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Brand Name Amplodipine Antianginal Antihypertensive Calcium channel blocker

Mechanism of action Inhibits the movement of calcium ions across the membranes of the cardiac and arterial muscles cells; inhibits transmembrane calcium flow, which results in the depression of impulse formation in specializes cardiac pacemaker cells.

Indication Angina pectoris due to coronary artery spasm. Chronic stable angina, alone or in combination of other drugs.

Contraindication Contraindication with allergy to amlodipine, impaired hepatic or renal function, sick sinus syndrome, heart block (second and third degree), lactation. Use cautiously with heart failure, pregnancy.

Side Effects nausea Vomiting Headache

Nursing Responsibility Monitor BP very carefully if patient is also in nitrates. Monitor cardiac rhythm regularly during stabilization of dosage and periodically during long term therapy. Administer drug without regard to meals.

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