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Located in the southern hemisphere, between the Pacific Ocean and the Indian Ocean, and crossed by the Tropic of Capricorn, Australia is the only country that occupies a continent (the smallest) whole. With an area of 7.682.300 km2, it is the sixth country for its size after Russia, Canada, China, United States of America and Brazil.

The language serves as the Australians is English. However there is a clear difference with the United States or England English since many words derive from the dialects of the aborigines. The dialect called "Aboriginal Creole" is used above all in the North State of


The cuisine of Australia reflects its multicultural history: the native Australian Aboriginal cuisine, called bush tucker or bushfood cuisine British and Irish of the first European settlers that came mainly from the British Isles and the contributions of Asian and Mediterranean cuisine brought by immigrants arrived after the first world war. Meat and fish are basic ingredients. The Australia typical dish par excellence is the meatloaf. the cake of meat Australian, national, accompanied by dark sauce or "gravy" dish. Also you can try crocodile, Buffalo, Kangaroo, camel or emu meat. You will find a great variety of seafood and fish, such as barramundi. Dessert Pavlova, combination of merengue, fresh fruit and cream.

Music, dance and art of indigenous Australians have a remarkable influence on the performing and Visual Arts of contemporary Australia. The nation has an active tradition of music, ballet and theatre; many performing arts companies receive public funding through the Australia Council for the arts. There is a Symphony Orchestra in each capital city, and a national opera company, Opera in Australia, which it acquired importance thanks to the opera singer Dame Joan Sutherland; the music of Australia includes classical music, jazz and many other genres of popular music.

A style of Australia can clearly be seen in the main types of local dress: bushwear and swimsuits, along with Australian and indigenous designs. These have been formed by a larrikin attitude, qualities of companionship and the dictates of a lifestyle in the open air. Australian typical garment is also characterized by the migratory experience and the process of cultural loan, which is part of the unique history of Australia that begins after the invasion in 1788 by British settlers, when the indigenous population was dominated by force.

Firstly, the city of Sydney gateway to the country with the Opera House, the bridge over the Bay, Aquarium, Zoo, the Blue Mountains and its nightlife. Cairns. A small town but that has in its environment the great barrier of coral, the cable car of Kuranda, Port Douglas and the Daintree National Park. Gold Coast. Beautiful and perfect beaches for surfers, nightlife and many national parks nearby. Fraser Island. Perfect for trucks 4 4, with lots of nature and beautiful lakes. The Magnetic Island. It has beautiful beaches, colonies of koalas and a national park. Whitsundays. Perfect for those who practice water sports and want to nightlife to pure party.

Ayers Rock. A classic in the heart of the country near Alcie Springs. The stone is huge in the world and a sacred place for the Aboriginals of Australia and one of the images of the country. The Great Ocean Road. They are 3 hours drive from Melbourne along the sea and its giant monoliths eroded by waters.

Near Darwin world heritage Kakadu National Park; a Northern Territory and this National Park has some of the most beautiful Australian landscapes, both in areas wet and dry, forests of eucalyptus, remarkable Aboriginal population and cave paintings... This place is also famous for being the home of Crocodile Dundee. Tasmania. Reminiscent of New Zealand, it has beautiful landscapes, beautiful beaches, mountains and quiet villages.

cities, States and territories of Australia and its exclusive destinations and iconic events are unique among them we find: Sydney Sydney is a beautiful city, built in one of the bays more prestigious worldwide, with numerous beaches with interesting proposals of recreation and sports. In Sydney we find to the: Opera House of Sydney. Manly Manly is a town and tourist centre near Sydney Harbour. In the restaurants, several boutiques, Ocean World Aquarium and the station are located on North Head, where you can make a unique panoramic view.The surrounding of the Manly City area is special for walks and for the part of beaches for sports and aquatic activities, highlighting different beaches like Balmoral, Camp Cove, Palm Beach, among others. In this city can be a type of tourism adventure, as the sports and commercial. Bustard Head - LARC Tour An incredible adventure of whole day until the Bustard Point Lighthouse (faro) in an amphibious going all the time by the beach crossing 4 rivers and estuaries in a journey of more than 80 Km. Arriving, the LARC climbs the steep hill to the lighthouse where a fantastic view awaits you. After the snack offered, the rest of the day is spent going great sand dunes with tables, or the rest of the tour is used for swimming in the estuary. The company also offers short end of evening walks (Sunset Tour) to see the putting of the Sun. Grande Barreira de Corais You needn't travel to the North of Australia to see the great barrier reef, as the southern part remains well opposite 1770. The private tour up to the Lady Musgrave Island, allows to dive on the reefs, see corals, turtles, and a myriad of fish Moores, as well as landing on this beautiful island and explore its wildlife and flora. A reinforced lunch is included in the price, as well as the rate of the National Park, and in the semi gwp3 and glass-bottom boat rides. Carnavon National Park A national park with paintings aborigines, gorges, waterfalls and narrow, high, poisonous plants that date back to the era of the dinosaurs, trees prettier and trails leading to caves. In the river and the deep well you can see the rare Platypus, duck-billed mammal. Broken Heads - another paradise still little visited New South Wales, with landscapes of remove the breath and much activity for the lovers of nature (Beach, surf, etc..).

Evans Head Not far from Broken Heads an another place that is practically still to be discovered. If there is a place in Australia to eat cheap shrimp out of the boat, this is the place. The beaches are so cute to make surfer to mourn. Dorigo National Park High on a serra, a national park full of trilha journeys and adventures for all types of people. The Valley of the waterfalls with vegetation concealed in mist in the morning, provides beautiful views of several local d' water fall. Know all the details of this fantastic location and how to get. Rainbow Beach About a beach with sand multicolored cliffs that change color according to the time of day. A magical place with natural beauty, very surfing, fishing, gliding and fun. Tweed Valley Close to Gold Coast and Brisbane, this area includes national parks, waterfalls, mirantes fabulous beaches of more than 1000 meters, in addition to vilas which you will never forget... Minnie Waters A town with about 50 inhabitants near Grafton in New South Wales, which apparently has nothing more, except... Forster Australian Spa near Sydney. Spectacular beaches, sophistication, luxury, many walks, surfing, and natural beauty

The most important city to visit is Sydney, where you will find many things to do and see. If you go to Australia, Sydney is a place that you can not miss. You can not fail to see the Opera House in Sydney. It is building is really wonderful, and you should visit. It is located on Bennelong point in Sydney Harbour. You can also do not miss the Royal Botanical Gardens. They are very nice and you are apart on one side of the Sydney Opera House. You will see these two things quickly. In Sydney you can also go to a drink you 80 floors above. If we are talking of the "360 Bar in the Sydneu Tower." The Sydney Tower you will find a bar where you can try different drinks and you will have a spectacular view nearly to the end. The Australian Museum is also a place where it would be important to visit to learn more envelope is place. It is open from 9:30 in the morning until 5 in the afternoon. There are no excuses because Miss to go to is place. If you're not a water lover "Great Barrier Reef" is one of the places that are worth ir and overcome the fear the beauty underwater will be incredible apart you will have very nice memories. The Gold Coast of Queensland is a place that many visit and leave delighted therefore you also must plan it on

your trip to exit so glad of your visit to Australia. In eighth place we have a tour by the nature of Australia, as say Australians "go to the Outback." There you will see different animals. If you find another city to visit such as ninth place is Brisbane, Australia. Finally we have the best place for the lovers of the naturalleza, Daintree Village is called. Here you will see different types of animals, bird, butterflies, lizards and many other species.

Like any country, Australia has world famous stars and celebrities. Actors Find here some of the most famous actors from Australia: HUGH JACKMAN MEL GIBSON NICOLE KIDMAN PAUL HOGAN RUSSELL CROWE Musicians and bands Here you will find some of the musicians and most famous bands from Australia: ACDC KYLIE MINOGUE THE EASYBEATS JET ANGUS & JULIA STONE THE WIGGLES ROLF HARRIS Celebrities Here you will find some Australian celebrity: SKIPPY STEVE IRWIN CATHY FREEMAN GREG NORMAN IAN THORPE CRAIG FOSTER ADAM SPENCER ELLE MACPHERSON RUPERT MURDOCH

Among the data of interest is found: Bless you. No vaccine is required. SCHEDULE. With the European winter schedule, it is advanced regarding Spain 7 hours in Western Australia, 8 hours and a half in the States of the Centre (southern and Northern Australia) and 9 hours in Queensland, new South Wales, Victoria and Tasmania. VISA. A free electronic visa from three months in the Embassy without physical presence (by Internet or fax) is granted. The passport must have a minimum of 6 months validity. A regular visa is required for a stay of more than three months but Australia has many types of

visas according to what the visitor requires. There are also visa work, journalism, research, etc. If it is for longer than a purely holiday stay, best to inform themselves at the Embassy to have the visa to measure of our objectives. FUEL. GAS OIL: from 0.53 Euros (89 PTS. = 0, $47) up to 0.80 Euros (133 pts/l = 0, $70), depends on the State and city. GASOLINE: from 0.51 Euros (86 pts = 0.46 US $) up to 0.76 Euros (127 pts = 0.68 USD). There are leaded, unleaded normal and super unleaded gasoline, but prices vary little. MONEY. October 2001. 1 Australian dollar = 0.58 Euros (97 pts.). 1 US$ =$ 2 ELECTRICITY. 220 volts but is another plug (easily purchased on arrival from the airport to any electricity store) HOSPITALITY. "aussies" are very friendly and communicative, always willing to chat and lend a hand when required. SECURITY. It can be a very safe and conflict-free country. Although there are problems of drug or crime are really insignificant compared to the great problem that exists in Europe, United States and South America. You may be considered a haven of peace and security, the only discordant note are some club motorcycle type "Hell's Angels" or the "thugs" of people with their drifting drive to impress girls of dim-witted, lovers of fights, screams, drinkers beer and extremely sexist which can be a real hassle for the girls than van alone. But that is a grain of sand in an ocean of tranquility. ACCOMMODATION. Of all kinds, from campsites to hotels of thousand stars. The general feature is cleaning absolute choose the accommodation chosen. Hotels called "backpackers" (term born here in Australia which defines the traveler's backpack on a low budget) must be backpacker Australian Visa card because they don't have prices as cheap as one would expect a "backpacker" outside. INTERNET. In all cities and towns. The incentive that public libraries in the use of internet is free but the addresses of email (hotmail, flashmail, yahoo and others) have in the majority of cases rates as in cyber-cafes, and even more expensive in some places. OFFICIAL CAMPING. There are caravan parks in almost all cities and towns of Australia. The living things which is the subject of camping and living outdoors in this country is striking. The quality of the place and the facilities are really good in the majority of cases. Prices can range from the $ 5.50 per person to the $ 10-12.




The jjob name The ob name

MY IDEAL TRIP PRESENT CONTINUOUS = PROGRESSIVE PRESENT SUJETO I You, We, They He, She, It AFIRMATIVA Am + gerundio -ing Are + gerundio -ing Is + gerundio -ing NEGATIVA Am not + gerundio ing Are not + gerundio ing Isn't + gerundio -ing PREGUNTA am I + gerundio -ing...? are + sujeto + gerundio -ing...? + sujeto + gerundio -ing...?

1. I'm going to swinm at the beach nex vacation 2. Every winters evening, we got ski 3. My sister is organicing a pool party for the summer 4. My dad is sleeping in his hammock in our beach house

5. They are going t visit their grandparents this vacation 6. He wil go to the movies and the theater on his next vacation 7. We always go to the pool on the summer 8. They are going to the club on vacation

Poema 15
Me gustas cuando callas porque ests como ausente, y me oyes desde lejos, y mi voz no te toca. Parece que los ojos se te hubieran volado y parece que un beso te cerrara la boca. Como todas las cosas estn llenas de mi alma emerges de las cosas, llena del alma ma. Mariposa de sueo, te pareces a mi alma, y te pareces a la palabra melancola. Me gustas cuando callas y ests como distante. Y ests como quejndote, mariposa en arrullo. Y me oyes desde lejos, y mi voz no te alcanza: djame que me calle con el silencio tuyo. Djame que te hable tambin con tu silencio claro como una lmpara, simple como un anillo. Eres como la noche, callada y constelada. Tu silencio es de estrella, tan lejano y sencillo. Me gustas cuando callas porque ests como ausente. Distante y dolorosa como si hubieras muerto. Una palabra entonces, una sonrisa bastan. Y estoy alegre, alegre de que no sea cierto.

no te salves ahora ni nunca no te salves no te llenes de calma no reserves del mundo slo un rincn tranquilo no dejes caer los prpados pesados como juicios no te quedes sin labios no te duermas sin sueo no te pienses sin sangre no te juzgues sin tiempo pero si pese a todo no puedes evitarlo y congelas el jbilo y quieres con desgana y te salvas ahora y te llenas de calma y reservas del mundo slo un rincn tranquilo y dejas caer los prpados pesados como juicios y te secas sin labios y te duermes sin sueo y te piensas sin sangre y te juzgas sin tiempo y te quedas inmvil al borde del camino y te salvas entonces no te quedes conmigo.

No te salves
No te quedes inmvil al borde del camino no congeles el jbilo no quieras con desgana

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