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Jessica Sanchez Period: 6 2/21/13

1. Name and address of the website you found the poem on. 2. Whats the name of the poem? 3. Whos the author of the poem? 4. Insert a picture of the author.

Answers Standing Tall Martin Luther King jr.

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5.What does the title tell you about the poem? 6. Explain the first thing you see on the poem. 7.Why did you select this poem? How did it interest or inspire you? 8.What mood did the poem create in you after reading it?

The poem told me that no matter the color you are, you arent different not different. He stood strong and never let himself fall and said his dream. It did because he showed how everyone could be wherever he wanted to be and because he did a speech about his dream. I think it inspired me because he respected everyone and didnt say anything bad.

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