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LP#3 Edma Avenue, Samaroo Village, Arima Website: www.imstrong/preschool.

edu Phone: 667-4763


The Purple Gazette

4+ CLASS 1st January, 2013 Inspirational Corner

Welcome all
Hello to all parents and families, this is our first newsletters for 2013. May this year of 2013 be, a year of Health and Happiness A year of Wealth and Wisdom...A year of Peace and ProsperityA year of glee and glow And also a year of Love and Laughter. Happy New Year! Hygiene

Jokes Jokes How do you find where a flea has bitten you?

For He orders His angles to protect you wherever you go. Psalm 91:11 Up coming Events

Start from scratch!

Birthday Club

Our project this term is hygiene. Hygiene means to keep yourself and your surrounding clean. So that you can stay healthy. We cannot see germs but they are everywhere in large amounts. Bathing and brushing your teeth everyday are just two ways to practice hygiene. We must remember, proper hand washing is one of the basic ways to stay free of germs. Practice and teach with you child proper hygiene. CONGRATULATION! Dominique Edwards Rynelle Phillp Demetruis Armstrong

Walk ah thon begins Date: 20 January, 2013 Carnival Padre begins on Date: 1st February, 2013

Outstanding Students for November & December

Malachi Hazel

Alexi Samuel

Ky-mani Garcia

Denique Charles

Just want to thank Mr &Mrs Smith for their donation of the new refrigerator in the 4+ classroom. Also to Ms. Affonso for the plants to beatify our outdoor area. And to the all parents for helping us rise fund for our walk-ah-thon.

Thank you!

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