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Nunan, D. Practical English Language Teaching; Chapter

Disciplina: Estgio Supervisionado Profa: Rosana do E. Santo Grupo: Dbora, Helena e Vanderlia


Many people fell that speaking in a new language is harder than reading, writing, or listening for two reasons: First, speaking happens in real time. Second, when you speak, you cannot edit and revise what you wish to say, as you can if you are writing. In language teaching, the four skills (listening, speaking, reading, writing) are described in terms of their direction. Language generated by learner (in speech or writing) is referred to as productive. Language directed at learner (in reading or listening) is called receptive. Channel refers to the medium of the message (aural/ oral or written). Thus, speaking is the productive aural/oral skill. It consists of producing systematic verbal utterances to convey meaning. Spoken language and written language differ in many significant ways. Here are some key contrasts (van Lier, 1995, p. 88):

Spoken language Auditory Temporary; immediate reception Prosody (rhythm, stress intonation) Immediate feedback Planning and editing limited by channel Written language Visual Permanent; delayed reception Punctuation Delayed or no feedback Unlimited planning, editing, revision



A. For many years people taught speaking by having students repeat sentences and recite memorized textbook dialogues. B. AUDIOLINGUAL repetition drills were designed to familiarize students with the sounds and structural patterns of the target language (the language which learners are aiming to learn). C. People supposedly learned to speak by practicing grammatical structures and then later using them in conversation. D. The concept of habit formation, of behaviorism, is the theoretical basis of the audiolingual method. So students might spend several semesters repeating after the teacher, studying grammar rules, reciting dialogues, and learning vocabulary.

E. During the late twentieth century, infants acquiring their first language and people acquiring second languages learn the pieces by interacting with other people.
F. So, if we believe that people learn languages by interacting, then learners should interact during lessons. As a result, a method called communicative language teaching arose.

G. There are many linguistic elements involved in speaking.

So spoken texts are composed of utterances. An utterance is something someone says. It may not be a full sentence, as the concept is used in writing.
The next two levels, clauses and phrases, are often confused. Phrase is two or more words which function as a unit but dont have a subject or a verb marked for tense. Clauses are two or more words that do contain a verb marked for tense. Such clauses and phrases dont usually appear alone in formal writing, but they are quite common in speech. Both clauses and phrases can be utterances, as can words. A word is called a free morpheme- a unit of language which can stand on its own and have meaning (hat, flee, already, etc). Bound morphemes are always connected to words. These include prefixes, such as un- or pre-, as well as suffixes, such as tion or s or ed.

Phonemes is a unit of sound in a language that distinguishes meaning. Phonemes ca be either consonants (like /p/ or /b/ in the words pit and bit) or vowels (like /I/ and /ae/ in bit and bat).

Consonants and vowels are segmental phonemes. Sometimes a spoken syllable consists of one phoneme (/o/ in okay). But syllables also consist of combined sounds (the second syllable of okay), and of both free and bound morphemes. Distinctive feature, smaller unit, relates to how or where a sound is produced when we speak. For example: when /b/ is pronounced, the vocal cords are vibrating, but when /p/ is pronounced, the vocal cords are not vibrating. Stress, rhythm, and intonation are called the suprasegmental phonemes, because when we speak, they carry meaning differences but they operate above the segmental phonemes. Conclusion: All the levels of language operate when we speak, and conversation is not simple at all. It is important for language teachers to understand these units of language and how they work together.



1. Be aware of the differences between second language and foreign language learning contexts.

Foreign language (FL) context is one where the target language is not the language of communication in the society (e.g., learning English in Japan or studying French in Australian).

Second language (SL) context is one where the target language is the language of communication in the society (such as English in the UK or Spanish in Mexico). Second language learners include refugees, international students, and immigrants

2. Give the students practice with both fluency and accurancy

Accuracy: is the extent to which students speech matches what people actually say when they use the target language.

Fluency: is the extent to which speakers use the language quickly and confidently, with few hesitations or unnatural pauses, false starts, word searches, etc.

3. Provide opportunities for students to talk by using group work or pair work, and limiting teacher talk.

Pair work and group work activities can be used to increase the amount of time that learners get to speak in the target language during lessons.


4. Plan speaking tasks that involve negotiation for meaning

It involves checking to see if youve understood what someone has said, clarifying your understanding, and confirming that someone has understood your meaning.


5. Design classroom activities that involve guidance and practice in both transactional and interactional speaking.

When we talk with someone outside the classroom, we usually do so for interactional or transactional purposes. Interactional speech is communicating with someone for social purposes. It includes both establishing and maintaining social relationships. Transactional speech involves communicating to get something done, including the exchange of goods and/or services.



Information gap: useful activity in which one person has information that other lacks. They must use the target language to share that information. Jigsaw activities: are a bidirectional or multidirectional information gap. Each person in a pair or group has some information the other persons need. Tango seating: to work in pairs, in tango seating one students right shoulder is next to the other students right shoulder and they are facing opposite directions. This arrangement allows them to hear one another but not see what is being drawn or constructed on their partners desk. Role-plays: excellent activities for speaking in the relatively safe environment of the classroom. In a role-play, students are given particular roles in the target language. Simulations: are more elaborate than role-plays. In a simulation, props and documents provide a somewhat realistic environment for language practice. Contact assignments: involve sending students out of the classroom with a stated purpose to talk to people in the target language. You can also use contact assignments in FL contexts if there are tourists, exchange students, or international businesspersons for your students to talk to in the target language.



Research has demonstrated that teacher-dominated classroom talk is one type of unequal power discourse. That is, the teacher usually has the power to determine the topics, distribute the turns, give feedback, and ask most of the questions, among other things. Speaking including the oral production of many different genres. For example: poetry, debates, class discussions, etc. Perhaps the most common type of speaking is conversing. In conversations among equals, people are normally free to take turns, ask questions, and change topics. If you are teaching speaking, it is important to plan activities for small groups or pairs in language classrooms so the learners have a chance to practice these conversation skills without the teacher dominating the discussion.



Speaking is a productive oral skill; We contrasted speech with writing; Speaking- especially in a language other than our own- is quite a complex undertaking which involves using all the different levels of language. This chapter focused on 5 principles for planning speaking lessons in language classrooms. Some classroom discourse and some teaching materials do not sound very much like real conversations outside of classrooms. Several teaching strategies were suggested that can be used to help language learners gain practice in speaking in the target language.


Nunan, D. Practical English Language Teaching; Chapter 3; Speaking


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