This Week in Syria, Deeply: 24 February 2013

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This Week in Syria, Deeply

2/25/13 4:11 PM

This Week in Syria, Deeply

Dear Deeply Readers, Our reporting this week showed how Civilian Leaders Struggle to Govern Aleppo and the way Valentine's Day Echoed in Syria's Social Media Buzz. Blogette Amal Hanano filed one of her long-form Syrian Stories: Armed with a Mic and Camera, while interviews looked at A Botched Mass Defection and Syria through the eyes of journalist Jenan Moussa. Our op-eds shed light on The Journey That Led to Caravan Aid, a college campus campaign to help Syrian refugees, and A Voice of Syria's Next Generation. In one of our partner projects, Managing Editor Karen Leigh held a webinar with Global Nomads Group, talking Syria with high school students across the US. As always, to help you review, heres our day-by-day roundup of Syria news this week: Monday: Rebels Seize Checkpoint Near Aleppo Airport; Europe Split Over Arms for Rebels Tuesday: Government Troops Pour Into Aleppo; Typhoid Breaks Out in Eastern Syria; EU Ministers Reject Arming Rebels Wednesday: Mortar Strikes Near Damascus Stadium; Battle Continues for Aleppo Airport; Russia, Arab League Offer to Broker Peace Talks Thursday: Car Bomb Hits Near Baath Party Headquarters in Damascus; Syrian Opposition Says Assad Cannot Be Part of Deal Friday: Damascus Hit by Its Deadliest Bombing; Internally Displaced Grow Desperate; UN Extends Syria Envoy Through 2013

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This Week in Syria, Deeply

2/25/13 4:11 PM

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