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Historical VLOG Directions & Criteria

I. Why? This trimester, we have learned the stories of impressive individuals: King David, Pharaoh Hatshepsut, and Ramses just to name a few. In truth, history teaches us that a single person can potentially impact the course of human history. As we look closer at ancient China, once again, we learn that individuals indeed have the power to change our world. As historians, one of the many responsibilities we have is to evaluate the accomplishments of great leaders in order to better govern ourselves today and in the future. Therefore, your task is to present your historical knowledge of two significant Chinese leaders: Confucius and Emperor Qin. Consequently, you must also evaluate their legacy. Based on our learning thus far, you must decide which individual had the greatest impact on China. II. What is the prompt? How would you compare the ideas of Confucius with Emperor Qin? In your opinion, which individual had the greatest impact on China? III. How will I show what I know? First, you will need to write a script to help you organize your ideas. Second, you will record your response using iMovie, Photo Booth, or Garageband. IV. Submission Your VLOG is due on Tuesday, March 12th. You will upload your VLOG and your script on your Weebly Digital Portfolio. You will also post a link to your VLOG on Edmodo. V. Scoring Criteria IntroductionIn your introduction, did you give some historical background information on who Confucius and Emperor Qin actually were? Development & Analysis In the body of your essay, did you incorporate key terms and facts from your digital notes? Did you include any expert sources (citing the videos) to support your claims?

Historical VLOG Directions & Criteria

Organization Did you use the compare & contrast template to help organize your ideas? Did you use PEER to structure your response? Did you use transitional statements? Style Did you establish an academic tone? Did you avoid using I, me, or my? Conventions Did you accurately pronounce the words? Did you speak fluently?

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