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Abuse: Drugs Audience Feedback

1. Did you think the opening sequence was effective?

2. Are the sound levels of good quality?

3. Are the voiceovers clear and understandable?

4. Do you feel that the documentary runs smoothly?

5. Would you agree that the documentary is informative about drug abuse?

6. Is there a good use of facts and statistics?

7. Do you think the interviews were good or not?

8. Do you think the vox pops are appropriate?

9. Does it appeal to our target audience? (16-35)

10.What improvements would you make? I.e. sound, camera angles, camera being steady etc.

Radio Trailer:
11.Was our radio trailer easy to understand?

12.Would listening to our radio trailer make you more inclined to watch the documentary?

13.Were the sound levels consistent throughout?

14.Do you think that our radio trailer suits BBC Radio 1?

15.What improvements would you make to our radio trailer?

Double Page Spread:

16.Do you think there is sufficient amount of text?

17. Are the pictures of good quality?

18. Do you think that this article would be appropriate in the

Radio Times?

19. Is the text easy to read and understand?

20. What improvements would you make to the Double Page


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