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William (Bill) L. Mostia, Jr.


What We Are Going to Talk About:

Troubleshooting What does a troubleshooter need to know? Logical Framework for Troubleshooting Other Troubleshooting Methods

Troubleshooting is mostly case based reasoning, which comes from training and experience; sprinkled with a bit of art.

Smart Devices & Systems and Diagnostics Analog World


Digital World
Data and information

What does a troubleshooter need to know?

Basic principles, General knowledge of the system, Specific knowledge of the system, How to read a manual/documentation, How to ask questions, Jargon.

General Troubleshooting Flowchart

Divide and Conquer

Circle the Wagons

Circle the Wagons

Troubleshooting Black Box

Other Troubleshooting Methods

Substitution Remove and Conquer What, Where, and Why? What Should Be True Fault/Signal Insertion Trapping Complex to Simple Out of Box Thinking

Questions to Ask?
Is this a new system or an existing system? Have there been any changes to the system? Is the problem there all the time? What has been tried so far? Can this be a process problem? Have you seen anything like this or similar before?

Review of Key Points

Both a Skill and an Art


Any questions about the topics covered so far?

Troubleshooting Problems:
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Transmitter Problems Thermocouple Failure General Modbus Problem VSD Controllers & Modbus Problem Video Display Problem RX Transmitter Problem Recorder Problem Participant Scenarios

Final Q & A

Any questions about the topics or problems covered?

Troubleshooting A Skill to be Developed into an Art!

William (Bill) L. Mostia, Jr. PE

We Are Proven In Use.

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