Data Format: Ifly Developer Team

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iFly Developer Team

iFly Jets: The 737NG

1. Introduction
iFly Jets: The 737NGs FMC (Flight Management Computer) supports various standard procedures which including SID, SID TRANS, STAR TRANS, STAR, APPROACH TRANS and APPROACH. We didnt provide procedures in the pack. We only provide the format of our procedures. You can find procedures in many FS website, such as

2. Various navigation data file extentions

All related procedures data are stored in SIDS and STARS folders, which are located under the directory of your flight simulator installation (eg. c:\fs9\iFly\737NG\navdata). The folder called FLTPLAN is used for storing the data for various pre-defined routes. The SIDS folder stores the procedures for takeoff. And the procedures included the SID and SID TRANS. A sample file of a SID procedure can be read as: xxxx.sid, and a sample file of SID TRANS procedure can be read as xxxx.sidtrs. Note. The xxxx stands for the ICAO code which indicates the name of airport. The STARS folder stores the procedures for landing. And the procedures included STAR, STAR TRANS, APPROACH and APPROACH TRANS. A sample file of STAR procedure can be read as; and a sample file of STAR TRANS procedure can be read as xxxx.startrs; a sample file of APPROACH procedure can be read as; and a sample of APPROACH TRANS procedure can be read as xxxx.apptrs. Note. The xxxx stands for the ICAO code which indicates the name of airport. Looking at the files under the main navdata directory, there are 5 .txt files and 1 .dat file. They are AIRAC file. We used the same format as pmdg737. All these files can be opened with Notepad (the Windows accessory) or any text editor.

3. Data format
Each line of data stands for one navigation point. Among the line each particular data is separated by comma. The first one and second data item can have different meaning against various procedures. Other than these differences, all the rest of information shares the same properties.

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iFly Developer Team

iFly Jets: The 737NG

3.1 The instruction for the first one and second data item within a line
3.1.1 The first two data items in SID procedure file
First data item: Allows string combination such as A~Z and 0~9. And the maximum length of each string is 12 characters. It stands for the name of one SID procedure, which used for displaying on the DEP ARR and RTE pages. Second data item: Allows string combination of letters such as R, C, L, T and digit numbers from 0~9. And the maximum length of each string is 3 characters. It stands for the runway code used in SID procedure. For example, 07, 07R, 07C and 07L are legal format, and they are displayed on DEP ARR page. Starting from the third data item, they are all universal data formats. Please refer to chapter 3.2.

3.1.2 The first two data items in SID TRANS procedure file
First data item: Allows string combination such as A~Z and 0~9. And the maximum length of each string is 12 characters. It stands for the name of one SID TRANS procedure, which used for displaying on the DEP ARR and RTE pages. Second data item: Allows string combination such as A~Z and 0~9. And the maximum length of each string is 12 characters. It stands for the name of the SID procedure which corresponding to this SID TRANS procedure. Used for displaying on the SID TRANS and SID pages. Starting from the third data item, they are all universal data formats. Please refer to chapter 3.2.

3.1.3 The first data item in STAR procedure

First data item: Allows string combination such as A~Z and 0~9. And the maximum length of each string is 12 characters. It is used for displaying on the DEP ARR and RTE pages. It stands for the name of one STAR procedure. Second data item: Allows string combination such as A~Z and 0~9. And the maximum length of each string is 12 characters. It stands for the name of the runway code which corresponding to this STAR procedure. Starting from the third data item, they are all universal data formats. Please refer to chapter 3.2.

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iFly Developer Team

iFly Jets: The 737NG

3.1.4 The first and second data items in STAR TRANS procedure
First data item: Allows string combination such as A~Z and 0~9. And the maximum length of each string is 12 characters. It is used for displaying on the DEP ARR and RTE pages. It stands for the name of one STAR TRANS procedure. Second data item: Allows string combination such as A~Z and 0~9. It stands for the name of the STAR procedure which corresponding to this STAR TRANS procedure. Used for displaying on the DEP ARR page in which mapping the STAR TRANS and STAR procedures. Starting from the third data item, they are all universal data formats. Please refer to chapter 3.2.

3.1.5 The first and second data items in APPROACH procedure

First data item: Allows string combination such as A~Z and 0~9. And the maximum length of each string is 12 characters. It stands for the name of the APPROACH procedure. It is used for displaying on the DEP ARR and RTE pages. Second data item: Allows string combination of letters such as R, C, L, T and digit numbers from 0~9. And the maximum length of each string is 3 characters. It stands for the runway code used in APPROACH procedure. For example, 07, 07R, 07C and 07L are legal format. Starting from the third data item, they are all universal data formats. Please refer to chapter 3.2.

3.1.6 The first and second data items in APPROACH TRANS

First data item: Allows string combination such as A~Z and 0~9. And the maximum length of each string is 12 characters. It stands for the name of the APPROACH TRANS procedure. It is used for displaying on the DEP ARR and RTE pages Second data item: Allows string combination such as A~Z and 0~9. And the maximum length of the string is 12 characters. It stands for the name of the APPROACH procedure which corresponding to this APPROACH TRANS procedure. Used for displaying on the DEP ARR page in which mapping the APPROACH TRANS and APPROACH procedures. Starting from the third data item, they are all universal data formats. Please refer to chapter 3.2. Page 3

iFly Developer Team

iFly Jets: The 737NG

3.2 The instruction for the Universal data item within a line
All procedures share the same universal data formats, the instruction of this format is described here. Universal data item 1: Allows string combination such as A~Z 0~9 / .. This data item stands for the name of one waypoint. For example, DSH, DSH053/11.7. If it is a conditional waypoint, just leave this field blank (do not forget the comma), and FMC will generate the waypoint name automatically. If the procedure is an APPROACH procedure, the waypoint name like RWXX, RWXXR, RWXXC, RWXXL is a runway. All waypoints before this point are normal approach procedure; all waypoints after this point are miss approach procedure. All APPROACH procedure must have one runway point. Universal data item 2: It indicates the latitude of one waypoint. This data item is combination of one symbol position (+ means north latitude and - means south latitude), two integer positions, one decimal point and six decimal numbers. It needed to append more zero numbers in the end of data item when its necessary. If it is a conditional waypoint, just leave this field blank (do not forget the comma), FMC will calculate the latitude automatically. If the universal data item 7 is 0 and the Universal data item 5 is 4, just leave this field blank (do not forget the comma), FMC will calculate the latitude automatically. Universal data item 3: It indicates the longitude of one waypoint. This data item is combination of one symbol position (+ means east longitude and - means west longitude), three integer positions, one decimal point and six decimal numbers. It needed to append more zero numbers in the end of data item when its necessary. If it is a conditional waypoint, just leave this field blank (do not forget the comma), FMC will calculate the latitude automatically. If the universal data item 7 is 0 and the Universal data item 5 is 4, just leave this field blank (do not forget the comma), FMC will calculate the longitude automatically. Universal data item 4: It is a flag which specify whether the airplane needs to fly over this waypoint. 0: No need to fly over. 1: Need to fly over. Universal data item 5: It is a flag which stands for the property of the route associated with this waypoint. 0: Track to Fix. 1: Direct to Fix. 2: Course to Fix. 3: Arc to Fix. 4: Radius to Fix.

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iFly Developer Team

iFly Jets: The 737NG

Universal data item 6: All three numbers indicates the heading of this waypoint (in degree format). The heading digits must be provided with all three numbers. If it is 000, it means the FMC will calculate this heading automatically. Using 360 instead of 000, if you want to be heading for north. When the universal data item 7 is 0 and the Universal data item 5 is 3, the universal data item 6 indicates the radial when finish the leg. When the universal data item 7 is 0 and the Universal data item 5 is 4, the universal data item 6 must be set. Universal data item 7: It is a flag which indicates whether this waypoint is a conditional point. 0: It is not a conditional point. 1: It is a conditional point. Universal data item 8: It is a flag which indicates whether this waypoint needs speed constraint. 0: It does not needs speed constraint. 1: It need speed constraint. Universal data item 9: Speed (knot). If the universal data item 8 is 1, the FMC will use universal data item 9 as place to store the speed constraint data. If the universal data item 8 is 0, it means the FMC will calculate this speed automatically. Universal data item 10: It is a flag which indicates the type of altitude constraints on this waypoint. 0: No altitude constraints. 1: Lower than altitude (E.g., FL120B, 3000B shown on CDU) 2: Higher than altitude (E.g., FL120A, 3000A shown on CDU) 3: Within altitudes (E.g., FL120AFL150B, 3000A5000B shown on CDU) 4: Pass altitude (E.g., FL120, 3000 shown on CDU) Universal data item 11: The numbers indicates the altitude (In feet format) of the constraint. When universal data item 10 is 0: Only 0 (zero) is allowed to input. When universal data item 10 is 1: Input altitude constraint (in feet format) When universal data item 10 is 2: Only 0 (zero) is allowed to input. When universal data item 10 is 3: Input the upper bound of altitude constraint (in feet format). When universal data item 10 is 4: Input altitude constraint (in feet format) Universal data item 12: The numbers indicates the altitude (In feet format) of the constraint. When universal data item 10 is 0: Only 0 (zero) is allowed to input. When universal data item 10 is 1: Only 0 (zero) is allowed to input. When universal data item 10 is 2: Input altitude constraint (in feet format) When universal data item 10 is 3: Input the lower bound of altitude constraint (in feet format). When universal data item 10 is 4: Only 0 (zero) is allowed to input.

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iFly Developer Team

iFly Jets: The 737NG

Universal data item 13: If the universal data item 7 is 1, the universal data item 13 indicates the property of conditional point. 1: Intercept altitude. 2: Heading to a signal station bearing through Radial or DME 3: Intercept course 4: VECTORS, to intercept a magnetic heading. If the universal data item 7 is 0 and the Universal data item 5 is 3, the universal data item 13 indicates the direction of the turn. 0: Turn in the shortest direction. 1: Left turn. 2: Right turn. If the universal data item 7 is 0 and the Universal data item 5 is 4, the universal data item 13 indicates the direction of the turn. 1: Left turn. 2: Right turn. Universal data item 14: If universal data item 13 is1, the universal data item 14 indicates the altitude (in feet format) which the airplane needs to intercept. Universal data item 15: If universal data item 13 is2 and the airplane needs to fly through a Radial, the universal data item 15 indicates the Radial value of heading to signal station. If the universal data item 7 is 0 and the Universal data item 5 is 3, the universal data item 15 indicates the radial that ends the leg. Universal data item 16: If universal data item 13 is 2 and the airplane needs to fly through a DME, the universal data item 16 indicates the DME value of heading to signal station, used digit numbers to indicate DME. (E.g. 2, 2.5, 10.85, 15). If universal data item 16 is 0, the airplane needs to fly through a Radial. If the universal data item 7 is 0 and the Universal data item 5 is 3 or 4, the universal data item 16 indicates the radius. Universal data item 17: If universal data item 13 is 3, the universal data item 17 indicates the course value of interception. It is used three digit numbers to show course. Universal data item 18: If universal data item 13 is 4, the universal data item 18 indicates the VECTORS value of interception. It is used three digit numbers to show course. Universal data item 19: If universal data item 13 is 2, or if the universal data item 7 is 0 and the Universal data item 5 is 3, the universal data item 19 indicates the frequency of a signal station which the airplane will use with. The format is XXX, XXX.X, XXX.XX. This field can be a frequency or navaid ID.

3.3 About conditional waypoint

We improve the FMS and the FMS can generate the coordinate and waypoint name of conditional point automatically. But it still has some rules. Page 6

iFly Developer Team

iFly Jets: The 737NG

1. The first waypoint of one procedure, except SID, must a non-conditional waypoint. 2. If the universal data item 13 of one conditional waypoint is 4, there must be a non-conditional waypoint after it. 3. If one conditional waypoint didnt follow the rules above, the FMS will ignore this point.

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