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Is a group of tightly coupled computer working together closely Clusters are commonly connected through fast LAN (Local Area Network) Cluster have evolved to support application where the huge database is required

First commodity clustering product was ARC net ,developed by DATA point in 1977 The next product was VAX cluster, released by DEC in 1980

Microsoft , Sun Microsystems ,and other leading hardware and software companies offer clustering packages

Reason for the growth in use of Clusters is that they have significantly reduced the cost of processing power

Single points of failure can be eliminated, If any one system component goes down, The System as a whole stay highly available

Scalability Cluster can grow in overall capacity because processors and nodes can be added as demand increases

A Cluster is a type of parallel/distributed processing system, which consist of a collection interconnected stand alone computers (Node) working together

NODE A single or multiprocessor system with a memory, I/O facilities & O/S
Generally 2 or more nodes are connected together

Appear as a single system to user and applications Provide a cost-effective way to gain features and benefits

High Performance (HP) Clusters Load Balancing Clusters

High Availability (HA) Clusters

Start from 1994 Donald Becker of NASA assembled this cluster. Applications like data mining, simulations, parallel processing, weather modeling, etc

Large number of nodes to share load from the user side they are multiple machine ,but function as single virtual machine Commonly used with busy ftp and web servers with large client base

Avoid single point of failure This requires at least two nodes - a primary and a backup. Almost all load balancing cluster are with HA capability

Cluster Networking Programming Timing Speed Selection

Clusters are promising Solve parallel processing problems New trends in hardware and software technologies are likely to make clusters Clusters based supercomputers can be seen everywhere

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