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Exercises I

Unit 5

Translate into Spanish the following sentences. 1. Louis Armstrong was a musician. He played the trumpet. 2. Elizabeth Blackwell was a doctor. She helped other women to study medicine. 3. Frida Kahlo painted a lot of pictures. She lived in Mexico. 4. James Cook was a sailor. He travelled to Australia. 5. My grandpa was a doctor. He worked in a hospital. 6. My grandma was a teacher. She worked in a school. 7. Hernn Cortes was a sailor. He discovered Mexico. 8. Mozart was a great musician and composer. He played the piano and the violin. 9. Thomas Edison was an inventor. He invented the electric bulb. 10. Santiago Ramn y Cajal was a great doctor. He received the Nobel Prize for medicine in 1906.

Translate into English the following sentences.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Yo mir por el telescopio. Yo viaj a Londres el ao pasado. ( last year) l viaj a Pars el ao pasado. Yo vi la televisin anoche. ( last night) Yo ayud a mi hermano con sus deberes. Yo estudi para el examen la semana pasada. Yo visit a mi abuela ayer. Yo viv en Murcia el ao pasado. Yo habl con mis amigos ayer.

Answer the questions using did / didnt. Translate the questions into Spanish. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Did Frida kahlo discover Australia? (No) Did Frida Kahlo paint a lot of paintings? (Yes) Did Alexander Graham Bell invent the radio? (No) Did Alexander Graham Bell invent the telephone? (Yes) Did Diego Velzquez paint Las Meninas? (Yes) Did Diego Velzquez paint The Sunflowers? (No) Did Galileo look through the telescope? (Yes) Did you travel to Madrid last year? (Yes)

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