Stage 1 Space and Measurement Program

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Stage 1 Maths Space and Geometry 2D Space

Term 1
Outcome: SGS1.2 Manipulates, sorts, represents, describes and explores various two-dimensional shapes

Week 5-12
Key Ideas: Identify, name, compare and represent hexagons, rhombuses and trapeziums presented in different orientations Make tessellating designs using flips, slides and turns Identify a line of symmetry Identify and name parallel, vertical and horizontal lines

WORKING MATHEMATICALLY OUTCOME/S Questioning Asks questions that could be explored using mathematics in relation to Stage 1 content Applying Strategies Selects and uses appropriate mental or written strategies, or technology to solve a given problem Communicating Uses some mathematical terminology to describe or represent mathematical ideas Reasoning Checks the accuracy of a statement and explains the reasoning used Reflecting Links mathematical ideas and makes connections with existing knowledge and understanding in relation to Stage 1 content.

Knowledge and Skills Students learn about manipulating, comparing and describing features of twodimensional shapes, including hexagons, rhombuses and trapeziums using the terms sides and corners to describe features of two-dimensional shapes sorting two-dimensional shapes by a given attribute eg number of sides or corners identifying and naming hexagons, rhombuses and trapeziums presented in different orientations eg identifying shapes found in pictures and the environment making representations of two-dimensional shapes in different orientations, using drawings and a variety of materials joining and separating an arrangement of shapes to form new shapes identifying a line of symmetry on appropriate twodimensional shapes making symmetrical designs using pattern blocks, drawings and paintings making tessellating designs by flipping, sliding and turning a two-dimensional shape identifying shapes that do, and do not, tessellate

Working Mathematically Students learn to select a shape from a description of its features (Applying Strategies, Communicating) visualise, make and describe recently seen shapes (Applying Strategies, Communicating) describe objects in their environment that can be represented by twodimensional shapes (Communicating, Reflecting) identify shapes that are embedded in an arrangement of shapes or in a design (Applying Strategies) explain the attribute used when sorting two-dimensional shapes (Communicating) use computer drawing tools to complete a design with one line of symmetry (Applying Strategies) create a picture or design using computer paint, draw and graphics tools (Applying Strategies) manipulate an image using computer functions including flip, move, rotate and resize

identifying and naming parallel, vertical and horizontal lines in pictures and the environment
identifying the arms and vertex of the angle in a corner comparing angles by placing one angle on top of another

(Applying Strategies) describe the movement of a shape as a single flip, slide or turn (Communicating)
recognise that the name of a shape

doesnt change by changing its orientation in space (Reflecting)

Week Week 5

Activities Learning Intention: Sorting and recognising regular shapes Pre Assessment Using pattern blocks, students construct a house using different shapes. Students discuss the shapes they have used and their properties. Students are given regular and irregular shapes and are asked to group them (e.g. according to number of sides, colours, corners/no corners). Students discuss how the shapes are similar or different.


Week 5 continued

Learning Intention: Naming 2D Shapes Students discuss the following questions: - What is a 2D shape? Where can we find shapes? What makes each shape different? What are regular shapes? What are irregular shapes? Students play the game, What am I? and name 2D shapes according to their properties. Students draw and name these 2D shapes on geometric paper. Extension Activity: Students name geometrical 2D shapes (handout 1). Making 2D Shapes Students make 2D shapes using paddle pop sticks and blutak. Students then discuss the properties of the shape (e.g.a hexagon has 6 sides).

Week 6

Learning Intention: Making 2D shapes In small groups, students are given a bundle of straws of two different sizes and a die. Students roll the die and make a shape with the corresponding number of sides. Extension Activity- Students reflect on the activity and the difficulties faced (e.g. rolling a 1 or 2 on the die). (Units of Work, p.77). Students are given geometric boards and elastic bands to represent 2D shapes. Students discuss the shapes that they have represented.

Week 7

Learning Intention: Investigating a rhombus and trapezium Students are given an image of a rhombus and a trapezium. In small groups, students investigate their properties and discuss their attributes (sides, lines, corners or other shapes that are can be found inside).

Week 8

Learning Intention: Forming new shapes from existing shapes Students are given a variety of regular and irregular shapes. Students are asked to use several shapes to form a new shape. E.g. combining 5 triangles to form a rectangle or 2 semi circles to form one circle. Students are encouraged to discuss in mathematical language: -What happened to the new shape? -How many new shapes were required? - Are there any other shapes that have this existing pattern?

Week 9

Learning Intention: Shape Symmetry Students discuss the term symmetry. Students are given a piece of paper and are asked to draw 3 different shapes. Students are encouraged to cut out the shapes and investigate whether it is symmetrical. Students discuss their findings and reason them. Students are posed with the following questions: -Which shapes do not have a line of symmetry? -Which shapes can be folded in half a different way? Extension activity: Which letters of the alphabet have a line of symmetry? Students participate in the game barrier symmetry using patterned blocks. One student makes a symmetrical design and explains to their partner how to construct this design using mathematical and positional language (Units of Work, p.78).

Week 10

Learning Intention: Investigating which shapes can tessellate and form a continuing pattern. Students discuss the terms tessellation and non tessellation. Students use patterned blocks to investigate which shape tessellates. Students represent tessellating shapes and non tessellating shapes using drawing tools on the computer (Units of Work, p 78). Students investigate how regular shapes flip, slide and turn using patterned blocks. Students investigate using drawing

tools on the computer. Week 11 Learning Intention: Exploring lines and Shapes in the environment Students discuss the following lines: vertical, horizontal and parallel lines. They are then encouraged to think of other lines that exist in the environment. E.g. wavy lines. Students investigate their environment for different lines and the most reoccurring shapes. E.g. the edge of the roof, a desk, bricks or the flag pole. Students discuss and reflect their recordings. Week 12 Manipulates, sorts, represents, describes and explores various two-dimensional shapes Post Assessment Students name 2D Shapes and record the number of sides and corners that each shape has. (Please refer to handout 2).

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