. It is Jyotir Vedam, knowledge of the Light - Stars. Nakshatra Sastra is very important in astrology and a learned astrologer takes that seriously because a planet not only reflects the Star dispositors attributes, but also reflects the attributes of Tatwas, i.e. of the 5 natural elements [ earth, water, fire, air and ether]. Earth contains 5 natural elements; Water contains water, fire, air and ether; Fire contains fire, air and ether and air contains air and ether and ether is only one by itself. Celestial Star power can thus be appreciated to be very great. Influence of Stars Stars are far far away but exercise their influence on our lives in an unmistakable manner. The effects are felt by us when the Moon or planets pass over their specific horizons. The star of the day is determined by the position of the Moon in the Zodiac. Stars are classified Chromo analytically, by Maharshis, as Benefic and malefic. Functionally classified as Upward, Level and Downward in the Universe and typically as Ordinary, Kshirpa (quick), Daruna (hard), Mrudu (soft), Sthira (fixed), Ugra (fierce) and Moveable (mobile) respectively, by their functional uses. We live in an ocean of invisible vibrations and radiations charged in the atmosphere. The waves and micro waves generated thereby act on humanity, particularly on the mind with positive and negative nature of charges, influencing biological and psychological features. (ref: BV Raman) The human mind is a kind of Radio telescope. Man is a potential conductor of electrical - electro magnetic charge, in nature. This nature changes ever in tune with astronomical movements of stellar constellations and of the planets, rather the entire solar system. Human potential responds to them and tries to adapt to human nature. Yet, micro intrinsic changes take place in this process, and we experience those influences as constructive (positive) and detrimental (negative) moods, thereby thoughts, acts and human functions proceed. Time and its minute contents, ie. the moments produce the effects in accordance with aforesaid nature of changes and human receptive responsive capacities. In the macro state of affairs of Time, each moment (at micro state) is charged with the invisible potency, stationary only for that moment and then alters. Change is the property of nature. Therefore, Muhurtha, the moment when the favourably positive and constructive results are said to yield for human welfare is very important in life. (Wearing of the Gems do require muhurta). It is not just the human that are subjected to changes, but all the constituents in the zone of the celestial bodies (earth, space and atmosphere) are subjected to changes. 60




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Ruby, for example, is a kind of atomic spring which is coiled by pumping into radiant energy at an appropriate frequency [wave length], to be absorbed and stored up in the electronic energy levels and later triggered off by incoming radiation, thus amplifying the energy input. ( Ref.: Firsoff ) Stars are represented by Gems in the earth, scientifically evaluated by ancient Rishis. It is said, wearing really good Gems gives remarkable effects, undoubtedly. Gem is a power package of colours. According to ones horoscope, devise for amplifying or generating microwaves by selecting a Gem set in a ring made of five kinds of metal. The cells in the brain and the body can store up the required quantum of essential energy and as Gochara [time passes as per celestial Stars movements] takes effect, there will be an amplifying process suppressing the negative or inimical cosmic power. (Planetary evil effects are warded off to some extent and the intensity of human suffering thereby reduced.) Humans, animals, birds, plants and fish, in other words, whole Life on and in the earth is subject to radiation- heat, light and sound and therefore Gems could either help or hinder preservation or decay. Diamond acts on different people differently.

Non-Stones: Pearl is not a natural Stone. It is an incrustation in the shell oysters in the sea, usually white, lustrous and represent astrologically. It is subject and sensitive to vibrations of cycles. Human mind is susceptible to them and Pearl does wonders to humans, particularly women. of certain the Moon, the Lunar beneficial

Coral is not a natural stone. It is a hard substance built up by marine polyps (sea organism of tube shaped bodies) believed to be an excretory deposit of sea weeds. Red in colour representing Mars.

Charging of Stones: Precious stones must be tested for purity and genuineness. They should be cleared for Shuddhi, by Panchamruta abhishekam, Japa, Tarpana and homa in respect of that specific planet (graham), for which the stone is to be worn. The stone must get positively charged and free from doshas (infections and afflictions) of touch by various persons, (by shake hands), in shop, home and else where. The stones should be obtained, brought to home charged time. That is, auspicious muhurta individual and star of the deity of stone, is mind in consultation with a learned astrologer, and worn only at positively (time) favourable to the essentially to be borne in to derive full benefit.

The method of wearing the stone must be consulted in advance. i.e. part of the body (finger, neck) as a ring, pendant etc., and the material, Silver, Gold, Copper etc., the stone has to be embedded in. It is always a good practice to visit to holy temples on the first day of wearing new stone to obtain divine blessings and to perform some type of Daanam to the needy poor.

Conclusion: With ones horoscope, the natural stones Gems, Pearls / Corals can be correctly selected for promoting prosperity and warding off evils. The K P Astrology gives the best clues in this regard. Be well informed that getting deceived by jewellery shop employees that as per Navagrahas representing the standard list, Gems and stones are prescribed to the customers, asking their birth stars, is common. This is not the proper method of prescription. One has to astrologically get the 61

ASTROVISION E JOURNAL VOL 4 ISSUE NO 38 FEB 2011 horoscope assessed for any adverse planetary features / doshas, its duration and consult a learned astrologer for remedial measures. There are two systems to be remembered: one is to nullify the evil effects of grahas and the second is to enhance the planetary strength, in the light of ones horoscope. Various schools of opinions do exist on the wearing of the precious stones. Faith may be the primary thought but it is backed by established scientific truth and facts. A precious stone contains latent power to get charged by transmission radiation etc., and on wearing it, it does further transmission in to the human body. In other words, the stone acts as an instrument / tool /catalyst of transmission between the human being and the Star, representing that adhishtana devata (deity) attributed to that stone. No one can see all this with naked eye nor get that transmission photographed / x-rayed. Many processes in nature are not susceptible to human tests. References: 1.Late B.V.Raman on Muhurta 2. Firsoff God bless all of you !


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