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Light bulb invented by Thomas Alfa Edison in 1879. He is an American. In 1878, Joseph William Swan, thomas alfa Edison friends, try to make a light bulb but not perfect. The reason is a material in light bulb is not good. At 1879, Thomas alfa Edison try to continue Joseph William Swan work. He collect a various material over the world and try to found a good material by a thousand experiment. Finally he found a good material for light bulb and he make a perfect light bulb. Nowdays, we can use light bulb to help us do something and make our work easily. Light bulb have a positive effect was to reduce the risk of fire. Before the light bulb, people used flammable lamps. Usually kerosene and candles, that could be knocked over and start fires. Beside a positive effect, light bulb have a negative effect. The example is light bulbs use a lot of energy inefficiently, for the most part. Also, they are made with mercury, therefore they cannot be recycled and are in fact bad for the environment. Just another product that creates human waste. The conclusion, light bulb is one of famous inventions and give a big contributions in human life. Without light bulb we cant do anything in the night.

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