Weebly Persuasive Essay Choices

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Persuasive Essay Topic Choices: Topic #1: In the novel, Ponyboy refers to the country as the only place

where all people can get along. Ponyboy believes that in the country there would be no divisions based on socio-economic status. When Ponyboy is talking to Johnny about the country, he says, It seems like theres gotta be someplace without greasers or Socs, with just people. Plain, ordinary people(p. 83). Do you believe that there is any such place in the world, a place where there are no divisions based on socio-econmic status. Write a persuasive essay explaining why you believe this to be true, or why you believe this to be false. Use examples from the text to help support your claims, as well as employing 2 of the 3 persuasive appeals. Topic #2: Choose one of the greasers and explain why this greaser should be considered a hero. In your essay, include your definition of a hero and be sure to explain to the audience why the greaser you chose lives up to your given definition. Support your opinion with examples from the book and 2 of 3 of the persuasive techniques. Topic #3: Write a persuasive essay in which you convince the audience that the Socs are more of a humiliation to society, and how they, in fact, cause society more problems and hardships than the greasers do. Look at how society acts toward each group and the opinions they have formed about them. Examine each group, the way they act, their motives, and their choices. Be sure to use examples from the novel, as well as 2 of the 3 persuasive techniques you have examined.

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