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Part 1; Omnipresent = Present everywhere Radioactive = Exhibiting or caused by radioactivity Unduly = Undue degree, unimportant Beamingly = happily, cheerfully

Ruminating = reflect deeply on a subject Gesticulating = show, express or direct through movement Mercer = a dealer in textiles Oats = grain Shrugged = a gesture involving the shoulders Hurriedly = in a hurried or hasty manner Confidential = given in confidence or in secret Abruptly = quickly and without warning Flattening = become flat or flatter Wander = move about aimlessly or without any destination Part 2; Abandonment = the act of giving something up Cosmic = inconceivably extended in space or time Grimacing = a contorted facial expression Retreating = a place of privacy; a place affording peace and quiet Superimposed = placed on or over something else Adequate = sufficient for the purpose Erratically = in an erratic unpredictable manner Gurgled = the bubbling sound of water Shuddered = shake as from cold Tongue less = expressed without speech Comprehend = to understand, get the meaning of something Faculty = the body of teachers and administrators at a school Malfunctioning = not performing or able to perform its regular function Stammering = Speak with sudden involuntary pauses Wrappers = the covering (usually paper or cellophane) in which something is wrapped

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