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The Great Pyramids Egypt

The Hanging Gardens of Babylon

The Temple of Zeus

The Mausoleum of Halicarnassus

West Edge of Greece

The Colossus of Rhodes It is located off of the southwestern tip is Asia Minor, where the Agean Sea meets the Mediterranean Sea.

The temple of Artemis The Lighthouse of Alexandria Egypt


Amazon Rainforest Brazil

Halong Bay Vietnam

TableMountain South Afrika

Iguazu falls Brazil and Argentina

Jeju Island South Korea

Komodo Island Indonesia

Puerto Princesa Underground River. Found in the Philippines

Chichen Itza Mexica

Christ the Reedemer Corcovado Mountain

Great Wall OF China It is Found in China

Machu Picchu It is found in Peru

Petra It is found in Jordan Taj Mahal, it is found in India Roman Colosseum It is found in Italy

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