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AP Review Notebook 2012 Chapter 53 Population Ecology

Dynamic processes influence populations Population, density, dispersion mark-recapture method, immigration, emigration Clumped, uniform, random, territoriality Demography, life table, cohort, survivorship curve, Type I, Type II, and Type III, reproductive table Life History Traits products of natural selection Big-bang reproduction, semelparity, repeated reproduction, iteroparity, Concept Check 53.2 Answer 1,2, & 3 Exponential model of population growth: Changes in population size during time interval = (births + immigrants) (deaths + emigrants) N/t = B D Per capita birth rate, per capita death rate, zero population growth (ZPG) Exponential population growth, intrinsic rate of increase, j-shaped curve Logistic Model - population grows slowly near carrying capacity Logistic model of population growth N= population size, Carrying capacity (K), logistic population growth model ,KN = number of additional the environment can support; sigmoid (S-shaped) growth curve Allee effect, K-selection (density-dependent selection), r-selection (densityindependent selection) Population Density Give Examples: Density dependent, negative feedback, density independent, territoriality, predation, toxic wastes, intrinsic factors Population Dynamics Interaction of biotic and abiotic factors: give examples Summarize the population cycling of snowshoe hares and lynx Human Population Growth increasing rapidly Global human population since 1650, Zero population growth, demographic transition, age structure diagrams and social conditions, infant mortality Human carrying capacity of Earth, ecological footprint,

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