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Section B Bahagian B (20 marks) (20 markah) Answer all the questions. Jawab semua soalan.

1) The picture below shows some living things in a habitat. Rajah di bawah menunjukkan beberapa hidupan di dalam sebuah habitat.

a) Based on the picture, state the food for the following animals. Berdasarkan rajah di atas, nyatakan makanan bagi haiwan berikut. Animal Haiwan Frog Katak Snake Ular Deer Rusa Bird Burung Food Makanan

i. ii. iii. iv.

(4 marks) b) State one producer and one consumer in this habitat. Nyatakan satu pengeluar dan satu pengguna dalam habitat ini. i) Producer Pengeluar Consumer Pengguna : _____________________________ : _____________________________ : _____________________________ : _____________________________ (2 marks) c) Classify the animals into three groups according to the type of food they eat. Kelaskan haiwan-haiwan berikut kepada tiga kumpulan berdasarkan jenis makanan yang dimakan. Carnivores Karnivor Herbivores Herbivor Omnivores Omnivor


(5 marks)


The picture below shows various living things which live together in a pond. Rajah di bawah menunjukkan pelbagai hidupan di dalam sebuah kolam.

(a) pond.

Build three food chains based on the above picture for the

Bina tiga rantai makanan berdasarkan rajah di atas. i. iii) ii.


(3 marks)


Build a food web from food chains in (a)

Bina satu siratan makan daripada rantai makanan dalam (a)

(3 marks) (b) or decrease. i. ii. iii. If the number of small fish increases, the number of big If the number of weeds decreases, the number of If the number of tadpoles, small fish and mosquito Based on the food web in (b), fill in the blank with increase

fish will ____________________. tadpole will ____________________. larvae increase, the number of weeds will ____________________.

(3 marks)

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