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<Golly-chan>Sibbi: *Over the river and through the woods, to Gisele's house they go!

He's wearing the shadows over himself to keep his modesty, using them as a black toga. He's in cheerful spirits today, and he's been chatting the entire walk about clothing or hair or whatever Sibbis talk about when excited* 02:12:32 AM<prupelallitraitor>Addy: *en route to his own destination, assuming he has one, and hears Bell and Sibbi nearby* 02:12:45 AM<prupelallitraitor>wait i'm assuming bell's with sibbi oops]] 02:12:51 AM<Caity-Mayhem>Bell: *is trying her best to ignore Sibbi's chatter, holding Rickets under her arm* Sibbi, can you be quiet for thirty seconds?
02:14:00 AM<Golly-chan>Sibbi:

Why? My stories are wonderful! And it's so much

nicer to travel while talking, isn't it? Better than boring silence. 02:14:42 AM<prupelallitraitor>Addy: *rolls his eyes and decides to stay hidden for now* 02:18:40 AM<Caity-Mayhem>Bell: Thirty seconds. That's all I'm asking for. 02:20:10 AM<Golly-chan>Sibbi: Oh, fine. *He stops talking, trying to count to thirty in his head* 02:22:00 AM<prupelallitraitor>Addy:/b> *herpdaderps along, coincidentally going in the same direction as the pair. 02:22:05 AM<prupelallitraitor>whoops]] 02:22:09 AM<prupelallitraitor>Addy: *herpdaderps along, coincidentally going in the same direction as the pair. 02:23:48 AM<Caity-Mayhem>Bell: *counting as well, seeing how long Sibbi can actually last* 02:25:13 AM<Golly-chan>Sibbi: *twenty, twenty-one-- whatever that's long enough* There, thirty seconds. 02:25:15 AM<Blood-and-Spice>Gisele: *waiting for a soup to cook while she's sitting on her front porch dock kinda thing, humming to herself* 02:27:16 AM<Caity-Mayhem>Bell: Sibbi that was eighteen. *sighs* Please attempt to be on your best behavior with Giselle today. 02:28:35 AM<prupelallitraitor>Addy: *pauses and pops out of the shrubbery close to them* 02:35:12 AM<Golly-chan>Sibbi: Of course, I-- AH*AOIHGOAH WHOA HI ADDY* Addy! What were you doing in there? 02:40:11 AM<Caity-Mayhem>Bell: *turns to look at Addy, holding Rickets tight* Oh, hello there. Are you going to see Giselle as well Addy? 02:46:08 AM<prupelallitraitor>Addy: *blinks* N-no. Um I-I was going somewhere else. 02:49:31 AM<Golly-chan>Sibbi: Where? *tilts his head* 02:51:55 AM<Caity-Mayhem>Bell: Oh, pardon me. Are you walking the same way at least? 02:53:45 AM<prupelallitraitor>Addy: Something like that. I, uh, I'll stop bothering you two since you're busy. Tell Gisele I-I say hi. 02:55:14 AM<Golly-chan>Sibbi: We will! We're not far. Look, Bell. *Points up ahead, already seeing Gisele's place* 03:01:06 AM** prupelallitraitorhas left [connection closed] 03:01:48 AM<Caity-Mayhem>Bell: Of course, Addy. We will tell her for you. *waves as they start walking again* I'm excited to see her again. 03:02:41 AM<Blood-and-Spice>Gisele: *looks in their direction when they approach* 03:03:22 AM<Golly-chan>Sibbi: *Waves, too* Hello, Gisele! 03:05:28 AM<Caity-Mayhem>Bell: *hopping a little as she makes her way up to the stairs* Hello Giselle. 03:06:24 AM<Blood-and-Spice>Gisele: *she gives them both a small wave* Hello again. 03:06:40 AM** Jamie-Lhas joined 03:07:15 AM** Jamie-Lhas left [connection closed] 03:07:17 AM** Jamie-Lhas joined 03:07:33 AM<Golly-chan>Sibbi: *Attention goes right to that soup, but he quickly tries to look back at the woman again* I hope we aren't interrupting your lunch! We were hoping to talk to you.

03:08:45 AM<Caity-Mayhem>Bell: *hadn't really noticed the soup, wandering over to the

pot* Yes, I am sorry if we are interrupting. What is this? 03:10:12 AM<Blood-and-Spice>Gisele: Nothing much. Just dinner.... New fashion style? 03:14:07 AM<Golly-chan>Sibbi: New fashion? I've been sporting some new fashions, myself. *Proudly points to his shadow toga* 03:15:30 AM<Caity-Mayhem>Bell: *refrains from rolling her eyes* That's what she means, Sibbi. *looking up at Giselle* We were hoping you might be able to help us with that, or point us to someone who might. Sibbi got his clothes burned to bits. 03:18:55 AM<Blood-and-Spice>Gisele: I may have something old for him I can get rid of. *gets up, walking towards her hut* It will cost you though. 03:23:05 AM<Golly-chan>Sibbi: Oh, I don't mind paying! I could make you some jewelry for it. *Smiles hopefully, following Giselle inside* 03:27:11 AM<Caity-Mayhem>Bell: *follows, pinching Sibbi's arm* Sibbi. Do not agree to pay when you do not know what the payment is. What would you like in return, Giselle, if I may ask. 03:28:41 AM<Blood-and-Spice>Gisele: A boar would be nice.
03:29:43 AM<Golly-chan>Sibbi: Ow--

*rubs his delicate baby skin where he was

pinched* A boar will be easy to get. Deal. 03:32:24 AM<Caity-Mayhem>Bell: *looks and Sibbi like 'what did I just pinch you for' and pinches him again* When would you need it? Pardon Sibbi's enthusiasm. 03:34:13 AM<Blood-and-Spice>Gisele: *she chuckles* Tomorrow night. 03:35:19 AM<Golly-chan>Sibbi: Ow! Easy enough. Deal. 03:37:53 AM<Caity-Mayhem>Bell: *gets on her tiptoes to grab Sibbi's ear and yank him down to her level* Do not make promises you cannot keep. When was the last time you killed a boar? 03:40:12 AM<Blood-and-Spice>Gisele: Just watching amused* 03:41:56 AM<Golly-chan>Sibbi: *AOIHFAOIH. He feels his face get all red with embarrassment, trying to pull out of Bell's grip. 'Omg Bell don't treat me like a kid in front of da council lady sobbu'* It was a while ago, but I -have- killed a boar! And I need the clothing. She's giving me plenty of time. 03:42:48 AM<Caity-Mayhem>Bell: By yourself Sibbi. When was the last time you killed a boar by yourself. 03:44:01 AM<Blood-and-Spice>Gisele: *raising an eyebrow at the two* 03:45:09 AM<Golly-chan>Sibbi: Err... never. But if I use my powers, surely I could do it... 03:46:00 AM<Caity-Mayhem>Bell: *huffs and lets go of him* Forgive me, I didn't mean to make a scene. I am trying to teach my partner the importance of not making promises he can't keep. 03:46:31 AM<Blood-and-Spice>Gisele: If he can not keep the promise, let him fail. 03:48:16 AM<Golly-chan>Sibbi: What else do you suggest I do, Bell? I can't go on in just my underwear. 03:50:06 AM<Caity-Mayhem>Bell: *crosses her arms, squishing Rickets to her chest* Well . . . I suppose. I am worried you will die. I will help you kill the boar. 03:51:28 AM<Blood-and-Spice>Gisele: I hope you will not do it for him. 03:52:22 AM<Golly-chan>Sibbi: No, she will not do it for me. I'll make sure. Just out of curiosity, what do you need it for...? 03:53:02 AM<Caity-Mayhem>Bell: I will not do it for him, I will just assure that he does not die. 03:53:35 AM<Blood-and-Spice>Gisele: Food?
03:54:13 AM<Golly-chan>Sibbi: Oh.

Well don't worry! I will do my best to get it

for you.
03:54:41 AM<Caity-Mayhem>Bell: *really does roll her eyes this time* Thank you Giselle,

it is much appreciated.

03:55:12 AM<Blood-and-Spice>Gisele: *walks into her house, coming out with a long,

plain white dress* Here you go. 03:56:54 AM<Golly-chan>Sibbi: .................................... 03:57:21 AM<Caity-Mayhem>Bell: That's pretty. But I do not know ow practical it wil be for hunting. 03:57:26 AM<Caity-Mayhem>*know how 03:58:12 AM<Blood-and-Spice>Gisele: It is clothes. 04:01:25 AM<Golly-chan>Sibbi: *Stares at Gisele like she has two heads* I cannot wear a dress. Don't you have any pants? 04:01:36 AM<Caity-Mayhem>Bell: Very true, it is clothes. And Sibbi failed to specify beyond that. Sibbi, don't be rude. 04:02:02 AM<Blood-and-Spice>Gisele: If you don't want it, then I'll keep it. 04:07:41 AM** Black-Ratchethas left [connection closed] 04:07:56 AM<Golly-chan>Sibbi: But-- *fFFFFF* I.... I suppose I will take it? Pehaps I could modify it to not be.... a dress. 04:08:57 AM<Caity-Mayhem>Bell: Or pehaps just shorten it a little, tie it up in the back. So you can move. If that's alright with you Giselle, it is your dress. 04:11:27 AM<Blood-and-Spice>Gisele: If you bring me the boar it's all his. 04:15:55 AM<Golly-chan>Sibbi: Alright... *lol uncomfortable, but tries to tell himself it's better than nothing* Thank you. 04:16:43 AM<Caity-Mayhem>Bell: *sighs a bit. This could end so badly* It is a fair enough deal, I suppose. Thank you very much. *looking up at Giselle, tugging on her skirt* I also have something to ask, if you do not mind. 04:21:35 AM<Blood-and-Spice>Gisele: *holds it out to him* Yes dear? 04:24:22 AM<Golly-chan>Sibbi: *Takes dress* <8( 04:25:01 AM<Caity-Mayhem>Bell: Perhaps one day, when you are not busy, may I train with you? I know your shadow skills far surpass my own, but I would like to learn all that I can. *still hugging Rickets close, trying not to rock back on her heels like she does when she has to ask for something* 04:26:21 AM<Blood-and-Spice>Gisele: If you would like, I'd be happy to. 04:28:27 AM<Golly-chan>Sibbi: Ah! I would like to train with you, too. *all the eager* I practiced as you said. I can fill a room with shadows now~ 04:30:46 AM<Caity-Mayhem>Bell: *rocks back on her heels* Perhaps though, one day you could train with just me. Sibbi has been improving, but I feel that I have lost some level of skill here in this place, and I would like to regain that, if I could. So I can properly train with my partner. 04:32:34 AM<Blood-and-Spice>Gisele: Oh can you? *she gives an amused hum* Alright. Just visit me sometime alone then. 04:34:11 AM<Golly-chan>Sibbi: Could I visit you for private training, too? *hopeful desu smile desu* I spoke to Eztli about training with you. 04:35:22 AM<Caity-Mayhem>Bell: *tilts her head* Would you not like something in return for your time? *trying not to frown when Etzli is mentioned* 04:38:29 AM<Blood-and-Spice>Gisele: *she chuckles a little. * Very well. The company is enough payment. I could use some exercise anyway. 04:38:31 AM** aomaoehas left [connection closed] 04:40:32 AM<Caity-Mayhem>Bell: *smiling* Do you mean it? 04:40:40 AM<Golly-chan>Sibbi: *Notices Bell's slight reaction, and he reaches over to poke her cheek* Don't do that each time I mention him. *Then he looks at Gisele again* Really? I imagine you have plenty of exercise living out here. 04:43:37 AM<Blood-and-Spice>Gisele: *nods* I suppose my every day life may seem tedious for someone allowed to be so lazy. 04:43:56 AM** Jamie-Lhas left [connection closed] 04:44:36 AM<Caity-Mayhem>Bell: *GDI Sibbi with the touching* I do not know to what you are referring. *bites her tongue at Giselle's retort- this is good don't screw it up because you're partner's a bum* We try to keep active. 04:47:03 AM<Golly-chan>Sibbi: *asoigha sputters for a moment* L-- I-I am not lazy! Neither is Bell. We train together all the time! Right, Bell? 04:48:35 AM<Blood-and-Spice>Gisele: All of the time?

04:50:31 AM<Caity-Mayhem>Bell: *raises an eyebrow at Sibbi* When I can find him.

We've been working on strength training. But I would most certainly appreciate more activity in my day. 04:53:29 AM<Golly-chan>Sibbi: And we were going to work on 'focus training', too. *Says that all proudly, derp* 04:54:53 AM<Blood-and-Spice>Gisele: mmhmm... Something you need work on I imagine. 04:56:30 AM<Caity-Mayhem>Bell: *sounds very, very tired* Yes. We need to work on focus a lot.
04:57:33 AM<Golly-chan>Sibbi: What's that supposed to mean... 04:57:44 04:58:52 04:59:19 05:00:02 05:00:25 AM<Blood-and-Spice>Gisele: you have horrible focus. AM** Caity-Mayhemhas left [timed out] AM<Golly-chan>Sibbi: I don't! I can focus well, when I want to. AM<Blood-and-Spice>Gisele: Oh can you? AM<Golly-chan>Sibbi: I can. *Gives her a bit confident smile so that she knows

he means it* train it?

05:05:56 AM<Blood-and-Spice>Gisele: *just smiles* Alright. Then why do you need to 05:07:55 AM<Golly-chan>Sibbi: Ah. *blinkblink* Well. It doesn't hurt to train more, right?

You should practice even things that you can do properly, so that you don't get rusty. 05:09:51 AM<Blood-and-Spice>Gisele: *laughs* Of course. 05:13:56 AM<Golly-chan>Sibbi: You don't believe me. At least believe that I've gotten better with the shadows-- do you want to see me do that trick? *brightens up a bit, wants to be a show-off* 05:14:18 AM<Blood-and-Spice>Gisele: Very well. Show me. 05:19:23 AM<Golly-chan>Sibbi: *Aww yiss. He sets down his lovely dress, and then focuses. Starting with his shadow toga, he starts to carefully expand it, gradually covering the room in darkness* See~? 05:21:34 AM<Golly-chan>*HE WENT INSIDE THEH OUSE FRIST I GUESS 05:23:00 AM<Blood-and-Spice>Gisele: * chuckles* Well at least you're learning. A little. The room is quite small. 05:26:05 AM<Golly-chan>Sibbi: *Retracts those shadows back onto himself* 'A little'! You're a hard teacher to impress, aren't you? *Grins teasingly at her* Why don't you show -me- something impressive, hm? 05:28:44 AM<Blood-and-Spice>Gisele: And what would you find impressive? 05:30:21 AM<Golly-chan>Sibbi: Show me some of the interesting tricks you know. I will show you mine, if you show me yours. *Waves his hand again, sending a little shadow butterfly to flutter up and around Gisele's head* 05:32:18 AM<Blood-and-Spice>Gisele: Puppetry. *she chuckles* Is that in yur interests? *a bird comes and swallows the butterfly whole* 05:34:01 AM<Golly-chan>Sibbi: *Omfg his poor butterfly* I suppose it is~ I enjoy making shapes with the shadows. Bell says that I'm better at creating than destroying with them. *Makes that bird explode into little shadow flowers, that gently float down to the floor* 05:36:05 AM<Blood-and-Spice>Gisele: *she smiles holding back another laugh* There is power in creating as there is power in destroying. 05:37:06 AM<Golly-chan>Sibbi: Really? I did not think making shadow puppets could be much use for anything except entertainment. 05:39:21 AM<Blood-and-Spice>Gisele: It depends on yur situation and your setting. * moves her hand slightly and a shadowy figure that looks like Sibbi is suddenly standing beside sibbi*

05:40:15 AM<Golly-chan>Sibbi: *WOW WTF. He yelps and stumbles back a bit, caught by

surprise. Then once he's over the initial shock, he leans in all close to inspect it* ...Handsome.

05:41:13 AM<Blood-and-Spice>Shadow Sibbi: *it's face grows twisted and gets a wicked

grin* him*

05:42:11 AM<Golly-chan>Sibbi: *leans back* That.... is not so handsome... 05:42:47 AM<Blood-and-Spice>Shadow Sibbi: *grows claws and starts stepping towards 05:43:19 AM<Golly-chan>Sibbi: *Does not want. He automatically starts backing up a bit*

05:44:27 05:46:17 05:46:49 05:47:55


AM<Blood-and-Spice>Gisele: Yes? AM<Golly-chan>Sibbi: Why is it doing that. AM<Blood-and-Spice>Gisele: Because I'm telling it too. AM<Golly-chan>Sibbi: *Ends up bumping into a wall, no more room to back up*

05:49:08 AM<Blood-and-Spice>Shadow Sibbi: * goes to claw at him* 05:49:49 AM<Golly-chan>Sibbi:


05:53:18 AM<Blood-and-Spice>Shadow Sibbi: *turns into a bunny and hops on his


05:54:58 AM<Golly-chan>Sibbi: *Was preparing himself for pain, but all he gets is a

shadow bunny. He stares at it for a moment, then puts his shield down and stares at Gisele instead* Do you like giving people heart attacks? 05:56:46 AM<Blood-and-Spice>Gisele: It's a gift. 05:57:42 AM<Golly-chan>Sibbi: What is? 05:58:57 AM<Blood-and-Spice>Gisele: Giving heart attacks. 06:04:07 AM<Golly-chan>Sibbi: Well you're certainly good at it. *Wipes the shadow bunny off of his shoulder, then laughs a little* But that trick, making a copy of someone... I like it! Let me try it with you. Stand still. 06:05:37 AM<Blood-and-Spice>Gisele: *just watchin'* 06:09:12 AM<Golly-chan>Sibbi: *He can do butterflies and flowers with no problem, but he's never tried to make a full shadow person. So he starts small, literally. Makes a little mini shadow Gisele on top of her head* 06:10:34 AM<Blood-and-Spice>Gisele: .... That wont convince anyone. 06:15:49 AM<Golly-chan>Sibbi: Just one moment! I'm practicing. *Pop, another mini gisele on her shoulder* 06:16:47 AM<Blood-and-Spice>Gisele: There doesn't need to be two of me. 06:19:26 AM<Golly-chan>Sibbi: Still practicing~ *Mini Giseles, mini Giseles everywhere. Just puts a couple more on her shoulders and head, a couple rolling off from the overcrowding* 06:21:21 AM<Blood-and-Spice>Gisele:</b . . . 06:28:32 AM<Golly-chan>Sibbi: Alright, that's enough practice. Let me try for real. *He doesn't bother to get rid of the mini gissies, leaving them on her. But he raises up another, full-sized Gisele in front of her. It's not perfect, but it's at least a fair attempt to replicate her* 06:29:11 AM<Blood-and-Spice>Gisele: *raises her eyebrows* 06:34:52 AM<Golly-chan>Sibbi: What do you think? *Strolls around to stand beside her, admiring the Gishadow* It needs some tweeking, I suppose. Minor fixes. But not bad for my first shot! 06:35:32 AM<Blood-and-Spice>Gisele: No, it's not. You have potential in puppetry. 06:38:53 AM<Golly-chan>Sibbi: You think so? *Is just excited as heck to hear that. He looks so very pleased with himself* I do it all the time for fun. I did not even think to use it as

anything else. *He lets everything but his shadow toga disappear, it's tiring him out to have so much going on at once* 06:40:29 AM<Blood-and-Spice>Gisele: It will require a lot of focus to be able to control multiple forms and keep them solid however. 06:42:11 AM<Golly-chan>Sibbi: I'm sure it will. But I'm fully prepared to train myself, until I can do it well! I promised Eztli that I would train hard. Would you be willing to help me learn? I'll listen to whatever your instructions are. 06:43:39 AM<Blood-and-Spice>Gisele: Yes, another night perhaps. 06:44:56 AM<Golly-chan>Sibbi: Certainly! I need to be spending my time hunting down a boar, after all. We can talk about it after I've hunted. 06:50:45 AM<Blood-and-Spice>Gisele: Indeed. take care of the dress until then. 06:51:27 AM<Golly-chan>Sibbi: I will. I'll.... see if a friend of mine can help me make it into something else. <8I *Picks up dat dress* Thank you, again. 06:53:09 AM<Blood-and-Spice>Gisele: Do not let this one go to waste Sibbi. 06:55:15 AM<huina>) 06:56:35 AM** huinahas left [connection closed] 06:57:11 AM<Golly-chan>Sibbi: I'll try to be more careful with it. I will see you again soon! *Waves at her, and heads out with his pretty dressu* 06:59:44 AM<Blood-and-Spice>Gisele: *gives him a small wave and goes to tend to her soup*

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