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The Wind No sound is necessary as we feel the breeze on our face As it whistles through the branches of the sycamore

tree The direction is anyway it sees fit all over even in space Under the door up the stairs across the floor a chill on me Humans actually think they can "harness" the wind today Well then next time a tornado touches down give it a ride Sure wind turbines can gather as our ancestors in olden day Our jobs in recent have become for the hunter game do hide The wind swirls and with a whoosh through the building it goes With the froth of the breakers and the moon the ocean waves at us Sailing ships navigated the wind from the crows nest there she blows Surfers ride the waves they disappear in the tube then suddenly egress Wind is both a creator and destroyer at will there is no stopping such As it moves the wind can whisper or howl making any of us chagrinned The wind doth gives and takes' away and most time we can't do much Feel the warmth of the breeze through the trees a whisper I'm The Wind 2013 I.M. Nobody

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