HRM - Recruitment or Retention..??

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FORE School of Management

Human Resource Management Section-B

CASE Which is more important Recruiting or Retaining?

Submitted To: Prof. Neeraj Kumar

Group No: - 9 (Member Details) Name Divi Agarwal(191084) Mahak Khemka(191094) Sahil Sethi(191110) Shilpi Jain(191112) Shrey Gupta(191114) E-mail ID

Introduction: Uptron Electronics is a reputed firm in the electronics industry. They recruited an employee named Mr. Sashidhar as an Electronics Engineer. He was an Electronics Engineer Graduate from IIT with 5 years of work experience. He was very comfortable and excited about his work. He also found his seniors and subordinates co-operative and friendly. But after a year, he learnt about high employee turnover rate and poor superior subordinate relationship. But he was sure that he will change the attitude of the management towards him with his diligent performance. But later superiors started ill-treating him before his subordinates. He was overloaded with multifarious jobs. His freedom in deciding and executing was cut down. Management supposed that Sashidar was capable of doing more work and overloaded him. Consequently one day he resigned from his job along with a cheque equivalent to his one months salary. The General Manager was surprised to see this and tried to convince him to withdraw his resignation but in vain. So he finally accepted the resignation of Mr. Sashidhar. Question1: What prevented the General Manager from appointing a committee? Answer1: General Manager initially wanted to appoint a committee but dropped the idea later. This may be because of following reasons: He knew that this was due to the companys fault. The company already had high turnover rate with little co-ordination between superiors and subordinates. Thus he didnt see any point in discussing this matter further. Another reason could be that he did not want to lose the employees who were behind this resignation. As they must had been working in the organization for past many years. Moreover the management was involved in the ill-treatment. And he might also be a part of this. Thus calling a committee would create a problem for him too, so he dropped the idea. Question 2: What was wrong with the recruitment policy of the company? Answer 2: The following factors should be taken into consideration in formulating recruitment policy. They are:Government policies Personnel policies of other competing organizations Organisations personnel policies Recruitment sources Recruitment needs Recruitment cost Selection criteria and preference Company all in all had a sound recruitment policy. Adequate screening was done initially. Thats why 130 people were called for interview out of 150 applicants. Then testing & interviewing process filtered out the skilled and non-skilled applicants. Mr. Sashidhar was then recruited after the rigorous and transparent selection procedure.

But the following were the issues with companys recruitment policy: As per the case, we found that the companies' policies were mainly biased towards hiring of employees from internationally reputed institutes and industries by offering them high salaries and perks, etc. The company recruited Mr Sashidhar, on an incremental salary at his request. They should have done it at their own discretion rather than going by what employee wants. They should have provided an orientation period before recruiting the employee so that compatibility issues dont arise. Personality test could have been conducted to know the ability of the employee to adjust with existing work culture. Employees expectations from the organization should have been taken into consideration. In todays rapidly changing business environment, a well defined recruitment policy is necessary for organizations to respond to its human resource requirements in time. Question 3: Why did Mr. Sashidhars resignation surprise the General Manager? Answer 3: General Manager was surprised because: Sashidhar never came up with any issue. General Manager must have been thinking that if Sashidhar was facing any problem, he should have come and complaint first. Company policy states that employee serve a notice period before resigning. But Sashidhar directly came up with resignation foregoing his one month salary which surprised General Manager. The diligent performance, firm commitment and dedication of Sashidhar must have indicated General Manager that any such inconvenience wouldnt be faced by him. Thus upon seeing the resignation, he got the reason that he has been ill treated too and was surprised as he did not expect that Sashidhar would have been facing similar problems in the company. Also Sashidhar was a calm and contented kind of a person which assured the management that in any case he would be able to survive in the company under any circumstances. They thought him potential enough to bear such organizational responsibilities. Analysis: Thus, from this case study it is clear that retaining is much more important than recruiting. Whats the use and benefits of recruiting quality employees if they cannot be retained by the organization in a proper manner. The purpose of recruitment is fulfilled when the employees selected from a pool of qualified applicants are retained in the company by keeping them satisfied in all aspects. They must be provided with better working conditions, better pay scales, incentives, recognition, promotion, bonus, flexible working hours, etc. They should treat the employees as co-owners and partners of the company.

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