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Educational Leader Professional Growth Plan

Goal Statement & Implementation Relationship of Goal to Strategies/Action ISSL Steps/Timeline

During the 2012-2013 school year I will decrease my outright opposition in relation to my facial features as well as my words to ideas that do not fit with my ideals and beliefs. Reading Stephen Coveys -7 Habits I will be thoughtful about my reactions during meetings to ideas I do not agree with as well as taking time to think before I speak my opinion on the matter at hand. I will take the time to think about whether or not it is the appropriate time and place to assert my opinions.

Stephen Coveys 7 Habits I will ask my fellow coaches to assist me with monitoring my facial expressions during meetings and signal me with some sort of private cue. I will ask them to do the same when they view me as flying into a mountain.

Specific Outcomes/Achievements
I will be able to listen and take in what others say without immediately jumping to the defensive. My fellow coaches will require less (no) signals to alert me to my facial actions.

Techniques for Gathering Evidence

Ask peers to monitor my performance during team meetings.

During the 2012-2013 school year I will work to

Over the year I will be in a number of new and

I will require encourage from coworkers to put

I will know I am successful when I no longer feel anxiety going to events on my own, where I do not know anyone.

Ask my coworkers to monitor my progress and give me updates on

Educational Leader Professional Growth Plan

decrease my avoidance tendencies by coming out of my comfort zone. uncomfortable myself into situations, I will work uncomfortable settings. to put myself at ease by talking with others and stepping outside of my comfort zone. they view my growth.

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