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Example portfolios

Home Personal Info Knowledge Skill Areas Resume

Tom Abbott
In this section:

Read, critically & actively, the social studies literature Effectively apply information technologies to teaching secondary social studies Apply multiple perspectives to understanding the social world in teaching secondary social studies Develop strategies for promoting social responsibility among secondary social studies students Apply an integrated understanding of concepts in the social sciences and history to teaching secondary social studies Plan and provide a variety of learning opportunities to meet the developmental needs of diverse learners that challenge secondary social students to think critically and creatively, be active learners, and interact with fellow students Design and use multiple assessment techniques that demand high level of performance among secondary social studies students Home Personal Info Knowledge Skill Areas Resume

Tom Abbott
In this section:

Culture & Cultural Diversity Time, Continuity & Change People, Places & Environment Individual development & Identity Interactions among Individuals, Groups & Institutions Power, Authority & Governance

Production, Distribution & Consumption Science, Technology & Society Global Connections Civic Ideal & Practices

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