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Cupid just because its easier than trying to sort all of the stories out. So where does this leave us? T guess we have arrived safely back to our young ‘couple on the park bench in Love Park. ‘This leaves many unanswered questions, suchas: If we are talking romance then why are we talking one day a year? I don't think that is what any of us had in mind when we fell in love, even us men. Love should and has to be ongoing throughout everyday and in every way. So why do we celebrate it for one day? Does my signifi- cant other need chocolates or fine wine one day a year to feel loved? Ithink we can all agree that the answer here should really “| CHALLENGE YOU TO START THINKING OF THIS DAY AS A head in the clouds about doves and a half naked cherub who wields a tiny bow and. arrow. Instead try to keep your head in the clouds because of the love you have for your partner, and do this all the time. Here is anew part; let's rid ourselves of the notion that on this day we celebrate only romance. Let's stop thinking of it as celebrating at all. challenge you to start thinking of this day as a thanksgiving day for love. That's right, let's celebrate it every day and use this day to express our thanks for it. Not just thanks for the rela- tionship, not thanks just for the sparks, arrows, puppy dog eyes, or even Cupid. But thanks that we have Love in the world, love of all kinds. The love a little boy has for his first puppy dog, the love a mother has forher children, the lovea brother has forhis sibling, the love of a good friend and THANKSGIVING DAY FOR LOVE.” probably most important be “no,” I'm not discouraging the holiday, 1 just think we may need to reexamine why we celebrate it. Some may say that we are simply celebrating that we are still in Love. I like to celebrate this everyday too. So what do we say for those who aren’tin love? Better luck next time? I'm s0 sorry? None of this sounds appropriate fora holiday. I'd like to challenge you to change the way you view it and maybe add a little something new to this tradition. Notice I suggested that we add something and not change it completely, I have no problems with celebrating romance. Just please don’t let this holiday lull you into some false feeling that you only have to try hard one day a year. Giveit your all everyday. Don't allow it to leave your among these is the love we can and should show toa complete stranger. So this Valentines let’s take notes from Thanksgiving and be with family and eat tll we're stuffed. Let’s say thanks for Love, no matter which shape it takes. Let's pig out on chocolates instead of turkey and when it's over and we are trying to get the weight off we will remember, to then be thankful that we are loved unconditionally. So this Valentines, buy your hearts filled with candy ... but don't forget where the one filled with love can be found. Try one piece of candy at a time and see what flavor it is and in the same way start with one sctbvestatine QBS and see how it goes. ‘Trust me you'll be glad you did.

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