Transgender Experience: Identities, Policies, Communities

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TRANSGENDER EXPERIENCE Identities, Policies, Communities

A lecture followed by the film Trans

Thursday, March 14, 2013/ 5:30PM9:00PM / Namaste Hall
Join Jameson Green, PhD, leading transgender advocate and researcher, and President of W-Path, who will examine the emergence of Transgender identities and policies in the context of community formation in the U.S. and globally. A question and answer period will follow Greens lecture. At 7:30PM, noted film- maker Mark Schoen, PhD will preview his new film, TRANS, which is earning rave reviews in its Bay Area debut. This evening is sponsored by the new graduate program in Human Sexuality the first accredited program on the West Coast to offer a PhD in Human Sexuality with concentrations available in Clinical Practice and Sexuality Policy Leadership. For more information, contact Gil Herdt, PhD, professor and director of the Program at 415.575.3406.

This event sponsored by the Human Sexuality program.

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