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A. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Write the following sentences in the passive. They first developed the polio vaccine in the 1950s. To record you must press the red button and the black button at the same time. You should make the sandwiches just before you leave. People are sending blankets and clothes to the flood victims. Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone in 1876. The technicians were repairing my fax machine when I arrived. The crew will bury the sailor at sea. Toyota sells cars in many countries. They add sugar to fruit in order to make jam.

10. The tour guide showed us around the city. 11. She paid the workers three monthssalary when she closed down her business. 12. The boss has offered him a rise for his hard work. 13. Did you take the car to the garage yesterday? 14. We will call you when your turn comes. 15. My parents may give my brother the car for the first time tonight. 16. Do they clean the rooms every day? 17. They are painting their house this week. 18. Everyone in our school knows her well. 19. They are going to redecorate the room. 20. She didnt tell anyone about the phone call.


A. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Write the following sentences in the passive. They first developed the polio vaccine in the 1950s. To record you must press the red button and the black button at the same time. You should make the sandwiches just before you leave. People are sending blankets and clothes to the flood victims. Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone in 1876. The technicians were repairing my fax machine when I arrived. The crew will bury the sailor at sea. Toyota sells cars in many countries. They add sugar to fruit in order to make jam.

10. The tour guide showed us around the city. 11. She paid the workers three monthssalary when she closed down her business. 12. The boss has offered him a rise for his hard work. 13. Did you take the car to the garage yesterday? 14. We will call you when your turn comes. 15. My parents may give my brother the car for the first time tonight. 16. Do they clean the rooms every day? 17. They are painting their house this week. 18. Everyone in our school knows her well. 19. They are going to redecorate the room. 20. She didnt tell anyone about the phone call. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. The polio vaccine was first developed in ther 1950s. To record the red button and the black button must be pressed at the same time. The sandwiches should be made just before you leave. Blankets and clothes are being sent to the flood victims. The telephone was invented in 1876 by Alexander Graham Bell. My fax machine was being repaired when I arrived. The sailor will be buried at sea. Cars are sold by Toyota in many countries. Fruit is added to sugar in order to make jam.

10. We were shown around the city by the tour guide. 11. The workers were paid three monthssalary when her business was closed down. 12. He has been offered a rise for his hard work. 13. Was the car taken to the garage yesterday? 14. You will be called when your turn comes.

15. My brother may be given the car for the first time tonight. 16. Are the rooms cleaned every day? 17. Their house is being painted this week. 18. She is well known in our school. 19. The room is going to be redecorated. 20. No one was told about the phone call.

1.My boss sent me detailed instructions. 2.Sam's friend solved the problem. 3.The workers will complete the new road in the next year. 4.Paul is going to repair the car. 5.My brother forgot his wallet at the bank. 6.My sister will send a letter to my mother. 7.The little girl is drawing her pet. 8.She dropped her bag in the train. 9.My brother takes his medicine every day. 10.John and Fred will climb the Aconcagua Mountain. 11.My wife crashed the new car. 12.I opened the windows. 13.I drink a glass of water. 14.You did not send the parcel. 15.They did not catch the thieves. 16.ane has taken some photographs. 17.The passengers are going to visit the museum. 18.The teacher made a big mistake. 19.Mary was preparing a lot of food. Machu Picchu ruins in Peru will be known by Tommy. 1.Detailed instructions were sent to me by my boss. 2.The problem was solved by Sam's friend. 3.The new road will be completed in the next year by the workers. 4.The car is going to be repaired by Paul. 5.The wallet was forgotten at the bank by my brother. 6.A letter will be sent to my mother by my sister. 7.The pet is being drawn by the little girl. 8.The bag was dropped in the train by her. 9.The medicine is taken every day by my brother. The Aconcagua Mountain will be climbed by John and Fred. 1.The new car was crashed by my wife.

2.The windows were opened by me. 3.A glass of water is drunk by me. 4.The parcel was not sent by you. 5.The thieves were not caught by them. 6.Some photographs have been taken by Jane. 7.The museum is going to be visited by the passengers. 8.A big mistake was made by the teacher. 9.A lot of food was being prepared by Mary.
A)The Present Simple Forma Afirmativa: ojo a la 3 sing.I/ you/ we/ they /He/ she/ Negativa: ojo auxiliar.I/ you/ we / they/He/ she/ Interrogativa: ojo al orden :Do I/ you/ we/ they Does he/ she live in Huelvalives in Huelva ( s es) Dont live in Huelva.Doesnt live in Huelva. Aux + sujeto + verbo....? Live in Huelva?Live in Huelva? 7

Errores comunes: Mary live in Huelva 7 I no live in Huelva

Uso1. Acciones habituales o rutina diaria.Helen goes shopping on Saturdays. Helen va de compra los Sbados. 2. Hecho o verdades generales.The sun sets in the west. El sol se pone por el oeste. 3. Situaciones Permanentes o acciones que ocurren o no peridicamnte.Jane likes coffee. A Jane le gusta el caf. 4. Para hablar de sucesos futuros fijados como en horarios o programas. ( cines, teatro,etc)The next train to Barcelona leaves at 8.30.El prximo tren para Barcelona sale a las 8,30.* What do you do? Im a doctor. B) Present Continuous Forma: Be ( am, is , are) + V-ing Afirmativa: I You/ we/ Am playing footballAre playingfootballIs they /He/ she/ playing football Negativa: I You/ we / they/He/ she/ Am not playing. ( = m not)Are notplaying. ( = arent)Is not playing. ( = isnt)

Interrogativa: Am IAre / Playing football? you/ we/ they Is he/ she Playingfootball?Playing f ootball? Errores comunes: I playing football 7 Usos.1. Acciones que ocurren en el momento de hablar. Aparecen expresiones comonow, at the moment...I am playing football now. Ahora estoy jugando al ... 2. Planes futuros que han sido confirmados o acciones fijadas. Suele aparecer una expresin de tiempo concreta.Shes meeting me this afternoon. Se va a reunir conmigo esta tarde.( casi = be + going to). 3. Para hablar de estado temporales que estn sucediendo no exactamente en el momento de hablar.Im studying Italian this course. Este curso estoy... 4. Para acciones repetidas y montonas mostrando cierta queja ( +

always).Hes always complaining. Siempre se est quejando. Ojo que hay verbos que no suelen usarse en presente continuo: know, like, want, hate, love, need, cost,....(verbos relacionados con las emociones y los sentimientos; la opinin; la percepcin y los sentidos; los precios y las medidas y la posesin) Ojo a la pregunta What are you doing? Que traducimos por Qu haces o qu ests haciendo?. Contestamos con la actividad que estamos realizando. C) Simple Past Forma: Verbo regular + ed / Verbo irregular= estudiar. Afirmativa: todas las personas + played football yesterday Negativa: didnt + Verbo infinitivo: didnt play Interrogativa: Did + personas + Verbo en infinitivo? Usos.1. Acciones pasadas que tuvieron lugar en un momento determinado. Expresin de tiempo pasado.I didnt work yesterday. No trabaj ayer. 2. Hechos pasados que ocurrieron consecutivamente..He got up, washed his faced and got dressed. Se levant, se lav la cara y se visti. 3. Para expresar una accin corta en el pasada que interrumpe una actividad ms lasrga que estba en proceso.When I was studying, the phone rang. 4. Con un perodo de tiempo + Ago.I lived in Madrid three years ago. Viv en Madrid hace tres aos.5. Te aconsejo que recuerdes aqu la forma Used to ( sola). D) Past Continuous Forma: was / were + Verbo-ing Afirmativa: I/ he / she was . Resto con were Negativa: wasnt/ werent + Verbo ing. Interrogativa: Was/ were + personas + Verbo-ing? Usos.1. Para describir una actividad que ocurri en un momento especfico del pasado.At 7 oclock I was having breakfast. A las ocho esta desayunando. 2. Para describir una actividad interrumpida por una accin ms corta. Suele aparecer When; while para unir acciones simutneas.When I was having breakfast, the phone rang. Cuando estaba desayunando, son el telfono. 3. Para describir una escena al narrar una historia.The sun was shining and the birds were singing. Brillaba el sol y cantaban los pjaros.4. Para acciones repetidas y montonas. Denotando que nos desagradaban . Ojo a la traduccin. Es Posible el pretrito imperfecto castellano (amaba,corra...) E) The Present Perfect ( Pretrito Perfecto ) Forma: has/have + Verbo en Participio pasado Afirmativa: Has (= s)para 3 sing. y Have ( =ve) resto. I / you/ we/ theyhave done this exercise.He/ she has done this exercise. ( Ha hecho....) Negativa: Has not (hasnt) y Have not (havent).I / you/ we/ they havent done this exercise.He/ she hasnt done this exercise. ( No ha hecho....) Interrogativa: Has/ have + persona + Verbo participio pasado.Have youdone the exercise?

Has hecho el ejercicio? Usos. 1. Para expresar una accin ocurrida en el pasado, cuyos resultados o efectos pertenecen o afectan al presente.Hes lost the key. Ha perdido la llave .( la perdi en el pasado y como consecuencia , ahora no puede abrir la puerta). Aparece mucho este contexto en noticias. 2. Para hablar de acciones recientes. Suele aparecer la partcula Just. ojo! Se traduce por Acabar de.Ive just done an exam. Acabo de hacer el examen. 3. Con las partculas Yet ( afirmativa-interrogativa) y Already ( afirmativa ) cuando queremos saber si algo ha ocurrido Ya o no.Has the postman come yet?. Ha venido ya el ...?Ive already eaten.Ya he comido 4. Con las particulas Ever y Never para describir experiencias.Have you everbeen to Paris?. Has estado alguna vez...? 5. Para describir acciones que empezaron en el pasado y continan en el presente. Suelen aparecer las preposiciones de tiempo For y Since y periodos de tiempo que no han terminado an, como today, this week, this month, this year, etc. ojo! A la traduccin con For :llevar + perodo de tiempo.Hace + perodo de tiempo + que + presente.Presente + desde hace + perodo de tiempo. Shes had the car for six months = tiene el coche desde hace seis meses. Con Since:presente + desde + punto de comienzo de la accin.Llevo + desde + punto de comienzo de la accin.Ive beenhere since yesterday. Llevo aqu desde ayer. 6. En las expresiones It s the first/second/third, y con un superlativo.Its the first time Ive seen this film. Es la primera vez que veo esta pelcula. F) Present Perfect Continuous Tense. Forma: Has / Have been + Verbo-ing Afirmativa: I ve been running/ she has been crying Negativa: I havent been living here for a long time Interrogativa: Have you been crying? Uso: Solemos traducir por Llevar o Ha estado.... 1. Para hablar de una actividad que empez en el pasado y contina en el presente. Se resalta la duracin de la actividad.Weve been living here since 1980. Llevamos viviendo aqu desde 1980.2. Para hablar de acciones pasadas que acaban de concluir, cuyos efectos an se hacen sentir en el presente.Ive been washing my hair. Me he estado lavando el pelo. 3. Para hablar de una accin que empez en el pasado y puede haber acabado recientemente.The dogs been barking all night. El perro ha estado ladrando toda la noche. G) Past Perfect ( Pretrito Pluscuamperfecto). Forma: Had + Verbo participio pasado ( todas las personas) Afirmativa: I had finished lunch when... Negativa: I had not (hadnt) finished lunch when... Interrogativa: Had I finished lunch....? Usos.1. Para expresar acciones que ocurrieron con anterioridad a otra accin o tiempos pasados.The plane had landed when we arrived. El avin haba aterrizado cuando llegamos. ( La segunda accin suele ir en pasado simple). 2. Para hacer referencia a un momento pasado y no tanto a la accin.At 8 oclock they still hadnt arrived. A las ocho an no haban llegado. 3. Con Just para expresar acciones que acababan de ocurrir.When we got there the train had just left. Cuando llegamos, el tren acababa de salir. 4. En la expresin If only/ I wish para expresar pesar o lamento sobre el pasado. Traducimos por Ojal.I wish I had done my homework . Ojal hubiera hecho mis deberes.5. En la condicional irreal/imposible.If we had saved more money,....Si hubiramos ahorrado.... H) Past Perfect Continuous ( Pretrito Perfecto

Continuo) Forma: Had been V-ing ( todas personas) Usos.1. Para hablar de algo que se estuvo desarrollando en el pasado hasta un momento determinado, tambin pasado.He had been running for 24 hours when he collapsed. ( llevaba corriendo 24 horas cuando se desplom). 2. Para subrayar la duracin de una accin que ocurri en el pasado antes que otra.She was so tired because she had been studying all night. ( Estaba tan cansada porque haba estado estudiando toda la noche). Ojo: la tcnica de traduccin cuando aparecen partculas, es similar al del Present perfect continuous, pero en pasado. I) El Futuro Simple Forma: Will + Verbo todas las personas Afirmativa: Jane will be 16 next month. Negativa: She will not ( = wont) be 16 Interrogativa: Will you write to me? Uso1. Para expresar certeza en el futuro.He will be 16 next week. Cumplir 16 la semana que viene. 2. Para expresar prediccin sobre hechos futuros futuro.Ill see him tomorrow. Lo ver maana.( suele aparecer expresiones del tipo I m not sure, I think, probably). 3. Para hacer promesas. Ill write to you. Te escribir. 4. Para hacer ofrecimientos ( nos ofrecemos a hacer algo) o solicitar algo ( aqu decir quieres, te importa...)Ill stay with you if you like. Me quedar contigo si quieres.Will you lend me 5 pounds? Me prestas...? Ojo: Shall I ....?: siempre en 1 persona.Shall I carry that? Te llevo eso? 5. Para cuando uno toma una decisin repentina en el momento que est hablando.Its raining. Ill take a taxi. 6. En la condicional primera o posible.If it is sunny, I will go to the beach.Si hace sol ir a la playa. Es conveniente repasar aqu la estructura GOING TO + Infinitivo ( que traducimos por la expresin - Ir a- ) que tambin se usa para expresar el futuro: 1. Para hablar de nuestras intenciones o planes en un futuro prximo: They are going to get married in May. Se van a casar en Mayo. 2. Look at the sky. Its going to rain. Va a llover .(Para hacer predicciones de futuro a travs de hechos evidentes en el presente,es decir, cuando queremos decir que algo va a suceder con toda seguridad evidentemente en un futuro cercano) 3. Im going to take the Selectividad exam . (Para indicar que algo est a punto de ocurrir). J) Future Continuous Forma : will be + V-ing Se usa para hablar de acciones que se pondrn en marcha en un momento determinado del futuro , es decir, para expresar lo que estr ocurriendo en un momento determinado del futuro: At this time next week well be flying over the Atlantic. A esta hora, la semana que vieneestaremos volando... En este uso debes prestar atencin a las expresiones de tiempo: At this time tomorrow, , in five months, by 7 oclock , by the end of ... K) Future Perfect ( Futuro Compuesto) Forma : will have + Verbo participio pasado.

Las oraciones negativas e interrogativas se forman igual que el futuro simple, es decir, Won t para las negativas y Will you have...? para las interrogativas.

Uso. 1. Para indicar que una accin habr terminado en un momento determinado o concreto del futuro.Ejemplo: Ill have finished it by next week. Para la semana que viene ya habr terminado. L) Conditional Forma: Would + Verbo infinitivo todas personasAfiirmativa: I would go = Id go.Negativa: I would not go = I wouldnt goInterrogativa: Would I go...? Uso.1. En la segunda condicional segunda.If I she lived abroad, she would be sad. Si viviera en el extranjero, estara triste. 2. Con la exoresin I wish/ if only para decir que nos gustara fuera diferente o que sucediera ms.If only it would stop raining. Ojal dejara de llover. M) Conditional Perfect Forma: would have + Verbo participio pasado Uso.Normalmente en la tercera condicional.If I....................., I would have passed the exam. Si hubiera.....habra aprobado el examen. BE USED TO GET USEDT TO N) USED TO/ WOULD 1. Recuerda que USED TO + V se usa para describir hbitos pasados o acciones que se repetan en el pasado. Se traducue por sola o poniendo en pretrito imperfecto el verbo que lo sigue: - She used to dream ( Sola soar). Fjate que al usar la negativa y la interrogativa usamos Did y el verbo Used to ya no debe ir en pasado. Would puede sustituir a used to slo cuando se refiere a acciones repetidas: When he was a child he would go skating ( cuando era nio iba a patinar...) 2. BE USED TO + V-ing significa esatr acostumbrado a: Fampuspeople are used to receiving letters from their fans ( Los famosos estn acostumbrados a recibir cartas ...). 3. GET USED TO + Ving se refiere al proceso de acostumbrarse: The singer is getting used to the cameras ( el cantante se est acostumbrando a las cmaras) OBSERVACIONES ALUMNOS: Te recomiendo que vayas repasando la lista de verbos irregulares que aparecen en la pgina 128 e incluso aadir los que no vengan ah.


Algunas caractersticas comunes a recordar: No llevan s en la tercera persona de singular del presente simple. La mayora de ellos actan como auxiliares en las oraciones interrogativas. Nunca llevan infinitivo con Todetrs ( menos be able, need to, have to y ought to).

No tienen infinitivo, participio, ni tiempos compuestos ( por eso a veces se habla de verbos defectivos) Modal Examples
He can find any street in London Can you take me to Victoria Station? You can take a taxi We can do that later That story cant be true You cant smoke here

Uses or remarks
ability or capacity request (informal) suggestion/offer possibibility

CAN ( be sure)


certainty that sth is impossible prohibition


Will you be able to to do it? He is able to find any street in London I could play tennis when I was younger You could take a taxi Could you take me to Victoria station? We could go on Friday it may be quicker to travel by train May I join you? it might be quicker to travel by train Taxi drivers must have a good memory

en los tiempos de que carece can tambin indica ability and possibility ability/capacity in past suggestion request (formal) possibility ( mas remota que Can)


MAY( be possible)

Possibility Formal Request



MUST ( para el resto de los tiempos se usa HAVE TO)

Obligation y necesidad fuerte. La obligacin procede del hablante)


Look at the snow. It must be cold She has to work tomorrow

Seguridad o una conclusin lgica Obligation ( externa, normas, leyes,etc) Obligation or necessity


You need to remenber many street names You neednt have a university degree You mustnt drive without a licence You dont have to call a taxi

NEEDNT = dont have to MUSTNT( be forbidden to) DONT HAVE TO = neednt SHALL ( siempre con I y We) SHOULD = ought to( d better + verb)

Lack of obligation


lack of obligation ( no tienes que, no es necesario que) Offer suggestion

Shall I carry it for you? Shall we go to the cinema? They should drive more carefully

opinion and advice ( se pueden usar indistintamente para dar consejos y recomendaciones, aunque es ms frecuente) opinion and advice ( ought to apenas se usa en negativa e interrogativa)

OUGHT TO= should

They ought to drive more carefully

Te recuerdo de nuevo que muchos de estos modales simples o semimodales ( have to y need to) pueden parafrasearse con otras estructuras que expresan la misma idea. En algunas ocasiones te las he puesto arriba. Durante este curso daremos los verbos modales compuestos y la WORD

FARMATION Adems durante los temas siguientes iremos repasando con mayor profundidad la pasiva, los usos de Ing y TO y los verbos frasales.

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