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Focus Group Questionnaire

1) Would you buy the magazine Thunk? State reasons why/why not 2) What is one strength of the front cover? 3) What is one weakness of the front cover? 4) What is one convention that attracts you most to the front cover? 5) What do you feel could be changed/added to the contents page in order for it to be improved? 6) Does the contents page follow the conventions of a typical music magazine? Yes Is that good/bad? No Is that that good/bad? 7) What are improvements that could be changed to make the double page spread better? 8) What is one strength of the double page spread? 9) Does Thunk enforce the Hip-Hop genre? 10) Do you feel the images that are used are appropriate? What about them makes them fit in with the house style of the magazine?

11) Which do you prefer: Front cover, contents page and double page spread? Please state why 12) Do you think Thunk would survive in the market against other music magazines?

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