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Achieve Sept.Final 9/1/05 3:41 PM Page 1


Calendar September 17
Constitution and Citizenship
Day, a new observance & G L O S S A R Y
P.O. BOX 1398
JESSUP, MD 20794-1398
Permit NO. G-17 The U.S.
legislated by Congress this PENALTY FOR PRIVATE USE $300 OF
past May. Education institu- up to certain spending limits. Parents
tions receiving federal funds should be notified about their choices
are required to “hold an edu- “not later than the first day of the school VOL.4, NO.10 SEPTEMBER 2005
cational program pertaining What if my child’s school year following such identification,” the
to the U.S. Constitution on
does not make adequate law requires.
September 17 of each year,”
the new law states. Among
other resources, the FREE
yearly progress? If the school does not make AYP
for three years, the district must offer
Spellings Says
Data Are “Evidence That
No Child Left Behind
Nation’s Report Card I N S I D E

U Results Show Progress

Web site—— nder the No Child Left Behind students from low-income families sup-
2 Spellings at National PTA
offers a special page of federal Act, by the start of the school plemental educational services—free Is Working” Convention
resources for teaching and year parents should be notified tutoring and other academic services
Around the Country—
learning about the 1787 doc- as to whether their child’s school has outside of the regular school day.

he latest results on the Nation’s Report > Thirteen-year-old students scored higher in Alabama and North and
ument that shaped America’s made adequate yearly progress (AYP). Schools that remain “in improvement” South Dakota
for additional years are subject to correc- Card show that students have made sig- math in 2004 than in any previous assessment
democratic government. Schools that have not made AYP for
tive action and restructuring. nificant gains since the enactment of No year, with considerable increases occurring since 3 New Mexico’s Chimayo
two consecutive school years are identi-

( Child Left Behind and, in some cases, in 1999. But reading scores for this cohort remain Elementary School

fied for improvement. While school
AYP adequate yearly progress: the history of the assessment program, unchanged from the last assessment. 5 Calendar
officials must develop a plan to turn
the annual level of improvement,
which began charting educational > Overall performance of 17-year-old
around the school, every student in a Q&A—Adequate Yearly
progress in 1971 in reading and 1973 in students in both subjects remained Progress
school receiving Title I funds must be as measured on student assessments
September 24 mathematics. unchanged; however, black and Hispanic
given the option to transfer to another and other academic indicators, set Education News Parents
National Book Festival, public school in the district that has not Released in July by the U.S. Depart- students in this age group made progress
by each state that a school must Can Use
sponsored by the Library been identified as needing improvement. ment of Education’s National Center for since the initial assessment.
achieve. 6 Resource—The Facts
of Congress and hosted by The district must provide transportation Education Statistics, data from the 2004 > Many of the differences in achievement
About K–12 Funding
First Lady Laura Bush on the long-term National Assessment of Educational between black or Hispanic students and their
National Mall in Washington, Progress (NAEP) revealed: white counterparts have narrowed, as the average
D.C. Famous guests include > On average, nine-year-old students scored scores for minority student groups have increased
authors Tom Clancy, David News Show Offers Back-to-School Tips The Facts About K–12 Education Funding higher in both subjects in 2004 than in any pre- over time.
McCullough and R.L. Stine. vious assessment year, with substantial increases “Today’s report card,” said U.S. Secretary of Edu-
For details, visit

he Department’s College Access/Dual occurring since the last assessment in 1999. cation Margaret Spellings, “is evidence that No Child
and click on “National Book Enrollment, Interna-

monthly television in the 2004–05 school year, 83 cents

Festival,” or call (888) 714- he cost of funding education in > continued on page 2
program begins tional Baccalaureate America’s public elementary and out of every dollar spent on education is
the 2004–05 season with and other promising secondary schools is the topic of estimated to come from state and local U.S. Department of Education “Choosing the Best Apple”
contributions. The federal government’s 400 Maryland Ave., S.W.
October 20 a special “Back-to- initiatives designed to a recently revised publication from the
Lights On Afterschool!, a School” edition that increase the rigor and Education Department. share is 8.3 percent, which has risen by
more than one-third since 1990–91, when
Washington, DC 20202

The Achiever is a monthly publication

New Mexico School Turns Around Lagging
nationwide event saluting after-
school programs. For informa-
focuses on high school relevance of the high
school years.
10 Facts About K–12 Education Funding
provides an overview of how kindergarten it was 5.7 percent. for parents and community leaders Scores With Schoolwide Reform Efforts
learning. The September from the Office of Communications
through 12th-grade education is funded in The brochure also specifies the funding and Outreach, U.S. Department of
tion on hosting a local event show of Education News Each month, Education
the United States. This full-color brochure levels under the No Child Left Behind Act, Education (ED). Margaret Spellings, Two years ago when New Mexico first administered its
along with suggested ideas and Parents Can Use will News Parents Can Use Secretary.

includes an explanation of each fact along which has increased every year since it was criterion-referenced tests to measure how well students
supporting materials, visit
offer parents of middle showcases schools and enacted in January 2002—from $22 billion Comments? Contact Nicole Ashby, were faring against state standards, students at with a graph to
We want
and high school-aged school districts from to the $25.3 billion proposed for fiscal year Editor, (202) 205-0676 (fax), or
or call (202) 347-1002. illustrate it. For Chimayo Elementary School scored far below
students tips on course selection; questions across the country; con- instance, one 2006. Federal dollars under NCLB are sent average. Just a little over a third (37.5 percent)
October 16–22
National Character Counts!
to ask teachers and principals; and advice
for keeping students on track.
versations with school officials, parents and
education experts; and advice and free
graph breaks
down the
to states and school districts through a
variety of programs, as described briefly in
Address changes and subscriptions?
Contact (877) 4ED-PUBS, or
to represent demonstrated proficiency in both reading and
Week, a celebration of the The broadcast will showcase teachers and resources for parents and educators. amount of
the publication, including Title I (for high-
poverty schools), Reading First, Improving
Information on ED programs, resources
ourselves in But by the following year, in
importance of developing
good character in youths.
administrators from schools that are suc-
cessfully applying the No Child Left Behind To learn about viewing provided for Teacher Quality Grants, and English
Language Acquisition.
and events? Contact (800) USA-
LEARN, or a positive 2004, the school had made dra-
matic increases. Fourth-graders—the
top comparable
schools statewide by 20
... way.

To receive free resources for principles of high standards for all stu- options, including webcasts, education by The Achiever contains news and benchmark initially set by the state for measuring points.
conducting local activities, visit visit and click federal, state For other facts about funding public information about and from public
dents and evidence-based approach- and private organizations for the
elementary school achievement—scored well above the Gains at this predominantly His- or on “Press Room,” then and local education, download a copy of 10 Facts
es to learning. It will also highlight reader's information. Inclusion does norm: 75 percent proved mastery of reading, and 87.5 panic and economically disadvantaged
call (800) 711-2670. levels. About K–12 Education Funding at
such programs as State Scholars, “Audio & Video,” or call not constitute an endorsement by the
percent of math, overall doubling the average from the school were so dramatic that it attracted the attention of
According, or order it toll-free at U.S. Department of Education of any
Advanced Placement, Community toll-free (800) USA-LEARN. products or services offered or views previous year. Chimayo’s scores outranked those of Just for the Kids, a program of the National Center for
to the brochure, (877) 4ED-PUBS with identification
number EA 0484B. > continued on page 3
page 5 page 6
Achieve Sept.Final 9/1/05 3:41 PM Page 2

> continued from page 1 > continued from page 1

Left Behind is working—it is helping to raise Spellings said, there remains room for growth: long-term trend report are described by gen- Educational Account- The work to which Coriz programs is especially acute because local Clockwise, from the top: Principal Salazar; first-grader Jasmin

the achievement of young students of every “We are at the beginning of the journey and der, race/ethnicity and parents’ highest level ability, which held an refers largely began in the drug use and unemployment are at high and fifth-grader Christopher; teacher Melanie Martinez (center,

honors ceremony this 2003–04 school year with a levels, sources say. background) with students; the Coriz family; and students Santiago
race and from every type of family back- certainly have room for improvement, particu- of education. The “main” NAEP, the other
and Cherish. On page 1, Jasmin and cousin Jeremiah. Photos by
ground. And the achievement gap that has larly at the high school level. We must support basic type of the report that tests by grade summer for Chimayo grant from the U.S. Depart- Coriz, who was born and raised in Chi-
Debora Falco.
persisted for decades in the younger years older students with the same can-do attitude rather than by age and includes state results, and four other New ment of Education that helped mayo and has two daughters at the elemen-
between minorities and whites has shrunk that helped their younger brothers and sisters.” will be released later this fall. Mexico schools. Just for to put into place several initia- tary school, considers the
to its smallest size in history.” Based on a representative sample of stu- the Kids recognizes tives for a schoolwide reform. school-community challenging at first to move from group to
For the full results of the 2004 report, visit
Although there is reason for celebration, dents aged nine, 13 and 17, results on the and scroll down the menu to consistently high-per- The funding allowed the partnership a individualized instruction but is thankful for
“Nation’s Report Card.” forming schools that school to buy new math and necessary the teacher support—number two on the
stand head and shoul- reading curricula materials, Parent involvement had been improvement plan—for easing the shift.

Photo courtesy of National PTA

ders above their demo- including a computer program the number-three concern in “You just have to learn to work with it
“parents” is men- So we have a double duty: to advocate for
Spellings Addresses graphic counterparts. that tracked student progress; 2003 on Chimayo’s school- because you find that after a while the old
tioned 651 times all children, not just our own; and to make According to the provide teacher training for wide plan identifying 30 methods are not necessarily working,”
PTA Convention in No Child Left our communities care about all children as state’s 2005 adequate the new curricula; and hire a areas for improvement. Malcolm added.
Behind. The law well. ... How do we make people care about yearly progress (AYP) report released in behavioral specialist to help cut down on Number one on the list Teacher support also included training

n a speech given early this summer at puts parents front something they don’t consider to be their August, Chimayo has met AYP goals for the discipline issues that would detract from was another need com- on the new reading and math curricula,
the annual National PTA Convention and center! ... problem? ... At some point in the future, if 40 second year in a row. This accomplishment learning. mon to schools across which Principal Salazar considers more
in Columbus, Ohio, Secretary Spellings I recently percent of Americans don’t have the skills to comes in the face of higher standards and The decision making process for school the country, especially to rigorous and better aligned with their
spoke about bridging the divide between encountered a hold a job, we’ll see crime, hopelessness and more students—in grades three through improvement, describes Principal Ruben rural and disadvantaged objectives. He requires every teacher
parents and their children’s schools. Below mother who told despair on the rise. ... six—being examined this year. (2005 test Salazar, who joined Chimayo two years ago ones like Chimayo: at the end of each day to assess
is an excerpt of her remarks. me that her school The good news is that three years into this score results were not available at the time when its principal retired, is “a basket of technology. students’ knowledge of the materials.
... I know how hard it is to compete for “had some of those Nickleby kids.” ... It was law, we are making real progress, not only in this article was written.) apples, and it’s just choosing the best apple “There’s a demand for Constant testing, he believes, offers a
attention in the high-speed, interconnected, a reference to No Child Left Behind kids. attitudes but also in results. ... “It’s no coincidence,” said Suzanne Coriz, that’s going to benefit your school.” students to know a lot more two-way benefit: “It cuts down on test
I-Pod-loving, 24-7 media-rich world in NCLB. It was said in a derogatory way, ... In New York, the achievement gap in who serves on Chimayo’s Parent Advisory He also credits two after-school programs than there used to be,” said anxiety. ... We also get an assessment of the
which we are raising our children. ... It’s like the school was fourth-grade English continues to close. Council. “A lot of work has been put into by Para Los Niños and the Boys & Girls mar- veteran teacher Janet Malcolm, child’s level—that way, parents, students
not easy to stay involved in your child’s being dragged down African-American and Hispanic students espe- this by the staff, the principal, the parents. Club, which has a building adjoined to the riage for a who has taught at Chimayo for the and the administrators are informed as to
school, especially if you’re a sin- because of these cially continue to make significant gains. For Everyone is getting involved, and I think school’s gymnasium. healthy popu- past 27 years. “There’s so much technol- where the child is.”
gle parent like children. the first time, a majority achieved all the stan- that’s why it’s improved.” Located in an outlying area with urban lation.“We work ogy and other things that students need to Salazar plans to purchase additional

I was, or a So who are these dards, including over 57 percent of Hispanic neighbor Sante Fe more than 20 miles away, very hard and we want to learn at an earlier age.” programs, including one for science learn-
parent who
u Kn
Did Yo
“Nickleby” kids? students, up from 26 percent in 1999. We’ve Chimayo depends on the support of these represent ourselves in a positive rather than To bridge the digital divide, with federal ing, that develop critical thinking skills.
doesn’t speak 0 0 s tuden The voiceless seen similar gains in Maryland and Georgia as organizations along with another community a negative way,” she said. “So now we’re and private support, Chimayo added a com- His struggle is a constant search for
English, or a at ely 250 ge of free ones who slipped well. ... partner, the Chimayo Youth Corps, to help just kind of all saying ‘No more. It’s time puter lab, installed at least three computers in resources that will improve learning and
x im anta
Appro oo k adv o p tions
working mom. ea r t oic e through the Nationally, students are taking advantage of provide tutoring and enrichment activities that we better the community by putting every classroom, provided laptops to teachers, meet ever-increasing demands.
last y ool ch Act.
The PTA is the rin g or sch e ft B ehind system because what the law has to offer. For instance, in for its children at risk. The need for such more effort into the schooling.’” designated one faculty member as the tech- Having seen some progress in her chil-
tuto ild L
bridge between th e No Ch c ation, Off
they were 2003–04, 220,000 students across the nation Coriz and her husband have served on nology coordinator, and purchased software dren’s performances, Coriz agrees that there
u .
of Ed cation
the crazy, over- artment ndary Edu Chimayo’s Parent Advisory Council for the to help with grading and lesson planning. is much more road to tread in Chimayo’s
.D ep c o someone else’s got free tutoring because of No Child Left
e: U.S nd Se
scheduled life we Sourc lementary a past four years since it started. The 10-mem- Malcolm said the computer program has journey toward student achievement.
of E problem. Behind. And at least 30,000 students have
all now lead and They were in someone enrolled in new schools. That number contin- ber council addresses every school-related been a valuable supplemental tool for instruc- “I know we can still improve,” she said.
the highly confus- else’s school. But you know what? ues to rise. As soon as more parents take issue, from safety to special education, and it tion because it identifies a student’s learning “But we’re moving there. We’re moving
ing, often intimidating They weren’t. And aren’t. They are in advantage of No Child Left Behind, achieve- recently organized a “lunch-buddy” system level, selects assignments accordingly and down the right path.”
school system. almost every school. Your child’s school. ment is going to go up even more. ... that enlists parent volunteers as mentors tracks achievement. She admits that it was —BY NICOLE ASHBY
... Once you enter the schoolhouse My daughters’ schools. And they are gifted during lunchtime.
For the full speech, visit and click on
doors, it can be like walking into a wall of young people with much to offer our com- “Speeches” for the June 24, 2005, remarks.
“edu-speak.” I can understand why parents
get frustrated. It sometimes feels like we’re
all speaking a different language. ...
... And it’s our job to make sure parents
understand what [the jargon] means. ...
No Child Left Behind gives parents
munities, our country and our world. ...


ALABAMA—Fourth- science, social studies and English. The NORTH & SOUTH DAKOTA—
Chimayo Elementary School
Minnesota. Some students live closer to the > Grade Span: K–6 > Special Education Students: 7%
through 12th-graders in Alaba- service is also available to students enrolled Students in grades K–12 along the North state border than to their current schools, trav- > Locale: Small town > Percentage Proficient: In mathe-
information about their school’s perform- matics, 87.5%; in reading, 75%
ma can get the homework help in college preparatory classes and trying to Dakota-South Dakota border will be able to eling in one county, for instance, as far as 40 > Total Students: 239
ance; gives parents options if their local (based on fourth-graders
they need seven days a week, earn their GED. The program, which began attend schools in either state, due to a new miles to their district schools. For financial
school isn’t serving their needs; and pro- > Race/Ethnicity Enrollment: assessed on the 2004 state
from 3 p.m. to midnight, by in 2002 in 10 libraries, will expand to all cross-border enrollment program that allows purposes, each state will count the other’s 98% Hispanic, 2% white exam).
vides parents free tutoring for their children logging on to a free online 219 public libraries this school year, thanks students living in a border school district to students as if they are state residents, and the
who are struggling. In fact, the word > Free or Reduced-Price > Interesting Fact: In math,
tutoring service. Students to a pledge from the Alabama Public attend a school in the neighboring state’s bor- district will receive state aid for those students.
Lunch Eligible: 100% student scores jumped 50
receive live assistance from Library System. dering district. North Dakota already main- Districts that lose students will no longer percentage points in just one
trained professionals in math, tains a similar agreement with Montana and need to negotiate out-of-state tuition rates. > English Language
year of school reform efforts.
Learners: 85%
page 2 page 3 page 4
Achieve Sept.Final 9/1/05 3:41 PM Page 2

> continued from page 1 > continued from page 1

Left Behind is working—it is helping to raise Spellings said, there remains room for growth: long-term trend report are described by gen- Educational Account- The work to which Coriz programs is especially acute because local Clockwise, from the top: Principal Salazar; first-grader Jasmin

the achievement of young students of every “We are at the beginning of the journey and der, race/ethnicity and parents’ highest level ability, which held an refers largely began in the drug use and unemployment are at high and fifth-grader Christopher; teacher Melanie Martinez (center,

honors ceremony this 2003–04 school year with a levels, sources say. background) with students; the Coriz family; and students Santiago
race and from every type of family back- certainly have room for improvement, particu- of education. The “main” NAEP, the other
and Cherish. On page 1, Jasmin and cousin Jeremiah. Photos by
ground. And the achievement gap that has larly at the high school level. We must support basic type of the report that tests by grade summer for Chimayo grant from the U.S. Depart- Coriz, who was born and raised in Chi-
Debora Falco.
persisted for decades in the younger years older students with the same can-do attitude rather than by age and includes state results, and four other New ment of Education that helped mayo and has two daughters at the elemen-
between minorities and whites has shrunk that helped their younger brothers and sisters.” will be released later this fall. Mexico schools. Just for to put into place several initia- tary school, considers the
to its smallest size in history.” Based on a representative sample of stu- the Kids recognizes tives for a schoolwide reform. school-community challenging at first to move from group to
For the full results of the 2004 report, visit
Although there is reason for celebration, dents aged nine, 13 and 17, results on the and scroll down the menu to consistently high-per- The funding allowed the partnership a individualized instruction but is thankful for
“Nation’s Report Card.” forming schools that school to buy new math and necessary the teacher support—number two on the
stand head and shoul- reading curricula materials, Parent involvement had been improvement plan—for easing the shift.

Photo courtesy of National PTA

ders above their demo- including a computer program the number-three concern in “You just have to learn to work with it
“parents” is men- So we have a double duty: to advocate for
Spellings Addresses graphic counterparts. that tracked student progress; 2003 on Chimayo’s school- because you find that after a while the old
tioned 651 times all children, not just our own; and to make According to the provide teacher training for wide plan identifying 30 methods are not necessarily working,”
PTA Convention in No Child Left our communities care about all children as state’s 2005 adequate the new curricula; and hire a areas for improvement. Malcolm added.
Behind. The law well. ... How do we make people care about yearly progress (AYP) report released in behavioral specialist to help cut down on Number one on the list Teacher support also included training

n a speech given early this summer at puts parents front something they don’t consider to be their August, Chimayo has met AYP goals for the discipline issues that would detract from was another need com- on the new reading and math curricula,
the annual National PTA Convention and center! ... problem? ... At some point in the future, if 40 second year in a row. This accomplishment learning. mon to schools across which Principal Salazar considers more
in Columbus, Ohio, Secretary Spellings I recently percent of Americans don’t have the skills to comes in the face of higher standards and The decisionmaking process for school the country, especially to rigorous and better aligned with their
spoke about bridging the divide between encountered a hold a job, we’ll see crime, hopelessness and more students—in grades three through improvement, describes Principal Ruben rural and disadvantaged objectives. He requires every teacher
parents and their children’s schools. Below mother who told despair on the rise. ... six—being examined this year. (2005 test Salazar, who joined Chimayo two years ago ones like Chimayo: at the end of each day to assess
is an excerpt of her remarks. me that her school The good news is that three years into this score results were not available at the time when its principal retired, is “a basket of technology. students’ knowledge of the materials.
... I know how hard it is to compete for “had some of those Nickleby kids.” ... It was law, we are making real progress, not only in this article was written.) apples, and it’s just choosing the best apple “There’s a demand for Constant testing, he believes, offers a
attention in the high-speed, interconnected, a reference to No Child Left Behind kids. attitudes but also in results. ... “It’s no coincidence,” said Suzanne Coriz, that’s going to benefit your school.” students to know a lot more two-way benefit: “It cuts down on test
I-Pod-loving, 24-7 media-rich world in NCLB. It was said in a derogatory way, ... In New York, the achievement gap in who serves on Chimayo’s Parent Advisory He also credits two after-school programs than there used to be,” said anxiety. ... We also get an assessment of the
which we are raising our children. ... It’s like the school was fourth-grade English continues to close. Council. “A lot of work has been put into by Para Los Niños and the Boys & Girls mar- veteran teacher Janet Malcolm, child’s level—that way, parents, students
not easy to stay involved in your child’s being dragged down African-American and Hispanic students espe- this by the staff, the principal, the parents. Club, which has a building adjoined to the riage for a who has taught at Chimayo for the and the administrators are informed as to
school, especially if you’re a sin- because of these cially continue to make significant gains. For Everyone is getting involved, and I think school’s gymnasium. healthy popu- past 27 years. “There’s so much technol- where the child is.”
gle parent like children. the first time, a majority achieved all the stan- that’s why it’s improved.” Located in an outlying area with urban lation.“We work ogy and other things that students need to Salazar plans to purchase additional

I was, or a So who are these dards, including over 57 percent of Hispanic neighbor Sante Fe more than 20 miles away, very hard and we want to learn at an earlier age.” programs, including one for science learn-
parent who
u Kn
Did Yo
“Nickleby” kids? students, up from 26 percent in 1999. We’ve Chimayo depends on the support of these represent ourselves in a positive rather than To bridge the digital divide, with federal ing, that develop critical thinking skills.
doesn’t speak 0 0 s tuden The voiceless seen similar gains in Maryland and Georgia as organizations along with another community a negative way,” she said. “So now we’re and private support, Chimayo added a com- His struggle is a constant search for
English, or a at ely 250 ge of free ones who slipped well. ... partner, the Chimayo Youth Corps, to help just kind of all saying ‘No more. It’s time puter lab, installed at least three computers in resources that will improve learning and
x im anta
Appro oo k adv o p tions
working mom. ea r t oic e through the Nationally, students are taking advantage of provide tutoring and enrichment activities that we better the community by putting every classroom, provided laptops to teachers, meet ever-increasing demands.
last y ool ch Act.
The PTA is the rin g or sch e ft B ehind system because what the law has to offer. For instance, in for its children at risk. The need for such more effort into the schooling.’” designated one faculty member as the tech- Having seen some progress in her chil-
tuto ild L
bridge between th e No Ch c ation, Off
they were 2003–04, 220,000 students across the nation Coriz and her husband have served on nology coordinator, and purchased software dren’s performances, Coriz agrees that there
u .
of Ed cation
the crazy, over- artment ndary Edu Chimayo’s Parent Advisory Council for the to help with grading and lesson planning. is much more road to tread in Chimayo’s
.D ep c o someone else’s got free tutoring because of No Child Left
e: U.S nd Se
scheduled life we Sourc lementary a past four years since it started. The 10-mem- Malcolm said the computer program has journey toward student achievement.
of E problem. Behind. And at least 30,000 students have
all now lead and They were in someone enrolled in new schools. That number contin- ber council addresses every school-related been a valuable supplemental tool for instruc- “I know we can still improve,” she said.
the highly confus- else’s school. But you know what? ues to rise. As soon as more parents take issue, from safety to special education, and it tion because it identifies a student’s learning “But we’re moving there. We’re moving
ing, often intimidating They weren’t. And aren’t. They are in advantage of No Child Left Behind, achieve- recently organized a “lunch-buddy” system level, selects assignments accordingly and down the right path.”
school system. almost every school. Your child’s school. ment is going to go up even more. ... that enlists parent volunteers as mentors tracks achievement. She admits that it was —BY NICOLE ASHBY
... Once you enter the schoolhouse My daughters’ schools. And they are gifted during lunchtime.
For the full speech, visit and click on
doors, it can be like walking into a wall of young people with much to offer our com- “Speeches” for the June 24, 2005, remarks.
“edu-speak.” I can understand why parents
get frustrated. It sometimes feels like we’re
all speaking a different language. ...
... And it’s our job to make sure parents
understand what [the jargon] means. ...
No Child Left Behind gives parents
munities, our country and our world. ...


ALABAMA—Fourth- science, social studies and English. The NORTH & SOUTH DAKOTA—
Chimayo Elementary School
Minnesota. Some students live closer to the > Grade Span: K–6 > Special Education Students: 7%
through 12th-graders in Alaba- service is also available to students enrolled Students in grades K–12 along the North state border than to their current schools, trav- > Locale: Small town > Percentage Proficient: In mathe-
information about their school’s perform- matics, 87.5%; in reading, 75%
ma can get the homework help in college preparatory classes and trying to Dakota-South Dakota border will be able to eling in one county, for instance, as far as 40 > Total Students: 239
ance; gives parents options if their local (based on fourth-graders
they need seven days a week, earn their GED. The program, which began attend schools in either state, due to a new miles to their district schools. For financial
school isn’t serving their needs; and pro- > Race/Ethnicity Enrollment: assessed on the 2004 state
from 3 p.m. to midnight, by in 2002 in 10 libraries, will expand to all cross-border enrollment program that allows purposes, each state will count the other’s 98% Hispanic, 2% white exam).
vides parents free tutoring for their children logging on to a free online 219 public libraries this school year, thanks students living in a border school district to students as if they are state residents, and the
who are struggling. In fact, the word > Free or Reduced-Price > Interesting Fact: In math,
tutoring service. Students to a pledge from the Alabama Public attend a school in the neighboring state’s bor- district will receive state aid for those students.
Lunch Eligible: 100% student scores jumped 50
receive live assistance from Library System. dering district. North Dakota already main- Districts that lose students will no longer percentage points in just one
trained professionals in math, tains a similar agreement with Montana and need to negotiate out-of-state tuition rates. > English Language
year of school reform efforts.
Learners: 85%
page 2 page 3 page 4
Achieve Sept.Final 9/1/05 3:41 PM Page 2

> continued from page 1 > continued from page 1

Left Behind is working—it is helping to raise Spellings said, there remains room for growth: long-term trend report are described by gen- Educational Account- The work to which Coriz programs is especially acute because local Clockwise, from the top: Principal Salazar; first-grader Jasmin

the achievement of young students of every “We are at the beginning of the journey and der, race/ethnicity and parents’ highest level ability, which held an refers largely began in the drug use and unemployment are at high and fifth-grader Christopher; teacher Melanie Martinez (center,

honors ceremony this 2003–04 school year with a levels, sources say. background) with students; the Coriz family; and students Santiago
race and from every type of family back- certainly have room for improvement, particu- of education. The “main” NAEP, the other
and Cherish. On page 1, Jasmin and cousin Jeremiah. Photos by
ground. And the achievement gap that has larly at the high school level. We must support basic type of the report that tests by grade summer for Chimayo grant from the U.S. Depart- Coriz, who was born and raised in Chi-
Debora Falco.
persisted for decades in the younger years older students with the same can-do attitude rather than by age and includes state results, and four other New ment of Education that helped mayo and has two daughters at the elemen-
between minorities and whites has shrunk that helped their younger brothers and sisters.” will be released later this fall. Mexico schools. Just for to put into place several initia- tary school, considers the
to its smallest size in history.” Based on a representative sample of stu- the Kids recognizes tives for a schoolwide reform. school-community challenging at first to move from group to
For the full results of the 2004 report, visit
Although there is reason for celebration, dents aged nine, 13 and 17, results on the and scroll down the menu to consistently high-per- The funding allowed the partnership a individualized instruction but is thankful for
“Nation’s Report Card.” forming schools that school to buy new math and necessary the teacher support—number two on the
stand head and shoul- reading curricula materials, Parent involvement had been improvement plan—for easing the shift.

Photo courtesy of National PTA

ders above their demo- including a computer program the number-three concern in “You just have to learn to work with it
“parents” is men- So we have a double duty: to advocate for
Spellings Addresses graphic counterparts. that tracked student progress; 2003 on Chimayo’s school- because you find that after a while the old
tioned 651 times all children, not just our own; and to make According to the provide teacher training for wide plan identifying 30 methods are not necessarily working,”
PTA Convention in No Child Left our communities care about all children as state’s 2005 adequate the new curricula; and hire a areas for improvement. Malcolm added.
Behind. The law well. ... How do we make people care about yearly progress (AYP) report released in behavioral specialist to help cut down on Number one on the list Teacher support also included training

n a speech given early this summer at puts parents front something they don’t consider to be their August, Chimayo has met AYP goals for the discipline issues that would detract from was another need com- on the new reading and math curricula,
the annual National PTA Convention and center! ... problem? ... At some point in the future, if 40 second year in a row. This accomplishment learning. mon to schools across which Principal Salazar considers more
in Columbus, Ohio, Secretary Spellings I recently percent of Americans don’t have the skills to comes in the face of higher standards and The decision making process for school the country, especially to rigorous and better aligned with their
spoke about bridging the divide between encountered a hold a job, we’ll see crime, hopelessness and more students—in grades three through improvement, describes Principal Ruben rural and disadvantaged objectives. He requires every teacher
parents and their children’s schools. Below mother who told despair on the rise. ... six—being examined this year. (2005 test Salazar, who joined Chimayo two years ago ones like Chimayo: at the end of each day to assess
is an excerpt of her remarks. me that her school The good news is that three years into this score results were not available at the time when its principal retired, is “a basket of technology. students’ knowledge of the materials.
... I know how hard it is to compete for “had some of those Nickleby kids.” ... It was law, we are making real progress, not only in this article was written.) apples, and it’s just choosing the best apple “There’s a demand for Constant testing, he believes, offers a
attention in the high-speed, interconnected, a reference to No Child Left Behind kids. attitudes but also in results. ... “It’s no coincidence,” said Suzanne Coriz, that’s going to benefit your school.” students to know a lot more two-way benefit: “It cuts down on test
I-Pod-loving, 24-7 media-rich world in NCLB. It was said in a derogatory way, ... In New York, the achievement gap in who serves on Chimayo’s Parent Advisory He also credits two after-school programs than there used to be,” said anxiety. ... We also get an assessment of the
which we are raising our children. ... It’s like the school was fourth-grade English continues to close. Council. “A lot of work has been put into by Para Los Niños and the Boys & Girls mar- veteran teacher Janet Malcolm, child’s level—that way, parents, students
not easy to stay involved in your child’s being dragged down African-American and Hispanic students espe- this by the staff, the principal, the parents. Club, which has a building adjoined to the riage for a who has taught at Chimayo for the and the administrators are informed as to
school, especially if you’re a sin- because of these cially continue to make significant gains. For Everyone is getting involved, and I think school’s gymnasium. healthy popu- past 27 years. “There’s so much technol- where the child is.”
gle parent like children. the first time, a majority achieved all the stan- that’s why it’s improved.” Located in an outlying area with urban lation.“We work ogy and other things that students need to Salazar plans to purchase additional

I was, or a So who are these dards, including over 57 percent of Hispanic neighbor Sante Fe more than 20 miles away, very hard and we want to learn at an earlier age.” programs, including one for science learn-
parent who
u Kn
Did Yo
“Nickleby” kids? students, up from 26 percent in 1999. We’ve Chimayo depends on the support of these represent ourselves in a positive rather than To bridge the digital divide, with federal ing, that develop critical thinking skills.
doesn’t speak 0 0 s tuden The voiceless seen similar gains in Maryland and Georgia as organizations along with another community a negative way,” she said. “So now we’re and private support, Chimayo added a com- His struggle is a constant search for
English, or a at ely 250 ge of free ones who slipped well. ... partner, the Chimayo Youth Corps, to help just kind of all saying ‘No more. It’s time puter lab, installed at least three computers in resources that will improve learning and
x im anta
Appro oo k adv o p tions
working mom. ea r t oic e through the Nationally, students are taking advantage of provide tutoring and enrichment activities that we better the community by putting every classroom, provided laptops to teachers, meet ever-increasing demands.
last y ool ch Act.
The PTA is the rin g or sch e ft B ehind system because what the law has to offer. For instance, in for its children at risk. The need for such more effort into the schooling.’” designated one faculty member as the tech- Having seen some progress in her chil-
tuto ild L
bridge between th e No Ch c ation, Off
they were 2003–04, 220,000 students across the nation Coriz and her husband have served on nology coordinator, and purchased software dren’s performances, Coriz agrees that there
u .
of Ed cation
the crazy, over- artment ndary Edu Chimayo’s Parent Advisory Council for the to help with grading and lesson planning. is much more road to tread in Chimayo’s
.D ep c o someone else’s got free tutoring because of No Child Left
e: U.S nd Se
scheduled life we Sourc lementary a past four years since it started. The 10-mem- Malcolm said the computer program has journey toward student achievement.
of E problem. Behind. And at least 30,000 students have
all now lead and They were in someone enrolled in new schools. That number contin- ber council addresses every school-related been a valuable supplemental tool for instruc- “I know we can still improve,” she said.
the highly confus- else’s school. But you know what? ues to rise. As soon as more parents take issue, from safety to special education, and it tion because it identifies a student’s learning “But we’re moving there. We’re moving
ing, often intimidating They weren’t. And aren’t. They are in advantage of No Child Left Behind, achieve- recently organized a “lunch-buddy” system level, selects assignments accordingly and down the right path.”
school system. almost every school. Your child’s school. ment is going to go up even more. ... that enlists parent volunteers as mentors tracks achievement. She admits that it was —BY NICOLE ASHBY
... Once you enter the schoolhouse My daughters’ schools. And they are gifted during lunchtime.
For the full speech, visit and click on
doors, it can be like walking into a wall of young people with much to offer our com- “Speeches” for the June 24, 2005, remarks.
“edu-speak.” I can understand why parents
get frustrated. It sometimes feels like we’re
all speaking a different language. ...
... And it’s our job to make sure parents
understand what [the jargon] means. ...
No Child Left Behind gives parents
munities, our country and our world. ...


ALABAMA—Fourth- science, social studies and English. The NORTH & SOUTH DAKOTA—
Chimayo Elementary School
Minnesota. Some students live closer to the > Grade Span: K–6 > Special Education Students: 7%
through 12th-graders in Alaba- service is also available to students enrolled Students in grades K–12 along the North state border than to their current schools, trav- > Locale: Small town > Percentage Proficient: In mathe-
information about their school’s perform- matics, 87.5%; in reading, 75%
ma can get the homework help in college preparatory classes and trying to Dakota-South Dakota border will be able to eling in one county, for instance, as far as 40 > Total Students: 239
ance; gives parents options if their local (based on fourth-graders
they need seven days a week, earn their GED. The program, which began attend schools in either state, due to a new miles to their district schools. For financial
school isn’t serving their needs; and pro- > Race/Ethnicity Enrollment: assessed on the 2004 state
from 3 p.m. to midnight, by in 2002 in 10 libraries, will expand to all cross-border enrollment program that allows purposes, each state will count the other’s 98% Hispanic, 2% white exam).
vides parents free tutoring for their children logging on to a free online 219 public libraries this school year, thanks students living in a border school district to students as if they are state residents, and the
who are struggling. In fact, the word > Free or Reduced-Price > Interesting Fact: In math,
tutoring service. Students to a pledge from the Alabama Public attend a school in the neighboring state’s bor- district will receive state aid for those students.
Lunch Eligible: 100% student scores jumped 50
receive live assistance from Library System. dering district. North Dakota already main- Districts that lose students will no longer percentage points in just one
trained professionals in math, tains a similar agreement with Montana and need to negotiate out-of-state tuition rates. > English Language
year of school reform efforts.
Learners: 85%
page 2 page 3 page 4
Achieve Sept.Final 9/1/05 3:41 PM Page 1


Calendar September 17
Constitution and Citizenship
Day, a new observance & G L O S S A R Y
P.O. BOX 1398
JESSUP, MD 20794-1398
Permit NO. G-17 The U.S.
legislated by Congress this PENALTY FOR PRIVATE USE $300 OF
past May. Education institu- up to certain spending limits. Parents
tions receiving federal funds should be notified about their choices
are required to “hold an edu- “not later than the first day of the school VOL.4, NO.10 SEPTEMBER 2005
cational program pertaining What if my child’s school year following such identification,” the
to the U.S. Constitution on
does not make adequate law requires.
September 17 of each year,”
the new law states. Among
other resources, the FREE
yearly progress? If the school does not make AYP
for three years, the district must offer
Spellings Says
Data Are “Evidence That
No Child Left Behind
Nation’s Report Card I N S I D E

U Results Show Progress

Web site—— nder the No Child Left Behind students from low-income families sup-
2 Spellings at National PTA
offers a special page of federal Act, by the start of the school plemental educational services—free Is Working” Convention
resources for teaching and year parents should be notified tutoring and other academic services
Around the Country—
learning about the 1787 doc- as to whether their child’s school has outside of the regular school day.

he latest results on the Nation’s Report > Thirteen-year-old students scored higher in Alabama and North and
ument that shaped America’s made adequate yearly progress (AYP). Schools that remain “in improvement” South Dakota
for additional years are subject to correc- Card show that students have made sig- math in 2004 than in any previous assessment
democratic government. Schools that have not made AYP for
tive action and restructuring. nificant gains since the enactment of No year, with considerable increases occurring since 3 New Mexico’s Chimayo
two consecutive school years are identi-

( Child Left Behind and, in some cases, in 1999. But reading scores for this cohort remain Elementary School

fied for improvement. While school
AYP adequate yearly progress: the history of the assessment program, unchanged from the last assessment. 5 Calendar
officials must develop a plan to turn
the annual level of improvement,
which began charting educational > Overall performance of 17-year-old
around the school, every student in a Q&A—Adequate Yearly
progress in 1971 in reading and 1973 in students in both subjects remained Progress
school receiving Title I funds must be as measured on student assessments
September 24 mathematics. unchanged; however, black and Hispanic
given the option to transfer to another and other academic indicators, set Education News Parents
National Book Festival, public school in the district that has not Released in July by the U.S. Depart- students in this age group made progress
by each state that a school must Can Use
sponsored by the Library been identified as needing improvement. ment of Education’s National Center for since the initial assessment.
achieve. 6 Resource—The Facts
of Congress and hosted by The district must provide transportation Education Statistics, data from the 2004 > Many of the differences in achievement
About K–12 Funding
First Lady Laura Bush on the long-term National Assessment of Educational between black or Hispanic students and their
National Mall in Washington, Progress (NAEP) revealed: white counterparts have narrowed, as the average
D.C. Famous guests include > On average, nine-year-old students scored scores for minority student groups have increased
authors Tom Clancy, David News Show Offers Back-to-School Tips The Facts About K–12 Education Funding higher in both subjects in 2004 than in any pre- over time.
McCullough and R.L. Stine. vious assessment year, with substantial increases “Today’s report card,” said U.S. Secretary of Edu-
For details, visit

he Department’s College Access/Dual occurring since the last assessment in 1999. cation Margaret Spellings, “is evidence that No Child
and click on “National Book Enrollment, Interna-

monthly television in the 2004–05 school year, 83 cents

Festival,” or call (888) 714- he cost of funding education in > continued on page 2
program begins tional Baccalaureate America’s public elementary and out of every dollar spent on education is
the 2004–05 season with and other promising secondary schools is the topic of estimated to come from state and local U.S. Department of Education “Choosing the Best Apple”
contributions. The federal government’s 400 Maryland Ave., S.W.
October 20 a special “Back-to- initiatives designed to a recently revised publication from the
Lights On Afterschool!, a School” edition that increase the rigor and Education Department. share is 8.3 percent, which has risen by
more than one-third since 1990–91, when
Washington, DC 20202

The Achiever is a monthly publication

New Mexico School Turns Around Lagging
nationwide event saluting after-
school programs. For informa-
focuses on high school relevance of the high
school years.
10 Facts About K–12 Education Funding
provides an overview of how kindergarten it was 5.7 percent. for parents and community leaders Scores With Schoolwide Reform Efforts
learning. The September from the Office of Communications
through 12th-grade education is funded in The brochure also specifies the funding and Outreach, U.S. Department of
tion on hosting a local event show of Education News Each month, Education
the United States. This full-color brochure levels under the No Child Left Behind Act, Education (ED). Margaret Spellings, Two years ago when New Mexico first administered its
along with suggested ideas and Parents Can Use will News Parents Can Use Secretary.

includes an explanation of each fact along which has increased every year since it was criterion-referenced tests to measure how well students
supporting materials, visit
offer parents of middle showcases schools and enacted in January 2002—from $22 billion Comments? Contact Nicole Ashby, were faring against state standards, students at with a graph to
We want
and high school-aged school districts from to the $25.3 billion proposed for fiscal year Editor, (202) 205-0676 (fax), or
or call (202) 347-1002. illustrate it. For Chimayo Elementary School scored far below
students tips on course selection; questions across the country; con- instance, one 2006. Federal dollars under NCLB are sent average. Just a little over a third (37.5 percent)
October 16–22
National Character Counts!
to ask teachers and principals; and advice
for keeping students on track.
versations with school officials, parents and
education experts; and advice and free
graph breaks
down the
to states and school districts through a
variety of programs, as described briefly in
Address changes and subscriptions?
Contact (877) 4ED-PUBS, or
to represent demonstrated proficiency in both reading and
Week, a celebration of the The broadcast will showcase teachers and resources for parents and educators. amount of
the publication, including Title I (for high-
poverty schools), Reading First, Improving
Information on ED programs, resources
ourselves in But by the following year, in
importance of developing
good character in youths.
administrators from schools that are suc-
cessfully applying the No Child Left Behind To learn about viewing provided for Teacher Quality Grants, and English
Language Acquisition.
and events? Contact (800) USA-
LEARN, or a positive 2004, the school had made dra-
matic increases. Fourth-graders—the
top comparable
schools statewide by 20
... way.

To receive free resources for principles of high standards for all stu- options, including webcasts, education by The Achiever contains news and benchmark initially set by the state for measuring points.
conducting local activities, visit visit and click federal, state For other facts about funding public information about and from public
dents and evidence-based approach- and private organizations for the
elementary school achievement—scored well above the Gains at this predominantly His- or on “Press Room,” then and local education, download a copy of 10 Facts
es to learning. It will also highlight reader's information. Inclusion does norm: 75 percent proved mastery of reading, and 87.5 panic and economically disadvantaged
call (800) 711-2670. levels. About K–12 Education Funding at
such programs as State Scholars, “Audio & Video,” or call not constitute an endorsement by the
percent of math, overall doubling the average from the school were so dramatic that it attracted the attention of
According, or order it toll-free at U.S. Department of Education of any
Advanced Placement, Community toll-free (800) USA-LEARN. products or services offered or views previous year. Chimayo’s scores outranked those of Just for the Kids, a program of the National Center for
to the brochure, (877) 4ED-PUBS with identification
number EA 0484B. > continued on page 3
page 5 page 6
Achieve Sept.Final 9/1/05 3:41 PM Page 1


Calendar September 17
Constitution and Citizenship
Day, a new observance & G L O S S A R Y
P.O. BOX 1398
JESSUP, MD 20794-1398
Permit NO. G-17 The U.S.
legislated by Congress this PENALTY FOR PRIVATE USE $300 OF
past May. Education institu- up to certain spending limits. Parents
tions receiving federal funds should be notified about their choices
are required to “hold an edu- “not later than the first day of the school VOL.4, NO.10 SEPTEMBER 2005
cational program pertaining What if my child’s school year following such identification,” the
to the U.S. Constitution on
does not make adequate law requires.
September 17 of each year,”
the new law states. Among
other resources, the FREE
yearly progress? If the school does not make AYP
for three years, the district must offer
Spellings Says
Data Are “Evidence That
No Child Left Behind
Nation’s Report Card I N S I D E

U Results Show Progress

Web site—— nder the No Child Left Behind students from low-income families sup-
2 Spellings at National PTA
offers a special page of federal Act, by the start of the school plemental educational services—free Is Working” Convention
resources for teaching and year parents should be notified tutoring and other academic services
Around the Country—
learning about the 1787 doc- as to whether their child’s school has outside of the regular school day.

he latest results on the Nation’s Report > Thirteen-year-old students scored higher in Alabama and North and
ument that shaped America’s made adequate yearly progress (AYP). Schools that remain “in improvement” South Dakota
for additional years are subject to correc- Card show that students have made sig- math in 2004 than in any previous assessment
democratic government. Schools that have not made AYP for
tive action and restructuring. nificant gains since the enactment of No year, with considerable increases occurring since 3 New Mexico’s Chimayo
two consecutive school years are identi-

( Child Left Behind and, in some cases, in 1999. But reading scores for this cohort remain Elementary School

fied for improvement. While school
AYP adequate yearly progress: the history of the assessment program, unchanged from the last assessment. 5 Calendar
officials must develop a plan to turn
the annual level of improvement,
which began charting educational > Overall performance of 17-year-old
around the school, every student in a Q&A—Adequate Yearly
progress in 1971 in reading and 1973 in students in both subjects remained Progress
school receiving Title I funds must be as measured on student assessments
September 24 mathematics. unchanged; however, black and Hispanic
given the option to transfer to another and other academic indicators, set Education News Parents
National Book Festival, public school in the district that has not Released in July by the U.S. Depart- students in this age group made progress
by each state that a school must Can Use
sponsored by the Library been identified as needing improvement. ment of Education’s National Center for since the initial assessment.
achieve. 6 Resource—The Facts
of Congress and hosted by The district must provide transportation Education Statistics, data from the 2004 > Many of the differences in achievement
About K–12 Funding
First Lady Laura Bush on the long-term National Assessment of Educational between black or Hispanic students and their
National Mall in Washington, Progress (NAEP) revealed: white counterparts have narrowed, as the average
D.C. Famous guests include > On average, nine-year-old students scored scores for minority student groups have increased
authors Tom Clancy, David News Show Offers Back-to-School Tips The Facts About K–12 Education Funding higher in both subjects in 2004 than in any pre- over time.
McCullough and R.L. Stine. vious assessment year, with substantial increases “Today’s report card,” said U.S. Secretary of Edu-
For details, visit

he Department’s College Access/Dual occurring since the last assessment in 1999. cation Margaret Spellings, “is evidence that No Child
and click on “National Book Enrollment, Interna-

monthly television in the 2004–05 school year, 83 cents

Festival,” or call (888) 714- he cost of funding education in > continued on page 2
program begins tional Baccalaureate America’s public elementary and out of every dollar spent on education is
the 2004–05 season with and other promising secondary schools is the topic of estimated to come from state and local U.S. Department of Education “Choosing the Best Apple”
contributions. The federal government’s 400 Maryland Ave., S.W.
October 20 a special “Back-to- initiatives designed to a recently revised publication from the
Lights On Afterschool!, a School” edition that increase the rigor and Education Department. share is 8.3 percent, which has risen by
more than one-third since 1990–91, when
Washington, DC 20202

The Achiever is a monthly publication

New Mexico School Turns Around Lagging
nationwide event saluting after-
school programs. For informa-
focuses on high school relevance of the high
school years.
10 Facts About K–12 Education Funding
provides an overview of how kindergarten it was 5.7 percent. for parents and community leaders Scores With Schoolwide Reform Efforts
learning. The September from the Office of Communications
through 12th-grade education is funded in The brochure also specifies the funding and Outreach, U.S. Department of
tion on hosting a local event show of Education News Each month, Education
the United States. This full-color brochure levels under the No Child Left Behind Act, Education (ED). Margaret Spellings, Two years ago when New Mexico first administered its
along with suggested ideas and Parents Can Use will News Parents Can Use Secretary.

includes an explanation of each fact along which has increased every year since it was criterion-referenced tests to measure how well students
supporting materials, visit
offer parents of middle showcases schools and enacted in January 2002—from $22 billion Comments? Contact Nicole Ashby, were faring against state standards, students at with a graph to
We want
and high school-aged school districts from to the $25.3 billion proposed for fiscal year Editor, (202) 205-0676 (fax), or
or call (202) 347-1002. illustrate it. For Chimayo Elementary School scored far below
students tips on course selection; questions across the country; con- instance, one 2006. Federal dollars under NCLB are sent average. Just a little over a third (37.5 percent)
October 16–22
National Character Counts!
to ask teachers and principals; and advice
for keeping students on track.
versations with school officials, parents and
education experts; and advice and free
graph breaks
down the
to states and school districts through a
variety of programs, as described briefly in
Address changes and subscriptions?
Contact (877) 4ED-PUBS, or
to represent demonstrated proficiency in both reading and
Week, a celebration of the The broadcast will showcase teachers and resources for parents and educators. amount of
the publication, including Title I (for high-
poverty schools), Reading First, Improving
Information on ED programs, resources
ourselves in But by the following year, in
importance of developing
good character in youths.
administrators from schools that are suc-
cessfully applying the No Child Left Behind To learn about viewing provided for Teacher Quality Grants, and English
Language Acquisition.
and events? Contact (800) USA-
LEARN, or a positive 2004, the school had made dra-
matic increases. Fourth-graders—the
top comparable
schools statewide by 20
... way.

To receive free resources for principles of high standards for all stu- options, including webcasts, education by The Achiever contains news and benchmark initially set by the state for measuring points.
conducting local activities, visit visit and click federal, state For other facts about funding public information about and from public
dents and evidence-based approach- and private organizations for the
elementary school achievement—scored well above the Gains at this predominantly His- or on “Press Room,” then and local education, download a copy of 10 Facts
es to learning. It will also highlight reader's information. Inclusion does norm: 75 percent proved mastery of reading, and 87.5 panic and economically disadvantaged
call (800) 711-2670. levels. About K–12 Education Funding at
such programs as State Scholars, “Audio & Video,” or call not constitute an endorsement by the
percent of math, overall doubling the average from the school were so dramatic that it attracted the attention of
According, or order it toll-free at U.S. Department of Education of any
Advanced Placement, Community toll-free (800) USA-LEARN. products or services offered or views previous year. Chimayo’s scores outranked those of Just for the Kids, a program of the National Center for
to the brochure, (877) 4ED-PUBS with identification
number EA 0484B. > continued on page 3
page 5 page 6

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