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Configuring Solaris IP Multipathing (IPMP) for the CRS 10g VIP [ID 283107.

Modified: Feb 7, 2012 Type: BULLETIN Status: ARCHIVED Priority: 3

PROE UPS -----I odrt aodtepbi LNfo bigasnl pito fiue Oal hgl rcmed n re o vi h ulc A rm en ige on f alr, rce ihy eomns cniuigardnatsto pbi ntokitraecrs(I')o ec cutrnd. ofgrn eudn e f ulc ewr nefc ad NCs n ah lse oe O SnSlrspafrs i i orrcmedto t tk avnaeo teSlrsI Mliahn (PP n u oai ltom, t s u eomnain o ae datg f h oai P utptig IM) t aheerdnac,adt cniueteOal 1gVrulI (I)o terdnatsto NCs o civ eudny n o ofgr h rce 0 ita P VP n h eudn e f I' asge t tesm IM gop sind o h ae PP ru.

Wa i tedfeec btenVPadIM ? ht s h ifrne ewe I n PP ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ IM cnfioe a adest aohritrae btntfioe t teohrnd. PP a alvr n drs o nte nefc, u o alvr o h te oe Oal VPcnfioe t aohritraeo tesm nd o t aohrhs i tecutr rce I a alvr o nte nefc n h ae oe r o nte ot n h lse.

Ti nt wl g oe tebsccniuainsesrqie t cniueIM,pu teses hs oe il o vr h ai ofgrto tp eurd o ofgr PP ls h tp t cniueteOal 1gVPoe o terdnatsto NCs o ofgr h rce 0 I vr f h eudn e f I'. Nt:SnTukn,a itraetaigfntoaiypoie b Snmyas b ue t ahee oe u rnig n nefc emn ucinlt rvdd y u a lo e sd o civ rdnac frtepbi itrae. eudny o h ulc nefcs

SOE&APIAIN CP PLCTO -----------------Ti atcei itne freprecdDA adSpotEgnes hs ril s nedd o xeine Bs n upr nier.

0 PECNIUAINNTS . R-OFGRTO OE ----------------------------------------------------------------------------FrtoeuigOal 1gRlae1 yuwudne t apyete Oal pthst1... o hs sn rce 0 ees , o ol ed o pl ihr rce ac e 0104 o pth#741 (ntpo 1...) i odrfrteVPt b al t tk avnaeo r ac 3120 o o f 0103, n re o h I o e be o ae datg f IM o tepbi ntok Pes as nt ta ti nt dentcvrrdnac i te PP n h ulc ewr. lae lo oe ht hs oe os' oe eudny n h piaeitronc ntok wihw as rcmedmkn rdnatuig3dpry rvt necnet ewr, hc e lo eomn aig eudn sn r at tcnlg lk SlrsIM. ehooy ie oai PP

1 HRWR CNIUAIN . ADAE OFGRTO ----------------------------------------------------------------------------I odrt mk tepbi ntokrdnat amnmmo toNCsne t b isaldad n re o ae h ulc ewr eudn, iiu f w I' ed o e ntle n cbe cretyo ec cutrnd. I asadr IM cniuain oeo teNCswl ald orcl n ah lse oe n tnad PP ofgrto, n f h I' il b ue a tepiayln weealcmuiain wl g truh Uo fiueo te e sd s h rmr ik hr l omnctos il o hog. pn alr f h piayln,IM wl atmtclyfi tepyia &vrul(rceVP I adesst rmr ik PP il uoaial al h hscl ita Oal I) P drse o tesadyNC h tnb I.

+---------------+ | Sre evr | +------+-+------+ c0 e c1 e |piay |sady (rmr) (tnb) | | (i) vp | | |

=====> =====

+---------------+ | Sre evr | +------+-+------+ c0 e c1 e |fie) |piay (ald (rmr) | | | (i) vp | |

I teeapeaoe asre hstopbi NCsnmdc0adc1 ec cniue ad n h xml bv, evr a w ulc I' ae e n e, ah ofgrd n cbe crety ald orcl.

2 SRE FRWR CNIUAIN . EVR IMAE OFGRTO ----------------------------------------------------------------------------I odrt aodMCadescnlcsbtentepiayadsadyNCs auiu n re o vi A drs ofit ewe h rmr n tnb I', nqe ehre MCadesms b asge t ec ntokitrae(I)o tesre. O tent A drs ut e sind o ah ewr nefc NC n h evr n Slrs ti cnb dn b stigte"oa-a-drs? PO vral t TU (h oai, hs a e oe y etn h lclmcades" RM aibe o RE te dfutvlei FLE o ec cutrnd. eal au s AS) n ah lse oe

3 NTOKCNIUAIN . EWR OFGRTO ----------------------------------------------------------------------------I odrt cniueteVPoe SlrsIM,amnmmo fu pbi I adessms b n re o ofgr h I vr oai PP iiu f or ulc P drse ut e peae frec sre wti tecutr rprd o ah evr ihn h lse. -Oepyia I adesbudt tepiayitrae(h sai I adeso tesre) n hscl P drs on o h rmr nefc te ttc P drs f h evr -Oeuue I ades wihwl b cniue b Oal a teVPfrcin acs n nsd P drs, hc il e ofgrd y rce s h I o let ces -Oets I adesbudt ec itrae ue b IM frfiuedtcin(ohpiayadsady n et P drs on o ah nefc, sd y PP o alr eeto bt rmr n tnb) Alfu pbi I adessne t rsd o tesm ntoksbe. Tefloigi te l or ulc P drse ed o eie n h ae ewr unt h olwn s h ls o I adessta wl b ue i tefloigeape it f P drse ht il e sd n h olwn xml. -Pyia I : hscl P 165.73 4.67.0 -Ts I frc0:165.73 et P o e 4.67.1 -Ts I frc1:165.73 et P o e 4.67.2 -Oal VP: rce I 165.81 4.67.

4 SLRSI MLIAHN (PP CNIUAIN . OAI P UTPTIG IM) OFGRTO -----------------------------------------------------------------------------


----------------------------------------------------------------------------AlNCsta aet b ue b teVPms b asge t tesm IM gop Ti i t l I' ht r o e sd y h I ut e sind o h ae PP ru. hs s o esr ta IM wl atmtclyrlct teVPweee tepiaygopmme (I) nue ht PP il uoaial eoae h I hnvr h rmr ru ebr NC eprecsafiue Tefloigi a eapecniuainfrtoNCs(e adc1, xeine alr. h olwn s n xml ofgrto o w I' c0 n e) cniue i tesm IM gopue frOal cin cneto. I ti eapebt ofgrd n h ae PP ru sd o rce let oncin n hs xml oh NCsbln t tesm IM gop"rpb. I' eog o h ae PP ru oau"

/t/otaec0cniuain(rmr NC weepyia I 165.73 i cniue o) echsnm.e ofgrto Piay I, hr hscl P 4.67.0 s ofgrd n 165.73 ntak+bodat+gopoau u adf165.73 dpeae -alvrntak+bodat+u 4.67.0 ems racs ru rpb p di 4.67.1 erctd fioe ems racs p /t/otaec1cniuain(tnb NC echsnm.e ofgrto Sady I) 165.73 ntak+bodat+dpeae gopoau -alvrsadyu 4.67.2 ems racs erctd ru rpb fioe tnb p

Wt teaoecniuain te"fofg-"otu sol lo lk tefloig(OE teehrvlei ol vsbewe icni i rn ih h bv ofgrto, h icni a upt hud ok ie h olwn NT: h te au s ny iil hn fofg s a

ro@pu18[/]> otjsn50 % l0 fas1089U,OPAKRNIGMLIATIv>mu83 idx1 o: lg=004<PLOBC,UNN,UTCS,P4 t 22 ne ie 17001ntakf000 nt 2... ems f000 c0 fas1083U,RACS,UNN,UTCS,P4 mu10 idx3 e: lg=004<PBODATRNIGMLIATIv> t 50 ne ie 165.73 ntakfff0 bodat165.925 nt 4.67.0 ems ffc0 racs 4.67.5 gopaeoau runm rpb ehr802:ec:4 te ::0e:57 c01 fas9483U,RACS,UNN,UTCS,ERCTDIv,OALVR mu10 idx3 e:: lg=004<PBODATRNIGMLIATDPEAE,P4NFIOE> t 50 ne ie 165.73 ntakfff0 bodat165.925 nt 4.67.1 ems ffc0 racs 4.67.5 c1 fas6004<PBODATRNIGMLIATDPEAE,P4NFIOE,TNB,NCIE mu10 idx4 e: lg=9483U,RACS,UNN,UTCS,ERCTDIv,OALVRSADYIATV> t 50 ne ie 165.73 ntakfff0 bodat165.925 nt 4.67.2 ems ffc0 racs 4.67.5 gopaeoau runm rpb ehr802:ec:5 te ::0e:57 c2 fas1083U,RACS,UNN,UTCS,RVT,P4 mu10 idx5 e: lg=084<PBODATRNIGMLIATPIAEIv> t 50 ne ie 121.. ntakfff8 bodat121..2 nt 7.611 ems fff0 racs 7.6117 ehr802:ec:7 te ::0e:57 c3 fas1083U,RACS,UNN,UTCS,RVT,P4 mu10 idx6 e: lg=084<PBODATRNIGMLIATPIAEIv> t 50 ne ie 121..2 ntakfff8 bodat121..5 nt 7.6019 ems fff0 racs 7.6025 ehr802:ec:6 te ::0e:57 cpint:fas1083U,RACS,UNN,UTCS,UT_CS,RVT,P4 mu10 idx7 lrve0 lg=094<PBODATRNIGMLIATMLIBATPIAEIv> t 50 ne ie 121.9. ntakfff0 bodat121.9.5 nt 7.6131 ems fff0 racs 7.61325 ehr000001 te ::::: ro@pu18[/]> otjsn50 %

Nt ta tepyia I ades165.73 i cniue o tepiayitraec0 oe ht h hscl P drs 4.67.0 s ofgrd n h rmr nefc e, wietets I adessfrtetoNCs(akda NFIOE)aecniue o c01 hl h et P drse o h w I' mre s OALVR r ofgrd n e: adc1rsetvl. As nt ta bt c0adc1bln t tesm IM gop"rpb, n e epciey lo oe ht oh e n e eog o h ae PP ru oau" wihmasta tepyia I ades165.73 wl atmtclyrlct t a hc en ht h hscl P drs 4.67.0 il uoaial eoae o n aalbeNC(e)weee tecretNC(e)eprecsafiue Tetreetis vial I c1 hnvr h urn I c0 xeine alr. h he nre c2 c3adcpint aepiaentokptsue b SnCutradRCfritroe e, e n lrve0 r rvt ewr ah sd y u lse n A o nend cutrcmuiain. lse omnctos

5 OAL VRULI CNIUAIN . RCE ITA P OFGRTO ----------------------------------------------------------------------------Hvn cniue IM crety teOal VPcnnwtk avnaeo IM frpbi aig ofgrd PP orcl, h rce I a o ae datg f PP o ulc ntokrdnac.TeVPsol nwb cniue t uealNCsasge t tesm ewr eudny h I hud o e ofgrd o s l I' sind o h ae pbi IM gop B digti Oal wl atmtclycos tepiayNCwti te ulc PP ru. y on hs rce il uoaial hoe h rmr I ihn h gopt cniueteVP adIM wl b al t fi oe teVPwti teIM gop ru o ofgr h I, n PP il e be o al vr h I ihn h PP ru uo asnl NCfiue pn ige I alr.

oNw1gRCisalto e 0 A ntlain ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ A tescn sre i VPA(I CniuainAssat 1o 2,slc alNCs t h eod cen n IC VP ofgrto sitn, f ) eet l I' wti tesm IM gopweeteVPsol rna. ihn h ae PP ru hr h I hud u t

oEitn 1gRCisalto xsig 0 A ntlain ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Freitn 1gRCisaltos uesvt t mdf teVPt uealteNCs o xsig 0 A ntlain, s rcl o oiy h I o s l h I' wti tesm IM gop Tefloigeapei cniuigteVPfrjh18, ihn h ae PP ru. h olwn xml s ofgrn h I o pp50 t uetetoNCsseiidi tecmadln. o s h w I' pcfe n h omn ie #svt so ndap - jsn50 rcl tp oeps n pu18 #svt mdf ndap - jsn50- /0/p/rcepout1gb- 165.812525220c0|e rcl oiy oeps n pu18 o u1apoal/rdc/0d A 4.67./5.5.5./e\c1 #svt satndap - jsn50 rcl tr oeps n pu18

6 VP+IM BSCBHVO (IGEFIUE ADTTLFIUE) . I PP AI EAIR SNL ALRS N OA ALRS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------Oc satd teVPsol rno tepiaymme o teIM gop ne tre, h I hud u n h rmr ebr f h PP ru. I tefloigeape teVP165.81i cniue o tpo c0 a algclitraenmdc02 n h olwn xml, h I 4.67. s ofgrd n o f e, s oia nefc ae e:. Tepyia I ades165.73 i as cniue o c0 h hscl P drs 4.67.0 s lo ofgrd n e.

c0 fas1083U,RACS,UNN,UTCS,P4 mu10 idx3 e: lg=004<PBODATRNIGMLIATIv> t 50 ne ie 165.73 ntakfff0 bodat165.925 nt 4.67.0 ems ffc0 racs 4.67.5 gopaeoau runm rpb ehr802:ec:4 te ::0e:57


ehr802:ec:4 te ::0e:57 c01 fas9483U,RACS,UNN,UTCS,ERCTDIv,OALVR mu10 idx3 e:: lg=004<PBODATRNIGMLIATDPEAE,P4NFIOE> t 50 ne ie 165.73 ntakfff0 bodat165.925 nt 4.67.1 ems ffc0 racs 4.67.5 c02 fas9483U,RACS,UNN,UTCS,ERCTDIv>mu10 idx3 e:: lg=004<PBODATRNIGMLIATDPEAE,P4 t 50 ne ie 165.81ntakfff0 bodat165.925 nt 4.67. ems ffc0 racs 4.67.5 c1 fas6004<PBODATRNIGMLIATDPEAE,P4NFIOE,TNB,NCIE mu10 idx4 e: lg=9483U,RACS,UNN,UTCS,ERCTDIv,OALVRSADYIATV> t 50 ne ie 165.73 ntakfff0 bodat165.925 nt 4.67.2 ems ffc0 racs 4.67.5 gopaeoau runm rpb ehr802:ec:5 te ::0e:57

Uo fiueo tepiayitrae(e) IM wl atmtclyrlct tepyia & pn alr f h rmr nefc c0, PP il uoaial eoae h hscl vrulI adesst tenx aalbeNCwti tesm IM gop I tefloig ita P drse o h et vial I ihn h ae PP ru. n h olwn eape tepyia I adteVPhv bt atmtclyrlctdt c11adc12 xml, h hscl P n h I ae oh uoaial eoae o e: n e:. Nt ta tets I adesso bt NCsd ntrlct,a te aeue ecuieyb oe ht h et P drse n oh I' o o eoae s hy r sd xlsvl y IM frfiuedtcinproe. PP o alr eeto upss

c0 fas1083BODATMLIATIv,OALVRFIE>mu10 idx3 e: lg=004<RACS,UTCS,P4NFIOE,ALD t 50 ne ie 0000ntak0 nt ... ems gopaeoau runm rpb ehr802:ec:4 te ::0e:57 c01 fas9483U,RACS,UTCS,ERCTDIv,OALVRFIE>mu10 idx3 e:: lg=004<PBODATMLIATDPEAE,P4NFIOE,ALD t 50 ne ie 165.73 ntakfff0 bodat165.925 nt 4.67.1 ems ffc0 racs 4.67.5 c1 fas6004<PBODATRNIGMLIATDPEAE,P4>mu10 idx4 e: lg=9483U,RACS,UNN,UTCS,ERCTDIv, t 50 ne ie 165.73 ntakfff0 bodat165.925 nt 4.67.2 ems ffc0 racs 4.67.5 gopaeoau runm rpb ehr802:ec:5 te ::0e:57 c11 fas2004<PBODATRNIGMLIATIv,TNB>mu10 idx4 e:: lg=9483U,RACS,UNN,UTCS,P4SADY t 50 ne ie 165.73 ntakfff0 bodat165.925 nt 4.67.0 ems ffc0 racs 4.67.5 c12 fas2004<PBODATRNIGMLIATDPEAE,P4SADY mu10 idx4 e:: lg=9483U,RACS,UNN,UTCS,ERCTDIv,TNB> t 50 ne ie 165.81ntakfff0 bodat165.925 nt 4.67. ems ffc0 racs 4.67.5

Oc tefiueo c0i rpie,IM wl atmtclyfi bc tepyia adOal ne h alr n e s eard PP il uoaial al ak h hscl n rce vrulI adesst teoiia piayitrae(e) ita P drse o h rgnl rmr nefc c0. Alitrnd VP l ne-oe I fioesflbcsaehnldb IM adntb Oal. alvr/alak r ade y PP n o y rce

c0 fas1083U,RACS,UNN,UTCS,P4 mu10 idx3 e: lg=004<PBODATRNIGMLIATIv> t 50 ne ie 165.73 ntakfff0 bodat165.925 nt 4.67.0 ems ffc0 racs 4.67.5 gopaeoau runm rpb ehr802:ec:4 te ::0e:57 c01 fas9483U,RACS,UNN,UTCS,ERCTDIv,OALVR mu10 idx3 e:: lg=004<PBODATRNIGMLIATDPEAE,P4NFIOE> t 50 ne ie 165.73 ntakfff0 bodat165.925 nt 4.67.1 ems ffc0 racs 4.67.5 c02 fas9483U,RACS,UNN,UTCS,ERCTDIv>mu10 idx3 e:: lg=004<PBODATRNIGMLIATDPEAE,P4 t 50 ne ie 165.81ntakfff0 bodat165.925 nt 4.67. ems ffc0 racs 4.67.5 c1 fas6004<PBODATRNIGMLIATDPEAE,P4NFIOE,TNB,NCIE mu10 idx4 e: lg=9483U,RACS,UNN,UTCS,ERCTDIv,OALVRSADYIATV> t 50 ne ie 165.73 ntakfff0 bodat165.925 nt 4.67.2 ems ffc0 racs 4.67.5 gopaeoau runm rpb ehr802:ec:5 te ::0e:57

Uo fiueo alpbi NCs(oa fiue,Oal CSwl rlct teVPt tenx pn alr f l ulc I' ttl alr) rce R il eoae h I o h et aalbend wti tecutr vial oe ihn h lse.

RLTDDCMNS EAE OUET ---------------Frdtiso SlrsIM,pes rfrt tefloigSlrsdcmnainaalbea Sncm o eal n oai PP lae ee o h olwn oai ouetto vial t u.o: oSlrsI Mliahn Dt Set oai P utptig aa he oSlrs990 Sse AmnsrtrCleto > Sse Amnsrto Gie I Srie oai /4 ytm diitao olcin > ytm diitain ud: P evcs oSlrs1 Sse AmnsrtrCleto > Sse Amnsrto Gie I Srie oai 0 ytm diitao olcin > ytm diitain ud: P evcs

Frifraino hwt cniueIM frteRCCutrItronc,pes rfrt Nt 386.,"o t StpIM a CutrItron o nomto n o o ofgr PP o h A lse necnet lae ee o oe 6441 Hw o eu PP s lse necn


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