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Teyla paused, her hand brushing the depression in the rock.

A sliver of doubt wormed its way into her mind. Why was she here? She knew it felt right to do this, but was that enough to touch a strange control panel? If there was one thing she had learned in her time in Atlantis, it was that touching strange, glowing, alien objects was an extremely bad idea. She took a step back, hesitating. She took a deep breath and stepped forward, pushing the button. Teyla closed her eyes against a flash of bright light. She started when she opened her eyes. She was in the round room with John, Ronon and McKay. "Colonel?" she asked uncertainly. "What's going on?" Instead of replying, the Colonel let out a shout as he was yanked toward the wall of the room. Both Ronon and McKay were yanked in opposite directions. As Teyla reached out to grab McKay, her hand slid right through him. Teyla stood stunned as their weapons seemed to drag them to the walls. Rodney noticed the same thing. "It must be magnetic! Take offwhoa!" McKay yelped before he could finish. The silvery metal covering the walls liquefied and flowed to capture the three. It flowed over their wrists and ankles, their arms held by their sides and their legs held steadfastly below them. Then to top it off, another band of liquid metal flowed across their chests. They were now held fast in three different positions across the room. John, struggling futilely in his bonds, stopped suddenly, realizing there was one member of their party still free. "Does anyone have their radio on?" Blank stares met John's query. "For the love of" he muttered under his breath. He took as deep a breath he could with the metal band across his chest, "Teyla!" he shouted. Jumping at the sound of John's voice, Teyla snapped out of her shock and ran to him in an attempt to free him.

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