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Second Semester 2013 Mrs.

Clearys Tiger Stars Lake Asbury Junior High School, 7-C Science Week 8 February 25, 2013 Essential Question: What are fossils? What are the most common kinds of Fossils? What do fossils show? Learning goals: Students will explain and give examples of how physical evidence supports scientific theories that Earth has evolved over geologic time due to natural processes. Schedule subject to change! Homework None

Day Monday
February 25


What do fossils show? Pages 144 and 145 After reading the selection students list the three main discoveries paleontologist have made by studying fossils. Enrichment Reading Coal as a sedimentary rock.

February 26

Clay Writes in the Morning Activity The Great Fossil Find due date tomorrow.

Wednesday February 27

Study for Lesson 1 Vocabulary for Quiz New Vocabulary Relative age, Absolute age

Review Lesson 1 Quiz tomorrow. Class periods 6 and 1 to do The Great Fossil Find. Homework How fossils are Made.

February 28

Lesson 3 Pages 152 to 155

Quiz Lesson 1 Compare and Contrast Relative Age with Absolute Age. Lesson 3 Radioactive Dating (pages 152 to 155). Classwork Radioactive Dating Worksheet (front and back).

March 1

Vocabulary Extrusion Intrusion Unconformity

Lesson 2 The Relative Age of Rocks Pages 146 a 151. Classwork hand out (to complete at home if not enough time during class).

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