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The proposed chairmen of newly-approved banks are: Union Bank Limited -Shahidul Alam, Modhumoti Bank -- Humayun Kabir,

Farmers Bank -- Dr Mohiuddin Khan Alamgir, Meghna Bank -- AHN Ashiqur Rahman MP, Midland Bank -Moniruzzaman Khandker and South Bangla Agriculture and Commerce Bank -- SM Amjad Hossain. The approved six new commercial banks are Union Bank Limited, Modhumati Bank Limited, The Farmers Bank Limited, Meghna Bank Limited, South Bangla Agriculture and Commerce Bank and Midland Bank Limited while the NRB banks that got goahead signal are NRB Bank Limited (Nizam Chowdhury, USA), NRB Bank (Iqbal Ahmed, UK) and NRB Commercial Bank Limited (Farasat Ali (USA). The central bank will issue letters of intent (LoIs) to nine newly-approved commercial banks by next week, asking them to comply with the requirements and existing rules and regulations before getting licences.

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