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Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Policy of Jindal SAW Ltd.

Corporate Social Responsibility is strongly connected with the principles of Sustainability; an organization should make decisions based not only on financial factors, but also on the social and environmental consequences. Therefore, it is the core corporate responsibility of Jindal SAW Ltd. to practice its corporate values through its commitment to grow in a socially and environmentally responsible way, while meeting the interests of its stakeholders. Jindal SAW Ltd. recognizes that its business activities have wide impact on the societies in which it operates, and therefore an effective practice is required giving due consideration to the interests of its stakeholders including shareholders, customers, employees, suppliers, business partners, local communities and other organizations. The company endeavors to make CSR a key business process for sustainable development. Jindal SAW Ltd. is responsible to continuously enhance shareholders wealth; it is also committed to its other stakeholders to conduct its business in an accountable manner that creates a sustained positive impact on society. Our company is committed towards aligning nature; and has adopted eco-friendly policy in place. Besides regular updating, effluent management and energy efficiency, the company also undertakes plantation drives around its units. As a corporate entity, the company is committed towards sustainability. Ongoing dialogues with shareholders provide valuable approach with an objective that each business decision takes into account its social and environmental impacts and plans. Providing independence and dignity to people with reduced mobility is also a key concern of the company. Svayam, a CSR initiative of the company is headed by Sminu Jindal Charitable Trust. It has been engaged in making various public places accessible to all especially the elderly and the disabled. This initiative aims at not only generating awareness about the trials and tribulations of reduced mobility challenged populace (that includes the elderly, expecting mothers, mothers with new born babies as well as toddlers and the physically challenged) but also mould public and policy makers opinion in favour of public private participation in providing and executing accessibility solutions. Svayam aspires to make India barrier free and provide universal access to all. Despite having been around for a relatively few years Svayam has taken the lead to make the public places universally accessible and barrier free to all. Having been afflicted by reduced mobility as a result of an accident at the age of 11 that made the founder of Svayam - Sminu Jindal wheelchair bound physically, she did not allow her spirit to be chained. On the contrary it added wheels to her spirit, which egged her to take

life head on. Guiding Principles: Jindal SAW Ltd. is vigilant in its enforcement towards corporate principles and is committed towards sustainable development and inclusive growth. The company constantly strives to ensure strong corporate culture which emphasizes on integrating CSR values with business objective. It also pursues initiatives related to quality management, environment preservation and social awareness. To attain its CSR objectives in a professional manner and integrated manner, the company shall: Undertake proactive engagement with stakeholders to actively contribute to the socio-economic development of the periphery/community in which it operates. Using environment friendly and safe processes in production. Create a positive footprint within the society by creating inclusive and enabling infrastructure/environment for livable communities. Ensure environmental sustainability by adopting best ecological practices and encouraging conservation/judicious use of natural resources. Work towards mainstreaming the marginalized segments of the society by striving towards providing equal opportunities and making meaningful difference in their lives. Focus on educating the girl child and the underprivileged by providing appropriate infrastructure, and groom them as future value creators. Assist in skill development by providing direction and technical expertise to the vulnerable thereby empowering them towards a dignified life. Emphasize on providing basic nutrition/health care facilities with special focus on establishing health centers for the mother and child as well as the elderly. Facilitate water conservation by reducing water consumption at the plants and taking up rain water harvesting projects. Create a business value chain which is sustainable environmentally + socially + economically. Promote an inclusive work culture. Work towards generating awareness for creating public infrastructure that is barrier free, inclusive and enabling for all including the elderly and the disabled. Create positive awareness towards the need to adopt measures that lead towards reducing carbon footprints, dependence on fossil fuels and promote alternate energy approaches.

Promoting the well being and development of employees and their families through an inspiring corporate culture that engenders good values. Employee participation is an important part of developing responsible citizenship. Our company encourages and motivates employees to spend time volunteering on issues of their interest. At the time of national crisis, as a company it is imperative for us to respond to emergency situations & disasters by providing timely help to affected victims and their families.


Domestic work and other pressures prevent the young girl child from attending school. Also social patterns of upbringing often give the male child the opportunity to attend school while the girl child is left at home to help with the domestic chores or even work in the fields. The Nanhi Kali program provides academic material support to the girl child and creates an enabling environment to help her pursue her studies and get basic education. The project also gives the beneficiaries a platform to display their creative talents. The girls are also taken for educational tours, which exposes them to new places and experiences. It is a good combination of study and pleasure. All the beneficiaries of the Nanhi Kali Project come from backward and tribal areas whose parents are below the poverty line. Indicators of Success: There has been a marked improvement in the personalities of the 3600 girl children beneficiaries of the Nanhi Kali project during 2009-10. The drop out rate has been not more than 5% which is a great achievement. Also there has been a growing resistance to child marriage in the backward areas of Andhra Pradesh and Madhya Pradesh where our beneficiaries belong.

Project Highlights
11603 beneficiaries Project Operating Partner: K.C.Mahindra Education Trust, Mumbai Sponsorship of girl child in the area of education, cleanliness, health and hygiene of Nanhi Kalis from various Government Schools in the Districts of Mehboobnagar & Paderu in the state of Andhra Pradesh, Districts of Ratlam

and Sheopur in the state of Madhya Pradesh and District of Udaipur in the state of Rajasthan.

Outcome: Improved environment and opportunity for girl child to bloom

to her fullest potential.

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