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Harley-Davidson: Get Out and Ride

Jalon Turner

History of Harley-Davidson

Harley-Davidson was created in1901 and incorporated in 1907 1917 one-third of all HarleyDavidson motorcycles are sold to the U.S. military 1918 half of all the sold HarleyDavidsons were to the military

History of H-D

1969 H-D merges with American Machine and Foundry (AMF) a producer of leisure products 1981 Senior executives buy back H-D from AMF 1986 H-D is listed on the American Stock Exchange for the first time since 1969 when AMF purchased H-D

Background of HarleyDavidson

1912 Japan was the first country outside the U.S. to have H-D dealers 1913 the first racing department was formed 1914 the company enters racing competition

Problems and Goals

Men made up 88% of all sales in 2007 Women made up 12 % that same year The goal of H-D is to get more women interested in H-D and to get women in the driver seat instead of being a rider


To raise the percentage of women riders from 12% to 25% by the end of 2010 To educate women


External audience will be the primary focus for this proposal The wives of Harley-Davidson riders who traditionally ride on the back The women who are scared of motorcycles

Strategies and Tactics

Harley-Davidson female employees will have to do lectures at event persuading females to Get out and Ride Harley-Davidson female employees will have to pass out flyers telling about training sessions Hosting garage parties

Strategies and Tactics

Promote at Annual Events such as:

Harley-Davidson Female Ride Day 15th Annual Teddy Bear Ride in Trussville Alabama hosted by Riders Harley-Davidson Rumble on Noble St. Anniston Alabama

May Harley-Davidson Female Ride Day, National Event Rumble on Noble Street, Anniston, AL Ride for Kids: Barber Motor Speedway, Leeds, AL Teddy Bear Ride Trussville, AL Annual







4 Lectures @ $200.00 per lecture 4 employees to pass out flyers for 6hours, 4 times a year at regular employee pay rate Total $ 800.00

Est. $18.00 per. Hour. For an estimated total $432.00



Harley-Davidson will keep track with all sales at local stores Employees will take surveys at events

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