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Advanced Course

September 2002 December 2001 Software rev. Software-Rev. 3.6 3.2, 3.4

Training Manual


This manual is protected by copyright. No part of its contents may be copied, reproduced, translated, further processed by electronic means, or passed on without the express consent of Carl Zeiss 3D Metrology Services GmbH. We reserve the right to alter the contents of this manual as required! Carl Zeiss 3D Metrology Services GmbH. All rights reserved. Software-Revision: 3.6 Edition: 09/2002 Printed in Germany 4

Edition, September 2002

Carl Zeiss 3D Metrology Services GmbH Heinrich-Rieger-Str. 1 73430 Aalen e-mail address

Special information on this edition: The text and graphics contained in this training manual lay no claim to completeness or correctness. Please notify your instructor of any flaws or insufficiencies you may discover in the following sections. Your cooperation will help us improve Calypso training for further course participants. Since the software described here is constantly being revised deviations from the procedures described here may occur at a later point in time. Please take this point into consideration when working with Calypso in the future.

Calypso Advanced Course

The way to become a Calypso Specialist

Calypso Advanced Course


Customer Training Calypso Advanced Training


Carl Zeiss 3D Metrology Services GmbH


Calypso Basic Training 4 - 6 weeks practical experience on the CMM or Knowledge of another measuring software package

This course:
deals with more Calypso functions is a 4 day course is recommended to be taken at a Training Center starts at 8:00 a.m., ends at 4:00 p.m. with a break from 12:15 13:00 offers handouts where necessary, you should bring your own copy of the Calypso User Manual

Day 1

Questions from Basic Training Questions from praxis Probe Qualification Automatic probe qualification Gauge calibration Special probes

Special Alignment Base system using offset plane Alignment with iteration RPS with loop 3D best fit with a loop Characteristics Editor:
Change coordinate system

disk probe, cylinder probe, inclined probe

Day 2
Testing Forms Scanning Filters Outliers Form plots Measuring Force (option) CAD Offline programming CAD file types Healing Extracting CAD modification


Special features and constructions Recall of points from polyline, circles, cylinders Rectangle, Slot, circle on cone, radius point, sphere point average feature, Min/Max coordinates Evaluation constraints

Calypso Advanced Course


Day 3

Exercises on

Advanced programming functions

Extended programming functionality Pattern: linear and round Formula Loop Break condition Bore pattern Conditional branching

This subject area lends itself to further exercises also offline using records

Day 4
Autorun Palet measurment Serial measurement Privileges


Records Userdefined record Userinformation at CNC-Start Exporting results Program optimization Order to run from feature list Sub-Groups Miniplan Block edges

Day 5


Further Training Courses Introduction to Curve Metrology Introduction to PCM Review Trainer assesses course Participants assess course

Discussion Special customer measuring problems Programming work pieces you have brought to the training Editing measuring tasks Furthering your knowledge of new functions

Special training courses or workshops are offered for advanced Calypso program options:

Curve Option, 3 days PCM Option, 3 days CAM Import Filter Option, on request Workshop on User Defined Printout, 1 day Workshop on Programming Strategy, 1 day

Calypso Advanced Course


List of Contents
Worksheet 1:

Probe Qualification
Automatic Probe Qualification The automatic probe qualification will help you to become familiar with handling probes. Gage Calibration Recalibration of a stylus on a plug or ring gage. Prerequisite for high accuracy measurements and for calibration of special probes in the following section. Special Probes Qualification of disk and cylinder probes which have to be recalibrated on a gage.



Worksheet 2:
2.1: 2.2:

Special Alignments
Base alignment with Offset Plane The offset plane as feature and use as alignment element Change Axial Alignment Selecting the axial alignment when orientating the axial alignment of the workpiece different from that of the machine Startsystem Iterative Alignment Single points on the practice cube are calculated to features. These form a coordinate system. The iteration is executed with loops. RPS Alignment with Loop Special alignment for sheet metal measurement 3D Best Fit with Loop 3D Fit to a Curved Pipe Changing a Coordinate System with the Editor Rotation on a Straight Line through the Origin

2.3: 2.4:

2.5: 2.6: 2.7: 2.8 2.9

Worksheet 3:
3.1: 3.1.1: 3.1.2: 3.1.3: 3.2:

Form Elements / Scanning

Basics about Filters and Outliers Filters Outliers Minimum circumscribed and maximum inscribed elements / Tangential elements Form element with the help of an example Definition of scanning paths Scanning settings Filters Outliers Tangential elements Default Measurement Strategy Minimum circumscribed and maximum inscribed elements Exercises Flatness with a Reference


Calypso Advanced Course

Contents Worksheet 4:

Offline Programming CAD File Types Healing Extracting CAD Modification Measurement Strategy Default Values Creating a Grid


Worksheet 5:
5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5:

Special Features and Constructions

Recall Feature Points from Polyline Recall Feature Points from Circles Recall Feature Points from Cylinder Recall Feature Points from Curve Slot, Rectangle Circle on Cone Radius points, Angle point, Mean value Contour point Min/Max coordinates Minimum/Maximum 5.6: 5.7: Limiting Degrees of Freedom Form Characteristics, DIN Surface Form

Worksheet 6:

Advanced Programming Functions, Formula, Loop

6.1: 6.2: Circular Pattern, Linear Pattern Measurement of 6 holes as circular pattern Radius from Diameter with Formula The radius is calculated from the diameter value of a circle using a formula Probing positions Measure hole and refer further probings to the center point Break Condition The CNC run is cancelled if the values are too large LOOP on result (SIGMA) Break Condition with Loop Characteristic with repetition if values are bad Bore Pattern True Position using bore pattern Linear pattern with formula Calculation of the depth of a groove Conditional Branching

6.3: 6.4: 6.5: 6.6: 6.7 6.8 6.9

Calypso Advanced Course


Worksheet 7:
7.1: 7.2:

Auto Run
Pallet Measurement Series Measurement

Worksheet 8:
8.1: 8.2: 8.3

One-line Printout User Defined Printout Exporting Results

Worksheet 9:

Probe Route Optimization

Probe route optimization with probe head predeflection

Calypso Advanced Course

Worksheet: Menu Design

Worksheet: Menu Design

Redesigning, saving and loading toolbars

Calling up the editor Using the Toolbar Editor, you can decide which symbols should be shown in which order.

Properties easy to operate comprises 2 input windows integrated: all functions have graphic symbols additional search function, format, help, job protocol, trash bin, output key administration is always at the extreme right and cannot be deleted maximal length same as the space above the workspace one toolbar definable per user saved under ones own name as...\home\om*.config symbols may be moved from the lower to the upper window with drag&drop

See User Manual for further operating instructions

Define a menu bar according to your notions. Example:

Calypso Advanced Course


Worksheet: Menu Design Some application tips:

To insert a symbol at the right end of the toolbar (in front of the key group): Click on Insert at the End. - or To insert at another place along the toolbar Mark the symbol in the upper window and click on Insert Before Selection. The toolbar in the upper window is expanded accordingly. If there is no more space available for the symbol to be inserted, a message will appear. To remove a symbol from the toolbar: Mark it in the upper window and click on Remove button. Once the toolbar is to your satisfaction: Save with Save As..., if you want to transfer it to the workspace at a later time. - or Click on Accept to make the toolbar immediately effective for your workspace. Close both windows with OK. Keyboard operation All functions can also be operated in both windows using the keyboard (Windows standard). With Enter (= double click), you can insert the marked symbol at the end of the toolbar; Strg+Enter (= Strg + double click) inserts a preceding space. Mouse operation (drag&drop) You can also drag symbols from the list in the lower window into the toolbar in the upper window with the mouse (using drag&drop). If you press Strg, a space is inserted before the symbol. If you press Shift at the same time, a space is inserted after the symbol. If you press both keys, spaces will be inserted both before and after the symbol.


Calypso Advanced Course

Calypso Advanced Course

Worksheet 1: Probe Qualification

Worksheet 1: Probe Qualification

Contents: 1. Automatic Probe Qualification
The automatic probe qualification will help you to become familiar with handling probes.

2. Gage Qualification
Recalibration of a stylus on a plug or ring gage. Prerequisite for high accuracy measurements and for qualification of special probes in the following section.

3. Special Probes 3.1. Disk probe 3.2. "Inclined" probe 3.3. Cylinder probe

Calypso Advanced Course 1


Calypso Advanced Course

Worksheet 1: Probe Qualification


Calypso Advanced Course

Calypso Advanced Course 1. Automatic Probe Qualification

Worksheet 1: Probe Qualification

Job: Automatic run of the probe qualification

A measurement plan must be created for this purpose. The contents of this measurement plan must deal with the qualification only. The styli must be qualified once before hand manually. CNC-Start window: Navigate using position points only.

Calypso Advanced Course 1


Calypso Advanced Course

Worksheet 1: Probe Qualification

1. Open the new measurement plan 2. Insert the Stylus Qualification feature: Open the toolbox Resources Probe Qualification 3. You have to take a Probe Qualification feature from the toolbox for every probe. 4. Assign a probe to every Probe Qualification. 5. Open the Probe Qualification Ref. Sphere position Note: The reference sphere position must be defined once at the start. 6. Probe the reference sphere manually; the automatic definition is then started.

7. Close the Probe Qualification. 8. Start the CNC run: CNC-Start window: Use Position Points Only 9. The qualification is now carried out automatically in the same place as previously where the Position definition was defined. The stylus qualification now runs automatically for every probe, which has the Probe Qualification feature and is located in the probe rack. Otherwise the CNC run stops and requests a manual probe change.

Caution: The no generation mode remains active at the next CNC start, even if another program is started! Switch back to automatic without fail, as otherwise the threat of serious collisions may exist!


Calypso Advanced Course

Calypso Advanced Course 2.


Worksheet 1: Probe Qualification

Gage Qualification
Measure with high accuracy a diameter in a specific location in the measuring volume.

The accuracy required cannot be guaranteed with the normal qualification (standard or tensor). A calibration standard plug or ring gage is assembled at the location in the measuring volume and measured with the probe as a circle. The nominal diameter of the calibration standard is entered. With this gage qualification, influencing parameters such as bend are recorded. These parameters can be kept ready for later measurements.

Calypso Aufbaukurs


Calypso Advanced Course

1. Record the bending parameters 2. Resources Utilities Gage correction This is a normal circle with the Gage Correction Qualification property. (Alternatively, a circle can be taken which is given the Gage Correction Qualification property for Evaluation) 3. Enter D: 100mm (for gage 100 mm diameter) This circle is now given the nominal diameter of the gage. 4. Measure the circle once in the CNC run. The circle must be measured using the scanning method. The bending parameters are now recorded and can be kept ready for other circles. 5. Use the bending parameters Measure circle Open circle Evaluation Gage Correction

Worksheet 1: Probe Qualification

6. Measure and correct another circle with similar diameter The correction values are taken into consideration. 7. Form the characteristic Diameter, roundness,..... 8. Important: The gage calibration is effective for all measurement plans. Therefore: Create a measurement plan just for the gage calibration. Stylus dependent: Only the corrected stylus can be used. When checking the diameter this should be as near as possible to the ring gage diameter and when calibrating the gage, its position should be as near as possible to its position for the later measurement.


Calypso Advanced Course

Calypso Advanced Course 3. Special Probes

Worksheet 1: Probe Qualification

3.1 Disk probe

Job: Qualify a disk probe

Qualification of the disk probe on the calibration sphere Recalibration on the calibration standard Manual correction of probe data

Calypso Advanced Course 1


Calypso Advanced Course

A disk probe is not a complete sphere but a section of a sphere.

Worksheet 1: Probe Qualification

When working with the probe there is always the risk that probings will be made with the edge of the disk and not with the flat side.

To qualify the probe: 1. Assemble a disk probe 2. Calibrate manually with 8 points in 2 section heights 3. Clamp a ring gage or plug gage on the table 4. Create a base system on the ring / plug gage 5. Measure this calibration standard as circle 6. Output of the diameter in the default printout: 7. The deviation from the actual diameter must now be corrected. Open the probe data and edit the radius. 8. Measure the plug / ring gage again and view the diameter. 9. If necessary carry out a correction.


Calypso Advanced Course

Calypso Advanced Course 3.2 Qualifying an inclined probe

Worksheet 1: Probe Qualification

Qualify the inclined probe as usual Determine the inclination of the shaft with the cylinder feature Recalibrate with the correct vector data

Calypso Advanced Course


Calypso Advanced Course

1. 2. Assemble an inclined probe. Qualify the inclined probe as usual on the calibration sphere. When you are doing this, make sure you probe in the direction of the shaft. Once you have completed the calibration, change to the Features page. Probe eight points at two heights on the sphere of the calibration standard using the shaft of the probe (see photo).

Worksheet 1: Probe Qualification




The software outputs a cylinder with the diameter of the calibration sphere. The inclination of the cylinder axis, output via the projected angles A1 and A2, is defined using the inclined position of the probe shaft.

6. Close the cylinder in order to call up the Features representation window using the corresponding icon. The feature must be selected to do this. 7. The Features representation window is opened:

Open the popup menu in the Mode field and select Change. Click on the Angle option. Click on Vector.

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Calypso Advanced Course

Calypso Advanced Course

Worksheet 1: Probe Qualification

8. Open the cylinder feature again and make a note of the actual values of the vector components Nx, Ny and Nz.

9. Change to the Resources page and open the window for the probe definition. 10. Open the probe administration using the relevant icon. 11. Edit the values for shaft X, shaft Y and shaft Z. Close the page and calibrate the stylus again in the CNC mode.

Calypso Advanced Course

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Calypso Advanced Course Notes:

Worksheet 1: Probe Qualification

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Calypso Advanced Course

Calypso Advanced Course 3.3 Qualifying a cylinder probe

Worksheet 1: Probe Qualification

Qualify the cylinder probe in the manual mode Recalibrate on the calibration sphere Manual correction of the probe data

Calypso Advanced Course

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Calypso Advanced Course

1. Assemble a cylinder probe. 2. Calibrate the probe manually on the equator of the calibration sphere with eight points at two heights.

Worksheet 1: Probe Qualification

3. The software calculates a sphere within the cylinder. (see drawing)

4. After you have completed the calibration, change to the Features page. 5. Measure a circle on the equator of the calibration sphere. 6. Compare the diameter of the circle with the diameter of the calibration sphere. 7. The deviation from the actual diameter must now be corrected. 8. Open the probe data and edit the probe radius. (Cf. Qualifying a disk probe)

9. If necessary, repeat this procedure several times.

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Calypso Advanced Course

Calypso Advanced Course

Worksheet 2 : Alignments

Worksheet 2: Special Alignments

1. Offset Plane
The offset plane as feature and use as alignment element

2. Change axial alignment 3. Startsystem 4. Iterative Alignment

Single points on the practice cube are calculated to features. These form an alignment. The iteration is executed with loops.

5. RPS
Special alignment for sheet metal measurement

6. 3D Best Fit on the Practice Cube with Loops 7. 3D Best Fit with Loops
A pipe with 4 bends is shown with the X, Y and Z points of the bend points. The bend points are used for the 3D best fit.

8. Change the coordinate system using the Editor

Change the coordinate system for several elements simultaneously

9. Rotation on a straight line through the origin

Calypso Advanced Course


Calypso Advanced Course

Worksheet 2 : Alignments


Calypso Advanced Course

Calypso Advanced Course

Worksheet 2 : Alignments

Worksheet 2.1: Alignment with Offset Plane

This exercise uses a theoretical plane 50 mm above the work piece for the alignment, the primary datum. This plane cannot be probed directly but has to be defined with 3 points on the cube, which have to be corrected in the height. This Offset Plane is a feature in Calypso and must be probed with exactly 3 points.

1. Open new measurement plan. 2. Insert Offset Plane in the measurement plan open this plane

3. Probe three single points on the practice cube.


Point 1 upper rear. Point 2 in circular slot Point 3 in the slot at the front

4. The points must be corrected so that a plane is created at a height of 50 mm above the cube. 5. According to the drawing the correction values are:

Point 1: -50 mm Point 2: -58 mm Point 3: -60 mm. The plus/minus sign originates from the offset height you want and determines the dimension by which the individual point must be corrected.

6. Close Offset Plane . See next page

Calypso Advanced Course 2


Calypso Advanced Course

Worksheet 2 : Alignments

7. In the Offset Plane: Evaluation Edit Correct the points, make sure the plus/minus sign is correct.

8. Select other useful features for the alignment and probe. 9. Create the base alignment. 10. Define the safety cube. 11. Edit the clearance distance and retract distance. Please note, that each point in the offset plane is probed as in a normal plane with the default retract distance (2mm). This is not possible for the points in the slot. Note: Later in the exercise, the cube is tilted by several degrees. Take this into consideration with the probing points and the retract distances for all the features. 12. Start the run to check the alignment. 13. Tilt the cube so that you can actually see it is tilted and start the run again. Note: At the CNC start you can choose between the Offset base system and Offset(CNC). Offset(CNC) uses the base system determined last in the CNC run.


Calypso Advanced Course

Calypso Advanced Course

Worksheet 2 : Alignments

14. Points to be taken into consideration when correcting the probe points.

15. With this alignment, the first run results in an offset plane with an error with the wrong correction in machine coordinates. If the alignment is repeated and the plane direction of the first run accessed, the result improves considerably. In a third cycle with the correction direction of the second alignment the error approaches zero. The resource here is a loop.

16. When you call up the base alignment, click on loop and then on Insert. Enter the values as shown in the illustration.

17. Start the run again. The base alignment is now run through three times.

Calypso Advanced Course 2


Calypso Advanced Course

Worksheet 2 : Alignments

18. At the end, take a look at the values in the default printout. The value A is of interest here; it is the total of the shift, rotation and tilt values. The value A specifies the amount by which the coordinate system has changed since the last alignment. 19. In a later exercise, this value is requested by a break condition. 20. The illustrations below show the A values in the first, second and third cycle.


Calypso Advanced Course

Calypso Advanced Course

Worksheet 2 : Alignments

Worksheet 2.2: Changing axial alignment

Mount a work piece on the measuring machine and create a base system; the work piece coordinate system is automatically aligned close to the machines coordinate system with slight angular variances. Or load a CAD model; in this case, a zero point and the corresponding alignments are preset. It may be necessary to define the work piece in a completely different direction. For instance, to show the Z axis of the work piece in the Y direction. This exercise should illustrate how the base system may be changed in such a case. Use a work piece and the CMM or a CAD model and work offline. .

Here it is important that you have to manually change the automatic recognition of axial alignments.

Calypso Advanced Course


Worksheet: Iterative Alignment

The offline programming is shown here as an example: 1. Define a cylinder in the circular slot 2. Use this cylinder as the primary datum (spatial orientation). 3. Set the axis direction of this cylinder to X-axis.

Create and enter the other elements of the base system.

4. The secondary datum (rotation in the plane) must also be checked manually and corrected as necessary.

5. Set the distance between the circle and axis using the Special function (rotate to distance). The coordinate system is now defined as in the drawing, the axial orientations are chosen arbitrarily. This type of programming generally calls for special attention when processing further elements. The automatism for axial orientation and probing routes is calculated accordingly. The conceptualization of the change in position usually requires the users complete attention. Please pay special attention to the definition of the safety cube on the following page.


Calypso Advanced Course

Calypso Advanced Course

Worksheet 2 : Alignments

Definition of the safety cube for a change in axial position: Until now, the safety cube was normally achieved by approaching the "rear, top, right corner and "front, lower, left" corner of the work piece. The rear, top, right corner is the point with the high X, Y and Z coordinate values referenced to the base system. If the basis system is now rotated, rear, top, left are to be interpreted with reference to the basis system and NOT according to the machine coordinate system! A message appears if the corners of the safety cube are entered incorrectly.

Calypso Advanced Course


Worksheet: Iterative Alignment

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Calypso Advanced Course

Worksheet 2.3: Start System and Base System

Worksheet 2.3: Start System and Base System

What does a start system do?

Practical exercise :
Important: A start system is used in base systems with scanning elements. Scanning elements cannot be manually re-measured! A start system is inserted in this case. base systems comprising complex links. A system start can be used here to reduce the work of manual calibration.

The base system is placed in the center of the upper bore, a start system on the front right edge of the cube. Any CNC program should be started by means of the start system.

Calypso Advanced Course

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Worksheet 2.3: Start System and Base System

Method: Measuring the elements for the base system plane with 4 points circle with scanning technology straight line with two points

Creating the base system in

the center of the bore:

Measuring the points and creating the start system:

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Calypso Advanced Course

Worksheet 2.3: Start System and Base System

The start system is selected with Preparation Select Base System.

Only fill out the zero points. Thus, the axis directions remain aligned with the device axes.

Create arbitrary measurement characteristics in order to enable a useful CNC start.

Test the start system with the available options manual alignment etc.

Calypso Advanced Course

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Worksheet 2.3: Start System and Base System

Worksheet 2.4: Iterative Alignment

Alignment using plane with 3 probings at different heights and iteration A coordinate system is generated by means of an offset plane, whereby the offset plane has to be generated manually using the formula. Dieses bedeutet eine grssere Variabilitt, da eine beliebige Anzahl von Messpunkten fr die Offsetebene zur Verfgung stehen knnen.

A work piece rests on three points, which are located at different heights. A plane is to be defined with these three points, which is declared as primary datum in WCS 2. This is the classic calculation for an offset plane. An offset plane from the toolbox always consists of exactly three probings, which can be corrected, in their height. In this exercise, an offset plane is to be calculated from individual points using the formula. Advantage: More than three points can be used. This new WCS should be run through at least twice so that the correction of the offset probings is created in the correct alignment.

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Calypso Advanced Course

Calypso Advanced Course

Worksheet 2 : Alignments

1. 2.

Load CAD model of the practice cube. Click on 3 points in the CAD window: st 1 point (P1) on the top surface nd 2 point (P2) in the slot at the front rd 3 point (P3) in the slot at the back Add 2 more points (P4, P5) from the toolbox to the list. Open the first of these points (P4) Recall one feature: Point 2 Edit the Z value with the formula: correction by 10 mm. Open the second point (P5), recall P3, correction by 8 mm. Take a plane from the toolbox and define using recall of point 1, 4, 5. This plane is the same as the top surface. Form the first symmetry point from 2 probings (P6, P7): front right, front left Form the second symmetry point from 2 probings (P8, 9): front right front left Calculate 3D line from these 2 symmetry points

3. 4.

5. 6.




10. Set point 10 at front for Y=0 11. Basissystem erzeugen: Ebene 1 fr Primr 3D-Gerade fr Sekundr 3D-Gerade fr NP in X Punkt 10 fr NP in Y Ebene 1 fr NP in Z

12. Place a loop over this alignment. 13. Sicherheitsquader setzen

Calypso Advanced Course

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Calypso Advanced Course

Worksheet 2 : Alignments

14. Start the CNC cycle and interpret the results!

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Calypso Advanced Course

Calypso Advanced Course

Worksheet 2 : Alignments

Worksheet 2.5: RPS with Loops

This exercise will demonstrate the use of the RPS Alignment function. RPS is short for Reference Point System. RPS alignment is based on the 3-2-1 rule. The point, space point and intersection features can be used with RPS alignment. RPS alignments are primarily used for measuring body panels.

1. Open a new measurement plan.

2. Probe six individual points on the practice cube.


Two points on the top plane. One point in the slot. This will make a total of three points in the Z-axis. Two points on the front plane. One point on the right side plane.

3. Call up Base Alignment and select RPS Method.

Calypso Advanced Course

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Calypso Advanced Course

Worksheet 2 : Alignments

4. Select the features for the base alignment: all six points

5. Insert the point data for each point and select in which axis they are to be constrained. See table with point data. 6. Select OK. 7. Measure a circle and create the Diameter characteristic. 8. Define clearance planes. 9. Run the program. The six points will be taken at the value location that was entered manually from the table. 10. Open the Base Alignment.

11. Click on Loop and enter the number of cycles Select OK.

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Calypso Advanced Course

Calypso Advanced Course

Worksheet 2 : Alignments

Worksheet 2.7: 3D Best Fit on the Practice Cube

This procedure can be used to align work pieces for which no unequivocal restraints are defined. The 3D best fit is a method of achieving the best possible fit between any number of points or geometrical features and their specified geometry. In our example we want to construct the eight corners of the practice cube as intersection points and, using the procedure described above, fit them until the total of all the errors squared is a minimum between nominal and actual points (best fit acc. to Gau). 1. Open new measurement plan. 2. Go to the Features page and probe the six planes of the cube with the star probe.

3. Open the Tool Box and copy the Intersection construction four times to your measurement plan.

4. Intersect the planes front with right right with rear rear with left left with front. These settings may not correspond to the illustration on the next page.

Calypso Advanced Course

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Calypso Advanced Course

Worksheet 2 : Alignments

5. Four intersection lines are created:

6. Now intersect the intersection lines with Plane top and Plane bottom. Four penetration points are created. Name the penetration points with Intersection1 to 8. You can see the location of the points in the illustration on the right.

7. Eight intersection points are created:

8. Call up the Base Alignment and select 3D Best Fit Method.

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Calypso Advanced Course

Calypso Advanced Course

Worksheet 2 : Alignments

9. Select the features for the alignment: all eight intersection points. 10. Specify the nominal position for the intersection points. Compare with below:

11. Define safety cube. 12. Define loops for base alignment with break condition.

13. Note: The break condition must be entered using the formula. Activate input field and open the formula window using the right mouse button. Close window with OK. 14. Start the measurement plan in the CNC mode.

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Calypso Advanced Course

Worksheet 2 : Alignments

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Calypso Advanced Course

Calypso Advanced Course

Worksheet 2 : Alignments

Worksheet 2.6: 3D Best Fit on Tubular Bodies

Best fit with several spatially defined points Part of exercise without measuring machine
A pipe with several bends is to be measured. The individual bend points as well as the start and end of the pipe are listed as XYZ coordinates in a table. The tolerances for each point are 0.1 mm. The sections are measured as cylinder. The alignment is to be calculated as best fit over all points. Several runs will be required for approximation.

In this exercise, a practice piece will be used with a prepared measurement plan. This measurement plan Pipe 100 already includes the measured features. The measurement plan can be put together without the measuring machine.

Calypso Advanced Course

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Calypso Advanced Course 1. Precondition:

The rohr100 measurement plan:

Worksheet 2 : Alignments

Table of bend points: Point 1 2 3 4 5 6 Point 1: Point 2: Point 3: Point 4: Point 5: Point 6: X 0 37.3 144.5 245.7 372.4 397.9 Y 0 -35.4 5.4 7.7 24.7 -23.7 Plane 1 Cylinder 1 Cylinder 5 Cylinder 4 Cylinder 3 Cylinder 2 Z 0 -11.5 -63.1 -106.7 167.8 184.3 Cylinder 1 Cylinder 5 Cylinder 4 Cylinder 3 Cylinder 2 Plane 2

Intersection of Intersection of Intersection of Intersection of Intersection of Intersection of

These intersections must be created in the following.

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Calypso Advanced Course

Calypso Advanced Course 2. Creating constructions (intersections)

Create an intersection 6 times Tool Box Constructions Intersection Here is an example:

Worksheet 2 : Alignments

You can see that previously there were only machine coordinates. The coordinate values in the construction are later converted automatically to the base alignment during the best fit.

Calypso Advanced Course

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Calypso Advanced Course 3. 3D Best Fit

Worksheet 2 : Alignments

The 3D best fit creates an alignment. This can be the base alignment or an alignment, which is needed later. A base alignment should be created here. 1. Call up Base Alignment: 2. A new base alignment with the method: 3D Best Fit

Here you will also find the loops needed for later.

3. Select the features:

The relevant features are transferred to the mask and have to be given the nominals of the individual intersections manually.

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Calypso Advanced Course

The entered data:

Worksheet 2 : Alignments

4. Insert loops:

After the best fit, the alignment is in the position required:

In the next step, characteristics are defined from the intersections.

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Calypso Advanced Course

5. Open Intersection1, mark X, Y, Z as characteristic Specify tolerances.

Worksheet 2 : Alignments

6. Repeat for intersections 2 to 6.

7. For the sake of clarity, combine the characteristics of each intersection in a group and give the group a new name.

8. CNC start of all groups as simulation 9. Adapt the program on the measuring machine.

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Calypso Advanced Course

Calypso Advanced Course

Worksheet 2 : Alignments

Worksheet 2.8: Changing the coordinate system using the Editor

The Editor changes the characteristics of objects; the assignment of a coordinate system is

only one of the characteristics.

Job: Part 1: Assign a new coordinate system to the circles 1-4 (Z, Y values) without opening the elements. Part 2: Carry out the same procedure for defining the evaluation. Set the Gauss 150 filter for all the circles.

Calypso Advanced Course

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Calypso Advanced Course

Part 1: Create the program incl. the 2 coordinate system.

Worksheet 2 : Alignments

Assign the new coordinate system to the first circle (circle 4 here).

Select the Editor.

Simply select Coordinate system.

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Calypso Advanced Course

Worksheet 2 : Alignments

Now select the 3 other circles (5-7), which are also to be transferred to the coordinate system.

Close with OK.

The assignment is now concluded. Check the coordinate system in each of the circles.

Part 2: Carry out the same procedure for defining the evaluation. Set the Gauss 150 filter for circle 4 and apply the same evaluation method.

Calypso Advanced Course

2 - 31

Calypso Advanced Course

Worksheet 2 : Alignments

2 - 32

Calypso Advanced Course

Calypso Advanced Course

Worksheet 2.9: Base System

Worksheet 2 : Alignments

Rotation on a straight line through the origin

Practical exercise:
The functions presented here: Rotation on a straight line through the origin and Rotation at equal deviation are both derivatives of the common Rotation on a path. Practical application should be checked on a case-by-case basis. The function is investigated in more depth on the following pages.

Calypso Advanced Course

2 - 33

Calypso Advanced Course Rotation on a straight line through the origin

Worksheet 2 : Alignments

Set the coordinate system on Level 1, zero point Z, X in Circle 1 and the direction of the X-axis through Circle 2.

Up until now, this would have been a normal alignment, in which an axis direction (X) is given by Circle 2. Now, not the axis direction, but a straight line is rotated on Circle 2. How is this straight line produced? In a coordinate system, a point is defined by two values, e.g. X=50, Z=28. A straight line is drawn from the origin to this point. On the work piece, this straight line is now rotated to the actual value of the bore.

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Calypso Advanced Course

Calypso Advanced Course

Further procedure: Click on Special and enter the values in the relevant fields:

Worksheet 2 : Alignments

The function rotates the coordinate system around a given axis, such that the straight line placed through the origin intersects the tertiary reference plane. This gives rise to the same conditions for the X-values as for the Y-values of the point on the straight line and of the tertiary reference.

Calypso Advanced Course

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Calypso Advanced Course

Worksheet 2 : Alignments

2 - 36

Calypso Advanced Course

Worksheet 3: Filters and Outliers

Worksheet 3: Form Elements

3.1 3.1.1 Basics about filters and outliers Filters

Data is mainly filtered in order to segregate the different types of deviation (form deviation, waviness and roughness), but is also used for compensating any measurement deviations. Goal: Filtering is used in roughness metrology in separating the long-waved components gained in the roughness measurement such as waviness and form. In coordinate metrology, the short-wave components defined in the probed profile, such as the roughness components which have been recorded despite a large probe ball, have to be eliminated. In Calypso you can choose between two different types of filter: Gau (ISO 11562) Characteristics: Only 50% of the values are accepted with this cutoff wave length. The amplitude of the short wave length is therefore damped by half. 2 RC (ISO 4291) (R = Resistance; C = Capacitor) Characteristics: 75% of the values are accepted with this cutoff wave length. The amplitude of the short wave length is therefore damped by a quarter. The 2RC filter is a mathematical imitation of a real RC filter. Each of these two filter types can be subdivided into two different types of filter: High-pass filter Characteristics: High frequencies pass the filter, low ones are filtered. => Waviness is filtered out. Low-pass filter Characteristics: Low frequencies pass the filter, high ones are filtered. => Surface roughness is filtered out.

Calypso Advanced Course 3


Worksheet 3: Filters and Outliers

*Cutoff wavelength: (straightness profile)

The cutoff wave length c is the wavelength of vibrations in the input signal whose amplitude is let through the filter at a specific transmission ratio (previously 75%, today 50%). Describes the number of waves per rotation. Filters are only recommended for high numbers of points i.e. for scanned features. There should be at least 7 measured points per wave.

No. of waves ng: (roundness profile) Note:

Recommended values for the cutoff wave length: Mean roughness index Ra in m to 0.025 over 0.25 to 0.4 over 0.4 to 3.2 over 3.2 to 12.5 over 12.5 to 100 over 100 Mean peak to valley height Rz in m to 0.1 over 0,1 to 1.6 over 1.6 to 12.5 over 12.5 to 50 over 50 to 400 over 400

c in m
0.25 0.8 2.5 8.0 25 80

Recommended values for cutoff vibration number: Diameter in mm over 10 over 50 over 120 over 250 to 10 to 50 to 120 to 250 to 2.5 150 500 1500 1500 1500 Roundness tolerance in m 2.5 to 5 5 to 10 50 50 150 150 500 500 1500 500 1500 1500 over 10 50 50 150 500 1500



A measured point is tagged as an outlier if it is further than a defined threshold* from the computed Gau element. *Threshold = Factor * Standard delta impression in the material rise in the material

Outlier inside workpiece: Outlier outside workpiece:


Calypso Advanced Course

Calypso Advanced Course

Worksheet 3: Form Elements / Scanning

Worksheet 3: Form Elements

Reset Set Default Measurement Strategy 4 pts, 0 -360

Form element with the help of an example

In this section you will learn: how to define scanning paths how the optimum parameters in Calypso can be set automatically the effect of the scanning speed on the result the effect of filtering all about outliers how to use tangential and minimum features how to use the default measurement strategy how to read the DIN characteristics evaluation

1. Measure a circle in the cylinder on the front of the practice cube. 2. Place the Circle Auto Path measurement strategy in this feature. You can also use holes of another workpiece for this exercise.

3. Let this feature run once. Do not yet change the settings in the Circle Auto Path! 4. Open the default printout so you can keep checking the results.

Calypso Advanced Course


Calypso Advanced Course

Click on Step Width and Expected Tolerance.

Worksheet 3: Form Elements / Scanning

Click on Calculate Here you are asked what the feature is to be used for. As the circle has not yet been assigned to an evaluation such as e.g. diameter, Calypso needs this information for calculating the setting values.

Click on Calculate and then on Location, Size and Form, see how the speed and step width change.

Click on Basic Settings. The System Set Up page with which you are already familiar is displayed. By making changes in these pages, you can change the basic parameters. Make sure that the changes do not impair the behavior of the measuring machine in the scanning mode.


Calypso Advanced Course

Calypso Advanced Course

Worksheet 3: Form Elements / Scanning

In the next section, three characteristics are linked with this circle. Use the circle For a location: Z value For a size: Diameter For a form: Roundness. A graphics evaluation is possible in the Roundness.

In the Features list select the circle and call Check use .. with the right (middle) mouse button. You will see where this is used. This step is also available in the measurement strategy, the tolerance required is also displayed.

Calypso Advanced Course


Calypso Advanced Course

Worksheet 3: Form Elements / Scanning

In the steps which follow, you will change the scanning settings step by step and can create a printout for comparison.

The steps: 1. Set the scanning speed to a maximum value: for a diameter of 30 mm e.g. 80 mm/sec. 2. Set the scanning speed to a minimum value: e.g. 2 mm/sec Are there any changes? Plot the result so you can see this more clearly. Discuss the differences in the results and application possibilities.


Calypso Advanced Course

Calypso Advanced Course

Worksheet 3: Form Elements / Scanning

In the next step the result will be filtered.

Make sure the circle has been scanned with a slow measurement strategy (10 mm/sec). Enter the Roundness and click on the circle. In the selection menu which appears, you can change the feature for this Roundness evaluation as your want. The original feature remains unchanged. Look at the plot. Change the filter several times and observe the results: 1. Click on Filter and set a filter for 150 W/U. The roundness is 0.0127 as before. The default printout explains this calculation which at first seems incomprehensible:


Click on "Filter" and set a filter for 50 W/U.

The filter is basically used to separate the actual form from short-wave roughness. If sensible filtering is used, the measurement results are not falsified. The size of the filter depends on the customers specifications. Now discuss the results and application possibilities.

Calypso Advanced Course


Calypso Advanced Course

Worksheet 3: Form Elements / Scanning

In the next step outliers are eliminated.

Note: First remove all filter settings Open the Roundness and click on the circle. In the selection menu which is displayed you can change the feature for this Roundness evaluation as you want. The original feature remains unchanged. 1. First set a factor of 3. Here all points are removed which lie more than three times the sigma dispersion value away from the computed circle.


Click on Outlier and set a factor of 2. This means that all measured points in the circle which are more than 2 times the value of the dispersion away from the computed circle are not included in the evaluation. You can also delete the neighboring points around the outlier up to the computed circle, this then gives you to a large extent a corrected circle.


For the bore function, outliers into the material would usually not be significant.

But they can considerably falsify the result. Set the outlier elimination correspondingly. Change the outlier several times and observe the results. Discuss the results and application possibilities.


Calypso Advanced Course

Calypso Advanced Course


Worksheet 3: Form Elements / Scanning

Now add a filter with a filter value of 150 W/U and output the results as a plot.

Calypso Advanced Course


Calypso Advanced Course

Worksheet 3: Form Elements / Scanning

Another possibility is to use tangential elements such as Minimum Circumscribed and Maximum Inscribed Elements.
Note: Remove all filters and outliers. Selection can also made in the menu for the respective feature. The Maximum Inscribed Circle is the largest inscribed circle and can be combined well with the Outlier and Filter functions. Carry out various evaluations.

Observe in particular how the diameter and the center point change for the minimum circumscribed, maximum inscribed and minimum circle.

In the menu you can select the minimum circle or Tschebycheff evaluation. Compared to the Gauss evaluation, note the effect of the outliers here.

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Calypso Advanced Course

Calypso Advanced Course

Worksheet 3: Form Elements / Scanning

Using the Features Settings Editor you can define parameters for the filter while you are creating the feature. This is particularly helpful when programming on the CAD model. Set new values for the filter.

Calypso Advanced Course

3 - 11

Calypso Advanced Course Exercise:

Worksheet 3: Form Elements / Scanning

In the Calypso Basic Course, a True Position of a circle was calculated to 2 surfaces. Carry out this example again and observe the automatic evaluation of the individual features.

DIN characteristics always use the prescribed evaluation form such as the minimum circle when calculating the diameter. Open the default printout and evaluate a few DIN characteristics.

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Calypso Advanced Course

Calypso Advanced Course

Worksheet 3: Form Elements / Scanning

Worksheet 3: Form Measurement

3.3 Form Measurement: DIN Flatness with Reference Length

DIN ISO 1101 Flatness with Reference Length can be measured for planes. In contrast to DIN ISO 1101 Flatness, here the flatness of sub-rectangles from the plane is measured. You can define the size of these rectangles and their degree of overlap yourself. You can also set a threshold, which the angle between any individual sub-rectangle and the entire plane must not exceed. The measurement values obtained from the flatness measurement can be evaluated in different ways. - Flatness in relation to single a sub-plane For each rectangle, the difference between the maximum and minimum separation of the actual points on the rectangle to the fitted sub-plane of the rectangle is specified. - - Flatness in relation to the entire plane For each rectangle, the difference between the maximum and minimum separation of the actual points on the rectangle to the fitted total plane is specified. Thus, for every rectangle, you obtain a measurement value for the flatness. For the output, you can decide which of these different results should be displayed: - all flatnesses - all flatnesses, which exceed a predetermined tolerance - the maximum flatness.

Exercise procedure
In this exercise, an area of the exercise cube is measured as a plane and the various DIN Flatness functions are evaluated: 1. DIN Flatness and preset plot 2. DIN Flatness as a progression 3. DIN Flatness as a CAD plot 4. DIN Flatness in relation to a sub-plane the entire plane output variations

Calypso Advanced Course

3 - 13

Calypso Advanced Course

Worksheet 3: Form Elements / Scanning

Firstly measure the front face of the exercise cube with a polyline. Enter a flatness and a flatness with reference into the measurement plan.

Evaluate as before.

1. DIN Flatness and preset plot

The plot display can be adapted with Edit.

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Calypso Advanced Course

Calypso Advanced Course

Worksheet 3: Form Elements / Scanning

2. DIN Flatness as a progression

Flatness of line segments Progression is not often displayed and is not commonly used for evaluating a polyline.

3. DIN Flatness as a CAD plot

Proceed as follows in order obtain the adjacent view as a plot: load CAD model open plane click right mouse in the ACIS window, select display actual points close plane open DIN flatness CAD - View Save View enter name, Flatness1 in this case click on "Graphic" in the upper menu select "CAD view " Select measurement characteristic "Flatness1", Click on "Plot"

Calypso Advanced Course

3 - 15

Calypso Advanced Course

Worksheet 3: Form Elements / Scanning

4. DIN Flatness with reference Principles:

The plane (Fig. 1) is defined by the spatial point E0, the u-axis (u) and the v-axis (v). In the u and v directions it has lengths A and B. E0 can lie in any corner of the rectangle. A rectangle with edge lengths a and b in the u and v directions is specified as a tolerance zone.

Starting from E0, this rectangle is shifted lineby-line from the bottom upwards parallel to u and v, whereby each rectangle shifted gives rise to its own tolerance zone. Fig, 2 shows the sequence of, in this case, 16 tolerance zones, which do not overlap (overlap 0%).

Fig. 3 shows the same succession of 56 tolerance zones in this case, whereby they overlap by 50%. The indexing of the tolerance zones is omitted for clarity.

All calculations are with reference to the plane comprising all valid measurement points (i.e. without overlap or outliers,) and are based on the selected evaluation method. The measurement points can be filtered. There are principally two types of evaluation: Case 1: Flatness relative to the sub-plane of each rectangle (corresponds to ANSI or ISO) Case 2: Flatness of each rectangle relative to the entire plane (special application). The flatness of a rectangle is the difference between the greatest and smallest deviation (max min) in the rectangle. The edge of a rectangle belongs to the rectangle.

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Calypso Advanced Course

Calypso Advanced Course

Worksheet 3: Form Elements / Scanning

The Input Page:

Input parameters:

Evaluation type: Sub-plane The sub-plane is calculated for every rectangle according to the selected evaluation method. If the sub-plane of a rectangle is incalculable (too few measurement points, measurement points on a line, angle between the sub-plane and the entire plane greater than a limit angle), the flatness of this rectangle must be calculated in the same way as flatness in relation to the entire plane, and a corresponding note entered in the protocol for this sub-plane. Entire plane The greatest and smallest error in each rectangle is calculated in relation to the entire plane, from which the flatness of each rectangle is found. If there is no measurement point or only one in a rectangle, the flatness of this rectangle is zero and a corresponding note entered in the protocol for this sub-plane. Overlapping rectangles The rectangles can either be adjoining or overlapping. The relevant specification lies between 0% for adjoining and 90% for maximum overlapping. This means that each rectangle is shifted by (100% - x%) x edge length, starting from E0, line-by-line from the bottom upwards parallel to u and v.

Calypso Advanced Course

3 - 17

Calypso Advanced Course

Worksheet 3: Form Elements / Scanning

Only maximum flatness: Only the maximum flatness inclusive of its location.

All flatnesses outside tolerance: The maximum flatness and all flatness inclusive of their locations.

Visualization of the individual flatnesses is possible by clicking in the list.

All flatnesses The maximum flatness and all flatnesses inclusive of their locations.

The working and compact protocol documents the values in detail.

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Calypso Advanced Course

Worksheet 4 : CAD

Worksheet 4: CAD

Calypso always works together with the CAD window. You have already used some of the functions in your work up till now. Exercises have already been programmed offline. We will now take a closer look at other functions. This can be done on customer work pieces.

1. Offline programming
CAD file types Healing Extracting CAD modification

2. CAD measuring strategy: Default data

During the preparation of a measurement plan, part features are created from the model. A measuring strategy can be assigned automatically to these features. The settings for the measuring strategy are described here.

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Calypso Advanced Course

Worksheet 4 : CAD


Calypso Advanced Course

Calypso Advanced Course

Worksheet 4 : CAD

Worksheet 4.1: CAD import and preparing IGES, VDA

The purpose of this exercise is to provide an explanation of the Calypso file types as well as healing functions.

CAD Model File Types

Currently Calypso supports the following file types: ACIS files CATIA files STEP files IGES files VDAFS files Unigraphics ProE <filename>.sat <filename>.exp <filename>.stp <filename>.igs <filename>.vda <> <filename>.prt>

It is important when importing models, that the file extension is correct. Calypso recognizes the file type by its extension. Importing the model Using the Windows NT explorer, copy the CAD file XYZZZ.igs to the directory: opt\om\cad Open a new measurement plan. Define the probe and qualify the styli. For this exercise we will be using the star probe.

From the CAD pull down menu, select CAD File This opens the select window: From the Files of Type select IGES. Select the file you want XYZZZZ then Open. The model will be loaded to the Calypso CAD window.


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Calypso Advanced Course

Possible errors while importing: If the CAD model does not appear on the screen, from the task bar select Scheme ACIS Interface Driver extension. If an error occurred while loading, this window provides a list of entities that did not load, or causes of the load error. A log file will also be created with the model names. Here this is YXZZZZ.log. This file contains further information and possibly an error list.

Worksheet 4 : CAD

Preparing the model

Once the model has been loaded, click on the Render button. If the model does not render, some (or all) of the entities were not converted. For these cases, Calypso provides a utility called Healing. Healing is the process of converting CAD surface data to Calypsos solid ACIS format. There are three steps to this process: Simplification Stitching Build Geometry


Calypso Advanced Course

Calypso Advanced Course

Example of an incorrectly loaded model:

Worksheet 4 : CAD

Holes after conversion.

2. Example of an incorrect model

Open the CAD pull down menu The three options are found here:

CAD File.

Minimal Model Preparation: This selection carries out the Simplification. Autohealing This option carries out all three steps. Both processes are automatic and do not need additional input from the user. Step-By-Step Healing This selection allows interaction between the user and the healing process. In this exercise we will choose Step By Step Healing.

Calypso Advanced Course


Calypso Advanced Course Simplification

The healing process starts by attaching an accumulation of attributes that will be used throughout the various phases of the healing process. The first step cleans up the model. Inaccuracies, zero-length edges and duplicate vertices are removed. Incoming models often contain geometry, which are not mathematically described. Simplification converts these into their analytical forms (arc, cylinder, cone, plane) wherever possible. This calculation requires a tolerance in order to have a limiting value for the simplification. Attributes are attached to the geometry so that they can be easily identified during the actual simplification. Select Transformation CAD Model Simplification Start.

Worksheet 4 : CAD

The stitching function provides the means to stitch a set of faces together to form a single sheet or solid body. Stitching essentially involves the pairing of vertices and edges in the data. In the case of a surface model, which lacks topology, such as from IGES, this phase adds topology to the model. The analysis phase determines a tolerance to be used when deciding whether or not two surfaces should share an edge or vertex. Select Transformation CAD Model Stitching Start.

Build Geometry
Geometry building heals inaccuracies in the model. In this phase, a series of geometric operations are performed to improve the precision of face, edge, and vertex data. These operations adjust and correct, where possible, the geometry ensuring that: every vertex lies on the underlying curve, every edge (formed by an intersection) lies on two adjoining faces. Parametric curves lie on the corresponding faces.

Do NOT select this option. Close the Transformation CAD Model window with The information on the healing process is from SPATIAL TECHNOLOGY INC. To learn more, visit their web site at


Calypso Advanced Course

Calypso Advanced Course

Converter settings: The converter settings can be matched to the quality of the model to improve the import functions:

Worksheet 4 : CAD

If the conversion is inadequate, you can also activate the function Conversion of incorrectly defined geometry.

Calypso Advanced Course


Calypso Advanced Course

Worksheet 4 : CAD


Calypso Advanced Course

Worksheet 4.2: Default Measurement Strategy

Worksheet 4.2: Default Measurement Strategy

Job: The procedure defines the measurement strategy for accepting or creating part features when extracting from the CAD model.

Load the exercise cube as a CAD model Then process the default settings: CAD Extract Set Default Measurement Strategy.

Default plane settings: Click on the Plane button.

Click on Settings and open the grid.

In the following window you can change the grid length and grid width with Quantity or Separation. The edge separation and the meander or line route methods are important.

Calypso Advanced Course


Worksheet 4.2: Default Measurement Strategy

Example: Set Step Width to: 2 If a plane is extracted, there will be a probe point every 2 mm. The Single Points box has no affect on switching measuring devices Set Grid Length to number 5, set Grid Width to number 3. Set Edge Separation to: 0.5 A separation of 0.5 mm is maintained to all edges and gaps. Set Range to: Meander the measurement sequence proceeds as a meander.

These default settings take effect when a surface is generated on the CAD model: Click on Generate Solid Geometry and then on the desired surface. Open the surface, now the grid is visible. Try another example using the Distance.

4 - 10

Calypso Advanced Course

Worksheet 4.2: Default Measurement Strategy

Circle default settings: Click on Circle and open the Circle section. Speed and Step Width are settings for measuring probes Set Number of Points to 9: This will generate 9 points on each circle section. Set the Probe Radius Factor to 1.5 Minimum distance to the end of a cylinder. Set the Start Angle to 0 Starting point for probing. Set the Angular Range to 360 The arc of a circle. Positive values indicate counter-clockwise.

Cylinder default settings Click on the cylinder button and open a Circle Auto Path. Set Number of Points to: 5 This will generate 5 points on each section of the cylinder. Circle Path Several options are possible here: Probe Radius Factor Minimum distance to the edge of a cylinder. Percent Within the restriction of the probe radius factor, this places the generated path at a percentage of the cylinders overall length. Measuring Height Direct input of path location from origin of feature. Number Number of equally spaced circle paths.

Calypso Advanced Course

4 - 11

Worksheet 4.2: Default Measurement Strategy

Straight line default settings: Enter the settings in the same way

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Calypso Advanced Course

Worksheet 5: Special Part Features

Worksheet 5.1: Recall Feature Points from Polyline

Recall enables you to carry out more calculations from data already gained from previous features.


Measure a plane with one or several polylines and recall the measured points to the Line feature in order to carry out a Straightness evaluation.

Calypso Advanced Course


Calypso Advanced Course

This exercise is done on the CAD model.

Worksheet 5: Special Part Features

Create a base system and safety cube as usual.

Take a plane from the toolbox and set a polyline with 3 lines on the right hand side of the cube.

Enter the 3D Line twice in the measurement plan.

Open a line and define the nominal input with Recall Feature Points.

Select the plane; note the buttons, which appear in the top bar:

First click on the button on the left, the actual points are displayed in the feature as crosses. You can now select the ones you want using the button on the right.


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Calypso Advanced Course

The actual points (!!) are displayed as red crosses. Select the scanning path on the left with the lasso.

Worksheet 5: Special Part Features

These points are accepted and calculated as 3D line.

Create a second 3D line with another scanning path.

Evaluate a Straightness for each of the 3D lines. Plot the result. Try and interpret the plot output.

Calypso Advanced Course


Calypso Advanced Course

Worksheet 5: Special Part Features

Worksheet 5.2: Recall Feature Points from Circles


Measure three circles in a hole and recall the measured points in the Cylinder part feature.

Take a cylinder from the toolbox.

Select "Nominal Input Recall Feature Points".

Select the three circles.


Calypso Advanced Course

Calypso Advanced Course

Worksheet 5: Special Part Features

With the remaining buttons in the header, the actual data from the circles can be displayed and selected.

Using the lasso, you can place a box around the circles and select the actual points. The cylinder you want is then calculated and is available as calculated feature.

Calypso Advanced Course


Calypso Advanced Course

Worksheet 5: Special Part Features

Worksheet 5.3: Recall Feature Points from Cylinder


Measure a cylinder with 2 circle auto paths and with 4 surface lines. Recall the points of the surface lines to the line feature in order e.g. to carry out a straightness evaluation of the cylinder.

Measure a cylinder with eight points; define 2 circle auto paths and 4 surface lines.

Define a measuring strategy suitable for the measuring machine for the form elements.

Run the program. You can use a 2D line or a 3D line for the straightness evaluation. The 2D line is calculated on the surface of the work piece, the 3D line through the probe ball center points. Now consider how usable the various results are for your measuring task.


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Calypso Advanced Course

Start with the Recall Feature Points.

Worksheet 5: Special Part Features

There is an important new feature here with the Recall Feature Points function: You can make the individual measuring strategies of the cylinder visible and select them with the right mouse button.

Path (3) is the first surface line.

You get the 2D line you wanted and you can use this in the Straightness evaluation. The graphical evaluation of the form plot gives you a visual impression of the cylinder surface area.

Note: The scanning path, which has been evaluated, was made in the direction of the nominal cylinder (!!!). Therefore the evaluation cannot be used here, see also plot.

Calypso Advanced Course


Calypso Advanced Course

Worksheet 5: Special Part Features

Consider the following: in the nominal cylinder the A1 and A2 angles are rounded off to the value 0. Therefore the surface lines are scanned in the direction of the axis and not in the direction of the true cylinder. Here a pre-alignment is necessary in order to then measure in the aligned coordinate system. A typical evaluation could be the parallelism of two lines lying opposite to one another. It is then possible to see whether the cylinder has taken on a conical form for example.

Start a new exercise by measuring a cylinder, here from 2 circles with feature point recall.

Create a new alignment with the spatial rotation of the first cylinder.

In this alignment you now measure the real cylinder.


Calypso Advanced Course

Calypso Advanced Course

Worksheet 5: Special Part Features

As usual recall surface lines lying opposite to one another as 2D line. These lines can be checked for parallelism as they have been recorded along the actual direction.

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Calypso Advanced Course

Worksheet 5: Special Part Features

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Calypso Advanced Course

Calypso Advanced Course

Worksheet 5: Special Features

Worksheet 5.4: Recall Feature Points from Curve

Note: This evaluation can only be carried out if the Curve option is known. As this subject is covered in the Curve Measurement training course, it does not need to be examined in depth. The recall of curve points is mentioned here for the sake of completeness and because of the interesting application options.


Extract points from a curve and calculate a geometric feature from these. Here the curve is measured on the top of the cube. Then approx. 10 of the curve points are used to calculate a circle.

Calypso Advanced Course

5 - 11

Calypso Advanced Course

Worksheet 5: Special Features

5 - 12

Calypso Advanced Course

Calypso Advanced Course

Worksheet 5: Special Features

Worksheet 5.5: Special Features

(Slot, rectangle, circle on cone, sphere point) Job: Slot: 1. Define a base alignment on the practice cube: Primary datum: Secondary datum: Zero pt in X: Zero pt in Y: Zero pt in Z: Plane_top Plane_front Circle1 Circle1 Plane_top

Becoming familiar with new features on the practice cube

2. Define the safety cube. Caution: there is no automatic recognition for the following features. feature

3. Move the slot feature from the toolbox to the Features page. 4. Open the feature and probe with at least 5 probing points: First probe two points on one side of the slot. Probe one point in the summit of a curve. Probe one point on the other side of the slot. Probe one point in the summit of the second curve. You can probe the other points where you want.

Output the characteristics for the length, width and angle. Think which axis the angle refers to.

Calypso Advanced Course

5 - 13

Calypso Advanced Course

Worksheet 5: Special Features

Rectangle: As there is no rectangle on our practice cube, we have to construct a rectangle over the bore pattern on the lower left. Proceed as follows: 1. Move the rectangle feature from the toolbox to the Features page. You have to probe the rectangle feature with at least 8 points. These probing points must be distributed so that each side is probed with two points. 2. Probe 8 single points in the holes. Distribute the points as shown in the figure on the right. => 3. Open the rectangle feature and recall the 8 points to the feature (Feature Point Recall). 4. You have to enter the value for the depth of the shaft manually in the Length input box. In this exercise the value is 20. Caution !!! Dont forget to set the clearance plane correctly for the individual points, otherwise a collision will occur. 5. Safety groups have to be defined for the points 2-3, 4-5 and 6-7: Open the CNC pull down menu. Under Navigation, Define Safety Group, open the relevant window. Create three new safety groups and close the window with OK. Assign the points to the corresponding safety groups (Tip: use the Feature Editor). 6. Output the characteristics for the length, width and angle. Think which axis the angle refers to.

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Calypso Advanced Course

Calypso Advanced Course

Worksheet 5: Special Features

Circle on Cone: 1. Move the Circle on Cone feature from the toolbox to the Features page. 2. Open the feature and probe the circle on the cone with at least three probing points. 3. Enter the Cone angle manually. In this exercise the value for the cone angle is 20. After you have confirmed the input with ENTER, you can see in the CAD window how the vectors (yellow arrows) of the individual probing points align themselves. Now the radius correction can be calculated correctly and the circle is output with its real diameter. 4. Output the characteristic for the diameter. Radius, sphere and angle point: With the radius, sphere and angle point features, you can select the radius correction, which applies in order to be able to define the contact point correctly for the single point measurements in various situations. Sphere point: For the sphere point, the measured value is corrected in the direction of the connecting line between the probe ball center point and the defined center point. 1. Move the Sphere point feature from the toolbox to the Features page.

2. Open the feature and enter the midpoint and radius of the sphere (see figure).

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Calypso Advanced Course

Worksheet 5: Special Features

3. With the definition template option, probe a point. Now the actual radius of the sphere and the coordinates of the probing point are output. 4. Output the characteristic for the radius. You should have now created the following characteristics:

Let the complete measurement plan run in the CNC mode.

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Calypso Advanced Course

Calypso Advanced Course

Worksheet 5: Special Features

Worksheet 5.6: Evaluation Constraints


A measuring problem, which frequently occurs, is the measurement of a small circle section. The center point of the circle to be measured is often defined. I.e. the coordinates are defined with e.g. the X value and Y value. A circle is calculated from the probing points; its diameter represents a characteristic. Or the radius is defined and the center point coordinates are requested. Both versions are shown here. You can carry out the exercise on any work piece; this example uses a support.

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Calypso Advanced Course

Worksheet 5: Special Features

Clamp the support; define a base alignment and the safety cube. You can carry out this exercise on the CAD model. Make four probings on the circle to be measured.

Enter the nominal values correctly.

Define X, Y and D as well as a radius measurement.

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Calypso Advanced Course

Run the program and create a compact printout.

Worksheet 5: Special Features

In the following, you will change the evaluation and create a compact printout for comparison. We recommend you save these printouts. Compact printout for the normal Gau circle

Constrain the degree of freedom: Evaluation Evaluation Constraints.

Using the Evaluation Constraints function with the circle you can define the vectors for X, Y and Z or the radius.

Calypso Advanced Course

5 - 19

Calypso Advanced Course

Worksheet 5: Special Features

Constrain the X, Y degrees of freedom: The actual values of the circle are fixed on the nominal.

Constrain the radius degree of freedom; the radius is fixed on the nominal.

Carry out various evaluations and observe the compact printout.

X, Y value constrained:

Radius constrained:

5 - 20

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Calypso Advanced Course

Representation in the custom printout with Gau circle without constraint Circle with constraint of X and Y Circle with constraint of radius

Worksheet 5: Special Features

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Calypso Advanced Course

Worksheet 5: Special Features

5 - 22

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Calypso Advanced Course

Worksheet 6: Advanced Programming Functions

Worksheet 6: Advanced Programming Functions

With formulas and loops you have numerous ways of making CNC programs flexible. These exercises will help you to become familiar with this topic. Note that the use of parameters follows on directly from the use of formulas, conditions and loops. Further training is required for the parameter coded measuring runs topic. Loops and condition functions are also used here.

1. Rotational pattern, Linear pattern

Measurement of 6 holes as rotational pattern

2. Radius from diameter with formula

The radius is calculated from the diameter value of a circle using a formula

3. Probing positions
Measure hole and refer further probings to the center point

4. Break condition
The CNC run is cancelled if the values are too large

5. LOOP on result, Break condition with loop

Characteristic with repetition if values are bad

6. Bore pattern
True Position using bore pattern

7. Linearteilung und Formel 8. Calculation of the depth of a groove

The depth of a groove is measured on a shaft

9. Conditional branching
A cycle should branch into different program variants dependent of the presence/absence of a hole

Calypso Advanced Course


Calypso Advanced Course

Worksheet 6.1: Rotational pattern, Linear pattern

Worksheet 6.1: Rotational pattern, Linear pattern


Measure 6 holes as rotational pattern. By specifying a rotational pattern, the measuring run for a circle is extended to all 6 circles of the pattern.

Load CAD model Define the alignment Generate a rotational pattern for 6 circles


Calypso Advanced Course

Calypso Advanced Course 1. Load CAD model

CAD Load Welle_1.sat

Worksheet 6.1: Rotational pattern, Linear pattern

Load the part as usual; create the alignment with suitable features. CAD Modify Chart Settings Silhouette on Note: Make sure the origin from the CAD model is placed in a suitable location.

2. Origin of the model:

CAD Modification Transformation Nominal vectors Z= 20.0000 If you enter 20.000 in Z for Translation, the model is then moved by this value. The origin will lie on the height of the plane with the holes.

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Calypso Advanced Course

Worksheet 6.1: Rotational pattern, Linear pattern

1. Create base alignment

Probe the surface with the holes, a plane for primary datum and ZP. Circle on the diameter 32 for origins in X/Y. Secondary datum with the first 10 mm circle MPH: The base system should be defined with features, which do not have any circle segments, polylines or grids. Therefore new features have to be generated/probed here.

2. Define features
Probe cylinder with 32 mm diameter. Measure plane on the surface with the 6 holes with polyline (these features will be used in a later exercise). MPH: here a plane can be generated with polylines and where necessary intermediate positions. Define circle

Enter nominal values

3. Create pattern
Nominal Input Pattern


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Calypso Advanced Course

Select Rotational Pattern

Worksheet 6.1: Rotational pattern, Linear pattern

This CAD is displayed once you have filled in the page and concluded with <OK>.

Define Circle Segment: Circle Strategy: 4 points from 0 to 360 Generate Diameter as characteristic: Select D The circle in the features list is displayed as follows: Circle 2 is made up to 6 individual circles

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Calypso Advanced Course

View as characteristic:

Worksheet 6.1: Rotational pattern, Linear pattern

View of Custom Printout


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Calypso Advanced Course

Worksheet 6.2: Radius from Diameter

Worksheet 6.2: Radius from Diameter

Job: The radius is calculated from the diameter value of a circle using the formula option.

Procedure: 1. Existing measurement plan 2. Measure hole as circle with enough points for a form check, close circle 3. Take another circle from the toolbox 4. Open second circle, Nominal Definition Recall One Feature 5. Select the first circle Note: With the Recall function, a copy of the first circle is created. This copy has yellow highlighted nominals to identify it as theoretical feature. These yellow nominals are the actuals (measured values) of the first circle. The formula can now access these nominals. 6. Using the right mouse button, click on the nominal for D and select Formula. 7. Enter the following formula:

Note: In this formula window, inputs are possible corresponding to the prescribed syntax. All features and characteristics can be accessed. The return value is the result of the formula, which can also be displayed first with the Calculate button. 8. Create the D characteristic from the second circle. This characteristic is entered with the diameter icon, but is actually a radius. Renaming ensures clarification. The nominal should also be entered correctly in the characteristic as the current actual has been accepted during the generation.

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Calypso Advanced Course

Worksheet 6.3: Probing positions

Worksheet 6.3: Probing positions

Job: Measure hole and refer further probings to the center point

Measure hole 1 as the center point of the bore pattern. Probings in holes 2-5 should be defined relative to hole 1. If for example circle 1 were offset by 0.5 mm, the probings in the other holes should also be offset.


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Calypso Advanced Course


Worksheet 6.3: Probing Positions

1. Measuring the center hole results in circle 3, for example. 2. Insert another circle in the list from the toolbox: Circle4 3. Open Circle4 and assign the nominals with formulas as shown below.

1. In Strategy, assign the circle a Circle Auto Path with 4 probings. 2. Copy the circle 3 times and change the formula corresponding to the nominals of the other holes. 3. Form the diameter characteristics and start the run. 4. CMM with trigger probe head: If the bore pattern itself is relatively accurate, the retract path can be lessened to save time.

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Calypso Advanced Course Notes:

Worksheet 6.3: Probing positions

6 - 10

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Calypso Advanced Course

Worksheet 6.4 : Break Condition

Worksheet 6.4: Break Condition

Job: Cancel a CNC run because the values are too large 1. Existing measurement plan 2. Measure the hole as circle with sufficient points for a form check 3. Roundness as characteristic 4. Run program to collect points 5. Set the break condition Click the Roundness feature right mouse button: Condition This window opens: Click on Post condition The formula window is opened Enter formula see below.

6. Start this CNC run. Create values, which are wrong in order to check the break criterion.

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6 - 11

Calypso Advanced Course

Worksheet 6.4 : Break Condition

6 - 12

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Calypso Advanced Course

Worksheet 6.5: Break Condition based on Deviation

Worksheet 6.5: Break Condition based on Standard Deviation

Job: This exercise demonstrates the use of the LOOP function. Here the loop is used to repeat the measurement of a feature based on a result (e.g. Sigma standard deviation)

1. Open a measurement plan and establish a base alignment. 2. Measure another plane (Plane4) taking one point in each corner. Normally a diameter is used to check the form. We are using a plane for testing the function better. 3. Using the right mouse button open the formula in the Z nominal input box. 4. In the Formula window enter the following: 0+(LOOP1*0) This formula establishes the loop counter LOOP1 in the feature. The first zero in the formula represents the nominal dimension; the next part is the actual loop counter. This counter multiplied by zero will always be zero.

5. After clicking OK create a characteristic for the Z location.

Calypso Advanced Course

6 - 13

Worksheet 6.5: Break Condition based on Deviation

6. Select the Z dimension characteristic for the plane, click on this with the right mouse button and select Loop. 7. Click Insert and enter the maximum loop program cycles (5 in End).

8. Using the right mouse button, click in the Break Condition field and select Formula. 9. Enter the following formula in the formula field: getActual("Plane4").sigma<0.01 Notice the leading zero in the value 0.01 and enter a dot and not a comma for 0.01.

10. Place a coin in a corner of the plane; this will cause a high sigma value. 11. Start the CNC run with custom printout. The plane will be measured repeatedly because of the high sigma value. Remove the coin after 3-4 cycles.

6 - 14

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Worksheet 6.5: Break Condition based on Deviation

In the custom printout, you will see a result for each cycle. We will now use a break condition in the control feature so that the good result only appears once. 12. In the Characteristic list, select the Z value. 13. Hold the right mouse button and select Condition.

14. Enter the following formula in the input field: getActual("Plane4").sigma<0.01

This will result in only that cycle being printed which meets the condition. However, after the characteristic name, a number will be output indicating the number of loops performed.

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Worksheet 6.5: Break Condition based on Deviation

Supplementary exercise: Displacing probe points In the previous part of the exercise, probings were always carried out at the same place on the work piece. If there is a fault in the surface the scatter will hardly improve. In the next part, the probings will now be displaced by 0.5 mm for each loop. Principles: In Calypso, each measurement element has an element zero point. All probings are in relation to this zero point. These probings can be switched to Display in Base System in the point list. Each coordinate of the probing can be edited with Formula. Procedure: Open the point list. Switch to "Base System". Insert a formula for each X value. Round the value presented to a whole number.

The formula for a value XX,1234567 is: XX,0 +((LOOP1-1)*0.5).

Start the procedure again and observe the probing points

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Calypso Aedvanced Course

Worksheet 6.7: Linear Pattern

Worksheet 6.6: True Position for Rotational Pattern

Job: The dimensioning of the 6 holes consists of angle and radius. Using True Position Bore Pattern, it is possible to enter polar nominal values.

Calypso Advanced Course

6 - 17

Worksheet 6.6:True Position Procedure:

1. Align the work piece according to datum A. 2. Measure the bore pattern, each hole as a circle. Specify the tolerances for the diameter.

3. Insert a TRUE POS in the measurement plan, open, click on Best Fit of bore pattern

Note: The tolerance and any references must be stated before clicking on Bore pattern! 4. Enter reference. 5. Enter the tolerance for the position. This must be done here so that the position tolerance in the bore pattern can be kept ready correctly. It is not possible to change this later. 5. Click on the Bore Pattern button. 6. Select Features.

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Calypso Aedvanced Course

7. Select Show all features in Patterns or Loops, if a pattern was used for the circle.

Worksheet 6.7: Linear Pattern

8. Select the 6 measured circles.

9. Important: click on polar view, nominal values can now be accessed as polar values!

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Worksheet 6.6:True Position

10. If necessary, MMC can still be selected in True Position. 11. Close the bore pattern. 12. Close TRUE POS, this results in 1x the TRUE POS characteristic in the measurement plan. Note: In the CNC run, a true position is calculated and output for each hole. True Position Best Fit of bore pattern Enter Tolerance Select Graphics

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Calypso Aedvanced Course

Worksheet 6.7: Linear Pattern

Worksheet 6.7: Linear Pattern and Formula

A work piece with linear pattern is to be programmed offline. The holes are to be measured with the circle feature. This circle will only appear once in the measurement plan and will be multiplied with the loop functions. Two options are feasible here: 1. Pattern function in the feature 2. Linear offset with formula and loops Both options are carried out here. This exercise is programmed offline!

Calypso Advanced Course

6 - 21

Calypso Advanced Course 1D Linear Pattern

Worksheet 6.7: Linear Pattern and Formula

1. Open a new measurement plan and add 3 planes and a circle to the features list.

2. Enter the real dimensions of the work piece in the 3 planes.

3. Define a base alignment from the three planes and adapt the safety cube.

4. Enter the coordinates of the circle.

5. Define a pattern in the circle.

6. First select a 1-D Linear Pattern; a new pattern is created here.

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Calypso Advanced Course

Worksheet 6.7: Linear Pattern and Formula

7. Enter the dimensions:

8. Specify the measuring technology for all elements (planes: 4 probing points, circle, circular section).

9. From the circle create the characteristics X, Y, D.

10. Notice that Calypso here recognizes an automatic loop formation.

11. Start the CNC program in the Simulation mode.

12. In the custom printout you can see the projected nominal values of each individual circle.

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6 - 23

Calypso Advanced Course 2D Linear Pattern

1. With the 2D pattern you can measure an offset in 2 coordinate directions. Delete the circle just created and define a new circle by now entering a 2D pattern. Create the measuring strategy as above. Enter characteristics and start the CNC run. Use the simulation again.

Worksheet 6.7: Linear Pattern and Formula





Job: using the loop counter of the characteristic, make settings so that the following holes are measured. 1, 2, 5, 6, 7

You can try out this exercise on other work pieces.

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Calypso Advanced Course

Calypso Advanced Course Linear pattern with formula

Worksheet 6.7: Linear Pattern and Formula

Create another circle, e.g. Circle2

Set a formula for the Y value

Enter values as shown on the right.

Think of a suitable measuring strategy.

Create characteristics. Group the characteristics together so that a loop can be inserted over these characteristics.

Check the incrementation of the Y value in the printout. What solution can you think of for the 2 row? Adapt the run on the measuring machine.

Calypso Advanced Course

6 - 25

Calypso Advanced Course Notes

Worksheet 6.7: Linear Pattern and Formula

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Calypso Advanced Course

Worksheet 6.8:Groove Depth

Worksheet 6.8: Calculating the depth of a groove

Job: Calculate the depth of a groove on a shaft.

The depth of the groove cannot be measured directly. Probings in the base of the groove are possible, but not probings at the highest position on the vertical axes. An alternative would be the slot feature. Here you can evaluate the depth of the hole, but this dimension is dependent directly upon the probing strategy.

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Calypso Advanced Course

Using a formula solves this problem:

Worksheet 6.8: Groove Depth

The diameter or the radius of the shaft is easy to determine. In addition to this, the space axis with zero dimension is located in the center of the shaft. By probing a Z point, you will get a value, which you can subtract from the radius. Try this simple application without further instructions.

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Calypso Advanced Course

Worksheet 6.9: Conditional Branching


Conditional branching

Job: A program is to be developed, whereby one or another part of a CNC cycle is run dependent on the presence or absence of a hole In detail: A characteristics group includes a check of the top circle segment diameter. A second group checks the roundness and position of the cylinder on the front side of the cube. The measurement plan therefore consists of two groups.

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Calypso Advanced Course

Worksheet 6.9: Conditional Branching

Design the measurement plan using Conditions according to the above guidelines. If the condition is true (correct): Hole present -> measure the top circle segment. If the condition is false (incorrect): hole absent -> measure the cylinder. Under no circumstances should both be measured! The corresponding graph could look like this:

As Calypso should branch dependent on a hole, this must be checked with a probe point.

If the Z value is near to zero (or at least > -1), so there is no hole: the cylinder must be measured Otherwise the Z value is around 8 and the hole can be measured as a circle.

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Calypso Advanced Course

The following steps:

Worksheet 6.9: Conditional Branching

1. Generate a probe point in the hole 2. Caution danger of collision! If there is no hole, the machine will travel at high speed up to 2 mm in front of the anticipated probing. 3. Create the characteristic Z value from this point. This Z value is checked from the Conditions as follows. 4. Make the Circle Segment group the first entry in the measurement plan. 5. Assign a condition to the Circle Segment group with a right mouse click.

6. Insert the custom printout illustrated.

7. Now the program initially checks the point. 8. Then the condition is applied in the Circle Segment group. If the outcome is no, the circle segment is not measured. Only the cylinder measurement is carried out in this case. 9. If the condition is satisfied (yes), the circle segment is measured and subsequently also the cylinder. This, however, should be avoided. 10. A check must also be carried out before the Cylinder group, which results in the exact opposite of the first check.

11. Test the cycle by covering the hole with a coin. Caution danger of collision!

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Calypso Advanced Course

Worksheet 6.9: Conditional Branching

6 - 32

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Worksheet 7: Auto-Run Interface

Worksheet 7: The Auto-Run Interface

The Auto-Run function enables you to carry out two different types of runs:

1. Pallet measurement: Several identical parts are measured in succession on a pallet. This requires an exact work fixture, as the same measurement plan is offset by X and Y values of the clamping positions.

2. Series measurement: Several different parts are measured automatically in succession. Different measurement plans are run through one after the other.

The function works with a special user interface which lets Calypso run in the background. This interface is intended for users who only have user rights to start programs. The user rights should be set explicitly in Autorun for each user; these do not influence the user rights in Calypso.

Calypso Advanced Course


Worksheet 7: Auto-Run Interface 1. Pallet mode

1.1 Preparations Create a complete measurement plan for the part to be measured. Create a base alignment on the pallet itself. To do this, use a separate measurement plan. A base alignment from three single points each with the origins in X, Y and Z may suffice. Define distances between positions on the pallet in X and Y, clamp workpieces on pallet.

1.2. Setting up the pallet mode Close all measurement plans. Open the Auto-Run Interface: CNC Autorun The Auto-Run Interface window is opened. 1.Give the layer a new name: Layer Rename Palette1 2.Insert a pallet: Edit Pallet Enter 1.3. Enter pallet parameters (right mouse button) Pallet alignment=base alignment of the pallet (see Preparations) Pallet name Distances between positions on the pallet in X and Y No. of rows in X and Y. (Exercise example: Input of the thread bores of the granite table each with three rows: 200/3, 200/3)


Calypso Advanced Course

Worksheet 7: Auto-Run Interface

1.4. Insert measurement plan: Right mouse button on pallet icon or: Edit Pallet Insert measurement plan e.g. click on Shaft2 measurement plan

1.5. Define run loop: Right mouse button on pallet icon or: Edit Pallet Define Run Loop Enter the number of runs: Right mouse button, Insert Here from 1 to 4, Step 1: Means the first four positions will be measured. Alternatively you can select the occupied positions directly in the pallet icon.

1.6. Define measurement plan parameters: Right mouse button on pallet icon or: Edit Pallet Measurement plan parameters Enter: Base alignment Speed Custom Printout etc.

1.7. Start pallet measurement Press start button

Calypso Advanced Course


Calypso Advanced Course 2. Series measurement

2.1 Preparations

Worksheet 7: Auto-Run Interface

Create complete measurement plans for the parts to be measured. Each measurement plan has its own base alignment.

2.2. Set up the series measurement Close all measurement plans Open Auto-Run Interface: CNC Autorun The Auto-Run Interface window is opened. 1.Give the layer a new name: Layer Rename Pallet 2.3. Insert measurement plans Edit Edit measurement plan Select a measurement plan from the list. 2.4. Enter parameters Select a measurement plan each time. Edit Measurement plan Enter CNC start parameters

2.5. Start the programs Click on the measurement plans which you want to start. The measurement plans are selected, you will see a frame. For further selection use the Strg button. The measurement plans are run through in the order they are selected. Click on Order if you want to change this.


Calypso Advanced Course

Calypso Advanced Course 3. Layer change

Worksheet 7: Auto-Run Interface

You can create several layers and change between these layers in the auto-run mode: Select the icon: or Edit Layer Enter layer Select the layer you want. This icon is added to the layer:

By double-clicking or by using the right mouse button, you can jump to another layer. This branching must be created for each layer you want. The same applies for switching back.

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Calypso Advanced Course

Worksheet 7: Auto-Run Interface

Add your own pictures to the auto-run interface

Example of a customized interface: There is an image stored for each CNC run. A background image can also be defined. These functions are activated by clicking the right mouse button on the background or on the run.

The images must be available in *.bmp, *.jpg or *:gif format. See the User Manual for a detailed description.

1. Design your own user interface 2. Create a new user, who only has limited user rights.


Calypso Advanced Course

Worksheet 8.1: One-line Custom Printout

Worksheet: One Line Custom Printout

Job: The default custom printout consists of one section with icons and several lines. For extensive measurement plans, this leads to several pages of printout. What you can do here is reduce this to one line per characteristic.

Note: To change the printout, you must be familiar with common graphics programs as well as understand the relationship between printout header and feature list.

Calypso Advanced Course


Worksheet 8.1: One-line Custom Printout Procedure:

1. Open the Calypso graphics program: Resources Design Custom Printout Characteristic 2. Click on the Load (= open folder) icon Note: All printout formats (header, characteristic, feature...) are in a directory under C:\om\protform\... When you open this graphics program for the first time the file C:\opt\om\protform\default\cffra.gra is always loaded. If this file is changed in the default folder, the version supplied is destroyed. For this reason you must first save it under a different name!

3. Overwrite the name as shown below:

4. Edit the characteristic display as follows: Delete the icon, move the entries, set vertical lines.


Calypso Advanced Course

Worksheet 8.1: One-line Custom Printout

5. If the position of nominal and actual values etc. are moved, the printout header must be adapted: Load the graphics program for the printout header: Resources Design Custom Printout Report Header File Editor When this graphics program is opened, the following file is always loaded C:\opt\om\protform\default\vphead.gra. Here as well you must save the single line folder under another name straightaway. 6. Edit according to how the characteristic looks. Title and numerical value must be beneath one another.

Note: Check how this looks by printing out on the printer. If the first time the titles are not correct, then change this till you have what you want. 7. Also edit the printout header for follow-on pages: Resources Design Custom Printout Report Header File Editor When this graphics program is opened, the following file is always loaded C:\opt\om\protform\default\header.gra. This is the printout header for the follow-on pages from page two.

8. Assign this new printout header to a measurement plan: Resources Format Custom Printout Output format: one-line 9. The result you will get is illustrated on the next page.

Calypso Advanced Course


Worksheet 8.1: One-line Custom Printout

You can change the printout header in the same way. To do this load the vphead.gra file and edit.


Calypso Advanced Course

Worksheet 8.2: User Defined Output

Worksheet 8.2: User Defined Output

Job: The default custom printout is to be replaced by a printout showing a graphics display of the work piece. The characteristics should be on the side and refer to the relevant features in the illustration.

Note: To change the printout, you must be familiar with common graphics programs as well as understand the relationship between printout header and feature list.

Calypso Advanced Course


Worksheet 8.3: Log design Procedure:

1. Create measurement plan with characteristics.

Open the Calypso graphics program: Resources Design Custom Printout User Defined Output 2. Click on the Load icon (=open folder) Note: The printout header formats for the user-defined category are found in a separate folder.

3. Insert picture from screen.


Calypso Advanced Course

Worksheet 8.3: Log layout

5. Note the list of available characteristics. By clicking, you enter the characteristics in the form and align the features on the side.

6. Format the page so that it fits the print area of your printer. File Format

7. Assign characteristic to graphics using arrows.

8. Now all that is missing is the printout header itself. You can generate a new header; the simplest way of doing this is to copy the header of a default printout into the form.

Calypso Advanced Course


Worksheet 8.3: Log design

9. The output must now be modified for the measurement plan, which is opened: Resources Format Custom Printout Here the list output is deactivated and the user defined printout activated. If this step is not done, then the printer will output both printouts.

10. Start the run and check the printout.


Calypso Advanced Course

Worksheet 8.3: Log layout

Worksheet 8.3: Log design

Job: Several changes to the log are to be carried out in this section. As the available options are of a very diverse nature, this section only serves as an introduction and, of course, does not show all possibilities. 1. Attach a comment to the measurement characteristic 2. Insert a text element in the measurement plan 3. Insert a log header variable in the characteristic (PCM function) 4. Save compact log 5. Generate a user-defined log header field

1 Job:


Attach a comment to the measurement characteristic

Create a measurement plan with useful characteristics and consider both presentation and compact logs. Shown here without a comment, the characteristic diameter should be assigned a comment.

Calypso Advanced Course


Worksheet 8.3: Log design

Select the diameter and right mouse click to rename the characteristic.

Enter a commentary text, which should comprise at least two lines here as an example.

Display of the log after a new run:

Please note that the length of the characteristic in the presentation log is increased if the comment extends over several lines.

8 - 10

Calypso Advanced Course

Worksheet 8.3: Log layout


Job: Insert text element

Select the text element from the toolbox and insert it at a relevant place in the measurement plan. Important: The appearance of the text is subject to the usual rules for a characteristicsoriented run. The appearance of the log may influence the text element through selective CNC runs or program changes.

Start the CNC run with all measuring characteristics. The logs appear as follows.

Calypso Advanced Course

8 - 11

Worksheet 8.3: Log design

3 Job: Insert a variable into the log Variable This job can only be carried out with the PCM option. The exercise involves selecting the part number incremental from the log header variables, familiar from earlier exercises and inserting them into a characteristic as a comment. Bear in mind that this example only serves to give an idea of the complex options for linking variables using formulas. Think out your own applications as a means of consolidating the subject. Sequence: Take the diameter from the previous example, open it and delete the comment. Now click the right mouse in the commentary field and select Formula. Enter in the formula field: The function "getRecordHead()" reads a variable from the list of log header variables, in this case the variable "partnbinc". This is the part number incremental.

The log now shows the part number as a comment.

4 Job: Save compact log The compact log is stored as a text file. Name of the text file: "cprotokoll.txt" in the measurement plan directory: ...calypso\opt\om\workarea\inspections\<measurement plan name> Work out a routine whereby the compact log is automatically saved to another directory or onto disk following completion of a CNC run.


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Calypso Advanced Course

Worksheet 8.3: Log layout

5th Job: Generate a user-defined log header field This function allows you to design the log header with freely defined field names. Preparation:

Orientate yourself in Explorer: this requires the file "userfields.txt" to be edited. It is found in the directory ...Calypso\opt\om\protform and has e.g. the following content:

Each individual line defines a new field according to the following rules (also see User Manual): You will, for example, see the following three lines in the file userfields.txt: u_field1,FELD 1,RE u_field2,FELD 2,R u_field3,FELD 3,E

Element Name Description Display control

Significance used in the result file, must begin with u_ is shown in dialogs E = appears in dialog when editing, R = appears in dialog at CNC start, RE = appears in both dialogs

You can generate any number of further filed according to this principle; other fields may already be defined in Calypso: u_company,WERK:,RE u_run_number,Bearbeitung:,R u_examble,BEISPIEL:',E

Calypso Advanced Course

8 - 13

Worksheet 8.3: Log design

Application: The log header should appear as follows:

Generate three new fields according to the above pattern: u_machine,Machine-Number:,RE u_shift,User Shift:,RE u_username,User Name:,RE Save the file "userfields.txt". These fields are now available. Open the log header editor in the normal way.

The new fields are now offered. Place these fields in the log header such that the desired display appears.

8 - 14

Calypso Advanced Course

Worksheet 9: Probe Route Optimization Worksheet 9: Optimizing Probe Routes 9.1 Probe route optimization with probe head predeflection

Job: Probe route optimization with probe head predeflection During movement of the CMM, the measuring probe head is predeflected. This means that if a collision occurs, the braking path which is possible is increased due to this higher deflection path. This predeflection however may by a hindrance when probing in blind holes or on narrow edges.

Example: Point P1 is to be probed 0.5 mm from the surface P_Ref. If P1 is approached directly from the SG-X safety plane, the probe ball may briefly come into contact with the surface P_Ref (due to the probe head deflection). Probe route optimization: A local coordinate system P_loc is formed with P_Ref as origin. The nominal coordinates of P_Ref are increased in the opposite direction to the material in X. This then takes into consideration possible large fluctuations in the material. The P1 probing point is approached in the P_loc coordinate system. P1 and P_ref are set to a new safety group SG-X_loc. (CNC/Navigation/Safety Group). The probe is then only retracted to the safety distance. The safety distance of P_Ref must be selected relatively small to P1. If necessary, the speed for P1 and P_Ref can be reduced in the measurement plane editor-features page.

Calypso Advanced Course


Worksheet 9: Probe Route Optimization

Note: This reduction in speed is only effective for travel movements in the feature from the safety distance (not from the safety cube!) If necessary, you can set additional intermediate positions in the P1 feature before and after the probing. You must set the intermediate positions so that the travel path part is the greatest in the direction of P1. Intermediate positions are accepted if the push button in the XY joystick on the control panel is pressed when the P1 feature is open. As an alternative to this, an intermediate position can be created in the P1 feature strategy window using the Intermediate position icon. To evaluate P1, the relevant coordinate system must be recalled.


Calypso Advanced Course

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