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Mental Health: Lesson 1, What it Means to Be Mentally Healthy

NAME: Sara Ofenloch PERIOD: 4/5 Mental Health Continuum

Mentally UnHealthy
1 2 3
Think of Famous People that you would classify as Mentally UnHealthy (1-3) or Mentally Healthy (4-6). Find a picture of each (appropriate) and place them on each side of mentally healthy or unhealthy. Put them in order based on your opinion. While doing this provide 5 characteristics of a mentally healthy or unhealthy person.

Mentally Healthy

Characteristics of a Mentally Unhealthy Person

(NOT the names of mentally healthy people but their characteristics)

Characteristics of a Mentally Healthy Person

(NOT the names of mentally healthy people but their characteristics)

1. Dont accept selves 1. Positive self esteem 2. Dont accept other people 2. Fit in 3. Pessimistic 3. Positive attitude 4. Dont belong/ fit in 4. Positive Outlook 5. Negative outlook 5. Self Control Definition of Mental Health- the ability to accept yourself and others, adapt to and manage emotions, and deal with the demands and challenges you meet in life
Five Characteristics of a Mentally Healthy Person According to Glencoe Health (Page 171)

Positive self esteem Valuing yourself



Someone with this characteristic does this.
Carries themselves proudly/ well

Someone without this characteristic does this.
Speaks negatively about selves

Sense of belonging

Fittting in with everyone else

Has lots of friends

Isolated/ loner

Sense of purpose

Belonging, Having a reason to be here

Feel like they fit in

Dont act like they belong

Positive outlook Autonomy

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