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A Tugging String In the book A Tugging String, what animal did Jack Greenberg find sitting atop his

salad in the dining car? Fly, 7 In the book A Tugging String, what is the name of Duvys father? Jack Greenberg, In the book A Tugging String, what sport does Duvy play? Touch football, 9 In the book A Tugging String, what mistake does Duvy make during his first game? He scores a goal for the other team, 14 In the book A Tugging String, what kind of lawyer is Duvys father? Civil rights lawyer, 15 In the book A Tugging String, what is Duvys favorite science magazine? Popular Science, 16 In the book A Tugging String, what is the question on the Voter Registration form that upsets Dorothy on her first visit to register to vote? How many bubbles are in a bar of soap, 31 In the book A Tugging String, what is the name of the Greenbergs boxer? Heidi, 35 In the book A Tugging String, who does it say Martin Luther King modeled his nonviolent tactics after? Mohatma Ghandi, 40 In the book A Tugging String, did Martin Luther King make it in time for the March to Montgomery? No, 45 In the book A Tugging String, what article of clothing did Dorothy lose after being beaten on the Bloody Sunday march to Montgomery? A wool scarf, 49 In the book A Tugging String, what is the name of Duvys black friend who is unable to obtain a cookie from the local bakery? Donald, 104 In the book A Tugging String, does president Lyndon B. Johnson support the civil rights movement? Yes, 61 In the book A Tugging String, what does Josiah say hes going to do if hes drafted? Move to Canada 73 In the book A Tugging String, who appeared outside Jacks window at the Banjo Jones hotel? KKK, 82

In the book A Tugging String, why did Emmanual the officer risk his own life in order to save Jack Greenbergs? Because Jack saves his brother in WWII at Iwo Jima, 86, 112 In the book A Tugging String, what religion is the Greenberg family? Jewish, 101 In the book A Tugging String, what career did grandma give up to be with grandpa? A fashion designer, 117 In the book A Tugging String, what compliment did grandpa give to Duvy? He said he was like his father, 121 In the book A Tugging String, what did the KKK do to judge Johnsons house after he made the ruling that King could march to the capitol? Burned a cross in his front yard In the book A Tugging String, what dessert did Duvy make for his baseball team? Strudel, 148 In the book, A Tugging String, what poem does Jack Greenberg share with his son Duvy that inspires him? If by Rudyard Kipling, 152 In the book A Tugging String, which side does Dorothy enter in order to register to vote? The whites or the coloreds? The whites, 145 In the book A Tugging String, what did his mother whisper to Josiah after the assasination attempt on Jack Greenberg? His father had no choice, 156 What does Duvy become when he grows up? A writer, 156

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