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Test 2 quick progress key Total out of 35. 1 mark per question.

1 mouse mat 2 filing cabinet 3 bank account 4 computer screen 5 car park 6 notice board 7 are 8 Does / have 9 cant or cannot 10 were 11 moved 12 left 13 didnt start 14 Was 15 H 16 I 17 H 18 T 19 H 20 T 21 the stewardess 22 the prison officials 23 the lawyer 24 the police 25 the pilot

26-30 (the correct information is in italics): Welcome to the Hotel Billingehus within easy travelling distance of both Stockholm and Gotenburg. With space for up to (26) 1,300 people we are the perfect choice for any business event. Our 26 (27) meeting rooms are all equipped with overhead projectors, video and internet connections. With (28) 24 guest rooms and a (29) dining room for up to 800 we can cater for every need. After a day of hard work you might want a drink in the cocktail bar or feel free to use our leisure facilities including a (30) spa and health centre with swimming pool and jacuzzi

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