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1 When Mrs Hill heard the news, she positively shouted . joy. a) in

b) of
c) from d) for

2 Its high time you . these books to the library. a) should return

b) return
c) returned

d) had returned

3 . the police arrived, the thieves had left. a) In the time

b) By the time
c) After

d) While

4 This is . exercise, we cant do it. a) too difficult an

b) a too much difficult

c) too a difficult

d) too difficult

5 Well, those keys . not be very far since you used them to enter the house. a) can

b) must
c) should d) ought to

6 His boss . last night, but Im not sure. a) may arrive

b) might arrive
c) should arrive

d) may have arrived

7 If you . me to confirm the booking, I . a fax. a) had said / sent b) had reminded / d have sent c) reminded / d have send d) said / d have sent

8 She is a woman few people can get along . a) whether

b) whenever
c) with

d) when

9 Our departure has been put . till tomorrow. a) on

b) up
c) off

d) in

10 The advice he gave me . excellent. a) was

b) are
c) were

d) have been

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