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Our proven methods can bring about profound change to benefit your organisation at every level

Increasing efficiency & business performance how we work

We work with you to get the right people into critical roles We work with you to transition new managers We help you identify your future talent We develop processes for effective succession plans We understand leadership needs in line with your organisations existing position and future goals

the outcome
We get the best person in the right role for both the individual and the organisation We create high performing, motivated, focused teams We bring about increased openness, understanding and self-worth We bring clarity to companies values, culture and vision Strong leaders, in the right role, leading the organisation in the right direction

the benefits
Greater profitability through increased motivation, morale and discretionary effort Reduced costs through a lower turnover of staff Reduced costs through minimal time wasting & sickness days Reduction of high performers exiting Reduced resentment and dissatisfaction

Business & Organisational Psychologists

haddleton&harris associates

strategic assessment imProVinG efficiencY deVeloPinG leadershiP manaGinG chanGe buildinG successful teams imProVinG business Performance
ContaCt details

emma haddleton c. Psychol; c.sci; afbPs

dr tanya harris c. Psychol; afbPs

area | exeter


area | Plymouth

Business & Organisational Psychologists

haddleton&harris associates

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