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PRESENT PERFECT SIMPLE OR CONTINUOUS Put the verbs in brackets in either the Present Perfect Simple or the Present

Perfect Continuous. 1. I ________________ (take) a French course for 5 months and the teacher says I am a fast learner. 2. A) Someone ____________ (leave) the ladder outside, look. 3. B) I expect thats Brain. He _______________ (clean) windows. And I dont think he __________ (finish) yet. 4. Ayse________________ (take) driving lessons and next week she is going to take a driving test. 5. I________________ (live) in Sues flat and when I find a new house, I will move. 6. Please dont go in. I _______ just________ (sweep) the flour. 7. I ________________ (eat) 8 chocolates up to now. 8. A- Are you hungry? B- No, Im not. I _______________ (eat) chocolates all day. 9. The young children _________________ (make) a snowman all morning. 10. I __________________ (break) my arms twice within 2 years. 11. Im tired. I _____________________ (play) tennis all afternoon. Look at the news extracts below and change the verbs in brackets to the simple or continuous form of the Present, Present Perfect or Past. In some cases, the order of the words can change. Here is the summary of the news: a) The Prime Minister (just announce) has just announced that there will not be a January election. He (speak) . at the opening of parliament a few minutes ago. His speech (still go on) . b) Police (find) the toddler who (disappear) .. from her home a week ago. Detectives in Oxford (question).people all week in connection with the abduction but so far no one (charge).. c) The economic situation (finally begin) . To improve, according to figures which (release) . yesterday. Unemployment has also (fall) . gradually over the last few months and export figures (reach) ..their highest level last month.

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