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Black Light Newsletter Vol.

1 Edition 9 September 26th, 2011


1. Did you know that they built a ship called the Aurora? Did you know that!!!! They took money from a project called Stealth (The F-117A Stealth Fighter Plane) that was revealed to the public in 1988 A.D. and was used for the mars project. They called this Money Black Money. They told people they were using the money for the stealth project but instead they were building THE AURORA.

2. Did you know that the word AURORA according to the World Book Encyclopedia, Volume A, Aurora means THE GODDESS OF DAWN IN ROMAN MYTHOLOGY WHO OPENED THE GATES OF HEAVEN FOR THE SUN GOD EVERY MORNING. THE ANCIENT GREEKS CALLED HER EOS. SHE AND THE MORAL, TITHONUS, HAD A SON, MEMNON. MORNING DEWDROPS ON THE GRASS ARE THE TEARS AURORA SHED WHEN MEMNON WAS KILLED AT TROY. AURORA ALSO LOVED THE HUNTER ORION AND RESTORED HIS SIGHT. SHE IS SAID TO BE THE MOTHER OF THE WINDS. THE WORD, AURORA, REFERS TO THE FIRST LIGHT OF DAWN. 3. The craft named AURORA is The Northrop B-2 Stealth Bomber that was Introduced by the air force. It resembles a flying wing and was designed to evade enemy radar while carrying nuclear weapons and is housed at AREA 51, which makes REGULAR TRIPS INTO SPACE. It is a one stage take off from a T.A.V. (Trans Atmospheric Vehicle) and it can take off from the ground using its own power and land on the same runaway. The establishment currently has and flies atomic powered Extraterrestrial Type Crafts AT AREA S-R IN NEVADA. 4. The pilots have made interplanetary Voyages in these crafts and have been to the MOON, MARS, AND VENUS and this is the real state of technology today. 5. Did you know that they made a movie called COCOON, which was really about THE ETHERIANS whom they called ANTHARIANS coming to earth to get their CHILDREN? MAC AND ME, was about Extraterrestrials coming to earth and living a normal life amongst humans which is something that has already taken place. And if you didnt know- MAC was a real extraterrestrial!

6. One of the movies released in 1993 A.D. was FIRE IN THE SKY. This movie was suppose to be based on a true story of the abduction of a man named TRAVIS WALTON by a group of extraterrestrials called the grays. However, there is a part of the story told by TRAVIS WALTON that was not told in the movie, TRAVIS tells how he escaped and ran into the hallway of the ship, the Grays teleported him and saw another group of beings, but they looked like humans. This group were THE HUMANOIDS from THE ASHTAR FLEET COMMAND to whom the Grays are subservient. 7. Did you know that these kind of movies and many others are just to spoon feed you to get you to see the reality that life does exist outside of your planet? 8. Do you know the real purpose of NASA? NASA Is the establishments way of looking for a way out of this world spinning on a course of destruction, to search for a new world to inhabit and Destroy, The formation of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, NASA was in 1958 A.D. It Is said to conduct and coordinate U.S. Non-Military research into problems of flight within and beyond the planet earths atmosphere. 9. NASA helps the planet earth obtain information about other planets and outer space, and they act as a resource of information on events that occur outside of your immediate atmosphere. It is no wonder that the NASA was chosen for this organization, because it ties into the Ashuric /Syriac (Arabic) NASAR word meaning TO AID, TO ASSIST, there is also a similarity in the phonetics of both the words, NASA, and NASAR in Aramic (Hebrew) the word NASA, means TO TAKE UP, TO LIFT UP. They are getting information from beings from ALDEBARAN..

10. The scientists contacted these beings from ALDEBARAN, when they landed on MARS. The secret code to get information was HIGH JUMP. These beings are humanoids from THE ASHTAR FLEET COMMAND and they are originally from ALDEBARAN, living in PLEIADES now. THE ASHTAR FLEET COMMAND are the same extraterrestrials who influenced ADOLF HITLER, who was the dictator of Germany from 1933 A.D. to 1945 A.D. During World War II, THE ASHTAR FLEET COMMAND gave them the technology for crafts referred to as the AURORA, which can go straight from earth and land on MARS. They have been using this quietly and have been keeping it as the STEALTH. The name and monies that developed it under HITLERS THIRD REICH still exist to this very day. 11. EXTRATERRESTRIALS WILL ELIMINATE 75% of the population on earth. And that is because this planet is full of resources and it is conducive for many life forms in the universe. Some extraterrestrials want to live here, while others want the natural resources and will return to their planet. In order to achieve this, they have to ELIMINATE 75% of the worlds population. The fastest way to get rid of you is through your EMOTIONS. EMOTIONS are simply ENERGY IN MOTION. Emotions become dangerous, when they become in MOTION. It is these emotions that cause fights which lead to wars. Because the extraterrestrials know this, it makes it twice as easy to eliminate you. It will all boil down to the survival of the fittest, Meaning. ONLY THOSE WHO KNOW HOW TO SURVIVE WILL MAKE IT. 12. If man can develop a true social memory complex such as aligned mass consciousness or integrated biospheric entity, in the All, all that is needed now is 144,000 beings to be integrated as one, AWARENESS OF AWARENESS unit in creation that is a natural state. Each individual still maintains the individual unique nature which is the sum total of its combined experiences. Its basic differentiated identity as a spiritual entity aware of its immortality despite the use of an organic genetic entity (THE BODY), YOU MUST BREED THE REPTILIAN OUT OF YOUR GENES.

THIS WILL TAKE 1,000 YEARS CALLED THE MILLENNIUM. 13.The aim is to help you help yourselves by bringing humans to their full potential. IF THIS CANNOT BE DONE HERE, THE ANUNNAQI WILL REAP THE SMALLER HARVEST OF HUMAN SOULS AND RELOCATE THEM FOR ADVANCED SCHOOLING TO THE CRYSTAL CITY or in the event of a natural disaster. This smaller harvest is referring to the 144,000. 14. God Consciousness, or the first stage being in THE ALL, is started at THE 4th DENSITY up on to THE 9th DENSITY is Awe- Inspiring to humans of THE 3rd DENSITY. It is far more demanding to develop the full spectrum of awareness. It is up to individuals to create their destiny. 15. Did you know that RIZIQIYIANS CAN TRAVEL INTERDIMENSIONALLY? They have the ability to TRAVEL within many TIME FRAMES AND DENSITY LEVELS, as well as in between and out of your VERY DREAMS. Many other entities lack this capability. They depend on a BEAM CRAFT FOR INTERSTELLAR TRAVEL. THE RIZQIYIANS ASTRALLY TRAVEL FROM LOCATION TO LOCATION OR PERCEPTION TO PERCEPTION as a natural function. THE RIZQIYIAN crafts are called SHAMS and are constructed in one piece as an aware living crystal. It looks like a crown to your eyes. 16. Did you know that THE KINGDOM OF SALAAM was an ULTRAADVANCED CIVILIZATION that existed before the separation of ARABIA from AFRICA? The parting of AFRICA did not come until the MORTALS (DESCENDANTS OF SETH AND LABUWDA) RAINED DOWN ON THE MOUNTAINS. They sought to destroy the Inhabitants for fear of their scientific experiments. These mortals did not understand the light that these SCIENTISTS used which came from THE SUN. This light shined on a certain point of a stone, which was cut by no mans hand, that broke down the lights of the SUN into SEVEN DIFFERENT COLORS, which filtered out the RIGHT

OF LIGHT TO CUT METAL AND MOUNTAINS (THE LASER). 17. Did you know that the TWENTY THREE ELDERS are beings who came down from the heavens to give humans knowledge, wisdom, and an overstanding? They were HIGH PRIESTS after THE ORDER OF MELCHIZEDEK. They initiated the MATH and SCIENCES. The Theory of RELATIVITY was initiated by THE ELDERS and given to humans as the necessary knowledge; THE TWENTY THREE ELDERS established MYSTERY SCHOOLS.

As given to us by the Master Teacher

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Mut Sent Nehisi

Ra-et Merit Seshat

Hira Nebt Ankh

Anuket Maat Re

Setep Kher Atum

Amen Ra

Khety Mery Ib Sutukh Meduty Atun-Re

Harkhuf Kefa Atun Re

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