A RD 020 Process Questionnaire

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RD020 Instructions

RD.020 Process Questionnaire Template


The Process Questionnaire provides content and structure for the interviewing activity during completion of the Current Business Baseline (RD.020). How to Use the Process Questionnaire Template The Process Questions worksheet contains all questions for all applications and business processes. The Oracle Business Models (OBM) process levels I and II are populated for each question, and some questions have the process levels III and IV populated. The library of OBM process levels can be found on the OBM Installation CD. To sort or select a subset of the questions you may do one of the following: Use the AutoFilter Options AutoFiltering has been turned on for the four OBM process level columns and the Application column. Clicking on the dropdown list icon in the upper right corner of these columns will display a list of values to choose from. If you choose a second filtering criteria not compatible with your first choice, the spreadsheet will return an empty list. B Use the Advanced Filter Option At the top of the Process Questions worksheet you will see two column headings --> OBM Level I and OBM Level II. If you would like to filter on a combination of these two criteria, type or copy and paste the values you want to match. Make sure to leave at least one blank row between your criteria values and the start of the process questions list. For examples on entering filtering criteria, please see Excel Help Topic "Filter a list using the Advanced Filter Command." Click a cell in the process questions list. On the Data menu, point to Filter, and then click Advanced Filter. To filter the list by hiding rows that don't match your criteria, click Filter the List, In Place. To filter the list by copying rows that match your criteria to another area of the worksheet, click Copy to Another Location, click the Copy To box, and then click the upp-left corner of the paste area. In the Criteria Range box, specify the criteria range, including the criteria labels. (An easy way to do this is to click in the Criteria Range box, then select the criteria range, including the criteria labels. The range is automatically filled in for you.) TIPS To view full choices in the pull down boxes for AutoFilters, you may want to expand the column width. However, to print on one page, you'll need to readjust column widths before printing. If you use the Advanced Filtering Functionality, the AutoFiltering dropdown list icons disappear. To turn AutoFiltering back on, select the column headings desired (should be columns B through F) and select Data => Filter => AutoFilter. Page 1

1 2 3 4 5

RD020 Instructions If at any time you need to show all questions (filtered questions are simply hidden) go to the Data menu and choose the Filter => Show All option. It is strongly recommended that you save the RD.020 spreadsheet under another name locally to avoid making permanent changes to the spreadsheet template.

Page 2

RD.020 Business Process Questionnaire

OBM Level I

OBM Level II

OBM Level I Type = Setup Metric Process Performance

Setup Whats the secondary drill down segment in the Key Accounting Flexfield? (i.e. cost center) (This confirms what client wants to use out of the Accounting Flexfield Structure they have set up.) Which BIS reports will be useful to the client? Who was interviewed to determine this? Which delivered KPIs will be useful to the client? Who was interviewed to determine this? Are additional KPIs required in order for the Indicators section to be useful to client? Which users would prefer to see these KPIs? What Target, Minimum value and Maximum Value should be set for the client for each applicable KPI? Which BIS responsibilities should be able to see which KPIs? Are any key performance measures related to financial management currently tracked? If yes, which ones? How are they evaluated? Who receives the results of these measures? Which natural accounts are classified as Revenue by the client? Validate against FSGs (Financial Statement Generator) accounts to ensure that appropriate accounts are included. Which natural accounts are classified as Expenses by the client? (should include ALL--variable and fixed) Validate against FSGs (Financial Statement Generator) accounts to ensure that appropriate accounts are included.

OBM Level II 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Business Intelligence Financials Intelligence


Not identified

OBM Level IV
Not identified


OBM Row No.


Financials Setup

Process Analysis Questions

What is the balancing segment in GL? (This confirms what client wants to use out of the Accounting Flexfield Structure they have set up.)

Business Intelligence Business Intelligence Business Intelligence Business Intelligence Business Intelligence Business Intelligence Business Intelligence Business Intelligence

Financials Intelligence Financials Intelligence Financials Intelligence Financials Intelligence Financials Intelligence Financials Intelligence Financials Intelligence Financials Intelligence

Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified

Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified


Financials Setup Reporting Indicators Indicators Indicators Security Indicators Indicators

Setup Setup Setup Setup Setup Setup Process Process

Business Intelligence

Financials Intelligence

Not identified

Not identified




11 12 13 14

Business Intelligence

Financials Intelligence

Not identified

Not identified


Reporting Which natural accounts are classified as Current Assets by the client? Validate against FSGs (Financial Statement Generator) accounts to ensure that appropriate accounts are included. Which natural accounts are classified as Current Liabilities by the client? Validate against FSGs (Financial Statement Generator) accounts to ensure that appropriate accounts are included. Which natural accounts are classified as Variable Costs by the client? Validate against FSGs (Financial Statement Generator) accounts to ensure that appropriate accounts are included. Which natural accounts are classified as Preferred Stock Dividends by the client? Validate against FSGs (Financial Statement Generator) accounts to ensure that appropriate accounts are included.


Business Intelligence

Financials Intelligence

Not identified

Not identified




Business Intelligence

Financials Intelligence

Not identified

Not identified




Business Intelligence

Financials Intelligence

Not identified

Not identified




15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35

Business Intelligence

Financials Intelligence

Not identified

Not identified


Reporting How many basic and diluted shares were outstanding per quarter for each of the last 3 years? Can enter Actuals and Planned numbers as available.


Business Intelligence Business Intelligence Business Intelligence Business Intelligence Business Intelligence Business Intelligence Business Intelligence Business Intelligence Business Intelligence Business Intelligence Business Intelligence Business Intelligence Business Intelligence Business Intelligence Business Intelligence Business Intelligence Business Intelligence Business Intelligence Business Intelligence Business Intelligence

Financials Intelligence Financials Intelligence Financials Intelligence Financials Intelligence Human Resources Intelligence Human Resources Intelligence Human Resources Intelligence Human Resources Intelligence Human Resources Intelligence Human Resources Intelligence Human Resources Intelligence Human Resources Intelligence Human Resources Intelligence Human Resources Intelligence Human Resources Intelligence Human Resources Intelligence Human Resources Intelligence Human Resources Intelligence Human Resources Intelligence Human Resources Intelligence

Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified

Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified


Reporting What stock splits have occurred in the last 3 years, or are planned to occur? Reporting Reporting Financials Setup HR Setup HR Setup HR Setup HR Setup HR Setup HR Setup HR Setup HR Setup HR Setup HR Setup HR Setup HR Setup Reporting Indicators Indicators Indicators Have any dividends been paid, or are planned to be paid? What does the client want to use for a default estimated tax rate? Is Oracle Payroll being used? If not, an interface? With who? Is the seeded Oracle element Overtime used to track employees OT? If not, what? Is there more than 1 OT element? Are HR Budgets set up? (includes rollups and budget types) Are salary grades set up? Are jobs set up? Ensure that security profiles have already been set up. Are EEO Categories set up? (this is called Job Category in BIS) Ensure that at least 1 payroll is defined.

Setup Setup Setup Metric Setup Setup Setup Setup Setup Setup Setup

Setup Are performance ratings set up in Oracle? Are performance ratings entered on employees assignments? Setup Are skills and/or competencies tracked in Oracle? Setup Are applicants tracked in Oracle? Setup Is Oracle used for recruiting? Which BIS reports will be useful to the client? Who was interviewed to determine this? Which delivered KPIs will be useful to the client? Who was interviewed to determine this? Are additional KPIs required in order for the Indicators section to be useful to client? Which users would prefer to see these KPIs? What Target, Minimum value and Maximum Value should be set for the client for each applicable KPI? Setup Setup Setup Setup Setup

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RD.020 Business Process Questionnaire OBM Level I Type = Setup Metric Process Performance
Setup Setup Setup Setup Setup

OBM Level II 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57
Business Intelligence Business Intelligence Business Intelligence Business Intelligence Business Intelligence Human Resources Intelligence Operations Intelligence Operations Intelligence Operations Intelligence Operations Intelligence


Not identified Inventory Inventory Inventory Inventory

OBM Level IV
Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified

BIS, HR BIS, INV BIS, INV BIS, INV BIS, INV BIS, Demand Planning BIS, MRP BIS, MRP BIS, MRP BIS, MRP BIS, Operations Intelligence BIS, Operations Intelligence BIS, Operations Intelligence BIS, Operations Intelligence BIS, Operations Intelligence BIS, OE BIS, Planning BIS, PO BIS BIS BIS

OBM Row No.


Security Operations Setup Operations Setup Operations Setup Operations Setup Generate Performance Measures Operations Setup Operations Setup Operations Setup Operations Setup Reporting Indicators Indicators Indicators Security Operations Setup Operations Setup Operations Setup Security Security Security

Process Analysis Questions

Which BIS responsibilities should be able to see which KPIs? Are Categories defined? (INV) Are Category Sets defined? (INV) Are ABC Groups defined? (INV) Are Cycle Counts set up? (INV) Do you perform multi-dimensional analysis? I.e. forecast accuracy by product, by region, by customer, by sales rep?

Business Intelligence Business Intelligence Business Intelligence Business Intelligence Business Intelligence Business Intelligence Business Intelligence Business Intelligence Business Intelligence Business Intelligence Business Intelligence Business Intelligence Business Intelligence Business Intelligence Business Intelligence Business Intelligence

Operations Intelligence Operations Intelligence Operations Intelligence Operations Intelligence Operations Intelligence Operations Intelligence Operations Intelligence Operations Intelligence Operations Intelligence Operations Intelligence Operations Intelligence Operations Intelligence Operations Intelligence Overview Setup Overview Setup Overview Setup

Manage Forecasts MRP MRP MRP MRP Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Order Entry Planning Purchasing Not identified Not identified Not identified

Generate Performance Measures Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified



Process Is the MPS (Master Production Schedule) in Oracle? (MRP) Are Plan names set up in Oracle? (MRP) Which Price list will be used for default? (system profile value setting) Setup What is the default Percent Discount given to customers? Which BIS reports will be useful to the client? Who was interviewed to determine this? Which delivered KPIs will be useful to the client? Who was interviewed to determine this? Are additional KPIs required in order for the Indicators section to be useful to client? Which users would prefer to see these KPIs? What Target, Minimum value and Maximum Value should be set for the client for each applicable KPI? Which BIS responsibilities should be able to see which KPIs? Are Warehouses defined? (OE) Are Forecast Sets defined? (Planning) Are Products defined? (PO) (called Commodities in BIS) Who will use the BIS product? (may not be able to generate a detailed list at this time) Which responsibilities are included in this list? (may not be able to generate a detailed list at this time) How many "key" or super users will there be for BIS? (may not be able to generate a detailed list at this time) Map each intended BIS user to each BIS module(s) and reporting focus areas to which he/she should have access. (may not be able to generate a detailed list at this time) Setup Setup Setup Setup Setup Setup Setup Setup Setup Setup Setup Metric Setup Setup

Business Intelligence

Overview Setup

Not identified

Not identified



58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78

Business Intelligence Business Intelligence Business Intelligence Business Intelligence Business Intelligence

Overview Setup Overview Setup Overview Setup Overview Setup Overview Setup

Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified

Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified


Security Security Maintenance Maintenance Transactions

Setup Recognizing that viewing KPIs and Notifications is security-based, which responsibilities will be needed to allow for appropriate differentiation of what users can see on their home page? (may not be able to generate a detailed list at this time) Setup Will there need to be terminal security for BIS? Setup What should the ongoing process be to approve and/or enter target values for each BIS responsibility? Process Who will enter target values in BIS? (may not be able to generate a detailed list at this time--what type of user/role?) Process What is the process for entering target values in BIS? Will new targets be entered upon request, or at a specific time interval? Process How many users may be accessing and using BIS at one time? How will this differ at initial rollout compared to three or six months into use? Metric How many users will likely be accessing and using BIS at one time? How will this differ at initial rollout compared to three or six months into use? Metric Have Sales Groups been set up? Setup Have Sales Channels been set up? Has Interest Type been set up? Have Customer Names been set up in Oracle? Have Sales Reps been set up in Oracle? Which BIS reports will be useful to the client? Who was interviewed to determine this? Which delivered KPIs will be useful to the client? Who was interviewed to determine this? Are additional KPIs required in order for the Indicators section to be useful to client? Which users would prefer to see these KPIs? What Target, Minimum value and Maximum Value should be set for the client for each applicable KPI? Which BIS responsibilities should be able to see which KPIs? Are there any operations/processes that you want to eliminate for Installed Base Maintenance Are there any time intensive operations for Installed Base Maintenance that you wish to streamline. Do you Maintain an installed base of customer/product information How do you audit your Installed Base Information Setup Setup Setup Setup Setup Setup Setup Setup Setup Process Process Process Setup / Process

Business Intelligence

Overview Setup

Not identified

Not identified



Business Intelligence Business Intelligence Business Intelligence Business Intelligence Business Intelligence Business Intelligence Business Intelligence Business Intelligence Business Intelligence Business Intelligence Business Intelligence (CI) Customer Interaction Management (CI) Customer Interaction Management (CI) Customer Interaction Management (CI) Customer Interaction Management

Overview Setup Sales Intelligence Sales Intelligence Sales Intelligence Sales Intelligence Sales Intelligence Sales Intelligence Sales Intelligence Sales Intelligence Sales Intelligence Sales Intelligence Care Environment Creation Care Environment Creation Care Environment Creation Care Environment Creation

Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Set up Infrastructure Set up Infrastructure Set up Infrastructure Set up Infrastructure

Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Define Knowledge Repository Define Knowledge Repository Define Knowledge Repository Define Knowledge Repository

BIS BIS, Sales BIS, Sales BIS, Sales BIS, Sales BIS, Sales BIS, Sales BIS, Sales BIS, Sales BIS, Sales BIS, Sales Service Core Service Core Service Core Service Core 303 302 298 301

Performance Sales Setup Sales Setup Sales Setup Sales Setup Sales Setup Reporting Indicators Indicators Indicators Security Business Business Business Business


Page 4

RD.020 Business Process Questionnaire OBM Level I Type = Setup Metric Process Performance
Process How do you maintain your Installed Base information Care Environment Creation Care Environment Creation Care Environment Creation Care Environment Creation Care Management Care Management Care Management Care Management Care Management Care Management Care Performance Evaluation Care Performance Evaluation Care Performance Evaluation Care Performance Evaluation Care Performance Evaluation Care Performance Evaluation Care Performance Evaluation Care Performance Evaluation Care Performance Evaluation Care Performance Evaluation Care Performance Evaluation Care Performance Evaluation Perform Care Management Perform Care Management Set up Infrastructure Set up Infrastructure Set up Infrastructure Set up Infrastructure Deliver Care Deliver Care Deliver Care Deliver Care Deliver Care Deliver Care Analyze Statistics & Feedback Analyze Statistics & Feedback Analyze Statistics & Feedback Analyze Statistics & Feedback Analyze Statistics & Feedback Analyze Statistics & Feedback Analyze Statistics & Feedback Analyze Statistics & Feedback Analyze Statistics & Feedback Analyze Statistics & Feedback Report Care Performance Report Care Performance Deliver Care Deliver Care Define Knowledge Repository Define Knowledge Repository Define Knowledge Repository Define Knowledge Repository Classify Care Request Classify Care Request Classify Care Request Classify Care Request Classify Care Request Classify Care Request Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Classify Care Request Classify Care Request Service Core Service Core Service Core Service Core Service Core Service Core Service Core Service Core Service Core Service Core Customer Support Customer Support Customer Support Customer Support Customer Support Customer Support Customer Support Customer Support Customer Support Customer Support Customer Intelligence Customer Intelligence Customer Support 299 305 300 304 312 310 306 307 308 311 257 256 248 252 251 250 249 253 254 255 101 100 101 Business Business Business Business Business Business Business Business Business Business Business Metric Business Metric Metric Business Business Metric Metric Metric Metric Reporting Business Business Do you create customer invoices based on service request fulfillment information Do you record material and miscellaneous expenses in fulfillment of service requests Process Process How do you track customer/product information for customers with multiple ship-to and bill-to addresses Process How much detail do you maintain about your installed base - to what level do you break down the product information Process Who has access to your installed base information? Process Do you group multiple customer/ products into systems for tracking and service program purposes? Process Do you have any other types of transfers of equipment from one customer to another? Process Do you ship to any Distributors who then re-ship the same products to end users Process Do you transfer customer/product information from the distributor to the end user? Process How do you receive the information about distributor sales: Process How is this maintained - do you maintain end user information? Process Are Customer Satisfaction Surveys performed in-house, or by 3rd Party Orgs? Process Are Customer Satisfaction surveys utilized? Process Are service requests reviewed for product improvement? Process Are Service requests monitored to determine end-user training needs? Process Are service requests monitored to improve service responses? Process Are service requests reviewed for new product development? Process Are service requests reviewed for product preventive maintenance schedule changes? Process Are Service Requests/Problem resolutions monitored to determine field service Tech. Training requirements? Process Are service requests/response times used to evaluate service technician staffing levels? Process Are service requests/response times used to evaluate service technician territory assignments? Process What analysis needs are there? By whom? Setup What reporting needs are there? By whom? Setup Describe the call flow that is used in the present service process

OBM Level II 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103

(CI) Customer Interaction Management (CI) Customer Interaction Management (CI) Customer Interaction Management (CI) Customer Interaction Management (CI) Customer Interaction Management (CI) Customer Interaction Management (CI) Customer Interaction Management (CI) Customer Interaction Management (CI) Customer Interaction Management (CI) Customer Interaction Management (CI) Customer Interaction Management (CI) Customer Interaction Management (CI) Customer Interaction Management (CI) Customer Interaction Management (CI) Customer Interaction Management (CI) Customer Interaction Management (CI) Customer Interaction Management (CI) Customer Interaction Management (CI) Customer Interaction Management (CI) Customer Interaction Management (CI) Customer Interaction Management (CI) Customer Interaction Management (CI) Customer Interaction Management (CI) Customer Interaction Management (CI) Customer Interaction Management Care Environment Creation


Set up Infrastructure

OBM Level IV
Define Knowledge Repository

Service Core

OBM Row No.




Process Analysis Questions

How do you maintain installed base information about Distributor End Users?

104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114

(CI) Customer Interaction Management (CI) Customer Interaction Management (CI) Customer Interaction Management (CI) Customer Interaction Management (CI) Customer Interaction Management (CI) Customer Interaction Management (CI) Customer Interaction Management (CI) Customer Interaction Management (CI) Customer Interaction Management (CI) Customer Interaction Management (CI) Customer Interaction Management

Perform Care Management

Deliver Care

Classify Care Request

Customer Support 363 Customer Support/Field Service/Mobile Field Service 362

Business Do you search the database to review if similar requests have been previously received and use this information to help in the resolution of the problem? How do the selling and ordering Orgs interface with the service Orgs? Are they the same? How does the selling Org know what products have been sold to whom, and/or are being serviced today? How is information passed from the selling Org. to the Service Org. How many service requests /month are received?


Care Environment Creation Care Environment Creation Care Environment Creation Care Environment Creation Care Environment Creation Care Environment Creation Care Environment Creation Care Environment Creation Care Environment Creation Care Environment Creation

Set up Administration Set up Administration Set up Administration Set up Administration Set up Administration Set up Infrastructure Set up Infrastructure Set up Infrastructure Set up Infrastructure Set up Infrastructure

Retrieve Knowledge Repository Establish cross-functional care requirements Establish cross-functional care requirements Establish cross-functional care requirements

Customer Support Customer Support Customer Support Customer Support Customer Support

352 97 98 99 62 241 234

Business Business Reporting Reporting Reporting

Process Setup Setup Setup Metric

Are Customers ranked and/or classified according to importance? Define Classification Scheme Define Interaction Scripts Define Classification Scheme Define Classification Scheme Define Interaction Media Customer Support Customer Support Customer Support Customer Support Customer Support 86 Business Business Process Are scripts used to guide call center personnel through the informationgathering process for service requests?? Process Do you have a need to know how many Open Service Requests exist for this customer? Business / Reporting Do you have a need to know if one (or more) existing Service Requests is Business / Reporting Open for the problem being discussed? Does the customer have access to self-service support? Fax-back? Web Access? Business Process

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RD.020 Business Process Questionnaire OBM Level I Type = Setup Metric Process Performance
Process How do you classify the service request types? (Service and Repair / Preventive Maintenance/installation/ End-user training) What criteria is used for ranking/classification? What days/hours is the Call-center staffed? Care Environment Creation Care Environment Creation Care Environment Creation Care Environment Creation Care Environment Creation Care Environment Creation Care Environment Creation Set up Infrastructure Set up Infrastructure Set up Infrastructure Set up Infrastructure Set Up Infrastructure Set up Infrastructure Set up Infrastructure Define Classification Scheme Define Classification Scheme Define Classification Scheme Define Classification Scheme Define Classification Scheme Define Routing Rules Define Routing Rules Customer Support Customer Support Interaction History Customer Support Depot Repair Customer Support Customer Support 236 78 77 76 88 83 240 Business What is the general duration of each call? Reporting What is the percentage of each type of call received? Reporting Reporting Business Business Business Are subsequent calls related to the service request assigned to the same or different Tech/rep? How are incoming contacts acknowledged to customers?( Call # / email/notifications/ letter/postcard/phone call). Are you able to create links between service requests - for example: to link service requests for the same problem or to link service requests so that a detailed description used on one can be linked to a new request? Do you record detailed descriptions of the customers reported problem? Care Management Care Management Care Management Care Management Care Management Care Management Care Management Care Management Care Management Care Management Care Management Care Management Care Management Care Management Care Management Care Management Deliver Care Deliver Care Deliver Care Determine Care Determine Care Determine Care Determine Care Determine Care Determine Care Determine Care Identify Care Identify Care Identify Care Identify Care Identify Care Identify Care Classify Care Request Perform/Route Care Request Perform/Route Care Request Retrieve Knowledge Repository Retrieve Knowledge Repository Prepare Response Plan Retrieve Knowledge Repository Retrieve Knowledge Repository Retrieve Knowledge Repository Retrieve Knowledge Repository Receive Care Request Retrieve Requester Records Establish Requester's Identity Establish Requester's Identity Retrieve Requester Records Receive Care Request Customer Support Customer Support Customer Support Customer Support Customer Support Customer Support Customer Support Customer Support Customer Support Customer Support Customer Support Customer Support Customer Support Customer Support Customer Support 351 75 80 82 244 74 247 245 246 243 343 146 199 73 200 Business How do you track the services already provided under the contract/warranty? Reporting If the call is for help in solving a problem, how does the problem resolution Business / Reporting process work? What is the result of each call? Are previous service requests/resolutions looked up? Reporting Do customers have access to the knowledge base? Business How do know the level of service to give them? Reporting Is customer access to the Knowledge base included as part of the Service contract? Business Is customers' access to the knowledge base limited or full? Business Is customers' access to the knowledge base restricted to certain customers, or unrestricted and available to all? Business Which departments/individuals have access to the knowledge base? Business Do you enter specific product information when you enter a service request? Business Do you now know which products are installed at your customers sites? Business How are callers identified? By Customer name/Customer number/or Contact Name? Business How does the Customer give key identifiers to identify themselves to you? What information is given? Business Will callers also be identified by product in the Installed Base? Business How does a Customer know how to contact you? Business What methods are available to Customers to contact the Company? (Phone / Fax / Website / Mail) Business Describe the Customer return process. What is tracked? Business How do you maintain your data about customer service requests Business If Reps/techs are dispatched, how do they record their activity and expenses? Business How would you like to see visibility about how you perform for your customer.? Reporting What type of paperwork is produced? Must it be paper? Business Business Metric Metric How do you audit information about your service programs? How do you measure Customer Satisfaction? How satisfied are your customers with your Services today? Metric Process Process Process Process Process Process Process Process Process Setup Setup Process Setup Process Process What Types of calls do you get? Requests for Action? Requests for Information? What types of customer returns do you have? Metric Metric Process Setup/Process Process Metric Process Setup Process

OBM Level II 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124
(CI) Customer Interaction Management (CI) Customer Interaction Management (CI) Customer Interaction Management (CI) Customer Interaction Management (CI) Customer Interaction Management (CI) Customer Interaction Management (CI) Customer Interaction Management (CI) Customer Interaction Management (CI) Customer Interaction Management (CI) Customer Interaction Management Care Environment Creation Care Environment Creation Care Environment Creation


Set up Infrastructure Set up Infrastructure Set up Infrastructure

OBM Level IV
Define Classification Scheme Define Classification Scheme Define Classification Scheme

Customer Support Customer Support Customer Support

OBM Row No.

238 63 242


Business Reporting Business

Process Analysis Questions

How are incoming calls handled during off hours?

125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150

(CI) Customer Interaction Management (CI) Customer Interaction Management (CI) Customer Interaction Management (CI) Customer Interaction Management (CI) Customer Interaction Management (CI) Customer Interaction Management (CI) Customer Interaction Management (CI) Customer Interaction Management (CI) Customer Interaction Management (CI) Customer Interaction Management (CI) Customer Interaction Management (CI) Customer Interaction Management (CI) Customer Interaction Management (CI) Customer Interaction Management (CI) Customer Interaction Management (CI) Customer Interaction Management (CI) Customer Interaction Management (CI) Customer Interaction Management (CI) Customer Interaction Management (CI) Customer Interaction Management (CI) Customer Interaction Management (CI) Customer Interaction Management (CI) Customer Interaction Management (CS) Customer Service (CS) Customer Service (CS) Customer Service

Care Management

Deliver Care

Classify Care Request

Customer Support




Care Management Care Management Care Management Care Management Care Performance Evaluation Care Performance Evaluation Service Evaluation - (CSS07) Service Evaluation - (CSS07) Service Evaluation - (CSS07)

Identify Care Track & Close Care Request Track & Close Care Request Track & Close Care Request Analyze Statistics & Feedback Report Care Performance Analyze Service Performance Measurements Analyze Customer Feedback Data Analyze Customer Feedback Data

Receive Care Request Track Care Request Update Knowledge Base Track Care Request Measure Care Performance Define Interaction Media Analyze Performance Measurements

Customer Support 72 Customer Support/iSupport/Fi eld Service 239 Depot Repair Customer Support Field Service Customer Support Customer Support 89 341 84 155 87 CS1415 CS0834 CS0834

Process Process Process Setup,Process Setup Setup Process Metric Metric

Service Customer Analyze Customer Feedback Data Intelligence Customer Analyze Customer Feedback Data Intelligence

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RD.020 Business Process Questionnaire OBM Level I Type = Setup Metric Process Performance
Metric Process Process Setup Process Setup Setup Process, Setup Process, Performance Setup, Process Process Metric Process Process, Setup Setup Setup Metric Process, Setup Setup, Performance Process Process, Setup Setup Setup, Performance Process Process Setup

OBM Level II 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190
(CS) Customer Service (CS) Customer Service (CS) Customer Service (CS) Customer Service (CS) Customer Service (CS) Customer Service (CS) Customer Service (CS) Customer Service (CS) Customer Service (CS) Customer Service (CS) Customer Service (CS) Customer Service (CS) Customer Service (CS) Customer Service (CS) Customer Service (CS) Customer Service (CS) Customer Service (CS) Customer Service (CS) Customer Service (CS) Customer Service (CS) Customer Service (CS) Customer Service (CS) Customer Service (CS) Customer Service (CS) Customer Service (CS) Customer Service (CS) Customer Service (CS) Customer Service (CS) Customer Service (CS) Customer Service (CS) Customer Service (CS) Customer Service (CS) Customer Service (CS) Customer Service (CS) Customer Service (CS) Customer Service (CS) Customer Service (CS) Customer Service (CS) Customer Service (CS) Customer Service Service Evaluation - (CSS07) Service Evaluation - (CSS07) Service Evaluation - (CSS07) Service Evaluation - (CSS07) Service Evaluation - (CSS07) Service Evaluation - (CSS07) Service Evaluation - (CSS07) Service Evaluation - (CSS07) Service Evaluation - (CSS07) Service Evaluation - (CSS07) Service Evaluation - (CSS07) Service Evaluation - (CSS07) Service Evaluation - (CSS07) Service Evaluation - (CSS07) Service Evaluation - (CSS07) Service Evaluation - (CSS07) Service Evaluation - (CSS07) Service Evaluation - (CSS07) Service Evaluation - (CSS07) Service Evaluation - (CSS07) Service Evaluation - (CSS07) Service Evaluation - (CSS07) Service Evaluation - (CSS07) Service Evaluation - (CSS07) Service Evaluation - (CSS07) Service Evaluation - (CSS07) Service Evaluation - (CSS07) Service Evaluation - (CSS07) Service Fulfillment - (CSS02) Service Fulfillment - (CSS02) Service Fulfillment - (CSS02) Service Fulfillment - (CSS02) Service Fulfillment - (CSS02) Service Fulfillment - (CSS02) Service Fulfillment - (CSS02) Service Fulfillment - (CSS02) Service Fulfillment - (CSS02) Service Fulfillment - (CSS02) Service Fulfillment - (CSS02) Service Fulfillment - (CSS02)


OBM Level IV

Field Service

OBM Row No.

CS0838 CS0836 CS0836 CS0832


Metric Business Metric Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Business Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Business Reporting Business Business Business Business Business Metric Business Reporting Business Business Business Business

Process Analysis Questions

How do you estimate the costs for a field technical onsite visit? Do you track replacement of items at customer premises - swap customer/parts serial numbers, etc. Is the reason for failure and remedial action recorded How is revenue recognized? Where in your accounting cycle do you run standard reports for Service Are Service reports standard across multiple Sets of Books, for example, subsidiaries? Are Service reports standard across multiple levels within a set of books, i.e. divisions? Do some of these Service reports belong in a report set - always being run together? Do the separate business units run their own Service reports Do you provide a Key of content/information somewhere on the Service reports How do you update a Service report distribution list? How long does it take to update a Service report distribution list? How many visits are made by Field Engineers in a day Is the process to update a Service report distribution list documented? Is there any requirement for on-line (soft copy) distribution and/or remote location printing for Service reports Is there any Service reporting requirements that your current reports do not meet? What account codes and/or descriptions are required on Service reports? What are the Strengths? Weaknesses? What are your Service reporting requirements with respect to summary vs detailed formats. What business performance statistics do you monitor for Service What is the criteria for determining who should get a copy of the Service reports? What reports do you currently generate to meet your Service reporting requirements What Service reports are grouped together on a regular basis and printed in one print run? What type of printers do you run Service Reports on? Where are they located? Who performs the tasks associated with updating a Service report distribution list? Who receives a copy of the Service Reports? What analysis needs are there? By whom?

Analyze Field Engineer Utilization Analyze Field Engineer Utilization Rate Rate Analyze Product Performance Data Analyze Product Performance Data Identify and Size Revenue Determine and Report Service Measure Variances Determine and Report Service Measure Variances Determine and Report Service Measure Variances Determine and Report Service Measure Variances Determine and Report Service Measure Variances Determine and Report Service Measure Variances Determine and Report Service Measure Variances Determine and Report Service Measure Variances Analyze Field Engineer Utilization Rate Determine and Report Service Measure Variances Determine and Report Service Measure Variances Determine and Report Service Measure Variances Determine and Report Service Measure Variances Determine and Report Service Measure Variances Determine and Report Service Measure Variances Analyze Service Performance Measurements Determine and Report Service Measure Variances Determine and Report Service Measure Variances Determine and Report Service Measure Variances Determine and Report Service Measure Variances Determine and Report Service Measure Variances Determine and Report Service Measure Variances Analyze Service Performance Measurements Determine and Report Service Measure Variances Analyze Benchmark Manage Schedules and Capacity Assign Requests Manage Schedules and Capacity Assign Requests Manage Schedules and Capacity Set Appointments Track Service Plan Manage Schedules and Capacity Manage Schedules and Capacity Prioritize Requests Manage Schedules and Capacity

Analyze Product Performance Data Mobile Analyze Product Performance Data Field Service Identify and Size Revenue Classify and Report Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Analyze Performance Measures Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified ALL

Service Intelligence CS0831 Service Intelligence CS0831 Service Intelligence CS0831 Service Intelligence CS0831 Service Intelligence CS0831 ALL ALL ALL Field Service ALL ALL CS0831 CS0831 CS0831 CS0838 CS0831 CS0831

Service Intelligence CS0831 CS0831 CS0831

All Customer Analyze Customer Feedback Data Intelligence Not identified Analyze Performance Measurements Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Analyze Benchmark Not identified Assign Requests Manage Schedules and Capacity Assign Requests Manage Schedules and Capacity Set Appointments Track Service Plan Manage Schedules and Capacity Manage Schedules and Capacity Prioritize Requests Manage Schedules and Capacity

Service Intelligence CS0831 Customer Intelligence CS1415 All CS0831

Service Intelligence CS0831 Service Intelligence CS0831 ALL All ALL Customer Intelligence Customer Intelligence Field Service Depot Repair Depot Repair Field Service Field Service Field Service Field Service Field Service Mobile Field Service Field Service Mobile CS0831 CS0831 CS0831 CS1415 CS0831 CS0804 CS0803 CS1418 CS0803 CS1418 CS0803 CS0804 CS1413 CS0803 CS0803 CS0801 CS0803

What reporting needs are there? By whom? Setup Do you estimate time to arrival for Field Service Technicians going from job to job Process Do you Perform " Depot Repair" Are Depot Repair Work orders assigned to Technicians based on their skill levels? Metric Metric/Setup

Are Field Engineers available on stand-by, if so when can they be dispatched Setup Are Field Engineers given a days schedule or are they assigned a new job after completion of the previous Process Are Field Engineer's vacation, training and other non-availability recorded Are preventative maintenance visits automatically scheduled Are repeat visits soon after an installation or repair monitored Are there any seasonal or other fluctuations in the number of visits Are there standard times for types of work or call symptoms Process Process Metric Performance Setup

Are they assigned repair jobs by System or Product? Metric/Setup Can a Field Engineer be working on more than one job concurrently when on a customer site Process

131320756.xls.ms_office Page 7

RD.020 Business Process Questionnaire OBM Level I Type = Setup Metric Process Performance
Process Process Process Process Process Process Process Setup Setup Process Process Process Process Process Process Setup Process Metric Metric Process Process Process Process Metric Metric Process Process Metric Metric Metric

OBM Level II 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233
(CS) Customer Service (CS) Customer Service (CS) Customer Service (CS) Customer Service (CS) Customer Service (CS) Customer Service (CS) Customer Service (CS) Customer Service (CS) Customer Service (CS) Customer Service (CS) Customer Service (CS) Customer Service (CS) Customer Service (CS) Customer Service (CS) Customer Service (CS) Customer Service (CS) Customer Service (CS) Customer Service (CS) Customer Service (CS) Customer Service (CS) Customer Service (CS) Customer Service (CS) Customer Service (CS) Customer Service (CS) Customer Service (CS) Customer Service (CS) Customer Service (CS) Customer Service (CS) Customer Service (CS) Customer Service (CS) Customer Service (CS) Customer Service (CS) Customer Service (CS) Customer Service (CS) Customer Service (CS) Customer Service (CS) Customer Service Service Fulfillment - (CSS02) Service Fulfillment - (CSS02) Service Fulfillment - (CSS02) Service Fulfillment - (CSS02) Service Fulfillment - (CSS02) Service Fulfillment - (CSS02) Service Fulfillment - (CSS02) Service Fulfillment - (CSS02) Service Fulfillment - (CSS02) Service Fulfillment - (CSS02) Service Fulfillment - (CSS02) Service Fulfillment - (CSS02) Service Fulfillment - (CSS02) Service Fulfillment - (CSS02) Service Fulfillment - (CSS02) Service Fulfillment - (CSS02) Service Fulfillment - (CSS02) Service Fulfillment - (CSS02) Service Fulfillment - (CSS02) Service Fulfillment - (CSS02) Service Fulfillment - (CSS02) Service Fulfillment - (CSS02) Service Fulfillment - (CSS02) Service Fulfillment - (CSS02) Service Fulfillment - (CSS02) Service Fulfillment - (CSS02) Service Fulfillment - (CSS02) Service Fulfillment - (CSS02) Service Fulfillment - (CSS02) Service Fulfillment - (CSS02) Service Fulfillment - (CSS02) Service Fulfillment - (CSS02) Service Fulfillment - (CSS02) Service Fulfillment - (CSS02) Service Fulfillment - (CSS02) Service Fulfillment - (CSS02) Service Fulfillment - (CSS02)


Manage Schedules and Capacity Manage Schedules and Capacity Manage Schedules and Capacity Prioritize Requests Track Service Plan Assign Requests Prioritize Requests Manage Schedules and Capacity Manage Schedules and Capacity Prioritize Requests Track Service Plan Prioritize Requests Manage Schedules and Capacity Track Service Plan Track Service Plan Manage Schedules and Capacity Prioritize Requests Manage Schedules and Capacity Manage Schedules and Capacity Set Appointments Manage Schedules and Capacity Prioritize Requests Track Service Plan Track Service Plan Track Service Plan Track Service Plan Set Appointments Track Service Plan Track Service Plan Track Service Plan Assign Requests Assign Requests Manage Schedules and Capacity Manage Schedules and Capacity Manage Schedules and Capacity Manage Schedules and Capacity Assign Requests

OBM Level IV
Manage Schedules and Capacity Manage Schedules and Capacity Manage Schedules and Capacity Prioritize Requests Track Service Plan Assign Requests Prioritize Requests Manage Schedules and Capacity Manage Schedules and Capacity Prioritize Requests Track Service Plan Prioritize Requests Manage Schedules and Capacity Track Service Plan Track Service Plan Manage Schedules and Capacity Prioritize Requests Manage Schedules and Capacity Manage Schedules and Capacity Set Appointments Manage Schedules and Capacity Prioritize Requests Track Service Plan Track Service Plan Track Service Plan Track Service Plan Set Appointments Track Service Plan Track Service Plan Track Service Plan Assign Requests Assign Requests Manage Schedules and Capacity Manage Schedules and Capacity Manage Schedules and Capacity Manage Schedules and Capacity Assign Requests

Mobile Mobile Mobile, Pricing Field Service Field Service Field Service Field Service Field Service Field Service Field Service Field Service Field Service Mobile Field Service Field Service Field Service Field Service Mobile Mobile Field Service Mobile Field Service Field Service Field Service Field Service Field Service Field Service Field Service Field Service Field Service Field Service Field Service Field Service Mobile Field Service Field Service Field Service

OBM Row No.

CS0803 CS0803 CS0803 CS0801 CS1413 CS1418 CS0801 CS0803 CS0803 CS0801 CS1413 CS0801 CS0803 CS1413 CS1413 CS0803 CS0801 CS0803 CS0803 CS0804 CS0803 CS0801 CS1413 CS1413 CS1413 CS1413 CS0804 CS1413 CS1413 CS1413 CS1418 CS1418 CS0803 CS0803 CS0803 CS0803 CS1418


Business Business Business Validation Business Business Business Business Business Business Business Business Business Reporting Metric Business Business Business Metric Business Reporting Business

Process Analysis Questions

Can a Field Engineer do installations as well as repairs Can a Field Engineer do preventative maintenance Can a Field Engineer do work on a Time and Materials basis where there is no Service Contract Can all these types of work be handled by a Field Engineer Can Field Engineers be taken off low priority jobs Can the customer specify which Field Engineer will be sent Describe the Dispatch rules: Request Priority/ First come-First served/Customer ranking Do Field Engineers work rosters or shift patterns if so how are they defined Do some jobs require more than one person and/or skill set Do you assign field engineers to handle specific problems or customers? Do you capture engineer time for specific service requests Do you group field engineers together based on skill and ability? Does communications have to be proactive/real-time or will the Field Engineer connect when it is convenient Does the Field Engineer have to record time of arrival on site Does the Field Engineer update the time required for the job, thus amending likely availability for the next job Does the work time allowed vary according to skill level How is the call-intake/dispatch/planning department organized How many calls will a Field Engineer handle in an average day How much time does a Field Engineer spend travelling in an average day If a job is recorded as uncompleted is it automatically assigned to the same Field Engineer the next day as his first job If contractors are not to be part of the system how will work be dispatched and progress recorded

If yes, how are engineers assigned to specific service requests? Is accurate data available for use by the optimization rules e.g. mileages, Business / Reporting costs Validation Metric Metric Business Validation Business Metric Business Business Business Business Business Business Business Is performance against contractual conditions measured Is performance of actuals v standard times analyzed Is the actual time spent on the job recorded Is the Field Engineer given information as to how to get access to the premises and contact information Is the mean time between failures monitored Is the number of "trivial" visits to a customer or account measured can this result in a customer billing Is the time to respond and time to fix measured, can failure to comply with contractual conditions result in penalty payments

What are the constraints that can be over-ruled in scheduling Field Engineers Setup What are the constraints that MUST be matched in scheduling Field Engineers Setup What are the rules for continuing to work after normal end of day What is the duration of an average field service visit What is the escalation process if response to requests exceeds set times What percentage of jobs require more than one Field Engineer to attend What preferences/rules are used in scheduling Field Engineers What type of Communication will be used to notify Field service reps and Sales Persons of Service requests and Other Customer interactions? Via workflow or E-mail / Notifications? Which of the above types of work uses most of the Field Engineers time Do you send replacement parts (in lieu of sending a technician)? Does the Field Engineer have access to the units service/repair history Are Service Techs/Reps dispatched? Describe the Process. Are all Field Engineers computer literate Setup Metric Process Metric Setup

(CS) Customer Service (CS) Customer Service (CS) Customer Service (CS) Customer Service (CS) Customer Service (CS) Customer Service

Service Fulfillment (CSS02) Service Fulfillment (CSS02) Defect Resolution (CSS03) Defect Resolution (CSS03) Customer Service Administration (CSS01)

Assign Requests Prioritize Requests Deliver Repaired Products Query Problems in Knowledge Base Manage Schedules and Capacity Define and Maintain Service Infrastructure and Deployment

Assign Requests Prioritize Requests Execute the Solution Research the Problem Not identified Not identified

Field Service Field Service Customer Support Field Service Mobile Mobile

CS1418 CS0801 CS0809.9 CS0806.1 CS0803 CS1413

Business Metric Business Business Business Business

Setup Metric Process Process Metric/Setup Performance

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RD.020 Business Process Questionnaire OBM Level I Type = Setup Metric Process Performance
Setup Metric Setup Setup Setup Process Performance Setup Setup

OBM Level II 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270
(CS) Customer Service (CS) Customer Service (CS) Customer Service (CS) Customer Service (CS) Customer Service (CS) Customer Service (CS) Customer Service (CS) Customer Service (CS) Customer Service Customer Service Administration (CSS01) Customer Service Administration (CSS01) Customer Service Administration (CSS01) Customer Service Administration (CSS01) Customer Service Administration (CSS01) Customer Service Administration (CSS01) Customer Service Administration (CSS01) Customer Service Administration (CSS01) Customer Service Administration (CSS01) Customer Service Administration (CSS01) Customer Service Administration (CSS01) Customer Service Administration (CSS01) Customer Service Administration (CSS01) Customer Service Administration (CSS01) Customer Service Administration (CSS01) Customer Service Administration (CSS01) Customer Service Administration (CSS01) Customer Service Administration (CSS01) Customer Service Administration (CSS01) Customer Service Administration (CSS01) Customer Service Administration (CSS01) Customer Service Administration (CSS01) Customer Service Administration (CSS01) Customer Service Administration (CSS01) Customer Service Administration (CSS01) Customer Service Administration (CSS01) Customer Service Administration (CSS01) Customer Service Administration (CSS01) Customer Service Administration (CSS01) Customer Service Administration (CSS01) Customer Service Administration (CSS01) Customer Service Administration (CSS01) Customer Service Administration (CSS01) Customer Service Administration (CSS01) Customer Service Administration (CSS01) Customer Service Administration (CSS01) Customer Service Administration (CSS01)


Define and Maintain Service Infrastructure and Deployment Define and Maintain Service Infrastructure and Deployment Define and Maintain Service Infrastructure and Deployment Define and Maintain Service Infrastructure and Deployment Define and Maintain Service Infrastructure and Deployment Define and Maintain Service Infrastructure and Deployment Define and Maintain Service Infrastructure and Deployment Define and Maintain Service Infrastructure and Deployment Define and Maintain Service Infrastructure and Deployment Define and Maintain Service Infrastructure and Deployment Define and Maintain Service Infrastructure and Deployment Define and Maintain Service Infrastructure and Deployment Define and Maintain Service Infrastructure and Deployment Define and Maintain Service Infrastructure and Deployment Define and Maintain Service Infrastructure and Deployment Define and Maintain Service Infrastructure and Deployment Define and Maintain Service Infrastructure and Deployment Define and Maintain Service Infrastructure and Deployment Define and Maintain Service Infrastructure and Deployment Define and Maintain Service Infrastructure and Deployment Define and Maintain Service Infrastructure and Deployment Define and Maintain Service Infrastructure and Deployment Define and Maintain Service Infrastructure and Deployment Define and Maintain Service Infrastructure and Deployment Define and Maintain Service Infrastructure and Deployment Define and Maintain Service Infrastructure and Deployment Define and Maintain Service Infrastructure and Deployment Define and Maintain Service Infrastructure and Deployment Define and Maintain Service Infrastructure and Deployment Define and Maintain Service Infrastructure and Deployment Define and Maintain Service Infrastructure and Deployment Define and Maintain Service Infrastructure and Deployment Define and Maintain Service Infrastructure and Deployment Define and Maintain Service Infrastructure and Deployment Define and Maintain Service Infrastructure and Deployment Define and Maintain Service Infrastructure and Deployment Define and Maintain Service Infrastructure and Deployment

OBM Level IV
Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified

Customer Support Mobile Customer Support Customer Support Customer Support ALL Mobile Mobile Customer Support

OBM Row No.

CS1413 CS1413 CS1413 CS1413 CS1413 CS1413 CS1413 CS1413 CS1413


Business Business Business Business Business Business Business Business

Process Analysis Questions

Are any changes planned? Are the field service reps "billed out" by skill level? How Many? (of each) Are the field service reps "Graded" by skill level? Are the service reps "Billed out" by skill level? Are the service reps "Graded" by skill level? Are there any processes that you would like to eliminate? Are there IT resources identified to support Field Engineers Are your Field Service Techs/Engineers graded by skill level? Are your Service Orgs cost or profit centers? By what means are Products and Services sold? What are the order-taking requirements? Do you have any idea of the order volumes? Can refurbished parts be used for repairs Can repairs be made by replacement


(CS) Customer Service (CS) Customer Service (CS) Customer Service (CS) Customer Service (CS) Customer Service (CS) Customer Service (CS) Customer Service (CS) Customer Service (CS) Customer Service (CS) Customer Service (CS) Customer Service (CS) Customer Service (CS) Customer Service (CS) Customer Service (CS) Customer Service (CS) Customer Service

Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified

Sales products Field Service Field Service Field Service Field Service Depot Repair Field Service Field Service Field Service Depot Repair Depot Repair Depot Repair Service Contracts Depot Repair Depot Repair Customer Support Customer Support/Depot Repair Depot Repair Depot Repair Field Service Field Service Customer Support Customer Support Mobile Customer Support Customer Support Customer Support Customer Support

CS1413 CS1413 CS1413 CS1413 CS1413 CS1413 CS1413 CS1413 CS1413 CS1413 CS1413 CS1413 CS1413 CS1413 CS1413 CS1413

Business Business Business Business Business Business

Process Process Process

Can the Field Engineer get parts couriered to site Process Can units being serviced or repaired be mobile with a "one-time" address e.g. truck Process

Do you create invoices for your repair services? Process Do customers hold stocks of spares, if so who owns them and when are they Business / Reporting billed Process Do refurbished parts have a "life" (counter value" which has to be considered Business when sold or used in a subsequent repair Process Business / Reporting Do unit locations have to be recorded within an address for a large site Business Business Business Business Business Business Business Do you bill for expensed items when performing repair services? Do you bill for labor when you perform repair services? Do you charge customers for repairs based on product attributes/qualities? Do you charge customers for repairs that are out of warranty? Do you create separate repair lines for each item with a different serial number? Do you create work orders in order to track time and materials against customer repairs? Do you have a written" Knowledge base" of known problems and fixes? Setup Process Process Process Process Process Process Process/setup

(CS) Customer Service (CS) Customer Service (CS) Customer Service (CS) Customer Service (CS) Customer Service (CS) Customer Service (CS) Customer Service (CS) Customer Service (CS) Customer Service (CS) Customer Service (CS) Customer Service (CS) Customer Service

Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified

CS1413 CS1413 CS1413 CS1413 CS1413 CS1413 CS1413 CS1413 CS1413 CS1413 CS1413 CS1413

Business Metric Metric Business Business Business Business Security Business Business Business Business

Do you maintain separate price lists for your service billings? Do you track items by serial number when they are received back for repair? Do you track repair jobs through the manufacturing repair process? Does the Field Engineer carry with him a stock of spare parts Does the Field Engineer requisition for consumable items How are adjustments to closed periods for Service Handled

Process Process Process Setup Process Process

How are Service reps paid? Salary? Exempt/non-exempt? Hourly? % Billing? Process How do Field Engineers connect with the existing service system How do they interact (connect)with your service system today? How do you envision it in the future? (Same/ different) How do you maintain information regarding customer returns? How do you open/close an accounting period for Service Requests Setup Process Setup Process Process

131320756.xls.ms_office Page 9

RD.020 Business Process Questionnaire OBM Level I Type = Setup Metric Process Performance
Process Process Process Setup Process Process Process Setup / Process Setup Setup Process Process Process Setup Setup Setup Process Process Setup Setup Setup / Process

OBM Level II 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306
(CS) Customer Service (CS) Customer Service (CS) Customer Service (CS) Customer Service (CS) Customer Service (CS) Customer Service (CS) Customer Service (CS) Customer Service (CS) Customer Service (CS) Customer Service (CS) Customer Service (CS) Customer Service (CS) Customer Service (CS) Customer Service (CS) Customer Service (CS) Customer Service (CS) Customer Service (CS) Customer Service (CS) Customer Service (CS) Customer Service (CS) Customer Service Customer Service Administration (CSS01) Customer Service Administration (CSS01) Customer Service Administration (CSS01) Customer Service Administration (CSS01) Customer Service Administration (CSS01) Customer Service Administration (CSS01) Customer Service Administration (CSS01) Customer Service Administration (CSS01) Customer Service Administration (CSS01) Customer Service Administration (CSS01) Customer Service Administration (CSS01) Customer Service Administration (CSS01) Customer Service Administration (CSS01) Customer Service Administration (CSS01) Customer Service Administration (CSS01) Customer Service Administration (CSS01) Customer Service Administration (CSS01) Customer Service Administration (CSS01) Customer Service Administration (CSS01) Customer Service Administration (CSS01) Customer Service Administration (CSS01) Customer Service Administration (CSS01) Customer Service Administration (CSS01) Customer Service Administration (CSS01) Customer Service Administration (CSS01) Customer Service Administration (CSS01) Customer Service Administration (CSS01) Customer Service Administration (CSS01) Customer Service Administration (CSS01) Customer Service Administration (CSS01) Customer Service Administration (CSS01) Customer Service Administration (CSS01) Customer Service Administration (CSS01) Customer Service Administration (CSS01) Customer Service Administration (CSS01) Customer Service Administration (CSS01)


Define and Maintain Service Infrastructure and Deployment Define and Maintain Service Infrastructure and Deployment Define and Maintain Service Infrastructure and Deployment Define and Maintain Service Infrastructure and Deployment Define and Maintain Service Infrastructure and Deployment Define and Maintain Service Infrastructure and Deployment Define and Maintain Service Infrastructure and Deployment Define and Maintain Service Infrastructure and Deployment Define and Maintain Service Infrastructure and Deployment Define and Maintain Service Infrastructure and Deployment Define and Maintain Service Infrastructure and Deployment Define and Maintain Service Infrastructure and Deployment Define and Maintain Service Infrastructure and Deployment Define and Maintain Service Infrastructure and Deployment Define and Maintain Service Infrastructure and Deployment Define and Maintain Service Infrastructure and Deployment Define and Maintain Service Infrastructure and Deployment Define and Maintain Service Infrastructure and Deployment Define and Maintain Service Infrastructure and Deployment Define and Maintain Service Infrastructure and Deployment Define and Maintain Service Infrastructure and Deployment Define and Manage Service Organization Define and Manage Service Organization Define and Manage Service Organization Define and Manage Service Organization Define Service Delivery Strategy Define Service Delivery Strategy Define Service Delivery Strategy Define Service Delivery Strategy Define Service Delivery Strategy Define Service Delivery Strategy Define Service Delivery Strategy Define Service Delivery Strategy Define Service Delivery Strategy Define Service Delivery Strategy Define Service Delivery Strategy

OBM Level IV
Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified

Field Service Field Service Customer Support Customer Support Mobile Mobile Mobile Inventory Inventory Field Service Customer Support Field Service Customer Support Customer Support Field Service Mobile Customer Support Depot Repair Mobile Mobile CRM Foundation Field Service/Customer Support Field Service/Customer Support Field Service/Customer Support Customer Support Mobile Depot Repair Customer Support Customer Support Mobile Installed Base Service/ OE / Inv / BOM Contracts Installed Base Field Service Field Service

OBM Row No.

CS1413 CS1413 CS1413 CS1413 CS1413 CS1413 CS1413 CS1413 CS1413 CS1413 CS1413 CS1413 CS1413 CS1413 CS1413 CS1413 CS1413 CS1413 CS1413 CS1413 CS1413



Process Analysis Questions

How does his stock of spares get replaced

Business / Reporting How does the "counter" information on a product get updated How long does it take to open/close an accounting period for Service Business Requests 1 Business Business Business Business Business Business Validation Business Business Business Business Business Security Business Business Business Business Business How many Service Call Centers do you operate? How will Field Engineers laptops be repaired or replaced How will Field Engineers palm devices be repaired or replaced How will new releases of software be issued to Field Engineers Identify and note all AssembleTo Order (ATO) items on the Item master Identify and note all Configurable items on the Item master. Is address and location information accurate and complete Is closing an accounting period for Service Requests a hard or a soft close Is the RMA process documented? Is the schedule to open/close an accounting period for Service Requests documented What are the expected gains to be derived from the change(s)? What are your Service Engineer Territories? What communication/network structure is preferred to connect Field Engineers laptops to central server What types of products and service offerings do you have today? Who maintains the information regarding Depot Repair- eg. The RMA process? Will Field Engineers be able to keep personal data (phone numbers, to dos etc.) on their laptops Will Field Engineers be able to keep personal data (phone numbers, to dos etc.) on their palm devices Will word-processing documents, invoices, spreadsheets, etc. be attached to Service records for view by system users?

(CS) Customer Service

Not identified



Create a chart linking the Service Jobs to the Service groups Define the Service Groups (roles: products serviced, customers assigned, area covered, etc.) within each department in your Service Organization


(CS) Customer Service

Not identified




(CS) Customer Service (CS) Customer Service (CS) Customer Service (CS) Customer Service (CS) Customer Service (CS) Customer Service (CS) Customer Service (CS) Customer Service (CS) Customer Service (CS) Customer Service (CS) Customer Service (CS) Customer Service (CS) Customer Service

Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified

CS1412 CS1412 CS1414 CS1414 CS1414 CS1414 CS1414 CS1414 CS1414 CS1414 CS1414 CS1414 CS1414

Business Business Business Business Business Business Business Business Business Business Reporting Business Business

What are the Service Jobs (tasks) within your Organization What types of Customer interaction methods will you/do you use? Are Field Engineers "graded" by skill type and/or level Are Sales Leads used for Depot repair lead generation? Are Sales Leads used for Service Contract lead generation? Are service requests used for lead generation? Are Service Techs/Reps dispatched? Describe the Process. Are there Package deals? Are there product Configuration requirements?

Setup Setup Setup Process Process Process Process Setup Setup

Are your service events Time-based or Counter-based ? Setup At what level(s) do you track the product? orderable product vs. component? Serial Numbers? Revisions? Upgrades? Process Can a Field Engineer bring back a part for refurbishment Can a Field Engineer issue a quote on-site for a Time and Material repair Process Process

131320756.xls.ms_office Page 10

RD.020 Business Process Questionnaire OBM Level I Type = Setup Metric Process Performance
Process Process Setup Setup

OBM Level II 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327
(CS) Customer Service (CS) Customer Service (CS) Customer Service (CS) Customer Service Customer Service Administration (CSS01) Customer Service Administration (CSS01) Customer Service Administration (CSS01) Customer Service Administration (CSS01) Customer Service Administration (CSS01) Customer Service Administration (CSS01) Customer Service Administration (CSS01) Customer Service Administration (CSS01) Customer Service Administration (CSS01) Customer Service Administration (CSS01) Customer Service Administration (CSS01) Customer Service Administration (CSS01) Customer Service Administration (CSS01) Customer Service Administration (CSS01) Customer Service Administration (CSS01) Customer Service Administration (CSS01) Customer Service Administration (CSS01) Customer Service Administration (CSS01) Customer Service Administration (CSS01) Customer Service Administration (CSS01) Customer Service Administration (CSS01)


Define Service Delivery Strategy Define Service Delivery Strategy Define Service Delivery Strategy Define Service Delivery Strategy

OBM Level IV
Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified

Field Service Field Service Order Management Contracts

OBM Row No.

CS1414 CS1414 CS1414 CS1414


Business Business Business Business

Process Analysis Questions

Can a Field Engineer issue an invoice for work done on-site Can a Field Engineer raise a service contract Can Services be sold with the Product? Define all Service Programs, including Duration. Determine any additional Order transaction types that will be used. (Loaned: Loaner unit shipped. Advance Exchange: Replacement Shipped.) Determine which products on your Item Master are serviceable and note them. Do Field Engineers have access to technical information and knowledge based tools for resolving problems Do Upgrades and Replacements inherit support services from existing products? Do you offer services based on local time zone (at your customer's location i.e. CA) or based on your time zone (the dispatch facility location - i.e. NY)? Do you Service only those products that you sell, or other products as well?

(CS) Customer Service (CS) Customer Service (CS) Customer Service (CS) Customer Service

Define Service Delivery Strategy Define Service Delivery Strategy Define Service Delivery Strategy Define Service Delivery Strategy

Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified

Installed Base Inventory Mobile Depot Repair

CS1414 CS1414 CS1414 CS1414

Business Business Business Business

Setup Setup Process Setup

(CS) Customer Service (CS) Customer Service (CS) Customer Service (CS) Customer Service (CS) Customer Service (CS) Customer Service (CS) Customer Service (CS) Customer Service (CS) Customer Service (CS) Customer Service (CS) Customer Service (CS) Customer Service (CS) Customer Service

Define Service Delivery Strategy Define Service Delivery Strategy Define Service Delivery Strategy Define Service Delivery Strategy Define Service Delivery Strategy Define Service Delivery Strategy Define Service Delivery Strategy Define Service Delivery Strategy Define Service Delivery Strategy Define Service Delivery Strategy Define Service Delivery Strategy Define Service Delivery Strategy Define Service Delivery Strategy

Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified

Field Service Depot Repair Depot Repair Field Service Order Capture Mobile Order Management Order Management Service Contracts Mobile Depot Repair

CS1414 CS1414 CS1414 CS1414 CS1414 CS1414 CS1414 CS1414 CS1414 CS1414 CS1414

Business Business Business Reporting Business Business

Process Setup

Do you use third party Service providers for specialized services? Setup Does the Field Engineer record changes in product configuration e.g. addition of new options and serial no. Process For how long Are quotes valid? Process Setup.Process Process Process Setup Process Process Process Setup

How are Field techs/Reps Dispatched? How often (%) are Services sold after the Product has already been Business / Reporting delivered/installed? Business / Reporting How often (%) are Services sold with the Product? If Applicable, are your Contracts based on Unit operating Time or action Business Counts? If Field Engineer territories are allocated according to fixed rules, what are Validation they Business Business Business If you service other products, how do you define and track them? Is the Installed Base used for sales prospecting? Prepare a list of Repair Diagnoses Codes to be used to describe standard repairs. (Ex: Broken, Burnt, Shorted. Worn,etc. ) Prepare a list of Repair Reject Reasons to be used to explain why a repair was not performed. (Ex: OBS: Obsolete: Unit is Obsolete. REPL: Replace,DoNot Repair.HICOST: Cost is too high. LOCOST:Cost estimate is too low.

Service Intelligence CS1414 Depot Repair CS1414

328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341

(CS) Customer Service (CS) Customer Service (CS) Customer Service (CS) Customer Service (CS) Customer Service (CS) Customer Service (CS) Customer Service (CS) Customer Service (CS) Customer Service (CS) Customer Service (CS) Customer Service (CS) Customer Service (CS) Customer Service

Customer Service Administration (CSS01) Customer Service Administration (CSS01) Customer Service Administration (CSS01) Customer Service Administration (CSS01) Customer Service Administration (CSS01) Customer Service Administration (CSS01) Customer Service Administration (CSS01) Customer Service Administration (CSS01) Customer Service Administration (CSS01) Customer Service Administration (CSS01) Customer Service Administration (CSS01) Customer Service Administration (CSS01) Customer Service Administration (CSS01) Customer Service Administration (CSS01)

Define Service Delivery Strategy Define Service Delivery Strategy Define Service Delivery Strategy Define Service Delivery Strategy Define Service Delivery Strategy Define Service Delivery Strategy Define Service Delivery Strategy Define Service Delivery Strategy Define Service Delivery Strategy Define Service Delivery Strategy Define Service Delivery Strategy Define Service Delivery Strategy Define Service Delivery Strategy

Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified

Depot Repair Mobile Contracts/Installed Base Depot Repair Mobile Order Capture Depot Repair Customer Support Customer Support Customer Support Customer Support Depot Repair Contracts Customer Support/Depot Repair

CS1414 CS1414 CS1414 CS1414 CS1414 CS1414 CS1414 CS1414 CS1414 CS1414 CS1414 CS1414 CS1414



Business / Reporting Prepare a list of Territories to be used when managing your service Personnel Setup Business Business Business Business Business Business Business Business Business Business Business What Counter-based events do you use? What are the diagnosis codes you use? What are the dispatch Support Levels you will use. Ex: Level I,Level II, Level III,Master Tech, Trainee, etc. What are the Standard Terms and Conditions for normal item quotes. What are the Repair Statuses you use? What are the Timezones your company operates in? What are the workflows that are used in your service processes? What are your Service Request Action Types What are your Service Request severity codes What are your Depot Repair Processes? What are your Labor coverage amounts for service Coverages. Setup Setup Setup Process Setup Setup Setup Setup Setup Setup Setup

(CS) Customer Service

Define Service Delivery Strategy

Not identified



What are your Labor Billing Rates?


131320756.xls.ms_office Page 11

RD.020 Business Process Questionnaire OBM Level I Type = Setup Metric Process Performance
Setup Setup

OBM Level II 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376
(CS) Customer Service (CS) Customer Service Customer Service Administration (CSS01) Customer Service Administration (CSS01) Customer Service Administration (CSS01) Customer Service Administration (CSS01) Customer Service Administration (CSS01) Customer Service Administration (CSS01) Customer Service Administration (CSS01) Customer Service Administration (CSS01) Customer Service Administration (CSS01) Customer Service Administration (CSS01) Customer Service Administration (CSS01) Customer Service Administration (CSS01) Customer Service Administration (CSS01) Customer Service Administration (CSS01) Customer Service Administration (CSS01) Customer Service Administration (CSS01) Customer Service Administration (CSS01) Customer Service Administration (CSS01) Customer Service Administration (CSS01) Customer Service Administration (CSS01) Customer Service Administration (CSS01) Customer Service Administration (CSS01) Customer Service Administration (CSS01) Customer Service Administration (CSS01) Customer Service Administration (CSS01) Customer Service Administration (CSS01) Customer Service Administration (CSS01) Customer Service Administration (CSS01) Customer Service Administration (CSS01) Customer Service Administration (CSS01) Customer Service Administration (CSS01) Customer Service Administration (CSS01) Customer Service Administration (CSS01) Customer Service Administration (CSS01) Customer Service Administration (CSS01)


Define Service Delivery Strategy Define Service Delivery Strategy

OBM Level IV
Not identified Not identified

Contracts Contracts Customer Support/Depot Repair Contracts Contracts Field Service Contracts Customer Support/Depot Repair Customer Support/Depot Repair Depot Repair Depot Repair Order Capture Customer Support Customer Support Web Customers Contracts Customer Support Customer Support Mobile Customer Support Web Customers Mobile Mobile Mobile Customer Support Service Customer Support Field Service Field Service/Customer Support Field Service/Customer Support Customer Support

OBM Row No.

CS1414 CS1414


Business Business

Process Analysis Questions

What are your Material coverage dollar amounts for service Coverages. What are your Service Coverage days of the week and hours.

(CS) Customer Service (CS) Customer Service (CS) Customer Service (CS) Customer Service (CS) Customer Service

Define Service Delivery Strategy Define Service Delivery Strategy Define Service Delivery Strategy Define Service Delivery Strategy Define Service Delivery Strategy

Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified

CS1414 CS1414 CS1414 CS1414 CS1414

Business Business Business Business Business

What Billing types do you use? What is the Expense dollar amounts for service Coverages. What is the frequency, duration, time, and tolerance of all events that occur in your service process. What other information does the Field Engineer require to have for the product What Time-based events do you use?

Setup Setup Setup Process Setup

(CS) Customer Service

Define Service Delivery Strategy

Not identified



What Transaction Bill types do you use?


(CS) Customer Service (CS) Customer Service (CS) Customer Service (CS) Customer Service (CS) Customer Service (CS) Customer Service (CS) Customer Service (CS) Customer Service (CS) Customer Service (CS) Customer Service (CS) Customer Service (CS) Customer Service (CS) Customer Service (CS) Customer Service (CS) Customer Service (CS) Customer Service (CS) Customer Service (CS) Customer Service (CS) Customer Service (CS) Customer Service

Define Service Delivery Strategy Define Service Delivery Strategy Define Service Delivery Strategy Define Service Delivery Strategy Define and Maintain Service Infrastructure and Deployment Define and Maintain Service Infrastructure and Deployment Define and Maintain Service Infrastructure and Deployment Define and Maintain Service Infrastructure and Deployment Define and Maintain Service Infrastructure and Deployment Define and Maintain Service Infrastructure and Deployment Define and Maintain Service Infrastructure and Deployment Define and Maintain Service Infrastructure and Deployment Define and Maintain Service Infrastructure and Deployment Define and Manage Service Organization Define and Manage Service Organization Define and Manage Service Organization Define and Manage Service Organization Define and Manage Service Organization Define and Manage Service Organization Define and Manage Service Organization Define and Manage Service Organization Define and Manage Service Organization Define and Manage Service Organization Define and Manage Service Organization Define and Manage Service Organization Define and Manage Service Organization Define and Manage Service Organization

Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified

CS1414 CS1414 CS1414 CS1414 CS1413 CS1413 CS1413 CS1413 CS1413 CS1413 CS1413 CS1413 CS1413 CS1412 CS1412 CS1412 CS1412 CS1412 CS1412 CS1412

Business Business Business Business Business Business Business Business Business Business Validation Business Business Business Business Business Business Business Business Business

What Transaction Groups do you use? When is Replacement a better solution than Repair? Which types of Services require Depot Repair? Who/what determines pricing/discounts granted on quotes?

Setup Process Process Process

Are there any processes you would like to eliminate Process Are there any time intensive processes with maintaining your service program information that you would like to automate. Process Does your Company have an Interactive website? How do you audit your information for expiring service programs? How do you maintain information about your service programs (different service options?) Is a Call Center utilized to receive all incoming Calls? What system is the source of information for Mobile Field Service, if Oracle Service being used what release will be running What type of service related training is given to Call center personnel? Will your customers be able to log service requests through the Website? Are the field service reps assigned by System or Product? Are the field service reps Assigned to Customers? Are the field service reps Assigned to Territories? Are the service reps all employees, or are some Contractors? Are the service reps assigned by System or Product? Are the service reps Assigned to Customers? Are the service reps Assigned to Territories? Setup Process Process Process Process Process Setup Setup Setup Setup Setup Setup Setup Setup

(CS) Customer Service

Not identified



Are they all employees, or are some Contractors?


(CS) Customer Service (CS) Customer Service

Not identified Not identified

CS1412 CS1412

Business Business

Are they on some type of "incentive" plan?" Associate the employee positions within your company to the Service Jobs. Create a chart associating the Support Levels to the employees in your service orgs, if applicable. (Ex: J Jones-Trainee. R. Brown-Master Tech) Do other departments receive copies of those quotes? Which ones? Do you have Depot Repair Technicians? Do your Depot Repair Techs specialize?(Task/ Type of equipment)

Metric/Setup Setup

(CS) Customer Service (CS) Customer Service (CS) Customer Service (CS) Customer Service

Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified

Customer Support Customer Support Depot Repair Depot Repair

CS1412 CS1412 CS1412 CS1412

Business Business Business Business

Setup Process Setup Metric/Setup

131320756.xls.ms_office Page 12

RD.020 Business Process Questionnaire OBM Level I Type = Setup Metric Process Performance
Metric Metric Metric Metric Setup Process Metric Setup

OBM Level II 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 391 392 393 394
(CS) Customer Service (CS) Customer Service (CS) Customer Service (CS) Customer Service (CS) Customer Service (CS) Customer Service (CS) Customer Service (CS) Customer Service Customer Service Administration (CSS01) Customer Service Administration (CSS01) Customer Service Administration (CSS01) Customer Service Administration (CSS01) Customer Service Administration (CSS01) Customer Service Administration (CSS01) Customer Service Administration (CSS01) Customer Service Administration (CSS01) Customer Service Administration (CSS01) Customer Service Administration (CSS01) Customer Service Administration (CSS01) Customer Service Administration (CSS01) Customer Service Administration (CSS01) Customer Service Administration (CSS01) Customer Service Administration (CSS01) Customer Service Administration (CSS01) Customer Service Administration (CSS01) Customer Service Administration (CSS01)


Define and Manage Service Organization Define and Manage Service Organization Define and Manage Service Organization Define and Manage Service Organization Define and Manage Service Organization Define and Manage Service Organization Define and Manage Service Organization Define and Manage Service Organization Define and Manage Service Organization Define and Manage Service Organization Define and Manage Service Organization Define and Manage Service Organization Define and Manage Service Organization Define and Manage Service Organization Define and Manage Service Organization Determine Service Programs and warranty Terms and Conditions that Apply Determine Service Programs and warranty Terms and Conditions that Apply Determine Service Programs and warranty Terms and Conditions that Apply

OBM Level IV
Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified

Mobile Mobile Mobile Customer Care Customer Support Customer Support Customer Care Customer Support Field Service/Customer Support Customer Support Service Contracts Customer Support Customer Support Customer Support Contracts

OBM Row No.

CS1412 CS1412 CS1412 CS1412 CS1412 CS1412 CS1412 CS1412


Business Business Business Business

Process Analysis Questions

Do your Field Service Reps specialize?(Task/ Type of equipment) How many contractors are used as Field Engineers How many people are there in each of these roles How many people staff your call centers? How many Service Orgs. do you operate? Is the Sales department/Sales rep assigned to the customer notified of a Service request? What skills do the people staffing your call center have? (Product Knowledge/sales skills. etc.). What business functions do you consider to be within the Service Org. and how are you operating today,by business entity? What types of people do you have in your Service organization? (Homebased/ Dispatched) Which Departments follow-up on service Requests after they have been closed? Which Departments Market and sell Service Contracts?

Business Business Business


(CS) Customer Service (CS) Customer Service (CS) Customer Service (CS) Customer Service (CS) Customer Service (CS) Customer Service (CS) Customer Service

Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified

CS1412 CS1412 CS1412 CS1412 CS1412 CS1412 CS1412

Business Business Business Business Business Business Business

Process Process Process

Which Departments receive and enter Service Requests? Process Which departments within your Organization prepare and issue quotes to existing Customers? Process Who performs the tasks associated with opening/closing an accounting period for Service Requests Process Who performs the tasks related to your service billing? Are any of your service contracts based on the number of service incidents used by a customer during the contract period? Process

(CS) Customer Service

Not identified

Service Contracts




(CS) Customer Service

Not identified

Service Contracts



Are any of your service contracts based on unit operating hours or other units of measure? Process Are any of your warranties/service contracts based on unit operating hours or other units of measure? Setup

(CS) Customer Service

Not identified

Service Contracts



395 396 397 398 399 400

(CS) Customer Service

Customer Service Administration (CSS01) Customer Service Administration (CSS01) Customer Service Administration (CSS01) Customer Service Administration (CSS01) Customer Service Administration (CSS01) Customer Service Administration (CSS01)

Create Warranties and Service Programs to represent various Support Services to be provided to Customers Not identified Determine Service Programs and warranty Terms and Conditions that Apply Determine Service Programs and warranty Terms and Conditions that Apply Determine Service Programs and warranty Terms and Conditions that Apply Determine Service Programs and warranty Terms and Conditions that Apply Determine Service Programs and warranty Terms and Conditions that Apply

Service Contracts



Are discounts applied if contracts are renewed prior to expiration?


(CS) Customer Service

Not identified

Field Service



Are fixed times for arrival of Field Engineer negotiated with the customer


(CS) Customer Service

Not identified

Service Contracts



Are Service Contracts specific to customers or customer products, or either?


(CS) Customer Service

Not identified

Installed Base



Are the levels of service different for warranty service and paid services? Are there any special service programs / warranties in place to cover some known defects/problems? Are there source Priorities? Units your company sold ahead of competitor units?


(CS) Customer Service

Not identified

(CS) Customer Service

Not identified

Service Contracts Customer Support/Field Service Customer Support/Field Service







401 402 403

(CS) Customer Service

Customer Service Administration (CSS01) Customer Service Administration (CSS01) Customer Service Administration (CSS01)

Create Warranties and Service Programs to represent various Support Services to be provided to Customers Not identified Determine Service Programs and warranty Terms and Conditions that Apply Determine Service Programs and warranty Terms and Conditions that Apply



Are your Service Charges calculated by Parts+ Labor, or are they a fixed price based on the unit to be repaired?


(CS) Customer Service

Not identified

Service Contracts Field Service, Service Contracts



Define any Service Starting Delays for all service programs and warranties, if applicable. Setup

(CS) Customer Service

Not identified



Do contracts give guaranteed response times


404 405

(CS) Customer Service

Customer Service Administration (CSS01) Customer Service Administration (CSS01)

Create Warranties and Service Programs to represent various Support Services to be provided to Customers Not identified Determine Service Programs and warranty Terms and Conditions that Apply

Field Service Field Service, Service Contracts



Do contracts have to cover a variety of hours of cover e.g. from Mon-Fri (9 to 5) to 365 days 24 hours per day Process

(CS) Customer Service

Not identified



Do contracts specify times of cover and access


131320756.xls.ms_office Page 13

RD.020 Business Process Questionnaire OBM Level I Type = Setup Metric Process Performance

OBM Level II 406

(CS) Customer Service Customer Service Administration (CSS01)


Determine Service Programs and warranty Terms and Conditions that Apply

OBM Level IV
Not identified

Field Service, Service Contracts

OBM Row No.




Process Analysis Questions

Do different contract types get preference


(CS) Customer Service

Customer Service Administration (CSS01)

Create Warranties and Service Programs to represent various Support Services to be provided to Customers Not identified Create Warranties and Service Programs to represent various Support Services to be provided to Customers Not identified Create Warranties and Service Programs to represent various Support Services to be provided to Customers Not identified Create Warranties and Service Programs to represent various Support Services to be provided to Customers Not identified Create Warranties and Service Programs to represent various Support Services to be provided to Customers Not identified Determine Service Programs and warranty Terms and Conditions that Apply Determine Service Programs and warranty Terms and Conditions that Apply Determine Service Programs and warranty Terms and Conditions that Apply Determine Service Programs and warranty Terms and Conditions that Apply Determine Service Programs and warranty Terms and Conditions that Apply Determine Service Programs and warranty Terms and Conditions that Apply Determine Service Programs and warranty Terms and Conditions that Apply Determine Service Programs and warranty Terms and Conditions that Apply

Service Contracts



Do you bill contracts for the next period (in advance)?



(CS) Customer Service

Customer Service Administration (CSS01)

Service Contracts



Do you bill contracts for the previous period (in arrears)?



(CS) Customer Service

Customer Service Administration (CSS01)

Field Service



Do you bill for Parts, Labor or Expenses by Service Request or an aggregation of several Service Requests combined?



(CS) Customer Service

Customer Service Administration (CSS01)

Field Service



Do you charge different rates for different Technician skill requirements?


411 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 419

(CS) Customer Service

Customer Service Administration (CSS01) Customer Service Administration (CSS01) Customer Service Administration (CSS01) Customer Service Administration (CSS01) Customer Service Administration (CSS01) Customer Service Administration (CSS01) Customer Service Administration (CSS01) Customer Service Administration (CSS01) Customer Service Administration (CSS01)

Field Service



Do you charge different rates for different time of service is provided (have shift multiplier or add on)?


(CS) Customer Service

Not identified




Do you define all product warranties in the appropriate Item BOM? Do you have any requirements for validation rules allowing certain Security accounts to be valid with only certain other values.


(CS) Customer Service

Not identified





(CS) Customer Service

Not identified




Do you have documentation on your custom security requirements for Service Process

(CS) Customer Service

Not identified




Do you have Financial Service (leasing or financing) contracts? Do you have Professional Service contracts (Labor only or parts and labor) not based on a product?


(CS) Customer Service

Not identified





(CS) Customer Service

Not identified




Do you have security requirements for who can enter data for Service Do you have service programs that simultaneously terminate allowing new programs to begin and extend the old ones so that all terminate simultaneously?


(CS) Customer Service

Not identified

Service Contracts



Setup / Process

(CS) Customer Service

Not identified

Service Contracts



Do you offer additional service programs for products that are covered under warranty: (eg. Extended warranties, etc). Process

420 421 422 423

(CS) Customer Service

Customer Service Administration (CSS01) Customer Service Administration (CSS01) Customer Service Administration (CSS01) Customer Service Administration (CSS01)

Create Warranties and Service Programs to represent various Support Services to be provided to Customers Not identified Determine Service Programs and warranty Terms and Conditions that Apply Determine Service Programs and warranty Terms and Conditions that Apply Determine Service Programs and warranty Terms and Conditions that Apply

Service Contracts



Do you offer Warranties with your products


(CS) Customer Service

Not identified

Service Contracts



Do you provide service programs on ATO models and items?


(CS) Customer Service

Not identified




Do you run security reports on a regular basis for Service?


(CS) Customer Service

Not identified

Order Capture



Do you sell service programs after the sale of a product?


424 425 426

(CS) Customer Service

Customer Service Administration (CSS01) Customer Service Administration (CSS01) Customer Service Administration (CSS01)

Create Warranties and Service Programs to represent various Support Services to be provided to Customers Not identified Determine Service Programs and warranty Terms and Conditions that Apply Determine Service Programs and warranty Terms and Conditions that Apply

Service Contracts



Do you send automatic upgrades (new versions or new products entirely) as part of a contract or extended warranty program?


(CS) Customer Service

Not identified

Installed Base



Do you use customer/product status for tracking your installed base? Do you want the appropriate individuals to be notified automatically when a service request is entered?


(CS) Customer Service

Not identified

Customer Support





(CS) Customer Service

Customer Service Administration (CSS01)

Create Warranties and Service Programs to represent various Support Services to be provided to Customers Not identified




Does a credit hold effect Service Coverage?


131320756.xls.ms_office Page 14

RD.020 Business Process Questionnaire OBM Level I Type = Setup Metric Process Performance

OBM Level II 428 429 430 431 432 433 434 435 436 437 438 439 440 441 442 443 444 445 446 447 448 449 450
(CS) Customer Service Customer Service Administration (CSS01) Customer Service Administration (CSS01) Customer Service Administration (CSS01) Customer Service Administration (CSS01) Customer Service Administration (CSS01) Customer Service Administration (CSS01) Customer Service Administration (CSS01) Customer Service Administration (CSS01) Customer Service Administration (CSS01) Customer Service Administration (CSS01) Customer Service Administration (CSS01) Customer Service Administration (CSS01) Customer Service Administration (CSS01) Customer Service Administration (CSS01) Customer Service Administration (CSS01) Customer Service Administration (CSS01) Customer Service Administration (CSS01) Customer Service Administration (CSS01) Customer Service Administration (CSS01) Customer Service Administration (CSS01) Customer Service Administration (CSS01) Customer Service Administration (CSS01) Customer Service Administration (CSS01)


Determine Service Programs and warranty Terms and Conditions that Apply Determine Service Programs and warranty Terms and Conditions that Apply Determine Service Programs and warranty Terms and Conditions that Apply Determine Service Programs and warranty Terms and Conditions that Apply Determine Service Programs and warranty Terms and Conditions that Apply Determine Service Programs and warranty Terms and Conditions that Apply Determine Service Programs and warranty Terms and Conditions that Apply Determine Service Programs and warranty Terms and Conditions that Apply Determine Service Programs and warranty Terms and Conditions that Apply Determine Service Programs and warranty Terms and Conditions that Apply Determine Service Programs and warranty Terms and Conditions that Apply Determine Service Programs and warranty Terms and Conditions that Apply Determine Service Programs and warranty Terms and Conditions that Apply Determine Service Programs and warranty Terms and Conditions that Apply Determine Service Programs and warranty Terms and Conditions that Apply Determine Service Programs and warranty Terms and Conditions that Apply Determine Service Programs and warranty Terms and Conditions that Apply Determine Service Programs and warranty Terms and Conditions that Apply Determine Service Programs and warranty Terms and Conditions that Apply Determine Service Programs and warranty Terms and Conditions that Apply Determine Service Programs and warranty Terms and Conditions that Apply Determine Service Programs and warranty Terms and Conditions that Apply Determine Service Programs and warranty Terms and Conditions that Apply

OBM Level IV
Not identified

Service Contracts

OBM Row No.




Process Analysis Questions

Does a Service Contract ever cover multiple customer levels?

(CS) Customer Service

Not identified

Service Contracts



Does a Service Contract ever cover multiple customer products?


(CS) Customer Service

Not identified

Service Contracts



Does a Service Contract ever cover multiple customer sites?


(CS) Customer Service

Not identified

Service Contracts



Does a Service Contract ever cover multiple customer systems? Does an individual unit have a "life" beyond which they will not be serviced or repaired


(CS) Customer Service

Not identified





(CS) Customer Service

Not identified

Service Contracts



How are warranties monitored and controlled/Supported/tracked?


(CS) Customer Service

Not identified

Service Contracts



How do Warranties and Service contracts work together? How do you handle modification of existing service programs - eg. Start and end date modifications, etc.


(CS) Customer Service

Not identified

Service Contracts




(CS) Customer Service

Not identified

Service Contracts



How do you handle renewals of service contracts?


(CS) Customer Service

Not identified

Service Contracts



How do you handle termination of service programs?


(CS) Customer Service

Not identified

Depot Repair



How do you keep track of the Status of Depot repairs? How do you maintain and update service durations for specific customer/products? How do you maintain history of multiple warranty, service programs against specific customer/products?


(CS) Customer Service

Not identified

Service Contracts




(CS) Customer Service

Not identified

Service Contracts




(CS) Customer Service

Not identified

Service Contracts



How do you maintain service programs for ATO models and items? How do you maintain transaction history against the different service programs a customer may purchase?


(CS) Customer Service

Not identified

Service Contracts




(CS) Customer Service

Not identified

Service Contracts Service Contracts/Pricing



How do you Maintain warranty information?


(CS) Customer Service

Not identified



How do you price your service programs


(CS) Customer Service

Not identified

Service Contracts



How do you specify what products are covered by warranty?


(CS) Customer Service

Not identified

(CS) Customer Service

Not identified

Service Contracts Order Capture/Order Management



How do you track your contract commitments and consumption? How do you update your customer/product base when you add additional service programs?





(CS) Customer Service

Not identified

Service Contracts



How does service billing work. Describe the process and Billing types.


(CS) Customer Service

Not identified

(CS) Customer Service

Not identified

Installed Base Order Capture/Order Management



How Many customer/product types do you maintain?




How many different process flows do you have for orders for service



(CS) Customer Service

Customer Service Administration (CSS01)

Create Warranties and Service Programs to represent various Support Services to be provided to Customers Not identified

Service Contracts



How many different service coverages do you offer to your customers?


131320756.xls.ms_office Page 15

RD.020 Business Process Questionnaire OBM Level I Type = Setup Metric Process Performance

OBM Level II
Customer Service Administration (CSS01) Customer Service Administration (CSS01) Customer Service Administration (CSS01) Customer Service Administration (CSS01) Customer Service Administration (CSS01) Customer Service Administration (CSS01) Customer Service Administration (CSS01) Customer Service Administration (CSS01) Customer Service Administration (CSS01) Customer Service Administration (CSS01) Customer Service Administration (CSS01) Customer Service Administration (CSS01)


OBM Level IV


OBM Row No.



Process Analysis Questions

452 453 454 455 456 457 458 459 460 461 462 463

(CS) Customer Service

Create Warranties and Service Programs to represent various Support Services to be provided to Customers Not identified Determine Service Programs and warranty Terms and Conditions that Apply Determine Service Programs and warranty Terms and Conditions that Apply Determine Service Programs and warranty Terms and Conditions that Apply Determine Service Programs and warranty Terms and Conditions that Apply Determine Service Programs and warranty Terms and Conditions that Apply Determine Service Programs and warranty Terms and Conditions that Apply Determine Service Programs and warranty Terms and Conditions that Apply Determine Service Programs and warranty Terms and Conditions that Apply Determine Service Programs and warranty Terms and Conditions that Apply Determine Service Programs and warranty Terms and Conditions that Apply Determine Service Programs and warranty Terms and Conditions that Apply

Order Capture/Or+K335der Management CS1410.2


How many different service programs do you offer to your customers?


(CS) Customer Service

Not identified

(CS) Customer Service

Not identified

Installed Base Order Capture/Order Management



How many different system types do you track?




How many different types of Service Products do you offer If you automatically renew, do you allow a 'grace period' (where the contract stays in force for x time)? If you automatically terminate, do you allow a 'grace period' (where the contract stays in force for x time)?


(CS) Customer Service

Not identified

Contracts Core




(CS) Customer Service

Not identified

Contracts Core




(CS) Customer Service

Not identified




On what day, after the customer contract has been created, is the first invoice sent? Setup Do you have security reports on who can run Service data - by company, by cost center, etc?)

(CS) Customer Service

Not identified





(CS) Customer Service

Not identified

Service/Order Entry CS1410.1


What are the Sales Order Types you use for Repairs?


(CS) Customer Service

Not identified




What are the renewal rules?" (Automatically renew/automatically terminate)


(CS) Customer Service

Not identified

Service/Order Entry CS1410.1


What are the Sales Order Types you use for Returns?


(CS) Customer Service

Not identified

Service Contracts



What are the Service contract renewal reasons?


(CS) Customer Service

Not identified

Service Contracts



What are the Service contract termination reasons?


464 465 466

(CS) Customer Service

Customer Service Administration (CSS01) Customer Service Administration (CSS01) Customer Service Administration (CSS01)

Create Warranties and Service Programs to represent various Support Services to be provided to Customers Not identified Determine Service Programs and warranty Terms and Conditions that Apply Determine Service Programs and warranty Terms and Conditions that Apply

Service Contracts



What are the Service Contract Terms ? (Parts/Labor/dates/ coverage amount/Early termination?)


(CS) Customer Service

Not identified

(CS) Customer Service

Not identified

Service Contracts Customer Support/Field Service



What are the services that are provided under the contracts your organization issues? Setup



What are the Severity Levels to be assigned to your service requests?



(CS) Customer Service

Customer Service Administration (CSS01)

Create Warranties and Service Programs to represent various Support Services to be provided to Customers Not identified Create Warranties and Service Programs to represent various Support Services to be provided to Customers Not identified Create Warranties and Service Programs to represent various Support Services to be provided to Customers Not identified Create Warranties and Service Programs to represent various Support Services to be provided to Customers Not identified Create Warranties and Service Programs to represent various Support Services to be provided to Customers Not identified Create Warranties and Service Programs to represent various Support Services to be provided to Customers Not identified Create Warranties and Service Programs to represent various Support Services to be provided to Customers Not identified

Service Contracts



What are the Standard Terms and Conditions for Extended Service Contracts.



(CS) Customer Service

Customer Service Administration (CSS01)

Contracts Core



What are the Standard Terms and Conditions for Standard Service Contracts.



(CS) Customer Service

Customer Service Administration (CSS01)

Service Contracts



What are the terms of the warranties?



(CS) Customer Service

Customer Service Administration (CSS01)

Service Contracts



What are the warranty Terms? (Parts/Labor/dates/duration)



(CS) Customer Service

Customer Service Administration (CSS01)

Service Contracts



What are you Termination rules for service contracts



(CS) Customer Service

Customer Service Administration (CSS01)

Service Contracts



What are your Billing Cycles for service contracts



(CS) Customer Service

Customer Service Administration (CSS01)

Service Contracts



What are your contract renewal rules?


131320756.xls.ms_office Page 16

RD.020 Business Process Questionnaire OBM Level I Type = Setup Metric Process Performance

OBM Level II
Customer Service Administration (CSS01)


OBM Level IV


OBM Row No.



Process Analysis Questions


(CS) Customer Service

Create Warranties and Service Programs to represent various Support Services to be provided to Customers Not identified Create Warranties and Service Programs to represent various Support Services to be provided to Customers Not identified Create Warranties and Service Programs to represent various Support Services to be provided to Customers Not identified Determine Service Programs and warranty Terms and Conditions that Apply Determine Service Programs and warranty Terms and Conditions that Apply Determine Service Programs and warranty Terms and Conditions that Apply Determine Service Programs and warranty Terms and Conditions that Apply Determine Service Programs and warranty Terms and Conditions that Apply Determine Service Programs and warranty Terms and Conditions that Apply Determine Service Programs and warranty Terms and Conditions that Apply Determine Service Programs and warranty Terms and Conditions that Apply Determine Service Programs and warranty Terms and Conditions that Apply Determine Service Programs and warranty Terms and Conditions that Apply

Service Contracts



What are your coverage levels? (Customer/customer product/item/site/system)



(CS) Customer Service

Customer Service Administration (CSS01)

Service Contracts



What are your Renewal rules for service contracts


476 477 478 479 480 481 482 483 484 485 486

(CS) Customer Service

Customer Service Administration (CSS01) Customer Service Administration (CSS01) Customer Service Administration (CSS01) Customer Service Administration (CSS01) Customer Service Administration (CSS01) Customer Service Administration (CSS01) Customer Service Administration (CSS01) Customer Service Administration (CSS01) Customer Service Administration (CSS01) Customer Service Administration (CSS01) Customer Service Administration (CSS01)

Service Contracts



What are your service offerings? What are your Service requirements with respect to functional vs. foreign currencies What are your weekend coverage times? (Hours during the day that coverage is provided.) What are your weekday coverage times? (Hours during the day that coverage is provided)


(CS) Customer Service

Not identified

Customer Support




(CS) Customer Service

Not identified

Service Contracts




(CS) Customer Service

Not identified

Service Contracts




(CS) Customer Service

Not identified

Service Contracts



What are your contract termination rules?


(CS) Customer Service

Not identified

Service Contracts



What business performance statistics do you monitor for Service


(CS) Customer Service

Not identified

Contracts Core



What contract groups are used?


(CS) Customer Service

Not identified

Contracts Core



What contract statuses are used?


(CS) Customer Service

Not identified

Contracts Core



What contract types are used?


(CS) Customer Service

Not identified

Field Service



What events are triggered by the counters?


(CS) Customer Service

Not identified




What is the initial internal approval process for Standard Contracts.


487 488 489 490 491 492 493 494 495 496 497

(CS) Customer Service

Customer Service Administration (CSS01) Customer Service Administration (CSS01) Customer Service Administration (CSS01) Customer Service Administration (CSS01) Customer Service Administration (CSS01) Customer Service Administration (CSS01) Customer Service Administration (CSS01) Customer Service Administration (CSS01) Customer Service Administration (CSS01) Customer Service Administration (CSS01) Customer Service Administration (CSS01)

Create Warranties and Service Programs to represent various Support Services to be provided to Customers Not identified Determine Service Programs and warranty Terms and Conditions that Apply Determine Service Programs and warranty Terms and Conditions that Apply Determine Service Programs and warranty Terms and Conditions that Apply Determine Service Programs and warranty Terms and Conditions that Apply Determine Service Programs and warranty Terms and Conditions that Apply Determine Service Programs and warranty Terms and Conditions that Apply Determine Service Programs and warranty Terms and Conditions that Apply Determine Service Programs and warranty Terms and Conditions that Apply Determine Service Programs and warranty Terms and Conditions that Apply Determine Service Programs and warranty Terms and Conditions that Apply

Service Contracts



What is the billing frequency for invoicing contracts?


(CS) Customer Service

Not identified

Service Contracts



what is the final internal approval process for Extended Service Contracts.


(CS) Customer Service

Not identified

Service Contracts



What is the final internal approval process for Standard Contracts.


(CS) Customer Service

Not identified

Service Contracts



What is the initial internal approval process for Extended Service Contracts. What is the process used to contact a customer when an existing contract is close to the expiration date?


(CS) Customer Service

Not identified

Service Contracts




(CS) Customer Service

Not identified

Service Contracts



What is the process used to Flag contracts which are close to expiration date. Process

(CS) Customer Service

Not identified

Depot Repair



What is your normal Depot repair Turnaround time?


(CS) Customer Service

Not identified

Service Contracts



What is your normal warranty repair turnaround time? What is your weekday reaction time? (Time in which your company is required to respond to a service request). What is your weekend reaction times ( Time in which your company is required to respond to a service request).


(CS) Customer Service

Not identified

Service Contracts




(CS) Customer Service

Not identified

Service Contracts




(CS) Customer Service

Not identified

Field Service



What Levels of service response do you provide? Describe them.


131320756.xls.ms_office Page 17

RD.020 Business Process Questionnaire OBM Level I Type = Setup Metric Process Performance

OBM Level II
Customer Service Administration (CSS01) Customer Service Administration (CSS01) Customer Service Administration (CSS01)


OBM Level IV


OBM Row No.



Process Analysis Questions

498 499 500

(CS) Customer Service

Create Warranties and Service Programs to represent various Support Services to be provided to Customers Not identified Determine Service Programs and warranty Terms and Conditions that Apply Determine Service Programs and warranty Terms and Conditions that Apply

Service Contracts



What type of billing options do you offer to your customers for the various service programs you offer What types of counters are used? Product counters/Service Incident counters/hour meters?


(CS) Customer Service

Not identified

Field Service




(CS) Customer Service

Not identified

Service Contracts



What types of service commitments are made?



(CS) Customer Service

Customer Service Administration (CSS01)

Create Warranties and Service Programs to represent various Support Services to be provided to Customers Not identified Create Warranties and Service Programs to represent various Support Services to be provided to Customers Not identified Determine Service Programs and warranty Terms and Conditions that Apply Determine Service Programs and warranty Terms and Conditions that Apply Determine Service Programs and warranty Terms and Conditions that Apply Determine Service Programs and warranty Terms and Conditions that Apply Determine Service Programs and warranty Terms and Conditions that Apply Determine Service Programs and warranty Terms and Conditions that Apply Determine Service Programs and warranty Terms and Conditions that Apply

Service Contracts



What types of Service Contracts do you offer?


502 503 504 505 506 507 508 509

(CS) Customer Service

Customer Service Administration (CSS01) Customer Service Administration (CSS01) Customer Service Administration (CSS01) Customer Service Administration (CSS01) Customer Service Administration (CSS01) Customer Service Administration (CSS01) Customer Service Administration (CSS01) Customer Service Administration (CSS01)

Service Contracts



What types of warranties do you honor? What units of measure are required for Warranty and Service Contract duration? (Hrs/ Days / Months / Yr).?


(CS) Customer Service

Not identified

Service Contracts




(CS) Customer Service

Not identified

Installed Base



What units of measure are required for Billing and reporting Service call times ( Hrs/Min/Days) Setup

(CS) Customer Service

Not identified

Service Contracts



Which Billing dates are used for invoicing customers for Contracts? Which Coverage levels are used for Contracts?(may be different than coverage levels for Warranties)


(CS) Customer Service

Not identified

(CS) Customer Service

Not identified

Service Contracts Customer Support/Field Service






Which is handled first, Warranty or Paid labor?


(CS) Customer Service

Not identified




Which Items are returnable?


(CS) Customer Service

Not identified

Contracts Core Customer Support/Field Service



Who defines Terms and Conditions on Contracts?


510 511 512 513 514 515 516 517 518 519 520 521

(CS) Customer Service

Customer Service Administration (CSS01) Customer Service Administration (CSS01) Customer Service Administration (CSS01) Customer Service Administration (CSS01) Customer Service Administration (CSS01) Customer Service Administration (CSS01) Customer Service Administration (CSS01) Customer Service Administration (CSS01) Customer Service Administration (CSS01) Customer Service Administration (CSS01) Customer Service Administration (CSS01) Customer Service Administration (CSS01)

Create Warranties and Service Programs to represent various Support Services to be provided to Customers Not identified Determine Service Programs and warranty Terms and Conditions that Apply Determine Service Programs and warranty Terms and Conditions that Apply Determine Service Programs and warranty Terms and Conditions that Apply Determine Service Programs and warranty Terms and Conditions that Apply Determine Service Programs and warranty Terms and Conditions that Apply



Who pays the freight on warranty repairs?In /out Who/what determines pricing/discounts granted on contracts during negotiations?


(CS) Customer Service

Not identified

Service Contracts




(CS) Customer Service

Not identified

Installed Base



Will discounts applied to products, be applied to Services?


(CS) Customer Service

Not identified




Will there need to be terminal security for Service


(CS) Customer Service

Not identified

Service Contracts



Will you be grouping Contracts for further analysis?


(CS) Customer Service

Not identified

Depot Repair



Are Depot Repairs performed in the same location as Assembly work orders, or in a separate Facility? Setup / Process Are Depot repairs performed in your facility, or sublet to 3rd party Service partners? Setup Are there any time intensive processes related to Depot repair that you would like to streamline? Process

(CS) Customer Service (CS) Customer Service

Determine Service Programs and warranty Terms and Conditions that Apply Not identified Define/Maintain Service Programs and Policies Not identified Determine Service Programs and warranty Terms and Conditions that Apply Determine Service Programs and warranty Terms and Conditions that Apply Determine Service Programs and warranty Terms and Conditions that Apply Determine Service Programs and warranty Terms and Conditions that Apply

Depot Repair Depot Repair

CS1410.1 CS1410

Business Business

(CS) Customer Service

Not identified

Depot Repair



Describe how Depot Repair Service charges are calculated.


(CS) Customer Service

Not identified

Depot Repair



Do you create sales orders in order to return repaired items to customers?


(CS) Customer Service

Not identified

Service Contracts



Do you provide "advance replacement" items to Customers? Do you provide Loaner units, or Lease Units while a customer's unit is being repaired?

Setup / Process

(CS) Customer Service

Not identified

Service Contracts



Setup / Process

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RD.020 Business Process Questionnaire OBM Level I Type = Setup Metric Process Performance

OBM Level II 522

(CS) Customer Service Customer Service Administration (CSS01)


Determine Service Programs and warranty Terms and Conditions that Apply

OBM Level IV
Not identified

Depot Repair

OBM Row No.




Process Analysis Questions

Do you require customer approval before incurring repair charges to repair an item? Do you issue estimates for the repair work? Process


(CS) Customer Service

Customer Service Administration (CSS01)

Create Warranties and Service Programs to represent various Support Services to be provided to Customers Not identified Create Warranties and Service Programs to represent various Support Services to be provided to Customers Not identified Update Shipping info Enter Install/Billing info Add new product to installed base Add new product to installed base Add new product to installed base Add new product to installed base Add new product to installed base Add new product to installed base Add new product to installed base Add new product to installed base Add new product to installed base Add new product to installed base Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified

Service Contracts



When a customer's product is repaired/replaced under warranty, does the warranty begin anew, or pick up where the remaining warranty left off?


524 525 526 527 528 529 530 531 532 533 534 535 536 537 538 539

(CS) Customer Service (CS) Customer Service (CS) Customer Service (CS) Customer Service (CS) Customer Service (CS) Customer Service (CS) Customer Service (CS) Customer Service (CS) Customer Service (CS) Customer Service (CS) Customer Service (CS) Customer Service (CS) Customer Service (CS) Customer Service (CS) Customer Service

Customer Service Administration (CSS01) Customer Service Administration (CSS01) Customer Service Administration (CSS01) Customer Service Administration (CSS01) Customer Service Administration (CSS01) Customer Service Administration (CSS01) Customer Service Administration (CSS01) Customer Service Administration (CSS01) Customer Service Administration (CSS01) Customer Service Administration (CSS01) Customer Service Administration (CSS01) Customer Service Administration (CSS01) Customer Service Administration (CSS01) Customer Service Administration (CSS01) Customer Service Administration (CSS01) Customer Service Administration (CSS01)

Service Contracts

CS1410.2 CS 1411.5

Business Business Business Business Business Business Business Business Business Business Business Business Business Business Business

When provided with an advance replacement, is the customer issued an invoice pending a credit when the defective unit is received?

Setup / Process

Field Service Customer Support Customer Support Customer Support Service Contracts Customer Support Customer Support Customer Support Customer Support Installed Base Order Management Service Contracts Field Service

CS 1411.4 CS 1411.2 CS 1411.2 CS 1411.2 CS 1411.2 CS 1411.2 CS 1411.2 CS 1411.2 CS 1411.2 CS 1411.2 CS 1411.2 CS 1411.2 CS1410

Do you transfer products to a secondary location? Setup For a repair by replacement does the Field Engineer update serial numbers or lot numbers and if so how Process What are your Message action Requests? What are your Problem Codes? What are your Resolution Codes? What are your Service programs? What are your service request Severities? What are your Service Request Types? What are your Service request Urgencies? What are your service request Statuses? What your customer System types? What your order transaction types? What your Service coverages? Can job be recorded as uncompleted Setup Setup Setup Setup Setup Setup Setup Setup Setup Setup Setup Process

Add new product to installed base Not identified Define/Maintain Service Programs and Define/Maintain Service Programs Policies and Policies Determine Service Programs and warranty Terms and Conditions that Apply Define/Maintain Service Programs and Policies

(CS) Customer Service

Field Service


Business / Reporting Can the Field Engineer authorize RMAs



(CS) Customer Service

Customer Service Administration (CSS01)

Create Warranties and Service Programs to represent various Support Define/Maintain Service Programs Services to be provided to Customers and Policies Notify Inventory & Sales Department Warranties and service Programs entered into System Define and Manage Service Organization Define and Manage Service Organization Define and Manage Service Organization Define and Manage Service Organization Define and Manage Service Organization Define and Manage Service Organization Define and Manage Service Organization Define and Manage Service Organization Define and Manage Service Organization Define and Manage Service Organization Define and Manage Service Organization Define and Manage Service Organization

Field Service



Can the Field Engineer record additional costs incurred to be billed to the customer


541 542 543 544 545 546 547 548 549 550 551 552 553

(CS) Customer Service (CS) Customer Service (CS) Customer Service (CS) Customer Service (CS) Customer Service

Customer Service Administration (CSS01) Customer Service Administration (CSS01) Customer Service Administration (CSS01) Customer Service Administration (CSS01) Customer Service Administration (CSS01) Customer Service Administration (CSS01) Customer Service Administration (CSS01) Customer Service Administration (CSS01) Customer Service Administration (CSS01) Customer Service Administration (CSS01) Customer Service Administration (CSS01) Customer Service Administration (CSS01) Customer Service Administration (CSS01)

Define/Maintain Service Programs and Policies Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified

Field Service Customer Care Customer Care Customer Care Customer Care

CS1410.3 CS1412 CS1412 CS1412 CS1412

Reporting Business Business Business Business

Does the Field Engineer record the parts actually used What is your business/industry?

Process Setup

How long has your service center been in existence? (If new, list launch date) Setup What systems have you used up until now to track service interactions, if any? Setup Will this be the first customer service application your group will use, or is this a replacement (list current system)? Setup Is the primary intent of this project to create a CS system, replace a system or change CS process via system change? (if combination, explain) Setup Provide high-level summary of current CS organization and business model (if documentation exists, please provide) Process Outline CS growth plan for next 12 months (as applicable): Process List primary CS improvements desired from the Oracle CRM project effort (if future phases planned, focus on this phase only) Process Call Center(s) locations (city, state, country) # Call Center Agents by location # Field Engineers by location # Managers by location Setup Setup Setup Setup

(CS) Customer Service (CS) Customer Service (CS) Customer Service (CS) Customer Service (CS) Customer Service (CS) Customer Service (CS) Customer Service (CS) Customer Service

Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified

Customer Care Customer Care Customer Care Customer Care Customer Care Customer Care Customer Care Customer Care

CS1412 CS1412 CS1412 CS1412 CS1412 CS1412 CS1412 CS1412

Business Business Business Business Business Business Business Business

131320756.xls.ms_office Page 19

RD.020 Business Process Questionnaire OBM Level I Type = Setup Metric Process Performance
Setup Process Setup Process Process Process Setup Setup Setup

OBM Level II 554 555 556 557 558 559 560 561 562 563 564 565 566 567 568 569 570 571 572 573 574 575 576 577 578 579 580 581 582 583 584 585 586 587 588 589 590
(CS) Customer Service (CS) Customer Service (CS) Customer Service (CS) Customer Service (CS) Customer Service (CS) Customer Service (CS) Customer Service (CS) Customer Service (CS) Customer Service (CS) Customer Service (CS) Customer Service (CS) Customer Service (CS) Customer Service (CS) Customer Service (CS) Customer Service (CS) Customer Service (CS) Customer Service (CS) Customer Service (CS) Customer Service (CS) Customer Service (CS) Customer Service (CS) Customer Service (CS) Customer Service (CS) Customer Service (CS) Customer Service (CS) Customer Service (CS) Customer Service (CS) Customer Service (CS) Customer Service Customer Service Administration (CSS01) Customer Service Administration (CSS01) Customer Service Administration (CSS01) Customer Service Administration (CSS01) Customer Service Administration (CSS01) Customer Service Administration (CSS01) Customer Service Administration (CSS01) Customer Service Administration (CSS01) Customer Service Administration (CSS01) Customer Service Administration (CSS01) Customer Service Administration (CSS01) Customer Service Administration (CSS01) Customer Service Administration (CSS01) Customer Service Administration (CSS01) Customer Service Administration (CSS01) Customer Service Administration (CSS01) Customer Service Administration (CSS01) Customer Service Administration (CSS01) Customer Service Administration (CSS01) Customer Service Administration (CSS01) Customer Service Administration (CSS01) Customer Service Administration (CSS01) Customer Service Administration (CSS01) Customer Service Administration (CSS01) Customer Service Administration (CSS01) Customer Service Administration (CSS01) Customer Service Administration (CSS01) Customer Service Administration (CSS01) Customer Service Administration (CSS01) Customer Service Administration (CSS01) Customer Service Administration (CSS01) Customer Service Administration (CSS01) Customer Service Administration (CSS01) Customer Service Administration (CSS01) Customer Service Administration (CSS01) Customer Service Administration (CSS01) Customer Service Administration (CSS01)


Define and Manage Service Organization Define and Manage Service Organization Define and Manage Service Organization Define and Manage Service Organization Define and Manage Service Organization Define and Manage Service Organization Define and Manage Service Organization Define and Manage Service Organization Define and Manage Service Organization Define and Manage Service Organization Define Service Delivery Strategy Define Service Delivery Strategy Define Service Delivery Strategy Define Service Delivery Strategy Define Service Delivery Strategy Define Service Delivery Strategy Define Service Delivery Strategy Define Service Delivery Strategy Maintain Customer Installed Base Maintain Customer Installed Base Maintain Customer Installed Base Maintain Customer Installed Base Maintain Customer Installed Base Maintain Customer Installed Base Maintain Customer Installed Base Maintain Customer Installed Base Maintain Customer Installed Base Maintain Customer Installed Base Assign Requests Define and Manage Service Organization Define and Manage Service Organization Define and Manage Service Organization Define Service Delivery Strategy

OBM Level IV
Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Select the qualifiers you want

Customer Care Customer Care Customer Care Customer Care Customer Care Customer Care Customer Care Customer Care Customer Care Customer Care Customer Care Customer Care Customer Care Customer Care Customer Care Customer Care Customer Care Customer Care Installed Base Installed Base Installed Base Installed Base Installed Base Installed Base Installed Base Installed Base Installed Base Installed Base Customer Support

OBM Row No.

CS1412 CS1412 CS1412 CS1412 CS1412 CS1412 CS1412 CS1412 CS1412 CS1412 CS1414 CS1414 CS1414 CS1414 CS1414 CS1414 CS1414 CS1414 CS1411 CS1411 CS1411 CS1411 CS1411 CS1411 CS1411 CS1411 CS1411 CS1411 CS1418.5


Business Business Business Business Business Business Business Business Business Business Business Business Business Business Business Business Business Business Business Business Business Business Business Business Business Business Business Business Business

Process Analysis Questions

Org chart available? If yes, attach Current Support Model (Call Center, Web, Email?) # Daily/weekly/monthly calls estimated via phone How are incoming calls routed (first available agent, by skill set, geography, etc) # Daily/weekly/monthly hits estimated via web (as applicable) # Daily/weekly/monthly messages estimated via email (as applicable) What geographies are supported? How many customers do you support? Customer groups/segmentations (if applicable)

Customer Definition (Internal, External, Partner, Supplier, etc) Setup List customer info you want to system track (company, name, address, etc) Provide an example Setup List profile info you want to reference during agent call (e.g: # pending orders, # open service requests, etc) Setup List # of previous CS interactions you want to view during customer call: Will you associate notes to a customer call? Will notes be classified by type? Setup Process Setup

Define attributes for customer search capability: name, phone, address, etc Setup If applicable, what are your rules to control customer duplication? Who will have permission to update/add customer information? What products do you sell/track in inventory? Of the above products, how many are considered serviceable following the sale? List as appropriate How many products per customer do you estimate? Do you group customer products together? Do you classify customer products by product type? Do you track serial numbers of products? Do you track products to the component level? If yes, describe Do you issue service contracts or product warrantees? Do you track repair history on your projects? If yes, explain flow Do you use counters in relationship to these products, such as the # copies made to a printer? If yes, explain How are service requests assigned (agent to pickup, by skill set, geography, etc) Process Setup Setup Setup Setup Setup Setup Setup Setup Setup Setup Process Process

(CS) Customer Service (CS) Customer Service (CS) Customer Service (CS) Customer Service

Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified

Customer Support Customer Support Customer Support Customer Support

CS1412 CS1412 CS1412 CS1414

Business Business Business Business

List incoming call types (Report a problem, request a fix, request a replacement, order/buy something, check contract status, check account balance, other (describe as needed) Process Will all of the call types described above result in logging a service request? If no, explain Process Are problem codes associated to incoming calls for tracking purposes? (if yes, list desired coding) Process Are resolution codes associated to the problem fix? (if yes, list desired coding) Process Describe the problem-resolution process you work from today in your current environment (Refer Oracle Service Problem-Resolution diagrams which illustrate standard flows) Do service agents assign and/or delegate tasks to other employees for resolution? If yes, explain assignment options Are resolution times tracked? If yes, explain standards and tracking process Do you charge for service? If yes, does this involve a service contract?

(CS) Customer Service (CS) Customer Service (CS) Customer Service (CS) Customer Service

Define Service Delivery Strategy Define Service Delivery Strategy Define Service Delivery Strategy Define Service Delivery Strategy

Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified

Customer Support Customer Support Customer Support Customer Support

CS1414 CS1414 CS1414 CS1414

Business Business Business Business

Process Process Metric/Setup Process

131320756.xls.ms_office Page 20

RD.020 Business Process Questionnaire OBM Level I Type = Setup Metric Process Performance
Setup Setup

OBM Level II 591 592 593 594 595 596 597 598 599 600 601 602 603 604 605 606 607 608 609 610 611 612 613 614 615 616 617 618 619 620 621 622
(CS) Customer Service (CS) Customer Service Customer Service Administration (CSS01) Customer Service Administration (CSS01) Customer Service Administration (CSS01) Asset Management Asset Management Asset Management Asset Management Asset Management Asset Management Asset Management Asset Management Asset Management Asset Management Asset Management Asset Management Asset Management Asset Management Asset Management Asset Management Asset Management Asset Management Asset Management Asset Management Asset Management Asset Management Asset Management Asset Management Asset Management Asset Management Asset Management Asset Management Asset Management


Define Service Delivery Strategy Define Service Delivery Strategy

OBM Level IV
Not identified Not identified

Customer Support Customer Support

OBM Row No.

CS1414 CS1414


Business Business

Process Analysis Questions

Beyond any contract coverage, will service calls involve additional adhoc charges (example, time & materials)? If yes, describe service/billing parameters Will you associate notes to the service request, and if yes, by type? Describe Do support agents perform multiple tasks or are tasks delegated/shared? (e.g.: log service request, dispatch engineer, etc) Describe How do you maintain your Fixed Asset Accounting data? How do you audit your Fixed Asset Accounting data?

(CS) Customer Service (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management

Define Service Delivery Strategy Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified

Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified


CS1414 4 4

Business Maintenance Maintenance

Process Process Process

Provide an overview of Fixed Asset processing. Other Are Fixed Asset policies and procedures documented? Other Other 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 Other Other Other Period Close Period Close Period Close Period Close Period Close Period Close How often do you "post" information to your General ledger? Post Do you post (or wish to post) in detail or in summary to the general ledger? Post Who is responsible for opening and closing FA periods? Post Is the schedule for opening and closing FA documented? Post Do you have any documentation on your FA close? Post Post 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 Period Open Period Open Period Open Period Open Period Open/Close Period Open/Close Reporting Reporting Reporting Is the schedule to open an accounting period for Fixed Asset Accounting documented? How long does it take to open an accounting period for Fixed Asset Accounting? Who performs the tasks associated with opening an accounting period for Fixed Asset Accounting? Who performs the tasks associated with closing an accounting period for Fixed Asset Accounting? Where in your accounting cycle do you run standard reports and statements for Fixed Asset Accounting? What business performance statistics do you monitor for Fixed Asset Accounting? What are your Fixed Asset Accounting reporting requirements with respect to functional vs. foreign currencies? What are your Fixed Asset Accounting reporting requirements with respect to summary or detail formats? Obtain report listing. What reports do you currently generate to meet your Fixed Asset Accounting reporting requirements? Provide examples of each. Include source (could be manual), user, frequency, number of copies. Is there any Fixed Asset Accounting reporting requirement that your current set of reports does not meet? Are Fixed Asset Accounting reports standard across multiple Sets of Books, for example, subsidiaries? Are Fixed Asset Accounting reports standard across multiple levels within a Set of Books, i e., divisions? If you have multiple organizations, do they all close at the same time or separately? How do you open an accounting period for Fixed Asset Accounting? Process Process Process Process Process Process Process Process Process Setup, Process Setup, Process Process Process Process Process, Metric Is the schedule to close an accounting period for Fixed Asset Accounting documented? How long does it take to close an accounting period for Fixed Asset Accounting? How long should it take to close an accounting period for Fixed Asset Accounting? Is closing an accounting period for Fixed Asset Accounting a hard close or a soft close? How are adjustments to closed periods for Fixed Asset Accounting handled? Should any Fixed Asset policies or procedures be changed, streamlined or eliminated? Which operations/processes do you want to streamline for Fixed Asset Accounting? Which operations/processes do you want to eliminate for Fixed Asset Accounting? Are there any time-intensive Fixed Asset Accounting operations/processes that need to be addressed? How do you close an accounting period for Fixed Asset Accounting? Process Process Process Process Process Process Process Process Process Process Process Process

623 624 625 626

(FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management

Asset Management Asset Management Asset Management Asset Management

Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified

Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified


4 4 4 4

Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting

Setup, Process Setup Setup Setup

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RD.020 Business Process Questionnaire OBM Level I Type = Setup Metric Process Performance

OBM Level II 627 628 629 630 631 632 633 634 635 636 637 638 639 640 641 642 643 644 645 646 647 648 649 650 651 652 653 654 655 656 657 658 659 660 661 662
(FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management Asset Management Asset Management Asset Management Asset Management Asset Management Asset Management Asset Management Asset Management Asset Management Asset Management Asset Management Asset Management Asset Management


Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified

OBM Level IV
Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified


OBM Row No.

4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4

Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting

Process Analysis Questions

(FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management

Asset Management Asset Management Asset Management Asset Management Asset Management Asset Management Asset Management Asset Management

Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified

Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified


4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4

Reporting Reporting Security Security Security Security Security Security

(FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management

Asset Management Asset Management Asset Management Asset Management Asset Management

Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified

Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified


4 4 4 4 4

Validation Aliases Aliases Aliases Categories

(FM) Financial Management

Asset Management

Not identified

Not identified



(FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management

Asset Management Asset Management Asset Management Asset Management Asset Management Asset Management Asset Management Asset Management Asset Management

Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified

Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified


4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4

Categories Categories Categories Data Conversion

What account codes and/or descriptions are required on Fixed Asset Accounting reports? Setup Do you provide a "key" of content/information somewhere on the Fixed Asset Accounting report? Setup What Fixed Asset Accounting reports are grouped together on a regular basis and printed in one print run? Setup, Process Who receives a copy of the Fixed Asset Accounting reports? Process What is the criteria for determining who should receive a copy of any Fixed Asset Accounting report? Process How do you update a Fixed Asset Accounting reports distribution list? Process Is the process to update a Fixed Asset Accounting reports distribution list documented? Process How long does it take to update a Fixed Asset Accounting reports distribution list? Process How long should it take to update a Fixed Asset Accounting reports distribution list? Process Who performs the tasks associated with updating a Fixed Asset Accounting reports distribution list? Process Is there any requirement for on-line (softcopy) distribution and/or remote location printing for Fixed Asset Accounting reports? Setup, Process Do some of these Fixed Asset Accounting reports belong in report sets? Always being run together? Setup Do the separate business units run their own Fixed Asset Accounting reports? Process, Performance What type of printers do you run Fixed Asset Accounting reports (including checks, purchase orders etc.) on? Where are they located? Setup, Performance Do you run Fixed Asset Accounting reports for different companies or cost centers? Process Do you have security requirements on who can enter data for Fixed Asset Accounting? (e.g. by company? by cost center?) Process Do you have security reports on who can run Fixed Asset Accounting reports? (by company, by cost center etc.) Setup, Process Will there need to be terminal security for Fixed Asset Accounting? Setup Do you run security reports on a regular basis for Fixed Asset Accounting? Process Do you have documentation on your current system security requirements for Fixed Asset Accounting? Process Map each GL user to a menu structure. Will any new ones need to be created for Fixed Asset Accounting? Setup, Process Do you review requirements for validation rules, allowing certain Fixed Asset Accounting accounts to be valid with only certain other values. Setup Do you have any category aliases? Setup, Process Do you have any location aliases? Setup, Process Do you have any accounting aliases (if not done in GL)? Setup, Process How do you categorize your fixed assets now? Process Are your asset categories unique for each combination of asset cost account in your general ledger, depreciation method, useful life and prorate convention? Setup, Process Are fixed assets which use the same asset account in your general ledger, ever split into more than one group for accounting or tax depreciation purposes? Setup, Process Do you group fixed assets which use different asset accounts for reporting purposes? Setup, Process Do you have a special name (alias) for each category? Process Data Conversion (note: refer to sizing questions previously asked) How is your corporate and tax information stored now?

Data Conversion Do you have your vendor information in electronic form? Data Conversion Do you have your employee information in electronic form? Data Conversion Do you have your location information in electronic form? Data Conversion Data Conversion What systems are you using to store asset, vendor, employee and location information now?

Process Process Process Process Process

131320756.xls.ms_office Page 22

RD.020 Business Process Questionnaire OBM Level I Type = Setup Metric Process Performance
Process What are your prorate conventions? Process Do you have any depreciation ceilings? For luxury items? Process What are your Investment Tax Credit rates, recapture rates and ceiling rates? Process Identify price indexes. Process What are your depreciation methods? Process What are your useful lives? Process How do you account for prior period additions, retirements or other transactions in your general ledger? Do you use ITC for any fixed assets still in service? Do you depreciate leased items, or leasehold improvements? Process Process Process Does any department or departments receive the depreciation expense for assets used by another department? If so, do these expenses eventually get redistributed to asset users? Process Explain how your cost centers or departments are organized? Process How many fixed assets does your company own? How are they numbered? Process, Metric Do you need to track fixed assets that are not depreciated? Process Do you track different information for different types of fixed assets? Process, Setup What basic information about each asset do you store? Process Are your fixed assets located in several countries? Process How do you number your fixed assets? Process Do you have physical tags on your fixed assets? Setup, Process Do you track leased assets using Oracle Assets? Process What is your oldest date placed in service for your fixed assets? Process Do you have standard depreciation for your fixed assets? Process Do you associate your fixed assets with vendors? Process Do you use multiple currencies when purchasing, depreciating, reporting or posting financial information about you fixed assets? Process, Setup What system do you use presently to do your fixed asset accounting? Process What systems do you use to track and inventory your fixed assets? Process Does your current system track asset possession by employee, department, or cost center? Process What property types do you use (Personal 1245, Real 1250, etc.) Process What are your monthly reporting requirements? Process Where are your fixed assets located? Process How do you report property values for tax purposes? Process Do you have special names for each location (aliases)? Process Do you assign fixed assets to employees? Process Do you have security requirements on who can enter data? Process Who can enter data in different companies/cost centers? Process Do you have documentation on your current system security requirements? Process Do they run security reports on a regular basis? Process

OBM Level II 663 664 665 666 667 668 669 670 671 672 673 674 675 676 677 678 679 680 681 682 683 684 685 686 687 688 689 690 691 692 693 694 695 696 697 698 699
(FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management Asset Management Asset Management Asset Management Asset Management Asset Management Asset Management Asset Management Asset Management Asset Management Asset Management


Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified

OBM Level IV
Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified


OBM Row No.

4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4

Data Conversion Depreciation Depreciation Depreciation Depreciation Depreciation Depreciation Depreciation Depreciation Depreciation

Process Analysis Questions

What is the current accuracy of your asset information?

(FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management

Asset Management Asset Management Asset Management Asset Management Asset Management Asset Management Asset Management Asset Management Asset Management Asset Management Asset Management Asset Management Asset Management Asset Management Asset Management Asset Management Asset Management Asset Management Asset Management Asset Management Asset Management Asset Management Asset Management Asset Management Asset Management Asset Management Asset Management

Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified

Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified


4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4

Depreciation Depreciation Fixed Assets Fixed Assets Fixed Assets Fixed Assets Fixed Assets Fixed Assets Fixed Assets Fixed Assets Fixed Assets Fixed Assets Fixed Assets Fixed Assets General General General General General Locations Locations Locations Locations Security Security Security Security

131320756.xls.ms_office Page 23

RD.020 Business Process Questionnaire OBM Level I Type = Setup Metric Process Performance
Process How many different companies in your organization own fixed assets? Process In what countries are your fixed assets located? Process Who tracks financial and tax information in each country? Process Explain the accounting structure and reporting methods used to consolidate your asset cost and depreciation expenses? Do you post your asset financial information in summary or detail to your general ledger? How many corporate depreciation books do you maintain? If more than one, why? How many different tax depreciation books do you maintain in each of your companies? How are they used? Do you adjust depreciation in your tax books? Do you maintain any other types of depreciation or asset valuation books? Process Process Process Process Process Process What are your capital budgeting requirements? Process How often do you calculate depreciation for corporate accounting, tax, and capital budgeting purposes? Transactions (note: refer to sizing questions previously asked) How many fixed assets do you purchase each accounting period? Process

OBM Level II 700 701 702 703 704 705 706 707 708 709 710 711 712 713 714 715 716 717 718 719 720 721 722 723
(FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management Asset Management Asset Management Asset Management Asset Management Asset Management Asset Management Asset Management Asset Management Asset Management Asset Management Asset Management Asset Management Asset Management Asset Management Asset Management Asset Management Asset Management Asset Management


Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified

OBM Level IV
Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified


OBM Row No.

4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4

Security Set of Books Set of Books Set of Books Set of Books Set of Books Set of Books Set of Books Set of Books Set of Books Set of Books Set of Books Transactions Transactions Transactions Transactions Transactions Transactions

Process Analysis Questions

What security measures do you require for your asset information?

Metric How often do you transfer large numbers of fixed assets from one person, cost center, or location to another? How often, and for what reasons, do you change fixed asset depreciation method or life for a single asset? How often do you change the useful life, depreciation method, or prorate convention of all fixed assets in a category? How many retirements do you do per period? Do you amortize adjustments made in the prior period over the remaining useful life of the asset or do you expense the catch- up depreciation in the current period? Do you want your fixed assets automatically added from your feeder Accounts Payable system? What Accounts Payable system do you use? Do you ever retire fixed assets in the same period they were purchased? Metric Metric Metric Metric

(FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management

Asset Management Asset Management Asset Management Asset Management Asset Management Asset Management

Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified

Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified


4 4 4 4 4 4

Transactions Transactions Transactions Transactions

Process Process Process Process

How often do you perform physical inventories of your fixed assets? Transactions Do you cycle count your assets? Transactions Do the budget types you prepare capture information (1) at a project or task level? (2 ) as raw or burdened cost? (3) by time period, such as monthly, or at completion? (4) at a detail or summary level? (5) by expenditure type? Project Set Up Do you periodically review/revise the budgets prepared in the previous step? Project Set Up Project Set Up 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 8 Encumbrances Encumbrances How do you define your encumbrance types? Encumbrances Encumbrances Encumbrances Do you post receipt information for encumbrance accounting? Encumbrances Do you create budgets for all your accounts? Encumbrances Do you use encumbrance accounting? How do you use it? Encumbrances Does your company prepare budgets? Budget Preparation Setup Process, Performance Process Setup Do you want to prevent someone from reserving funds if you do not have enough funds available? Do all your companies/entities reserve funds? Setup Setup Setup Do you maintain a history of the budget revisions prepared in the previous step? Will you be checking for available funds when creating your requisitions or purchase orders? Do you want to reserve funds for your requisitions or purchase orders? Process Process Setup Setup Process Process Process

724 725 726 727 728 729 730 731 732 733 734 735

(FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management

Budgeting Budgeting Budgeting Budgeting Budgeting Budgeting Budgeting Budgeting Budgeting Budgeting Budgeting Budgeting

Manage Budgeting Phase Manage Budgeting Phase Manage Budgeting Phase Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified

Maintain Budgets Maintain Budgets Maintain Budgets Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified



131320756.xls.ms_office Page 24

RD.020 Business Process Questionnaire OBM Level I Type = Setup Metric Process Performance
Process Process How many budgets do you prepare for an individual fiscal year? Metric Do you prepare more than one budget per Set of Books? Process What is the range of accounting periods for each budget? Process At what organization level (i. e., cost center, division, region) do you budget? Process Do budgets require approval? Process What levels of approvals are required for budgets? Process How many budget "organizations" do you have? Metric What are the budget organizations and what is the convention or rule behind their names? Have you developed security procedures to prohibit access to certain budget organizations? What security procedures have you developed to prohibit access to certain budget organizations? Will budget organization security be required in the future? Setup Process Setup

OBM Level II 736 737 738 739 740 741 742 743 744 745 746 747 748 749 750 751 752 753 754 755 756 757 758 759 760 761 762 763 764 765 766 767 768 769 770 771 772 773
(FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management Budgeting Budgeting Budgeting Budgeting Budgeting Budgeting Budgeting Budgeting Budgeting Budgeting Budgeting Budgeting Budgeting Budgeting Budgeting Budgeting Budgeting Budgeting Budgeting Budgeting Budgeting Budgeting Budgeting Budgeting Budgeting Budgeting Budgeting Budgeting Budgeting Budgeting Budgeting Budgeting Budgeting Budgeting Budgeting Budgeting Budgeting Budgeting


Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified

OBM Level IV
Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified


OBM Row No.

8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8

Budget Preparation Budget Preparation Budget Preparation Budget Preparation Budget Preparation Budget Preparation Budget Preparation Budget Preparation Budget Preparation Budget Preparation Budget Preparation Budget Preparation Budget Preparation Budget Preparation Budget Preparation Budget Preparation Budget Preparation Budget Preparation Budget Preparation Budget Preparation Budget Preparation Budget Preparation Budget Preparation Budget Preparation Budget Preparation Budget Preparation Budget Preparation Budget Preparation Budget Preparation Budget Revisions Budget Revisions Budget Revisions Forecasting Forecasting Forecasting Forecasting Forecasting Forecasting

Process Analysis Questions

What types of budgets do you prepare? (e.g. revenue & expenses, balance sheets, capital, project etc.) Do your companys key performance indicators drive the budgets?

Setup Do you create new budgets based on existing budgets (e.g. new budget = 10% decrease from previous budget)? Process At what account level do you currently budget? Is this the same level of detail that actuals are captured? Process Is your budgeting process centralized or decentralized? Setup Are reorganizations likely that affect how budgets should be prepared and/or reported? Setup Do you only budget in dollars, or are statistics budgeted also (e.g. headcount)? Process Do you require consolidated budgets? Setup Are all budgets prepared in the same currency? Setup Do you use Lotus, Excel, or another spreadsheet program to prepare budgets? Process Which spreadsheet products and which version do/will you use? Setup How do you close or "freeze" a budget once it is approved? Process Is the process to close or "freeze" a budget once it is approved documented? Process How long does it take to close or "freeze" a budget? Process How long should it take to close or "freeze" a budget? Process Is closing or "freezing" a budget a hard close or a soft close? Process Who performs the tasks associated with closing or "freezing" the budget? Process How are adjustments to closed periods and/or frozen budgets handled? Process Are budgets altered frequently during the fiscal year? Process Do you need to retain original (prerevision) budgets throughout the year? Setup Is a budget download required to facilitate budget creation or maintenance? Setup Do you derive any type of forecast from budgets? Setup Does your company prepare financial forecasts? Process What types of financial forecasts does your company prepare? Process How do you prepare financial forecasts? Process Is the financial forecasting process documented? Process How long does it take to prepare financial forecasts? Process

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RD.020 Business Process Questionnaire OBM Level I Type = Setup Metric Process Performance
Process Are financial forecasts a hard or soft close? Process Who performs the tasks associated with preparing financial forecasts? Process How many forecasts do you prepare during an individual fiscal year? Metric How far out do you project (range of accounting periods) for each financial forecast iteration? How do forecasts differ from budgets in the area of Statistics? How do forecasts differ from budgets in the area of consolidation? Metric Process Process How do forecasts differ from budgets in the area of currency? Process How do forecasts differ from budgets in the area of number of forecasts per year? How do forecasts differ from budgets in the area of approvals? How do forecasts differ from budgets in the area of security? Process, Metric Process Process How do forecasts differ from budgets in the area of forecast maintenance? Process How do forecasts differ from budgets in the area of reporting requirements? Process How do forecasts differ from budgets in the area of preparation tools? Process How do forecasts differ from budgets in the area of freezing? Process Is an automated interface required from the budget preparation tool to Oracle? Are budget revisions more frequent at certain times of the year? How do forecasts differ from budgets in the area of retaining historical data? Setup Performance Process, Performance Process, Performance Setup, process What types of formulas do you use in your allocations? Provide examples. Setup Do you use step down allocations? Setup What are your allocations based on? Setup Do you always allocate 100% of the account your allocating? Setup, process Do you create offset accounts or remove monies from the allocation accounts. Setup Do you currently have automated step down allocation functionality? Will you require this? Setup Do you require financial consolidations? Process How often do you perform financial consolidations? Metric What is the COA mapping during the consolidation? Setup Do you perform consolidation between various businesses that use different currencies? Setup, Process Is there a push by management to shorten the consolidation cycle without compromising the accuracy and integrity of consolidated financial data? Process Does your current consolidation system support "what-if" and "whathappened" scenarios providing management with strategic information? Process What is the current condition of the relationship between your day-to-day accounting functions and the consolidation process? Process Do you prefer to have a consolidation system which is directly integrated with the operational accounting system or one that is a standalone consolidation solution? Setup, Process How does your system deal with the elimination of intercompany balances and minority interests? Process Are your consolidation procedures documented? Process

OBM Level II 774 775 776 777 778 779 780 781 782 783 784 785 786 787 788 789 790 791 792 793 794 795 796 797 798 799 800 801 802 803 804 805 806 807 808 809
(FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management Budgeting Budgeting Budgeting Budgeting Budgeting Budgeting Budgeting Budgeting Budgeting Budgeting Budgeting Budgeting Budgeting Budgeting Budgeting Budgeting Budgeting Budgeting Budgeting Financial Reporting Financial Reporting Financial Reporting Financial Reporting Financial Reporting Financial Reporting Financial Reporting Financial Reporting Financial Reporting Financial Reporting Financial Reporting


Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified

OBM Level IV
Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified


OBM Row No.

8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9

Forecasting Forecasting Forecasting Forecasting Forecasting Forecasting Forecasting Forecasting Forecasting Forecasting Forecasting Forecasting Forecasting Forecasting Forecasting Interfaces Budget Revisions Forecasting Forecasting Allocations Allocations Allocations Allocations Allocations Allocations Allocations Consolidation Consolidation Consolidation Consolidation

Process Analysis Questions

How long should it take to prepare financial forecasts?

How do forecasts differ from budgets in the aa to of level of information included? Do you perform allocations? What types? When?

(FM) Financial Management

Financial Reporting

Not identified

Not identified



(FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management

Financial Reporting Financial Reporting

Not identified Not identified

Not identified Not identified


Consolidation Consolidation

(FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management

Financial Reporting Financial Reporting Financial Reporting

Not identified Not identified Not identified

Not identified Not identified Not identified


Consolidation Consolidation Consolidation

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RD.020 Business Process Questionnaire OBM Level I Type = Setup Metric Process Performance

OBM Level II 810 811 812 813 814 815 816 817 818 819 820 821 822 823 824 825 826 827 828 829 830 831 832 833 834 835 836 837 838 839 840 841 842 843 844 845 846
(FM) Financial Management Financial Reporting


Not identified

OBM Level IV
Not identified


OBM Row No.



Process Analysis Questions

What is the quality of the consolidation of financial information from your subsidiaries which use their own local accounting methods? Can you drill between consolidated entities, summary and detail balances, detail balances and journals, and journals and subledger details? What are the reporting capabilities of your system?

(FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management

Financial Reporting Financial Reporting Financial Reporting Financial Reporting Financial Reporting Financial Reporting Financial Reporting Financial Reporting Financial Reporting Financial Reporting Financial Reporting Financial Reporting Financial Reporting Financial Reporting Financial Reporting Financial Reporting Financial Reporting Financial Reporting Financial Reporting Financial Reporting Financial Reporting Financial Reporting Financial Reporting Financial Reporting Financial Reporting Financial Reporting Financial Reporting Financial Reporting Financial Reporting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting

Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Maintain General Ledger Maintain General Ledger Maintain General Ledger Maintain General Ledger Maintain General Ledger Maintain General Ledger Maintain General Ledger

Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified


Consolidation Consolidation Does your system have the capability of web publishing financial results? Consolidation Consolidation Consolidation Will your system allow you to check the status of each consolidation? Consolidation What are your consolidation mapping rules? Consolidation Do you use transaction auditing reports in your consolidation process? Consolidation Consolidation Consolidation Consolidation Consolidation Currency What account values do you use for cumulative gain or loss? Currency Currency Currency Do you require inquiry into original entered currency balances? Currency What are your reporting requirements with respect to Trial Balances? Reporting Reporting Reporting Does each business/cost center perform financial reporting? Reporting Do your financial statements require special printing features (bold, italics,...)? Reporting Do you ever run financial reports mid-period? Reporting How long are reports kept on-line or are they re-run if needed again? Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Chart of Accounts Chart of Accounts Chart of Accounts Chart of Accounts Chart of Accounts Chart of Accounts Chart of Accounts What are your reporting requirements with respect to sub-ledgers/feeder systems? What are your reporting requirements with respect to account analyses? Do you perform re-valuation of assets and liabilities on a regular basis? When? Do you perform special audits for foreign currency accounts? Can you create budgets and forecasts based on the trends revealed in consolidated balances? Is custom programming required to link the source ledger and the consolidation system? Do you do translations monthly into foreign currencies? Is it difficult to download financial information from your current system into a spreadsheet? Are controls set up to prevent or detect unauthorized access? How is subsidiary financial information gathered and rolled up to the consolidated parent? Does your current consolidation system support flexible chart of accounts?

Process Setup, Process Process Process Process Process Process Setup, Process Process Setup, Process Process Process Process Setup Process Process Metric, Process Setup, Process Setup, Process Setup, Process Process Setup Process, Performance

Performance Do you have on-line account balance lookup? If needed, which accounts and Process, how often? Performance Do you currently do periodic consolidation of these locations in reporting? Process, Performance Do you run preliminary financial reports and final financial reports? Process, Performance Do you require on-line inquiry for journal entry detail? Who should have Process, authority to view this information? Performance Do you require on-line inquiry for funds available? Who should have authority Process, to view this information? Performance What does your current chart of accounts look like? Provide listings. Setup Do you plan to have a new chart of accounts? Setup Are your account values in any order or range pattern? Setup What are the account parent or grandparent structures? Setup Do you use unique accounts to capture statistics? Setup Who is going to maintain the segment values once entered? Setup Is there a need for a mapping from an old COA to a new COA? Setup

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RD.020 Business Process Questionnaire OBM Level I Type = Setup Metric Process Performance

OBM Level II 847 848 849 850 851 852 853 854 855 856 857 858 859 860 861 862 863 864 865 866 867 868 869 870 871 872 873 874 875 876 877 878 879 880 881 882 883
(FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting


Maintain General Ledger Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified

OBM Level IV
Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified


OBM Row No.


Chart of Accounts Project Set Up Project Set Up Project Set Up Project Set Up Project Set Up

Process Analysis Questions

Are certain segment values only valid with specific other segment values?

(FM) Financial Management

General Financial Accounting

Not identified

Not identified


Project Tracking

(FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management

General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting

Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified

Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified

PA AP, PA, PO GL Not module specific Not module specific Not module specific Not module specific Not module specific Not module specific Not module specific Not module specific Not module specific Not module specific Not module specific GL, PO GL, PO Not module specific Not module specific Not module specific Not module specific Not module specific Not module specific Not module specific Not module specific Not module specific Not module specific Not module specific Not module specific AP, GL AP FMGENRLLED G FMGENRLLED G FMGENRLLED G FMGENRLLED G FMGENRLLED G FMGENRLLED G FMGENRLLED G FMGENRLLED G FMGENRLLED G FMGENRLLED G FMGENRLLED G FMGENRLLED G FMGENRLLED G FMGENRLLED G FMGENRLLED G FMGENRLLED G FMGENRLLED G FMGENRLLED G FMGENRLLED G FMGENRLLED G FMGENRLLED G FMGENRLLED G FMGENRLLED G FMGENRLLED G FMGENRLLED G FMGENRLLED G FMGENRLLED G FMGENRLLED G FMGENRLLED G 28 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3

Project Tracking Project Tracking Period Close Period Close Period Close Period Close Period Close Period Close Period Open Period Open Period Open Period Open Period Open/Close Period Open/Close Open/Close Periods Open/Close Periods Period Close Period Close Period Close Period Close Period Close Period Close Period Open Period Open Period Open Period Open Period Open/Close Period Open/Close Open/Close Periods Open/Close Periods

Setup Do you assign roles or responsibilities to employees for each task within a project? Set Up, Process Do you further classify projects by a sub-category within each sector, industry, or other category? Set Up Who enters the Work Breakdown Structure into the system? Process Who enters changes, if any, for the Work Breakdown Structure into the system? Process Are projects required to be funded or have an agreement in place to be in active status? Set Up How are project related costs (e.g. sales, estimating) accumulated prior to setting up a project? How are these costs accounted for after the project is set up? Set Up, Process Do you transfer costs from project to project (to correct coding errors or reallocate cost)? Who makes the transfer? Who approves the transfer? Process What are the components/sources (requisitions, purchase orders, pending invoices, etc.) of a projects Committed costs? Set Up, Process How do you close an accounting period for Procurement? Process Is the schedule to close an accounting period for Procurement documented? Process How long does it take to close an accounting period for Procurement? Process How long should it take to close an accounting period for Procurement? Process Is closing an accounting period for Procurement a hard close or a soft close? Process How are adjustments to closed periods for Procurement handled? Process How do you open an accounting period for Procurement? Process Is the schedule to open an accounting period for Procurement documented? Process How long does it take to open an accounting period for Procurement? Process Who performs the tasks associated with opening an accounting period for Procurement? Process Who performs the tasks associated with closing an accounting period for Procurement? Process Where in your accounting cycle do you run standard reports and statements for Procurement? Process How often do you post to the General Ledger? Process, Setup Do you post summary or detail information? Process How do you close an accounting period for Invoice and Disbursement? Process Is the schedule to close an accounting period for Invoice and Disbursement documented? Process How long does it take to close an accounting period for Invoice and Disbursement? Process How long should it take to close an accounting period for Invoice and Disbursement? Process Is closing an accounting period for Invoice and Disbursement a hard close or a soft close? Process How are adjustments to closed periods for Invoice and Disbursement handled? Process How do you open an accounting period for Invoice and Disbursement? Process Is the schedule to open an accounting period for Invoice and Disbursement documented? Process How long does it take to open an accounting period for Invoice and Disbursement? Process Who performs the tasks associated with opening an accounting period for Invoice and Disbursement? Process Who performs the tasks associated with closing an accounting period for Invoice and Disbursement? Process Where in your accounting cycle do you run standard reports and statements for Invoice and Disbursement? Process How often do you "post" information to your General ledger? Process, Metric Do you use Cash or Accrual Based Accounting? Process

131320756.xls.ms_office Page 28

RD.020 Business Process Questionnaire OBM Level I Type = Setup Metric Process Performance
Process When do you start your AP close? 3 3 3 3 3 3 Open/Close Periods Do you have any documentation on your AP close? Open/Close Periods Do you allow posting invoices back to prior periods? Open/Close Periods Open/Close Periods Disbursement Disbursements Provide and overview of the Accounts Payable operations. Other Are A/P processes documented? Other How many vendors are there? Vendors Provide samples of vendor master records. Vendors How are vendors established and maintained? Vendors Is there a requirement to group vendors for payment purposes? Vendors Which vendors should be grouped and why? Vendors Vendors Vendors Vendors Vendors Invoicing Invoicing Invoicing Invoicing Invoicing Invoicing Invoicing Invoicing Invoicing Invoicing Invoicing Invoicing Invoicing Invoicing Matching & Approval Matching & Approval Matching & Approval Matching & Approval Matching & Approval If you have multiple organizations, do they all close at the same time or separately? Do you have to pay other businesses in different Set of Books within the same GL Will you need to make payments to businesses in different GL set of books Process Process Setup Process Process Process Setup Setup Process Setup, Process Setup, Process Is there a requirement to define vendor sites which can receive payments and which ones cannot? Setup How are vendors who are to receive 1099's identified? Setup Are tax identification numbers obtained for all vendors? Setup How are duplicate vendors avoided? Process Do you require batch control to manage invoice entry? Setup, Process Which locations enter invoices and how often? Process Do you receive invoices at a central location? Process How do you physically store invoices once entered into the computer? Process Are invoices billed to distinct companies, cost centers or other? Process How many invoices per period to you enter? Process Do you have security requirements on who can enter data (Invoice processing, payment processing, check processing)? Setup, Process How are invoices identified (numbered)? What convention is used for deciding vendor's invoice number, date, next allocated number? Setup Describe the invoice vouchering process. Process How many liability accounts do you use? Metric, Setup Can you identify any frequently used expense distributions within you current system (e.g. rent or telephone payments)? Setup Are recurring expense distributions for fixed or varying amounts? Setup Are any account combination validations in place? Setup Are finance charges calculated on invoices? Setup, Process Is there a requirement to match invoices to related purchase orders? Setup How are you currently matching invoices to purchase orders? Process Will some invoices never have purchase orders? Process Should invoices be matched completely, partially or both? Setup Do you perform 2, 3 or 4 way matching of invoices? Setup, Process Process Process

OBM Level II 884 885 886 887 888 889 890 891 892 893 894 895 896 897 898 899 900 901 902 903 904 905 906 907 908 909 910 911 912 913 914 915 916 917 918 919 920
(FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting


Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified

OBM Level IV
Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified


OBM Row No.



Open/Close Periods

Process Analysis Questions

Do you post (or wish to post) in detail or in summary to the general ledger?

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RD.020 Business Process Questionnaire OBM Level I Type = Setup Metric Process Performance
Setup Would you like to approve your invoices on-line, by batch or have both options? What is the internal approval process for an invoice in your organization at present? Are there situations where an invoice needs to be placed on hold and then manually released? Describe the approval process when invoices need to be placed on hold and manually released? Where an invoice needs to be placed on hold and then manually released, can these invoices be "posted" to the General Ledger? What are the requirements for reporting tax payments (e.g. company, rate or tax authority) such as 1099 and sales tax? How do you record taxes within the GL? Are multiple bank accounts used for disbursements? Setup Process Setup, Process Process Setup, Process Setup Setup Setup Is there a requirement to support foreign currency bank accounts? Setup What disbursement (document) types are currently processed through bank accounts (EFT, Wire Transfer, Automatic Payments, Manual Payments)?

OBM Level II 921 922 923 924 925 926 927 928 929 930 931 932 933 934 935 936 937 938 939 940 941 942 943 944 945 946 947 948 949 950 951 952 953 954 955 956 957
(FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting


Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified

OBM Level IV
Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified


OBM Row No.


Matching & Approval Matching & Approval Matching & Approval Matching & Approval Matching & Approval Matching & Approval Disbursement Disbursement Disbursement Disbursement

Process Analysis Questions

Do you currently have any tolerance levels for matching? (Price Tolerance, Quantity Ordered Tolerance, Quantity Received Tolerance, Tax Tolerance?)

(FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management

General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting

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Disbursement How are your current payment terms structured? Disbursement Do you use percentage due or amount due? Disbursement Disbursement Disbursement Disbursement Disbursement Disbursement How many checks do you write/produce per period? Disbursement Is there a requirement to use Computer Generated checks? Disbursement What is your policy to cancel checks? Disbursement Is there a requirement to process Partial Payments? Disbursement Is there a requirement to process Pre-Payments? Disbursement Is there a requirement to process Recurring Payments? Disbursement Is there a requirement to process Quick Checks? Disbursement What is the current procedure for vendor advances? Disbursement How are vendor advances reconciled when the invoice is submitted? Disbursement Disbursement Disbursement What is your current payment cycle? (How often do you print checks?) Disbursement Disbursement Disbursement Is/will there be a requirement to use multiple currencies? Disbursement Do check payments have to be approved before they are run? Disbursement Do you have a minimum or maximum payment amount per check? Disbursement Do you have a minimum or maximum payment amount per run? Disbursement Disbursement What is the current check layout for computer generated checks? Provide a sample check. If recurring payments are used, what is the normal period cycle for these payments? Are all invoices paid in local currency? Do you have a priority system for payments (by vendor, funds availability, etc.)? Would you use a priority system for payments? How are discount dates calculated - based on a specific day of the month or on a number of days from the payment terms date? Is there a requirement to use multiple discount levels at present or in the future? How many different sites issue checks? Are due dates calculated based on a specific day of the month or on a number of days from the payment terms date? Is there a provision for discounts within the current payment terms?

Setup Setup Setup Setup Setup Setup Setup Metric Metric Process Process Process Process Process Process Process Process Process Process Process Process Process Process Process Process Process Setup, Process

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RD.020 Business Process Questionnaire OBM Level I Type = Setup Metric Process Performance
Metric How many copies of checks are produced? Metric Do you print the check number on the check/remittance or is it pre-printed? Setup, Process Should a remittance advice note be produced, and when? Process How should an overflow situation be handled? Process Is there any special sequencing of checks when printing? Process Is there a dedicated printer for checks? Setup What type of printer is used for checks? Setup Is there a requirement to restrict the access to the check printing function? Process What is the policy/procedures for handling stop payments? Process Process Process Process Setup, Process Process Process Process Process Process Process Process Process Process Process Process Process Process Process Process Process Process Process Process Process Process Process Process Process

OBM Level II 958 959 960 961 962 963 964 965 966 967 968 969 970 971 972 973 974 975 976 977 978 979 980 981 982 983 984 985 986 987 988 989 990 991 992 993 994 995
(FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting


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OBM Level IV
Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified

AP AP AP AP AP AP AP AP AP AP AP AP AP AP AP AP AP AP Not module specific Not module specific Not module specific Not module specific Not module specific Not module specific Not module specific Not module specific Not module specific Not module specific Not module specific Not module specific Not module specific Not module specific Not module specific Not module specific Not module specific Not module specific Not module specific Not module specific

OBM Row No.


Disbursement Disbursement Disbursement Disbursement Disbursement Disbursement Disbursement Disbursement Disbursement Disbursement

Process Analysis Questions

How many check formats do you have?

5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6

What is the policy /procedures for handling void payments if they have been recorded? What is the policy /procedures for handling void payments if they have not been recorded? Disbursement Who is responsible for providing outstanding check data for bank Check Reconciliation reconciliation purposes? Do you get a tape from the bank for check reconciliation? If yes, can I get the Check Reconciliation format of the bank tape? Is there a requirement to do on-line bank reconciliations? Check Reconciliation Who is responsible for opening and closing AP periods? Post Is the schedule for opening and closing AP documented? Open/Close Periods Do you allow posting invoices back to prior periods? Post How do you close an accounting period for Employee Expense? Period Close Is the schedule to close an accounting period for Employee Expense documented? Period Close How long does it take to close an accounting period for Employee Expense? Period Close How long should it take to close an accounting period for Employee Expense? Period Close Is closing an accounting period for Employee Expense a hard close or a soft close? Period Close How are adjustments to closed periods for Employee Expense handled? Period Close How do you open an accounting period for Employee Expense? Period Open Is the schedule to open an accounting period for Employee Expense documented? Period Open How long does it take to open an accounting period for Employee Expense? Period Open Who performs the tasks associated with opening an accounting period for Employee Expense? Period Open Who performs the tasks associated with closing an accounting period for Employee Expense? Period Open/Close Where in your accounting cycle do you run standard reports and statements for Employee Expense? Period Open/Close How do you close an accounting period for Invoice Generation? Period Close Is the schedule to close an accounting period for Invoice Generation documented? Period Close How long does it take to close an accounting period for Invoice Generation? Period Close How long should it take to close an accounting period for Invoice Generation? Period Close Is closing an accounting period for Invoice Generation a hard close or a soft close? Period Close How are adjustments to closed periods for Invoice Generation handled? Period Close How do you open an accounting period for Invoice Generation? Period Open Is the schedule to open an accounting period for Invoice Generation documented? Period Open Disbursement

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RD.020 Business Process Questionnaire OBM Level I Type = Setup Metric Process Performance
Process Who performs the tasks associated with opening an accounting period for Invoice Generation? Who performs the tasks associated with closing an accounting period for Invoice Generation? Where in your accounting cycle do you run standard reports and statements for Invoice Generation? Provide an overview of AR invoice processing. Are AR processes documented? Process Process Process Process Process Are there AR processes that should be changed, streamlined or eliminated? Process Do you ever recognize revenue from a single transaction over multiple periods? When do you recognize revenue? How many General Ledger accounts do you distribute to? Process Process Setup, Process When do you create or recognize outstanding receivables? Process Do you distribute earned and unearned revenue? What are the GL accounts? Do you have unbilled receivables? Is revenue assignment associated with sales people information? Setup, Process Process Process Do you assign non-revenue credit to sales people? Process Do you have special revenue recognition for long-term agreements? Process Do you automatically determine the general ledger accounts for specific transactions (i. e. receivables, freight, tax, unearned revenue, unbilled receivables, etc.) during Invoice Entry? How do you receive notice to create/generate an invoice to bill a customer?

OBM Level II 996 997 998 999 1000 1001 1002 1003 1004 1005 1006 1007 1008 1009 1010 1011 1012 1013 1014 1015 1016 1017 1018 1019 1020 1021 1022 1023 1024 1025 1026 1027 1028 1029 1030 1031 1032
(FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting


Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified

OBM Level IV
Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified

Not module specific Not module specific Not module specific Not module specific AR AR AR AR AR AR AR AR AR AR AR AR

OBM Row No.

6 6 6 6

Period Open Period Open Period Open/Close Period Open/Close Other Other Other

Process Analysis Questions

How long does it take to open an accounting period for Invoice Generation?

6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6

Revenue Revenue Revenue Revenue Revenue Revenue Revenue Revenue Revenue

(FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management

General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting

Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified

Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified


Invoicing Invoicing Invoicing Invoicing Invoicing Invoicing Invoicing Invoicing Invoicing Invoicing Invoicing Invoicing Invoicing Invoicing Invoicing Invoicing Invoicing Invoicing Invoicing Invoicing Invoicing

Setup Process

How do you link the specific products/services that you sell, with general ledger accounts at Invoice Entry? Do you regularly invoice customers for the same items?

Setup, Process

Process Do you use standard invoice lines with default pricing and default accounting information (revenue, receivable, freight, tax)? Setup, Process How are the revenue, receivable, freight and tax accounts configured for each invoice type? Process Do you ever use invoice forms and/or the invoice entry process for transactions other than billing customers? Process Do you use Debit Memos? Process How are Debit Memos accounted for? Process Why are Debit Memos used? Process What items appear on Debit Memos? Process Do you use Customer Account Credit Memos? Process How are Customer Account Credit Memos used? Process Why are Customer Account Credit Memos used? Process What items appear on Customer Account Credit Memos? Process Do you enter invoices in batches? Process How are batch invoices defined? Setup Do you use batch controls, such as counts and amounts? Process Do you bill customers in a foreign currency? Process How many invoice types do you have? Provide invoice samples. Setup, Metric How frequently do you invoice your customers? Metric

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RD.020 Business Process Questionnaire OBM Level I Type = Setup Metric Process Performance
Process What different shipping methods do you use? Process How do you number your invoices? Process Where are your price schedules maintained? Process How often are sales orders invoiced? Metric What is the criteria to invoice? Process What items appear on your invoices (inventory? non-inventory?) Process Can payment terms be assigned at the invoice level? Process What paper stock is used to print the invoices? Process Where are the invoices printed? How many printers and where are they? Pre-printed forms? What remit to address is assigned for your invoices? Do you assign shipping charges for your invoices? Process Process Process How are shipping charges calculated? Process How do you calculate your tax charges? What are the rates? Process How do you keep your tax rate information up to date? Process How do you close an accounting period for Customer Payment ? Process Is the schedule to close an accounting period for Customer Payment documented? Process How long does it take to close an accounting period for Customer Payment ? Process How long should it take to close an accounting period for Customer Payment ? Process Is closing an accounting period for Customer Payment a hard close or a soft close? Process How are adjustments to closed periods for Customer Payment handled? Process How do you open an accounting period for Customer Payment ? Process Is the schedule to open an accounting period for Customer Payment documented? Process How long does it take to open an accounting period for Customer Payment ? Process Who performs the tasks associated with opening an accounting period for Customer Payment ? Process Who performs the tasks associated with closing an accounting period for Customer Payment ? Process Where in your accounting cycle do you run standard reports and statements for Customer Payment ? Process How are adjustments to closed periods handled? Process Do you reconcile payments with the bank? Process How do you reconcile payments with the bank? Process How often do you reconcile payments with the bank? Process How are bank reconciliation errors handled? Process What type(s) of customers do you have? Process How many customers do you have? Metric Provide samples of customer master records. Setup What type of payment terms do you provide? Setup Do you provide split term payment terms? Setup Do you provide discount payment terms? Setup

OBM Level II 1033 1034 1035 1036 1037 1038 1039 1040 1041 1042 1043 1044 1045 1046 1047 1048 1049 1050 1051 1052 1053 1054 1055 1056 1057 1058 1059 1060 1061 1062 1063 1064 1065 1066 1067 1068 1069 1070
(FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting


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OBM Level IV
Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified

AR AR AR AR AR AR AR AR AR AR AR AR AR AR AR Not module specific Not module specific Not module specific Not module specific Not module specific Not module specific Not module specific Not module specific Not module specific Not module specific Not module specific Not module specific AR AR AR AR AR AR AR, PA AR AR AR AR

OBM Row No.


Invoicing Invoicing Invoicing Invoicing Invoicing Invoicing Invoicing Invoicing Invoicing Invoicing Invoicing Invoicing Invoicing Invoicing Invoicing

Process Analysis Questions

How do you track sales revenue on invoices? How is it reported?

7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7

Period Close Period Close Period Close Period Close Period Close Period Close Period Open Period Open Period Open Period Open Period Open/Close Period Open/Close Open/Close Periods Reconciliation Reconciliation Reconciliation Reconciliation Customers Customers Customers Customers Customers Customers

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RD.020 Business Process Questionnaire OBM Level I Type = Setup Metric Process Performance
Process Do you use customer agreements/contracts to manage specific discounts? Process Do you use customer agreements/contracts to manage specific payment terms? Do you use customer agreements/contracts to manage specific invoicing policies? How do you track customer contact people? Do you automatically number new customers as they are created? Process Process Process Process Do you automatically number customer business purposes as they are created? Do you track and record relationships between customers e.g. franchises, subsidiaries etc.? Do you create reciprocal customer relationships whenever you create a relationship between customers for tracking purposes? Do you have multiple "remit tos"? How are multiple "remit tos" determined for each customer? Process Process Process Process Process What credit information is tracked for each customer? Process Do terms and conditions of customer agreements and/or payment terms change based upon the status of their accounts? How do you maintain/audit your customer data? Do you have a prospect system separate from the receivables customers? Process Process Process Who has access to your customer database? Process Do you have the same customers repeated multiple times in the data files or the same customer for different operating units? How do you track customers with different or multiple bill-to and ship-to addresses? Describe the process for creation and maintenance of customer records. How do you close an accounting period for Financial Reporting? Process Process Process Process Is the schedule to close an accounting period for Financial Reporting documented? How long does it take to close an accounting period for Financial Reporting? How long should it take to close an accounting period for Financial Reporting? Process Process Process Is closing an accounting period for Financial Reporting a hard close or a soft close? How are adjustments to closed periods for Financial Reporting handled? How do you open an accounting period for Financial Reporting? Process Process Process Is the schedule to open an accounting period for Financial Reporting documented? How long does it take to open an accounting period for Financial Reporting? Who performs the tasks associated with opening an accounting period for Financial Reporting? Who performs the tasks associated with closing an accounting period for Financial Reporting? Where in your accounting cycle do you run standard reports and statements for Financial Reporting? When closing at year end do you use a 13th period? Do you track journal sources? What types? Process Process Process Process Process Setup, Process Setup Do you track journal categories? What ones? Setup Do you enter statistical accounts regularly? How often? Process Do you use batches to enter journals? Setup, Process Do you reverse journals on a regular basis? Explain. Process Do you have standard journals that recur with the same accounting information (but changing amounts)? Provide examples. Setup, Process

OBM Level II 1071 1072 1073 1074 1075 1076 1077 1078 1079 1080 1081 1082 1083 1084 1085 1086 1087 1088 1089 1090 1091 1092 1093 1094 1095 1096 1097 1098 1099 1100 1101 1102 1103 1104 1105 1106 1107 1108
(FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting


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OBM Level IV
Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified


OBM Row No.


Customers Customers Customers Customers Customers Customers Customers Customers Customers Customers Customers Customers Customers Customers Customers Customers Customers Customers Customers

Process Analysis Questions

Do you use customer agreements/contracts to manage specific price lists?

9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9

Period Close Period Close Period Close Period Close Period Close Period Close Period Open Period Open Period Open Period Open Period Open/Close Period Open/Close Open/Close Periods Transactions Transactions Transactions Transactions Transactions Transactions

131320756.xls.ms_office Page 34

RD.020 Business Process Questionnaire OBM Level I Type = Setup Metric Process Performance
Setup, Process Setup, Process How often do you post journals to your General Ledger balances? Process What are the procedures you use to post these journals? Process Who posts the journal batches? Who approves the posting? Process Do you allow for posting out of balances journals into a suspense account? Setup, Process Do you have multiple suspense accounts? Setup Do you have any input documents that you currently use? Process Do you need to categorize your journals in any way (e.g. by source, accounts payable, by type, accrual)? How are these categories useful?

OBM Level II 1109 1110 1111 1112 1113 1114 1115 1116 1117 1118 1119 1120 1121 1122 1123 1124 1125 1126 1127 1128 1129 1130 1131 1132 1133 1134 1135 1136 1137 1138 1139 1140 1141 1142 1143 1144 1145
(FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting


Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified

OBM Level IV
Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified


OBM Row No.

9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9

Transactions Transactions Transactions Transactions Transactions Transactions Transactions Transactions

Process Analysis Questions

Do you have standard journals that recur with the same accounting information (but the same amounts)? Provide examples. Do you use control totals when entering journals?

(FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management

General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting

Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified

Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified

GL GL GL GL GL GL GL FMGENRLLED Not module specific G FMGENRLLED Not module specific G FMGENRLLED Not module specific G FMGENRLLED Not module specific G FMGENRLLED Not module specific G FMGENRLLED Not module specific G FMGENRLLED Not module specific G FMGENRLLED Not module specific G FMGENRLLED Not module specific G FMGENRLLED Not module specific G FMGENRLLED Not module specific G FMGENRLLED Not module specific G ALL ALL ALL ALL ALL ALL ALL ALL ALL ALL

9 9 9 9 9 9 9 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14

Transactions Do you need to associate special statistical figures to certain journal entries? Transactions Do you have any audit requirements that might be unique? Transactions Do you currently use encumbrance accounting? Transactions Transactions Transactions Transactions Period Close Period Close Period Close Period Close Period Close Period Close Period Open Period Open Period Open Period Open Period Open/Close Period Open/Close Period Close Period Close Period Close Period Close Period Close Period Open Period Open Period Open Period Open Period Open/Close

Setup Setup, Process Process Setup What type of authorization does it take to make adjusting entries in prior periods? Process Do these reports have different rounding in $? (i.e. the preliminary report is in pennies and the final in whole dollars) Setup What are your intercompany processing requirements (e.g. eliminations, internal invoices, reporting) Setup, Process How do you close an accounting period for Material Handling? Process Is the schedule to close an accounting period for Material Handling documented? Process How long does it take to close an accounting period for Material Handling? Process How long should it take to close an accounting period for Material Handling? Process Is closing an accounting period for Material Handling a hard close or a soft close? Process How are adjustments to closed periods for Material Handling handled? Process How do you open an accounting period for Material Handling? Process Is the schedule to open an accounting period for Material Handling documented? Process How long does it take to open an accounting period for Material Handling? Process Who performs the tasks associated with opening an accounting period for Material Handling? Process Who performs the tasks associated with closing an accounting period for Material Handling? Process Where in your accounting cycle do you run standard reports and statements for Material Handling? Process Is the schedule to close an accounting period for Quality Management documented? Process How long does it take to close an accounting period for Quality Management? Process How long should it take to close an accounting period for Quality Management? Process Is closing an accounting period for Quality Management a hard close or a soft close? Process How are adjustments to closed periods for Quality Management handled? Process How do you open an accounting period for Quality Management? Process Is the schedule to open an accounting period for Quality Management documented? Process How long does it take to open an accounting period for Quality Management? Process Who performs the tasks associated with opening an accounting period for Quality Management? Process Who performs the tasks associated with closing an accounting period for Quality Management? Process

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RD.020 Business Process Questionnaire OBM Level I Type = Setup Metric Process Performance
Process Process Is the schedule to close an accounting period for Inventory Accuracy documented? How long does it take to close an accounting period for Inventory Accuracy? How long should it take to close an accounting period for Inventory Accuracy? 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 Period Close Period Close Period Close How do you open an accounting period for Inventory Accuracy? Period Open Period Open Period Open Period Open Period Open/Close Period Open/Close Period Close Is the schedule to close an accounting period for Costing documented? Period Close How long does it take to close an accounting period for Costing? Period Close How long should it take to close an accounting period for Costing? Period Close Is closing an accounting period for Costing a hard close or a soft close? Period Close How are adjustments to closed periods for Costing handled? Period Close How do you open an accounting period for Costing? Period Open Is the schedule to open an accounting period for Costing documented? Period Open How long does it take to open an accounting period for Costing? Period Open Period Open Period Open/Close Period Open/Close Period Close Period Close Period Close How do you close an accounting period for Order Placement? Period Close Period Close Period Close How long should it take to close an accounting period for Order Placement? Period Close Period Close Period Close How do you open an accounting period for Order Placement? Period Open Period Open Period Open Period Open Who performs the tasks associated with opening an accounting period for Order Placement? Is the schedule to open an accounting period for Order Placement documented? How long does it take to open an accounting period for Order Placement? Is closing an accounting period for Order Placement a hard close or a soft close? How are adjustments to closed periods for Order Placement handled? Is the schedule to close an accounting period for Order Placement documented? How long does it take to close an accounting period for Order Placement? How do you measure the labor resources involved to close your accounting period? How long does it take to close your accounting period? Who performs the tasks associated with opening an accounting period for Costing? Who performs the tasks associated with closing an accounting period for Costing? Where in your accounting cycle do you run standard reports and statements for Costing? How do you measure the time it takes to close your accounting period? Who performs the tasks associated with opening an accounting period for Inventory Accuracy? Who performs the tasks associated with closing an accounting period for Inventory Accuracy? Where in your accounting cycle do you run standard reports and statements for Inventory Accuracy? How do you close an accounting period for Costing? Is the schedule to open an accounting period for Inventory Accuracy documented? How long does it take to open an accounting period for Inventory Accuracy? Process Process Process Process Process Process Process Process Process Process Process Process Process Process Process Process Process Process Metric Metric Performance Process Process Process Process Process Process Process Process Process Process Is closing an accounting period for Inventory Accuracy a hard close or a soft close? How are adjustments to closed periods for Inventory Accuracy handled? Process Process Process Process Process

OBM Level II 1146 1147 1148 1149 1150 1151 1152 1153 1154 1155 1156 1157 1158 1159 1160 1161 1162 1163 1164 1165 1166 1167 1168 1169 1170 1171 1172 1173 1174 1175 1176 1177 1178 1179 1180 1181 1182 1183
(FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting


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OBM Level IV
Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified


OBM Row No.


Period Open/Close Period Close Period Close Period Close

Process Analysis Questions

Where in your accounting cycle do you run standard reports and statements for Quality Management? How do you close an accounting period for Inventory Accuracy?


16 16 16

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RD.020 Business Process Questionnaire OBM Level I Type = Setup Metric Process Performance
Process Process Process Is the schedule to close an accounting period for Order Fulfillment documented? How long does it take to close an accounting period for Order Fulfillment? How long should it take to close an accounting period for Order Fulfillment? Process Process Process Is closing an accounting period for Order Fulfillment a hard close or a soft close? How are adjustments to closed periods for Order Fulfillment handled? How do you open an accounting period for Order Fulfillment? Process Process Process Is the schedule to open an accounting period for Order Fulfillment documented? How long does it take to open an accounting period for Order Fulfillment? Who performs the tasks associated with opening an accounting period for Order Fulfillment? Who performs the tasks associated with closing an accounting period for Order Fulfillment? Where in your accounting cycle do you run standard reports and statements for Order Fulfillment? How do you close an accounting period for Customer Returns ? Is the schedule to close an accounting period for Customer Returns documented? How long does it take to close an accounting period for Customer Returns ? How long should it take to close an accounting period for Customer Returns ? Is closing an accounting period for Customer Returns a hard close or a soft close? How are adjustments to closed periods for Customer Returns handled? How do you open an accounting period for Customer Returns ? Process Process Process Process Process Process Process Process Process Process Process Process Is the schedule to open an accounting period for Customer Returns documented? How long does it take to open an accounting period for Customer Returns ? Who performs the tasks associated with opening an accounting period for Customer Returns ? Who performs the tasks associated with closing an accounting period for Customer Returns ? Where in your accounting cycle do you run standard reports and statements for Customer Returns ? How do you close an accounting period for Sales and Marketing? Process Process Process Process Process

OBM Level II 1184 1185 1186 1187 1188 1189 1190 1191 1192 1193 1194 1195 1196 1197 1198 1199 1200 1201 1202 1203 1204 1205 1206 1207 1208 1209 1210 1211 1212 1213 1214 1215 1216 1217 1218 1219 1220 1221
(FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting


Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified

OBM Level IV
Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified


OBM Row No.

19 19 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21

Period Open/Close Period Open/Close Period Close Period Close Period Close Period Close Period Close Period Close Period Open Period Open Period Open Period Open Period Open/Close Period Open/Close Period Close Period Close Period Close Period Close Period Close Period Close Period Open Period Open Period Open Period Open Period Open/Close Period Open/Close Period Close Period Close Period Close Period Close Period Close Period Close Period Open Period Open Period Open Period Open Period Open/Close Period Open/Close

Process Analysis Questions

Who performs the tasks associated with closing an accounting period for Order Placement? Where in your accounting cycle do you run standard reports and statements for Order Placement? How do you close an accounting period for Order Fulfillment?

1174 1174 1174 1174 1174 1174 1174 1174 1174 1174 1174 1174

24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24

Process Is the schedule to close an accounting period for Sales and Marketing documented? Process How long does it take to close an accounting period for Sales and Marketing? Process How long should it take to close an accounting period for Sales and Marketing? Process Is closing an accounting period for Sales and Marketing a hard close or a soft close? Process How are adjustments to closed periods for Sales and Marketing handled? Process How do you open an accounting period for Sales and Marketing? Process Is the schedule to open an accounting period for Sales and Marketing documented? Process How long does it take to open an accounting period for Sales and Marketing? Process Who performs the tasks associated with opening an accounting period for Sales and Marketing? Process Who performs the tasks associated with closing an accounting period for Sales and Marketing? Process Where in your accounting cycle do you run standard reports and statements for Sales and Marketing? Process

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RD.020 Business Process Questionnaire OBM Level I Type = Setup Metric Process Performance
Process Is the schedule to close an accounting period for Human Resources documented? How long does it take to close an accounting period for Human Resources? How long should it take to close an accounting period for Human Resources? Process Process Process Is closing an accounting period for Human Resources a hard close or a soft close? How are adjustments to closed periods for Human Resources handled? How do you open an accounting period for Human Resources? Process Process Process Is the schedule to open an accounting period for Human Resources documented? How long does it take to open an accounting period for Human Resources? Who performs the tasks associated with opening an accounting period for Human Resources? Who performs the tasks associated with closing an accounting period for Human Resources? Where in your accounting cycle do you run standard reports and statements for Human Resources? How do you close an accounting period for Payroll? Is the schedule to close an accounting period for Payroll documented? Process Process Process Process Process Process Process How long does it take to close an accounting period for Payroll? Process How long should it take to close an accounting period for Payroll? Process Is closing an accounting period for Payroll a hard close or a soft close? Process How are adjustments to closed periods for Payroll handled? Process How do you open an accounting period for Payroll? Process Is the schedule to open an accounting period for Payroll documented? Process How long does it take to open an accounting period for Payroll? Process Who performs the tasks associated with opening an accounting period for Payroll? Who performs the tasks associated with closing an accounting period for Payroll? Where in your accounting cycle do you run standard reports and statements for Payroll? How do you close an accounting period for Projects? Is the schedule to close an accounting period for Projects documented? 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 Period Close How long does it take to close an accounting period for Projects? Period Close How long should it take to close an accounting period for Projects? Period Close Is closing an accounting period for Projects a hard close or a soft close? Period Close How are adjustments to closed periods for Projects handled? Period Close How do you open an accounting period for Projects? Period Open Is the schedule to open an accounting period for Projects documented? Period Open How long does it take to open an accounting period for Projects? Period Open Period Open Period Open/Close Period Open/Close Open/Close Periods Who performs the tasks associated with opening an accounting period for Projects? Who performs the tasks associated with closing an accounting period for Projects? Where in your accounting cycle do you run standard reports and statements for Projects? Do your project periods differ from your accounting periods? Process Process Process Process Set Up Process Process Process Process Process Process Process Process Process Process Process

OBM Level II 1222 1223 1224 1225 1226 1227 1228 1229 1230 1231 1232 1233 1234 1235 1236 1237 1238 1239 1240 1241 1242 1243 1244 1245 1246 1247 1248 1249 1250 1251 1252 1253 1254 1255 1256 1257 1258
(FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting


Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified

OBM Level IV
Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified


OBM Row No.

26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27

Period Close Period Close Period Close Period Close Period Close Period Close Period Open Period Open Period Open Period Open Period Open/Close Period Open/Close Period Close Period Close Period Close Period Close Period Close Period Close Period Open Period Open Period Open Period Open Period Open/Close Period Open/Close Period Close

Process Analysis Questions

How do you close an accounting period for Human Resources?



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RD.020 Business Process Questionnaire OBM Level I Type = Setup Metric Process Performance
Process How are adjustments to closed periods handled? 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 Open/Close Periods Do you use outside vendors in your project work? Project Set Up Are project numbers system generated or manually entered? Project Set Up Are different organizations responsible for different projects? Project Set Up Does your company manage different types of projects? What are they? Project Set Up How many different project types does it manage? Project Set Up Project Set Up Project Set Up Do you define a Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) for each project? Project Set Up How many tasks are included in a typical WBS? Project Set Up What tasks are involved in a typical WBS? Project Set Up Do you assign roles or responsibilities to employees for each project? Project Set Up How many different roles are there for each project? Project Set Up What are the roles for each project? Project Set Up Do you classify projects by sector, industry, or other category? Project Set Up How many different classifications are there for project types? Project Set Up What are the classifications for project types? Project Set Up Project Set Up Project Set Up Project Set Up Project Set Up Project Set Up Project Set Up Do you validate project funding during preparation of the budget? Project Set Up What are your categories of projects? (Direct, Indirect, Capital, Expense, etc.) Project Set Up What types of work or service do tasks represent? Project Set Up What type of Work Breakdown Structure do you use? Project Set Up What is the maximum number of levels in the WBS? Project Set Up What is the maximum number of tasks in a project? Project Set Up Please provide a sample WBS. Project Set Up How are Work Breakdown Structures generated? Project Set Up Do you use templates for repetitive projects? Project Set Up How many customers per project? Project Set Up Are projects funded? Project Set Up How is funding recorded? Project Set Up What project status do you use? Project Set Up Metric Process Set Up Metric Set Up Process Set Up Metric Metric Process Set Up Set Up Process What are the project budget variables you track when monitoring project performance? Do you use project budgets/plans for anticipated revenue, as well as cost, to track project performance? Do you budget revenues and costs at different or the same levels of detail? Do you employ controls (dates, expense type, etc.) to restrict charges to a project? How many different control types to restrict charges to a project do you employ? What are the control types to restrict charges to a project? Set Up Set UP, Process Metric Set Up Process Process Process Metric Set UP, Process Set Up Metric Set UP, Process Set Up Metric Set UP, Process To what degree does client management influence the volume and type of work a customer seeks? Do you complete work for public or private sector entities? Metric Process Process Set Up Process Set Up Process Process

OBM Level II 1259 1260 1261 1262 1263 1264 1265 1266 1267 1268 1269 1270 1271 1272 1273 1274 1275 1276 1277 1278 1279 1280 1281 1282 1283 1284 1285 1286 1287 1288 1289 1290 1291 1292 1293 1294 1295
(FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting


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OBM Level IV
Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified


OBM Row No.



Open/Close Periods

Process Analysis Questions

Are there separate procedures necessary to open, close, and maintain project periods which are different from accounting periods?

131320756.xls.ms_office Page 39

RD.020 Business Process Questionnaire OBM Level I Type = Setup Metric Process Performance
Process What is the project life cycle? 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 Project Set Up How are projects initiated? Project Set Up Do you have indirect projects? Project Set Up At what WBS level are cost and revenue budgeted? Project Set Up Do you budget by type of expenditure? Project Set Up What budget versions do you maintain? Project Set Up What type of controls do you have on budgets? Project Set Up How are budget changes handled? Project Set Up Are hard limits on budgets enforced? Project Set Up Do budgets include burdens? Project Set Up Do you record customer contracts in the project accounting system? Project Set Up Do you use Microsoft Projects? (If yes, Oracle Project Connect required.) Project Set Up Project Set Up Project Set Up Project Set Up Project Set Up Time & Expense Entry FMGENRLLED G 28 FMGENRLLED G 28 FMGENRLLED G 28 FMGENRLLED G 28 FMGENRLLED G 28 FMGENRLLED G FMGENRLLED G FMGENRLLED G FMGENRLLED G Project Tracking Project Tracking Project Tracking To what degree does your company track activities, costs, and revenues for "Services," performed for and reimbursed by a customer? Project Tracking Explain the technique(s) (burdening rates, cost multipliers, etc.) that you use. Project Tracking Does your organization track shared resources, (i. e., employee from Group A works on a project managed by Group B) with respect to revenue and cost? Are contracts used to fund multiple projects/tasks? 28 28 28 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 Project Tracking Please provide a sample of a project budget. Project Set Up Do you use time-phased budgets? Project Set Up How do you maintain your Project Billing data? Maintenance How do you audit your Project Billing data? Maintenance Which operations/processes do you want to streamline for Project Billing? Other Which operations/processes do you want to eliminate for Project Billing? Other Other Reporting Reporting Reporting Performance Process Process Process Process Are there any time-intensive Project Billing operations/processes that need to be addressed? Process What business performance statistics do you monitor for Project Billing? Process What are your Project Billing reporting requirements with respect to functional vs. foreign currencies? Setup, Process What are your Project Billing reporting requirements with respect to summary or detail formats? Obtain report listing. Setup, Process What reports do you currently generate to meet your Project Billing reporting requirements? Provide examples of each. Include source (could be manual), user, frequency, number of copies. Setup, Process Performance Set Up Set UP, Process Process What are the components/sources (requisitions, purchase orders, pending invoices, etc.) of a projects Committed costs? Do you allocate or attribute overhead costs to projects? Do you have a need to redirect organization or employee cost from an "owning" organization to a "project" organization? Do you have any unusual, or customer specific, billing cycles? Does the employee cost rate in Projects differ from the HR salary/wage rate? Setup, Process Do you track "Committed" as well as "Actual" costs for projects? Process Set UP, Process Process Do you build assets for internal use? Do you track the construction of these assets as projects? Do you create projects for internal or non-billable projects? Set Up Set Up Set Up Set Up Set Up, Process Setup, Process Metric Metric Process Process Set Up Set Up Set Up Metric Process Set Up

OBM Level II 1296 1297 1298 1299 1300 1301 1302 1303 1304 1305 1306 1307 1308 1309 1310 1311 1312 1313 1314 1315 1316 1317 1318 1319 1320 1321 1322 1323 1324 1325 1326 1327 1328 1329 1330 1331
(FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting


Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified

OBM Level IV
Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Define Project types Define Project types Define Project types Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified


OBM Row No.



Project Set Up

Process Analysis Questions

How are projects approved for setup, charges, revenue, invoicing?

(FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management

General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting

Not identified Not identified

Not identified Not identified


(FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management

General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting

Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified

Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified



Project Tracking


(FM) Financial Management

General Financial Accounting

Not identified

Not identified




131320756.xls.ms_office Page 40

RD.020 Business Process Questionnaire OBM Level I Type = Setup Metric Process Performance
Setup Setup Setup Setup Setup Setup, Process Process What is the criteria for determining who should receive a copy of any Project Billing report? How do you update a Project Billing reports distribution list? Is the process to update a Project Billing reports distribution list documented? Process Process Process How long does it take to update a Project Billing reports distribution list? Process How long should it take to update a Project Billing reports distribution list? Process Who performs the tasks associated with updating a Project Billing reports distribution list? Is there any requirement for on-line (softcopy) distribution and/or remote location printing for Project Billing reports? Do some of these Project Billing reports belong in report sets? Do you have a group of reports which are always run together? Do the separate business units run their own Project Billing reports? What type of printers do you run Project Billing reports (including checks, purchase orders etc.) on? Where are they located? Do you run Project Billing reports for different companies or cost centers? Process Setup, Process Setup Process, Performance Setup, Performance

OBM Level II 1332 1333 1334 1335 1336 1337 1338 1339 1340 1341 1342 1343 1344 1345 1346 1347 1348 1349 1350 1351 1352 1353 1354 1355 1356 1357 1358 1359 1360 1361 1362 1363 1364 1365 1366 1367 1368 1369
(FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting


Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified

OBM Level IV
Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified


OBM Row No.

29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29

Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Security Security Security Security Security Security Validation Collections Collections Collections Collections Customers Customers Customers Customers Customers Customers Customers Other Other

Process Analysis Questions

Is there any Project Billing reporting requirement that your current set of reports does not meet? Are Project Billing reports standard across multiple Sets of Books, for example, subsidiaries? Are Project Billing reports standard across multiple levels within a Set of Books, i e., divisions? What account codes and/or descriptions are required on Project Billing reports? Do you provide a "key" of content/information somewhere on the Project Billing report? What Project Billing reports are grouped together on a regular basis and printed in one print run? Who receives a copy of the Project Billing reports?

Process Do you have security requirements on who can enter data for Project Billing? (e.g. by company? by cost center?) Process Do you have security reports on who can run Project Billing reports? (by company, by cost center etc.) Setup, Process Will there need to be terminal security for Project Billing? Setup Do you run security reports on a regular basis for Project Billing? Process Do you have documentation on your current system security requirements for Project Billing? Process Map each GL user to a menu structure. Will any new ones need to be created for Project Billing? Setup, Process Do you review requirements for validation rules, allowing certain Project Billing accounts to be valid with only certain other values. Setup Do you monitor project receivables agings and/or collections effectiveness? Process Do you monitor project receivables agings and/or collections effectiveness by manager? Process Do you monitor project receivables agings and/or collections effectiveness by customer? Process Do you monitor project receivables agings and/or collections effectiveness by organization? Process How do you group your customers for credit limits, credit checks? Process How do you group your customers for statements? Process How do you group your customers for interest charges for late payments? Process How do you group your customers for payment rules? Process How many project customers do you have? Metric Do you send customers statements? Process Do terms and conditions of customer agreements and/or payment terms change based upon the status of their accounts? Process Provide an overview of AR cash receipt processing. Process Are cash receipt procedures documented? Process

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RD.020 Business Process Questionnaire OBM Level I Type = Setup Metric Process Performance
Process Do you ever adjust receivables? Process How do you adjust receivables? Process Do you limit the amounts when adjusting receivables? Process Do you receive deposits and/or prepayments? Process How do you determine whether indirect labor costs, such as overhead, are actually recovered through your billing practice? How do you determine whether the costs of non-labor assets are recovered with bill rates or mark-ups? Typically, how many project-related payments do you receive a month? Does your company manage contract projects? Process Process Metric Process How many different contract project types, (i.e., billing method type) does your company manage? What different contract types does your company manage? To what degree does client management influence customer billing arrangements? Do you maintain standard bill rate schedules? How many different schedules bill rate schedules are there? Metric Setup Process Setup, Process Metric What are the schedule types (i. e., employee, job title, non-labor resources)? Setup Do any project billings involve retainage? Setup, Process Do you track distinct customer contact types, (i.e., billing shipping, technical, etc.)? How many different customer contact types does your company track? What are the different customer contact types? Process Metric Setup Do you ever perform one project for multiple customers? Process Do you employ multiple billing methods? Process How many different billing methods do you employ? Metric What are the different billing methods you employ? Setup Do you ever use one method to bill customers and a different to accrue revenue, for the same project? What are the control types employed to restrict billable and non-billable charges to a project? Do you use standard invoice lines with default accounting information? Do you have any subsidiaries that bill customers in a foreign currency? Process Setup Setup, Process Process Are there any other foreign currency issues regarding invoices and/or payments? What type of payment terms do you provide? Do you allow split payment terms? Process Setup Setup Do you allow discount payment terms? Setup How do you maintain and assign salespeople to customers? Process, Setup Do you track Sales Territory Information? Process How is Sales Territory Information for tracking purposes derived? (i.e. customer, salesperson etc.) What are the milestones of your sales order cycle? Does your sales order cycle involve product shipment? Process Process Setup, Process If your sales order cycle involves product shipment, how do you manage partial shipments and resulting backorders? Do you maintain mandatory and/or optional reviews in your orders cycle for credit risk, legal compliance, and/or other approvals? Setup, Process Process

OBM Level II 1370 1371 1372 1373 1374 1375 1376 1377 1378 1379 1380 1381 1382 1383 1384 1385 1386 1387 1388 1389 1390 1391 1392 1393 1394 1395 1396 1397 1398 1399 1400 1401 1402 1403 1404 1405 1406 1407
(FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting


Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified

OBM Level IV
Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified


OBM Row No.



Process Analysis Questions

Should any of the procedures be changed, streamlined or eliminated?

29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29

Other Other Other Other Performance Monitoring Performance Monitoring Project Billing Project Billing Project Billing Project Billing Project Billing Project Billing Project Billing Project Billing Project Billing

29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29

Project Billing Project Billing Project Billing Project Billing Project Billing Project Billing Project Billing Project Billing Project Billing Project Billing Project Billing Project Billing Project Billing Project Billing Project Billing Sales Sales Sales Sales Sales Sales Sales

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RD.020 Business Process Questionnaire OBM Level I Type = Setup Metric Process Performance
Setup, Process Process How are batch orders defined? Setup Do you use batch controls, such as counts and amounts? Process Do you have customers who order for other customers? Process How do you handle orders without shipment information? Process How do you handle orders from unknown customers? Process What are your policies and procedures about adjusting orders? Process What are your policies and procedures about canceling orders? Process How often do you adjust orders? Metric How often do you cancel orders? Metric How many orders do you receive in a month? Metric How many orders are canceled in a period? Metric, Process What are the reasons for canceled orders? Metric, Process Do you have sales representatives? How many? Metric, Process How do you breakup territory for sales? Process How do you assign commissions? Process Do you track non-revenue sales credits? Process What Invoice Aging periods are currently in use? Setup What reports do you currently generate for Invoicing, Sales and Revenue tracking? Provide samples including frequency and distribution.

OBM Level II 1408 1409 1410 1411 1412 1413 1414 1415 1416 1417 1418 1419 1420 1421 1422 1423 1424 1425 1426 1427 1428 1429 1430 1431 1432 1433 1434 1435 1436 1437 1438 1439 1440
(FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting


Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified

OBM Level IV
Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified


OBM Row No.


Sales Sales Sales Sales Sales Sales Sales Sales Sales Sales Sales Sales Sales Sales Sales Sales Sales Sales Reporting

Process Analysis Questions

Do you use standard item codes with default pricing and default accounting information? Do you enter orders in batches?

(FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management

General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting

Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified

Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified


Reporting Are reports grouped for processing purposes? Reporting Are there any requirements your current set of reports does not meet? Reporting Are AR processing statistics maintained and/or reviewed? Reporting Reporting Post Do you post (or wish to post) in detail or in summary to the general ledger? Post Who is responsible for opening and closing AR periods? Post Is the schedule for opening and closing AR documented? Post Do you have any documentation on your AR close? Post Do you allow posting invoices back to prior periods? Post Post Payments How are batches identified? Payments How do your customers generally pay invoices? single checksingle invoice single checkmultiple invoices multiple checksmultiple invoices If you have multiple organizations, do they all close at the same time or separately? Do you enter your payments in batches? Are there any requirements for on-line distribution or remote report processing? How often do you "post" information to your General ledger?

Setup, Process Setup Setup Process, Performance Process, Performance Process, Metric Process Process Process Process Process Process Process Setup, Process

1441 1442 1443

(FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management

General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting

Not identified Not identified Not identified

Not identified Not identified Not identified


Payments Do you use batch control counts and amounts? Payments Do you use more than one bank account and/or cash account? Payments

Process Setup, Process Setup

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RD.020 Business Process Questionnaire OBM Level I Type = Setup Metric Process Performance
Process Do you use lockboxes? Process How many lockboxes do you use? Metric What types of payments are received and input? (i.e. check, cash etc.) Setup, Process How do you receive and input payments? Process Do you receive deposits and/or prepayments? Process Do you receive non-customer related payments? Process How are non-customer related payments accounted for? Process How do you handle payments without remittance information? Process How do you handle payments from unknown sources? Process What are your policies and procedures about adjusting payments? Process What are your policies and procedures about reversing payments? Process How often do you adjust payments? Metric How often do you reverse payments? Metric How many payments do you receive in a month? Metric Who makes deposits to the bank? Process How many checks are returned by the bank in a period? Metric, Process What are the reasons for checks being returned by the bank? Process Are fees charged for NSF checks? Setup Who applies cash? Process How is cash applied? Process Do you create chargebacks (Debit Items) for customer deductions? Process What reports do you currently generate for payment processing? Provide samples including frequency and distribution. How do you enter/manage a credit amount owed to the customer by your company? How do you enter/manage a credit amount owed to your company by the customer Do you send customers statements? Do you ever adjust receivables? Setup

OBM Level II 1444 1445 1446 1447 1448 1449 1450 1451 1452 1453 1454 1455 1456 1457 1458 1459 1460 1461 1462 1463 1464 1465 1466 1467 1468 1469 1470 1471 1472 1473 1474 1475 1476 1477 1478 1479 1480 1481
(FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting


Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified

OBM Level IV
Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified


OBM Row No.


Payments Payments Payments Payments Payments Payments Payments Payments Payments Payments Payments Payments Payments Payments Payments Payments Payments Payments Payments Payments Payments Payments Reporting Collections Collections Collections Collections

Process Analysis Questions

Do you have customers who pay other customers invoices?

Process Process Process

How do you adjust receivables? Collections Do you limit the amounts when adjusting receivables? Collections What credit information is tracked for each customer? Collections Are your collection policies documented? Collections Do you charge finance charges? Collections How do you charge finance charges? Collections Do you send dunning letters to customers? Collections Collections Collections What is the process for tracking actions to collect on delinquent accounts? Collections Collections Is the process for tracking actions to collect on delinquent accounts automated? Process Process How is the status of customer accounts communicated to Order Entry/Sales Reps? Do collectors actively call customers on delinquent items? Process Process Process Process Process Process Process Process Process

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RD.020 Business Process Questionnaire OBM Level I Type = Setup Metric Process Performance
Process Process What metrics are used to monitor collections performance? Metric Do you run a detailed expense statement periodically? Process How often is a detailed expense statement run and to whom is it distributed? Process Do you do cash requirements forecasting? Process What sort of buckets do you use for cash requirements forecasting? (i.e. 30, 60, 90...) How do you monitor customer account status? Are there any special reporting requirements pertaining to collections? Process Process Process Do you have a separate aging for collectors? Process What types of expenditures are entered as vendor invoices? Setup Are Project commitments/expenditures captured in Purchasing? Payroll? Accounts Payable? Will you use legacy systems to feed information to Projects? (Review AMG documentation to ensure that the information is captured correctly.) Setup, Process

OBM Level II 1482 1483 1484 1485 1486 1487 1488 1489 1490 1491 1492 1493
(FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting


Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified

OBM Level IV
Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified


OBM Row No.


Collections Collections Collections Collections Collections Collections Collections Collections Collections Collections

Process Analysis Questions

Do terms and conditions of customer agreements and/or payment terms change based upon the status of their accounts? Do you monitor your collectors performance?


Project Billing Project Costing

1494 1495 1496 1497 1498 1499 1500 1501 1502 1503 1504 1505 1506 1507 1508 1509 1510 1511 1512 1513 1514 1515 1516 1517 1518

(FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management

General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting

Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified

Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified

Project Costing Please diagram how vendor invoices and revenue are accounted? 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 Project Billing Please provide a sample of a coded vendor invoice. Project Billing How are vendor invoice adjustments and corrections made? Project Billing At what level of the organization structure is revenue recognized? Project Billing How do you account for borrowed/lent resources for revenue purposes? Project Billing Are limits on revenue enforced? Project Billing Please provide samples of revenue credit reports. Project Billing Do you use write-ons and write-offs for revenue? Project Billing How are write-ons and write-offs recorded? Project Billing How are write-ons and write-offs accounted? Project Billing How often are projects invoiced? Project Billing How are invoices formatted? Project Billing Please provide a sample of each format used. Project Billing Are invoices printed from the system or manually typed? Project Billing Is retention applied? Project Billing How are invoices numbered? Project Billing Are all invoices generated at the same time or spread over the month? Project Billing Are invoices subtotaled? Project Billing Are directs costs separate from burdens? Project Billing Is invoice printing centralized or decentralized? Project Billing Who generates and approves invoices? Project Billing Are invoicing limits enforced? Project Billing How are rates determined? Project Billing How are costs marked up? Project Billing

Setup, Process Process Setup Process Setup Process Metric Setup Setup Process Process Metric Setup Setup Setup Setup Process Setup Setup Setup Setup Process Setup Process Process

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RD.020 Business Process Questionnaire OBM Level I Type = Setup Metric Process Performance
Setup Are rates scheduled by job title or employee? Metric How often do rate schedules change? Metric How often and for what reasons are rates overridden? Metric What invoice adjustments/corrections are made? Process Who collects on invoices? Process Do you have milestone invoices, scheduled payments, pre-bills, etc.? Setup What methods of revenue recognition are used? (time and material, percent complete, etc.) Do you have a standard format for invoices? Does this format include any special printing considerations (logo, line format)? When is the beginning of your year? What is the period type? How many periods in your year? Process Setup, Process Setup Setup Do all the companies have the same calendar? Explain Setup Do you have a naming convention for the periods? Setup What accounting periods are in your quarters? Setup Does your system allow for automatic payment to your T&E charge card issuer? What are your current cycle times associated with expense report processing? Is there a push by management to reduce cycle times associated with expense processing? Can you submit expense reports and review the approval and payment status via the web? Can employees track refunds on the system and apply them to unpaid expense reports, if needed? Does your system automatically calculate tax amounts and capture valueadded tax (VAT) information for receipts? Does your system support multi-currency? Can employees enter receipts denominated in any currency and have the receipt amount automatically converted into an amount in the reimbursement currency? Can an employee enter expense reports on behalf of another employee (authorized delegate)? Is it difficult to track credit card transactions in dispute? Does your system support the euro currency? Process Process Process Process Process Process

OBM Level II 1519 1520 1521 1522 1523 1524 1525 1526 1527 1528 1529 1530 1531 1532 1533 1534 1535 1536 1537 1538
(FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting


Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Process General Ledger Process General Ledger Process General Ledger Process General Ledger Process General Ledger Project Accounting Project Accounting Project Accounting Project Accounting Project Accounting Project Accounting

OBM Level IV
Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified


OBM Row No.

29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29

Project Billing Project Billing Project Billing Project Billing Project Billing Project Billing Project Billing Project Billing Project Billing

Process Analysis Questions

Please provide a sample rate schedule.

1 1 1 1 1

Periods Periods Periods Periods Periods Operations Operations Operations Operations Operations Operations

1539 1540 1541 1542 1543 1544 1545 1546 1547 1548 1549 1550 1551 1552 1553 1554 1555

(FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management

General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting

Project Accounting Project Accounting Project Accounting Project Accounting Project Accounting Project Accounting Project Accounting Project Accounting Project Accounting Project Accounting Project Accounting Project Accounting Project Accounting Project Accounting Project Accounting Project Accounting Project Accounting

Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified

SS Exp SS Exp SS Exp SS Exp SS Exp SS Exp SS Exp SS Exp SS Exp SS Exp SS Exp SS Exp SS Exp SS Exp SS Exp SS Exp SS Exp

Operations Operations Operations Operations Can an employee easily review his credit card transactions for the month? Operations How does the system deal with projects-related expense reports? Operations Operations Operations Operations Operations Operations Can you modify previously entered expense reports? Operations Operations Operations Can you review the expense report history for another employee? Operations What are your reporting requirements? Reporting Reporting What reports do you currently generate to meet your expense reporting requirements? Can you set up expense report templates to cut down on total preparation time by employees? Do you have the functionality to review your expense report history? What is your current reimbursement cycle time? Do you have a plan to reduce cycle time? Are procurement cards being considered for use down the road as an integrated component in the procure-to-pay process? How much time is spent on maintaining your system by your MIS staff? What is your process for approving expense reports? Is this process documented? Is there a push by management to reduce travel and entertainment costs?

Process Process Process Process, Setup Process Process Process Process Process Process Process Process Process Process Process Process Process

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RD.020 Business Process Questionnaire OBM Level I Type = Setup Metric Process Performance
Process Process Will adding custom requirements require a lot of programming? Process Do you use performance indicators to monitor administrative costs? What is your administrative costs per expense report? Is there a plan to increase performance? What is your timecard process? Is this process documented and available?

OBM Level II 1556 1557 1558 1559 1560 1561 1562 1563 1564 1565 1566 1567 1568 1569 1570 1571 1572 1573 1574 1575 1576 1577 1578 1579 1580 1581 1582 1583 1584 1585 1586 1587 1588 1589 1590 1591
(FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting


Project Accounting Project Accounting Project Accounting

OBM Level IV
Not identified Not identified Not identified

SS Exp SS Exp SS Exp

OBM Row No.


Reporting Other Other

Process Analysis Questions

What are your expense reporting requirements with respect to summary or detail formats? What are your security capabilities?

(FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management

General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting

Project Accounting Project Accounting Project Accounting Project Accounting Project Accounting Project Accounting Project Accounting Project Accounting Project Accounting Project Accounting Project Accounting

Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified

SS Exp SS Time SS Time SS Time SS Time SS Time SS Time SS Time SS Time SS Time SS Time

Other Operations

Process Process

How easy is it for employees to track the approval status of their timecards? Operations What is your timecard approval process? Operations How does your system deal with project-related employee time? Operations Does your system support multiple organizations? Operations Does your current system allow for data collection over the web? Operations Does the system integrate with a Project Management application? Operations Can an employee view timecard history? Operations Operations Operations Do you think a timecard system accessible through the web would be beneficial to your company? Do you anticipate any kind of time savings as a result of using this system? Other benefits? Can authorized employees enter timecards on behalf of someone else? (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting Project Accounting Project Accounting Project Accounting Project Accounting Project Accounting Project Accounting Project Accounting Project Accounting Project Accounting Project Accounting Project Accounting Project Accounting Project Accounting Project Accounting Project Accounting Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified SS Time SS Time SS Time SS Time SS Time SS Time SS Time E Travel E Travel E Travel E Travel E Travel E Travel E Travel E Travel Operations Operations Transactions Transactions What are your reporting requirements? Reporting What reports do you currently generate to meet your reporting requirements? Reporting Reporting Operations Operations Operations Operations Operations Operations Operations Operations Process What are your reporting requirements with respect to summary or detail formats? Process Do you have a process focusing on how employees plan and book corporate travel? Is the process documented and available? Process Is your travel management solution web-based? What are its main features? Process Does your travel management system encompass travel planning, travel reimbursement, and travel intelligence? Process As far as rules management, does your system adequately conform to corporate policy? Process How does your travel management system deal with contract management? Process Does your system have the capability to import reservations made over the phone into your database? Process What process do you have in place for effectively managing vendor relationships? Process Does your system effectively direct travelers to company-suggested itineraries with the best negotiated rates? Process Is travel intelligence (ability to analyze supplier performance and policy compliance, and perform travel activity summary) an important travel management initiative for your company? Process How is your travel policy communicated to your employees? Process Does your system effectively enforce travel policy Process What controls are in place to reduce travel costs? Process Is there a process in place for detecting and correcting errors? Process How easy is it for a traveler to find where his expense report is in the process? Process Process What are your system's audit capabilities? Are there any concerns with your system's audit capabilities? How are reversals (entering negative hours against approved timecard) dealt with? How are rejected unmatched transactions treated with your current system? Process Process Process Process With the current system's capabilities, are managers easily able to evaluate employee utilization and productivity? Do you feel your system adequately enforces timecard policies? Process Process Process Process Process Process Process Process Process

(FM) Financial Management

General Financial Accounting

Project Accounting

Not identified

SS Time



(FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management

General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting

Project Accounting Project Accounting Project Accounting Project Accounting Project Accounting Project Accounting

Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified

E Travel E Travel E Travel E Travel E Travel E Travel

Operations Operations Operations Operations Operations Operations

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RD.020 Business Process Questionnaire OBM Level I Type = Setup Metric Process Performance

OBM Level II 1592 1593 1594 1595 1596 1597 1598 1599 1600 1601 1602 1603 1604 1605 1606 1607 1608 1609 1610 1611 1612 1613 1614 1615 1616 1617 1618 1619 1620 1621 1622 1623 1624 1625 1626 1627 1628 1629
(FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting not identified not identified not identified not identified not identified not identified not identified not identified not identified not identified not identified not identified not identified not identified not identified not identified not identified not identified not identified not identified not identified not identified Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting


Project Accounting Project Accounting Project Accounting Project Accounting Project Accounting Project Accounting Project Accounting Project Accounting Project Accounting Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Manage Product Costing Manage Product Costing Manage Product Costing Manage Product Costing Manage Product Costing Manage Product Costing Manage Product Costing

OBM Level IV
Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified

E Travel E Travel E Travel E Travel E Travel E Travel E Travel E Travel E Travel PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA, AR, GL, PA PA PA PA ALL ALL ALL ALL ALL ALL ALL

OBM Row No.


Operations Operations Operations Operations Operations Operations Reporting Reporting Reporting

Process Analysis Questions


28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 17 17 17 17 17 17 17

Maintenance Maintenance Other Other Other Security Security Security Security Security Security Validation General General General General General Other Other Security Security Security Maintenance Maintenance Other Other Other Security Security

Does your system provide detailed, real time analysis for corporate travel planners? Process Are corporate travel policies automatically enforced for all classes of travelers in your current system? Process Can you easily access company policy documents through the system? Process Does your system provide for a direct link to suppliers? Process Do you have a process in place for reviewing and enhancing the value of supplier agreements? Process Is there a push to automate your enterprise-wide travel expense process? Process What are your reporting requirements? Process What reports do you currently generate to meet your travel management reporting requirements? Process What are your travel management reporting requirements with respect to summary or detail formats? Process How do you maintain your Projects data? Process How do you audit your Projects data? Process Which operations/processes do you want to streamline for Project Set Up ? Process Which operations/processes do you want to eliminate for Project Set Up ? Process Are there any time-intensive Project Set Up operations/processes that need to be addressed? Process Do you have security requirements on who can enter data for Project Set Up ? (e.g. by company? by cost center?) Process Do you have security reports on who can run Project Set Up reports? (by company, by cost center etc.) Set UP, Process Will there need to be terminal security for Project Set Up ? Set Up Do you run security reports on a regular basis for Project Set Up ? Process Do you have documentation on your current system security requirements for Project Set Up ? Process Map each GL user to a menu structure. Will any new ones need to be created for Project Set Up ? Set UP, Process Do you review requirements for validation rules, allowing certain Project Set Up accounts to be valid with only certain other values. Set Up Which organizations are assigned projects/tasks/employees? Set Up Please provide a list of job titles. Set Up Please provide overall system flow diagram. Set Up Please provide any other documentation on the existing system. Set Up Do you perform project costing, project billing or both? Set Up How do you maintain/audit your project data? Process Do you have a prospect system separate from the customer information? Process What is your present security scheme for project accounting? Set Up If you use roles, how many different roles have been identified? Metric How is access to labor cost/rates controlled? Process How do you maintain your Costing data? Process How do you audit your Costing data? Process Which operations/processes do you want to streamline for Costing? Process Which operations/processes do you want to eliminate for Costing? Process Are there time-intensive Costing operations/processes that need to be addressed? Process Do you have security requirements on who can enter data for Costing? (e.g. by company? by cost center?) Process Do you have security reports on who can run Costing reports? (by company, by cost center etc.) Setup, Process

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RD.020 Business Process Questionnaire OBM Level I Type = Setup Metric Process Performance
Setup Do you run security reports on a regular basis for Costing? Manage Product Costing Manage Product Costing Manage Product Costing Manage Product Costing Manage Product Costing Manage Product Costing Manage Product Costing Manage Product Costing Manage Product Costing Manage Product Costing Manage Product Costing Manage Product Costing Manage Product Costing Manage Product Costing Manage Product Costing Manage Product Costing Manage Product Costing Manage Product Costing Manage Product Costing Manage Product Costing Manage Product Costing Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified ALL ALL ALL ALL COST WIP WIP INV, WIP WIP COST WIP INV, WIP BOM, INV BOM, INV COST BOM, INV AP, PA AP, PA AP, PA AP, PA AP, HR, PA FMPRODCOS T FMPRODCOS T FMPRODCOS T FMPRODCOS T FMPRODCOS T FMPRODCOS T FMPRODCOS T FMPRODCOS T FMPRODCOS T FMPRODCOS T FMPRODCOS T FMPRODCOS T FMPRODCOS T FMPRODCOS T FMPRODCOS T FMPRODCOS T FMPRODCOS T FMPRODCOS T FMPRODCOS T FMPRODCOS T 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 28 28 28 28 28 Security Security Security Validation Cost Analysis Cost Analysis Cost Analysis Cost Analysis Cost Analysis Cost Analysis Cost Analysis Cost Analysis Cost Method Cost Method Cost Method Cost Method Time & Expense Entry Time & Expense Entry Time & Expense Entry Time & Expense Entry Time & Expense Entry Time & Expense Entry Time & Expense Entry Time & Expense Entry Time & Expense Entry Time & Expense Entry Time & Expense Entry Time & Expense Entry Time & Expense Entry Time & Expense Entry Time & Expense Entry Time & Expense Entry Time & Expense Entry Time & Expense Entry Time & Expense Entry Time & Expense Entry Process Do you have documentation on your current system security requirements for Costing? Process Map each GL user to a menu structure. Will any new ones need to be created for Costing? Setup, Process Do you review requirements for validation rules, allowing certain Costing accounts to be valid with only certain other values. Setup Do you collect labor and material costs? Metric How do you collect labor? Process How do collect material variances? Process Do you do any actual costing? Process Is set-up a separate operation? Setup Do you post WIP variances? Process What is the average WIP dollar value over a given period? Metric What analysis is done on variances at period close? Process Do you use standard cost rollups? Process Do you simulate costs? Process Do you use activity based costs? Setup How often do you update product costs? Process How are sub-contracted costs included in the cost of a project? Process How many Time Reports are submitted? Metric How many Expense Reports are submitted? Metric If employees submit Time Reports and Expense Reports on-line, what software and hardware are used? Process Do employees submit Time Reports and Expense Reports on paper Process Are costs that are associated with "borrowed" employees, (i. e., employee from Group A works on a project managed by Group B) attributed to lending or project organization? Process Do you maintain a log used to attribute the use of equipment to specific projects? Set UP, Process Are purchases recorded against projects/tasks? Set Up What are your category of expenditures? Set Up What type of expenditures are burdened? Set Up What types of adjustments/corrections are made to expenditures? Process What category and type of expenditures do you charge to projects? Set Up Please provide an accounting diagram of the transactions for each type of expenditure. Include natural account, clearing account, organization, debit and credit. Set Up How are intercompany or intracompany charges handled? Process Who approves timecards? Process Are timecards entered on-line by individuals, in pre-approved batches, or imported from another system? Process Is time entered daily, or summarized for a period? Process Do you enter overtime? Set Up How is overtime charged? Process Do you bill overtime? Set Up

OBM Level II 1630 1631 1632 1633 1634 1635 1636 1637 1638 1639 1640 1641 1642 1643 1644 1645 1646 1647 1648 1649 1650 1651 1652 1653 1654 1655 1656 1657 1658 1659 1660 1661 1662 1663 1664 1665 1666
(FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting


Manage Product Costing

OBM Level IV
Not identified


OBM Row No.



Process Analysis Questions

Is terminal security required for Costing?

(FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management

Manage Product Costing Manage Product Costing Manage Product Costing Manage Product Costing Manage Product Costing Manage Product Costing Manage Product Costing

Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified


28 28 28 28 28 28 28

(FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management

Manage Product Costing Manage Product Costing Manage Product Costing Manage Product Costing Manage Product Costing Manage Product Costing Manage Product Costing Manage Product Costing

Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified

PA PA PA PA, Payroll PA, Payroll PA, Payroll PA, Payroll PA

28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28

131320756.xls.ms_office Page 49

RD.020 Business Process Questionnaire OBM Level I Type = Setup Metric Process Performance
Set Up What rules are used for system calculated overtime? Set Up Which organizations are charged for labor cost? Set Up How do you account for borrowed/lent labor resources for timecard purposes? Please diagram how labor cost and revenue are accounted? Include cross charges, burdens, direct and indirect charges. Who approves expenses? How are expense report adjustments/corrections handled? Process What cost elements are entered via expense reports? Set Up Are expenses entered in units or dollars? Set Up How are expense report costs accounted? Process What types of expenditures are entered as usages? Set Up How are usages recorded and entered? Process How is usage cost calculated and accounted? Process How are usage adjustments/corrections made? Process Are usages entered in units or dollars? Set Up How is revenue calculated and accounted? Performance What accounting functions are required for each type of expenditure? Performance At what level of detail are they recorded? (individual assets or pools) Performance What business performance statistics do you monitor for Procurement? Manage Reporting Manage Reporting Manage Reporting Not identified Not identified Not identified Not module specific FMMGTRERPT 2 Not module specific FMMGTRERPT 2 Not module specific FMMGTRERPT 2 Reporting Reporting Reporting Process What are your Procurement reporting requirements with respect to functional vs. foreign currencies? Setup, Process What are your Procurement reporting requirements with respect to summary or detail formats? Obtain report listing. Setup, Process What reports do you currently generate to meet your Procurement reporting requirements? Provide examples of each. Include source (could be manual), user, frequency, number of copies. Setup, Process Is there any Procurement reporting requirement that your current set of reports does not meet? Setup Are Procurement reports standard across multiple Sets of Books, for example, subsidiaries? Setup Are Procurement reports standard across multiple levels within a Set of Books, i e., divisions? Setup What account codes and/or descriptions are required on Procurement reports? Setup Do you provide a "key" of content/information somewhere on the Procurement report? Setup What Procurement reports are grouped together on a regular basis and printed in one print run? Setup, Process Who receives a copy of the Procurement reports? Process What is the criteria for determining who should receive a copy of any Procurement report? Process How do you update a Procurement reports distribution list? Process Is the process to update a Procurement reports distribution list documented? Process How long does it take to update a Procurement reports distribution list? Process How long should it take to update a Procurement reports distribution list? Process Who performs the tasks associated with updating a Procurement reports distribution list? Process Is there any requirement for on-line (softcopy) distribution and/or remote location printing for Procurement reports? Setup, Process Do some of these Procurement reports belong in report sets? Always being run together? Setup Process Set Up Set Up

OBM Level II 1667 1668 1669 1670 1671 1672 1673 1674 1675 1676 1677 1678 1679 1680 1681 1682 1683 1684 1685 1686 1687 1688 1689 1690 1691 1692 1693 1694 1695 1696 1697 1698 1699 1700 1701 1702 1703
(FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting


Manage Product Costing Manage Product Costing Manage Product Costing Manage Product Costing Manage Product Costing Manage Product Costing Manage Product Costing Manage Product Costing Manage Product Costing Manage Product Costing Manage Product Costing Manage Product Costing Manage Product Costing Manage Product Costing Manage Product Costing Manage Product Costing Manage Product Costing Manage Product Costing

OBM Level IV
Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified

PA, Payroll PA, Payroll PA PA, Payroll PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA PA

OBM Row No.


28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28

Time & Expense Entry Time & Expense Entry Time & Expense Entry Time & Expense Entry Time & Expense Entry Time & Expense Entry Time & Expense Entry Time & Expense Entry Time & Expense Entry Time & Expense Entry Time & Expense Entry Time & Expense Entry Time & Expense Entry Time & Expense Entry Time & Expense Entry Time & Expense Entry Time & Expense Entry Time & Expense Entry

Process Analysis Questions

Is overtime calculated by the system, or by the user before entry?

(FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management

Manage Reporting Manage Reporting Manage Reporting Manage Reporting Manage Reporting Manage Reporting Manage Reporting Manage Reporting Manage Reporting Manage Reporting Manage Reporting Manage Reporting Manage Reporting Manage Reporting Manage Reporting Manage Reporting

Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified

Not module specific FMMGTRERPT 2 Not module specific FMMGTRERPT 2 Not module specific FMMGTRERPT 2 Not module specific FMMGTRERPT 2 Not module specific FMMGTRERPT 2 Not module specific FMMGTRERPT 2 Not module specific FMMGTRERPT 2 Not module specific FMMGTRERPT 2 Not module specific FMMGTRERPT 2 Not module specific FMMGTRERPT 2 Not module specific FMMGTRERPT 2 Not module specific FMMGTRERPT 2 Not module specific FMMGTRERPT 2 Not module specific FMMGTRERPT 2 Not module specific FMMGTRERPT 2 Not module specific FMMGTRERPT 2

Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting

131320756.xls.ms_office Page 50

RD.020 Business Process Questionnaire OBM Level I Type = Setup Metric Process Performance
Process, Performance Setup, Performance Process Are statistics kept on any purchasing, vendors or receipt information? If yes, price? quality? delivery? what types? What business performance statistics do you monitor for Invoice and Disbursement? What are your Invoice and Disbursement reporting requirements with respect to functional vs. foreign currencies? What are your Invoice and Disbursement reporting requirements with respect to summary or detail formats? Obtain report listing. What reports do you currently generate to meet your Invoice and Disbursement reporting requirements? Provide examples of each. Include source (could be manual), user, frequency, number of copies. Is there any Invoice and Disbursement reporting requirement that your current set of reports does not meet? Are Invoice and Disbursement reports standard across multiple Sets of Books, for example, subsidiaries? Are Invoice and Disbursement reports standard across multiple levels within a Set of Books, i e., divisions? What account codes and/or descriptions are required on Invoice and Disbursement reports? Do you provide a "key" of content/information somewhere on the Invoice and Disbursement report? What Invoice and Disbursement reports are grouped together on a regular basis and printed in one print run? Who receives a copy of the Invoice and Disbursement reports? What is the criteria for determining who should receive a copy of any Invoice and Disbursement report? How do you update a Invoice and Disbursement reports distribution list? Is the process to update a Invoice and Disbursement reports distribution list documented? How long does it take to update a Invoice and Disbursement reports distribution list? How long should it take to update a Invoice and Disbursement reports distribution list? Who performs the tasks associated with updating a Invoice and Disbursement reports distribution list? Is there any requirement for on-line (softcopy) distribution and/or remote location printing for Invoice and Disbursement reports? Do some of these Invoice and Disbursement reports belong in report sets? Always being run together? Do the separate business units run their own Invoice and Disbursement reports? What type of printers do you run Invoice and Disbursement reports (including checks, purchase orders etc.) on? Where are they located? Do you run Invoice and Disbursement reports for different companies or cost centers? For the purpose of Invoice Aging Reports, what aging periods are currently in use? Is there a requirement to produce Key Indicators Reports to review productivity and pinpoint problem areas? Is there a need to define any additional aging periods? What business performance statistics do you monitor for Employee Expense? Manage Reporting Manage Reporting Manage Reporting Not identified Not identified Not identified Not module specific Not module specific Not module specific 5 5 5 Reporting Reporting Reporting What are your Employee Expense reporting requirements with respect to functional vs. foreign currencies? What are your Employee Expense reporting requirements with respect to summary or detail formats? Obtain report listing. What reports do you currently generate to meet your Employee Expense reporting requirements? Provide examples of each. Include source (could be manual), user, frequency, number of copies. Process Setup, Process Setup, Process Metric Process Setup, Process Setup, Process

OBM Level II 1704 1705 1706 1707 1708 1709 1710

(FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting


Manage Reporting Manage Reporting Manage Reporting Manage Reporting Manage Reporting Manage Reporting Manage Reporting

OBM Level IV
Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified


OBM Row No.


Reporting Reporting Reporting Analysis Reporting Reporting Reporting

Process Analysis Questions

Do the separate business units run their own Procurement reports? What type of printers do you run Procurement reports (including checks, purchase orders etc.) on? Where are they located? Do you run Procurement reports for different companies or cost centers?

Not module specific FMMGTRERPT 2 Not module specific FMMGTRERPT 2 Not module specific FMMGTRERPT 2 PO FMMGTRERPT 2

Not module specific FMMGTRERPT 3 Not module specific FMMGTRERPT 3 Not module specific FMMGTRERPT 3

1711 1712 1713 1714 1715 1716 1717 1718 1719 1720 1721 1722 1723 1724 1725 1726 1727 1728 1729 1730 1731 1732 1733 1734 1735 1736 1737 1738 1739

(FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management

Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting

Manage Reporting Manage Reporting Manage Reporting Manage Reporting Manage Reporting Manage Reporting Manage Reporting Manage Reporting Manage Reporting Manage Reporting Manage Reporting Manage Reporting Manage Reporting Manage Reporting Manage Reporting Manage Reporting Manage Reporting

Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified

Not module specific FMMGTRERPT 3 Not module specific FMMGTRERPT 3 Not module specific FMMGTRERPT 3 Not module specific FMMGTRERPT 3 Not module specific FMMGTRERPT 3 Not module specific FMMGTRERPT 3 Not module specific FMMGTRERPT 3 Not module specific FMMGTRERPT 3 Not module specific FMMGTRERPT 3 Not module specific FMMGTRERPT 3 Not module specific FMMGTRERPT 3 Not module specific FMMGTRERPT 3 Not module specific FMMGTRERPT 3 Not module specific FMMGTRERPT 3 Not module specific FMMGTRERPT 3 Not module specific FMMGTRERPT 3 Not module specific FMMGTRERPT 3

Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting

Setup, Process Setup Setup Setup Setup Setup Setup, Process Process Process Process Process Process Process Process Setup, Process Setup Process, Performance

(FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management

Manage Reporting Manage Reporting Manage Reporting Manage Reporting Manage Reporting

Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified


Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting

Setup, Performance Process Process, Performance Performance Process, Performance

(FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management

Manage Reporting Manage Reporting Manage Reporting Manage Reporting

Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified

Not module specific Not module specific Not module specific Not module specific

5 5 5 5

Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting

Setup, Process Is there any Employee Expense reporting requirement that your current set of reports does not meet? Setup Are Employee Expense reports standard across multiple Sets of Books, for example, subsidiaries? Setup Are Employee Expense reports standard across multiple levels within a Set of Books, i e., divisions? Setup

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RD.020 Business Process Questionnaire OBM Level I Type = Setup Metric Process Performance

OBM Level II 1740 1741 1742 1743 1744 1745 1746 1747 1748 1749 1750 1751 1752 1753 1754 1755 1756 1757
(FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting


Manage Reporting Manage Reporting Manage Reporting Manage Reporting Manage Reporting Manage Reporting Manage Reporting Manage Reporting Manage Reporting Manage Reporting Manage Reporting Manage Reporting Manage Reporting

OBM Level IV
Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified

Not module specific Not module specific Not module specific Not module specific Not module specific Not module specific Not module specific Not module specific Not module specific Not module specific Not module specific Not module specific Not module specific

OBM Row No.

5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5

Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting

Process Analysis Questions

(FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management

Manage Reporting Manage Reporting Manage Reporting Manage Reporting Manage Reporting

Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified

Not module specific Not module specific Not module specific Not module specific Not module specific

5 5 6 6 6

Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting

1758 1759 1760 1761 1762 1763 1764 1765 1766 1767 1768 1769 1770 1771 1772 1773 1774 1775

(FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management

Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting

Manage Reporting Manage Reporting Manage Reporting Manage Reporting Manage Reporting Manage Reporting Manage Reporting Manage Reporting Manage Reporting Manage Reporting Manage Reporting Manage Reporting Manage Reporting Manage Reporting Manage Reporting Manage Reporting Manage Reporting

Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified

Not module specific Not module specific Not module specific Not module specific Not module specific Not module specific Not module specific Not module specific Not module specific Not module specific Not module specific Not module specific Not module specific Not module specific Not module specific Not module specific Not module specific

6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6

Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting

(FM) Financial Management

Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Manage Reporting

Not identified

Not module specific


What account codes and/or descriptions are required on Employee Expense reports? Setup Do you provide a "key" of content/information somewhere on the Employee Expense report? Setup What Employee Expense reports are grouped together on a regular basis and printed in one print run? Setup, Process Who receives a copy of the Employee Expense reports? Process What is the criteria for determining who should receive a copy of any Employee Expense report? Process How do you update a Employee Expense reports distribution list? Process Is the process to update a Employee Expense reports distribution list documented? Process How long does it take to update a Employee Expense reports distribution list? Process How long should it take to update a Employee Expense reports distribution list? Process Who performs the tasks associated with updating a Employee Expense reports distribution list? Process Is there any requirement for on-line (softcopy) distribution and/or remote location printing for Employee Expense reports? Setup, Process Do some of these Employee Expense reports belong in report sets? Always being run together? Setup Do the separate business units run their own Employee Expense reports? Process, Performance What type of printers do you run Employee Expense reports (including checks, purchase orders etc.) on? Where are they located? Setup, Performance Do you run Employee Expense reports for different companies or cost centers? Process What business performance statistics do you monitor for Invoice Generation? Process What are your Invoice Generation reporting requirements with respect to functional vs. foreign currencies? Setup, Process What are your Invoice Generation reporting requirements with respect to summary or detail formats? Obtain report listing. Setup, Process What reports do you currently generate to meet your Invoice Generation reporting requirements? Provide examples of each. Include source (could be manual), user, frequency, number of copies. Setup, Process Is there any Invoice Generation reporting requirement that your current set of reports does not meet? Setup Are Invoice Generation reports standard across multiple Sets of Books, for example, subsidiaries? Setup Are Invoice Generation reports standard across multiple levels within a Set of Books, i e., divisions? Setup What account codes and/or descriptions are required on Invoice Generation reports? Setup Do you provide a "key" of content/information somewhere on the Invoice Generation report? Setup What Invoice Generation reports are grouped together on a regular basis and printed in one print run? Setup, Process Who receives a copy of the Invoice Generation reports? Process What is the criteria for determining who should receive a copy of any Invoice Generation report? Process How do you update a Invoice Generation reports distribution list? Process Is the process to update a Invoice Generation reports distribution list documented? Process How long does it take to update a Invoice Generation reports distribution list? Process How long should it take to update a Invoice Generation reports distribution list? Process Who performs the tasks associated with updating a Invoice Generation reports distribution list? Process Is there any requirement for on-line (softcopy) distribution and/or remote location printing for Invoice Generation reports? Setup, Process Do some of these Invoice Generation reports belong in report sets? Always being run together? Setup Do the separate business units run their own Invoice Generation reports? Process, Performance What type of printers do you run Invoice Generation reports (including checks, purchase orders etc.) on? Where are they located? Setup, Performance

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RD.020 Business Process Questionnaire OBM Level I Type = Setup Metric Process Performance
Process Process Setup, Process Setup, Process

OBM Level II 1776 1777 1778 1779 1780 1781 1782 1783 1784 1785 1786 1787 1788 1789 1790 1791 1792 1793 1794 1795 1796 1797 1798 1799 1800 1801 1802 1803 1804 1805 1806 1807 1808 1809 1810 1811
(FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting


Manage Reporting Manage Reporting Manage Reporting Manage Reporting

OBM Level IV
Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified

Not module specific Not module specific Not module specific Not module specific

OBM Row No.

6 7 7 7

Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting

Process Analysis Questions

Do you run Invoice Generation reports for different companies or cost centers? What business performance statistics do you monitor for Customer Payment ? What are your Customer Payment reporting requirements with respect to functional vs. foreign currencies? What are your Customer Payment reporting requirements with respect to summary or detail formats? Obtain report listing. What reports do you currently generate to meet your Customer Payment reporting requirements? Provide examples of each. Include source (could be manual), user, frequency, number of copies. Is there any Customer Payment reporting requirement that your current set of reports does not meet? Are Customer Payment reports standard across multiple Sets of Books, for example, subsidiaries? Are Customer Payment reports standard across multiple levels within a Set of Books, i e., divisions? What account codes and/or descriptions are required on Customer Payment reports? Do you provide a "key" of content/information somewhere on the Customer Payment report? What Customer Payment reports are grouped together on a regular basis and printed in one print run? Who receives a copy of the Customer Payment reports? What is the criteria for determining who should receive a copy of any Customer Payment report? How do you update a Customer Payment reports distribution list? Is the process to update a Customer Payment reports distribution list documented? How long does it take to update a Customer Payment reports distribution list? How long should it take to update a Customer Payment reports distribution list? Who performs the tasks associated with updating a Customer Payment reports distribution list? Is there any requirement for on-line (softcopy) distribution and/or remote location printing for Customer Payment reports? Do some of these Customer Payment reports belong in report sets? Always being run together? Do the separate business units run their own Customer Payment reports? What type of printers do you run Customer Payment reports (including checks, purchase orders etc.) on? Where are they located?

(FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management

Manage Reporting Manage Reporting Manage Reporting Manage Reporting Manage Reporting Manage Reporting Manage Reporting Manage Reporting Manage Reporting Manage Reporting Manage Reporting Manage Reporting Manage Reporting Manage Reporting Manage Reporting Manage Reporting Manage Reporting

Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified

Not module specific Not module specific Not module specific Not module specific Not module specific Not module specific Not module specific Not module specific Not module specific Not module specific Not module specific Not module specific Not module specific Not module specific Not module specific Not module specific Not module specific

7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7

Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting

Setup, Process Setup Setup Setup Setup Setup Setup, Process Process Process Process Process Process Process Process Setup, Process Setup Process, Performance

(FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management

Manage Reporting Manage Reporting Manage Reporting Manage Reporting Manage Reporting Manage Reporting Manage Reporting Manage Reporting Manage Reporting

Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified

Not module specific Not module specific GL GL GL GL GL GL GL

7 7 8 8 8 8 9 9 9

Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Do you run Customer Payment reports for different companies or cost centers? Are all budgets reported from the GL in the same currency?

Setup, Performance Process

(FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management

Manage Reporting Manage Reporting Manage Reporting Manage Reporting Manage Reporting Manage Reporting

Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified


9 9 9 9 9 9

Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting

Setup What time periods of budget reporting do you require (current YTD, PTD, PJTD Prior YTD, PTD, PJTD)? Setup What are your budget reporting requirements during preparation and after budget is approved and in use? Process Is the level of detail the budget is prepared in the same as the level budgets are reported against actuals? Performance What business performance statistics do you monitor for Financial Reporting? Process What are your Financial Reporting requirements with respect to functional vs. foreign currencies? Setup, Process What are your Financial Reporting requirements with respect to summary or detail formats? Obtain report listing. Setup, Process What reports do you currently generate to meet your Financial Reporting requirements? Provide examples of each. Include source (could be manual), user, frequency, number of copies. Setup, Process Is there any Financial Reporting requirement that your current set of reports does not meet? Setup Are Financial Reporting reports standard across multiple Sets of Books, for example, subsidiaries? Setup Are Financial Reporting reports standard across multiple levels within a Set of Books, i e., divisions? Setup What account codes and/or descriptions are required on Financial Reporting reports? Setup Do you provide a "key" of content/information somewhere on the Financial Reporting report? Setup

131320756.xls.ms_office Page 53

RD.020 Business Process Questionnaire OBM Level I Type = Setup Metric Process Performance

OBM Level II 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 1821 1822 1823 1824 1825 1826 1827 1828 1829 1830 1831 1832 1833 1834 1835 1836 1837 1838 1839 1840 1841 1842 1843 1844 1845 1846 1847
(FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting


Manage Reporting Manage Reporting Manage Reporting Manage Reporting Manage Reporting Manage Reporting Manage Reporting Manage Reporting Manage Reporting Manage Reporting Manage Reporting

OBM Level IV
Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified


OBM Row No.

9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9

Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting

Process Analysis Questions

(FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management

Manage Reporting Manage Reporting Manage Reporting Manage Reporting Manage Reporting Manage Reporting Manage Reporting Manage Reporting

Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified


9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9

Reporting Reporting Security Security Security Security Security Security

(FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management

Manage Reporting Manage Reporting Manage Reporting Manage Reporting

Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified


Validation Reporting Reporting Reporting

Not module specific FMMGTRERPT 13 Not module specific FMMGTRERPT 13 Not module specific FMMGTRERPT 13

(FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management

Manage Reporting Manage Reporting Manage Reporting Manage Reporting Manage Reporting Manage Reporting Manage Reporting Manage Reporting Manage Reporting Manage Reporting Manage Reporting Manage Reporting Manage Reporting

Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified

Not module specific FMMGTRERPT 13 Not module specific FMMGTRERPT 13 Not module specific FMMGTRERPT 13 Not module specific FMMGTRERPT 13 Not module specific FMMGTRERPT 13 Not module specific FMMGTRERPT 13 Not module specific FMMGTRERPT 13 Not module specific FMMGTRERPT 13 Not module specific FMMGTRERPT 13 Not module specific FMMGTRERPT 13 Not module specific FMMGTRERPT 13 Not module specific FMMGTRERPT 13 Not module specific FMMGTRERPT 13

Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting

What Financial Reporting reports are grouped together on a regular basis and printed in one print run? Setup, Process Who receives a copy of the Financial Reporting reports? Process What is the criteria for determining who should receive a copy of any Financial Reporting report? Process How do you update a Financial Reporting reports distribution list? Process Is the process to update a Financial Reporting reports distribution list documented? Process How long does it take to update a Financial Reporting reports distribution list? Process How long should it take to update a Financial Reporting reports distribution list? Process Who performs the tasks associated with updating a Financial Reporting reports distribution list? Process Is there any requirement for on-line (softcopy) distribution and/or remote location printing for Financial Reporting reports? Setup, Process Do some of these Financial Reporting reports belong in report sets? Always being run together? Setup Do the separate business units run their own Financial Reporting reports? Process, Performance What type of printers do you run Financial Reporting reports (including checks, purchase orders etc.) on? Where are they located? Setup, Performance Do you run Financial Reporting reports for different companies or cost centers? Process Do you have security requirements on who can enter data for Financial Reporting? (e.g. by company? by cost center?) Process Do you have security reports on who can run Financial Reporting reports? (by company, by cost center etc.) Setup, Process Will there need to be terminal security for Financial Reporting? Setup Do you run security reports on a regular basis for Financial Reporting? Process Do you have documentation on your current system security requirements for Financial Reporting? Process Map each GL user to a menu structure. Will any new ones need to be created for Financial Reporting? Setup, Process Do you review requirements for validation rules, allowing certain Financial Reporting accounts to be valid with only certain other values. Setup What business performance statistics do you monitor for Material Handling? Process What are your Material Handling reporting requirements with respect to functional vs. foreign currencies? Setup, Process What are your Material Handling reporting requirements with respect to summary or detail formats? Obtain report listing. Setup, Process What reports do you currently generate to meet your Material Handling reporting requirements? Provide examples of each. Include source (could be manual), user, frequency, number of copies. Setup, Process Is there any Material Handling reporting requirement that your current set of reports does not meet? Setup Are Material Handling reports standard across multiple Sets of Books, for example, subsidiaries? Setup Are Material Handling reports standard across multiple levels within a Set of Books, i e., divisions? Setup What account codes and/or descriptions are required on Material Handling reports? Setup Do you provide a "key" of content/information somewhere on the Material Handling report? Setup What Material Handling reports are grouped together on a regular basis and printed in one print run? Setup, Process Who receives a copy of the Material Handling reports? Process What is the criteria for determining who should receive a copy of any Material Handling report? Process How do you update a Material Handling reports distribution list? Process Is the process to update a Material Handling reports distribution list documented? Process How long does it take to update a Material Handling reports distribution list? Process How long should it take to update a Material Handling reports distribution list? Process

131320756.xls.ms_office Page 54

RD.020 Business Process Questionnaire OBM Level I Type = Setup Metric Process Performance
Process Setup, Process Setup Process, Performance

OBM Level II 1848 1849 1850 1851 1852 1853 1854 1855 1856
(FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting


Manage Reporting Manage Reporting Manage Reporting Manage Reporting Manage Reporting Manage Reporting Manage Reporting Manage Reporting Manage Reporting

OBM Level IV
Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified


OBM Row No.


Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting

Process Analysis Questions

Who performs the tasks associated with updating a Material Handling reports distribution list? Is there any requirement for on-line (softcopy) distribution and/or remote location printing for Material Handling reports? Do some of these Material Handling reports belong in report sets? Always being run together? Do the separate business units run their own Material Handling reports?

Not module specific FMMGTRERPT 13 Not module specific FMMGTRERPT 13 Not module specific FMMGTRERPT 13 Not module specific FMMGTRERPT 13 Not module specific FMMGTRERPT 13 Not module specific FMMGTRERPT 13 ALL ALL ALL 14 14 14

1857 1858 1859 1860 1861 1862 1863 1864 1865 1866 1867 1868 1869 1870 1871 1872 1873 1874 1875 1876 1877 1878

(FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management

Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting

Manage Reporting Manage Reporting Manage Reporting Manage Reporting Manage Reporting Manage Reporting Manage Reporting Manage Reporting Manage Reporting Manage Reporting Manage Reporting Manage Reporting Manage Reporting Manage Reporting Manage Reporting Manage Reporting Manage Reporting

Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified


14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14

Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting

(FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management

Manage Reporting Manage Reporting Manage Reporting Manage Reporting Manage Reporting

Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified



Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting

1879 1880 1881 1882

(FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management

Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting

Manage Reporting Manage Reporting Manage Reporting Manage Reporting

Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified



Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting

What type of printers do you run Material Handling reports (including checks, purchase orders etc.) on? Where are they located? Setup, Performance Do you run Material Handling reports for different companies or cost centers? Process What business performance statistics do you monitor for Quality Management? Process What are your Quality Management reporting requirements with respect to functional vs. foreign currencies? Setup, Process What are your Quality Management reporting requirements with respect to summary or detail formats? Obtain report listing. Setup, Process What reports do you currently generate to meet your Quality Management reporting requirements? Provide examples of each. Include source (could be manual), user, frequency, number of copies. Setup, Process Is there any Quality Management reporting requirement that your current set of reports does not meet? Setup Are Quality Management reports standard across multiple Sets of Books, for example, subsidiaries? Setup Are Quality Management reports standard across multiple levels within a Set of Books, i e., divisions? Setup What account codes and/or descriptions are required on Quality Management reports? Setup Do you provide a "key" of content/information somewhere on the Quality Management report? Setup What Quality Management reports are grouped together on a regular basis and printed in one print run? Setup, Process Who receives a copy of the Quality Management reports? Process What is the criteria for determining who should receive a copy of any Quality Management report? Process How do you update a Quality Management reports distribution list? Process Is the process to update a Quality Management reports distribution list documented? Process How long does it take to update a Quality Management reports distribution list? Process How long should it take to update a Quality Management reports distribution list? Process Who performs the tasks associated with updating a Quality Management reports distribution list? Process Is there any requirement for on-line (softcopy) distribution and/or remote location printing for Quality Management reports? Setup, Process Do some of these Quality Management reports belong in report sets? Always being run together? Setup Do the separate business units run their own Quality Management reports? Process, Performance What type of printers do you run Quality Management reports (including checks, purchase orders etc.) on? Where are they located? Setup, Performance Do you run Quality Management reports for different companies or cost centers? Process What business performance statistics do you monitor for Inventory Accuracy? Process What are your Inventory Accuracy reporting requirements with respect to functional vs. foreign currencies? Setup, Process What are your Inventory Accuracy reporting requirements with respect to summary or detail formats? Obtain report listing. Setup, Process What reports do you currently generate to meet your Inventory Accuracy reporting requirements? Provide examples of each. Include source (could be manual), user, frequency, number of copies. Setup, Process Is there any Inventory Accuracy reporting requirement that your current set of reports does not meet? Setup Are Inventory Accuracy reports standard across multiple Sets of Books, for example, subsidiaries? Setup Are Inventory Accuracy reports standard across multiple levels within a Set of Books, i e., divisions? Setup

131320756.xls.ms_office Page 55

RD.020 Business Process Questionnaire OBM Level I Type = Setup Metric Process Performance

OBM Level II 1883 1884 1885 1886 1887 1888 1889 1890 1891 1892 1893 1894 1895 1896 1897 1898 1899 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919
(FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting


Manage Reporting Manage Reporting Manage Reporting Manage Reporting Manage Reporting Manage Reporting Manage Reporting Manage Reporting Manage Reporting Manage Reporting Manage Reporting Manage Reporting Manage Reporting

OBM Level IV
Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified


OBM Row No.


Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting

Process Analysis Questions


(FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management

Manage Reporting Manage Reporting Manage Reporting Manage Reporting Manage Reporting

Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified



Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting

(FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management

Manage Reporting Manage Reporting Manage Reporting Manage Reporting Manage Reporting Manage Reporting Manage Reporting Manage Reporting Manage Reporting Manage Reporting Manage Reporting Manage Reporting Manage Reporting Manage Reporting Manage Reporting Manage Reporting Manage Reporting Manage Reporting Manage Reporting

Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified


17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17

Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting

What account codes and/or descriptions are required on Inventory Accuracy reports? Setup Do you provide a "key" of content/information somewhere on the Inventory Accuracy report? Setup What Inventory Accuracy reports are grouped together on a regular basis and printed in one print run? Setup, Process Who receives a copy of the Inventory Accuracy reports? Process What is the criteria for determining who should receive a copy of any Inventory Accuracy report? Process How do you update a Inventory Accuracy reports distribution list? Process Is the process to update a Inventory Accuracy reports distribution list documented? Process How long does it take to update a Inventory Accuracy reports distribution list? Process How long should it take to update a Inventory Accuracy reports distribution list? Process Who performs the tasks associated with updating a Inventory Accuracy reports distribution list? Process Is there any requirement for on-line (softcopy) distribution and/or remote location printing for Inventory Accuracy reports? Setup, Process Do some of these Inventory Accuracy reports belong in report sets? Always being run together? Setup Do the separate business units run their own Inventory Accuracy reports? Process, Performance What type of printers do you run Inventory Accuracy reports (including checks, purchase orders etc.) on? Where are they located? Setup, Performance Do you run Inventory Accuracy reports for different companies or cost centers? Process What business performance statistics do you monitor for Costing? Process What are your Costing reporting requirements with respect to functional vs. foreign currencies? Setup, Process What are your Costing reporting requirements with respect to summary or detail formats? Obtain report listing. Setup, Process What reports do you currently generate to meet your Costing reporting requirements? Provide examples of each. Include source (could be manual), user, frequency, number of copies. Setup, Process Is there any Costing reporting requirement that your current set of reports does not meet? Setup Are Costing reports standard across multiple Sets of Books, for example, subsidiaries? Setup Are Costing reports standard across multiple levels within a Set of Books, i.e., divisions? Setup What account codes and/or descriptions are required on Costing reports? Setup Do you provide a "key" of content/information somewhere on the Costing report? Setup What Costing reports are grouped together on a regular basis and printed in one print run? Setup, Process Who receives a copy of the Costing reports? Process What is the criteria for determining who should receive a copy of any Costing report? Process How do you update a Costing reports distribution list? Process Is the process to update a Costing reports distribution list documented? Process How long does it take to update a Costing reports distribution list? Process How long should it take to update a Costing reports distribution list? Process Who performs the tasks associated with updating a Costing reports distribution list? Process Is there any requirement for on-line (softcopy) distribution and/or remote location printing for Costing reports? Setup, Process Do some of these Costing reports belong in report sets? Always being run together? Setup Do the separate business units run their own Costing reports? Process, Performance What type of printers do you run Costing reports (including checks, purchase orders etc.) on? Where are they located? Setup, Performance Do you run Costing reports for different companies or cost centers? Process

131320756.xls.ms_office Page 56

RD.020 Business Process Questionnaire OBM Level I Type = Setup Metric Process Performance
Process Setup, Process Setup, Process

OBM Level II 1920 1921 1922

(FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management


OBM Level IV
Not identified Not identified Not identified


OBM Row No.

953 953 953

18 18 18

Reporting Reporting Reporting

Process Analysis Questions

What business performance statistics do you monitor for New Product Introduction? What are your New Product Introduction reporting requirements with respect to functional vs. foreign currencies? What are your New Product Introduction reporting requirements with respect to summary or detail formats? Obtain report listing. What reports do you currently generate to meet your New Product Introduction reporting requirements? Provide examples of each. Include source (could be manual), user, frequency, number of copies. Is there any New Product Introduction reporting requirement that your current set of reports does not meet? Are New Product Introduction reports standard across multiple Sets of Books, for example, subsidiaries? Are New Product Introduction reports standard across multiple levels within a Set of Books, I e., divisions? What account codes and/or descriptions are required on New Product Introduction reports? Do you provide a "key" of content/information somewhere on the New Product Introduction report? What New Product Introduction reports are grouped together on a regular basis and printed in one print run? Who receives a copy of the New Product Introduction reports? What is the criteria for determining who should receive a copy of any New Product Introduction report? How do you update a New Product Introduction reports distribution list? Is the process to update a New Product Introduction reports distribution list documented? How long does it take to update a New Product Introduction reports distribution list? How long should it take to update a New Product Introduction reports distribution list? Who performs the tasks associated with updating a New Product Introduction reports distribution list? Is there any requirement for on-line (softcopy) distribution and/or remote location printing for New Product Introduction reports? Do some of these New Product Introduction reports belong in report sets? Always being run together? Do the separate business units run their own New Product Introduction reports? What type of printers do you run New Product Introduction reports (including checks, purchase orders etc.) on? Where are they located? Do you run New Product Introduction reports for different companies or cost centers? What are your Order Placement reporting requirements with respect to functional vs. foreign currencies? What are your Order Placement reporting requirements with respect to summary or detail formats? Obtain report listing. What reports do you currently generate to meet your Order Placement reporting requirements? Provide examples of each. Include source (could be manual), user, frequency, number of copies. Is there any Order Placement reporting requirement that your current set of reports does not meet? Are Order Placement reports standard across multiple Sets of Books, for example, subsidiaries? Are Order Placement reports standard across multiple levels within a Set of Books, i e., divisions? What account codes and/or descriptions are required on Order Placement reports? Do you provide a "key" of content/information somewhere on the Order Placement report? What Order Placement reports are grouped together on a regular basis and printed in one print run? Who receives a copy of the Order Placement reports? What is the criteria for determining who should receive a copy of any Order Placement report? How do you update a Order Placement reports distribution list? Is the process to update a Order Placement reports distribution list documented?

Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Manage Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Manage Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Manage Reporting

1923 1924 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943

(FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management

Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting

Manage Reporting Manage Reporting Manage Reporting Manage Reporting Manage Reporting Manage Reporting Manage Reporting Manage Reporting Manage Reporting Manage Reporting Manage Reporting Manage Reporting Manage Reporting Manage Reporting Manage Reporting Manage Reporting Manage Reporting

Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified


953 953 953 953 953 953 953 953 953 953 953 953 953 953 953 953 953

18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18

Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting

Setup, Process Setup Setup Setup Setup Setup Setup, Process Process Process Process Process Process Process Process Setup, Process Setup Process, Performance

(FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management

Manage Reporting Manage Reporting Manage Reporting Manage Reporting

Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified


953 953

18 18 19 19

Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting

Setup, Performance Process Setup, Process Setup, Process

1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954

(FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management

Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting

Manage Reporting Manage Reporting Manage Reporting Manage Reporting Manage Reporting Manage Reporting Manage Reporting Manage Reporting Manage Reporting Manage Reporting Manage Reporting

Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified


19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19

Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting

Setup, Process Setup Setup Setup Setup Setup Setup, Process Process Process Process Process

131320756.xls.ms_office Page 57

RD.020 Business Process Questionnaire OBM Level I Type = Setup Metric Process Performance
Process How long should it take to update a Order Placement reports distribution list? Manage Reporting Manage Reporting Manage Reporting Manage Reporting Manage Reporting Manage Reporting Manage Reporting Manage Reporting Manage Reporting Manage Reporting Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified ALL ALL ALL ALL ALL ALL ALL ALL ALL ALL 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 20 20 20 Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Who performs the tasks associated with updating a Order Placement reports distribution list? Is there any requirement for on-line (softcopy) distribution and/or remote location printing for Order Placement reports? Do some of these Order Placement reports belong in report sets? Always being run together? Do the separate business units run their own Order Placement reports? Process Process Setup, Process Setup Process, Performance

OBM Level II 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965
(FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting


Manage Reporting

OBM Level IV
Not identified


OBM Row No.



Process Analysis Questions

How long does it take to update a Order Placement reports distribution list?

1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990

(FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management

Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting

Manage Reporting Manage Reporting Manage Reporting Manage Reporting Manage Reporting Manage Reporting Manage Reporting Manage Reporting Manage Reporting Manage Reporting Manage Reporting Manage Reporting Manage Reporting Manage Reporting Manage Reporting Manage Reporting Manage Reporting Manage Reporting Manage Reporting Manage Reporting Manage Reporting Manage Reporting

Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified


20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 21 21 21

Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting

(FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management

Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Manage Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Manage Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Manage Reporting

Not identified Not identified Not identified


21 21 21

Reporting Reporting Reporting

What type of printers do you run Order Placement reports (including checks, purchase orders etc.) on? Where are they located? Setup, Performance Do you run Order Placement reports for different companies or cost centers? Process What business performance statistics do you monitor for Order Fulfillment? Process What are your Order Fulfillment reporting requirements with respect to functional vs. foreign currencies? Setup, Process What are your Order Fulfillment reporting requirements with respect to summary or detail formats? Obtain report listing. Setup, Process What reports do you currently generate to meet your Order Fulfillment reporting requirements? Provide examples of each. Include source (could be manual), user, frequency, number of copies. Setup, Process Is there any Order Fulfillment reporting requirement that your current set of reports does not meet? Setup Are Order Fulfillment reports standard across multiple Sets of Books, for example, subsidiaries? Setup Are Order Fulfillment reports standard across multiple levels within a Set of Books, I e., divisions? Setup What account codes and/or descriptions are required on Order Fulfillment reports? Setup Do you provide a "key" of content/information somewhere on the Order Fulfillment report? Setup What Order Fulfillment reports are grouped together on a regular basis and printed in one print run? Setup, Process Who receives a copy of the Order Fulfillment reports? Process What is the criteria for determining who should receive a copy of any Order Fulfillment report? Process How do you update a Order Fulfillment reports distribution list? Process Is the process to update a Order Fulfillment reports distribution list documented? Process How long does it take to update a Order Fulfillment reports distribution list? Process How long should it take to update a Order Fulfillment reports distribution list? Process Who performs the tasks associated with updating a Order Fulfillment reports distribution list? Process Is there any requirement for on-line (softcopy) distribution and/or remote location printing for Order Fulfillment reports? Setup, Process Do some of these Order Fulfillment reports belong in report sets? Always being run together? Setup Do the separate business units run their own Order Fulfillment reports? Process, Performance What type of printers do you run Order Fulfillment reports (including checks, purchase orders etc.) on? Where are they located? Setup, Performance Do you run Order Fulfillment reports for different companies or cost centers? Process What business performance statistics do you monitor for Customer Returns ? Process What are your Customer Returns reporting requirements with respect to functional vs. foreign currencies? Setup, Process What are your Customer Returns reporting requirements with respect to summary or detail formats? Obtain report listing. Setup, Process What reports do you currently generate to meet your Customer Returns reporting requirements? Provide examples of each. Include source (could be manual), user, frequency, number of copies. Setup, Process Is there any Customer Returns reporting requirement that your current set of reports does not meet? Setup Are Customer Returns reports standard across multiple Sets of Books, for example, subsidiaries? Setup

131320756.xls.ms_office Page 58

RD.020 Business Process Questionnaire OBM Level I Type = Setup Metric Process Performance
Setup Setup Setup Setup, Process Process What is the criteria for determining who should receive a copy of any Customer Returns report? How do you update a Customer Returns reports distribution list? Is the process to update a Customer Returns reports distribution list documented? How long does it take to update a Customer Returns reports distribution list? How long should it take to update a Customer Returns reports distribution list? Who performs the tasks associated with updating a Customer Returns reports distribution list? Is there any requirement for on-line (softcopy) distribution and/or remote location printing for Customer Returns reports? Do some of these Customer Returns reports belong in report sets? Always being run together? Do the separate business units run their own Customer Returns reports? What type of printers do you run Customer Returns reports (including checks, purchase orders etc.) on? Where are they located? Manage Reporting Manage Reporting Manage Reporting Manage Reporting Manage Reporting Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified ALL ALL ALL ALL ALL 1174 1174 1174 21 21 24 24 24 Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Do you run Customer Returns reports for different companies or cost centers? What business performance statistics do you monitor for Sales and Marketing? What are your Sales and Marketing reporting requirements with respect to functional vs. foreign currencies? What are your Sales and Marketing reporting requirements with respect to summary or detail formats? Obtain report listing. What reports do you currently generate to meet your Sales and Marketing reporting requirements? Provide examples of each. Include source (could be manual), user, frequency, number of copies. Is there any Sales and Marketing reporting requirement that your current set of reports does not meet? Are Sales and Marketing reports standard across multiple Sets of Books, for example, subsidiaries? Are Sales and Marketing reports standard across multiple levels within a Set of Books, i e., divisions? What account codes and/or descriptions are required on Sales and Marketing reports? Do you provide a "key" of content/information somewhere on the Sales and Marketing report? What Sales and Marketing reports are grouped together on a regular basis and printed in one print run? Who receives a copy of the Sales and Marketing reports? What is the criteria for determining who should receive a copy of any Sales and Marketing report? How do you update a Sales and Marketing reports distribution list? Is the process to update a Sales and Marketing reports distribution list documented? How long does it take to update a Sales and Marketing reports distribution list? How long should it take to update a Sales and Marketing reports distribution list? Who performs the tasks associated with updating a Sales and Marketing reports distribution list? Is there any requirement for on-line (softcopy) distribution and/or remote location printing for Sales and Marketing reports? Do some of these Sales and Marketing reports belong in report sets? Always being run together? Do the separate business units run their own Sales and Marketing reports? Setup, Performance Process Process Setup, Process Setup, Process Process Process Process Process Process Process Setup, Process Setup Process, Performance

OBM Level II 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009
(FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting


Manage Reporting Manage Reporting Manage Reporting Manage Reporting Manage Reporting Manage Reporting Manage Reporting Manage Reporting Manage Reporting Manage Reporting Manage Reporting Manage Reporting Manage Reporting Manage Reporting

OBM Level IV
Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified


OBM Row No.

21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21

Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting

Process Analysis Questions

Are Customer Returns reports standard across multiple levels within a Set of Books, i e., divisions? What account codes and/or descriptions are required on Customer Returns reports? Do you provide a "key" of content/information somewhere on the Customer Returns report? What Customer Returns reports are grouped together on a regular basis and printed in one print run? Who receives a copy of the Customer Returns reports?

(FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management

2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026

(FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management

Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting

Manage Reporting Manage Reporting Manage Reporting Manage Reporting Manage Reporting Manage Reporting Manage Reporting Manage Reporting Manage Reporting Manage Reporting Manage Reporting Manage Reporting Manage Reporting Manage Reporting Manage Reporting Manage Reporting Manage Reporting

Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified


1174 1174 1174 1174 1174 1174 1174 1174 1174 1174 1174 1174 1174 1174 1174 1174 1174

24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24

Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting

Setup, Process Setup Setup Setup Setup Setup Setup, Process Process Process Process Process Process Process Process Setup, Process Setup Process, Performance

131320756.xls.ms_office Page 59

RD.020 Business Process Questionnaire OBM Level I Type = Setup Metric Process Performance
Setup, Performance Do you run Sales and Marketing reports for different companies or cost centers? What reports do you currently use to meet your sales and marketing requirements? Provide examples of each. Include source, user, frequency, number of copies, level of importance. Process

OBM Level II 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 2035 2036 2037 2038 2039 2040 2041 2042 2043 2044 2045 2046 2047 2048 2049 2050 2051 2052 2053 2054 2055 2056 2057 2058 2059 2060 2061 2062
(FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management


OBM Level IV
Not identified Not identified


OBM Row No.

1174 1174

24 24

Reporting Reporting

Process Analysis Questions

What type of printers do you run Sales and Marketing reports (including checks, purchase orders etc.) on? Where are they located?

Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Manage Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Manage Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting

(FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management

Manage Reporting Manage Reporting Manage Reporting Manage Reporting Manage Reporting Manage Reporting Manage Reporting Manage Reporting Manage Reporting Manage Reporting Manage Reporting Manage Reporting Manage Reporting Manage Reporting Manage Reporting Manage Reporting

Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified


1174 1174 1174 1174 1174 1174 1174 1174 1174 1174 1174 1174 1174

24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24

Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting


(FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management

Manage Reporting Manage Reporting Manage Reporting Manage Reporting Manage Reporting Manage Reporting Manage Reporting Manage Reporting Manage Reporting Manage Reporting Manage Reporting Manage Reporting Manage Reporting Manage Reporting Manage Reporting Manage Reporting Manage Reporting Manage Reporting

Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified



Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting

Setup, Process Is there any sales and marketing reporting requirement that your current set of reports does not meet? Setup What sales and marketing reports are grouped together on a regular basis and printed in one run? Setup, Process Who needs to be able to run reports? Setup, Process Who receives a copy of the sales and marketing reports? Process What is the criteria for who should receive a copy of a sales and marketing report? Process How do you update a sales and marketing report distribution list? Process Is there any requirement for on-line distribution and/or remote location printing for sales and marketing reports? Setup, Process Do the separate business units own their own sales and marketing reports? Process, Performance What type of printers do you run sales and marketing reports on? Where are they located? Setup, Performance Do you run sales and marketing reports for different companies or cost centers? Process Who is currently responsible for creating/changing reports? Process Do you have tools to do on-demand reports or queries? Process, Performance What business performance statistics do you monitor for Projects? Process What are your Projects reporting requirements with respect to functional vs. foreign currencies? Set Up, Process What are your Projects reporting requirements with respect to summary or detail formats? Obtain report listing. Set Up, Process What reports do you currently generate to meet your Projects reporting requirements? Provide examples of each. Include source (could be manual), user, frequency, number of copies. Set UP, Process Is there any Projects reporting requirement that your current set of reports does not meet? Set Up Are Projects reports standard across multiple Sets of Books, for example, subsidiaries? Set Up Are Projects reports standard across multiple levels within a Set of Books, i e., divisions? Set Up What account codes and/or descriptions are required on Projects reports? Set Up Do you provide a "key" of content/information somewhere on the Projects report? Set Up Who receives a copy of the Projects reports? Process What is the criteria for determining who should receive a copy of any Projects report? Process How do you update a Projects reports distribution list? Process Is the process to update a Projects reports distribution list documented? Process How long does it take to update a Projects reports distribution list? Process How long should it take to update a Projects reports distribution list? Process Who performs the tasks associated with updating a Projects reports distribution list? Process Is there any requirement for on-line (softcopy) distribution and/or remote location printing for Projects reports? Set UP, Process Do the separate business units run their own Projects reports? Process, Performance What type of printers do you run Projects reports (including checks, purchase Set Up, orders etc.) on? Where are they located? Performance Do you run Projects reports for different companies or cost centers? Process How often are project performance reports generated? Metric

131320756.xls.ms_office Page 60

RD.020 Business Process Questionnaire OBM Level I Type = Setup Metric Process Performance
Set Up Please provide a sample commitment report. Manage Reporting Manage Reporting Manage Reporting Manage Reporting Manage Reporting Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified PA PA PA PA PA FMMGTRERPT 28 FMMGTRERPT 28 FMMGTRERPT 28 FMMGTRERPT 28 FMMGTRERPT 28 Reporting Are burdens separated out for reporting? Reporting Please provide samples of your major reports. Reporting How are reports distributed? Reporting What reporting is done against contracts? Reporting What reports do you currently generate to meet your Invoice and Disbursement reporting requirements? Provide samples, including frequency and distribution list. Are reports grouped for processing purposes? Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Manage Cash Manage Cash Manage Cash Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified AP AP AP AP AP, GL, PA PA GL GL GL GL GL COST, INV GL, PA GL, PA GL, PA GL, PA GL, PA GL, PA PA, GL, HR PA, HR GL, PA GL, PA GL, PA GL, PA PA PA PA TR TR TR FMOPRTNANL 2 FMOPRTNANL 2 9 9 9 9 9 FMOPRTNANL 13 FMOPRTNANL 28 FMOPRTNANL 28 FMOPRTNANL 28 FMOPRTNANL 28 FMOPRTNANL 28 FMOPRTNANL 28 FMOPRTNANL 28 FMOPRTNANL 28 FMOPRTNANL 28 FMOPRTNANL 28 FMOPRTNANL 28 FMOPRTNANL 28 FMOPRTNANL 28 FMOPRTNANL 28 FMOPRTNANL 28 Reporting Are there any requirements that your current set of reports does not meet? Reporting Are AP processing statistics maintained and/or reviewed? Reporting Are there requirements for on-line distribution or remote location printing? Reporting Do you allocate or attribute overhead costs to projects? Other Other Maintenance How do you audit your Financial Reporting data? Maintenance Other Other Other Grouping Performance Monitoring Performance Monitoring Performance Monitoring Performance Monitoring Performance Monitoring Performance Monitoring Performance Monitoring Performance Monitoring Performance Monitoring Performance Monitoring Performance Monitoring Performance Monitoring Performance Monitoring Performance Monitoring Project Tracking Reporting Reporting Reporting Which operations/processes do you want to streamline for Financial Reporting? Which operations/processes do you want to eliminate for Financial Reporting? Are there any time-intensive Financial Reporting operations/processes that need to be addressed? How do you track cost on miscellaneous transactions? Do you monitor profitability/analysis by Project Type? Process Do you monitor profitability/analysis by Organization (cost center, division, region)? Do you monitor profitability/analysis by Business Line or Function Do you monitor profitability/analysis by Skill/Job? Process Do you monitor profitability/analysis by Revenue Category? Process Do you monitor profitability/analysis by Activity? Process Do you monitor profitability/analysis by Employee? Process Do you track Employee Utilization, i. e., billable versus non-billable, costs versus revenues? Process Do you use projects to track Overhead activities and/or Product Development efforts? Process Is "activity-based costing" an issue that is important to your company? Process Do you monitor profitability/analysis by Industry/Market Sector? Process Do you monitor profitability/analysis by Customer/Customer Type? Process How many projects do you plan to monitor? Metric How many different project budget variables (total cost, labor hours, etc.) do you track when monitoring project performance? Metric What type of customer contracts do you track? Performance What are your treasury reporting requirements with respect to functional vs. foreign currencies? Process What types of reports does your current system provide to help you review and analyze your treasury activity? Metric How often do you run these reports? Metric Process Process Process Process Process Process Metric Explain the technique(s) to allocate or attribute overhead costs to projects (burdening rates, cost multipliers, etc.) that you use. How do you maintain your Financial Reporting data? Process setup, Process Process Setup Process Setup Setup Performance Process Set Up Set Up Set Up

OBM Level II 2063 2064 2065 2066 2067 2068 2069 2070 2071 2072 2073 2074 2075 2076 2077 2078 2079 2080 2081 2082 2083 2084 2085 2086 2087 2088 2089 2090 2091 2092 2093 2094 2095 2096 2097 2098 2099
(FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Operations Analysis and Management Reporting Treasury Treasury Treasury


Manage Reporting

OBM Level IV
Not identified


OBM Row No.



Process Analysis Questions

Do you do commitment reporting?


(FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management

Not identified

Not identified



Setup, Process

131320756.xls.ms_office Page 61

RD.020 Business Process Questionnaire OBM Level I Type = Setup Metric Process Performance
Process Do the separate business units run their own reports? Process Is there any treasury reporting requirement that your current set of reports does not meet? What account codes and/or descriptions are required on treasury reports? What your audit requirements? Process Process Process What types of audit reports do you use? Process How many financial institutions does your company have relationships with? Metric What is your company's relationship management strategy? Are there processes currently used to manage these relationships? What are your major audit and control issues with managing your financial institution relationships? Explain your company's cash management process Is your company currently using any cash management tools? Which ones and how are they used? Who are the key players (besides the cash manager) involved in the cash management function and what are their responsibilities? What are the key issues in the current cash management environment? How do you monitor your cash position with actual or projected opening balances? How do make adjustments to reflect any bank errors? How is cash forecasted? Process Process Process Process Metric, Process Process Process Process Process How are bank statements reconciled? Process How are daily balances of funds reconciled? Process Do you have a documented Corporate Investment policy? Process Is in-house banking used in your company? Do you have documented processes/procedures? What treasury workstation are you currently using? What features of the treasury workstation do you use? Are you satisfied with its performance? What types of transaction can be initiated through your treasury workstation? Process

OBM Level II 2100 2101 2102 2103 2104 2105 2106 2107 2108 2109 2110 2111 2112 2113 2114 2115 2116 2117 2118 2119 2120 2121 2122 2123 2124 2125 2126 2127 2128 2129 2130 2131 2132 2133 2134 2135 2136
(FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management Treasury Treasury Treasury Treasury Treasury Treasury Treasury Treasury Treasury Treasury Treasury Treasury Treasury Treasury Treasury Treasury Treasury Treasury Treasury Treasury


Manage Cash Manage Cash Manage Cash Manage Cash Manage Cash Manage Cash Manage Cash Manage Cash Manage Cash Manage Cash Manage Cash Manage Cash Manage Cash Manage Cash Manage Cash Manage Cash Manage Cash Manage Cash Manage Cash Manage Cash

OBM Level IV
Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified


OBM Row No.


Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Relationships Relationships Relationships Cash Management Cash Management Cash Management Cash Management Cash Management Cash Management Cash Management Cash Management Cash Management Cash Management Cash Management

Process Analysis Questions

What are your reporting requirements with respect to account analysis?

(FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management

Treasury Treasury Treasury Treasury Treasury Treasury Treasury Treasury

Manage Cash Manage Cash Manage Cash Manage Cash Manage Cash Manage Cash Manage Cash Manage Cash

Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified


Cash Management Transactions Transactions Transactions What is the current accuracy of your treasury information? Transactions Transactions Transactions Transactions What are the different types of foreign exchange transactions you currently have set up in your system? What are the different types of money market transactions used?

Process Process Process Process Process What are the types of internal data exchanged between the treasury area and other areas of the company? Process Will you use legacy systems to feed information to Treasury? Process Do you have security requirements on who can enter data for treasury functions? (e.g. by company? by cost center?) Process Who can enter data in different companies/cost centers? Do you have documentation on your current system's security requirements? Process Do you use templates for repetitive tasks? Process How are adjustments to closed periods handled? Process How often do you post to the General Ledger? Process Do you post summary or detail information? Process What processes are set up to ensure compliance with standards and regulations from FASB and SEC? Process Are you satisfied with the accuracy of your short term cash forecasting? Process Can you generate cash forecasts for specific projects? Process With your current system, can you analyze the liquidity of a project by forecasting expected cashflows from various source types? Process

(FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management

Treasury Treasury Treasury Treasury Treasury Treasury Treasury Treasury Treasury

Manage Cash Manage Cash Manage Cash Manage Cash Manage Cash Manage Cash Manage Cash Manage Cash Manage Cash

Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified


Transactions Transactions Postings Postings Postings Relationships Forecasting Forecasting Forecasting

131320756.xls.ms_office Page 62

RD.020 Business Process Questionnaire OBM Level I Type = Setup Metric Process Performance
Process Can you produce a forecast of expected cashflows based on sales opportunities? With your current system, can you produce a forecast of expected cashflows from foreign exchange, money market, and exposure transactions? Are you satisfied with the quality of your cash forecasts? Process

OBM Level II 2137 2138 2139 2140 2141 2142 2143 2144 2145 2146 2147 2148 2149 2150 2151 2152 2153 2154 2155 2156 2157 2158 2159 2160 2161 2162 2163 2164 2165 2166 2167 2168 2169 2170 2171 2172
(FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management Treasury Treasury


Manage Cash Manage Cash

OBM Level IV
Not identified Not identified


OBM Row No.


Forecasting Forecasting

Process Analysis Questions

Can you generate a forecast for a project in any currency?

(FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management

Treasury Treasury Treasury Treasury Treasury Treasury Treasury Treasury Treasury

Manage Cash Manage Cash Manage Cash Manage Cash Manage Cash Manage Cash Manage Cash Manage Cash Manage Cash

Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified


Forecasting Forecasting What are the major steps involved in your forecasting process? Forecasting What is your criteria for selecting a forecasting method? Forecasting How do you validate your forecasts? Forecasting Forecasting Reconciliation Is there a need to automate your bank account reconciliation process? Reconciliation Do you have documentation of your bank statement reconciliation process? Reconciliation Does your current system integrate with your payroll system to automatically or manually reconcile bank statements to payroll payments? With your current system, can you define reusable templates to easily generate cash forecasts? How are bank statements reconciled with your current system?

Process Process Process Process Process Process Process Process Process

(FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management

Treasury Treasury Treasury Treasury Treasury Treasury Treasury Treasury Treasury Treasury Treasury Treasury Treasury Treasury Treasury Treasury Treasury Treasury Treasury Treasury Treasury Treasury Treasury Treasury

Manage Cash Manage Cash Manage Cash Manage Cash Manage Cash Manage Cash Manage Cash Manage Cash Manage Cash Manage Cash Manage Cash Manage Cash Manage Cash Manage Cash Manage Cash Manage Cash Manage Cash Manage Cash Manage Cash Manage Cash Manage Cash Manage Cash Manage Cash Manage Cash

Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified


Reconciliation Reconciliation Reconciliation Reconciliation Operations Please explain any initiatives to automate cash management. Operations What are your major objectives for cash management? Operations Operations Operations Operations Operations Operations What is your cash conversion cycle? Operations What methods do you use to report cash balances? Operations What are the typical tasks your cash manager performs on a daily basis? Operations Operations Operations How are excess cash balances handled? Operations How easy is it to identify your foreign currency exposure? Operations Could you view your current cash position at any time? Operations Operations Operations Is it adequate for the purposes of policy control? Operations Is the cash projection integrated in the overall business plan? Operations Does your current system allow you to integrate with external systems giving you timely access to global cash information via the corporate intranet? Does management stress the importance of internal control and compliance with procedures? Does a cash management operations policy manual exist? Is it current? What are the types of internal data exchanged between the cash management area and other areas of the company? What are the sources of current-day information for the cash manager? Are you currently using cash management tools? Which ones? Are you satisfied with their performance? What is the relationship between your company's operating cycle and your cash flow timeline? What are your corporate financial decisions that are greatly impacted by cash management? Who are the key players (besides the cash manager) involved in the finance function? What are your cash management functions and responsibilities? How do reconcile your general ledger cash account to your bank statement balance? Do you have documentation of your cash management process? Are bank accounts reconciled and independently reviewed on a regular basis? How are voided and reversed transactions reconciled?

Process Process Process Process Process Process Process Process Process Process Process Process Process Process Process Process, Setup Process Process Process Process Process Process Process Process

(FM) Financial Management


Manage Cash

Not identified




131320756.xls.ms_office Page 63

RD.020 Business Process Questionnaire OBM Level I Type = Setup Metric Process Performance

OBM Level II 2173 2174 2175 2176 2177 2178 2179 2180 2181 2182 2183 2184 2185 2186 2187 2188 2189 2190 2191
(FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management Treasury Treasury Treasury Treasury Treasury Treasury Treasury Treasury Treasury Treasury Treasury Treasury Treasury Treasury Treasury Treasury Treasury Treasury Treasury


Manage Cash Manage Cash Manage Cash Manage Cash Manage Cash Manage Cash Manage Cash Manage Cash Manage Cash Manage Cash Manage Cash Manage Cash Manage Cash Manage Cash Manage Cash Manage Cash Manage Cash Manage Cash Manage Cash

OBM Level IV
Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified


OBM Row No.


Operations Operations Operations Operations Operations Operations Operations Operations Operations Operations Operations Accounting Periods Accounting Periods Accounting Periods Accounting Periods Accounting Periods Accounting Periods Accounting Periods Reporting

Process Analysis Questions

2192 2193 2194 2195 2196 2197 2198 2199 2200 2201 2202 2203 2204 2205 2206 2207 2208 2209

(FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management

Treasury Treasury Treasury Treasury Treasury Treasury Treasury Treasury Treasury Treasury Treasury Treasury Treasury Treasury Treasury Treasury Treasury Treasury

Manage Cash Manage Cash Manage Cash Manage Cash Manage Cash Manage Cash Manage Cash Manage Cash Manage Cash Manage Cash Manage Currency & Interest Risk Manage Currency & Interest Risk Manage Currency & Interest Risk Manage Currency & Interest Risk Manage Currency & Interest Risk Manage Currency & Interest Risk Manage Currency & Interest Risk Manage Currency & Interest Risk

Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified


Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Performance Performance Security Security Currency Currency Currency Currency Currency Currency Currency Currency

Do you have a documented cash investment policy which has been reviewed and approved by management? Process Which operations/processes do you want to streamline for cash management? Process Which operations/processes do you want to eliminate for cash management? Process Are there any time-intensive cash management operations/processes that need to be addressed? Process Is electronic payments authorization utilized with your current system? If so, do you have documentation of this process? Process How many bank relationships do you currently have? Process Do you have a process for managing these relationship? If so, is it documented? Process Is in-house banking currently being used in your current system? Process Do you have a process for managing in-house banking? If so, is it documented? Process Does the company needlessly keep too many bank accounts? Process Does the company's bank negotiating position suffer from poor banking relationships? Process How do you close an accounting period for cash management? Process Is the schedule to close an accounting period for cash management documented? Process How long does it take to close an accounting period for cash management? Process How are adjustments to close periods for cash management handled? Process How do you open an accounting period for cash management? Process Is the schedule to open an accounting period for cash management documented? Process Who performs the tasks associated with opening or closing an accounting period for cash management? Process What are your cash management reporting requirements with respect to functional vs. foreign currencies? Process What are your cash management reporting requirements with respect to summary or detail formats? Obtain report listing. What reports do you currently generate to meet you cash management reporting requirements? Process Provide examples of each. Include source (could be manual), user, frequency, number of copies. Process Is there any cash management reporting requirement that your current set of reports does not meet? Process Are your cash management reports standard across different divisions/subsidiaries? Process Do the separate business units run their own cash management reports? Process Do you do multi-bank reporting? Process Do you use financial ratios? Process What business performance statistics do you monitor for cash management? Process Do you have documentation on your current system security requirements for cash management? Process Do you have security requirements on who can enter data for cash management? Process Do you use multiple currencies in your business? Setup How many currencies do you use and what are they? Setup What is your policy on changing currency rates? Process What is the primary currency you use? Setup Do you enter data in multiple currencies? Process Do you do translations monthly into foreign currencies? Process Do you perform re-valuation of assets and liabilities on a regular basis? When? Process Do you perform consolidation between various businesses that use different currencies? Process

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RD.020 Business Process Questionnaire OBM Level I Type = Setup Metric Process Performance

OBM Level II 2210 2211 2212 2213 2214 2215 2216 2217 2218 2219 2220 2221 2222 2223 2224 2225 2226 2227 2228 2229 2230 2231 2232 2233 2234 2235 2236 2237 2238 2239 2240 2241 2242 2243 2244 2245 2246
(FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management Treasury Treasury Treasury Treasury


Manage Currency & Interest Risk Manage Currency & Interest Risk Manage Currency & Interest Risk Manage Currency & Interest Risk

OBM Level IV
Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified


OBM Row No.


Currency Risk Management Risk Management Risk Management

Process Analysis Questions

Do you perform special reviews or audits for foreign currency accounts? Provide examples of each. Include source (could be manual), user, frequency, number of copies.

(FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management (FM) Financial Management General General General General General General General General General General General General General

Treasury Treasury Treasury Treasury Treasury Treasury Treasury Treasury Treasury Treasury Treasury Treasury Treasury Treasury Treasury Treasury Treasury Treasury Treasury Treasury Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified

Manage Currency & Interest Risk Manage Currency & Interest Risk Manage Currency & Interest Risk Manage Currency & Interest Risk Manage Currency & Interest Risk Manage Currency & Interest Risk Manage Currency & Interest Risk Manage Currency & Interest Risk Manage Currency & Interest Risk Manage Currency & Interest Risk Manage Currency & Interest Risk Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified

Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified

TR TR TR TR TR TR TR TR TR TR TR TR TR TR TR TR GL, TR GL, TR TR TR Not module specific Not module specific Not module specific Not module specific Not module specific Not module specific Not module specific Not module specific Not module specific Not module specific Not module specific Not module specific Not module specific 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Risk Management Risk Management Risk Management Risk Management Risk Management Risk Management Risk Management Risk Management Risk Management Risk Management Risk Management Operations Operations Operations Operations Operations Setup Setup Setup Setup Business Business Business Business Business Business Business Business Business Business Business Business Business

Process Explain your risk management process. Do you have a documented Risk Management policy? Process Which of the company's business operations can be re-engineered to reduce FX (Foreign Exchange) risks? Process Are the company's risk management procedures adequate and consistent worldwide? Process Are existing systems and reporting procedures adequate for the company's current level of FX (FOREIGN EXCHANGE) risk and exposures? Process Is FX (FOREIGN EXCHANGE) Trading and Risk Management centralized? Process What are the hedging objectives of the company? What are your current hedging practices? Process How do you manage forecast errors? Process What performance benchmarks are used to measure hedging effectiveness? Metric, Process How do you manage your exposures positions (i.e.. interest rate and foreign exchange exposures)? Process Is there a process used between operating units for reporting exposures and hedging them? Process Do you have a documented FX (FOREIGN EXCHANGE) policy? Process Do you use negotiable instruments? (If yes, please elaborate on the instruments used) Process Do you use derivatives? (If yes, please elaborate on the instruments used) Process What is your limits policy? Process Which operations/processes do you want to eliminate in your treasury operations? Process Are there any time-intensive treasury operations/processes that need to be addressed? Process Do you have documentation of your treasury processes? Process Explain how your cost centers or departments are organized? Process What business performance statistics do you monitor in your treasury operations? Process Define your accounting period types and accounting calendar types? Setup What are the legal entities for your company? Setup How many deal types and product types do you use? Please explain the nature of each. Setup How many exposure types are used? What are they? Setup, Metric What type of industry are you in? Process What products and services do you provide? Process Number of employees? Metric Describe/share your Corporate/Organizational Vision Statement. Process Describe/share your Departmental/Divisional mission Statement. Process Which of these business areas and/or operations are highest priority? Process Which of these business areas and/or operations are medium priority? Process Do all the cost centers have assets? Process What is your organizational structure? Process How many sites are these companies located? What are these sites? Where are these sites located ? Metric,Process Do all the locations have the same chart of accounts? Setup Do all the locations have the same calendar? Setup Do all the locations have the same functional currency? If not what are they? Setup

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RD.020 Business Process Questionnaire OBM Level I Type = Setup Metric Process Performance
Setup Are there any processes that should be changed, streamlined or eliminated? Process What business areas and/or operations are targeted for improvement? Process Which of these business areas and/or operations are low priority? Process Can you provide a systems flow diagram of connectivity between your core business applications? How many businesses are in your company? What is the structure or relationships of these businesses? Process Metric Process Do all the businesses have assets? Process Do all the cost centers have assets? Process What is your accounting calendar? Process, Setup Which business functions are performed centrally, which business functions are decentralized ? What information is shared across different businesses? Do you use more than one Set of Books? If so what are they? Process Metric, Process Setup, process What across business reporting is currently performed? Setup How do you close an accounting period for Quality Management? What is your company's short term and long term strategy? Process Business Is there an electronic commerce strategy for your company? Business What are the major electronic commerce projects in your company? Business How the electronic commerce projects changed your companies business model? What are the forces fueling the electronic commerce projects in your company? How have you changed customer side, supplier side and inside your organization with electronic commerce? Are most of your electronic commerce projects, systems and business models on the business-to-business segment or the business-to-consumer segment? How do you support managerial decision making with electronic commerce? Business Business Business

OBM Level II 2247 2248 2249 2250 2251 2252 2253 2254 2255 2256 2257 2258 2259 2260 2261 2262 2263 2264 2265 2266 2267 2268 2269 2270 2271 2272 2273 2274 2275 2276 2277 2278 2279 2280 2281 2282 2283 2284
General General General General General General General General General General General General General General General General General General General General General Not identified Not identified not identified not identified not identified not identified not identified not identified not identified not identified not identified not identified not identified not identified not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified


Not identified Not identified not identified not identified not identified not identified not identified not identified not identified not identified not identified not identified not identified not identified not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified

OBM Level IV
Not identified Not identified not identified not identified not identified not identified not identified not identified not identified not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified

Not module specific Not module specific Not module specific Not module specific Not module specific Not module specific Not module specific Not module specific Not module specific Not module specific Not module specific Not module specific Not module specific Not module specific ALL Not module specific Not module specific Not module specific Not module specific Not module specific Not module specific

OBM Row No.

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 14

Business Business Business Business Business Business Business Business Business Business Business Business Business Reporting Period Close Business Business Business Business Business Business

Process Analysis Questions

Do you have more than one legal entity within the same set of Books

General General General General General General General General General General General General General General General General General

Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified

Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified

Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified

Not module specific Not module specific Not module specific Not module specific Not module specific Not module specific Not module specific Not module specific Not module specific Not module specific Not module specific Not module specific Not module specific Not module specific Not module specific Not module specific Not module specific

Business Business Business Business

Business Business

If you have an EDI system what business documents do you use? For example, Invoice, PO, ASN(Advance Ship Notice) What ratio of your business documents EDI? What is your current application architecture?

Business Business Architecture

Business What is your current technical architecture? Business What is your main information architecture? Business Business Business Business Business Business How do you track and forward sales leads? Business Business Business What are the product items will you be selling from your Internet Store? Business Are all product item attributes defined? Business Can your managers track market activity through pipeline versus forecast reporting? How do your sales people plan and report sales calls, report of expenses? Is the loop between sales, customer service and the customer is closed in your company? How do you develop incentive compensation solutions for various selling channels? How do you merge, clean and maintain mailing lists? How do you manage demand creation, processing responses and target qualified prospects? How do you design, manage sales territories?

Architecture Architecture Business Business Business Business Business Business Business

Setup Setup

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RD.020 Business Process Questionnaire OBM Level I Type = Setup Metric Process Performance
Setup How product items will be loaded into the Internet Store? Setup What are the implications of objects contained within other objects versus objects being loosely related to other objects? Do you need different account categories then the defaults "ACCOUNT" & "WALKIN"? Do you use different price categories for your customers in your business? Do you use different currencies for your price categories? Setup Setup Setup Setup Do you use different price types such as "Regular" and "SALE" in your business? What types of media content do you use for your products to sell? For example, Video, Audio, Picture Do you integrate your internet store sales to customer service operations? How do you share customer account information with your internet store sales? How do you process orders taken from your internet store with your ERP Order Entry module? How do you provide ATP ( Available-to-Promise) information for your Internet Store sales? Do you provide multiple payment services for your customers to choose from at your Internet Store? Do you sell downloadable soft goods at your internet store? How do you create context sensitive advertisement in your business? Setup Setup Integration Integration Integration Integration Integration Integration Marketing How do you manage shipping and handling your orders in your business? Integration How do you secure transactions with your customers on the Internet? Security How do you manage customer accounts? For example, registration, maintenance and approval. How do you process customer orders? Manually or automatically? What constraints (time, data, etc.) you have on processing orders? Process Process Process How do you handle returns? Process How do you handle product availability? Process How do you handle exceptions for certain customers? Process Does your business drop-ship items? Process Does your business involve configurable items? Process How do you price configurable items?

OBM Level II 2285 2286 2287 2288 2289 2290 2291 2292 2293 2294 2295 2296 2297 2298 2299 2300 2301 2302 2303 2304 2305 2306 2307 2308 2309 2310 2311 2312 2313 2314 2315 2316 2317 2318 2319 2320 2321 2322
General General General General General General General General General General General General General General General General General General General General General General General General General General General General General General General General General General General General General General Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified


Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified

OBM Level IV
Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified

Not module specific Not module specific Not module specific Not module specific Not module specific Not module specific Not module specific Not module specific Not module specific Not module specific Not module specific Not module specific Not module specific Not module specific Not module specific Not module specific Not module specific Not module specific Not module specific Not module specific Not module specific Not module specific Not module specific Not module specific Not module specific Not module specific Not module specific Not module specific Not module specific Not module specific Not module specific Not module specific Not module specific Not module specific Not module specific Not module specific Not module specific Not module specific

OBM Row No.


Business Business Business Business Business Business Business Business Business Business Business Business Business Business Business Business Business Business Business Business Business Business Business Business Business Business

Process Analysis Questions

Are all product items priced?

What about product substitutes, links, and recommendations? Business Do you do business with government? For example, government contracts? Business Business Business How do you create personal views? Business How do you handle order and line cancellations? Business Do you create items sold through Internet Store in the ERP Applications? Business Do you use coupons in your Internet Store? Business Business Business Business Business Do you need to migrate price lists that has attributes from your ERP to applications to your Internet Store? Do you need to update customer name and number, e-mail information captured in your Internet Store? What types of operations do your customers perform on the web when they buy goods? How do you let your customers view items and categories they buy on the web? Process Process Process Process Process Process Process Process What self-service inquiries you allow customers to view (order status, invoices, payments, etc.) How do you record customer habits and preferences? Process Process Process Process

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RD.020 Business Process Questionnaire OBM Level I Type = Setup Metric Process Performance
Process Process What are the protocols you use in your business for electronic payments for credit cards? What is your electronic payment system model is? For example, Host based or Terminal Based? What is your transaction volume for credit card payments, credits, voids, etc. per day? How volatile is this volume? Who initiates the payment process for authorization and settlement in your business? Customer or Merchant? Do you use multiple languages in your electronic commerce systems? How do you interact with your merchants related to payments in your business? Are your electronic commerce applications entirely integrated with your electronic payment systems in your business? How do you have handle recurring authorizations in your business? How do you handle installment payments in your business? Process Process Process Architecture Security Architecture Architecture Process Setup Reports How do you handle split shipments in your business? Architecture Are all your electronic payment systems installed on the same machine? Integration Are all your electronic payment systems running behind the firewall in your business? How does iPayment communicates with other payment systems in your business? Do you use secure ICX to encrypt the information communicated between iPayment and other payment systems? Do you use wallets and digital certificates in your internet payment systems? How do you handle Return/Credits in your internet payment systems? Setup Setup Setup

OBM Level II 2323 2324 2325 2326 2327 2328 2329 2330 2331 2332 2333 2334 2335 2336 2337 2338 2339 2340 2341 2342 2343 2344 2345 2346 2347 2348 2349 2350 2351 2352 2353 2354 2355 2356 2357 2358 2359 2360
General General General General General General General General General General General General General General General General General General General General General General General General General General General General General General General General General General General General General General Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified


Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified

OBM Level IV
Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified

Not module specific Not module specific Not module specific Not module specific Not module specific Not module specific Not module specific Not module specific Not module specific Not module specific Not module specific Not module specific Not module specific Not module specific Not module specific Not module specific Not module specific Not module specific Not module specific Not module specific Not module specific Not module specific Not module specific Not module specific Not module specific Not module specific Not module specific Not module specific Not module specific Not module specific Not module specific Not module specific Not module specific Not module specific Not module specific Not module specific Not module specific Not module specific

OBM Row No.


Business Business Business Business Business Business Business Business Business Business Business Business Business Business Business Business Business Business Business Business Business Business Business Business Business Business Business Business Business Business Business Business Business Business Business Business Business Business

Process Analysis Questions

Do you allow your customers to download data from your web site? If so in what formats? How do you handle payments in your business?

Security Architecture, Security Do you restrict Return/Credits to certain IP addresses? Architecture, Security Do you restrict operations to each merchant? For example, Invoice, Payment, Architecture, etc. Security Which payment system does the iPayment will interface to? For example, Architecture, CyberCash, VeriFone, etc. Security Is Your Commerce Application an Oracle Application Server Cartridge? Architecture, Security What are your business rules for internet payment? Architecture, Security How do you handle errors in your internet payment system? Architecture, Security Do you use Internet Computing Architecture in your business? Architecture, Security Do you have a distributed or central architecture for your internet payment Architecture, system? Security How do you bill your clients? Process How long is the time between when a bill is available and it reaches the customer in your business? Architecture How long is your payment processing cycle? Architecture, Security How do you resolve disputes in billing? What is your model of bill presentment and payment? For example, direct or consolidated? Do you prefer full control over client's bill payment process or make the bill payment process more convenient for your clients? Do you use thin or thick consolidation? Do you use cross selling and up selling in your bill presentment and payment process? Do you allow your customers to use autopayment? Do you prefer your customers have flexibility in how they view the presented bill? Accepts bill data in a specified format, either custom or OFX.

Process Process Process Process Process Process Process

131320756.xls.ms_office Page 68

RD.020 Business Process Questionnaire OBM Level I Type = Setup Metric Process Performance
Process Process Do you perform batch processing of data for bill presentment and payment? Process How do you audit bill presentment and payment transactions? Process How do your customers view status information related to their bills and payments? How do you handle bill and payment disputes? Do you allow your customers to use installment payments? Process Process Process How do you present static or dynamic information related to a customers' bill? Process How do you load data into your bill payment system? Process How do you process payments? Process How do you audit activities? Process How do you notify your customers for bill and payment status? Process What are the notification types? Process How do you create, maintain and update customer profiles? Process How do you export bill data? Process What type of payment methods do you accept? Process What type of payment systems do you use? Process What are the lead times for payment clearance? Process How do you handle holidays in your payment process? Process Do you allow multiple payment methods and instruments? Process How do you register your customers for bill payment process? Process How do you handle biller groups? Process Do you allow your customers to have a personal web experience for their bill payment process? How do you process exceptions? How do you analyze payment performance and bill status in your business? Process Process Process What industry are you in? Setup What are the primary business functions of your company? Setup What challenges are you trying to overcome? Performance What is the primary business driver (increase market share, increase efficiency, cut operating costs, improve customer service, or other)

OBM Level II 2361 2362 2363 2364 2365 2366 2367 2368 2369 2370 2371 2372 2373 2374 2375 2376 2377 2378 2379 2380 2381 2382 2383 2384 2385 2386 2387 2388 2389 2390 2391 2392 2393 2394 2395 2396 2397
General General General General General General General General General General General General General General General General General General General General General General General General General General General General Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified


Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified

OBM Level IV
Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified

Not module specific Not module specific Not module specific Not module specific Not module specific Not module specific Not module specific Not module specific Not module specific Not module specific Not module specific Not module specific Not module specific Not module specific Not module specific Not module specific Not module specific Not module specific Not module specific Not module specific Not module specific Not module specific Not module specific Not module specific Not module specific Not module specific Not module specific Not module specific

OBM Row No.


Business Business Business Business Business Business Business Business Business Business Business Business Business Business Business Business Business Business Business Business Business Business Business Business Business Business Business Operations

Process Analysis Questions

How do you perform verifications and error checking for bill presentment and payment? How do you perform new bill notifications in your business?.

General General General General General General General General General

Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified

Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified

Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified

Not module specific Not module specific Not module specific Not module specific Call Center Intelligence Oracle Call Blending Not module specific Not module specific Not module specific

Business Business Operations Operations Operations Systems Operations How frequently are new campaigns introduced? Operations How long do campaigns typically run? Operations Provide the actual Average Talk Time statistics for each call type and the goals. For outbound dialing, provide call blending vendor and version (if applicable) or plans to implement. How many campaigns are run concurrently? What is the primary business function of the call center (list all if more than one)? Describe the call center operation including number of agents, shifts, and hours. Describe the outbound call flow(s).

Performance Setup Setup Process Metric Setup Setup Setup Process

131320756.xls.ms_office Page 69

RD.020 Business Process Questionnaire OBM Level I Type = Setup Metric Process Performance
Setup What database platform are you using or planning to use? Setup How many Field Sales Reps are there How many Field Service Engineers are there Metric Metric Are the mobile users computer literate Setup What telecoms / networking technology is planned for use with the mobile users Setup Do mobile users have to be updated in real time, if not how will replication be handled Performance Agent and Administrator workstation host files will need an entry for the OTM server unless the workstation has access to the server portion of the network. Setup As a contingency, OTM route points must have a default route that will occur if the automated routing is down. Define the default and the elapsed time before it executes. Setup Based on your previous experience , what will be the load on the website Architecture Can inbound campaigns be identified by DNIS and how many unique DNIS do you have? Setup Define any feedback requirements from the interaction center to other systems and if necessary, is it by campaign, by customer, or some other element? Process Define any service level differentiators among customers from highest to lowest. Process Define the agent skill categories and specific skills that are in use or you would like to use for call routing decisions. Process Define the requirements for call and data transfer among agents. Process Describe any CTI middleware that is in place including vendor, version, hardware, and application. Setup Describe any current interaction center automation you may have. Setup Describe any current or planned acceptance of eMail as part of the interaction center operation. Process Describe any existing ERP and CRM applications that are in place and existing/planned integration points. Setup Describe current or planned integration between the interaction center and the Intra/Internet. Setup Describe existing reporting output used to manage the interaction center(s). Performance Describe IVR call flows and data integration (if applicable) or plans if not currently implemented. Describe scripting that is being used or your plans to implement scripting including the number of panels and branching logic for each unique script. Describe skill based routing that is being used. Describe the business requirements for automating fulfillment as part of the business processes. Describe the call routing flows you currently use and/or would like to implement. Describe the call volume, patterns, and direction (inbound/outbound). Describe the existing desktop infrastructure including applications, hardware specifications, and business functions. Describe the existing network infrastructure including type of network, configuration, protocols, and speed. Describe the existing server infrastructure. Describe the existing system(s) that will require integration with the interaction center automation. Include platform, application, and vendor. Process

OBM Level II 2398 2399 2400 2401 2402 2403 2404 2405 2406 2407 2408 2409 2410 2411 2412 2413 2414 2415 2416 2417 2418 2419 2420 2421 2422 2423 2424 2425 2426 2427 2428 2429 2430 2431 2432 2433
General General General General General General General Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified


Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified

OBM Level IV
Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified

Not module specific Not module specific Mobile Sales Mobile Field Service MS + MFS MS + MFS MS + MFS Agent and Admin workstations.

OBM Row No.


Systems Systems

Process Analysis Questions

Can inbound campaigns be identified by DNIS?


Not identified

Not identified

Not identified


General General General

Not identified Not identified Not identified

Not identified Not identified Not identified

Not identified Not identified Not identified

PBX Not module specific Not module specific

Operations ecommerce Systems Systems & Operations Operations Operations Operations Systems Systems Business Systems Systems & Operations

General General General General General General General General General

Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified

Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified

Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified

Not module specific OTM OTM Business Application, OTM OTM, Connectors Not module specific eMail Center Not module specific Not module specific Interaction Center Intelligence OTM, IVR Integrator

General General

Not identified Not identified

Not identified Not identified

Not identified Not identified

Reporting Operations

General General General General General General General General

Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified

Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified

Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified

Scripting OTM 1-to-1 Fulfillment, Workflow OTM Not module specific Not module specific Not module specific Not module specific

Operations Operations Business Operations Operations Systems Systems Systems

Process Process Process Process Setup Setup Setup Setup

General General General General General General

Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified

Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified

Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified

Not module specific Not module specific Not module specific MS + MFS Not module specific Not module specific

Systems Describe the inbound call flow(s). Operations Operations Business Training & Operations Business

Setup Process Describe the interaction center operation including number of agents, shifts, and hours. Setup Do mobile users have to be updated in real time, if not how will replication be handled Performance Do the agents require special training or licensing? Setup Do you have an ROI target for your investment? Metric

131320756.xls.ms_office Page 70

RD.020 Business Process Questionnaire OBM Level I Type = Setup Metric Process Performance
Process Process Do you plan to do bulk eMail or Fulfillment campaigns? 1-to-1 Fulfillment, eMail Center, Marketing On-Line Not module specific Campaign Plus Recycling Not module specific Not module specific Not module specific OTM, IVR Integrator OTM, Connectors Not module specific Not module specific eMail Center, Interaction Blending

OBM Level II 2434 2435

General General Not identified Not identified


Not identified Not identified

OBM Level IV
Not identified Not identified

Not module specific Not module specific

OBM Row No.


ecommerce ecommerce

Process Analysis Questions

Do you need to cancel individual lines of an order placed through Internet Store in ERP applications? Do you need to ship Internet Store orders in partial consignments?

2436 2437 2438 2439 2440 2441 2442 2443 2444 2445 2446 2447 2448 2449 2450 2451 2452 2453 2454 2455 2456 2457 2458 2459 2460 2461 2462 2463 2464 2465 2466 2467 2468

General General General General General General General General General General

Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified

Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified

Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified

Business ecommerce Operations ecommerce Do you use Web/EDI in your business? ecommerce Do you utilize workflow operations on the web? ecommerce Does the IVR support TCP/IP connectivity? Systems Does the PBX support TCP/IP connectivity or have a CTI link? Systems Does your company do business on line when they procure? ecommerce ecommerce Do you provide account management,maintanence / help desk services and field services operations on the web? Do you require feedback for predictive dials that are determined to be bad numbers? Do you use EDI (Electronic Data Interchange)?

Process Setup Setup Business Business Process Setup Setup Architecture Does your company have a portal web page that allow you to do business on the web with your trading partners? Architecture For Interaction Blending, if the above service plans vary by day of the week or hour of the day, define the schedules by campaign. Setup For Interaction Blending, what inbound call service levels should be maintained (percent of calls answered within n seconds) by campaign? Setup For Interaction Blending, what inbound eMail service levels should be maintained (percent of calls answered within n seconds) by campaign? Setup For Interaction Blending, what is the minimum number of agents that should always be calling outbound? Setup For Interaction Blending, what is the minimum number of agents that should always be servicing inbound calls? Setup For Interaction Blending, what is the minimum number of agents that should always be servicing inbound eMail? Setup For outbound campaigns, define any specific list segmentation criteria beyond time zone. Setup For outbound campaigns, define any specific targeting requirements such as 100% call attempt penetration before performing callbacks. Setup For outbound dialing, define your call back requirements for Answering Machine calls, by Campaign. Setup For outbound dialing, define your call back requirements for Busy calls, by Campaign. Setup For outbound dialing, define your call back requirements for Ring No Answer calls, by Campaign. Setup For outbound dialing, provide interaction blending vendor and version (if applicable) or plans to implement. Setup For outbound dialing, provide list management strategies, vendors (if applicable), list sources (including external purchases). Process For outbound dialing, provide predictive dialing vendor and version (if applicable) or plans to implement. Setup For Predictive Dialing, how many rings should be considered a "Ring No Answer". Setup For the IVR, provide the manufacturer's name, model name and number, software version, and features (if used). If not, what plans are in place to use an IVR? Setup For the PBX, provide the manufacturer's name, model name and number, software version, and features. Setup How are inbound callers identified? Process How are your sales people involved in web ordering? Process How complex are your products configuration requirements? Process How do you analyze and report the Internet Store's activities? Reporting How do you analyze marketing and sales programs? Business How do you communicate orders to your suppliers? Process


Not identified

Not identified

Not identified



Not identified

Not identified

Not identified

Interaction Blending eMail Center, Interaction Blending Interaction Blending Interaction Blending Interaction Blending Campaign Plus Campaign Plus Campaign Plus Recycling Campaign Plus Recycling Campaign Plus Recycling Interaction Blending Campaign Plus Predictive Predictive


General General General General General General General General General General General General General

Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified

Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified

Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified

Operations Operations Operations Operations Operations Operations Operations Operations Operations Systems Operations Systems Operations

General General General General General General General General

Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified

Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified

Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified

OTM, IVR Integrator OTM, Connectors Not module specific Not module specific Not module specific Not module specific Not module specific Not module specific

Systems Systems Systems & Operations ecommerce ecommerce ecommerce ecommerce ecommerce

131320756.xls.ms_office Page 71

RD.020 Business Process Questionnaire OBM Level I Type = Setup Metric Process Performance
Process How have the electronic commerce projects changed your company's business model? How long do campaigns typically run? How many agents will need to be configured for the automation? How many Field Service Engineers are there Business Process Setup Metric How many inbound campaigns are run concurrently ? Setup How many orders do you expect to process per day? Architecture How many outbound campaigns are run concurrently? Setup How many visitors do you expect per day? Architecture How should bounced messages and other responses to tagged eMail messages be handled? How will EDI impact the proposed system ? How will the other e-commerce projects impact / integrate with the proposed e-commerce project ? If fulfillment pieces are generated as part of the general business flow in the interaction center, describe the process. If fulfillment pieces are generated as part of the general business flow in the interaction center, provide the automation vendor, and version. If multiple interaction centers, describe any connectivity between them including data and telephony. If multiple interaction centers, describe call transfer flows between them (if any). If Nortel Telephony platform, do the inbound ACD queues have a CDN associated with them. This is a CTI requirement. If you use an in-house list building tool, can this tool provide a tab-delimited text file for list loading? Is the center inbound, outbound, or blended? Is the focus of your site business to business or business to consumer ? Process

OBM Level II 2469 2470 2471 2472 2473 2474 2475 2476 2477 2478 2479 2480 2481 2482 2483 2484 2485 2486 2487 2488 2489 2490 2491 2492 2493 2494 2495 2496 2497 2498 2499 2500 2501 2502 2503
General General General General General General General General General General General General General Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified


Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified

OBM Level IV
Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified

Not module specific Not module specific Not module specific OTM Mobile Field Service Not module specific Not module specific Not module specific Not module specific eMail Center, Workflow Not module specific Not module specific 1-to-1 Fulfillment

OBM Row No.


ecommerce ecommerce Operations Operations Business Operations ecommerce Operations ecommerce Business ecommerce ecommerce Operations

Process Analysis Questions

How do you create personal views?


General General General General General General General

Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified

Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified

Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified

1-to-1 Fulfillment Not module specific Not module specific PBX Campaign Plus List Loading Not module specific Not module specific Interaction Center Intelligence Interaction Center Intelligence Interaction Center Intelligence Interaction Center Intelligence OTM Not module specific Scripting Not module specific eMail Center, Workflow eMail Center, Workflow eMail Center, OTM eMail Center Scripting Interaction History??, Campaign Plus eMail Center

Systems Systems Operations Systems Operations Operations ecommerce Provide the actual Average Talk Time statistics for each call type and the goals. Operations Provide the actual Inbound Queue Abandonment Rate statistics and the goals. Operations Provide the actual Inbound Queue Service Level statistics and the goals.

Setup Setup Process Setup Setup Setup Architecture


Not identified

Not identified

Not identified



Not identified

Not identified

Not identified



Not identified

Not identified

Not identified

Operations Provide the actual Queue Hold Time statistics for each inbound call type and the goals. Operations Systems & Operations Operations Business ecommerce Business Business Business Business Business What are the set of responses for each classification and provide samples of each? What business processes will be automated through scripting (for example: Surveys, Certain data collection)? What call outcomes, reasons, and results are used in the interaction center? What are the business requirements for processing structured eMail messages? What are the business requirements for processing unstructured eMail messages? What are the criteria for routing eMail messages to agents? What applications, modules, or other integration points will be required for scripting integration (if any)? What are the acceptable performance metrics for your site ?


General General General General General General General General General General

Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified

Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified

Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified

Metric Provide the list of agent extensions being used in the interaction center. Setup Provide the location of each of the existing or planned interaction centers. Setup Process Architecture Process Process Process Process Process

General General

Not identified Not identified

Not identified Not identified

Not identified Not identified

Operations Business

Setup What customer data should be displayed in the eMail Center customer profile area? Process

131320756.xls.ms_office Page 72

RD.020 Business Process Questionnaire OBM Level I Type = Setup Metric Process Performance
Setup Process Setup Process

OBM Level II 2504 2505 2506 2507

General General General General Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified


Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified

OBM Level IV
Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified

Campaign Plus OTM, IVR Integrator Business Application, OTM eMail Center

OBM Row No.


Operations Operations Operations Business

Process Analysis Questions

What data elements are required to determine what calling list a customer should be placed? What data elements from the IVR do you want to use to make routing decisions? What data elements should trigger the screen pop for the business application, including the IVR if applicable? What eMail accounts will be accepted in the center? What hours of the day is the database not available due to administrative maintenance such as backups?



Not identified

Not identified

Not identified

OTM, IVR Integrator, CampaignPlus, Interaction Blending, Predictive IVR Integrator, Interaction Blending, CampaignPlus, Predictive OTM, CTI OTM, CTI eMail Center eMail Center Not module specific Not module specific MS + MFS eMail Center Business Application, OTM Mobile Sales Not module specific 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26

Operations What is the default corporate Internet browser (IE 5 w/Active Desktop is required for Administration)?


2509 2510 2511 2512 2513 2514 2515 2516 2517 2518 2519 2520 2521 2522 2523 2524 2525 2526 2527 2528 2529 2530 2531 2532 2533 2534 2535 2536 2537 2538 2539

General General General General General General General General General General General General (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management

Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Employee Relations Employee Relations Employee Relations Employee Relations Employee Relations Employee Relations Employee Relations Employee Relations Employee Relations Employee Relations Employee Relations Employee Relations Employee Relations Employee Relations Employee Relations Employee Relations Employee Relations Employee Relations Employee Relations

Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified

Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified

Systems Systems Systems Business Business Systems & Operations Business Business Business Which Business Application form should display for a screen pop? Operations Business ecommerce Employee Maintenance Employee Maintenance Employee Maintenance Employee Maintenance Employee Maintenance Employee Maintenance Employee Maintenance Employee Maintenance Employee Maintenance Termination (LMDA only) Termination (LMDA only) Termination (LMDA only) Termination (LMDA only) Termination (LMDA only) Termination (LMDA only) Termination (LMDA only) Termination (LMDA only) General Do you do grievance tracking? General Will the Field Sales Reps be using laptops or palm tops Will your site be a stand alone site or support multiple mini-sites? What is the IP address of the IVR? What is the IP address of the PBX? What is the set of classifications that covers all eMail messages and provide samples of each? What knowledge base is being used and should it be migrated to MES or SMS? What media is integrated (or planned) with the interaction center (Fax, e-mail, web callback, web self-service, other)? What primary benefit are looking to receive from a interaction center automation? What telecoms / networking technology is planned for use with the mobile users Which agents should be able to process eMail messages by address.

Setup Setup Setup Process Process Setup Performance Setup Process Setup Setup Architecture How do you handle terminations? Process Are COBRA actives treated differently than terminations? Process How do you handle layoffs? Process How do you handle seasonal reductions in workforce? Process How do terminations affect other departments? Process How do you handle terminations? Process How do you handle layoffs? Process How do you handle seasonal reductions in workforce? Process How do terminations affect other departments? Process Does this entire process need to be approved? Setup If yes, by whom? Setup Will managers be allowed to terminate employees? Setup Are the termination reasons set in the base application? Setup If employee being terminated is a manager, is the change of direct reports required? Does the supervisor get a last day worked email? Does the employee get a last day worked email? Setup Does the Enterprise need descriptive flexfield segments, held on the employee's assignment, concerning Termination? Do you do grievance tracking? Setup Process Process Setup Setup

Administrate Termination Management Manage Employee Process Control HR Administrate Termination Management Manage Employee Process Control HR Administrate Termination Management Manage Employee Process Control HR Administrate Termination Management Manage Employee Process Control HR Administrate Termination Management Manage Employee Process Control HR Administrate Termination Management Manage Employee Process Control HR Administrate Termination Management Manage Employee Process Control HR Administrate Termination Management Manage Employee Process Control HR Administrate Termination Management Manage Employee Process Control HR Administrate Termination Management Not identified Administrate Termination Management Not identified Administrate Termination Management Not identified Administrate Termination Management Not identified Administrate Termination Management Not identified Administrate Termination Management Not identified Administrate Termination Management Not identified Administrate Termination Management Not identified Manage Labor Relations Manage Labor Relations Manage Grievance Manage Grievance SSHR SSHR SSHR SSHR SSHR SSHR SSHR SSHR HR HR

26 26

131320756.xls.ms_office Page 73

RD.020 Business Process Questionnaire OBM Level I Type = Setup Metric Process Performance
Process Do you track disciplinary information? Employee Relations Employee Relations Information Management Information Management Manage Management Initiated Issues not identified Administrate Employee Records Administrate Employee Records Administer Disciplinary Actions Not identified Change Employee Information Change Employee Information HR HR HR HR 26 26 26 26 General What type of personal data do you need to maintain? Employee Tracking How do you maintain your Human Resources data? Maintenance How do you audit your Human Resources data? Maintenance Do you review requirements for validation rules or dependencies, (i.e. Human Resources data to be valid only when certain other values. Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management Administrate Employee Records Administrate Employee Records Administrate Employee Records Administrate Employee Records Administrate Employee Records Administrate Employee Records Administrate Employee Records Administrate Employee Records Administrate Employee Records Administrate Employee Records Administrate Employee Records Administrate Employee Records Administrate Employee Records Administrate Employee Records Administrate Employee Records Administrate Employee Records Administrate Employee Records Administrate Employee Records Administrate Employee Records Not identified Change Employee Information Change Employee Information Change Employee Information Change Employee Information Change Employee Information Change Employee Information Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Manage Leave Manage Leave Change Employee Information Change Employee Information HR HR HR HR HR HR HR HR HR HR HR HR HR HR HR HR HR HR HR 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 Validation Employee Maintenance Employee Maintenance Employee Maintenance Employee Maintenance Employee Maintenance Employee Maintenance Employee Maintenance Employee Tracking Employee Tracking Employee Tracking Employee Tracking Employee Tracking Other Employee Maintenance Leave Leave Maintenance Maintenance Setup What type of employee status changes occur and how are they handled? (FT to PT, LOA, union to non-union) Process Do these status changes affect an employee's benefits and tax elections? Setup, Process How do status changes affect an employees benefits and tax elections? Process How do you handle inter-departmental employee transfers? Process How do you handle inter-divisional employee transfers? Process How do you handle inter-company employee transfers? Process What does your retiree processing entail? Process What personal information do you maintain: Personal? (Name, race, etc.) Setup What personal information do you maintain: Address? (Primary, secondary residence, etc.) Setup What personal information do you maintain: Emergency Contacts? (Name, address, etc.) Setup What other information do you currently maintain on employees and other types of people that is important to your organization? Setup What job related (Assignment) data do you need to maintain? Setup What types of deductions do you need to track? (Benefits, child support, etc.) Setup What are your requirements for adding comments to your information? Process Do you have a leave accounting system? (Vacation, Sick, PTO) Setup, Process How do you track absences? Process How do you maintain your Human Resources data? Process How do you audit your Human Resources data? Process Do you review requirements for validation rules or dependencies, (i.e. Human Resources data to be valid only when certain other values. Setup What type of employee status changes occur and how are they handled? (FT to PT, LOA, union to non-union) Process How do status changes affect an employees benefits and tax elections? Process How do you handle inter-departmental employee transfers? Process How do you handle inter-divisional employee transfers? Process How do you handle inter-company employee transfers? Process What does your retiree processing entail? Process What personal information do you maintain: Personal? (Name, race, etc.) Setup What personal information do you maintain: Address? (Primary, secondary residence, etc.) Setup What personal information do you maintain: Emergency Contacts? (Name, address, etc.) Setup What other information do you currently maintain on employees and other types of people that is important to your organization? Setup What job related (Assignment) data do you need to maintain? Setup What types of deductions do you need to track? (Benefits, child support, etc.) Setup Process Process Setup, Performance Process

OBM Level II 2540 2541 2542 2543 2544 2545 2546 2547 2548 2549 2550 2551 2552 2553 2554 2555 2556 2557 2558 2559 2560 2561 2562 2563 2564 2565 2566 2567 2568 2569 2570 2571 2572 2573 2574 2575 2576
(HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management Employee Relations


Manage Management Initiated Issues

OBM Level IV
Administer Disciplinary Actions


OBM Row No.



Process Analysis Questions

Do you track disciplinary information?

Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management

Administrate Employee Records Administrate Employee Records Administrate Employee Records Administrate Employee Records Administrate Employee Records Administrate Employee Records Administrate Employee Records Administrate Employee Records Administrate Employee Records Administrate Employee Records Administrate Employee Records Administrate Employee Records Administrate Employee Records

Not identified Change Employee Information Change Employee Information Change Employee Information Change Employee Information Change Employee Information Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified


26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26

Validation Employee Maintenance Employee Maintenance Employee Maintenance Employee Maintenance Employee Maintenance Employee Maintenance Employee Tracking Employee Tracking Employee Tracking Employee Tracking Employee Tracking Other

131320756.xls.ms_office Page 74

RD.020 Business Process Questionnaire OBM Level I Type = Setup Metric Process Performance
Process Do you have a leave accounting system? (Vacation, Sick, PTO) Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management Administrate Employee Records Administrate Employee Records Administrate Employee Records Administrate Employee Records Administrate Employee Records Administrate Employee Records Manage Leave Manage Leave Change Employee Information Change Employee Information Change Employee Information Change Employee Information HR HR SSHR SSHR SSHR SSHR 26 26 Leave How do you track absences? Leave Professional Information Professional Information Professional Information Professional Information Professional Information Professional Information Professional Information Professional Information Professional Information Professional Information Professional Information Deploy Person (LMDA only) Deploy Person (LMDA only) Deploy Person Assignment Deploy Person Assignment Deploy Person Assignment Process If employees are allowed to update Education & Qualifications, do changes need to be approved? If yes, by whom? Will managers be allowed to update or view only an employee's Education & Qualifications? If neither, should this section be hidden? Will employees be allowed to update or view only Professional Awards information? If neither, should this section be hidden? If employees are allowed to update Professional Awards information, do changes need to be approved? If yes, by whom? Will managers be allowed to update or view only an employee's Professional Awards information? If neither, should this section be hidden? Setup Setup Setup Setup Setup, Process

OBM Level II 2577 2578 2579 2580 2581 2582 2583 2584 2585 2586 2587 2588 2589 2590 2591 2592 2593 2594 2595
(HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management Information Management


Administrate Employee Records

OBM Level IV
Not identified


OBM Row No.


Employee Maintenance

Process Analysis Questions

What are your requirements for adding comments to your information?

Information Management Information Management Information Management

Administrate Employee Records Administrate Employee Records Administrate Employee Records

Change Employee Information Change Employee Information Change Employee Information


Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management

Administrate Employee Records Administrate Employee Records Administrate Employee Records Administrate Employee Records Administrate Employee Records Administrate Employee Records Administrate Employee Records Administrate Employee Records Administrate Employee Records

Change Employee Information Change Employee Information Change Employee Information Change Employee Information Change Employee Information Change Employee Information Change Employee Information Change Employee Information Change Employee Information


2596 2597 2598 2599 2600

(HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management

Information Management

Administrate Employee Records

Change Employee Information


Deploy Person Assignment Deploy Person Assignment Deploy Person Assignment Deploy Person Assignment Deploy Person Assignment

Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management

Administrate Employee Records Administrate Employee Records Administrate Employee Records Administrate Employee Records

Change Employee Information Change Employee Information Change Employee Information Change Employee Information


2601 2602 2603 2604 2605

(HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management

Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management

Administrate Employee Records Administrate Employee Records Administrate Employee Records Administrate Employee Records Administrate Employee Records

Change Employee Information Change Employee Information Change Employee Information Change Employee Information Change Employee Information


Deploy Person Assignment Deploy Person Assignment Deploy Person Assignment Deploy Person Assignment Deploy Person Assignment

2606 2607 2608

(HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management

Information Management Information Management Information Management

Administrate Employee Records Administrate Employee Records Administrate Employee Records

Change Employee Information Change Employee Information Change Employee Information


Deploy Person Assignment Deploy Person Assignment Deploy Person Assignment

Setup Will employees be allowed to update or view only Work Preference information? If neither, should this section be hidden? Setup If employees are allowed to update Work Preference information, do changes need to be approved? If yes, by whom? Setup Will managers be allowed to update or view only an employee's Work Preference information? If neither, should this section be hidden? Setup Will employees be allowed to update or view only their Resume in the database? If neither, should this section be hidden? Setup If employees are allowed to update Resume, do changes need to be approved? If yes, by whom? Setup Will managers be allowed to update or view only an employee's Resume? If neither, should this section be hidden? Setup Does this entire process need to be approved? Setup If yes, by whom?? Setup Will managers be allowed to change an employee's assignment records? Setup Does anyone need to be notified of this change? Setup Do managers change organization information? Setup When viewing 'more information' on the Organization, are all necessary setups complete in base application? (Organization Type, Work Hours, Frequency, Normal Start Time, Normal End Time all need to be completed for each Organization.) Setup Does the enterprise need descriptive flexfield segments, held on the employee's assignment, concerning the Organization the employee is in? Setup Do managers change job information? Setup Does the organization need to see a job description? Setup Does the organization need to see the status of the manager flag? Setup When viewing 'more information' on the Job, are all necessary setups complete in base application? (FLSA Status, Valid Grades, Evaluation System, Job Evaluation Score, Evaluation Units of Measure, Evaluation Date all need to be completed for each Job.) Setup Does the Enterprise need descriptive flexfield segments, held on the employee's assignment, concerning the job the employee is in? Setup Does the enterprise want to require a position be entered? Setup Do managers change position information? Setup Does the organization need to see a position description? Setup When viewing 'more information' on the Position, are all necessary setups complete in base application? (Position Description, Location, Work Hours, Frequency, Normal Start Time, Normal End Time, Valid Grades, Evaluation System, Position Evaluation Score) Setup Does the Enterprise need descriptive flexfield segments, held on the employee's assignment, concerning the position the employee is in? Setup Do managers change grade information? Setup

131320756.xls.ms_office Page 75

RD.020 Business Process Questionnaire OBM Level I Type = Setup Metric Process Performance

OBM Level II
(HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management


OBM Level IV


OBM Row No.



Process Analysis Questions

When viewing 'more information' on the Grade, are all necessary setups complete in base application. Grade Minimum, Grade Maximum, Currency, Units, Grade Restricting Salary, Valid for Job, Valid for Position, all need to be completed for each Grade. Does the organization need descriptive flexfield segments, held on the employee's assignment, concerning the grade the employee is in?

2609 2610 2611 2612 2613 2614 2615 2616 2617 2618 2619 2620 2621 2622 2623

Information Management

Administrate Employee Records

Change Employee Information


Deploy Person Assignment Deploy Person Assignment Deploy Person Assignment Deploy Person Assignment Deploy Person Assignment Deploy Person Assignment Deploy Person Assignment Deploy Person Assignment Deploy Person Assignment Deploy Person Assignment Deploy Person Assignment Deploy Person Location Deploy Person Location Deploy Person Location Deploy Person Hours


Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management

Administrate Employee Records Administrate Employee Records Administrate Employee Records Administrate Employee Records Administrate Employee Records Administrate Employee Records Administrate Employee Records Administrate Employee Records Administrate Employee Records

Change Employee Information Change Employee Information Change Employee Information Change Employee Information Change Employee Information Change Employee Information Change Employee Information Change Employee Information Change Employee Information


Setup Do managers need to see grade point information? Setup Do managers need to see grade ceiling information? Setup Do managers change grade step information? Setup Do managers get an error or message to appear when element link conditions will be violated? Does the organization use positions, if so should they be required? Do managers need to see Person Group information? Setup If yes, does this information need to be updated? Setup Does the organization need to see the assignment status? Setup Does the Enterprise need descriptive flexfield segments, held on the employee's assignment, concerning the assignment status the employee is in? Will managers be allowed to change an employee's location? Setup Is the location required? Setup Does the Enterprise need descriptive flexfield segments, held on the employee's assignment, concerning the location? Will managers be allowed to change an employee's work hours & schedule? Are all necessary setup steps complete in the base application? (Work schedule, Work Hours, Frequency, Normal Start Time, Normal End Time, Timecard Required, Time Card Approver, Shift, Employment Category) Setup Does the Enterprise need descriptive flexfield segments, held on the employee's assignment, concerning Hours? Will managers be allowed to change an employee's pay rate? Will managers be allowed to associate performance review/ratings for this change in pay rate? Will multiple component pay rate changes be allowed? Does the enterprise want to set the maximum % rate change allowed? Setup Does the enterprise want to display the Group Ranking? Setup Does the enterprise want to display the Currency Code? Setup Does the enterprise want to display a Euro conversion? Setup Does the enterprise want to display the Currency Code? Setup Setup Setup Setup Setup Setup Setup Setup

Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management

Administrate Employee Records Administrate Employee Records Administrate Employee Records Administrate Employee Records Administrate Employee Records

Change Employee Information Change Employee Information Change Employee Information Change Employee Information Change Employee Information



2624 2625 2626 2627 2628 2629 2630 2631 2632 2633 2634 2635 2636 2637 2638 2639 2640 2641 2642

(HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management

Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management

Administrate Employee Records Administrate Employee Records Administrate Employee Records Administrate Employee Records Administrate Employee Records Administrate Employee Records Administrate Employee Records Administrate Employee Records Administrate Employee Records Administrate Employee Records Administrate Employee Records Administrate Employee Records

Change Employee Information Change Employee Information Change Employee Information Change Employee Information Change Employee Information Change Employee Information Change Employee Information Change Employee Information Change Employee Information Change Employee Information Change Employee Information Change Employee Information


Deploy Person Hours Deploy Person Hours Deploy Person - Pay Rate Deploy Person - Pay Rate Deploy Person - Pay Rate Deploy Person - Pay Rate Deploy Person - Pay Rate Deploy Person - Pay Rate Deploy Person - Pay Rate Deploy Person - Pay Rate Deploy Person - Pay Rate Deploy Person - Pay Rate

Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management

Administrate Employee Records Administrate Employee Records Administrate Employee Records Administrate Employee Records Administrate Employee Records Administrate Employee Records Administrate Employee Records

Change Employee Information Change Employee Information Change Employee Information Change Employee Information Change Employee Information Change Employee Information Change Employee Information


Setup Does the enterprise want to display a Warning or an Error if the new pay rate exceeds the grade range? Or display neither? Setup Does the enterprise want to display a Warning or an Error if the assignment is the grade step placement? Or display neither? Setup Does the enterprise want to display a Warning or an Error if the new Deploy Person - Pay percentage exceeds the maximum % rate change allowed? Or display neither? Rate Setup Deploy Person - Pay Does the Enterprise need descriptive flexfield segments, held on the employee's assignment, concerning Pay Rate? Rate Setup Deploy Person - Pay Does the Enterprise need descriptive flexfield segments, held on the employee's assignment, concerning Pay Rate Components? Rate Setup Does the manager need to change just a single SIT type? Deploy Person - SIT Setup Does the manager need to change a multiple SIT types? Deploy Person - SIT Setup Does the manager need to change all SIT types? Deploy Person - SIT Setup Does the manager need to view SIT's for only certain Person Types? Deploy Person - SIT Setup

131320756.xls.ms_office Page 76

RD.020 Business Process Questionnaire OBM Level I Type = Setup Metric Process Performance
Setup Setup Setup Setup

OBM Level II 2643 2644 2645 2646

(HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management


Administrate Employee Records Administrate Employee Records Administrate Employee Records Administrate Employee Records

OBM Level IV
Change Employee Information Change Employee Information Change Employee Information Change Employee Information


OBM Row No.



Process Analysis Questions

Does the manager need to change SIT's for only certain Person Types?

2647 2648 2649 2650 2651 2652 2653 2654 2655 2656 2657 2658 2659 2660 2661 2662 2663 2664 2665 2666 2667 2668 2669 2670 2671 2672 2673 2674 2675 2676 2677 2678

(HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management

Information Management

Administrate Employee Records

Change Employee Information


Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management

Administrate Employee Records Administrate Employee Records Administrate Employee Records Administrate Employee Records Administrate Employee Records Administrate Employee Records Administrate Employee Records Administrate Employee Records Administrate Employee Records Administrate Employee Records Administrate Employee Records Administrate Employee Records Administrate Employee Records Administrate Employee Records Administrate Employee Records Administrate Employee Records Administrate Employee Records Administrate Employee Records Administrate Employee Records Administrate Employee Records

Change Employee Information Change Employee Information Change Employee Information Change Employee Information Change Employee Information Change Employee Information Change Employee Information Change Employee Information Change Employee Information Change Employee Information Change Employee Information Change Employee Information Change Employee Information Change Employee Information Change Employee Information Change Employee Information Change Employee Information Change Employee Information Change Employee Information Change Employee Information


Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management

Administrate Employee Records Administrate Employee Records Administrate Employee Records Administrate Employee Records Administrate Employee Records Administrate Employee Records Administrate Employee Records Administrate Employee Records Administrate Employee Records Administrate Employee Records Administrate Employee Records

Change Employee Information Change Employee Information Change Employee Information Change Employee Information Change Employee Information Change Employee Information Change Employee Information Change Employee Information Change Employee Information Change Employee Information Change Employee Information


Deploy Person - SIT Does this entire process need to be approved? Change Conditions (LMDA only) If yes, by whom? Change Conditions (LMDA only) Change Conditions - Will managers be allowed to change an employee's grade scale? Grade When viewing 'more information' on the Grade, are all necessary setups complete in base application? (Grade Minimum, Grade Maximum, Currency, Change Conditions - Units, Grade Restricting Salary, all need to be completed for each Grade.) Grade Does the organization need descriptive flexfield segments, held on the Change Conditions - employee's assignment, concerning the grade the employee is in? Grade Change Conditions - Do managers need to see grade point information? Grade Change Conditions - Do managers need to see grade ceiling information? Grade Change Conditions - Do managers change grade step information? Grade Change Conditions Grade Change Conditions - Will managers be allowed to change an employee's location? Location Change Conditions - Is the location required? Location Change Conditions - Does the Enterprise need descriptive flexfield segments, held on the employee's assignment, concerning the location? Location Change Conditions - Will managers be allowed to change an employee's work hours & schedule? Hours Change Conditions - Does the Enterprise need descriptive flexfield segments, held on the employee's assignment, concerning Hours? Hours Change Conditions - Will managers be allowed to change an employee's pay rate? Pay Rate Change Conditions - Will managers be allowed to associate performance review/ratings for this change in pay rate? Pay Rate Change Conditions - Will multiple component pay rate changes be allowed? Pay Rate Change Conditions - Does the enterprise want to set the maximum % rate change allowed? Pay Rate Change Conditions - Does the enterprise want to display the Group Ranking? Pay Rate Change Conditions - Does the enterprise want to display the Currency Code? Pay Rate Change Conditions - Does the enterprise want to display a Euro conversion? Pay Rate Change Conditions - Does the enterprise want to display the Currency Code? Pay Rate Change Conditions - Does the enterprise want to display a Warning or an Error if the new pay rate exceeds the grade range? Or display neither? Pay Rate Change Conditions - Does the enterprise want to display a Warning or an Error if the assignment is the grade step placement? Or display neither? Pay Rate Does the enterprise want to display a Warning or an Error if the new Change Conditions - percentage exceeds the maximum % rate change allowed? Or display neither? Pay Rate Change Conditions Pay Rate Change Conditions Pay Rate Change of Hours (LMDA only) Change of Hours (LMDA only) Change of Hours Hours Change of Hours Hours Change of Hours Pay Rate Change of Hours Pay Rate Change of Hours Pay Rate Change of Hours Pay Rate Does the Enterprise need descriptive flexfield segments, held on the employee's assignment, concerning Pay Rate? Does the Enterprise need descriptive flexfield segments, held on the employee's assignment, concerning Pay Rate Components? Does this entire process need to be approved? If yes, by whom??


Setup Setup Setup Setup Setup Setup Setup Setup Setup Setup Setup Setup Setup Setup Setup Setup Setup Setup Setup Setup

Setup Setup Setup Setup Setup

Will managers be allowed to change an employee's work hours & schedule? Setup Does the Enterprise need descriptive flexfield segments, held on the employee's assignment, concerning Hours? Will managers be allowed to change an employee's pay rate? Will managers be allowed to associate performance review/ratings for this change in pay rate? Will multiple component pay rate changes be allowed? Does the enterprise want to set the maximum % rate change allowed? Setup Setup Setup Setup Setup

131320756.xls.ms_office Page 77

RD.020 Business Process Questionnaire OBM Level I Type = Setup Metric Process Performance
Setup Does the enterprise want to display the Currency Code? Setup Does the enterprise want to display a Euro conversion? Setup Does the enterprise want to display the Currency Code? Setup Does the enterprise want to display a Warning or an Error if the new pay rate exceeds the grade range? Or display neither? Setup Does the enterprise want to display a Warning or an Error if the assignment is the grade step placement? Or display neither? Setup Does the enterprise want to display a Warning or an Error if the new percentage exceeds the maximum % rate change allowed? Or display neither? Setup Does the Enterprise need descriptive flexfield segments, held on the employee's assignment, concerning Pay Rate? Setup Does the Enterprise need descriptive flexfield segments, held on the employee's assignment, concerning Pay Rate Components? Setup Does this entire process need to be approved? Setup If yes, by whom? Setup Will managers be allowed to change an employee's location? Setup Is the location required? Setup Does the Enterprise need descriptive flexfield segments, held on the employee's assignment, concerning the location? Setup Does this entire process need to be approved? Setup If yes, by whom? Setup Will managers be allowed to change an employee's assignment records? Setup Does anyone need to be notified of this change? Setup Do managers change organization information? Setup When viewing 'more information' on the Organization, are all necessary setups complete in base application? (Organization Type, Work Hours, Frequency, Normal Start Time, Normal End Time all need to be completed for each Organization.) Setup Does the enterprise need descriptive flexfield segments, held on the employee's assignment, concerning the Organization the employee is in? Setup Do managers change job information? Setup Does the organization need to see a job description? Setup Does the organization need to see the status of the manager flag? Setup When viewing 'more information' on the Job, are all necessary setups complete in base application? (FLSA Status, Valid Grades, Evaluation System, Job Evaluation Score, Evaluation Units of Measure, Evaluation Date all need to be completed for each Job.) Setup Does the Enterprise need descriptive flexfield segments, held on the employee's assignment, concerning the job the employee is in? Setup Does the enterprise want to require a position be entered? Setup Do managers change position information? Setup Does the organization need to see a position description? Setup When viewing 'more information' on the Position, are all necessary setups complete in base application? (Position Description, Location, Work Hours, Frequency, Normal Start Time, Normal End Time, Valid Grades, Evaluation System, Position Evaluation Score) Setup Does the Enterprise need descriptive flexfield segments, held on the employee's assignment, concerning the position the employee is in? Setup Do managers change grade information? Setup When viewing 'more information' on the Grade, are all necessary setups complete in base application? (Grade Minimum, Grade Maximum, Currency, Units, Grade Restricting Salary, Valid for Job, Valid for Position, all need to be completed for each Grade.) Setup

OBM Level II 2679 2680 2681 2682 2683 2684 2685 2686 2687 2688 2689 2690 2691 2692 2693 2694 2695 2696 2697
(HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management


Administrate Employee Records Administrate Employee Records Administrate Employee Records Administrate Employee Records Administrate Employee Records Administrate Employee Records

OBM Level IV
Change Employee Information Change Employee Information Change Employee Information Change Employee Information Change Employee Information Change Employee Information


OBM Row No.


Change of Hours Pay Rate Change of Hours Pay Rate Change of Hours Pay Rate Change of Hours Pay Rate Change of Hours Pay Rate Change of Hours Pay Rate Change of Hours Pay Rate Change of Hours Pay Rate Change of Hours Pay Rate Change Location (LMDA only) Change Location (LMDA only) Change Location (LMDA only) Change Location (LMDA only) Change Location (LMDA only) Promotion (LMDA only) Promotion (LMDA only) Promotion Assignment Promotion Assignment Promotion Assignment

Process Analysis Questions

Does the enterprise want to display the Group Ranking?

Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management

Administrate Employee Records Administrate Employee Records Administrate Employee Records Administrate Employee Records Administrate Employee Records Administrate Employee Records Administrate Employee Records Administrate Employee Records Administrate Employee Records Administrate Employee Records Administrate Employee Records Administrate Employee Records Administrate Employee Records

Change Employee Information Change Employee Information Change Employee Information Change Employee Information Change Employee Information Change Employee Information Change Employee Information Change Employee Information Change Employee Information Change Employee Information Change Employee Information Change Employee Information Change Employee Information


2698 2699 2700 2701 2702

(HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management

Information Management

Administrate Employee Records

Change Employee Information


Promotion Assignment Promotion Assignment Promotion Assignment Promotion Assignment Promotion Assignment

Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management

Administrate Employee Records Administrate Employee Records Administrate Employee Records Administrate Employee Records

Change Employee Information Change Employee Information Change Employee Information Change Employee Information


2703 2704 2705 2706 2707

(HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management

Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management

Administrate Employee Records Administrate Employee Records Administrate Employee Records Administrate Employee Records Administrate Employee Records

Change Employee Information Change Employee Information Change Employee Information Change Employee Information Change Employee Information


Promotion Assignment Promotion Assignment Promotion Assignment Promotion Assignment Promotion Assignment

2708 2709 2710

(HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management

Information Management Information Management Information Management

Administrate Employee Records Administrate Employee Records Administrate Employee Records

Change Employee Information Change Employee Information Change Employee Information


Promotion Assignment Promotion Assignment Promotion Assignment


(HR) Human Resource Management

Information Management

Administrate Employee Records

Change Employee Information


Promotion Assignment

131320756.xls.ms_office Page 78

RD.020 Business Process Questionnaire OBM Level I Type = Setup Metric Process Performance
Setup Do managers need to see grade point information? Setup Do managers need to see grade ceiling information Setup Do managers change grade step information? Setup Do managers an error or message to appear when element link conditions will be violated? Does the organization use positions, if so should they be required? Will managers be allowed to change an employee's pay rate? Setup Will managers be allowed to associate performance review/ratings for this change in pay rate? Will multiple component pay rate changes be allowed? Does the enterprise want to set the maximum % rate change allowed? Setup Does the enterprise want to display the Group Ranking? Setup Does the enterprise want to display the Currency Code? Setup Does the enterprise want to display a Euro conversion? Setup Does the enterprise want to display the Currency Code? Setup Does the enterprise want to display a Warning or an Error if the new pay rate exceeds the grade range? Or display neither? Setup Does the enterprise want to display a Warning or an Error if the assignment is the grade step placement? Or display neither? Setup Does the enterprise want to display a Warning or an Error if the new percentage exceeds the maximum % rate change allowed? Or display neither? Setup Does the Enterprise need descriptive flexfield segments, held on the employee's assignment, concerning Pay Rate? Setup Does the Enterprise need descriptive flexfield segments, held on the employee's assignment, concerning Pay Rate Components? Setup Does the manager need to change just a single SIT type? Setup Does the manager need to change a multiple SIT types? Setup Does the manager need to change all SIT types? Setup Does the manager need to view SIT's for only certain Person Types? Setup Does the manager need to change SIT's for only certain Person Types? Setup Do you have security requirements on who can enter data for Human Resources? (e.g. by company? by cost center?) Process Do you have security reports on who can run Human Resources reports? (by company, by cost center etc.) Setup, Process Will there need to be terminal security for Human Resources? Setup Do you run security reports on a regular basis for Human Resources? Process Do you have documentation on your current system security requirements for Human Resources? Process Map each GL user to a menu structure. Will any new ones need to be created for Human Resources? Setup, Process What other events are significant in your management of human resources? Explain. Process Will employees be tracked? Setup, Process Will ex-employees be tracked? Setup, Process Will retirees be tracked? Setup, Process Will contractors be tracked? Setup, Process Will recruiters be tracked? Setup, Process Will other contacts be tracked? Setup, Process Setup Setup Setup Setup

OBM Level II 2712 2713 2714 2715 2716 2717 2718 2719 2720 2721 2722 2723 2724 2725 2726 2727 2728 2729 2730 2731 2732 2733 2734 2735 2736 2737 2738 2739 2740 2741 2742 2743 2744 2745 2746 2747 2748
(HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management


Administrate Employee Records Administrate Employee Records Administrate Employee Records Administrate Employee Records Administrate Employee Records Administrate Employee Records Administrate Employee Records Administrate Employee Records Administrate Employee Records Administrate Employee Records Administrate Employee Records Administrate Employee Records Administrate Employee Records Administrate Employee Records Administrate Employee Records Administrate Employee Records

OBM Level IV
Change Employee Information Change Employee Information Change Employee Information Change Employee Information Change Employee Information Change Employee Information Change Employee Information Change Employee Information Change Employee Information Change Employee Information Change Employee Information Change Employee Information Change Employee Information Change Employee Information Change Employee Information Change Employee Information


OBM Row No.


Promotion Assignment Promotion Assignment Promotion Assignment Promotion Assignment Promotion Assignment Promotion Assignment Promotion - Pay Rate Promotion - Pay Rate Promotion - Pay Rate Promotion - Pay Rate Promotion - Pay Rate Promotion - Pay Rate Promotion - Pay Rate Promotion - Pay Rate Promotion - Pay Rate Promotion - Pay Rate Promotion - Pay Rate Promotion - Pay Rate Promotion - Pay Rate Promotion - SIT Promotion - SIT Promotion - SIT Promotion - SIT Promotion - SIT

Process Analysis Questions

Does the organization need descriptive flexfield segments, held on the employee's assignment, concerning the grade the employee is in?

Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management

Administrate Employee Records Administrate Employee Records Administrate Employee Records Administrate Employee Records Administrate Employee Records Administrate Employee Records Administrate Employee Records Administrate Employee Records Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified

Change Employee Information Change Employee Information Change Employee Information Change Employee Information Change Employee Information Change Employee Information Change Employee Information Change Employee Information Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified

SSHR SSHR SSHR SSHR SSHR SSHR SSHR SSHR HR HR HR HR HR HR HR HR HR HR HR HR HR 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26

Security Security Security Security Security Interfaces Employee Maintenance Employee Tracking Employee Tracking Employee Tracking Employee Tracking Employee Tracking Employee Tracking

131320756.xls.ms_office Page 79

RD.020 Business Process Questionnaire OBM Level I Type = Setup Metric Process Performance
Setup, Process Will trustees be tracked? Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified HR HR HR HR HR PAY HR HR HR HR HR HR HR HR HR HR HR 26 26 26 26 26 27 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 Employee Tracking Will board members be tracked? Employee Tracking What benefit does this data provide to your organization as a whole? Employee Tracking Employee Maintenance Employee Tracking Interfaces General General General General Demographics Demographics Business Process Reengineering Business Process Reengineering Business Process Reengineering Business Process Reengineering Interfaces Process Do you need to track employee relocation information for special employee groups? E.g. executives and sales force. Process What benefit does this data provide to certain entities within the organization? Process Are there any other interfaces to other systems (Mainframe, PC, manual) you have not told us about? Process What was reason for purchasing/upgrading to this Oracle Human Resource application? Process What is the purpose of the relevant human resources systems/processes? Process What is the origin of the relevant human resources systems/processes (vendor or in-house)? Process Is there an existing entity relationship (E-R) diagram of the current human resources application? Process Describe the current geographical distribution of your business and/or employees? Setup, Process Describe the geographical distribution of your business and/or employees in the foreseeable future? Setup, Process What business areas and/or operations are targeted for improvement? Process, Metric What business areas and/or operations are targeted for re-engineering? Process, Metric Which of these business areas and/or operations are highest priority? Medium priority? Low priority? Setup, process How do you see the application resolving your current deficiencies/issues? Metric Define your interfaces/information to other systems/users for Payroll System/Department? Process Do you currently use or plan to install an Interactive Voice Response (IVR) or scanning technology system for human resources/benefits? Process Are there any other interfaces to other systems (Mainframe, PC, manual) you have not told us about? Process What are your on-line help/documentation requirements? Process How are the hierarchies or organization charts structured? (Samples) Setup Number of other persons associated with organization/company (i.e. Retirees, ex-employees, volunteers, Board members)? Metric Describe your management reporting structure? Setup, process Describe your financial reporting structure? Setup, process How many Federal and State Employer Identification Numbers (EINs) do you have? Metric How many Federal and State Employer Identification Numbers (EINs) do you plan to have in the next one-two years? Metric How are your organization charts generated? Process How many views of your organization(s) do you have? Setup, process How often do your organizational structures change? Process How many worksites/locations does your organization/company operate? Metric In which countries are your company worksites located? Setup In which states are your company worksites located? Setup In which counties/localities are your company worksites located? Setup Does your organization/company have unions? Setup How many unions do you have? Metric How many bargaining units do you have? Metric Setup, Process Setup, Process

OBM Level II 2749 2750 2751 2752 2753 2754 2755 2756 2757 2758 2759 2760 2761 2762 2763 2764 2765 2766 2767 2768 2769 2770 2771 2772 2773 2774 2775 2776 2777 2778 2779 2780 2781 2782 2783 2784 2785
(HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management Information Management


Not identified

OBM Level IV
Not identified


OBM Row No.


Employee Tracking

Process Analysis Questions

Will volunteers be tracked?

Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management

Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified

Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified


26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26

Interfaces Interfaces General Organizational Organizational Organizational Organizational Organizational Organizational Organizational Organizational Organizational Organizational Organizational Organizational Organizational Organizational Organizational Organizational

131320756.xls.ms_office Page 80

RD.020 Business Process Questionnaire OBM Level I Type = Setup Metric Process Performance
Metric Setup Setup, Metric When will the existing union contract expire? Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified HR HR HR HR, PO ALL HR HR HR HR HR HR HR HR HR HR HR HR HR HR HR HR HR HR HR HR HR PAY PAY PAY PAY PAY PAY PAY PAY PAY 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 Organizational How many different contracts are negotiated? Organizational Organizational Organizational Which manual operations/processes do you need to automate? Other Do you have any HR Data in Lotus 1-2-3? Other Do you have any HR Data in D-base? Other Do you have any HR Data in Excel? Other Do you have any HR Data in WordPerfect? Other Do you have any HR Data in Word? Other Do you have any HR Data in other programs? Other Other Other Other Security Security Security Security Who is responsible for maintaining your security profiles? (DBA, IS) Security By type of user, define what data is available for viewing? Security By type of user, define what data is available for updating? Security By type of user, define what data is available for deleting? Security By type of function, define the levels of the organization that are available? Security By type of function, define the types of employees that are available? Security By type of function, define the type of data that is available? Security Define any additional security requirements. Security Security Security Security Do you run security reports on a regular basis for Payroll? Security Security Security Organizational Organizational Demographics Process Do you have documentation on your current system security requirements for Payroll? Process Map each GL user to a menu structure. Will any new ones need to be created for Payroll? Setup, process Describe your companies organization. Setup Include any organization hierarchy charts. Setup How many states and countries, if applicable, do you pay employees? Setup, Metric Do you have security requirements on who can enter data for Payroll? (e.g. by company? by cost center?) Do you have security requirements on who can run Payroll reports? (by company, by cost center etc.) Will there need to be terminal security for Payroll? Setup, Process Process, Performance Process Setup, process Setup Setup, Process Setup, Process Setup, Process Setup, Process Setup, Process Process How many key users have/will have access to the human resources applications? How many casual users have/will have access to the human resources applications? Is there information you wish to maintain on employees and other people types that you currently do not store electronically? What is the total number of users who have/will have access to the human resources applications? How many users (key & casual) have/will have access to the human resources applications for updating information? How many users (key & casual) have/will have access to the human resources applications for reporting needs only? At what levels do you currently secure users? (Company, organization, field) Process Metric, Performance Metric, Performance Setup, Performance Metric Metric Metric Setup, Process Process Process Process Process Process Process What differences/commonalties are there between the different contract benefits offerings? Describe your other reporting hierarchies? Metric Setup, Process Setup Setup, Process

OBM Level II 2786 2787 2788 2789 2790 2791 2792 2793 2794 2795 2796 2797 2798 2799 2800 2801 2802 2803 2804 2805 2806 2807 2808 2809 2810 2811 2812 2813 2814 2815 2816 2817 2818 2819 2820 2821 2822 2823
(HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management Information Management Information Management Information Management


Not identified Not identified Not identified

OBM Level IV
Not identified Not identified Not identified


OBM Row No.

26 26 26

Organizational Organizational Organizational

Process Analysis Questions

Approximately what percentage of your employee population is associated with these unions? Which divisions or companies or subsidiaries or locations have union affiliations? What are the are the durations of your union contracts?

131320756.xls.ms_office Page 81

RD.020 Business Process Questionnaire OBM Level I Type = Setup Metric Process Performance
Process, Metric Do you have any payroll data in: Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified PAY PAY PAY PAY PAY PAY PAY HR PAY PAY HR HR HR HR HR HR HR HR HR HR HR HR HR HR HR HR HR HR HR PAY HR HR HR HR HR HR HR 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 26 27 27 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 27 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 Other Lotus 1-2-3 Other Dbase? Other Excel? Other WordPerfect? Other Word? Other Others? Other Employee Tracking Technology What are your on-line help/documentation needs? Other Security Security Security Security Security Interfaces Employee Maintenance Employee Tracking Employee Tracking Employee Tracking Employee Tracking Employee Tracking Employee Tracking Employee Tracking Employee Tracking Employee Tracking Employee Tracking Employee Maintenance Employee Tracking Interfaces General General General General Demographics Demographics Business Process Reengineering Process Do you have security requirements on who can enter data for Human Resources? (e.g. by company? by cost center?) Process Do you have security reports on who can run Human Resources reports? (by company, by cost center etc.) Setup, process Will there need to be terminal security for Human Resources? Setup Do you run security reports on a regular basis for Human Resources? Process Do you have documentation on your current system security requirements for Human Resources? Process Map each GL user to a menu structure. Will any new ones need to be created for Human Resources? Setup, process What other events are significant in your management of human resources? Explain. Process Will employees be tracked? Setup, process Will ex-employees be tracked? Setup, process Will retirees be tracked? Setup, process Will contractors be tracked? Setup, process Will recruiters be tracked? Setup, process Will other contacts be tracked? Setup, process Will volunteers be tracked? Setup, process Will trustees be tracked? Setup, process Will board members be tracked? Setup, process What benefit does this data provide to your organization as a whole? Process Do you need to track employee relocation information for special employee groups? E.g. executives and sales force. Process What benefit does this data provide to certain entities within the organization? Process Are there any other interfaces to other systems (Mainframe, PC, manual) you have not told us about? Process What was reason for purchasing/upgrading to this Oracle Human Resource application? Process What is the purpose of the relevant human resources systems/processes? Process What is the origin of the relevant human resources systems/processes (vendor or in-house)? Process Is there an existing entity relationship (E-R) diagram of the current human resources application? Process Describe the current geographical distribution of your business and/or employees? Setup, process Describe the geographical distribution of your business and/or employees in the foreseeable future? Setup, process What business areas and/or operations are targeted for improvement? Process, Metric What benefit will storing data that you currently do not store electronically provide to your organization? Do you have needs for scanning? Process Process Process Process Process Process Process Process Process

OBM Level II 2824 2825 2826 2827 2828 2829 2830 2831 2832 2833 2834 2835 2836 2837 2838 2839 2840 2841 2842 2843 2844 2845 2846 2847 2848 2849 2850 2851 2852 2853 2854 2855 2856 2857 2858 2859 2860 2861
(HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management Information Management


Not identified

OBM Level IV
Not identified


OBM Row No.



Process Analysis Questions

Do you have any unions or bargaining units? (How many?

131320756.xls.ms_office Page 82

RD.020 Business Process Questionnaire OBM Level I Type = Setup Metric Process Performance
Process, Metric How do you see the application resolving your current deficiencies/issues? Metric Define your interfaces/information to other systems/users for Payroll System/Department? Do you currently use or plan to install an Interactive Voice Response (IVR) or scanning technology system for human resources/benefits? Process

OBM Level II 2862 2863 2864 2865 2866 2867 2868 2869 2870 2871 2872 2873 2874 2875 2876 2877 2878 2879 2880 2881 2882 2883 2884 2885 2886 2887 2888 2889 2890 2891 2892 2893 2894 2895 2896 2897 2898
(HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management Information Management Information Management Information Management


Not identified Not identified Not identified

OBM Level IV
Not identified Not identified Not identified


OBM Row No.

26 26 26

Business Process Reengineering Business Process Reengineering Interfaces

Process Analysis Questions

What business areas and/or operations are targeted for re-engineering?

Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management

Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified

Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified


26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26

Interfaces Interfaces General Organizational Organizational Organizational Organizational Organizational Organizational Organizational Organizational Organizational Organizational Organizational Organizational Organizational Organizational Organizational Organizational Organizational Organizational Organizational Organizational Organizational Organizational Other Other Other Other Other Other Other Security Security

Process Are there any other interfaces to other systems (Mainframe, PC, manual) you have not told us about? Process What are your on-line help/documentation requirements? Process How are the hierarchies or organization charts structured? (Samples) Setup Number of other persons associated with organization/company (i.e. Retirees, ex-employees, volunteers, Board members)? Metric Describe your management reporting structure? Setup, process Describe your financial reporting structure? Setup, process How many Federal and State Employer Identification Numbers (EINs) do you have? Metric How many Federal and State Employer Identification Numbers (EINs) do you plan to have in the next one-two years? Metric How are your organization charts generated? Process How many views of your organization(s) do you have? Setup, process How often do your organizational structures change? Process How many worksites/locations does your organization/company operate? Metric In which countries are your company worksites located? Setup In which states are your company worksites located? Setup In which counties/localities are your company worksites located? Setup Does your organization/company have unions? Setup How many unions do you have? Metric How many bargaining units do you have? Metric Which divisions or companies or subsidiaries or locations have union affiliations? Setup What are the are the durations of your union contracts? Setup, metric When will the existing union contract expire? Setup, process How many different contracts are negotiated? Metric What differences/commonalties are there between the different contract benefits offerings? Setup, process Describe your other reporting hierarchies? Setup Do you have any HR Data in Lotus 1-2-3? Process Do you have any HR Data in D-base? Process Do you have any HR Data in Excel? Process Do you have any HR Data in WordPerfect? Process Do you have any HR Data in Word? Process Do you have any HR Data in other programs? Process Is there information you wish to maintain on employees and other people types that you currently do not store electronically? Setup, performance What is the total number of users who have/will have access to the human resources applications? Metric How many users (key & casual) have/will have access to the human resources applications for updating information? Metric

131320756.xls.ms_office Page 83

RD.020 Business Process Questionnaire OBM Level I Type = Setup Metric Process Performance
Metric Setup, process Who is responsible for maintaining your security profiles? (DBA, IS) Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Perform Reporting Perform Reporting Perform Reporting Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Prepare Non/Regulatory and Statutory Reporting HR HR HR HR HR HR HR HR PAY PAY PAY PAY PAY PAY PAY PAY PAY PAY PAY PAY PAY PAY PAY PAY PAY HR PAY PAY HR HR HR HR HR HR HR HR 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 26 27 27 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 Security By type of user, define what data is available for viewing? Security By type of user, define what data is available for updating? Security By type of user, define what data is available for deleting? Security By type of function, define the levels of the organization that are available? Security By type of function, define the types of employees that are available? Security By type of function, define the type of data that is available? Security Define any additional security requirements. Security Security Security Security Do you run security reports on a regular basis for Payroll? Security Security Security Organizational Organizational Demographics General Other Other Other Other Other Other Other Employee Tracking Technology Other Business Process Reengineering Business Process Reengineering Business Process Reengineering Business Process Reengineering Business Process Reengineering Reporting Reporting Reporting Process Do you have documentation on your current system security requirements for Payroll? Process Map each GL user to a menu structure. Will any new ones need to be created for Payroll? Setup, process Describe your companies organization. Setup Include any organization hierarchy charts. Setup How many states and countries, if applicable, do you pay employees? Setup, Metric Do you have any unions or bargaining units? (How many? Process, Metric Do you have any payroll data in: Process Lotus 1-2-3 Process Dbase? Process Excel? Process WordPerfect? Process Word? Process Others? Process What benefit will storing data that you currently do not store electronically provide to your organization? Process Do you have needs for scanning? Process What are your on-line help/documentation needs? Process Which operations/processes do you want to streamline for Human Resources? Process Which operations/processes do you want to eliminate for Human Resources? Process Are there any time-intensive Human Resources operations/processes that need to be addressed? Process Which operations/processes do you want to streamline for Human Resources? Process Which operations/processes do you want to eliminate for Human Resources? Process What business performance statistics do you monitor for Human Resources? Process What are your Human Resources reporting requirements with respect to functional vs. foreign currencies? Setup, Process What are your Human Resources reporting requirements with respect to summary or detail formats? Obtain report listing. Setup, Process Do you have security requirements on who can enter data for Payroll? (e.g. by company? by cost center?) Do you have security requirements on who can run Payroll reports? (by company, by cost center etc.) Will there need to be terminal security for Payroll? Setup, process Process, Performance Process Setup, process Setup Setup, process Setup, process Setup, process Setup, process Setup, process Process

OBM Level II 2899 2900 2901 2902 2903 2904 2905 2906 2907 2908 2909 2910 2911 2912 2913 2914 2915 2916 2917 2918 2919 2920 2921 2922 2923 2924 2925 2926 2927 2928 2929 2930 2931 2932 2933 2934 2935 2936
(HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management Information Management Information Management


Not identified Not identified

OBM Level IV
Not identified Not identified


OBM Row No.

26 26

Security Security

Process Analysis Questions

How many users (key & casual) have/will have access to the human resources applications for reporting needs only? At what levels do you currently secure users? (Company, organization, field)

131320756.xls.ms_office Page 84

RD.020 Business Process Questionnaire OBM Level I Type = Setup Metric Process Performance

OBM Level II
(HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management


OBM Level IV


OBM Row No.



Process Analysis Questions

What reports do you currently generate to meet your Human Resources reporting requirements? Provide examples of each. Include source (could be manual), user, frequency, number of copies.

2937 2938 2939 2940 2941 2942 2943 2944 2945 2946 2947 2948 2949 2950 2951 2952 2953 2954 2955 2956 2957 2958 2959 2960 2961 2962 2963 2964 2965 2966 2967 2968 2969 2970 2971

Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management

Perform Reporting Perform Reporting Perform Reporting Perform Reporting Perform Reporting Perform Reporting Perform Reporting Perform Reporting Perform Reporting Perform Reporting Perform Reporting Perform Reporting Perform Reporting Perform Reporting Perform Reporting Perform Reporting Perform Reporting

Prepare Non/Regulatory and Statutory Reporting Prepare Non/Regulatory and Statutory Reporting Prepare Non/Regulatory and Statutory Reporting Prepare Non/Regulatory and Statutory Reporting Prepare Non/Regulatory and Statutory Reporting Prepare Non/Regulatory and Statutory Reporting Prepare Non/Regulatory and Statutory Reporting Prepare Non/Regulatory and Statutory Reporting Prepare Non/Regulatory and Statutory Reporting Prepare Non/Regulatory and Statutory Reporting Prepare Non/Regulatory and Statutory Reporting Prepare Non/Regulatory and Statutory Reporting Prepare Non/Regulatory and Statutory Reporting Prepare Non/Regulatory and Statutory Reporting Prepare Non/Regulatory and Statutory Reporting Prepare Non/Regulatory and Statutory Reporting Prepare Non/Regulatory and Statutory Reporting Prepare Non/Regulatory and Statutory Reporting Prepare Non/Regulatory and Statutory Reporting Prepare Non/Regulatory and Statutory Reporting Prepare Non/Regulatory and Statutory Reporting Prepare Non/Regulatory and Statutory Reporting Prepare Non/Regulatory and Statutory Reporting Prepare Non/Regulatory and Statutory Reporting Prepare Non/Regulatory and Statutory Reporting Prepare Non/Regulatory and Statutory Reporting Prepare Regulatory and Statutory Reporting Prepare Regulatory and Statutory Reporting Prepare Regulatory and Statutory Reporting Prepare Regulatory and Statutory Reporting Prepare Non/Regulatory and Statutory Reporting Prepare Non/Regulatory and Statutory Reporting Prepare Non/Regulatory and Statutory Reporting Prepare Non/Regulatory and Statutory Reporting Prepare Non/Regulatory and Statutory Reporting


26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26

Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting What is the criteria for determining who should receive a copy of any Human Resources report? How do you update a Human Resources reports distribution list? Is there any Human Resources reporting requirement that your current set of reports does not meet? Are Human Resources reports standard across multiple Sets of Books, for example, subsidiaries? Are Human Resources reports standard across multiple levels within a Set of Books, i e., divisions? What account codes and/or descriptions are required on Human Resources reports? Do you provide a "key" of content/information somewhere on the Human Resources report? What Human Resources reports are grouped together on a regular basis and printed in one print run? (report set) Who receives a copy of the Human Resources reports?

Setup, process Setup Setup Setup Setup Setup Setup, process Process Process

Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management

Perform Reporting Perform Reporting Perform Reporting Perform Reporting Perform Reporting Perform Reporting


26 26 26 26 26 26

Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting

Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management

Perform Reporting Perform Reporting Perform Reporting Perform Reporting Perform Reporting Perform Reporting Perform Reporting Perform Reporting Perform Reporting Perform Reporting


26 26 26 26 26 26 26 27 27 27

Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting

Information Management Information Management

Perform Reporting Perform Reporting


27 27

Reporting Reporting

Process Is the process to update a Human Resources reports distribution list documented? Process How long does it take to update a Human Resources reports distribution list? Process How long should it take to update a Human Resources reports distribution list? Process Who performs the tasks associated with updating a Human Resources reports distribution list? Process Is there any requirement for on-line (softcopy) distribution and/or remote location printing for Human Resources reports? Setup, process Do some of these Human Resources reports belong in report sets? Always being run together? Setup Do the separate business units run their own Human Resources reports? Process, Performance What type of printers do you run Human Resources reports (including required legislative reports, etc.) on? Where are they located? Setup, Performance Do you run Human Resources reports for different companies or cost centers? Process Do you need company wide/consolidation reporting? Process Do you need divisional/departmental/cost center reporting? Process Who is currently responsible for creating or changing reports? Process How easy and timely is it to create or change reports? Process Concerning report generation, will the same responsibilities continue, or will they change? (i.e. end-user responsible for report generation?) Process Do you have a tool to do on-demand reports or queries? Process, Performance What are your management reporting needs? Process What are your federal/state mandated reporting requirements? (i.e. EEO, Discrimination testing) Process Are you required to provide government/industry oversight reports? (i.e. FCC, DOT, DOE) Process Do you do any affirmative action planning or reporting? Setup, Process How is affirmative action planning or reporting done? Setup, Process What business performance statistics do you monitor for Payroll? Process What are your Payroll reporting requirements with respect to functional vs. foreign currencies? Setup, Process What are your Payroll reporting requirements with respect to summary or detail formats? Obtain report listing. Setup, Process What reports do you currently generate to meet your Payroll reporting requirements? Provide examples of each. Include source (could be manual), user, frequency, number of copies. Setup, process Is there any Payroll reporting requirement that your current set of reports does not meet? Setup

131320756.xls.ms_office Page 85

RD.020 Business Process Questionnaire OBM Level I Type = Setup Metric Process Performance

OBM Level II 2972 2973 2974 2975 2976 2977 2978 2979 2980 2981 2982 2983 2984 2985 2986 2987 2988 2989 2990
(HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management


Perform Reporting Perform Reporting Perform Reporting Perform Reporting Perform Reporting Perform Reporting Perform Reporting Perform Reporting Perform Reporting Perform Reporting Perform Reporting Perform Reporting Perform Reporting Perform Reporting Perform Reporting Perform Reporting Perform Reporting Perform Reporting Perform Reporting

OBM Level IV
Prepare Non/Regulatory and Statutory Reporting Prepare Non/Regulatory and Statutory Reporting Prepare Non/Regulatory and Statutory Reporting Prepare Non/Regulatory and Statutory Reporting Prepare Non/Regulatory and Statutory Reporting Prepare Non/Regulatory and Statutory Reporting Prepare Non/Regulatory and Statutory Reporting Prepare Non/Regulatory and Statutory Reporting Prepare Non/Regulatory and Statutory Reporting Prepare Non/Regulatory and Statutory Reporting Prepare Non/Regulatory and Statutory Reporting Prepare Non/Regulatory and Statutory Reporting Prepare Non/Regulatory and Statutory Reporting Prepare Non/Regulatory and Statutory Reporting Prepare Non/Regulatory and Statutory Reporting Prepare Non/Regulatory and Statutory Reporting Prepare Non/Regulatory and Statutory Reporting Not identified Prepare Non/Regulatory and Statutory Reporting


OBM Row No.

27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 26 26

Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting

Process Analysis Questions

2991 2992 2993 2994 2995 2996 2997 2998 2999 3000 3001 3002 3003 3004 3005 3006 3007

(HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management

Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management

Perform Reporting Perform Reporting Perform Reporting Perform Reporting Perform Reporting Perform Reporting Perform Reporting Perform Reporting Perform Reporting Perform Reporting

Prepare Non/Regulatory and Statutory Reporting Prepare Non/Regulatory and Statutory Reporting Prepare Non/Regulatory and Statutory Reporting Prepare Non/Regulatory and Statutory Reporting Prepare Non/Regulatory and Statutory Reporting Prepare Non/Regulatory and Statutory Reporting Prepare Non/Regulatory and Statutory Reporting Prepare Non/Regulatory and Statutory Reporting Prepare Non/Regulatory and Statutory Reporting Prepare Non/Regulatory and Statutory Reporting Prepare Non/Regulatory and Statutory Reporting Prepare Non/Regulatory and Statutory Reporting Prepare Non/Regulatory and Statutory Reporting Prepare Non/Regulatory and Statutory Reporting Prepare Non/Regulatory and Statutory Reporting Prepare Non/Regulatory and Statutory Reporting Prepare Non/Regulatory and Statutory Reporting


26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26

Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting

Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management

Perform Reporting Perform Reporting Perform Reporting Perform Reporting Perform Reporting Perform Reporting Perform Reporting


26 26 26 26 26 26 26

Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting

Are Payroll reports standard across multiple Sets of Books, for example, subsidiaries? Setup Are Payroll reports standard across multiple levels within a Set of Books, i e., divisions? Setup What account codes and/or descriptions are required on Payroll reports? Setup Do you provide a "key" of content/information somewhere on the Payroll report? Setup What Payroll reports are grouped together on a regular basis and printed in one print run? Setup, process Who receives a copy of the Payroll reports? Process What is the criteria for determining who should receive a copy of any Payroll report? Process How do you update a Payroll reports distribution list? Process Is the process to update a Payroll reports distribution list documented? Process How long does it take to update a Payroll reports distribution list? Process Who performs the tasks associated with updating a Payroll reports distribution list? Process Is there any requirement for on-line (softcopy) distribution and/or remote location printing for Payroll reports? Setup, process Do some of these Payroll reports belong in report sets? Always being run together? Setup Who is responsible for submitting on-demand report requests? Process Who is responsible for creating or modifying reports? Process What tool does this person(s) use for creating or modifying reports? Process How long does it take to create or modify reports? Metric, Performance What business performance statistics do you monitor for Human Resources? Process What are your Human Resources reporting requirements with respect to summary or detail formats? Obtain report listing. Setup, Process What reports do you currently generate to meet your Human Resources reporting requirements? Provide examples of each. Include source (could be manual), user, frequency, number of copies. Setup, process Is there any Human Resources reporting requirement that your current set of reports does not meet? Setup Are Human Resources reports standard across multiple Sets of Books, for example, subsidiaries? Setup Are Human Resources reports standard across multiple levels within a Set of Books, i e., divisions? Setup What account codes and/or descriptions are required on Human Resources reports? Setup What Human Resources reports are grouped together on a regular basis and printed in one print run? (report set) Setup, process Who receives a copy of the Human Resources reports? Process What is the criteria for determining who should receive a copy of any Human Resources report? Process Is there any requirement for on-line (softcopy) distribution and/or remote location printing for Human Resources reports? Setup, process Do the separate business units run their own Human Resources reports? Process, Performance What type of printers do you run Human Resources reports (including required legislative reports, etc.) on? Where are they located? Setup, Performance Do you run Human Resources reports for different companies or cost centers? Process Do you need company wide/consolidation reporting? Process Do you need divisional/departmental/cost center reporting? Process Who is currently responsible for creating or changing reports? Process How easy and timely is it to create or change reports? Process Do you have a tool to do on-demand reports or queries? Process, Performance

131320756.xls.ms_office Page 86

RD.020 Business Process Questionnaire OBM Level I Type = Setup Metric Process Performance
Process What are your federal/state mandated reporting requirements? (i.e. EEO, Discrimination testing) What reports do you currently generate to meet your Payroll reporting requirements? Provide examples of each. Include source (could be manual), user, frequency, number of copies. Process

OBM Level II 3008 3009 3010 3011 3012 3013 3014 3015 3016 3017 3018 3019 3020 3021 3022 3023 3024 3025 3026 3027 3028 3029 3030 3031 3032 3033 3034 3035 3036 3037 3038 3039 3040 3041
(HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management Information Management Information Management


Perform Reporting Perform Reporting

OBM Level IV
Prepare Non/Regulatory and Statutory Reporting Prepare Regulatory and Statutory Reporting Prepare Non/Regulatory and Statutory Reporting Prepare Non/Regulatory and Statutory Reporting Prepare Non/Regulatory and Statutory Reporting Prepare Non/Regulatory and Statutory Reporting Prepare Non/Regulatory and Statutory Reporting Prepare Non/Regulatory and Statutory Reporting Prepare Non/Regulatory and Statutory Reporting Not identified Not identified Prepare Non/Regulatory and Statutory Reporting Prepare Non/Regulatory and Statutory Reporting Prepare Non/Regulatory and Statutory Reporting Prepare Non/Regulatory and Statutory Reporting Prepare Non/Regulatory and Statutory Reporting Manage Employee Information Base Manage Employee Information Base Manage Employee Information Base Manage Employee Information Base Manage Employee Information Base Manage Employee Information Base Manage Employee Information Base Manage Employee Information Base Manage Employee Information Base Manage Employee Information Base Data Store Data Store Data Store Data Store Data Store Data Store Data Store Data Store


OBM Row No.

26 26

Reporting Reporting

Process Analysis Questions

What are your management reporting needs?

Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management

Perform Reporting Perform Reporting Perform Reporting Perform Reporting Perform Reporting Perform Reporting Perform Reporting Perform Reporting Perform Reporting


27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27

Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting

Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management

Perform Reporting Perform Reporting Perform Reporting Perform Reporting Perform Reporting Perform Reporting Perform Reporting Perform Reporting Perform Reporting


27 27 27 27 27

Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting View Histories View Histories View Histories View Histories

Information Management

Perform Reporting


View Histories

Information Management

Perform Reporting


View Histories

Information Management

Perform Reporting


View Histories

Information Management Information Management

Perform Reporting Perform Reporting


View Histories View Histories

Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management Information Management

Perform Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting

SSHR HR HR HR HR HR HR HR HR 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26

View Histories Other Other Other Other Other Other Other Other

Setup, process Is there any Payroll reporting requirement that your current set of reports does not meet? Setup Are Payroll reports standard across multiple Sets of Books, for example, subsidiaries? Setup Are Payroll reports standard across multiple levels within a Set of Books, i e., divisions? Setup What account codes and/or descriptions are required on Payroll reports? Setup Do some of these Payroll reports belong in report sets? Always being run together? Setup Do the separate business units run their own Payroll reports? Process, Performance What type of printers do you run Payroll reports (including checks, etc.) on? Where are they located? Setup, performance Do you run Payroll reports for different companies or cost centers? Process What types of reports do you currently have? Include volume, frequency and a one page sample that include sorts and breaks for each report. Process, Performance Who is responsible for submitting on-demand report requests? Process Who is responsible for creating or modifying reports? Process What tool does this person(s) use for creating or modifying reports? Process How long does it take to create or modify reports? Metric, Performance Will employees be allowed to view their Salary History? Setup Will managers be allowed to view an employee's Salary History? Setup Will employees be allowed to view their Employment History? Setup Will managers be allowed to view an employee's Employment History? Setup Will employees be allowed to view their Absence History? Note: This module is only available if Absence Management is setup in base HR application. Setup Will managers be allowed to view an employee's Absence History? Note: This module is only available if Absence Management is setup in base HR application. Setup Will employees be allowed to view their Job Application History? Note: This module is only available if job requisition is setup in base HR application. Setup Will managers be allowed to view an employee's Job Application History? Note: This module is only available if job requisition is setup in base HR application. Setup Will employees be allowed to view their Training History? Note: This module is only available if Oracle Training Administration is setup. Setup Will managers be allowed to view an employee's Training History? Note: This module is only available if Oracle Training Administration is setup. Setup What historical information do you currently maintain? Process On what type of medium is this historical data maintained? Process What type of media storage do you plan on using? Process What type of Personal historical data do you need to maintain? Process What job related (Assignment) historical data do you need to maintain? Process What historical information do you currently maintain? Process On what type of medium is this historical data maintained? Process What type of media storage do you plan on using? Process

131320756.xls.ms_office Page 87

RD.020 Business Process Questionnaire OBM Level I Type = Setup Metric Process Performance
Process What job related (Assignment) historical data do you need to maintain? Information Management not identified not identified Reporting Not identified Not identified Data Store Not identified Not identified HR HR HR 26 26 26 Other Interfaces Interfaces Process What type of information is exchanged between the current human resources application and these other systems/processes? Process Can you provide a system flow diagram of connectivity between your core business applications? Process Can you provide information flow schematics of the data passed/required between human resources and other connected/interfaced systems? Process Is there any external data accessed directly by the human resources application (i.e. GL Chart of Accounts, Payroll Master, Benefits plans)? Process Define your interfaces/information to other systems/users for Time & Attendance Reporting? Process Define your interfaces/information to other systems/users for Labor Distribution Reconciliation? Process Define your interfaces/information to other systems/users for Benefits Carrier Reporting? Process What system(s) do you currently use to process your payrolls? Process How many users? Performance, Metric How is the response time of your current system? Performance What type of information is exchanged between the current human resources application and these other systems/processes? Process Can you provide a system flow diagram of connectivity between your core business applications? Process Can you provide information flow schematics of the data passed/required between human resources and other connected/interfaced systems? Process Is there any external data accessed directly by the human resources application (i.e. GL Chart of Accounts, Payroll Master, Benefits plans)? Process Define your interfaces/information to other systems/users for Time & Attendance Reporting? Process Define your interfaces/information to other systems/users for Labor Distribution Reconciliation? Process Define your interfaces/information to other systems/users for Benefits Carrier Reporting? Process What system(s) do you currently use to process your payrolls? Process How many users? Performance, Metric How is the response time of your current system? Performance How do you maintain training & development information? (Class attendance, schedules, etc.) Process Note: This module is only available if Oracle Training Administration is installed & setup. Setup Will Oracle Training Administration (OTA) be installed & setup? If yes, proceed with following questions. Setup Will employees be allowed to enroll in classes? Setup If employees are allowed to enroll in classes, does the enrollment need to be approved by his/her manager? Setup If employees are allowed to enroll in classes, does the enrollment need to be approved by the training administrator? Setup Whom is assigned as the training administrator? Setup Would you like to have a centralized plan for the organization as a whole? Setup Would you like to establish a budget to execute the training plan for the organization? Setup Do you need different responsibilities to access different processes? Setup How would you describe the venues? Setup How are you going to organize training centers? Setup How are you going to organize locations? Setup How do you describe the location of each classroom? Setup

OBM Level II 3042 3043 3044 3045 3046 3047 3048 3049 3050 3051 3052 3053 3054 3055 3056 3057 3058 3059 3060 3061 3062 3063 3064 3065 3066 3067 3068 3069 3070 3071 3072 3073 3074 3075 3076 3077
(HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management Information Management



OBM Level IV
Data Store


OBM Row No.



Process Analysis Questions

What type of Personal historical data do you need to maintain?

not identified

Not identified

Not identified




not identified not identified not identified not identified not identified not identified not identified not identified not identified

Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified

Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified


26 26 26 26 27 27 27 26 26

Interfaces Interfaces Interfaces Interfaces General General General Interfaces Interfaces

not identified

Not identified

Not identified




not identified not identified not identified not identified not identified not identified not identified Organization and Workforce Development Organization and Workforce Development Organization and Workforce Development Organization and Workforce Development Organization and Workforce Development Organization and Workforce Development Organization and Workforce Development Organization and Workforce Development Organization and Workforce Development Organization and Workforce Development Organization and Workforce Development Organization and Workforce Development Organization and Workforce Development Organization and Workforce Development

Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Develop Training Develop Training Develop Training Develop Training Develop Training Develop Training Develop Training Develop Training Develop Training Develop Training Develop Training Develop Training Develop Training Develop Training

Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Administrate Training Administrate Training Administrate Training Administrate Training Administrate Training Administrate Training Build Individual / Organizational Program Build Individual / Organizational Program Administrate Training Administrate Training Administrate Training Administrate Training Administrate Training


26 26 26 26 27 27 27 26

Interfaces Interfaces Interfaces Interfaces General General General Skills Enroll in a Class Enroll in a Class Enroll in a Class Enroll in a Class Enroll in a Class Enroll in a Class Tracking Tracking Security Tracking Tracking Tracking Tracking

131320756.xls.ms_office Page 88

RD.020 Business Process Questionnaire OBM Level I Type = Setup Metric Process Performance
Setup/Process What is the maximum number of students you can have in each classroom? Develop Training Develop Training Develop Training Develop Training Develop Training Develop Training Develop Training Develop Training Develop Training Develop Training Develop Training Develop Training Develop Training Develop Training Develop Training Develop Training Develop Training Develop Training Develop Training Develop Training Develop Training Develop Training Develop Training Develop Training Develop Training Develop Training Develop Training Develop Training Manage Careers Manage Careers Manage Careers Manage Careers Manage Careers Manage Careers Administrate Training Administrate Training Administrate Training Administrate Training Administrate Training Administrate Training Administrate Training Administrate Training Build Individual / Organizational Program Administrate Training Administrate Training Not identified Build Individual / Organizational Program Administrate Training Administrate Training Administrate Training Administrate Training Administrate Training Administrate Training Administrate Training Administrate Training Administrate Training Administrate Training Administrate Training Administrate Training Administrate Training Administrate Training Administrate Training Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified OTA OTA OTA OTA OTA OTA OTA OTA OTA What types of development events do you want to record? OTA OTA OTA OTA OTA OTA OTA OTA OTA OTA OTA OTA OTA OTA OTA OTA OTA OTA Do you want to track the amount and success rates of training? OTA HR HR HR HR HR HR 26 26 26 26 26 26 Reporting Do you have licensing or certification requirements? General Do you maintain development activities for individual employees? General General General Do you maintain development activities for individual employees? General General Succession Planning (LMDA only) Will managers be allowed to perform succession planning for a position? Succession Planning (LMDA only) Do you allow employees to apply for positions, identify skills needed to achieve the goal and enroll in training required to gain the skill? Will managers be allowed to perform succession option for their employees? Setup Setup Do you allow employees to apply for positions, identify skills needed to achieve the goal and enroll in training required to gain the skill? Do you have licensing or certification requirements? Setup Setup Process Process Process Tracking Tracking Interface Tracking Would you want to allow users to view on-line training catalog? Interface Would you want your employees to be able to self-nominate for a class? Interface Interface Maintenance Maintenance Do you want to generate standard letters automatically? Process Process Process Process Process Process Reporting Interface Would you want to enable invoicing or cost-transfers of resource charges to customer or other departments? What type of payment method do you use? When you offer external classes, how many of your employees would you allow per class? If you run external courses do you want to offer discounts to customers who book large numbers? Would you want to be able to analyze actual cost on running an event? Do you want to automatically generate enrollment letters based on students' enrollment status? Would you like to send out letters to students when classes are canceled, changed, student cancel, etc.? Do you reimburse your employees for their training expenses? Setup Setup/Process Setup/Process Setup Setup Setup Metrics Setup Process Do you need to route employees' registrations to the appropriate approving source? Would you want to enroll student onto all possible child events upon enrollment onto a program event? Would you like to be able to enroll wait-listed students automatically? Setup Process Setup Setup Setup At what point do you want to hold different versions of an activity, either changing it over time of offering an alternative version? Would you set up an activity with a part number so you can order it as an inventory item? What type of qualifications, skills, and expertise do the courses offer? Process Setup Setup Metrics Tracking How do you want to organize your resource categories? Tracking What information do you want to store for each resource type? Tracking How are you going to organize resources revenues? Tracking What kind of facilities and resources do the activities require? Tracking Where do trainers come from, an internal or external source? Tracking Where do you want to hold trainer data? Tracking What skills do trainers require to teach the course? Tracking What type of training events do you design? Setup Setup/Metrics Process Setup Setup Setup Setup Setup Setup

OBM Level II 3078 3079 3080 3081 3082 3083 3084 3085 3086 3087 3088 3089 3090 3091 3092 3093 3094 3095 3096 3097 3098 3099 3100 3101 3102 3103 3104 3105 3106 3107 3108 3109 3110 3111 3112 3113 3114
(HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management Organization and Workforce Development Organization and Workforce Development Organization and Workforce Development Organization and Workforce Development Organization and Workforce Development Organization and Workforce Development Organization and Workforce Development Organization and Workforce Development Organization and Workforce Development Organization and Workforce Development Organization and Workforce Development Organization and Workforce Development Organization and Workforce Development Organization and Workforce Development Organization and Workforce Development Organization and Workforce Development Organization and Workforce Development Organization and Workforce Development Organization and Workforce Development Organization and Workforce Development Organization and Workforce Development Organization and Workforce Development Organization and Workforce Development Organization and Workforce Development Organization and Workforce Development Organization and Workforce Development Organization and Workforce Development Organization and Workforce Development Organization and Workforce Development Organization and Workforce Development Organization and Workforce Development Organization and Workforce Development Organization and Workforce Development Organization and Workforce Development Organization and Workforce Development Organization and Workforce Development Organization and Workforce Development


Develop Training

OBM Level IV
Administrate Training


OBM Row No.



Process Analysis Questions

Are some venues supplied by an external supplier?

Manage Careers

Plan Succession



Manage Careers

Plan Succession



131320756.xls.ms_office Page 89

RD.020 Business Process Questionnaire OBM Level I Type = Setup Metric Process Performance
Process Do you have any testing information requirements? Manage Performance Manage Performance Manage Performance Manage Performance Manage Performance Manage Performance Manage Performance Manage Performance Manage Performance Manage Performance Manage Performance Manage Performance Manage Performance Manage Skills and Competency Manage Skills and Competency Manage Skills and Competency Manage Skills and Competency Manage Skills and Competency Manage Skills and Competency Manage Skills and Competency Manage Skills and Competency Manage Skills and Competency Manage Skills and Competency Manage Skills and Competency Manage Skills and Competency Manage Skills and Competency Manage Skills and Competency Manage Skills and Competency Manage Skills and Competency not identified Manage Time and Attendance Manage Time and Attendance Manage Time and Attendance Manage Time and Attendance Manage Time and Attendance Manage Time and Attendance Manage Time and Attendance Assess Individuals Assess Individuals Assess Individuals Assess Individuals Assess Individuals Assess Individuals Assess Individuals Assess Individuals Assess Individuals Assess Individuals Assess Individuals Assess Individuals Assess Individuals Define Requirements Assess Individual / Organizational Needs Assess Individual / Organizational Needs Assess Individual / Organizational Needs Assess Individual / Organizational Needs Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Record time Record time Record time Record time Record time Not identified Not identified HR HR HR HR HR HR SSHR SSHR SSHR SSHR SSHR SSHR SSHR OTA OTA OTA OTA OTA HR HR HR HR HR HR HR HR HR HR HR OTA OTM OTM OTM OTM OTM OTM OTM 27 27 27 27 27 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 General General General Do you have any testing information requirements? General General General Do you administer performance appraisals? Appraisals What is involved in an performance appraisal? Appraisals What type of performance appraisal are done? Appraisals Do employees initiate their own appraisals? Appraisals Do managers initiate their own appraisals? Appraisals Do managers initiate appraisals for their subordinates? Appraisals Do you have samples of appraisals/surveys? If yes, please provide soft copy. Appraisals Does your organization identify competency levels for a particular job role? Process Do you need/want to keep competency profiles on your employees? Process Do you keep employees' career management information? Tracking Tracking Tracking Skills Do you track skill assessments? Skills Do you have organizational competency requirements? Skills How do you track skills assessments? Skills How do you do skills matching? Skills Skills Skills Do you track skill assessments? Skills How do you track skills assessments? Skills How do you do skills matching? Skills Skills Process Walk through your current time entry process. Payroll Management Payroll Management Payroll Management Payroll Management Payroll Management Payroll Management Payroll Management Payroll Payroll Process Include timing aspects of how and when time is collected and entered into the system. Process, Metric Include copies of time card/sheet if applicable. Payroll Process Walk through your current time entry process. Payroll Process Include copies of time card/sheet if applicable. Payroll Process What are your enterprises employee earnings policies? Define Requirements Setup Are the earnings policies documented? Get copy. Define Requirements Setup Are the skills/competencies managed by HR, line manager, employee or a combination? Explain. What are the roles within your training department? Process Process Setup Process Setup Are the skills/competencies managed by HR, line manager, employee or a combination? Explain. Do you track skills/competencies at the Job level and/or person? Process Process Setup Process Setup Setup How do you want to record your employees' training information after course is completed? Do you want to keep additional training information your employee accomplished via alternate providers? Do you track skills/competencies at the Job level and/or person? Process Setup Process Setup Setup Setup Setup Setup Setup Setup Setup Setup Setup Do you have specific workflow requirements in the performance appraisal process? Are performance appraisal maintained by HR or line managers? Process Process Process Do you have specific workflow requirements in the performance appraisal process? Are performance appraisal maintained by HR or line managers? Process Process Process

OBM Level II 3115 3116 3117 3118 3119 3120 3121 3122 3123 3124 3125 3126 3127 3128 3129 3130 3131 3132 3133 3134 3135 3136 3137 3138 3139 3140 3141 3142 3143 3144 3145 3146 3147 3148 3149 3150 3151 3152
(HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management Organization and Workforce Development Organization and Workforce Development Organization and Workforce Development Organization and Workforce Development Organization and Workforce Development Organization and Workforce Development Organization and Workforce Development Organization and Workforce Development Organization and Workforce Development Organization and Workforce Development Organization and Workforce Development Organization and Workforce Development Organization and Workforce Development Organization and Workforce Development Organization and Workforce Development Organization and Workforce Development Organization and Workforce Development Organization and Workforce Development Organization and Workforce Development Organization and Workforce Development Organization and Workforce Development Organization and Workforce Development Organization and Workforce Development Organization and Workforce Development Organization and Workforce Development Organization and Workforce Development Organization and Workforce Development Organization and Workforce Development Organization and Workforce Development Organization and Workforce Development Organization and Workforce Development


Manage Performance

OBM Level IV
Assess Individuals


OBM Row No.



Process Analysis Questions

What type of performance tracking do you do? (360 degree?)

131320756.xls.ms_office Page 90

RD.020 Business Process Questionnaire OBM Level I Type = Setup Metric Process Performance
Setup Do all employees share the same holiday schedule? Payroll Management Payroll Management Payroll Management Payroll Management Payroll Management Payroll Management Payroll Management Manage Time and Attendance Manage Time and Attendance Manage Time and Attendance Manage Time and Attendance Manage Time and Attendance Manage Time and Attendance Manage Time and Attendance Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified OTM OTM OTM OTM OTM OTM OTM Define Requirements Setup Define Requirements What are the premiums, if any associated with these shifts? Setup Are employees required to report all hours worked or only exceptions to Define Requirements normal work schedule? Does you company automatically deduct time for meals and /or breaks Define Requirements Is there a requirement to track hours associated with project tasks? Define Requirements What are the localization requirements beyond the seeded time accounting data on the Core Timecard form? Seeded values are Amount, Hourly Rate, Reason, Cost Center, Project, Task, Comments, and Multiple. Setup If meal and/or break time is deducted from work time, are there different rules Define Requirements for different classifications of employees? If meal and/or break time is deducted from work time, are the procedures documented? Get a copy. Setup Are there time clock round up rules? Setup If there are time clock round up rules, are there different rules for different Define Requirements classifications of employees? If there are time clock round up rules are they documented? Get a copy. Setup What is the intent of the time entry, only for payroll purposes or also job costing? Setup How/where will each time entry be costed? Setup For what type of payrolls is time entry to be recorded, monthly, weekly, biweekly and for all employees or just a certain population? Setup Will a weekly timecard suffice for all payrolls (recommended)? Setup What type of reporting is needed? Define Requirements Are employees working under the Davis-Bacon Act? Setup How many users are actually recording time? Setup How many levels of responsibilities are neededPayroll Manager, Reporting Only, Field Time entry, others? Setup Will time entry be hours only or will it be necessary to record hours and dollars. Setup Employee will be assigned a costing center within the HR record. Will there be a need to override the costing center for certain time entry? Define Requirements Are other types of miscellaneous expenses currently being captured on the Define Requirements timecard, i.e., meal reimbursement? Are any employees part of a Hospital, Law Enforcement or Firemen group? Define Requirements Are there business units in the states of Washington or Oregon? Define Requirements Are there business units in the states of California? Define Requirements Are time cards going to Auto-Generated for entry by exception? Setup Are time cards going to be Manually entered? Setup Are time cards going to be a mixture of Auto-Generated and Manually entered? Setup What is the Premium Interaction Policy for shifts? Overtime then Shift or Shift then Overtime? Setup Premium Eligibility Policy, who is eligible? Setup Which operations/processes do you want to streamline for Payroll? Business Process Reengineering Which operations/processes do you want to eliminate for Payroll? Business Process Reengineering Are there any time-intensive Payroll operations/processes that need to be Business Process addressed? Reengineering Setup Setup Setup Setup If there are multiple holiday schedules, are they documented? Get a copy of documentation. How many different shifts does your enterprise operate? Setup Setup Setup

OBM Level II 3153 3154 3155 3156 3157 3158 3159 3160
(HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management Payroll Management


Manage Time and Attendance

OBM Level IV
Not identified


OBM Row No.


Define Requirements

Process Analysis Questions

What are your time entry element earnings types?

3161 3162 3163 3164 3165 3166 3167 3168 3169 3170 3171 3172 3173 3174 3175 3176 3177 3178 3179 3180 3181 3182 3183 3184 3185 3186 3187 3188

(HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management

Payroll Management Payroll Management Payroll Management Payroll Management Payroll Management Payroll Management Payroll Management Payroll Management Payroll Management Payroll Management Payroll Management Payroll Management Payroll Management Payroll Management Payroll Management

Manage Time and Attendance Manage Time and Attendance Manage Time and Attendance Manage Time and Attendance Manage Time and Attendance Manage Time and Attendance Manage Time and Attendance Manage Time and Attendance Manage Time and Attendance Manage Time and Attendance Manage Time and Attendance Manage Time and Attendance Manage Time and Attendance Manage Time and Attendance Manage Time and Attendance

Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified


Setup Setup Setup Setup Setup Setup Setup Setup Setup Setup Setup Setup Setup Setup Setup

Payroll Management Payroll Management Payroll Management Payroll Management Payroll Management Payroll Management Payroll Management Payroll Management Payroll Management Payroll Management Payroll Management Payroll Management Payroll Management

Manage Time and Attendance Manage Time and Attendance Manage Time and Attendance Manage Time and Attendance Manage Time and Attendance Manage Time and Attendance Manage Time and Attendance Manage Time and Attendance Manage Time and Attendance Manage Time and Attendance Not identified Not identified Not identified

Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified


Setup Setup Setup Setup Setup Setup Setup Setup Setup Setup Process Process Process

131320756.xls.ms_office Page 91

RD.020 Business Process Questionnaire OBM Level I Type = Setup Metric Process Performance
Metric How many terminated employees do you have? (FTE, if applicable) Payroll Management Payroll Management Payroll Management Payroll Management Payroll Management Payroll Management Payroll Management Payroll Management Payroll Management Payroll Management Payroll Management Payroll Management Payroll Management Payroll Management Payroll Management Payroll Management Payroll Management Payroll Management Payroll Management Payroll Management Payroll Management Payroll Management Payroll Management Payroll Management Payroll Management Payroll Management Payroll Management Payroll Management Payroll Management Payroll Management Payroll Management Payroll Management Payroll Management Payroll Management Payroll Management Payroll Management Payroll Management Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Process Payroll Process Payroll Process Payroll Process Payroll Process Payroll Process Payroll Process Payroll Process Payroll Process Payroll Process Payroll Process Payroll Process Payroll Process Payroll Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Maintain Payroll Maintain Payroll Perform Audit Process Perform Audit Process Maintain Payroll Maintain Payroll Maintain Payroll Maintain Payroll Perform Payroll Calculation Perform Payroll Calculation Perform Payroll Calculation Perform Payroll Calculation Perform Payroll Calculation PAY PAY PAY PAY PAY PAY PAY PAY/US PAY/US PAY PAY PAY PAY PAY PAY PAY PAY PAY PAY PAY PAY PAY/US PAY/US PAY HR PAY PAY PAY PAY PAY PAY PAY PAY PAY PAY PAY PAY 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 26 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 Demographics How many pension employees do you have? (FTE, if applicable) Demographics How many dependent employees do you have? (FTE, if applicable) Demographics How many non-employees (Contractors)do you have? (FTE, if applicable) Demographics How many employees support your payroll department? Organizational Include a current payroll department organization chart. Organizational Is your payroll department centralized or decentralized? Organizational Organizational Organizational Organizational Business Process Reengineering Business Process Reengineering Business Process Reengineering Demographics Demographics Demographics Demographics Demographics Organizational Organizational Organizational Organizational Organizational Organizational Salary Maintenance Audit Audit Validation Other Employee Maintenance Payroll Payroll Payroll Payroll Payroll Payroll Setup Do you submit multiple worksite reporting? How does this compare to the HR Org structure? Setup How do you calculate workers compensation liability? Setup What are the components of costing in you organization? At what levels are you able to override each component of costing? Setup Which operations/processes do you want to streamline for Payroll? Process Which operations/processes do you want to eliminate for Payroll? Process Are there any time-intensive Payroll operations/processes that need to be addressed? Process How many active employees do you have? (FTE, if applicable) Metric How many terminated employees do you have? (FTE, if applicable) Metric How many pension employees do you have? (FTE, if applicable) Metric How many dependent employees do you have? (FTE, if applicable) Metric How many non-employees (Contractors)do you have? (FTE, if applicable) Metric How many employees support your payroll department? Metric Include a current payroll department organization chart. Setup Is your payroll department centralized or decentralized? Setup Do you submit multiple worksite reporting? How does this compare to the HR Org structure? Setup How do you calculate workers compensation liability? Setup What are the components of costing in you organization? At what levels are you able to override each component of costing? Setup What types of earnings do you track? (Regular Pay, Overtime, etc.) Setup How do you maintain your Payroll data? Process How do you audit your Payroll data? Process Do you require reconciliation of payroll payments/ checks? Setup, Process Do you review requirements for validation rules or dependencies? (i.e. specific payroll data to be valid only when certain values exist.) Setup Do you currently use or plan to install an Interactive Voice Response (IVR) system for payroll? Process Walk through your current process of entering a new hire into your payroll system. Process Include timing aspects of how the new hire data is gathered, entered into the system and when the payroll is run. Process, Metric Walk through your current payroll processing cycle. Process What types of payroll frequencies? Setup What is the volume of employees per payroll? Metric Include timing aspects of deadlines, elapsed time of process during payroll, and any production down time due to pay processing. Metric How many taxing entities do you have? Setup Setup Metric Metric Metric Metric Metric

OBM Level II 3189 3190 3191 3192 3193 3194 3195 3196 3197 3198 3199 3200 3201 3202 3203 3204 3205 3206 3207 3208 3209 3210 3211 3212 3213 3214 3215 3216 3217 3218 3219 3220 3221 3222 3223 3224 3225 3226
(HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management Payroll Management


Not identified

OBM Level IV
Not identified


OBM Row No.



Process Analysis Questions

How many active employees do you have? (FTE, if applicable)

131320756.xls.ms_office Page 92

RD.020 Business Process Questionnaire OBM Level I Type = Setup Metric Process Performance
Setup What taxing methods are used? Payroll Management Payroll Management Payroll Management Payroll Management Payroll Management Payroll Management Payroll Management Payroll Management Payroll Management Payroll Management Payroll Management Payroll Management Payroll Management Payroll Management Payroll Management Payroll Management Payroll Management Payroll Management Payroll Management Payroll Management Payroll Management Payroll Management Payroll Management Payroll Management Payroll Management Payroll Management Payroll Management Payroll Management Payroll Management Payroll Management Payroll Management Payroll Management Payroll Management Payroll Management Payroll Management Payroll Management Process Payroll Process Payroll Process Payroll Process Payroll Process Payroll Process Payroll Process Payroll Process Payroll Process Payroll Process Payroll Process Payroll Process Payroll Process Payroll Process Payroll Process Payroll Process Payroll Process Payroll Process Payroll Process Payroll Process Payroll Process Payroll Process Payroll Process Payroll Process Payroll Process Payroll Process Payroll Process Payroll Process Payroll Process Payroll Process Payroll Process Payroll Process Payroll Process Payroll Process Payroll Process Payroll Process Payroll Perform Payroll Calculation Maintain Payroll Maintain Payroll Maintain Payroll Maintain Payroll Maintain Payroll Maintain Payroll Not identified Maintain Payroll Maintain Payroll Maintain Payroll Maintain Payroll Maintain Payroll Maintain Payroll Perform Payroll Calculation Maintain Payroll Maintain Payroll Maintain Payroll Maintain Payroll Maintain Payroll Maintain Payroll Maintain Payroll Maintain Payroll Maintain Payroll Maintain Payroll Maintain Payroll Maintain Payroll Perform Payroll Calculation Perform Payroll Calculation Maintain Payroll Perform Payroll Calculation Perform Payroll Calculation Perform Payroll Calculation Perform Payroll Calculation Perform Payroll Calculation Perform Payroll Calculation PAY PAY PAY PAY PAY PAY PAY PAY PAY PAY PAY PAY PAY PAY PAY PAY PAY PAY PAY PAY PAY PAY PAY PAY PAY PAY PAY PAY PAY PAY PAY PAY PAY PAY PAY PAY 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 Payroll Payroll Payroll Do you pay and track pension employees? Payroll Payroll Payroll Payroll Payroll Payroll Payroll Payroll Payroll Payroll Payroll Payroll Payroll Payroll Payroll Payroll Payroll Payroll Payroll Payroll Payroll Payroll Payroll Payroll Payroll Payroll Payroll Payroll Payroll Payroll Payroll Payroll Payroll Process If you have unions, do you track any additional information than you would for a non-bargaining employee? Process Do you have employees working in different shifts? Process Do you have any seasonal employees? Process What is your turnover rate? Metric Are salary increases done mid-pay? Process What is the percent of salary employees vs. hourly employees? Metric What level of detail would you require for retroactive calculations? (by payroll, lump sum, by earning) Setup Do you have a need for mass rate increases? Do they need to be done retroactively? Process What types of standard hours are required? Process Do you have salary employees that have split their salary between multiple cost centers? Process Do you have any special pay processing requirements? Process Is your overtime calculation standard? Process Do you process any garnishments? (Volume?) Process, Metric How many different types of deductions are currently set up on your system? Metric What kinds of deductions are currently set up on your system? Process What are the different deduction frequencies currently set up on your system? Process How are deductions entered? Process How many different payment types are currently set up on your system? Setup, Metric What kinds of payment types are currently set up on your system? Process What is the frequency payment types are currently set up on your system? Metric, Performance How are they entered? Process Do you process any shift differentials? Process Do you process any bonuses? Process Whats the calculation? Process Frequency? Metric, Performance Do you pay commissioned employees? Process Do you do split week processing? What is the calculation? Process Is there a need for holiday pay to be automatically generated? Process Is there special processing required for holiday/PTO, etc. Process Are there different groups of employees that receive different holidays? Process Do you do tip processing? Process Do you pay 3rd party sick pay? Process How are your employee statuss defined? (Ex. Active, on-leave, terminated, part-time, hourly, etc.) Are your employees automatically paid or time card required? Process Process Process

OBM Level II 3227 3228 3229 3230 3231 3232 3233 3234 3235 3236 3237 3238 3239 3240 3241 3242 3243 3244 3245 3246 3247 3248 3249 3250 3251 3252 3253 3254 3255 3256 3257 3258 3259 3260 3261 3262 3263
(HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management Payroll Management


Process Payroll

OBM Level IV
Perform Payroll Calculation


OBM Row No.



Process Analysis Questions

Do you pay in states requiring city or local taxing?

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RD.020 Business Process Questionnaire OBM Level I Type = Setup Metric Process Performance
Process What kind of balances are kept? Payroll Management Payroll Management Payroll Management Payroll Management Payroll Management Payroll Management Payroll Management Payroll Management Payroll Management Payroll Management Payroll Management Payroll Management Payroll Management Payroll Management Payroll Management Payroll Management Payroll Management Payroll Management Payroll Management Payroll Management Payroll Management Payroll Management Payroll Management Payroll Management Payroll Management Payroll Management Payroll Management Payroll Management Payroll Management Payroll Management Payroll Management Payroll Management Payroll Management Payroll Management Payroll Management Payroll Management Process Payroll Process Payroll Process Payroll Process Payroll Process Payroll Process Payroll Process Payroll Process Payroll Process Payroll Process Payroll Process Payroll Process Payroll Process Payroll Process Payroll Process Payroll Process Payroll Process Payroll Process Payroll Process Payroll Process Payroll Process Payroll Process Payroll Process Payroll Process Payroll Process Payroll Process Payroll Process Payroll Process Payroll Process Payroll Process Payroll Process Payroll Process Payroll Process Payroll Process Payroll Process Payroll Process Payroll Maintain Payroll Maintain Payroll Maintain Payroll Maintain Payroll Maintain Payroll Not identified Perform Audit Process Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Maintain Payroll Maintain Payroll Perform Audit Process Perform Audit Process Maintain Payroll Maintain Payroll Maintain Payroll Maintain Payroll Perform Payroll Calculation Perform Payroll Calculation Perform Payroll Calculation Perform Payroll Calculation Perform Payroll Calculation Perform Payroll Calculation Perform Payroll Calculation Maintain Payroll Maintain Payroll Maintain Payroll PAY PAY PAY PAY PAY PAY PAY PAY PAY PAY PAY PAY PAY PAY PAY PAY PAY PAY HR PAY PAY PAY PAY PAY PAY PAY PAY PAY PAY PAY PAY PAY PAY PAY PAY PAY 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 26 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 Payroll Do you need to pay annuities, profit sharing distributions, etc.? Payroll How much historical data do you currently have? Payroll What types of data require history? Payroll What is your purge criteria? Payroll What is your check format like? Is it the same for all employees? Payroll What type of auditing do you require? Payroll Interfaces Interfaces Are the other systems Oracle systems? Interfaces What outside vendors do you interface to? Interfaces Do you process an ACH tape for direct deposits? Interfaces Do you receive a bank tape/file for reconciliation? Interfaces Do you have other non-ACH deposits? Interfaces Do you currently use a labor distribution system? Labor Distribution Is it part of the payroll system you currently use? Labor Distribution Describe its structure. Labor Distribution What other systems does labor distribution interface with? Labor Distribution What types of earnings do you track? (Regular Pay, Overtime, etc.) Salary How do you maintain your Payroll data? Maintenance How do you audit your Payroll data? Audit Do you require reconciliation of payroll payments/ checks? Audit Validation Other Employee Maintenance Payroll Payroll What types of payroll frequencies? Payroll What is the volume of employees per payroll? Payroll Payroll Payroll Do you pay in states requiring city or local taxing? Payroll What taxing methods are used? Payroll Payroll Payroll Do you pay and track pension employees? Payroll Process How are your employee statuss defined? (Ex. Active, on-leave, terminated, part-time, hourly, etc.) Are your employees automatically paid or time card required? Process Process Process Setup Include timing aspects of deadlines, elapsed time of process during payroll, and any production down time due to pay processing. How many taxing entities do you have? Metric Metric Setup Setup Do you review requirements for validation rules or dependencies? (i.e. specific payroll data to be valid only when certain values exist.) Do you currently use or plan to install an Interactive Voice Response (IVR) system for payroll? Walk through your current process of entering a new hire into your payroll system. Include timing aspects of how the new hire data is gathered, entered into the system and when the payroll is run. Walk through your current payroll processing cycle. Setup, Process Setup Process Process Process, Metric Process Process Process Setup Process Process Process Process Process Process Process Process Process What other systems do you interface to? (General ledger, personnel, benefits, etc.) In what medium does the interface occur? Process Process Process Process Performance Performance Performance Process Process

OBM Level II 3264 3265 3266 3267 3268 3269 3270 3271 3272 3273 3274 3275 3276 3277 3278 3279 3280 3281 3282 3283 3284 3285 3286 3287 3288 3289 3290 3291 3292 3293 3294 3295 3296 3297 3298 3299 3300
(HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management Payroll Management


Process Payroll

OBM Level IV
Maintain Payroll


OBM Row No.



Process Analysis Questions

What kind of taxable perqs do you process (i.e. company car, company plane, awards, contest, prizes, merchandise, employee discount, relocation)?

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RD.020 Business Process Questionnaire OBM Level I Type = Setup Metric Process Performance

OBM Level II 3301 3302 3303 3304 3305 3306 3307 3308 3309 3310 3311 3312 3313 3314 3315 3316 3317 3318 3319 3320 3321 3322 3323 3324 3325 3326 3327 3328 3329 3330 3331 3332 3333 3334 3335 3336 3337
(HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management Payroll Management Payroll Management Payroll Management Payroll Management Payroll Management Payroll Management Payroll Management Payroll Management Payroll Management Payroll Management Payroll Management Payroll Management Payroll Management Payroll Management Payroll Management Payroll Management Payroll Management Payroll Management Payroll Management Payroll Management Payroll Management Payroll Management Payroll Management Payroll Management Payroll Management Payroll Management Payroll Management Payroll Management Payroll Management Payroll Management Payroll Management


Process Payroll Process Payroll Process Payroll Process Payroll Process Payroll Process Payroll Process Payroll Process Payroll Process Payroll Process Payroll Process Payroll Process Payroll Process Payroll Process Payroll Process Payroll Process Payroll Process Payroll Process Payroll Process Payroll Process Payroll Process Payroll Process Payroll Process Payroll Process Payroll Process Payroll Process Payroll Process Payroll Process Payroll Process Payroll Process Payroll Process Payroll

OBM Level IV
Maintain Payroll Maintain Payroll Maintain Payroll Not identified Maintain Payroll Maintain Payroll Maintain Payroll Maintain Payroll Maintain Payroll Maintain Payroll Perform Payroll Calculation Maintain Payroll Maintain Payroll Maintain Payroll Maintain Payroll Maintain Payroll Maintain Payroll Maintain Payroll Maintain Payroll Maintain Payroll Maintain Payroll Maintain Payroll Perform Payroll Calculation Perform Payroll Calculation Maintain Payroll Perform Payroll Calculation Perform Payroll Calculation Perform Payroll Calculation Perform Payroll Calculation Perform Payroll Calculation Perform Payroll Calculation


OBM Row No.

27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27

Payroll Payroll Payroll Payroll Payroll Payroll Payroll Payroll Payroll Payroll Payroll Payroll Payroll Payroll Payroll Payroll Payroll Payroll Payroll Payroll Payroll Payroll Payroll Payroll Payroll Payroll Payroll Payroll Payroll Payroll Payroll

Process Analysis Questions

Payroll Management Payroll Management Payroll Management Payroll Management Payroll Management Payroll Management

Process Payroll Process Payroll Process Payroll Process Payroll Process Payroll Process Payroll

Maintain Payroll Maintain Payroll Maintain Payroll Maintain Payroll Maintain Payroll Maintain Payroll


27 27 27 27 27 27

Payroll Payroll Payroll Payroll Payroll Payroll

If you have unions, do you track any additional information than you would for a non-bargaining employee? Process Do you have employees working in different shifts? Process Do you have any seasonal employees? Process What is your turnover rate? Metric Are salary increases done mid-pay? Process What is the percent of salary employees vs. hourly employees? Metric What level of detail would you require for retroactive calculations? (by payroll, lump sum, by earning) Setup Do you have a need for mass rate increases? Do they need to be done retroactively? Process What types of standard hours are required? Process Do you have salary employees that have split their salary between multiple cost centers? Process Do you have any special pay processing requirements? Process Is your overtime calculation standard? Process Do you process any garnishments? (Volume?) Process, Metric How many different types of deductions are currently set up on your system? Metric What kinds of deductions are currently set up on your system? Process What are the different deduction frequencies currently set up on your system? Process How are deductions entered? Process How many different payment types are currently set up on your system? Setup, Metric What kinds of payment types are currently set up on your system? Process What is the frequency payment types are currently set up on your system? Metric, Performance How are they entered? Process Do you process any bonuses? Process Whats the calculation? Process Frequency? Metric, Performance Do you pay commissioned employees? Process Do you do split week processing? What is the calculation? Process Is there a need for holiday pay to be automatically generated? Process Is there special processing required for holiday/PTO, etc. Process Are there different groups of employees that receive different holidays? Process Do you do tip processing? Process Do you pay 3rd party sick pay? Process What kind of taxable perqs do you process (i.e. company car, company plane, awards, contest, prizes, merchandise, employee discount, relocation)? Process What kind of balances are kept? Process Do you need to pay annuities, profit sharing distributions, etc.? Process How much historical data do you currently have? Performance What types of data require history? Performance What is your purge criteria? Performance

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RD.020 Business Process Questionnaire OBM Level I Type = Setup Metric Process Performance
Process What type of auditing do you require? Payroll Management Payroll Management Payroll Management Payroll Management Payroll Management Payroll Management Payroll Management Payroll Management Payroll Management Payroll Management Payroll Management Payroll Management Staffing Staffing Staffing Staffing Staffing Staffing Staffing Staffing Staffing Staffing Staffing Staffing Staffing Staffing Staffing Staffing Staffing Staffing Staffing Staffing Staffing Staffing Staffing Staffing Staffing Process Payroll Process Payroll Process Payroll Process Payroll Process Payroll Process Payroll Process Payroll Process Payroll Process Payroll Process Payroll Process Payroll Process Payroll Manage Selection Manage Selection Manage Selection Manage Selection Manage Selection Manage Selection Manage Selection Manage Selection Manage Selection Recruit New Employees Recruit New Employees Recruit New Employees Recruit New Employees Manage Requisitions Manage Requisitions Manage Requisitions Manage Requisitions Manage Requisitions Manage Requisitions Manage Requisitions Manage Requisitions Manage Requisitions Manage Requisitions Manage Requisitions Manage Requisitions Perform Audit Process Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Match Evaluation / Skills Match Evaluation / Skills Execute Offer Process Execute Offer Process Execute Offer Process Execute Offer Process Execute Offer Process Execute Offer Process Execute Offer Process Track Applicants Track Applicants Track Applicants Track Applicants Identify Opening Identify Opening Identify Opening Open Requisition Identify Opening Execute Offer Process Execute Offer Process Identify Opening Open Requisition Identify Opening Identify Opening Identify Opening PAY PAY PAY PAY PAY PAY PAY PAY PAY PAY PAY PAY SSHR SSHR SSHR SSHR SSHR SSHR SSHR SSHR SSHR SSHR SSHR SSHR SSHR HR HR HR HR HR HR HR HR HR HR HR HR 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 Payroll Interfaces Interfaces Are the other systems Oracle systems? Interfaces What outside vendors do you interface to? Interfaces Do you process an ACH tape for direct deposits? Interfaces Do you receive a bank tape/file for reconciliation? Interfaces Do you have other non-ACH deposits? Interfaces Do you currently use a labor distribution system? Labor Distribution Is it part of the payroll system you currently use? Labor Distribution Describe its structure. Labor Distribution What other systems does labor distribution interface with? Labor Distribution Suitability Matching (LMDA only) Suitability Matching (LMDA only) Candidate Offer Candidate Offer Candidate Offer Candidate Offer Candidate Offer Candidate Offer Candidate Offer Apply for a Job Apply for a Job Apply for a Job Apply for a Job Position Position Position General New Hires New Hires New Hires New Hires New Hires Position Position Position Process Will managers be given access to find employees and/or applicants for work opportunity? Have competencies and requirements already been defined? Setup Process Process Process Process Process Process Process Process What other systems do you interface to? (General ledger, personnel, benefits, etc.) In what medium does the interface occur? Process Process Process

OBM Level II 3338 3339 3340 3341 3342 3343 3344 3345 3346 3347 3348 3349 3350 3351 3352 3353 3354 3355 3356 3357 3358 3359 3360 3361 3362 3363 3364 3365 3366 3367 3368 3369 3370 3371 3372 3373 3374 3375
(HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management Payroll Management


Process Payroll

OBM Level IV
Not identified


OBM Row No.



Process Analysis Questions

What is your check format like? Is it the same for all employees?

Setup Create all the questions required for the profile as generic offer questions that can be included in any offer profile. Setup Create all the question categories required for the profile as generic question categories that can be included in any offer profile. Setup Set up a new Candidate Offer Profile Setup Define a new offer profile Setup Define the categories Setup Define the questions Setup Define the Advanced Options for the profile Setup Note: This module is only available if job requisition is setup in base HR application. Setup Will employees be allowed to apply for internal jobs? Setup If employees are allowed to apply for internal jobs, does the application need to be approved? If yes, by whom? Setup Who is assigned as the recruiter? Setup How are job grades structured? Setup How do you track headcounts? (by bodies, positions/jobs?) Setup What budgeting data do you need to maintain? Setup Define your requisition process Process What event triggers a requisition in your organization? (Department request, departure of an incumbent, etc.) Process Is there an approval process to initiate a requisition? (budget available, management sign-off, etc.) Process Please list details of pertinent information involved in the approval process, such as approval steps, authorizations, etc. Process Do you attach a budget to your positions? Setup How do you handle open positions? Process How are job grades structured? Setup How do you track headcounts? (by bodies, positions/jobs?) Setup What budgeting data do you need to maintain? Setup

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RD.020 Business Process Questionnaire OBM Level I Type = Setup Metric Process Performance
Process What event triggers a requisition in your organization? (Department request, departure of an incumbent, etc.) Is there an approval process to initiate a requisition? (budget available, management sign-off, etc.) Please list details of pertinent information involved in the approval process, such as approval steps, authorizations, etc. Do you attach a budget to your positions? How do you handle open positions? Staffing Staffing Staffing Staffing Staffing Staffing Staffing Staffing Staffing Staffing Staffing Staffing Staffing Staffing Staffing Total Compensation Total Compensation Total Compensation Total Compensation Total Compensation Total Compensation Total Compensation Total Compensation Total Compensation Total Compensation Total Compensation Manage Requisitions Manage Selection Manage Selection Process New Employees Process New Employees Process New Employees Process New Employees Recruit New Employees Recruit New Employees Recruit New Employees Recruit New Employees Recruit New Employees Recruit New Employees Recruit New Employees Recruit New Employees Administrate Benefits Administrate Compensation Administrate Compensation Administrate Compensation Administrate Compensation Administrate Compensation Administrate Compensation Administrate Compensation Administrate Compensation Administrate Compensation Administrate Compensation Open Requisition Perform Interview Perform Interview Establish Employee Account Establish Employee Account Establish Employee Account Establish Employee Account Execute Offer Process Track Applicants Track Applicants Track Applicants Execute Offer Process Track Applicants Track Applicants Track Applicants Define Benefit Structure Define Compensation Structure Perform Compensation Administration Perform Compensation Administration Perform Compensation Administration Perform Compensation Administration Perform Compensation Administration Perform Compensation Administration Perform Compensation Administration Perform Compensation Administration Perform Compensation Administration Perform Compensation Administration Perform Compensation Administration Define Compensation Structure Perform Compensation Administration Perform Compensation Administration Perform Compensation Administration HR HR HR HR HR HR HR HR HR HR HR HR HR HR HR HR HR HR HR HR HR HR HR HR HR HR 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 New Hires How are interviews scheduled? New Hires How are interviews scheduled? New Hires When is the system updated in the new hire process? New Hires How does the system update affect other departments? (Payroll, Benefits) New Hires When is the system updated in the new hire process? New Hires How does the system update affect other departments? (Payroll, Benefits) New Hires New Hires New Hires New Hires New Hires New Hires New Hires New Hires New Hires General Salary Salary Salary Salary Salary Salary Salary Salary Salary Salary Process What type of recruiting activities occur? (Ad placement, interview scheduling, background checks, etc.) Process Do you track any information on your system concerning the interview? (Interview notes, comments, etc.) Process What information is tracked from the application or resume? Setup, Process How is the data gathered in the new hire process? Process What type of recruiting activities occur? (Ad placement, interview scheduling, background checks, etc.) Process Do you track any information on your system concerning the interview? (Interview notes, comments, etc.) Process What information is tracked from the application or resume? Setup, Process How is the data gathered in the new hire process? Process What are your deferred comp plan requirements? Process Do you administer salary/hourly step and ranges? Process How does your system handle salary/hourly step and ranges? Process How is the salary portion of your union contracts administered? Setup, Process When are your negotiation periods? Process Do you do any salary impact studies during your negotiations? Process Do you have a point-based weighting salary system? (i.e. HAY) Setup, Process How is your point-based weighting salary system tracked on your system? Setup, Process What timing factors are involved in your salary and performance review process (Yearly, quarterly, probationary?) Setup, Process Explain the processes involved in your salary and performance review process? Process What factors are involved in establishing a salary increase? Process Concerning your forecasting requirements, do you do any workforce analysis reporting ? (budgets, job reduction, right-sizing, union negotiations, etc.) Process Concerning your forecasting requirements, do you do any compensation analysis? (budgets, union negotiations, etc.) Process Do you administer salary/hourly step and ranges? Process How does your system handle salary/hourly step and ranges? Process How is the salary portion of your union contracts administered? Setup, Process When are your negotiation periods? Process Process Process Process Metric Metric Process Process Process Process Setup

OBM Level II 3376 3377 3378 3379 3380 3381 3382 3383 3384 3385 3386 3387 3388 3389 3390 3391 3392 3393 3394 3395 3396 3397 3398 3399 3400 3401 3402 3403 3404 3405 3406 3407 3408 3409 3410 3411 3412
(HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management Staffing Staffing Staffing Staffing Staffing


Manage Requisitions Manage Requisitions Manage Requisitions Manage Requisitions Manage Requisitions

OBM Level IV
Open Requisition Identify Opening Execute Offer Process Execute Offer Process Identify Opening


OBM Row No.

26 26 26 26 26

General New Hires New Hires New Hires New Hires

Process Analysis Questions

Define your requisition process

Total Compensation Total Compensation Total Compensation Total Compensation Total Compensation Total Compensation

Administrate Compensation Administrate Compensation Administrate Compensation Administrate Compensation Administrate Compensation Administrate Compensation


26 26 26 26 26 26

Salary Salary Salary Salary Salary Salary

131320756.xls.ms_office Page 97

RD.020 Business Process Questionnaire OBM Level I Type = Setup Metric Process Performance
Process Do you have a point-based weighting salary system? (i.e. HAY) HR HR HR HR HR 26 26 26 26 26 Salary How is your point-based weighting salary system tracked on your system? Salary Salary Salary Salary Concerning your forecasting requirements, do you do any workforce analysis reporting ? (budgets, job reduction, right-sizing, union negotiations, etc.) HR HR 26 26 Salary Salary Concerning your forecasting requirements, do you do any compensation analysis? (budgets, union negotiations, etc.) What types of benefit plans do you offer? List all the different benefits offered by your organization(s) (i.e. Health and welfare, defined contribution, defined benefit, spending accounts, flexible benefits) What is the current or planned effective date of each benefit plan? Total Compensation Total Compensation Total Compensation Total Compensation Total Compensation Total Compensation Total Compensation Administrate Benefits Administrate Benefits Administrate Benefits Administrate Benefits Administrate Benefits Administrate Benefits Administrate Benefits Maintain Benefit Plan Define Benefit Structure Define Benefit Structure Define Benefit Structure Define Benefit Structure Define Benefit Structure Define Benefit Structure OAB OAB OAB OAB OAB OAB OAB 2355 2360 2345 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 Benefits Who are the carriers for each benefit plan? Benefits Benefits Benefits Benefits Benefits Benefits How are benefit costs/price tags calculated and stored? (Employee costs, employer costs, etc.) Describe the rounding rules used and at what levels rounding is applied. Describe how the benefit costs/price tags may vary based on factors or coverages. Describe the rounding rules used and at what levels rounding is applied. Describe how a participant may determine the use of any unused flex plan credits. (I.e. benefit pools, taken as taxable income, rolled into 401(k) ...) Total Compensation Total Compensation Total Compensation Total Compensation Total Compensation Total Compensation Total Compensation Total Compensation Total Compensation Total Compensation Total Compensation Total Compensation Total Compensation Total Compensation Total Compensation Total Compensation Total Compensation Administrate Benefits Administrate Benefits Administrate Benefits Administrate Benefits Administrate Benefits Administrate Benefits Administrate Benefits Administrate Benefits Administrate Benefits Administrate Benefits Administrate Benefits Administrate Benefits Administrate Benefits Administrate Benefits Administrate Benefits Administrate Benefits Administrate Benefits Maintain Benefit Plan Maintain Benefit Plan Maintain Benefit Plan Maintain Benefit Plan Maintain Benefit Plan Maintain Benefit Plan Maintain Benefit Plan Administrate Enrollment Administrate Enrollment Administrate Enrollment Administrate Enrollment Administrate Enrollment Administrate Enrollment Administrate Enrollment Administrate Enrollment Administrate Enrollment Administrate Enrollment OAB OAB OAB OAB OAB OAB OAB OAB OAB OAB OAB OAB OAB OAB OAB OAB OAB 2358 2341 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 Benefits Do you require batch enrollment and administration processes? Benefits Benefits Benefits Benefits Benefits Benefits How is eligibility to your benefit plans determined? Benefits Are there waiting periods for your benefit plans? Benefits Benefits Benefits When is your open enrollment period? Benefits How do you handle suspended and interim enrollments? Benefits Do you require Web access for participant enrollments? Benefits Do you require IVR access for participant enrollments? Benefits Do you require the ability to model employee eligibility for life event changes? Benefits Benefits How do you handle benefit elections for active employees vs. COBRA participants? Process Process Process Process Process Setup, Process Are there any minimum or maximum required periods of enrollment for the plans or options? What are the enrollment criteria for your benefit plans? Process Process Setup, Process Process What are the periodic benefit communication requirements to the participants? What are the benefit communication requirements to the participants based on life events? Do you require automation of the communication requirements? What are the periodic internal/external reporting requirements for the benefit programs? What are the data interfaces for each carrier for the benefit plans? Process Process Process Process Process Process Setup, Process What are the employee eligibility factors? (company, location, union association, salary, job code) Are they variable? What are the dependent eligibility rules? (types of dependents and any restrictions or coverage differences) What are the beneficiary eligibility rules? What are the rules regarding allocation amounts or percentages? What are the participation rules? What is the waiting period or grandfather rules? What are your deferred compensation/savings plan requirements? Setup, Process Setup, Process Process Process Process Setup, Process Setup, Process Process Process What timing factors are involved in your salary and performance review process (Yearly, quarterly, probationary?) Explain the processes involved in your salary and performance review process? What factors are involved in establishing a salary increase? Setup, Process Setup, Process Process Process Setup, Process

OBM Level II 3413 3414 3415 3416 3417 3418 3419 3420
(HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management Total Compensation Total Compensation Total Compensation Total Compensation Total Compensation Total Compensation


Administrate Compensation Administrate Compensation Administrate Compensation Administrate Compensation Administrate Compensation Administrate Compensation

OBM Level IV
Perform Compensation Administration Perform Compensation Administration Perform Compensation Administration Perform Compensation Administration Perform Compensation Administration Perform Compensation Administration Perform Compensation Administration Perform Compensation Administration


OBM Row No.



Process Analysis Questions

Do you do any salary impact studies during your negotiations?

Total Compensation Total Compensation

Administrate Compensation Administrate Compensation

3421 3422 3423 3424 3425 3426 3427 3428 3429 3430 3431 3432 3433 3434 3435 3436 3437 3438 3439 3440 3441 3442 3443 3444 3445 3446 3447

(HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management

Total Compensation

Administrate Benefits

Define Benefit Structure




Setup, Process

Total Compensation

Administrate Benefits

Maintain Benefit Plan





Setup, Process

Total Compensation

Administrate Benefits

Maintain Benefit Plan




Setup, Process

131320756.xls.ms_office Page 98

RD.020 Business Process Questionnaire OBM Level I Type = Setup Metric Process Performance
Process How are the enrollment periods for life event determined? Total Compensation Total Compensation Total Compensation Total Compensation Administrate Benefits Administrate Benefits Administrate Benefits Administrate Benefits Administrate Life Event changes Administrate Life Event changes Administrate Life Event changes Administrate Life Event changes OAB OAB OAB OAB 26 26 26 26 Benefits Are the enrollment rules based on life events? Benefits How are your life events defined? Benefits Benefits How do you handle detection of life events? Do you require automatic life event detection and administration? What are the continuing eligibility rules for leave of absence, long term disability, short term disability? Are there any changes in the cost of the benefit? How is the money collected if the participant is not receiving a paycheck? Process Process Process Process

OBM Level II 3448 3449 3450 3451 3452

(HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management Total Compensation


Administrate Benefits

OBM Level IV
Administrate Life Event changes


OBM Row No.




Process Analysis Questions

Are the eligibility/participation rules based on life events?

3453 3454 3455 3456 3457 3458 3459 3460 3461 3462 3463 3464

(HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management

Total Compensation Total Compensation Total Compensation Total Compensation Total Compensation Total Compensation Total Compensation Total Compensation Total Compensation Total Compensation

Administrate Benefits Administrate Benefits Administrate Benefits Administrate Benefits Administrate Benefits Administrate Benefits Administrate Benefits Administrate Benefits Administrate Benefits Administrate Benefits

Administrate Life Event changes Administrate Life Event changes Administrate Life Event changes Administrate Life Event changes Administrate Life Event changes Administrate Life Event changes Define Benefit Structure Define Benefit Structure Administrate Cobra Administrate Cobra

OAB OAB OAB OAB OAB OAB OAB OAB OAB OAB 2343 2354 2349 2350 2351 2352 2353

26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26

Benefits Benefits Benefits Benefits Benefits Benefits Benefits Benefits Benefits Benefits

Total Compensation

Administrate Benefits

Administrate Cobra




Total Compensation

Administrate Benefits

Maintain Benefit Plan




3465 3466 3467 3468 3469 3470 3471 3472 3473 3474 3475 3476 3477 3478 3479 3480 3481

(HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management

Total Compensation Total Compensation Total Compensation Total Compensation Total Compensation Total Compensation Total Compensation Total Compensation Total Compensation Total Compensation Total Compensation Total Compensation Total Compensation

Administrate Benefits Administrate Benefits Administrate Benefits Administrate Benefits Administrate Benefits Administrate Benefits Administrate Benefits Administrate Benefits Administrate Benefits Administrate Benefits Administrate Benefits Administrate Benefits Administrate Benefits

Define Benefit Structure Administrate Enrollment Administrate Enrollment Administrate Enrollment Administrate Enrollment Administrate Enrollment Administrate Cobra Maintain Benefit Plan Maintain Benefit Plan Define Benefit Structure Define Benefit Structure Administrate Life Event changes Administrate Life Event changes


26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26

Benefits Benefits Benefits Benefits Benefits Benefits Benefits Benefits Benefits Benefits Benefits Benefits Benefits

Total Compensation Total Compensation Total Compensation Total Compensation

Administrate Benefits Administrate Benefits Administrate Benefits Administrate Benefits

Administrate Life Event changes Administrate Life Event changes Administrate Life Event changes Administrate Life Event changes


26 26 26 26

Benefits Benefits Benefits Benefits

Process What are the termination/coverage end rules for active employee with a terminated benefit? Process What are the termination/coverage end rules for dependent terminated from a benefit? Process What are the termination/coverage end rules for terminated active employee? Process What are the termination/coverage end rules for death? Process What are the termination/coverage end rules for transfers? Process Which benefit plans are extended through COBRA? Setup, Process Which benefit plans are extended after termination outside of COBRA? (I.e. retiree medical) Setup, Process How do you handle COBRA administration? Process What are the termination/coverage end rules for terminated COBRA participant? Process What are the allowed changes for COBRA participants vs. active employees? (Such as changing dependent status, changing plans (adding/terminating/changing), or changing coverage amounts) Process How do you handle claims administration processing for plan reimbursements? (I.e. for flexible spending accounts, plans with reimbursable goods and services) Process What types of benefit plans do you offer? List all the different benefits offered by your organization(s) (i.e. Health and welfare, defined contribution, defined benefit, spending accounts, flexible benefits) Setup, Process How is eligibility to your benefit plans determined? Process Are there waiting periods for your benefit plans? Process What are the criteria for your benefit plans? Process When is your open enrollment period? Process How do you handle interim enrollments? Process How do you handle COBRA? Process How are benefit costs/price tags calculated and stored? (Employee costs, employer costs, etc.) Describe the rounding rules used. Process What is the current or planned effective date of the benefit plan? Process Who are the carriers for this benefit plan? Process What are the dependent eligibility factors? (types of dependents and any restrictions or coverage differences) Process What are the continuing eligibility rules for leave of absence, long term disability, short term disability? Are there any changes in the cost of the benefit while on a leave of absence, long term disability, short term disability? How is the money collected if the participant is not receiving a paycheck while on a leave of absence, long term disability, short term disability? Process What are the termination rules for active employee with a terminated benefit? Process What are the termination rules for dependent terminated from a benefit? Process What are the termination rules for terminated active employee? Process

131320756.xls.ms_office Page 99

RD.020 Business Process Questionnaire OBM Level I Type = Setup Metric Process Performance
Process What are the termination rules for transfers? Total Compensation Total Compensation Total Compensation Total Compensation Total Compensation Total Compensation Administrate Benefits Administrate Benefits Administrate Benefits Administrate Benefits Administrate Benefits Administrate Benefits Maintain Benefit Plan Administrate Cobra Define Benefit Structure Define Benefit Structure Define Benefit Structure Administrate Enrollment HR HR HR HR HR HR 26 26 26 26 26 26 Benefits What are the termination rules for terminated COBRA participant? Benefits Benefits Benefits Benefits Benefits How do you handle benefit elections for active employees vs. COBRA participants? What are the allowed changes for COBRA participants vs. active employees? (Such as changing dependent status, changing plans (adding/terminating/changing), or changing coverage amounts) What are the employee eligibility factors? (company, location, union association, salary, job code) What types of benefit plans do you offer? List all the different benefits offered by your organization(s) (i.e. Health and welfare, defined contribution, defined benefit, spending accounts, flexible benefits) How is eligibility to your benefit plans determined? Total Compensation Total Compensation Total Compensation Total Compensation Total Compensation Total Compensation Total Compensation Total Compensation Total Compensation Total Compensation Total Compensation Total Compensation Administrate Benefits Administrate Benefits Administrate Benefits Administrate Benefits Administrate Benefits Administrate Benefits Administrate Benefits Administrate Benefits Administrate Benefits Administrate Benefits Administrate Benefits Administrate Benefits Administrate Enrollment Administrate Enrollment Administrate Enrollment Administrate Enrollment Administrate Enrollment Administrate Cobra Maintain Benefit Plan Maintain Benefit Plan Define Benefit Structure Define Benefit Structure Administrate Life Event changes Administrate Life Event changes HR HR HR HR HR HR HR HR HR HR OAB OAB 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 Benefits Are there waiting periods for your benefit plans? Benefits What are the criteria for your benefit plans? Benefits When is your open enrollment period? Benefits How do you handle interim enrollments? Benefits How do you handle COBRA? Benefits Benefits Benefits Who are the carriers for this benefit plan? Benefits Benefits Benefits Benefits Process What are the dependent eligibility factors? (types of dependents and any restrictions or coverage differences) Process What are the continuing eligibility rules for leave of absence, long term disability, short term disability? Are there any changes in the cost of the benefit while on a leave of absence, long term disability, short term disability? How is the money collected if the participant is not receiving a paycheck while on a leave of absence, long term disability, short term disability? Process What are the termination rules for active employee with a terminated benefit? Process What are the termination rules for dependent terminated from a benefit? Process What are the termination rules for terminated active employee? Process What are the termination rules for death? Process What are the termination rules for transfers? Process What are the termination rules for terminated COBRA participant? Process What are the Beneficiary eligibility rules? What are the rules regarding allocation amounts or percentages? Process What are the participation rules? What is the waiting period or grandfather rules? Process What are your deferred comp plan requirements? Process How do you handle benefit elections for active employees vs. COBRA participants? Process What are the allowed changes for COBRA participants vs. active employees? (Such as changing dependent status, changing plans (adding/terminating/changing), or changing coverage amounts) Process What are the employee eligibility factors? (company, location, union association, salary, job code) Process How are benefit costs/price tags calculated and stored? (Employee costs, employer costs, etc.) Describe the rounding rules used. What is the current or planned effective date of the benefit plan? Process Process Process Process Process Process Process Process What are the Beneficiary eligibility rules? What are the rules regarding allocation amounts or percentages? What are the participation rules? What is the waiting period or grandfather rules? What are your deferred comp plan requirements? Process Process Process Process Process Process

OBM Level II 3482 3483 3484 3485 3486 3487 3488 3489 3490
(HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management Total Compensation


Administrate Benefits

OBM Level IV
Administrate Life Event changes


OBM Row No.



Process Analysis Questions

What are the termination rules for death?

Total Compensation Total Compensation

Administrate Benefits Administrate Benefits

Administrate Cobra Define Benefit Structure


26 26

Benefits Benefits

Process Process

3491 3492 3493 3494 3495 3496 3497 3498 3499 3500 3501 3502 3503 3504 3505 3506 3507 3508 3509 3510 3511 3512 3513 3514 3515 3516

(HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management (HR) Human Resource Management

Total Compensation

Administrate Benefits

Define Benefit Structure




Setup, Process

Total Compensation Total Compensation Total Compensation Total Compensation Total Compensation Total Compensation Total Compensation Total Compensation Total Compensation Total Compensation Total Compensation

Administrate Benefits Administrate Benefits Administrate Benefits Administrate Benefits Administrate Benefits Administrate Benefits Administrate Benefits Administrate Benefits Administrate Benefits Administrate Benefits Administrate Benefits

Administrate Life Event changes Administrate Life Event changes Administrate Life Event changes Administrate Life Event changes Administrate Life Event changes Maintain Benefit Plan Administrate Cobra Define Benefit Structure Define Benefit Structure Define Benefit Structure Administrate Enrollment


26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26

Benefits Benefits Benefits Benefits Benefits Benefits Benefits Benefits Benefits Benefits Benefits

Total Compensation Total Compensation

Administrate Benefits Administrate Benefits

Administrate Cobra Define Benefit Structure


26 26

Benefits Benefits

131320756.xls.ms_office Page 100

RD.020 Business Process Questionnaire OBM Level I Type = Setup Metric Process Performance
Process/Metrics How do you differentiate yourself from your competition? General Marketing Online Marketing Online General General General General Marketing Online Company How many different types of products or services do you currently have? Product How often do you introduce new products/services? Product What is the companies position/mission? Company Company Company Where will the growth come from? Company Who do you generally sell to? Product HW & SW Environment HW & SW Environment HW & SW Environment HW & SW Environment HW & SW Environment HW & SW Environment HW & SW Environment HW & SW Environment HW & SW Environment HW & SW Environment HW & SW Environment Closed Loop Marketing Audit Closed Loop Marketing Audit General Miscellaneous Miscellaneous Security Security Security International International International International International General General Can you provide information flow schematics of the data passed/required between marketing and other connected/interfaced systems? (e.g. Project Accounting) Process Process/Setup What is the organizational structure of your company? (e.g. entities, departments, regions) What type of growth are you projecting? Process Process Process Process Process/Setup Process/Setup

OBM Level II 3517 3518 3519 3520 3521 3522 3523 3524 3525 3526 3527 3528 3529 3530 3531 3532 3533 3534 3535 3536 3537 3538 3539 3540 3541 3542 3543 3544 3545 3546 3547 3548 3549 3550 3551 3552 3553
(MK) Marketing Management (MK) Marketing Management (MK) Marketing Management (MK) Marketing Management (MK) Marketing Management (MK) Marketing Management (MK) Marketing Management (MK) Marketing Management (MK) Marketing Management Market Research and Analysis Market Research and Analysis Market Research and Analysis Market Research and Analysis Market Research and Analysis Market Research and Analysis Market Research and Analysis Market Research and Analysis Market Research and Analysis


Perform Market Research Perform Market Research Perform Market Research Perform Market Research Perform Market Research Perform Market Research Perform Market Research Perform Market Research Perform Market Research

OBM Level IV
Establish High-Level Marketing Strategy Establish High-Level Marketing Strategy Determine Product Line Determine Product Line Establish High-Level Marketing Strategy Establish High-Level Marketing Strategy Establish High-Level Marketing Strategy Establish High-Level Marketing Strategy Profile Creation Audit Marketing Information System Audit Marketing Information System Audit Marketing Information System Audit Marketing Information System Audit Marketing Information System Audit Marketing Information System Audit Marketing Information System Audit Marketing Information System Audit Marketing Information System Audit Marketing Information System Audit Marketing Information System Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified

Marketing Online

OBM Row No.



Process Analysis Questions

Can you present us your executive marketing plan?

(MK) Marketing Management (MK) Marketing Management (MK) Marketing Management (MK) Marketing Management (MK) Marketing Management (MK) Marketing Management (MK) Marketing Management (MK) Marketing Management (MK) Marketing Management (MK) Marketing Management (MK) Marketing Management (MK) Marketing Management (MK) Marketing Management (MK) Marketing Management (MK) Marketing Management (MK) Marketing Management (MK) Marketing Management (MK) Marketing Management (MK) Marketing Management (MK) Marketing Management (MK) Marketing Management (MK) Marketing Management (MK) Marketing Management (MK) Marketing Management (MK) Marketing Management (MK) Marketing Management (MK) Marketing Management (MK) Marketing Management

Marketing Audit Marketing Audit Marketing Audit Marketing Audit Marketing Audit Marketing Audit Marketing Audit Marketing Audit Marketing Audit Marketing Audit Marketing Audit Marketing Audit Marketing Audit Marketing Audit Marketing Audit Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified

Internal Environment Audit Internal Environment Audit Internal Environment Audit Internal Environment Audit Internal Environment Audit Internal Environment Audit Internal Environment Audit Internal Environment Audit Internal Environment Audit Internal Environment Audit Internal Environment Audit Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified

Marketing Online Marketing Online Marketing Online Marketing Online Marketing Online Marketing Online Marketing Online Marketing Online Marketing Online Marketing Online Marketing Online Marketing Online Marketing Online Marketing Online Marketing Online Marketing Online Marketing Online Marketing Online Marketing Online Marketing Online Marketing Online Marketing Online Marketing Online Marketing Online Marketing Online Marketing Online Marketing Online Marketing Online

Process Can you provide us with a flow diagram of connectivity between the marketing and the core business application? Process How do you see the new application resolving your current deficiencies/issues? Metrics Is there an existing entity relationship (E-R) diagram of the current marketing application? Process What are your requirements for importing and exporting data from marketing? Process What database are you using? Setup What ERP apps do you have installed currently? Whose? Version? Setup What hardware do you run? Setup What historical marketing information do you currently maintain? Process What is your current Marketing Application Process/Setup What type of information is exchanged between the current marketing application and your other systems/processes? Process Describe how you measure campaign effectiveness. Process How do you currently audit your marketing activities? Process How do you measure the response to a campaign? Process What are your audit requirements for the future? Process Are there any time-intensive marketing processes that need to be addressed? Process/Performanc e Do you currently use or plan to use outbound ecommerce marketing campaigns? Process/Setup Do you currently use or plan to use outbound telemarketing campaigns? Process/Setup Do you have documentation on your current system security requirement for marketing? Process Do you have security reports on who can run Marketing reports? Process/Setup Do you have security requirements on who can enter data for marketing? (e.g. by responsibility, by company, by cost center) Process/Setup Do you need multiple language support? Process/Setup Do you need to support multiple currencies? Process/Setup Do you need to support multiple date, address and name formats? Process/Setup Do you need to support multiple organizations within the same country? Process/Setup Do you operate in multiple countries? Process/Setup Is there an existing diagram of the current marketing processes? Process What are business areas within marketing that are targeted for improvement? Process, Metrics

131320756.xls.ms_office Page 101

RD.020 Business Process Questionnaire OBM Level I Type = Setup Metric Process Performance
Process Process/Setup Process/Setup Process What is the reason for purchasing/upgrading to this Oracle Marketing Application? What is the total number of users that will have access to the Marketing application? How many of those are using the application simultaneously? What manual operations/processes do you need to automate? Process

OBM Level II 3554 3555 3556 3557 3558 3559 3560 3561 3562 3563 3564 3565 3566 3567 3568 3569 3570 3571 3572 3573 3574 3575 3576 3577 3578 3579 3580 3581 3582 3583 3584 3585 3586 3587 3588 3589 3590
(MK) Marketing Management (MK) Marketing Management (MK) Marketing Management (MK) Marketing Management (MK) Marketing Management Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified


Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified

OBM Level IV
Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified

Marketing Online Marketing Online Marketing Online Marketing Online Marketing Online

OBM Row No.


Miscellaneous General General General General

Process Analysis Questions

What are requirements coming from the creative side of the marketing department? What are the main jobs/responsibilities you have in your marketing department? What are the main marketing tasks you perform in your marketing department? What is the purpose of the relevant sales and marketing system/processes?

(MK) Marketing Management (MK) Marketing Management (MK) Marketing Management (MK) Marketing Management (MK) Marketing Management (MK) Marketing Management (MK) Marketing Management (MK) Marketing Management (MK) Marketing Management (MK) Marketing Management (MK) Marketing Management (MK) Marketing Management (MK) Marketing Management (MK) Marketing Management (MK) Marketing Management (MK) Marketing Management (MK) Marketing Management (MK) Marketing Management (MK) Marketing Management (MK) Marketing Management (MK) Marketing Management (MK) Marketing Management (MK) Marketing Management (MK) Marketing Management (MK) Marketing Management (MK) Marketing Management (MK) Marketing Management (MK) Marketing Management (MK) Marketing Management (MK) Marketing Management (MK) Marketing Management (MK) Marketing Management

Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Strategic Marketing Strategic Marketing Strategic Marketing Strategic Marketing Strategic Marketing Strategic Marketing Strategic Marketing Strategic Marketing Strategic Marketing Strategic Marketing Strategic Marketing Strategic Marketing Strategic Marketing Strategic Marketing Strategic Marketing Strategic Marketing Strategic Marketing Strategic Marketing Strategic Marketing Strategic Marketing Strategic Marketing Tactical Marketing Tactical Marketing Tactical Marketing Tactical Marketing

Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Product / Service Strategy Product / Service Strategy Product / Service Strategy Campaign Planning Campaign Planning Campaign Planning Campaign Planning

Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Determine Product Line Determine Pricing Determine Product Line Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified

Marketing Online Marketing Online Marketing Online Marketing Online General Marketing Online Marketing Online Marketing Online Marketing Online Marketing Online Marketing Online Marketing Online Marketing Online Marketing Online Marketing Online Marketing Online Marketing Online General Marketing Online Marketing Online Marketing Online Marketing Online Marketing Online General General Marketing Online Marketing Online Marketing Online Marketing Online Marketing Online Marketing Online Marketing Online

General General What role does the marketing department play in sales forecasting? Miscellaneous What word processing package do your users use? Miscellaneous HW & SW Environment General Which of these business areas are of highest priority? General Budgeting Budgeting Budgeting Describe the customer data model that is currently used by the organization. Customers General Budgeting Closed Loop Marketing Closed Loop Marketing Closed Loop Marketing Campaign Company General Closed Loop Marketing Budgeting General Closed Loop Marketing Company Company Product Product Product Campaigns Campaigns Campaigns Miscellaneous Describe the geographical distribution of your business and/or employees present and future. Describe the movement of funds between budgets. Do you perform a break-even analysis for marketing activities? Describe the approval processes for marketing budget within the organization? describe the budgeting process for marketing activities e.g campaigns and events Describe the campaign budget process

Process Process Process Process What would happen if you waited 6 months? Process Which marketing operations/processes do you want to eliminate? Process Process/Metrics Process Process/Setup Process Process Process Process Metrics Do you perform a P&L analysis for products or clients where marketing costs have to be factored in? Metrics Do you use any Oracle Applications such as Oracle Call Center, Oracle TeleSales or Oracle iStore to capture orders? Process/Setup How are the campaign costs to be tracked and at what level of breakdown? Process How big is the company? (Revenue, employees) Process How big is your marketing department? (# of employees, budget)? Process/Setup/Perfo rmance How do you capture orders (mail-order, phone, web, salesforce)? Process How is the marketing budget apportioned across multiple organizations? Process How is your marketing department structured (centralized for the whole company or decentralized for SBU's)? Process What applications do you use to capture orders? Process/Setup What does your company do? Process What industry is your company in? Process What do you sell? Process What is the price point of your products/services? Process/Setup What is your future product strategy? Process/Setup How are the campaigns' objectives to be measured or quantified Process/Setup How is the effectiveness of campaigns managed Process/Setup How many types of campaigns does the organization manage and what are the key information components of each type Process/Setup How visible should campaigns be to the rest of the marketing org? Process/Setup

131320756.xls.ms_office Page 102

RD.020 Business Process Questionnaire OBM Level I Type = Setup Metric Process Performance
Process/Setup Describe your business process for sending a letter or collateral to a contact? Literature Fulfillment Do you have collateral organized in kits? Literature Fulfillment Do you market on the web? Miscellaneous Do you plan to have affiliate sites ? eCommerce: Affiliate Do you send collateral based on answers from mail or phone questionnaires? Literature Fulfillment Do you use hard and soft collateral? Literature Fulfillment Do you use version control for collateral? Literature Fulfillment Closed Loop Marketing Closed Loop Marketing Closed Loop Marketing Literature Fulfillment Closed Loop Marketing List Management How is collateral currently processed (in-house, fulfillment house etc.) ? Literature Fulfillment How is collateral fulfilled by the organization, describe the scenarios Collateral Collateral Campaign How many campaigns do you launch a year? Campaign How should collateral be categorized Collateral How should the marketing department be notified of new collateral Collateral eCommerce: Profiling eCommerce: Profiling Process How will profile information be used in your online storefront ? Process/Setup How will profile information be used in your retail stores ? Process/Setup Process/Setup Process Process/Setup Process/Setup Process/Setup Process/Setup Process/Setup Process Process/Performanc e Process Reporting Process/Performanc e Process/Performanc e Process/Performanc e Metrics Process How is marketing collateral managed by the organization, physically and electronically How many campaigns do you run simultaneously? Process/Setup Process Process/Setup How do you capture the actual cost for a marketing campaign? Process How do you assign captured revenue data to campaigns and promotions? Process/Setup How do you capture revenue data for a campaign or a promotion? Process/Setup How do you currently inventory your collateral? Process/Setup How do you currently track cost and effectiveness of a promotion? Process/Setup How do you currently track responses to a list (or to a campaign in general)? Process Process Process Process Process/Performanc e Process/Setup Process/Setup Process Process/Setup Process/Setup

OBM Level II 3591 3592 3593 3594 3595 3596 3597 3598 3599 3600 3601 3602 3603 3604 3605 3606 3607 3608 3609 3610 3611 3612 3613 3614 3615 3616 3617 3618 3619 3620 3621 3622 3623 3624 3625 3626 3627 3628
(MK) Marketing Management (MK) Marketing Management (MK) Marketing Management (MK) Marketing Management (MK) Marketing Management (MK) Marketing Management (MK) Marketing Management (MK) Marketing Management (MK) Marketing Management (MK) Marketing Management (MK) Marketing Management (MK) Marketing Management (MK) Marketing Management (MK) Marketing Management (MK) Marketing Management (MK) Marketing Management (MK) Marketing Management (MK) Marketing Management (MK) Marketing Management (MK) Marketing Management (MK) Marketing Management (MK) Marketing Management (MK) Marketing Management (MK) Marketing Management (MK) Marketing Management (MK) Marketing Management (MK) Marketing Management (MK) Marketing Management (MK) Marketing Management (MK) Marketing Management (MK) Marketing Management (MK) Marketing Management (MK) Marketing Management (MK) Marketing Management (MK) Marketing Management (MK) Marketing Management (MK) Marketing Management (MK) Marketing Management Tactical Marketing Tactical Marketing Tactical Marketing Tactical Marketing Tactical Marketing Tactical Marketing Tactical Marketing Tactical Marketing Tactical Marketing Tactical Marketing Tactical Marketing Tactical Marketing Tactical Marketing Tactical Marketing Tactical Marketing Tactical Marketing Tactical Marketing Tactical Marketing Tactical Marketing Tactical Marketing Tactical Marketing Tactical Marketing Tactical Marketing Tactical Marketing Tactical Marketing Tactical Marketing Tactical Marketing Tactical Marketing Tactical Marketing Tactical Marketing Tactical Marketing Tactical Marketing Tactical Marketing Tactical Marketing Tactical Marketing Tactical Marketing Tactical Marketing Tactical Marketing


Campaign Planning Campaign Execution Campaign Execution Campaign Execution Campaign Execution Campaign Execution Campaign Execution Campaign Execution Campaign Execution Campaign Execution Campaign Execution Campaign Execution Campaign Execution Campaign Execution Campaign Execution Campaign Execution Campaign Execution Campaign Execution Campaign Execution Campaign Execution Campaign Execution Campaign Execution Campaign Execution Campaign Execution Campaign Execution Campaign Execution Campaign Execution Campaign Execution Campaign Execution Campaign Execution Campaign Measurement Campaign Measurement Campaign Measurement Campaign Measurement Campaign Measurement Campaign Measurement Campaign Measurement Campaign Measurement

OBM Level IV
Not identified Fulfill Collateral Fulfill Collateral Not identified Not identified Fulfill Collateral Fulfill Collateral Fulfill Collateral Track Responses Track Responses Track Responses Fulfill Collateral Track Responses Track Responses Fulfill Collateral Fulfill Collateral Fulfill Collateral Not identified Not identified Fulfill Collateral Fulfill Collateral Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Track Responses Not identified Not identified Fulfill Collateral Analyze Campaign Effectiveness Analyze Campaign Effectiveness Analyze Campaign Effectiveness Analyze Campaign Effectiveness Analyze Campaign Effectiveness Analyze Campaign Effectiveness Analyze Campaign Effectiveness Analyze Campaign Effectiveness

Marketing Online Marketing Online/Sales Marketing Online/ Inventory Marketing Online iMarketing Marketing Online/Sales Marketing Online Marketing Online Marketing Online Marketing Online Marketing Online Marketing Online/ Inventory Marketing Online Marketing Online Marketing Online Marketing Online Marketing Online / MES Marketing Online Marketing Online Marketing Online / MES Marketing Online / MES iMarketing iMarketing iMarketing Marketing Online iMarketing Marketing Online iMarketing iMarketing Marketing Online/Sales Marketing Online Marketing Online Marketing Online Marketing Online Marketing Online Marketing Online Marketing Online Marketing Online

OBM Row No.



Process Analysis Questions

How visible should campaigns be to the rest of the marketing org?

What revenue-sharing arrangements will you have with affiliates ? eCommerce: Affiliate What application do you currently use to communicate/share information Marketing PM during the campaign/promotion planning/execution? Functionality What content-sharing arrangements will you have with affiliates ? eCommerce: Affiliate What is the mechanism to assign the captured marketing cost to Closed Loop tasks/activities and ultimately to products and/or sales? Marketing What personalization requirements do you have for customers arriving from eCommerce: Affiliate affiliate sites ? What requirement does your marketing department have for profiling eCommerce: customers ? Profiling Who in your organization will require the ability to request that a letter or Literature Fulfillment collateral be sent? Are marketing reporting requirements standard across the enterprise, for example subsidiaries? Reporting Are there any requirements for on-line (softcopy) distribution and/or remote location printing for marketing reports? Reporting How do you manage the update of marketing report's distribution list? Reporting How granular do you report on communication channels and media? (e.g. track cost and revenue) Reporting How granular do you report on geographical segments/attributes? Reporting How granular do you report on target market segments? Reporting How often do you check/recalculate the objectives of a campaign? Closed Loop Marketing Provide examples of each report including: Source, user, frequency, main reporting parameters, purpose, # of copies! Reporting

131320756.xls.ms_office Page 103

RD.020 Business Process Questionnaire OBM Level I Type = Setup Metric Process Performance

OBM Level II 3629 3630 3631 3632 3633 3634 3635 3636 3637 3638 3639 3640 3641 3642 3643 3644 3645 3646 3647 3648 3649 3650 3651 3652 3653 3654 3655 3656 3657 3658 3659 3660 3661 3662 3663
(MK) Marketing Management (MK) Marketing Management (MK) Marketing Management (MK) Marketing Management (MK) Marketing Management (MK) Marketing Management (MK) Marketing Management (MK) Marketing Management Tactical Marketing Tactical Marketing Tactical Marketing Tactical Marketing Tactical Marketing Tactical Marketing Tactical Marketing Tactical Marketing


Campaign Measurement Campaign Measurement Campaign Measurement Campaign Measurement Campaign Measurement Campaign Measurement Campaign Planning Campaign Planning

OBM Level IV
Analyze Campaign Effectiveness Analyze Campaign Effectiveness Analyze Campaign Effectiveness Analyze Campaign Effectiveness Analyze Campaign Effectiveness Analyze Campaign Effectiveness Determine & Assign Offer / Promotion Determine & Assign Offer / Promotion Determine & Assign Offer / Promotion

Marketing Online Marketing Online Marketing Online Marketing Online Marketing Online Marketing Online Marketing Online Marketing Online

OBM Row No.


Closed Loop Marketing Reporting Reporting Reporting Closed Loop Marketing Reporting Promotion Promotion

Process Analysis Questions

What are the objectives you use to judge the performance of a campaign? (e.g. ROI, Revenue etc.) What business performance statistics do you monitor for marketing?

(MK) Marketing Management

Tactical Marketing

Campaign Planning

Marketing Online


(MK) Marketing Management (MK) Marketing Management

Tactical Marketing Tactical Marketing

Campaign Planning Campaign Planning

Not identified Determine & Assign Offer / Promotion

Marketing Online Marketing Online

Campaign Promotion

(MK) Marketing Management

Tactical Marketing

Campaign Planning

Not identified

Marketing Online


(MK) Marketing Management (MK) Marketing Management (MK) Marketing Management (MK) Marketing Management (MK) Marketing Management (MK) Marketing Management (MK) Marketing Management (MK) Marketing Management (MK) Marketing Management (MK) Marketing Management (MK) Marketing Management (MK) Marketing Management (MK) Marketing Management (MK) Marketing Management (MK) Marketing Management (MK) Marketing Management (MK) Marketing Management

Tactical Marketing Tactical Marketing Tactical Marketing Tactical Marketing Tactical Marketing Tactical Marketing Tactical Marketing Tactical Marketing Tactical Marketing Tactical Marketing Tactical Marketing Tactical Marketing Tactical Marketing Tactical Marketing Tactical Marketing Tactical Marketing Tactical Marketing

Campaign Planning Campaign Planning Campaign Planning Campaign Planning Campaign Planning Campaign Planning Campaign Planning Campaign Planning Campaign Planning Campaign Planning Campaign Planning Campaign Planning Campaign Planning Campaign Planning Campaign Planning Campaign Planning Campaign Planning

Not identified Select Channel Perform Segmentation Perform Segmentation Determine & Assign Offer / Promotion Not identified Determine & Assign Offer / Promotion Web-based campaigns Determine & Assign Offer / Promotion Perform Segmentation Perform Segmentation Select Channel Determine & Assign Offer / Promotion Determine & Assign Offer / Promotion Determine & Assign Offer / Promotion Not identified Web-based campaigns Determine & Assign Offer / Promotion Determine & Assign Offer / Promotion Not identified Determine & Assign Offer / Promotion Not identified Not identified

Marketing Online Marketing Online Marketing Online Marketing Online Marketing Online Marketing Online Marketing Online iMarketing Marketing Online Marketing Online Marketing Online Marketing Online Marketing Online Marketing Online Marketing Online Marketing Online iMarketing

Campaign Campaign Segmentation Segmentation Promotion Campaign Promotion Promotion Promotion Segmentation Segmentation Campaign Promotion Promotion Promotion Campaign Promotion

(MK) Marketing Management (MK) Marketing Management (MK) Marketing Management (MK) Marketing Management (MK) Marketing Management (MK) Marketing Management

Tactical Marketing Tactical Marketing Tactical Marketing Tactical Marketing Tactical Marketing Tactical Marketing

Campaign Planning Campaign Planning Campaign Planning Campaign Planning Campaign Planning Campaign Planning

Marketing Online Marketing Online Marketing Online Marketing Online Marketing Online Marketing Online

Promotion Promotion Campaign Promotion Marketing PM Functionality Campaign

Metrics What is the criteria for determining who should receive a copy of any marketing reports? Process What reports are grouped together on a regular basis and printed in one print run? Process What units do you use to measure the above marketing objectives ($'s, time, units etc.)? Setup Who receives a copy of marketing reports? Process Can promotions be accumulated? (e.g. a 5 % promotion coupled with another 2 % promotion results in a 7 % promotion) Process/Setup Do you currently have a promotion database which stores all your historical promotion data? Process/Setup Do you currently use an application that manages the flow/management (sequence of steps) of a promotion such as workflow or project management software? Process Do you currently use an application that manages the flow/management (sequence of steps) of a campaign such as a workflow tool or project management software? Setup/Process Do you currently use coupons or gift certificates? Process/Setup Do you have a document that depicts how your campaigns are hierarchically structured (main campaign, child campaign, promotions etc.)? Process/Setup Do you have a document that depicts the general project management processes/policies you use to create and execute a campaign? Process Do you have a document that depicts the hierarchy of your communication channels and media? Setup Do you have a document that depicts the hierarchy of your geographical segmentation? Setup Do you have a document that depicts the hierarchy of your target market segments? Setup Do you have a list of promotion types you use? (e.g. % discount, early bird, buy one get one etc.) Process/Setup Do you have a process flow that depicts the creation and management of campaigns? Process Do you have a process flow that depicts the creation and management of promotions? Process Do you have a requirement to use advertisments to earn revenue ? Process How do you classify promotions? (e.g. by client, product, geography etc.) Setup How granular do you segment your marketing activities geographically? Setup How granular do you segment your target markets and what are those segments? Setup How granular to you plan your communication efforts in terms of channels and media? Setup How is the general marketplace reached, describe the broadcasting strategies used. Process/Setup How many promotions do you run simultaneously? Process/Setup How many promotions do you typically run during a fiscal year? Process/Setup How many sub campaigns does a campaign usually have? Process/Performanc e How will your online campaigns be affected by your retail campaigns ? Process What advertising/promotional medium are commonly used? For each medium, list the various vendors that are used by the marketing org that provide these medium. Process/Setup What are the criteria/logic you use to decide which promotion you run at what time for which products? Process What are the statuses a campaign can be in? (New, Approved, Canceled) etc. Setup What are the statuses a promotion can be in? (New, Approved, Canceled) etc. Setup What attributes do you capture/track for a single campaign process step? (e.g. priority, weight, start & end dates, dependencies etc.) ? Process/Setup What is the current campaign and promotion approval process? Process/Setup

131320756.xls.ms_office Page 104

RD.020 Business Process Questionnaire OBM Level I Type = Setup Metric Process Performance
Process What is the unique identifier of a campaign? Setup What kinds of offers do you plan to have on your online storefront ? Process What kinds of personalization requirements do you have for web-based commerce ? eg. recommendations, personalized ads What market research data do you purchase? What metrics do you use for web-based campaigns ? Process Process/Setup Process What types of offers will be available on the web? Process Do you currently use project management software to manage marketing activities? (e.g. track, assign and report on responsibilities / tasks / dependencies / timing / cost capturing / critical paths)? How is "newly acquired" customers defined Process How is performance of marketing initiatives (eg campaigns) measured Process How is the data for KPI captured Process How is the sales cycle time measured and how can this be tracked in the system What critical marketing indicators should be associated with alerts What constitutes a customer response Process What marketing KPI are used by the organization Process Where does the data to calculate the KPIs come from and how is it stored in the system Can you provide us with data mappings of the lists you currently use? Describe the process of cleaning and de-douping and sorting the lists? Process Process/Performanc e Process Do you generate the lists from an internal DWH or do you buy a list from an external source? Do you have a document depicting the de-douping rules? Do you use Oracle Discoverer? Process Process Process For each criteria used to generate a list, what customer data is commonly extracted when creating the list eg. address, tel, email? How complex are your selection criteria of generating a list? Do you have examples? How do you currently judge the performance of a list? How do you ensure that a customer is not contacted more than once on the same marketing initiative. How do you ensure that a customer or prospect is not contacted too frequently? How do you generate a list of a reduced size (test list)? How is the customer database maintained in terms of integrity and freshness? Process Process/Performanc e Process Process Process Process Process How is this criteria captured within the database? Process If you generate the lists internally please describe the list generation process? Process If you use your internal DWH for list creation, which hardware and software platform do you use for your DWH? What criteria is normally used to define the lists to be generated? Who is responsible for generating, cleaning and de-douping lists? Process Process Process Describe how 1 to 1 marketing may be operative in your marketing initiatives Process Describe how the customer database is to be segmented for marketing purposes How is imported list data to be treated in context to the rest of the customer database what constitutes a duplicate customer record Process Process Process Process Process

OBM Level II 3664 3665 3666 3667 3668 3669 3670 3671 3672 3673 3674 3675 3676 3677 3678 3679 3680 3681 3682 3683 3684 3685 3686 3687 3688 3689 3690 3691 3692 3693 3694 3695 3696 3697 3698 3699 3700
(MK) Marketing Management (MK) Marketing Management (MK) Marketing Management (MK) Marketing Management (MK) Marketing Management (MK) Marketing Management (MK) Marketing Management Tactical Marketing Tactical Marketing Tactical Marketing Tactical Marketing Tactical Marketing Tactical Marketing Tactical Marketing


Campaign Planning Campaign Planning Campaign Planning Campaign Planning Campaign Planning Campaign Planning Campaign Planning Campaign Planning & Campaign Execution Execute Campaigns Execute Campaigns Execute Campaigns Execute Campaigns Execute Campaigns Execute Campaigns Execute Campaigns Execute Campaigns List Management List Management List Management List Management List Management List Management List Management List Management List Management List Management List Management List Management List Management List Management List Management List Management List Management Manage Lists Manage Lists Manage Lists Manage Lists

OBM Level IV
Determine & Assign Offer / Promotion Not identified Web-based campaigns Web-based campaigns Not identified Web-based campaigns Web-based campaigns

Marketing Online Marketing Online iMarketing iMarketing Marketing Online iMarketing iMarketing

OBM Row No.


Promotion Campaign Promotion Promotion Miscellaneous Promotion Promotion Marketing PM Functionality Marketing Intelligence Marketing Intelligence Marketing Intelligence Marketing Intelligence Marketing Intelligence Marketing Intelligence Marketing Intelligence Marketing Intelligence List Management List Management List Management List Management List Management List Management List Management List Management List Management

Process Analysis Questions

What is the process of determining the success of a promotion?

(MK) Marketing Management (MK) Marketing Management (MK) Marketing Management (MK) Marketing Management (MK) Marketing Management (MK) Marketing Management (MK) Marketing Management (MK) Marketing Management (MK) Marketing Management (MK) Marketing Management (MK) Marketing Management (MK) Marketing Management (MK) Marketing Management (MK) Marketing Management (MK) Marketing Management (MK) Marketing Management (MK) Marketing Management (MK) Marketing Management (MK) Marketing Management (MK) Marketing Management (MK) Marketing Management (MK) Marketing Management (MK) Marketing Management (MK) Marketing Management (MK) Marketing Management (MK) Marketing Management (MK) Marketing Management (MK) Marketing Management (MK) Marketing Management (MK) Marketing Management

Tactical Marketing Tactical Marketing Tactical Marketing Tactical Marketing Tactical Marketing Tactical Marketing Tactical Marketing Tactical Marketing Tactical Marketing Tactical Marketing Tactical Marketing Tactical Marketing Tactical Marketing Tactical Marketing Tactical Marketing Tactical Marketing Tactical Marketing Tactical Marketing Tactical Marketing Tactical Marketing Tactical Marketing Tactical Marketing Tactical Marketing Tactical Marketing Tactical Marketing Tactical Marketing Tactical Marketing Tactical Marketing Tactical Marketing Tactical Marketing

Not identified Evaluate & Adjust Campaign Evaluate & Adjust Campaign Evaluate & Adjust Campaign Evaluate & Adjust Campaign Evaluate & Adjust Campaign Evaluate & Adjust Campaign Evaluate & Adjust Campaign Evaluate & Adjust Campaign Generate List Clean-up List Identify Sources Clean-up List Generate List Generate List Generate List Score List Generate List Generate List Generate List Generate List Generate List Generate List Generate List Generate List Clean-up List Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified

Marketing Online BIM BIM BIM BIM BIM BIM BIM BIM Marketing Online Marketing Online Marketing Online Marketing Online Marketing Online Marketing Online Marketing Online Marketing Online Marketing Online Marketing Online Marketing Online Marketing Online Marketing Online Marketing Online Marketing Online Marketing Online Marketing Online Marketing Online Marketing Online Marketing Online Marketing Online


List Management List Management List Management List Management List Management List Management List Management List Management List Management List Management List Management

131320756.xls.ms_office Page 105

RD.020 Business Process Questionnaire OBM Level I Type = Setup Metric Process Performance
Process Process Describe the marketing demographics that the marketing organization tracks and uses How are marketing geographies determines and inter- related How are marketing geographies targeted for marketing initiatives Process Process Process How are responses from different marketing geographies tracked Process How is the customer/prospect to be contacts (email, fax, call) Process How is the general marketplace reached, describe the broadcasting strategies used. How should Marketing demographics be tracked and maintained in the system How should marketing and sales, competitive information be organized for the organization How should marketing resources be organized in terms of sharing information , eg mailing lists How should obsolete information be managed How should the publication of information be controlled Process Process Process Process Process Process What advertising/promotional medium are commonly used? For each medium, list the various vendors that are used by the marketing org that provide these medium. MES

OBM Level II 3701 3702 3703 3704 3705 3706 3707 3708 3709 3710 3711 3712 3713 3714 3715 3716 3717 3718 3719 3720 3721 3722 3723 3724 3725 3726 3727 3728 3729 3730 3731 3732 3733 3734 3735 3736 3737
(MK) Marketing Management (MK) Marketing Management (MK) Marketing Management (MK) Marketing Management (MK) Marketing Management (MK) Marketing Management (MK) Marketing Management (MK) Marketing Management (MK) Marketing Management (MK) Marketing Management (MK) Marketing Management (MK) Marketing Management (MK) Marketing Management Tactical Marketing Tactical Marketing Tactical Marketing Tactical Marketing Tactical Marketing Tactical Marketing Tactical Marketing Tactical Marketing Tactical Marketing Tactical Marketing Tactical Marketing Tactical Marketing Tactical Marketing


Marketing Communication Not identified Plan Campaigns Plan Campaigns Plan Campaigns Plan Campaigns Plan Campaigns Plan Campaigns Plan Campaigns Plan Campaigns Plan Campaigns Plan Campaigns Plan Campaigns

OBM Level IV


OBM Row No.


Closed Loop Marketing Closed Loop Marketing

Process Analysis Questions

How do you budget for campaigns or in other words how do you forecast the cost of a campaign? How do you forecast the revenue of a campaign?

Create / Establish Communications Budget Marketing Online Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Marketing Online Marketing Online Marketing Online Marketing Online Marketing Online Marketing Online Marketing Online Marketing Online MES MES MES MES


(MK) Marketing Management (MK) Marketing Management (MK) Marketing Management (MK) Marketing Management (MM) Materials Management (MM) Materials Management (MM) Materials Management (MM) Materials Management (MM) Materials Management (MM) Materials Management

Tactical Marketing Tactical Marketing Tactical Marketing Tactical Marketing not identified not identified not identified not identified not identified not identified

Plan Campaigns Plan Campaigns Plan Campaigns Plan Campaigns not identified not identified not identified not identified not identified not identified

Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified

Marketing Online MES Marketing Online MES ALL ALL ALL ALL ALL ALL MM MM MM MM MM MM 16 16 16 16 16 16 MES Security Security Security Security Security Security

(MM) Materials Management (MM) Materials Management (MM) Materials Management (MM) Materials Management (MM) Materials Management (MM) Materials Management (MM) Materials Management (MM) Materials Management (MM) Materials Management (MM) Materials Management (MM) Materials Management (MM) Materials Management (MM) Materials Management (MM) Materials Management

not identified not identified not identified not identified not identified not identified not identified not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified

not identified not identified not identified not identified not identified not identified not identified not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified

Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified



16 13 13 13 13 13 13 13

Validation Security Security Security Security Security Security Validation Policies Policies

Not module specific MM Not module specific MM Not module specific MM Not module specific MM Not module specific MM Not module specific MM Not module specific MM Not module specific Not module specific Not module specific MM Not module specific MM Not module specific MM Not module specific MM

13 13 13 13

Policies Policies Policies Policies

Process What perspective of audience should be considered when organizing information Process What responses from the customer/prospect should be tracked by the system Process What type of information should be managed by the organization Process Do you have security requirements on who can enter data for Inventory Accuracy? (e.g. by company? by cost center?) Process Do you have security reports on who can run Inventory Accuracy reports? (by company, by cost center etc.) Setup, Process Will there need to be terminal security for Inventory Accuracy? Setup Do you run security reports on a regular basis for Inventory Accuracy? Process Do you have documentation on your current system security requirements for Inventory Accuracy? Process Map each GL user to a menu structure. Will any new ones need to be created for Inventory Accuracy? Setup, Process Do you review requirements for validation rules, allowing certain Inventory Accuracy accounts to be valid with only certain other values. Setup Do you have security requirements on who can enter data for Material Handling? (e.g. by company? by cost center?) Process Do you have security reports on who can run Material Handling reports? (by company, by cost center etc.) Setup, Process Will there need to be terminal security for Material Handling? Setup Do you run security reports on a regular basis for Material Handling? Process Do you have documentation on your current system security requirements for Material Handling? Process Map each GL user to a menu structure. Will any new ones need to be created for Material Handling? Setup, Process Do you review requirements for validation rules, allowing certain Material Handling accounts to be valid with only certain other values. Setup How many plants are there in your organization? Process Do you have inventory at Suppliers for outside processing? Process How do you maintain your Material Handling data? Do you use receipt travelers, shop packets, etc. ? Process How do you audit your Material Handling data? Process Which operations/processes do you want to streamline for Material Handling? Process Which operations/processes do you want to eliminate for Material Handling? Process

131320756.xls.ms_office Page 106

RD.020 Business Process Questionnaire OBM Level I Type = Setup Metric Process Performance
Process Process Do you conduct periodic cycle counts? Process Do you conduct periodic wall-to-wall physical inventories? Process How do you audit your Inventory Accuracy data? Process Which operations/processes do you want to streamline for Inventory Accuracy? Process Which operations/processes do you want to eliminate for Inventory Accuracy? Process Are there any time-intensive Inventory Accuracy operations/processes that need to be addressed? Process Do sase customers require capsulate order shipments? Is this managed by the Pick List issue? Process Do you keep statistics on outgoing quality? If so - please elaborate on setup and usage. Metric Do you pack multiple customer orders together? Please explain. Process Do you pick based on carriers, departures, deliveries, customers, or ship to's? Process Do you print packing slips? Are they global packing slips? Please explain and show an example. Process Do you use containers for packing ordered items for customers? Do they require a seal? Process Do you use pick slip grouping? Process If yes, how do you create the customer documentation? Process Will you be having carriers validate trips stops for each delivery leg? Process Will you be using the internet for validating customer deliveries? Process Do you have a separate warehouse location (on and off the system) to denote staged shipments? If yes, what document authorizes the transfer? Process Do you pull finished goods for shipment based on the Pick List? If not, from what document? Process Do you stage shipments by carrier? by route? by Customer? Process Are the Pick Lists printed from Open Sales Orders? Process Do you need the Pick List to print in the Shipping Department? Process Who issues the Pick List to the Warehouse? Process How many orders do you pick release on a peak day? Performance Do you generate separate picklists for backordered product? If so please elaborate on the setup and process. Process Do you ever reprint pick lists? If so please elaborate on the setup and process. Process Do you specify the order in which eligible picking lines are released during the pick release process? If so please elaborate on the setup and process. Process How do you arrange an order on a shipping release or pick list? (location, shipper, date, etc.). Setup If applicable, what criteria do you use to group released picking lines onto a pick slip? Process If applicable, what sales order attributes are considered in prioritizing the releasing of eligible picking lines? Ex. Order number, schedule date etc. Process What is the average number of picking lines per order? Metric What specific information do you require to print on a pick slip? Process What triggers the release of orders for shipment? Process What type of documents do you use when picking the shipments? Process Do you ship RMA replacement inventory to Customers? Process

OBM Level II 3738 3739 3740 3741 3742 3743 3744 3745 3746 3747 3748 3749 3750 3751 3752 3753 3754 3755 3756 3757 3758 3759 3760 3761 3762 3763 3764 3765 3766 3767 3768 3769 3770 3771 3772 3773
(MM) Materials Management (MM) Materials Management (MM) Materials Management (MM) Materials Management (MM) Materials Management (MM) Materials Management (MM) Materials Management (MM) Materials Management (MM) Materials Management (MM) Materials Management (MM) Materials Management (MM) Materials Management (MM) Materials Management (MM) Materials Management (MM) Materials Management (MM) Materials Management (MM) Materials Management (MM) Materials Management Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Picking and Shipping Picking and Shipping Picking and Shipping Picking and Shipping Picking and Shipping Picking and Shipping Picking and Shipping Picking and Shipping Picking and Shipping Picking and Shipping


Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not Identified Not Identified Not Identified Not Identified Not Identified Not Identified Not Identified Not Identified Not Identified Not Identified

OBM Level IV
Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not Identified Not Identified Not Identified Not Identified Not Identified Not Identified Not Identified Not Identified Not Identified Not Identified


OBM Row No.

13 16

Policies Policies Policies Policies

Process Analysis Questions

Are there any time-intensive Material Handling operations/processes that need to be addressed? How do you maintain your Inventory Accuracy data?


16 16 16 16 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1

Policies Policies Policies Policies Shipping Quality Picking Picking Picking Picking Picking Shipping Shipment Release Shipment Release

(MM) Materials Management (MM) Materials Management (MM) Materials Management (MM) Materials Management (MM) Materials Management (MM) Materials Management (MM) Materials Management (MM) Materials Management (MM) Materials Management

Picking and Shipping Picking and Shipping Picking and Shipping Picking and Shipping Picking and Shipping Picking and Shipping Picking and Shipping Picking and Shipping Picking and Shipping

Pick and Stage Sales Orders Pick and Stage Sales Orders Pick and Stage Sales Orders Print Sales Order Pick Lists Print Sales Order Pick Lists Print Sales Order Pick Lists Print Sales Order Pick Lists Print Sales Order Pick Lists Print Sales Order Pick Lists

Not identified Not Identified Not Identified Not identified Not Identified Not Identified Not Identified Not Identified Not Identified



13 2 2

Shipping Shipping Shipping Shipping Picking Picking Peak Statistics Backorders Shipment Release


13 2 2 20 20 1

(MM) Materials Management (MM) Materials Management (MM) Materials Management

Picking and Shipping Picking and Shipping Picking and Shipping

Print Sales Order Pick Lists Print Sales Order Pick Lists Print Sales Order Pick Lists

Not Identified Not Identified Not Identified


1 1 1

Shipment Release Shipment Release Shipment Release

(MM) Materials Management (MM) Materials Management (MM) Materials Management (MM) Materials Management (MM) Materials Management (MM) Materials Management

Picking and Shipping Picking and Shipping Picking and Shipping Picking and Shipping Picking and Shipping Picking and Shipping

Print Sales Order Pick Lists Print Sales Order Pick Lists Print Sales Order Pick Lists Print Sales Order Pick Lists Print Sales Order Pick Lists Ship Miscellaneous Shipments

Not Identified Not Identified Not Identified Not Identified Not Identified Not identified


1 1 1 1 1 18

Shipment Release Shipment Release Shipment Release Shipment Release Shipment Release Shipping

131320756.xls.ms_office Page 107

RD.020 Business Process Questionnaire OBM Level I Type = Setup Metric Process Performance
Process Do you ship inventory to Suppliers for outside processing? Process Do you ship Service repairs back to customers? Process If yes, how do you create the customs documentation? Process Do some customers require complete order shipments? Is this managed by the Pick List issue? Do you ship from multiple locations? If so please elaborate on setup and processing. How is the shipping location determined? (i.e. by geography or product availability? How is a backorder placed? Please elaborate on setup and processing. How may shipments per month? Process Setup Process Process Performance Are orders taken by one business unit which are then shipped from another business unit? Do you keep statistics on outgoing quality? If so - please elaborate on setup and usage. If applicable, to what extent do you backorder shipments of a delivery at ship confirm time? If applicable, to what extent do you calculate weight of a delivery at ship confirm time? If applicable, to what extent do you calculate volume of a delivery at ship confirm time? If applicable, to what extent do you calculate percentage fill of a delivery at ship confirm time? Do you confirm shipments before or after goods leave the dock? Please elaborate on how the process works. How many backorders do you process on a peak day? Please describe how you ship replacement product? Process, Setup Metric Process Process Process Process Process Performance Process Does the return shipment reference the original Sales Order? If so how is the reference made? Process Do you consolidate shipments in those locations? If so please elaborate on the setup and process. Process Do you have a shipping quality assurance function? If so - please elaborate on setup and usage. Metric Do you have custom international shipping documents? If so - please elaborate on setup and usage. Please provide SASE examples and identify what information is required on international shipping documents. Process Do you have special procedures for international shipments? If so please describe the setup and processing. Process Do you have specific locations for specific shipments? If so please elaborate on the setup and process. Process Do you measure confirmation to actual shipment? If so please describe the setup and processing. Metric Do you need under and over shipment tolerances? by Customer, by item, by Customer-item? Process Do you or your customers allow partial shipments? Or, do you ship complete only? If so please elaborate on the setup and process. Setup Do you record and batch update information about items picked and shipped using external sources such as bar-code readers? If so please elaborate on the process. Process Do you ship containers of finished goods where the shipment of the container fulfills multiple Sales Order lines? Process Do you ship to other countries? Process Does the Shipping Department enter the shipment on the system? If not, what document is given to data entry? Process Does your Company stage shipments? If so please describe the setup and processing. Process How do you default this information into shipment transactions or how would you like it to default in? Metric How many locations do you ship from? Metric If applicable, to what extent do you backorder departures at ship confirm time? Process If applicable, to what extent do you calculate percentage fill of the departure at ship confirm time? Process

OBM Level II 3774 3775 3776 3777 3778 3779 3780 3781 3782 3783 3784 3785 3786 3787 3788 3789 3790 3791 3792 3793 3794
(MM) Materials Management (MM) Materials Management (MM) Materials Management (MM) Materials Management (MM) Materials Management (MM) Materials Management (MM) Materials Management (MM) Materials Management (MM) Materials Management (MM) Materials Management (MM) Materials Management (MM) Materials Management (MM) Materials Management (MM) Materials Management (MM) Materials Management (MM) Materials Management (MM) Materials Management (MM) Materials Management (MM) Materials Management (MM) Materials Management (MM) Materials Management Picking and Shipping Picking and Shipping Picking and Shipping Picking and Shipping Picking and Shipping Picking and Shipping Picking and Shipping Picking and Shipping Picking and Shipping Picking and Shipping Picking and Shipping Picking and Shipping Picking and Shipping Picking and Shipping Picking and Shipping Picking and Shipping Picking and Shipping Picking and Shipping Picking and Shipping Picking and Shipping Picking and Shipping


Ship Miscellaneous Shipments Ship Miscellaneous Shipments Ship Miscellaneous Shipments Ship Sales Orders Ship Sales Orders Ship Sales Orders Ship Sales Orders Ship Sales Orders Ship Sales Orders Ship Sales Orders Ship Sales Orders Ship Sales Orders Ship Sales Orders Ship Sales Orders Ship Sales Orders Ship Sales Orders Ship Sales Orders Ship Sales Orders Ship Sales Orders Ship Sales Orders Ship Sales Orders

OBM Level IV
Not Identified Not Identified Not Identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not Identified Not Identified Not Identified Not Identified Not Identified Not Identified Not Identified Not Identified Not Identified Not Identified


OBM Row No.

2 2 2

Shipping Shipping Shipping Shipping Shipping Order Taking Order Taking Order Taking Peak Statistics Order Taking Exception Handling Ship Confirmation Ship Confirmation Ship Confirmation Ship Confirmation Ship Confirmation Peak Statistics Return Shipment Return Shipment Shipment Release Quality

Process Analysis Questions

Do you ship inventory to other internal plants or sales offices?


15 14 19 19 19 19 19 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 21 21 1 1

3795 3796 3797 3798 3799 3800 3801 3802 3803 3804 3805 3806 3807 3808 3809

(MM) Materials Management (MM) Materials Management (MM) Materials Management (MM) Materials Management (MM) Materials Management (MM) Materials Management

Picking and Shipping Picking and Shipping Picking and Shipping Picking and Shipping Picking and Shipping Picking and Shipping

Ship Sales Orders Ship Sales Orders Ship Sales Orders Ship Sales Orders Ship Sales Orders Ship Sales Orders

Not Identified Not Identified Not Identified Not Identified Not Identified Not Identified


1 1 1 1 2 1

Documents Ship Confirmation Shipment Release Ship Confirmation Shipping Shipment Release

(MM) Materials Management (MM) Materials Management (MM) Materials Management (MM) Materials Management (MM) Materials Management (MM) Materials Management (MM) Materials Management (MM) Materials Management (MM) Materials Management

Picking and Shipping Picking and Shipping Picking and Shipping Picking and Shipping Picking and Shipping Picking and Shipping Picking and Shipping Picking and Shipping Picking and Shipping

Ship Sales Orders Ship Sales Orders Ship Sales Orders Ship Sales Orders Ship Sales Orders Ship Sales Orders Ship Sales Orders Ship Sales Orders Ship Sales Orders

Not Identified Not Identified Not Identified Not Identified Not Identified Not Identified Not Identified Not Identified Not Identified


1 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1

Ship Confirmation Shipping Shipping Shipping Ship Confirmation Ship Confirmation Ship Confirmation Ship Confirmation Ship Confirmation

131320756.xls.ms_office Page 108

RD.020 Business Process Questionnaire OBM Level I Type = Setup Metric Process Performance
Process Process Process

OBM Level II 3810 3811 3812 3813 3814 3815 3816 3817 3818 3819 3820 3821 3822 3823 3824 3825 3826 3827 3828 3829 3830 3831 3832 3833 3834 3835 3836 3837 3838 3839 3840 3841 3842 3843 3844 3845
(MM) Materials Management (MM) Materials Management (MM) Materials Management Picking and Shipping Picking and Shipping Picking and Shipping


Ship Sales Orders Ship Sales Orders Ship Sales Orders

OBM Level IV
Not Identified Not Identified Not Identified


OBM Row No.

1 1 1

Ship Confirmation Ship Confirmation Shipment Release

Process Analysis Questions

If applicable, to what extent do you calculate volume of the departure at ship confirm time? If applicable, what specific information do you collect? Ex. Picked & shipped quantities, freight charges etc. If one warehouse does not have sufficient goods for the order, do you transfer goods from other warehouses? What information do you store to default into shipment transactions or what information do you redundantly key into shipment transactions and would like to default in? Ex. Item weight, as, etc. What specific information do you require to print on a pack slip?

(MM) Materials Management (MM) Materials Management (MM) Materials Management (MM) Materials Management (MM) Materials Management (MM) Materials Management (MM) Materials Management (MM) Materials Management (MM) Materials Management (MM) Materials Management (MM) Materials Management

Picking and Shipping Picking and Shipping Picking and Shipping Picking and Shipping Receiving and Inspection Receiving and Inspection Receiving and Inspection Receiving and Inspection Receiving and Inspection Receiving and Inspection Receiving and Inspection

Ship Sales Orders Ship Sales Orders Ship Sales Orders Ship Sales Orders Manage Inspect Goods Manage Inspect Goods Manage Inspect Goods Manage Inspect Goods Manage Inspect Goods Manage Inspect Goods Manage Inspect Goods

Not Identified Not Identified Not Identified Not Identified Prevent Purchase Item Shortages not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified



Ship Confirmation Ship Confirmation Shipping Ship Confirmation

Metric Process

When a shipment is within tolerance, do you want the Sales Order line to close? Who is informed of shipment confirmation? What is the process for shortages to items received?

Process Process Process

Receiving What is the process for processing non-compliant material? Receiving Inspection Inspection Inspection Inspection Inspection When supplier inventory fails inspection, who initiates the Return to Vendor transaction? If not returned to vendor, do you move the material into a MRB location for further review? How is material approved to use in the MRB location? Do you base your inspection on a Quality collection plan that may have certified suppliers? Do you monitor the quality performance of your Suppliers?

Process Process Process Process Process

(MM) Materials Management

Receiving and Inspection

Manage Inspect Goods

Inspect Returned Product




(MM) Materials Management

Receiving and Inspection

Manage Receive Goods

not identified




(MM) Materials Management (MM) Materials Management (MM) Materials Management (MM) Materials Management (MM) Materials Management (MM) Materials Management (MM) Materials Management (MM) Materials Management (MM) Materials Management (MM) Materials Management (MM) Materials Management (MM) Materials Management (MM) Materials Management (MM) Materials Management (MM) Materials Management (MM) Materials Management (MM) Materials Management (MM) Materials Management (MM) Materials Management (MM) Materials Management

Receiving and Inspection Receiving and Inspection Receiving and Inspection Receiving and Inspection Receiving and Inspection Receiving and Inspection Receiving and Inspection Receiving and Inspection Receiving and Inspection Receiving and Inspection Receiving and Inspection Receiving and Inspection Receiving and Inspection Receiving and Inspection Receiving and Inspection Receiving and Inspection Receiving and Inspection Receiving and Inspection Receiving and Inspection Receiving and Inspection

Manage Receive Goods Manage Receive Goods Manage Receive Goods Manage Receive Goods Manage Receive Goods Manage Receive Goods Manage Receive Goods Manage Receive Goods Manage Receive Goods Manage Received Goods Manage Received Goods Manage Received Goods Manage Received Goods Manage Received Goods Manage Received Goods Manage Received Goods Manage Received Goods Manage Received Goods Manage Received Goods Manage Received Goods

not identified Receive Supplier Material Receive Supplier Material Receive Supplier Material Receive Material from Other Buildings Accept or Reject Deliveries Receive Customer Returns Receive Customer Returns Receive Customer Returns Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified



Multi-Org Receiving Receiving Receiving Receiving Receiving RMA RMA RMA Receiving Receiving Receiving


Receiving Receiving

Process Do you have a formal Material Review Board for Returned Goods Disposition? If so - please describe how the Review Board processes returns disposition. Process Do you track the 'Country of Origin' for the items you have received while in your (MM) Materials Management/inventory system? If so, please describe your tracking process. Setup Do you produce reports by item and/or supplier on the 'Country of Origin' for items received, stocked, or being used in production? If so, please describe your reporting process. Process What is the process to receive production material items? Process What is the process to receive expenses items? Process Are all items received against PO's? If not, what items are not and why? Process Do you order and receive items from other organizations/businesses (InterCompany)? Setup, Process How do you manage items received that are rejected? Setup, Process How do you receive product into your plant? Process Do you receive returns to a Repair Center? If so - please describe the process. Process Do you receive returns to a 3rd party? if so - please describe the process. Process How are items received? Process Do you require documentation (i.e., Purchase Order or Return Material Authorization) before an item can be received? Process Are items received directly into inventory? Process If not, do you inspect items at receiving? Process How are items selected for inspection? Do Requestors receive their own materials via Self-Service Purchasing?

Receiving How are expensed items delivered to the requester? MMRCVGINSP 6 MMRCVGINSP 4 MMRCVGINSP 2 Receiving Receiving Receiving Receiving MMRCVGINSP 2 Receiving Process Do you want to prevent receivers from seeing the quantity ordered or quantity remaining to receive (blind receiving)? Process Do you receive substitute items? Process How are the appropriate people notified when material is received that will relieve a shortage? Process Do you use a receipt amount or dollar amount tolerance? Setup

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RD.020 Business Process Questionnaire OBM Level I Type = Setup Metric Process Performance
Process If yes, then what document or event drives the receiving transaction? Process Do you accrue your receipts to the General Ledger? Process How is the Transportation Plan communicated internally? Process Does the Transportation Plan effect available to promise dates to customers? Is the Transportation Plan generated off the system? Is a delivery schedule integral with your current business software? Process

OBM Level II 3846 3847 3848 3849 3850 3851 3852 3853 3854 3855 3856 3857 3858 3859 3860 3861 3862 3863 3864 3865 3866 3867 3868 3869 3870 3871 3872 3873 3874 3875 3876 3877 3878 3879 3880 3881 3882 3883
(MM) Materials Management (MM) Materials Management (MM) Materials Management (MM) Materials Management (MM) Materials Management (MM) Materials Management (MM) Materials Management (MM) Materials Management (MM) Materials Management (MM) Materials Management (MM) Materials Management (MM) Materials Management (MM) Materials Management (MM) Materials Management (MM) Materials Management (MM) Materials Management (MM) Materials Management (MM) Materials Management (MM) Materials Management (MM) Materials Management (MM) Materials Management (MM) Materials Management (MM) Materials Management (MM) Materials Management (MM) Materials Management (MM) Materials Management (MM) Materials Management (MM) Materials Management (MM) Materials Management (MM) Materials Management (MM) Materials Management (MM) Materials Management (MM) Materials Management (MM) Materials Management (MM) Materials Management (MM) Materials Management (MM) Materials Management (MM) Materials Management Receiving and Inspection Receiving and Inspection Receiving and Inspection Transportation Planning Transportation Planning Transportation Planning Transportation Planning Transportation Planning Transportation Planning Transportation Planning Transportation Planning Transportation Planning Transportation Planning Transportation Planning Transportation Planning Transportation Planning Transportation Planning Transportation Planning Transportation Planning Transportation Planning Transportation Planning Transportation Planning Transportation Planning Transportation Planning Transportation Planning Transportation Planning Transportation Planning Transportation Planning Transportation Planning Transportation Planning Warehouse Management Warehouse Management Warehouse Management Warehouse Management Warehouse Management Warehouse Management Warehouse Management Warehouse Management


Manage Received Goods Manage Received Goods Manage Received Goods Communicate Plan Communicate Plan Communicate Plan Create Transportation Plan Create Transportation Plan Create Transportation Plan Create Transportation Plan Create Transportation Plan Create Transportation Plan Create Transportation Plan Create Transportation Plan Create Transportation Plan Manage Carriers Manage Carriers Manage Carriers Manage Carriers Manage Carriers Manage Carriers Not Identified Not Identified Not Identified Not Identified Not Identified Ship Sales Orders Ship Sales Orders Ship Sales Orders Ship Sales Orders Issue Material Issue Material Issue Material Issue Material Issue Material Issue Material Issue Material Issue Material

OBM Level IV
Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not Identified Not Identified Not Identified Not Identified Not Identified Not Identified Not Identified Not Identified Not Identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified


OBM Row No.


Receiving Receiving

Process Analysis Questions

Do you perform (virtual) receipts of Drop Ship items?


Receiving Transportation Transportation Transportation Transportation Do you plan production based on Departures?

Setup Process How do you generate shipping schedules? Process Are they based on customer due date? Process Are they based on shipment to regional areas? Process Are they based on transportation availability? Process Are they based on inventory needs at your regional sites? Process Does the Transportation Plan include Sales Order Shipments and Service Repairs and RMA shipments? Do you need a Transportation Calendar by customer, by supplier, by carrier? How do you manage your carriers? Process Process Process Do you wish to tender a load with a carrier via the Internet? Process Do you need volume and weight information when tendering a load? Process Do you wish to receive quotes for loads via the Internet? Process Do you wish to record freight charges onto the Sales Orders at the time of shipment? Do you manage international shipments or does your carrier provide that service? Do you confirm shipments before or after goods leave the dock? Please elaborate on how the process works. Do you currently have direct shipping access to a UPS portal? Do you use any other carrier direct connects? Do you manage activity at shipment stops or customer delivery stops? Do you need to provide visibility to Freight Costs Vs Freight Charges Process Process Process Setup Setup Setup Do you sequence Deliveries or loads within a Trip? Setup How many shipments do you confirm each day? Metric If applicable, to what extent do you calculate weight of the departure at ship confirm time? To what extent do you capture delivery line details at ship confirm time? Ex. Item serial number, shipped quantities, etc. Who confirms the shipments? Do you issue materials to non-production jobs? Process Process Process Process Do you issue materials to a Discrete Work Order using a pick list? Process Do you issue materials to a Repetitive Line using a pick list? Process Do you issue materials to a Flow Line using a pick list? Process How do you manage unplanned issues? Process How do you handle materials returned from work orders? Process How do you manage shortages? Process Do you hold daily Shortage meetings? Process

744 744 744 744 744 744

22 22 22 22 22 22

Transportation Transportation Transportation Transportation Transportation Transportation Transportation Transportation Transportation Transportation Transportation Transportation Transportation Transportation

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Ship Confirmation Shipping Shipping Shipping Shipping Ship Confirmation Ship Confirmation Shipping Ship Confirmation Issues Issues Issues Issues Issues Issues Shortages Shortages

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RD.020 Business Process Questionnaire OBM Level I Type = Setup Metric Process Performance
Process Are the causes for the stock adjustment researched? Process Do you use a Miscellaneous transaction to adjust the inventory? Process Do you have security on who can perform a Miscellaneous transaction? Process Can you break out your miscellaneous transactions from more standard transaction processing? Are miscellaneous transactions costing more than standard material transactions? Are you running your business with reliance on miscellaneous transactions? Do you adjust inventory using miscellaneous transactions? Metric Metric Process Process How many miscellaneous transactions do you perform in a week? Metric How are Obsolete Materials identified? Process Are Obsolete or Discrepant materials moved into a segregated area of the Warehouse? What is the procedure to write-off Obsolete and Discrepant materials? Do you track items by revision ? Process Process Process Do you group and track items by lot? Why and how? Process Do use serial numbers to track items? Process If yes, then when are serial numbers assigned (at receipt, at shipment)? Process Are you able to view all transactions associated with a given revision, serial number and/or lot? Do you reserve inventory for projects? If yes, then how do you prevent this inventory from being consumed elsewhere? How are the appropriate people notified when material shortages occur? How do you measure inventory accuracy? 16 16 16 Accuracy Programs Do you use ABC Classifications? What criteria do you use to derive ABC Cycle Count Process values? Who is responsible for Cycle Counts? Cycle Count Process How often do you count all your items in any given inventory location? Cycle Count Process How do you group material to count? Do you group by inventory location? Cycle Count Process Do you do automatic cycle counts for items that show "zero" on hand? Cycle Count Process Do you cycle count while inventory is being transacted for other business Cycle Count Process purposes? Do you enter blind counts? Cycle Count Process Once inventory accuracy problems are identified, how do you modify Cycle Count Process procedures that caused the inaccuracy? Do you allow inventory adjustments independent of cycle counts and Cycle Count Process physicals? Who is allowed to do inventory adjustments? Cycle Count Process Do adjustments need management approval? Cycle Count Process Do you need management sign-off for adjustments beyond a certain dollar Cycle Count Process value? Is there a tolerance level for physical inventory? Cycle Count Process What are your Inventory tolerances? Cycle Count Process Do you require recounts on out of tolerance parts? Cycle Count Process Do you research inventory variances? Cycle Count Process Do you update you procedures once transaction errors that led to Inventory Cycle Count Process inaccuracy are identified? Retrain? Process Process Process Process Process Process Process

OBM Level II 3884 3885 3886 3887 3888 3889 3890 3891 3892 3893 3894 3895 3896 3897 3898 3899 3900 3901 3902 3903 3904 3905 3906 3907 3908 3909 3910 3911 3912 3913 3914 3915 3916 3917 3918 3919 3920 3921
(MM) Materials Management (MM) Materials Management (MM) Materials Management (MM) Materials Management (MM) Materials Management (MM) Materials Management (MM) Materials Management (MM) Materials Management (MM) Materials Management (MM) Materials Management (MM) Materials Management (MM) Materials Management (MM) Materials Management (MM) Materials Management (MM) Materials Management (MM) Materials Management (MM) Materials Management (MM) Materials Management (MM) Materials Management (MM) Materials Management (MM) Materials Management (MM) Materials Management (MM) Materials Management (MM) Materials Management (MM) Materials Management (MM) Materials Management (MM) Materials Management (MM) Materials Management (MM) Materials Management (MM) Materials Management (MM) Materials Management (MM) Materials Management (MM) Materials Management (MM) Materials Management (MM) Materials Management (MM) Materials Management (MM) Materials Management (MM) Materials Management Warehouse Management Warehouse Management Warehouse Management Warehouse Management Warehouse Management Warehouse Management Warehouse Management Warehouse Management Warehouse Management Warehouse Management Warehouse Management Warehouse Management Warehouse Management Warehouse Management Warehouse Management Warehouse Management Warehouse Management Warehouse Management Warehouse Management Warehouse Management Warehouse Management Warehouse Management Warehouse Management Warehouse Management Warehouse Management Warehouse Management Warehouse Management Warehouse Management Warehouse Management Warehouse Management Warehouse Management Warehouse Management Warehouse Management Warehouse Management Warehouse Management Warehouse Management Warehouse Management Warehouse Management


Manage Inventory Manage Inventory Manage Inventory Manage Inventory Manage Inventory Manage Inventory Manage Inventory Manage Inventory Manage Inventory Manage Inventory Manage Inventory Manage Inventory Manage Inventory Manage Inventory Manage Inventory Manage Inventory Manage Inventory Manage Inventory Manage Inventory Manage Inventory Manage Inventory Manage Inventory Manage Inventory Manage Inventory Manage Inventory Manage Inventory Manage Inventory Manage Inventory Manage Inventory Manage Inventory Manage Inventory Manage Inventory Manage Inventory Manage Inventory Manage Inventory Manage Inventory Manage Inventory Manage Inventory

OBM Level IV
Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified


OBM Row No.


Stock Adjustments Stock Adjustments Stock Adjustments Stock Adjustments

Process Analysis Questions

How are the need for stock adjustments identified?


13 13 13 13 13

Stock Adjustments Stock Adjustments Stock Adjustments Stock Adjustments Stock Adjustments Obsolete Materials Obsolete Materials Obsolete Materials Obsolete Materials Manage Items Manage Items Manage Items Manage Items Manage Items Manage Items Manage Items



16 16 16

Process Process Process Process Process Process Process Process Process Setup Metric Process Process Process


17 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16

131320756.xls.ms_office Page 111

RD.020 Business Process Questionnaire OBM Level I Type = Setup Metric Process Performance
Process Do you shut down production for wall-to-wall physicals? 16 16 16 16 16 Physical Inventory Do you have a separate Physical Inventory database? Physical Inventory Do you freeze Inventory? Physical Inventory Do you create Inventory tags? Physical Inventory How long does a wall-to-wall physical take? Physical Inventory Do you enter blind counts? Physical Inventory MMWAREMG MT MMWAREMG MT MMWAREMG MT MMWAREMG MT MMWAREMG MT MMWAREMG MT MMWAREMG MT MMWAREMG MT MMWAREMG MT Do you actually count components in WIP or just value the location? 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 6 Physical Inventory Do you reconcile transaction logs on a regular basis? Physical Inventory Is inventory accuracy a part of group and individual performance ratings? Physical Inventory Physical Inventory Physical Inventory When was your last inventory accuracy measurement? Physical Inventory How often is production stopped due to shortages? Physical Inventory How many parts are on a daily shortage list? Physical Inventory What is the accuracy by inventory location and/ or by ABC class? Physical Inventory What are the units of measure you use when you order items? Sales How do you manage scrap materials from the Warehouse? Scrap How do you manage scrap materials from a work order? Scrap Does Cost Accounting need to approve scrap materials? Scrap 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Whse Mgmt Whse Mgmt Do you manage Consigned Inventories? Whse Mgmt Whse Mgmt Whse Mgmt Whse Mgmt Whse Mgmt Whse Mgmt Warehouse Mgmt. Warehouse Mgmt. Warehouse Mgmt. Replenishment Do you use MRP to trigger material replenishment ? Replenishment If yes, describe the replenishment process(es). Replenishment Do you use min - max to trigger material replenishment ? Replenishment If yes, describe the replenishment process(es). Replenishment Do you use Reorder Point to trigger material replenishment? Replenishment If yes, describe the replenishment process(es). Replenishment Process Process Process Are all warehouses the responsibility of the Materials group (or does Sales own FGI, or Quality Control own increasing Inspection)? Do you drop ship from your Suppliers? How? Performance Setup, Process Process Process Process Setup Setup Setup Do you supply material from one plant/warehouse to another? How? How is this material accounted for? Setup How are picking discrepancies managed? Process How is Put Away location communicated for receiving items? Process How is Put Away location determined for warehouse items? Process How many warehouses are there ? Setup Do you use Row/Aisle/Bin Locators in your Warehouse? Process How is Put Away location determined? Process How are discrepancies managed? Process What are the methods of replenishment used in your Warehouse? Performance Performance Performance Is there an incentive system for maintaining or improving the inventory accuracy goals? What is the overall accuracy goal? Performance Performance Performance Performance Metric Process Process Process Process Process Process

OBM Level II 3922 3923 3924 3925 3926 3927 3928 3929 3930 3931 3932 3933 3934 3935 3936 3937 3938 3939 3940 3941 3942 3943 3944 3945 3946 3947 3948 3949 3950 3951 3952 3953 3954 3955 3956 3957 3958 3959
(MM) Materials Management (MM) Materials Management (MM) Materials Management (MM) Materials Management (MM) Materials Management (MM) Materials Management (MM) Materials Management (MM) Materials Management (MM) Materials Management (MM) Materials Management (MM) Materials Management (MM) Materials Management (MM) Materials Management (MM) Materials Management (MM) Materials Management (MM) Materials Management (MM) Materials Management (MM) Materials Management (MM) Materials Management (MM) Materials Management (MM) Materials Management (MM) Materials Management (MM) Materials Management (MM) Materials Management (MM) Materials Management (MM) Materials Management (MM) Materials Management (MM) Materials Management (MM) Materials Management (MM) Materials Management (MM) Materials Management (MM) Materials Management (MM) Materials Management (MM) Materials Management (MM) Materials Management (MM) Materials Management (MM) Materials Management (MM) Materials Management Warehouse Management Warehouse Management Warehouse Management Warehouse Management Warehouse Management Warehouse Management Warehouse Management Warehouse Management Warehouse Management Warehouse Management Warehouse Management Warehouse Management Warehouse Management Warehouse Management Warehouse Management Warehouse Management Warehouse Management Warehouse Management Warehouse Management Warehouse Management Warehouse Management Warehouse Management Warehouse Management Warehouse Management Warehouse Management Warehouse Management Warehouse Management Warehouse Management Warehouse Management Warehouse Management Warehouse Management Warehouse Management Warehouse Management Warehouse Management Warehouse Management Warehouse Management Warehouse Management Warehouse Management


Manage Inventory Manage Inventory Manage Inventory Manage Inventory Manage Inventory Manage Inventory Manage Inventory Manage Inventory Manage Inventory Manage Inventory Manage Inventory Manage Inventory Manage Inventory Manage Inventory Manage Inventory Manage Inventory Manage Inventory Manage Scrap Material Manage Scrap Material Manage Scrap Material Not Identified Not Identified Not Identified Not Identified Not Identified Not Identified Not Identified Not Identified Put Away Goods Put Away Goods Put Away Goods Receive to Inventory Receive to Inventory Receive to Inventory Receive to Inventory Receive to Inventory Receive to Inventory Receive to Inventory

OBM Level IV
Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Define Units of Measure Not identified Not identified Not identified Not Identified Not Identified Not Identified Not Identified Not Identified Not Identified Not Identified Not Identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified


OBM Row No.



Physical Inventory

Process Analysis Questions

How often do you take physical inventories?

131320756.xls.ms_office Page 112

RD.020 Business Process Questionnaire OBM Level I Type = Setup Metric Process Performance

OBM Level II 3960 3961 3962 3963 3964 3965 3966 3967 3968 3969 3970 3971 3972 3973 3974 3975 3976 3977 3978 3979 3980 3981 3982
(MM) Materials Management Receiving and Inspection (MMS01) Receiving and Inspection (MMS01) Receiving and Inspection (MMS01) Receiving and Inspection (MMS01) Receiving and Inspection (MMS01) Receiving and Inspection (MMS01) Receiving and Inspection (MMS01) Receiving and Inspection (MMS01) Receiving and Inspection (MMS01) Receiving and Inspection (MMS01) Receiving and Inspection (MMS01) Receiving and Inspection (MMS01) (MM) Materials Management (MM) Materials Management (MM) Materials Management Warehouse Management Warehouse Management Warehouse Management


Receive to Inventory Receive to Inventory Receive to Inventory

OBM Level IV
Not identified Not identified Not identified


OBM Row No.



Process Analysis Questions

Do you use Replenishment Count to trigger material replenishment ? If yes, describe the replenishment process(es).

Replenishment Do you use Kanbans to trigger material replenishment? Replenishment How do you determine the number of units replenished by a single Kanban (i.e., Kanban size) Vs the number of Kanban cards per item? Process

(MM) Materials Management (MM) Materials Management (MM) Materials Management (MM) Materials Management (MM) Materials Management (MM) Materials Management (MM) Materials Management

Warehouse Management Warehouse Management Warehouse Management Warehouse Management Warehouse Management Warehouse Management Warehouse Management

Receive to Inventory Receive to Inventory Receive to Inventory Receive to Inventory Receive to Inventory Receive to Inventory Receive to Inventory

Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified


Replenishment Replenishment Replenishment Replenishment How do you implement ECN changes for Kanban controlled items? Replenishment How do you cancel Kanban cards? Replenishment Is any Kanban replenishment sourced directly from a supplier? Replenishment If yes, then how do you determine which purchasing document (Purchase Requisition; Purchase Order/ Line Item) is associated with a given Kanban card? How do you determine the status of that purchasing document? Is the total number of units (Kanban size times number of Kanban cards) based on a forecast? Is replenishment lead time a factor in this determining Kanban size and number of Kanban cards? How do you create and print Kanban cards?

Process Process Process Process Process Process Process

(MM) Materials Management (MM) Materials Management (MM) Materials Management (MM) Materials Management (MM) Materials Management (MM) Materials Management (MM) Materials Management (MM) Materials Management (MM) Materials Management (MM) Materials Management (MM) Materials Management (MM) Materials Management (MM) Materials Management

Warehouse Management Warehouse Management Warehouse Management Warehouse Management Warehouse Management Warehouse Management Warehouse Management Warehouse Management Warehouse Management Warehouse Management Warehouse Management Warehouse Management Receiving and Inspection (MMS01)

Receive to Inventory Receive to Inventory Receive to Inventory Receive to Inventory Receive to Inventory Receive to Inventory Receive to Inventory Receive to Inventory Receive to Inventory Receive to Inventory Receive to Inventory Receive to Inventory

Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified


Replenishment Replenishment Replenishment Replenishment Replenishment Replenishment Replenishment Replenishment

Process Process

Is any Kanban replenishment sourced from a production department or line in your facility? If yes, then are these items manufactured in a Discrete, Repetitive, or Flow environment? How do you determine which manufacturing document (work order, repetitive or flow schedule) is associated with a given Kanban? How do you determine the status of that manufacturing document (released, complete)? Is any Kanban replenishment sourced from a stockroom or warehouse within your division? If yes, then what document is generated to drive that replenishment? How do you determine which document is associated with a given Kanban?

Process Process Process Process Process Process Process

Replenishment How do you determine the status of that document? Replenishment Replenishment Replenishment Is any Kanban replenishment sourced from a stockroom or warehouse in a different division in your company? If yes, then what document is generated to facilitate that replenishment?

Process Process Process

MM1136 MM1136 MM1135 MM1136 MM1136 MM1136 MM1136 MM1136 MM1136 MM1138 MM1138 MM1138 MM1189


MM1136 MM1136 MM1135 MM1136 MM1136 MM1136 MM1136 MM1136 MM1136 MM1138 MM1138 MM1138 MM1189

Whse Mgmt Whse Mgmt Receipts

Do you drop ship from your Suppliers? How? Do you manage Consigned Inventories? What is the frequency of scale and equipment calibration?

Setup Setup Performance Setup Setup Setup Setup Setup Setup, Process Setup, Process Setup, Process Setup, Process Setup, Process

(MM) Materials Management

(MM) Materials Management

(MM) Materials Management

Receiving Other Do you receive expense items? Receiving Other Do you currently have the ability to scan Vendor Item numbers with a mobile device? Receiving Other Do you scan information when doing Receiving? If so, can we have a sample label? Receiving Other Do you wish to use license plate numbers for receiving and at what level of detail? Carton, pallet, cart, etc. Receiving Other Do you need to capture attributes for a lot or serial number when the item is received? Receiving Other Do you receive substite parts or supplier part numbers that are different then your own? Receiving Do you receive material through a blanket PO? Receiving Receiving Receiving, Inspection Do you receive material through a ASN? Are you currently performing a type of express receipt process? If not, would you like to? Does the person doing the receiving required to enter the accepted and rejected quantities? Purchasing Type Inspection

(MM) Materials Management

(MM) Materials Management

(MM) Materials Management

(MM) Materials Management

(MM) Materials Management

(MM) Materials Management

(MM) Materials Management

(MM) Materials Management

3994 131320756.xls.ms_office

Page 113

RD.020 Business Process Questionnaire OBM Level I Type = Setup Metric Process Performance Setup, Process

OBM Level II
(MM) Materials Management Receiving and Inspection (MMS01)

OBM Level III MM1189

OBM Level IV

Application INV

OBM Row No. MM1189


Category Receiving, Inspection Receiving, Inspection Receiving, Labeling Receiving Receiving Receiving Policies Issues Issues Issues Issues Issues Issues Shortages Shortages Stock Adjustments Stock Adjustments Stock Adjustments Stock Adjustments Stock Adjustments Stock Adjustments Stock Adjustments Stock Adjustments Manage Items Whse Mgmt Whse Mgmt Whse Mgmt Warehouse Mgmt. Warehouse Mgmt. Warehouse Mgmt. Replenishment Replenishment Replenishment Replenishment Replenishment

(MM) Materials Management Receiving and Inspection (MMS01) Receiving and Inspection (MMS01) Receiving and Inspection (MMS01) Receiving and Inspection (MMS01) Receiving and Inspection (MMS01)

MM1189 MM1138 MM1135 MM1135 MM1135


MM1189 MM1138 MM1135 MM1135 MM1135

(MM) Materials Management

(MM) Materials Management

Process Analysis Questions For quality inspections is there a collection plan that is set up by a Quality Team? Do you plan on using Oracle Quality Applications? How do you inspect serial controlled material? Individually Setup, Process and by range. Do you print labels are receiving? If yes, may I have a Setup, Process sample. Does your organization use cross docking? Setup, Process When receiving material, are tolerances set? Setup, Process

(MM) Materials Management

(MM) Materials Management

Do you plan material receipts into the receiving dock? If so, Process what does the schedule look like? May we have a copy? Do you issue materials to non-production jobs? Process

(MM) Materials Management Inventory Management (MMS02) Inventory Management (MMS02) Inventory Management (MMS02) Inventory Management (MMS02) Inventory Management (MMS02) Inventory Management (MMS02) Inventory Management (MMS02) Inventory Management (MMS02) Inventory Management (MMS02) Inventory Management (MMS02) Inventory Management (MMS02) Inventory Management (MMS02) Inventory Management (MMS02) Inventory Management (MMS02) Inventory Management (MMS02) Inventory Management (MMS02) Inventory Management (MMS02) Inventory Management (MMS02) Inventory Management (MMS02) Inventory Management (MMS02) Inventory Management (MMS02) Inventory Management (MMS02) Inventory Management (MMS02) Inventory Management (MMS02) Inventory Management (MMS02) Inventory Management (MMS02) Inventory Management (MMS02) Inventory Management (MMS02)

(MM) Materials Management

MM1141 MM1141 MM1141 MM1141 MM1141 MM0410 MM0410 MM0410 MM0410 MM0410 MM0410 MM0410 MM0410 MM0410 MM0410 MM0410 MM1090 MM1090 MM0406 MM0406 MM0406 MM0406 MM0406 MM1141 MM1141 MM1141 MM1141 MM1141

(Leave blank) (Leave blank)


MM1141 MM1141 MM1141 MM1141 MM1141 MM0410 MM0410 MM0410 MM0410 MM0410 MM0410 MM0410 MM0410 MM0410 MM0410 MM0410 MM1090 MM1090 MM0406 MM0406 MM0406 MM0406 MM0406 MM1141 MM1141 MM1141 MM1141 MM1141

(MM) Materials Management

Do you issue materials to a Discrete Work Order using a Process pick list? Do you issue materials to a Repetitive Line using a pick list? Process Do you issue materials to a Flow Line using a pick list? How do you manage unplanned issues? How do you handle materials returned from work orders? How do you manage shortages? Do you hold daily Shortage meetings? How are the need for stock adjustments identified? Are the causes for the stock adjustment researched? Do you use a Miscellaneous transaction to adjust the inventory? Do you have security on who can perform a Miscellaneous transaction? Can you break out your miscellaneous transactions from more standard transaction processing? Are miscellaneous transactions costing more than standard material transactions? Are you running your business with reliance on miscellaneous transactions? How many miscellaneous transactions do you perform in a week? How are the appropriate people notified when material shortages occur? How are picking discrepancies managed? Process Process Process Process Process Process Process Process Process Metric Metric Process Metric Process Process

(MM) Materials Management

(MM) Materials Management

(MM) Materials Management

(MM) Materials Management

(MM) Materials Management

(MM) Materials Management

(MM) Materials Management

(MM) Materials Management

(MM) Materials Management

(MM) Materials Management

(MM) Materials Management

(MM) Materials Management

(MM) Materials Management

(MM) Materials Management

(MM) Materials Management

(MM) Materials Management

(MM) Materials Management

How is Put Away location communicated for receiving Process items? How is Put Away location determined for warehouse items? Process Do you use Row/Aisle/Bin Locators in your Warehouse? How is Put Away location determined? How are discrepancies managed? What are the methods of replenishment used in your Warehouse? Do you use MRP to trigger material replenishment ? If yes, describe the replenishment process(es). Do you use min - max to trigger material replenishment ? If yes, describe the replenishment process(es). Process Process Process Process Process Process Process Process Page 114

(MM) Materials Management

(MM) Materials Management

(MM) Materials Management

(MM) Materials Management

(MM) Materials Management

(MM) Materials Management

(MM) Materials Management

(MM) Materials Management



RD.020 Business Process Questionnaire OBM Level I Type = Setup Metric Process Process Analysis Questions Performance Do you use Reorder Point to trigger material replenishment? Process If yes, describe the replenishment process(es). Do you use Replenishment Count to trigger material replenishment ? If yes, describe the replenishment process(es). Do you use Kanbans to trigger material replenishment? How do you determine the number of units replenished by a single Kanban (i.e., Kanban size) Vs the number of Kanban cards per item? Is the total number of units (Kanban size times number of Kanban cards) based on a forecast? Is replenishment lead time a factor in this determining Kanban size and number of Kanban cards? How do you create and print Kanban cards? Process Process Process Process Process

OBM Level II
(MM) Materials Management Inventory Management (MMS02) Inventory Management (MMS02) Inventory Management (MMS02) Inventory Management (MMS02) Inventory Management (MMS02) Inventory Management (MMS02)

OBM Level III MM1141 MM1141 MM1141 MM1141 MM1141 MM1141

OBM Level IV


OBM Row No. MM1141 MM1141 MM1141 MM1141 MM1141 MM1141


Category Replenishment Replenishment Replenishment Replenishment Replenishment Replenishment

(MM) Materials Management

(MM) Materials Management

(MM) Materials Management

(MM) Materials Management

(MM) Materials Management

(MM) Materials Management Inventory Management (MMS02) Inventory Management (MMS02) Inventory Management (MMS02) Inventory Management (MMS02) Inventory Management (MMS02) Inventory Management (MMS02) Inventory Management (MMS02)

MM1141 MM1141 MM1141 MM1141 MM1141 MM1141 MM1141


MM1141 MM1141 MM1141 MM1141 MM1141 MM1141 MM1141

Replenishment Replenishment Replenishment Replenishment Replenishment Replenishment Replenishment

Process Process Process

(MM) Materials Management

(MM) Materials Management

(MM) Materials Management

(MM) Materials Management

(MM) Materials Management

How do you implement ECN changes for Kanban controlled Process items? How do you cancel Kanban cards? Process Is any Kanban replenishment sourced directly from a supplier? If yes, then how do you determine which purchasing document (Purchase Requisition; Purchase Order/ Line Item) is associated with a given Kanban card? How do you determine the status of that purchasing document? Is any Kanban replenishment sourced from a production department or line in your facility? If yes, then are these items manufactured in a Discrete, Repetitive, or Flow environment? How do you determine which manufacturing document (work order, repetitive or flow schedule) is associated with a given Kanban? How do you determine the status of that manufacturing document (released, complete)? Is any Kanban replenishment sourced from a stockroom or warehouse within your division? If yes, then what document is generated to drive that replenishment? How do you determine which document is associated with a given Kanban? How do you determine the status of that document? Process Process

(MM) Materials Management

(MM) Materials Management Inventory Management (MMS02) Inventory Management (MMS02) Inventory Management (MMS02) Inventory Management (MMS02)

MM1141 MM1141 MM1141 MM1141


MM1141 MM1141 MM1141 MM1141

Replenishment Replenishment Replenishment Replenishment

Process Process Process Process

(MM) Materials Management

(MM) Materials Management

(MM) Materials Management

(MM) Materials Management Inventory Management (MMS02) Inventory Management (MMS02) Inventory Management (MMS02) Inventory Management (MMS02) Inventory Management (MMS02) Inventory Management (MMS02) Inventory Management (MMS02) Inventory Management (MMS02) Inventory Management (MMS02) Inventory Management (MMS02) Inventory Management (MMS02) Inventory Management (MMS02) Inventory Management (MMS02) Inventory Management (MMS02)

MM1141 MM1141 MM1141 MM1141 MM1141 MM1141 MM1141 MM0410 MM0410 MM0410 MM0410 MM1148 MM1090 MM0406


MM1141 MM1141 MM1141 MM1141 MM1141 MM1141 MM1141 MM0410 MM0410 MM0410 MM0410 MM1148 MM1090 MM0406

Replenishment Replenishment Replenishment Replenishment Replenishment Replenishment

Process Process Process Process Process Process Process Setup Setup Setup Setup Process Process Process

(MM) Materials Management

(MM) Materials Management

(MM) Materials Management

(MM) Materials Management

(MM) Materials Management

(MM) Materials Management

(MM) Materials Management

(MM) Materials Management

(MM) Materials Management

(MM) Materials Management

(MM) Materials Management

(MM) Materials Management

(MM) Materials Management

(MM) Materials Management Inventory Management (MMS02)






Is any Kanban replenishment sourced from a stockroom or warehouse in a different division in your company? Replenishment If yes, then what document is generated to facilitate that replenishment? Security Do you have security requirements on who can enter data for inventory accuracy? Security Do you have security requirements on who can run inventory accuracy reports? Security Will there need to be terminal security for inventory accuracy? Security Do you have security requirements on who can enter data for inventory accuracy? Stock Is inventory transferred between warehouses? plants? Adjustments distribution centers? Warehouse Mgt Is inventory staged prior to being used in production? How is it done? Is a picklist used? Other How do you handle movement activities? Do you provide paperwork between locations? On-line transactions? Who does this function? Other How long does it take on average to move inventory between warehouses? Do you keep track of in-transit inventory?


Page 115

RD.020 Business Process Questionnaire OBM Level I Type = Setup Metric Process Performance Process

OBM Level II
(MM) Materials Management Inventory Management (MMS02)

OBM Level III MM0406

OBM Level IV

Application INV

OBM Row No. MM0406


Category Other

(MM) Materials Management Inventory Management (MMS02) Inventory Management (MMS02) Inventory Management (MMS02)

MM0406 MM0406 MM0406


MM0406 MM0406 MM0406

(MM) Materials Management

(MM) Materials Management

Receiving Policies Receiving Policies Putaway Rules

Process Analysis Questions Do you separate inventory storage? Are Raw Materials stored separately? Finished Goods? Does this impact MRP reporting requirements? Do you use bar coding technology? What type? In what Process ways? Is bar coding a long term objective? What is the timing? Process Setup

(MM) Materials Management Inventory Management (MMS02)




(MM) Materials Management Inventory Management (MMS02) Inventory Management (MMS02) Inventory Management (MMS02) Inventory Management (MMS02) Inventory Management (MMS02) Inventory Management (MMS02) Inventory Management (MMS02)

MM1090 MM1090 MM1090 MM1090 MM1090 MM1090 MM1090


MM1090 MM1090 MM1090 MM1090 MM1090 MM1090 MM1090

Does your business require incoming material to fill the forward pick locations to fill whenever it comes in and stack the rest in the bulk pick locations? Putaway Rules Do you currently have put away rules that are used to suggest an optimal put away location for material when it is received? If yes, a copy is needed for setup. If no, do you wish is establish a set of rules? Picking Process Do you pick loose items into an LPN? Picking Process Do you pick whole LPNs

Setup, Process

Process Process

(MM) Materials Management

(MM) Materials Management

(MM) Materials Management

Picking Process Do you pick multiple LPNs, ex. Pick 5 boxes of 10 each for a Process task to pick 50 Picking Process Do you pick from LPNs? Process Picking Process Do you build larger LPNs? Picking Process Do you view cartonization suggestions? Picking Process What types of pick methodology does your company use? Cluster, Order, Zone, Bulk, Paper based, Pick and Pass label picking or User defined? Outbound How are your shipments planned? Logistics Outbound Are you currently packing material for different deliveries in Logistics the same LPN? Outbound Do you create deliveries prior to pick release? Logistics Task Loading Do you load material onto equipment and than accept another task? Task Loading Do you drop material being shipped into a staging lane? Task Loading Staging Loading Does your current system have the ability to view pending tasks by resource? Are orders consolidated at the staging area? After the delivery has been loaded, would your shipping manager be comfortable with the fork lift driver confirming the delivery? Do ship materials sequenced for the customer? After the shipment is confirmed do you send ASNs? Process Process Process

(MM) Materials Management

(MM) Materials Management

(MM) Materials Management

(MM) Materials Management Shipping (MMS03) Shipping (MMS03) Shipping (MMS03) Shipping (MMS03) Shipping (MMS03) Shipping (MMS03) Shipping (MMS03) Shipping (MMS03)

MM1923 MM1923 MM1923 MM1924 MM1924 MM1924 MM1924 MM1924


MM1923 MM1923 MM1923 MM1924 MM1924 MM1924 MM1924 MM1924

Process Process Process Setup, Process Setup, Process Setup, Process Process Process

(MM) Materials Management

(MM) Materials Management

(MM) Materials Management

(MM) Materials Management

(MM) Materials Management

(MM) Materials Management

(MM) Materials Management

(MM) Materials Management Shipping (MMS03) Shipping (MMS03)

4081 4082 4083

(MM) Materials Management Shipping (MMS03) Shipping (MMS03) Quality Management (MMS04) Quality Management (MMS04) Quality Management (MMS04) Quality Management (MMS04) Quality Management (MMS04) Quality Management (MMS04) (MM) Materials Management (MM) Materials Management

MM1924 MM1149 MM1149 MM1149 MM1149 MM1150 MM1150 MM1150 MM1198 MM1150 MM1150


MM1924 MM1149 MM1149 MM1149 MM1149 MM1150 MM1150 MM1150 MM1198 MM1150 MM1150

Loading Shipping Shipping Shipping Shipping Obsolete Materials Obsolete Materials Obsolete Materials Obsolete Materials Scrap Scrap

Process Process

Shipping (MMS03)

(MM) Materials Management

Are there any penalities incurred if the shipments arrive late Process to the customer? Are any items shipped with returnable containers? Process Is there a system in place to track returnable containers? How are Obsolete Materials identified? Are Obsolete or Discrepant materials moved into a segregated area of the Warehouse? What is the procedure to write-off Obsolete and Discrepant materials? Do you track items by revision ? How do you manage scrap materials from the Warehouse? How do you manage scrap materials from a work order? Process Process Process Process Process Process Process

(MM) Materials Management

(MM) Materials Management

(MM) Materials Management

(MM) Materials Management

(MM) Materials Management

(MM) Materials Management

4091 131320756.xls.ms_office

Page 116

RD.020 Business Process Questionnaire OBM Level I Type = Setup Metric Process Performance Process

OBM Level II
(MM) Materials Management Quality Management (MMS04) Quality Management (MMS04) Quality Management (MMS04) Quality Management (MMS04) Quality Management (MMS04) Quality Management (MMS04) Warehouse Administration (MMS05) Warehouse Administration (MMS05) Warehouse Administration (MMS05) Warehouse Administration (MMS05) Warehouse Administration (MMS05) Warehouse Administration (MMS05) Warehouse Administration (MMS05) Warehouse Administration (MMS05) Warehouse Administration (MMS05) Warehouse Administration (MMS05) Warehouse Administration (MMS05) Warehouse Administration (MMS05) Warehouse Administration (MMS05) Warehouse Administration (MMS05) Warehouse Administration (MMS05) Warehouse Administration (MMS05) Warehouse Administration (MMS05) Warehouse Administration (MMS05) Warehouse Administration (MMS05) Warehouse Administration (MMS05) Warehouse Administration (MMS05) Warehouse Administration (MMS05) Warehouse Administration (MMS05) Warehouse Administration (MMS05) Warehouse Administration (MMS05) Warehouse Administration (MMS05) Warehouse Administration (MMS05) Warehouse Administration (MMS05)

(MM) Materials Management

OBM Level III MM1150 MM1150 MM1150 MM1198 MM1150 MM1140 MM1097 MM1097 MM1097 MM1097 MM1151 MM1151 MM1151 MM1151 MM1151 MM1151 MM1151 MM1151 MM1151 MM1151 MM1151 MM1151 MM1151 MM1151 MM1151 MM1151 MM1151 MM1151 MM0414 MM0414 MM0414 MM0414 MM0414 MM0414

OBM Level IV


OBM Row No. MM1150 MM1150 MM1150 MM1198 MM1150 MM1140 MM1097 MM1097 MM1097 MM1097 MM1151 MM1151 MM1151 MM1151 MM1151 MM1151 MM1151 MM1151 MM1151 MM1151 MM1151 MM1151 MM1151 MM1151 MM1151 MM1151 MM1151 MM1151 MM0414 MM0414 MM0414 MM0414 MM0414 MM0414


Category Scrap Obsolete Materials Issues Obsolete Materials Policies Obsolete Materials Manage Items Manage Items Manage Items Manage Items Accuracy Programs Cycle Count Process Cycle Count Process Cycle Count Process Cycle Count Process Cycle Count Process Cycle Count Process Cycle Count Process Cycle Count Process Cycle Count Process Cycle Count Process Cycle Count Process Cycle Count Process Cycle Count Process Cycle Count Process Cycle Count Process Cycle Count Process Cycle Count Process Physical Inventory Physical Inventory Physical Inventory Physical Inventory Physical Inventory Physical Inventory

Process Analysis Questions Does Cost Accounting need to approve scrap materials?

(MM) Materials Management

(MM) Materials Management

Do you have inventory that expires or is time sensitive? How Process is it currently controlled? Are material shortages an issue for your operation? Process Do you have inventory that expires or is time sensitive? How Process is it currently controlled? Do you control inventory by lot status or QC hold codes? Process How is rejected or out-of-spec inventory handled/controlled? Process Do you group and track items by lot? Why and how? Do use serial numbers to track items? Process Process

(MM) Materials Management

(MM) Materials Management

(MM) Materials Management

(MM) Materials Management

(MM) Materials Management

(MM) Materials Management

(MM) Materials Management

If yes, then when are serial numbers assigned (at receipt, at Process shipment)? Are you able to view all transactions associated with a given Process revision, serial number and/or lot? How do you measure inventory accuracy? Process Do you use ABC Classifications? What criteria do you use to derive ABC values? Who is responsible for Cycle Counts? How often do you count all your items in any given inventory location? How do you group material to count? Do you group by inventory location? Do you do automatic cycle counts for items that show "zero" on hand? Do you cycle count while inventory is being transacted for other business purposes? Do you enter blind counts? Once inventory accuracy problems are identified, how do you modify procedures that caused the inaccuracy? Do you allow inventory adjustments independent of cycle counts and physicals? Who is allowed to do inventory adjustments? Do adjustments need management approval? Process Process Process Process Process Process Process Process Process Process Process

(MM) Materials Management

(MM) Materials Management

(MM) Materials Management

(MM) Materials Management

(MM) Materials Management

(MM) Materials Management

(MM) Materials Management

(MM) Materials Management

(MM) Materials Management

(MM) Materials Management

(MM) Materials Management

(MM) Materials Management

(MM) Materials Management

Do you need management sign-off for adjustments beyond a Process certain dollar value? Is there a tolerance level for physical inventory? Process What are your Inventory tolerances? Do you require recounts on out of tolerance parts? Do you research inventory variances? Process Process Process

(MM) Materials Management

(MM) Materials Management

(MM) Materials Management

(MM) Materials Management

(MM) Materials Management

Do you update your procedures once transaction errors that Process led to Inventory inaccuracy are identified? Retrain? How often do you take physical inventories? Process Do you shut down production for wall-to-wall physicals? Do you have a separate Physical Inventory database? Do you freeze Inventory? Do you create Inventory tags? How long does a wall-to-wall physical take? Process Process Process Process Process Page 117

(MM) Materials Management

(MM) Materials Management

(MM) Materials Management

(MM) Materials Management

(MM) Materials Management

4125 131320756.xls.ms_office

RD.020 Business Process Questionnaire OBM Level I Type = Setup Metric Process Performance Metric Performance

OBM Level II
(MM) Materials Management Warehouse Administration (MMS05) Warehouse Administration (MMS05) Warehouse Administration (MMS05) Warehouse Administration (MMS05) Warehouse Administration (MMS05) Warehouse Administration (MMS05) Warehouse Administration (MMS05) Warehouse Administration (MMS05) Warehouse Administration (MMS05) Warehouse Administration (MMS05) Warehouse Administration (MMS05)

OBM Level III MM0414 MM0414 MM0414 MM0414 MM0414 MM0414 MM0414 MM0414 MM0414 MM1097 MM0409

OBM Level IV


OBM Row No. MM0414 MM0414 MM0414 MM0414 MM0414 MM0414 MM0414 MM0414 MM0414 MM1097 MM0409


(MM) Materials Management

(MM) Materials Management

(MM) Materials Management

(MM) Materials Management

(MM) Materials Management

(MM) Materials Management

(MM) Materials Management

(MM) Materials Management

(MM) Materials Management

Category Physical Inventory Physical Inventory Physical Inventory Physical Inventory Physical Inventory Physical Inventory Physical Inventory Physical Inventory Physical Inventory Sales Whse Mgmt

Process Analysis Questions Do you actually count components in WIP or just value the location? Do you reconcile transaction logs on a regular basis?

Is inventory accuracy a part of group and individual Performance performance ratings? Is there an incentive system for maintaining or improving the Performance inventory accuracy goals? What is the overall accuracy goal? Performance When was your last inventory accuracy measurement? How often is production stopped due to shortages? How many parts are on a daily shortage list? What is the accuracy by inventory location and/ or by ABC class? What are the units of measure you use when you order items? Are all warehouses the responsibility of the Materials group (or does Sales own FGI, or Quality Control own increasing Inspection)? Do you supply material from one plant/warehouse to another? How? How is this material accounted for? How many warehouses are there ? What units of measures do you use? Performance Performance Performance Performance Setup Setup

(MM) Materials Management

(MM) Materials Management Warehouse Administration (MMS05) Warehouse Administration (MMS05) Warehouse Administration (MMS05) Warehouse Administration (MMS05) Warehouse Administration (MMS05) Warehouse Administration (MMS05) Warehouse Administration (MMS05) Warehouse Administration (MMS05) Warehouse Administration (MMS05)

MM1950 MM0409 MM1097 MM1097 MM1151 MM1151 MM1151 MM1097 MM1097


MM1950 MM0409 MM1097 MM1097 MM1151 MM1151 MM1151 MM1097 MM1097

Whse Mgmt Whse Mgmt Maintenance Maintenance Accuracy Programs Accuracy Programs Accuracy Programs Manage Items Manage Items

Setup Process Setup

(MM) Materials Management

(MM) Materials Management

(MM) Materials Management

(MM) Materials Management

What are the conversions you use between units of Setup measures How do you audit your inventory accuracy data? Process How efficient would you rate your inventory management process? What time intensive inventory accuracy processes need to be addressed? How many items do you have and of what types? Raw materials, packaging, intermediates, finished goods What is your current naming convention for items? Does the current code communicate information about the item? Process Process Setup Setup

(MM) Materials Management

(MM) Materials Management

(MM) Materials Management

(MM) Materials Management

(MM) Materials Management Warehouse Administration (MMS05) Warehouse Administration (MMS05) Warehouse Administration (MMS05) Warehouse Administration (MMS05) Warehouse Administration (MMS05) Warehouse Administration (MMS05) Warehouse Administration (MMS05) Warehouse Administration (MMS05) Warehouse Administration (MMS05) Warehouse Administration (MMS05) Warehouse Administration (MMS05) Warehouse Administration (MMS05) Warehouse Administration (MMS05)

MM1097 MM1097 MM1097 MM1097 MM1097 MM1097 MM1097 MM1097 MM1097 MM0409 MM0409 MM0409 MM0409


MM1097 MM1097 MM1097 MM1097 MM1097 MM1097 MM1097 MM1097 MM1097 MM0409 MM0409 MM0409 MM0409

Reporting Maintenance Maintenance Maintenance Policies Maintenance Maintenance Planning Maintenance

(MM) Materials Management

(MM) Materials Management

What types of reports are currently used to manage the Process inventory function. Give examples What is the volume for inventory transactions? Metric What types of inventory transactions are done? Items, quantities, etc. In what areas of the business are inventory transactions performed? How is inventory controlled? By lot, sublot, location or a combination of these? How are lot numbers configured? Random, sequential, date? If you use multiple units of measures on an item how do you keep and order the inventory? Is inventory responsibility segmented by inventory type or by buyer/planner? Who updates item master information? Process Process Setup Setup Setup Setup Process Setup Setup Setup

(MM) Materials Management

(MM) Materials Management

(MM) Materials Management

(MM) Materials Management

(MM) Materials Management

(MM) Materials Management

(MM) Materials Management

(MM) Materials Management

(MM) Materials Management

Warehouse Mgt How do you have warehouses set up? Do you have consignment warehouses? Warehouse Mgt Are warehouses location controlled? Warehouse Mgt Are distribution centers used for finished goods?

(MM) Materials Management

4158 131320756.xls.ms_office

Warehouse Mgt Do you have an inventory locator system? Is it automated or Setup manually maintained? Page 118

RD.020 Business Process Questionnaire OBM Level I Type = Setup Metric Process Performance Performance

OBM Level II
(MM) Materials Management Warehouse Administration (MMS05) Warehouse Administration (MMS05) Warehouse Administration (MMS05) Warehouse Administration (MMS05) Warehouse Administration (MMS05) Warehouse Administration (MMS05) Warehouse Administration (MMS05) Warehouse Administration (MMS05) Warehouse Administration (MMS05)

OBM Level III MM1151 MM1151 MM1151 MM1151 MM0414 MM0414 MM1151 MM0414 MM0414

OBM Level IV


OBM Row No. MM1151 MM1151 MM1151 MM1151 MM0414 MM0414 MM1151 MM0414 MM0414


(MM) Materials Management

(MM) Materials Management

(MM) Materials Management

(MM) Materials Management

Category Accuracy Programs Cycle Count Process Cycle Count Process Cycle Count Process Reconciliation Physical Inventory Cycle Count Process Physical Inventory Physical Inventory

Process Analysis Questions Do you have documentation on your current system requirements for inventory accuracy? Do you have a cycle count program? What procedures are Process available? What is the count frequency for items based on ABC Process ranking? What are the daily count volumes by rankiing? Process What inventory losses or gain were booked for the last physical inventory and cycle count? What are your current accuracy levels for physical inventory gains/losses? What are your current accuracy levels for cycle count variances/ What are your inventory tolerances? Do you perform multiple counts for each entry with different counters? Do you compare counts? What happens when counts do not match? Do you recount? Send different counters to verify? Auditors? How do you handle zero quantities or negative balances during the Physical Inventory process? Empty locations even though the computer has a value? How do you inventory silos? Bulk storage? Off-site? Finished Goods, Rejected material, Off-site, Rail Cars or Totes? Do you use special inventory adjustment codes for physical inventory? How many? Who is responsible for update? What types of problems are uncovered during the reconciliation process? Incorrect Item #'s? Un-entered receipts or shipments? Are the problems itemized by severity How do you book a reconciled inventory? What types of presentation occur to upper management? May we have samples? Do you have special characteristics in your cycle count program (i.e., Control Counts for expensive items)? What types of cycle count procedures are in place? Do they audit approvals internally? Externally? Have you been relieved of physical inventories due to your program? How do you reconcile cycle counts? Do you use the variance method to book? Total Quantity Replacement? What types of reports originate from cycle counting? Physical Inventory? May we have samples? Do you require special output for your Audit firm? Corporate? May we have samples? Do you have a financial inventory close process?

Performance Performance Performance Process Process

(MM) Materials Management

(MM) Materials Management

(MM) Materials Management

(MM) Materials Management

(MM) Materials Management Warehouse Administration (MMS05)




Physical Inventory Physical Inventory Physical Inventory Physical Inventory


(MM) Materials Management Warehouse Administration (MMS05)





(MM) Materials Management Warehouse Administration (MMS05)





(MM) Materials Management Warehouse Administration (MMS05)





(MM) Materials Management Warehouse Administration (MMS05)




Physical Inventory Cycle Count Process Cycle Count Process


(MM) Materials Management Warehouse Administration (MMS05) Warehouse Administration (MMS05)

MM1151 MM1151


MM1151 MM1151

Process Process

(MM) Materials Management

(MM) Materials Management Warehouse Administration (MMS05)






(MM) Materials Management Warehouse Administration (MMS05) Warehouse Administration (MMS05) Warehouse Administration (MMS05) Warehouse Administration (MMS05) Warehouse Administration (MMS05) Warehouse Administration (MMS05) Warehouse Administration (MMS05) Warehouse Administration (MMS05) Warehouse Administration (MMS05) Warehouse Administration (MMS05) Warehouse Administration (MMS05)

MM1151 MM0414 MM0414 MM0414 MM0414 MM0414 MM0414 MM0414 MM0414 MM0414 MM0414


MM1151 MM0414 MM0414 MM0414 MM0414 MM0414 MM0414 MM0414 MM0414 MM0414 MM0414

Reporting Reporting Policies Other Other Other Stock Adjustments Other Other Reporting Reporting

Process For Process Process Process Process Process Process Process Process Process Process, Setup

(MM) Materials Management

(MM) Materials Management

(MM) Materials Management

(MM) Materials Management

(MM) Materials Management

(MM) Materials Management

(MM) Materials Management

(MM) Materials Management

(MM) Materials Management

(MM) Materials Management

4186 131320756.xls.ms_office

How do you close an accounting period for inventory accuracy? How long does it take to close an accounting period for accuracy? Is closing an accounting period for inventory accuracy a hard or soft close? How are adjustments to closed periods for inventory accuracy handled? How do you open an accounting period for inventory accuracy? Who performs the tasks associated with opening and closing an accounting period for inventory accuracy? Are inventory accuracy reports standard across multiple Sets of Books? What account codes are required on inventory accuracy reports?

Page 119

RD.020 Business Process Questionnaire OBM Level I Type = Setup Metric Process Performance Process Process Process Process Process Process Process

OBM Level II
(MM) Materials Management Warehouse Administration (MMS05) Warehouse Administration (MMS05) Warehouse Administration (MMS05) Warehouse Administration (MMS05) Warehouse Administration (MMS05) Warehouse Administration (MMS05) Warehouse Administration (MMS05)

OBM Level III MM0414 MM0414 MM0414 MM0414 MM0414 MM0414 MM0414

OBM Level IV


OBM Row No. MM0414 MM0414 MM0414 MM0414 MM0414 MM0414 MM0414


Category Reconciliation Physical Inventory Reporting Planning Issues Receipts Stock Adjustments Policies

(MM) Materials Management

Process Analysis Questions What were the inventory swings in dollars for actual inventory versus accounting book values? What was the inventory write-off in dollars What type of information is exchanged with Finance regarding inventory? Do you use safety stock to reduce variation between supply and demand How is inventory allocated to shipments and production orders? What occurs when there is a mismatch between documents and validated counts? How do you track inventory movements, receipts, quality problems? Is the information manually kept or automated?

(MM) Materials Management

(MM) Materials Management

(MM) Materials Management

(MM) Materials Management

(MM) Materials Management

(MM) Materials Management Warehouse Administration (MMS05)




(MM) Materials Management Warehouse Administration (MMS05) Warehouse Administration (MMS05)

MM1097 MM1097


MM1097 MM1097

Maintenance Other

(MM) Materials Management

What levels of inventory accuracy are required for Process maintaining continuous efficient production? How ere these levels defined? What types of units of measures do you use, volume, mass, Process etc? Do you have a list of specific UOM Types defined? These Process are used to classify UOM groups, to measure a particular physical characteristic. (Ex: volume, mass, length, count.) Do you have a table of all current Units of Measure that are used by your company? May we have a copy? Who will be responsible for the maintenance of UOM Types, UOM's, and UOM conversions? Which users should be given access to these system setup forms? Do you have a list of employees who will be performing tasks on the mobile apps will be required. Do you have a list of equipment with their attributes to match the equipment to the task that will be used in the Warehouse? Do you have specific business rules for Picking? If so, what are they. Do you have specific business rules for putting away materials? If so, what are they. Do you have a set of GL accounts that contain on hand inventory? If so, what are they. Do you have task type assignment rules? If so, what are they. Do you have different label formats for different label types? If so, what are they. Do you preload trailers and let the carrier pick it up at a later time? How are your shipments being confirmed? Quick ship, LPN Ship or Dock door ship. What are the assigned numbers for your dock doors and staging lanes? What documents are printed during the Ship confirm process? Do you currently setup dock door appointments for your deliveries? How far in advance do you call your freight carriers? Who selects the freight carrier, you or your customer? Process Process

(MM) Materials Management Warehouse Administration (MMS05) Warehouse Administration (MMS05)

MM1097 MM1097


MM1097 MM1097

Other Maintenance

(MM) Materials Management

(MM) Materials Management Warehouse Administration (MMS05) Warehouse Administration (MMS05)

MM1942 MM1942


MM1942 MM1942

(MM) Materials Management

Employee Resources Employee Resources WMS Rules Engine WMS Rules Engine WMS Rules Engine WMS Rules Engine WMS Rules Engine Shipping Shipping Shipping Shipping Shipping Carriers Carriers Carriers Plan Trips Plan Trips
21 21 21 Rework Rework Rework

Setup Setup

(MM) Materials Management Warehouse Administration (MMS05) Warehouse Administration (MMS05) Warehouse Administration (MMS05) Warehouse Administration (MMS05) Warehouse Administration (MMS05) Yard Administration (MMS06) Transportation & Distribution Planning (MMS07) Transportation & Distribution Planning (MMS07) Transportation & Distribution Planning (MMS07) Transportation & Distribution Planning (MMS07) Transportation & Distribution Planning (MMS07) Transportation & Distribution Planning (MMS07) Transportation & Distribution Planning (MMS07)

MM1950 MM1950 MM1950 MM1950 MM1950 MM0401 MM0382 MM0382 MM0382 MM1943 MM0398 MM0398 MM0399

Rework Rejects Rework Rejects Rework Rejects WIP INV, WIP INV, WIP

MM1950 MM1950 MM1950 MM1950 MM1950 MM0401 MM0382 MM0382 MM0382 MM1943 MM0398 MM0398 MM0399 MM1943 MM1943

Setup,Process Setup,Process Setup,Process Setup,Process Setup,Process Process Process Setup, Process Setup, Process Setup, Process Process Process

(MM) Materials Management

(MM) Materials Management

(MM) Materials Management

(MM) Materials Management

(MM) Materials Management

(MM) Materials Management

(MM) Materials Management

(MM) Materials Management

(MM) Materials Management

(MM) Materials Management

(MM) Materials Management

(MM) Materials Management

(MM) Materials Management

(MM) Materials Management

4215 4216 4217 4218

(OP) Operations (OP) Operations (OP) Operations

Transportation & Distribution Planning MM1943 (MMS07) Transportation & Distribution Planning MM1943 (MMS07) Shop Floor Execution Perform Work Center Operations Shop Floor Execution Shop Floor Execution Perform Work Center Operations Perform Work Center Operations

Do you currently have a report on the freight carriers ontime Performance performance? Do you currently have a daily truck loading report? Process Explain the trip planning process?
Who is responsible for rework in Production? How do you account for scrap due to rework? Does rework impact standard production capacity? If so - please describe how.

Process Metric Process

131320756.xls.ms_office Page 120

RD.020 Business Process Questionnaire OBM Level I Type = Setup Metric Process Performance

OBM Level II 4219 4220 4221 4222 4223 4224 4225 4226 4227 4228 4229 4230 4231 4232 4233 4234 4235 4236 4237 4238 4239 4240 4241 4242 4243 4244 4245 4246 4247 4248 4249 4250 4251 4252 4253 4254 4255
(OP) Operations (OP) Operations (OP) Operations (OP) Operations (OP) Operations (OP) Operations (OP) Operations (OP) Operations (OP) Operations (OP) Operations (OP) Operations (OP) Operations (OP) Operations (OP) Operations (OP) Operations (OP) Operations (OP) Operations (OP) Operations (OP) Operations (OP) Operations (OP) Operations Shop Floor Resource and Scheduling Shop Floor Resource and Scheduling Shop Floor Resource and Scheduling Shop Floor Resource and Scheduling Shop Floor Resource and Scheduling Shop Floor Resource and Scheduling Shop Floor Resource and Scheduling Shop Floor Resource and Scheduling Shop Floor Resource and Scheduling Shop Floor Resource and Scheduling Shop Floor Resource and Scheduling Shop Floor Resource and Scheduling Shop Floor Resource and Scheduling Shop Floor Resource and Scheduling Shop Floor Resource and Scheduling Shop Floor Resource and Scheduling Shop Floor Resource and Scheduling Shop Floor Resource and Scheduling Shop Floor Resource and Scheduling Shop Floor Resource and Scheduling Shop Floor Resource and Scheduling


not identified not identified not identified not identified not identified not identified not identified not identified not identified not identified not identified not identified not identified not identified not identified not identified not identified not identified not identified not identified not identified

OBM Level IV
Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified


OBM Row No.

924 924 924 924 924 924 924 924 924 924 924 924 924 924 924 924 924 924 924 924 924

12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12

Production Type Maintenance Maintenance Other Other Other Period Close Period Close Period Close Period Close Period Close Period Close Period Open Period Open Period Open Period Open Period Open/Close Period Open/Close Reporting Reporting Reporting

Process Analysis Questions

(OP) Operations (OP) Operations (OP) Operations (OP) Operations (OP) Operations (OP) Operations (OP) Operations (OP) Operations (OP) Operations (OP) Operations (OP) Operations (OP) Operations (OP) Operations (OP) Operations (OP) Operations (OP) Operations

Shop Floor Resource and Scheduling Shop Floor Resource and Scheduling Shop Floor Resource and Scheduling Shop Floor Resource and Scheduling Shop Floor Resource and Scheduling Shop Floor Resource and Scheduling Shop Floor Resource and Scheduling Shop Floor Resource and Scheduling Shop Floor Resource and Scheduling Shop Floor Resource and Scheduling Shop Floor Resource and Scheduling Shop Floor Resource and Scheduling Shop Floor Resource and Scheduling Shop Floor Resource and Scheduling Shop Floor Resource and Scheduling Shop Floor Resource and Scheduling

not identified not identified not identified not identified not identified not identified not identified not identified not identified not identified not identified not identified not identified not identified not identified not identified

Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified


924 924 924 924 924 924 924 924 924 924 924 924 924 924 924 924

12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12

Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting

Do you use Available to Promise for scheduling work in process? Do you use capacity availability to schedule? Process How do you maintain your Work In Process data? Process How do you audit your Work In Process data? Process Which operations/processes do you want to streamline for Work In Process? Process Which operations/processes do you want to eliminate for Work In Process? Process Are there any time-intensive Work In Process operations/processes that need to be addressed? Process How do you close an accounting period for Work In Process? Process Is the schedule to close an accounting period for Work In Process documented? Process How long does it take to close an accounting period for Work In Process? Process How long should it take to close an accounting period for Work In Process? Process Is closing an accounting period for Work In Process a hard close or a soft close? Process How are adjustments to closed periods for Work In Process handled? Process How do you open an accounting period for Work In Process? Process Is the schedule to open an accounting period for Work In Process documented? Process How long does it take to open an accounting period for Work In Process? Process Who performs the tasks associated with opening an accounting period for Work In Process? Process Who performs the tasks associated with closing an accounting period for Work In Process? Process Where in your accounting cycle do you run standard reports and statements for Work In Process? Process What business performance statistics do you monitor for Work In Process? Process What are your Work In Process reporting requirements with respect to functional vs. foreign currencies? Setup, Process What are your Work In Process reporting requirements with respect to summary or detail formats? Obtain report listing. Setup, Process What reports do you currently generate to meet your Work In Process reporting requirements? Provide examples of each. Include source (could be manual), user, frequency, number of copies. Setup, Process Is there any Work In Process reporting requirement that your current set of reports does not meet? Setup Are Work In Process reports standard across multiple Sets of Books, for example, subsidiaries? Setup Are Work In Process reports standard across multiple levels within a Set of Books, i e., divisions? Setup What account codes and/or descriptions are required on Work In Process reports? Setup Do you provide a "key" of content/information somewhere on the Work In Process report? Setup What Work In Process reports are grouped together on a regular basis and printed in one print run? Setup, Process Who receives a copy of the Work In Process reports? Process What is the criteria for determining who should receive a copy of any Work In Process report? Process How do you update a Work In Process reports distribution list? Process Is the process to update a Work In Process reports distribution list documented? Process How long does it take to update a Work In Process reports distribution list? Process How long should it take to update a Work In Process reports distribution list? Process Who performs the tasks associated with updating a Work In Process reports distribution list? Process Is there any requirement for on-line (softcopy) distribution and/or remote location printing for Work In Process reports? Setup, Process Do some of these Work In Process reports belong in report sets? Always being run together? Setup

131320756.xls.ms_office Page 121

RD.020 Business Process Questionnaire OBM Level I Type = Setup Metric Process Performance
Process, Performance Setup, Performance Process Do you have security requirements on who can enter data for Work In Process? (e.g. by company? by cost center?) Do you have security reports on who can run Work In Process reports? (by company, by cost center etc.) Will there need to be terminal security for Work In Process? Do you run security reports on a regular basis for Work In Process? Process Setup, Process Setup Process Do you have documentation on your current system security requirements for Work In Process? Process Map each GL user to a menu structure. Will any new ones need to be created for Work In Process? Setup, Process Do you review requirements for validation rules, allowing certain Work In Process accounts to be valid with only certain other values. Setup Describe the process for manufacturing rework? Process Describe the process for storing distribution rework? Process Do you repair customer products? Process Do you perform product upgrades? Process How do you schedule these types of non-standard jobs? Process Do you tie non-standard jobs to specific expense accounts? Setup Do you tie non-standard to internal or external accounts for processing? Setup Do you perform tear-down operations? Process Where do you source spare parts for non-standard jobs? Setup Do you allocate material prior to releasing a work order for production ? Process Do you manufacture on a repetitive basis? Setup Do you manufacture discrete work orders? Setup Do you manufacture both discrete and repetitive on the same line? Setup Do you build lot size, piece size or both? Process Do you do any outside processing? Process Do you use lead time offsets for the components and issue to the floor based on operations scheduling? Process Do you use work orders or schedules to control material movement? Setup Do you use routings and alternate routings? Setup What are the average number of operations for each routing? Metric Do you use work orders or schedules to collect actual costs? Setup Do you use work orders or schedules to record material transactions only? Setup Is there a work order - part number - customer relationship? Process Do you backflush component material? Process Do you use pull tickets for repetitive schedule replenishment? Process Do you keep any components for repetitive production on the production floor? Setup Do you use repetitive count points to collect labor and material through a repetitive process? Metric Do you have any "mixed-mode" manufacturing on your production line? Process What are the types of documents that you generate? Process

OBM Level II 4256 4257 4258 4259 4260 4261 4262 4263 4264 4265 4266 4267 4268 4269 4270 4271 4272 4273 4274 4275 4276 4277 4278 4279 4280 4281 4282 4283 4284 4285 4286 4287 4288 4289 4290 4291 4292 4293
(OP) Operations (OP) Operations (OP) Operations (OP) Operations (OP) Operations (OP) Operations (OP) Operations (OP) Operations (OP) Operations (OP) Operations (OP) Operations (OP) Operations (OP) Operations (OP) Operations (OP) Operations (OP) Operations (OP) Operations (OP) Operations (OP) Operations (OP) Operations (OP) Operations (OP) Operations (OP) Operations (OP) Operations (OP) Operations (OP) Operations (OP) Operations (OP) Operations (OP) Operations (OP) Operations (OP) Operations (OP) Operations (OP) Operations (OP) Operations (OP) Operations (OP) Operations (OP) Operations (OP) Operations Shop Floor Resource and Scheduling Shop Floor Resource and Scheduling Shop Floor Resource and Scheduling Shop Floor Resource and Scheduling Shop Floor Resource and Scheduling Shop Floor Resource and Scheduling Shop Floor Resource and Scheduling Shop Floor Resource and Scheduling Shop Floor Resource and Scheduling Shop Floor Resource and Scheduling Shop Floor Resource and Scheduling Shop Floor Resource and Scheduling Shop Floor Resource and Scheduling Shop Floor Resource and Scheduling Shop Floor Resource and Scheduling Shop Floor Resource and Scheduling Shop Floor Resource and Scheduling Shop Floor Resource and Scheduling Shop Floor Resource and Scheduling Shop Floor Resource and Scheduling Shop Floor Resource and Scheduling Shop Floor Resource and Scheduling Shop Floor Resource and Scheduling Shop Floor Resource and Scheduling Shop Floor Resource and Scheduling Shop Floor Resource and Scheduling Shop Floor Resource and Scheduling Shop Floor Resource and Scheduling Shop Floor Resource and Scheduling Shop Floor Resource and Scheduling Shop Floor Resource and Scheduling Shop Floor Resource and Scheduling Shop Floor Resource and Scheduling Shop Floor Resource and Scheduling Shop Floor Resource and Scheduling Shop Floor Resource and Scheduling Shop Floor Resource and Scheduling Shop Floor Resource and Scheduling


not identified not identified not identified not identified not identified not identified not identified not identified not identified not identified not identified not identified not identified not identified not identified not identified not identified not identified not identified not identified not identified not identified not identified not identified not identified not identified not identified not identified not identified not identified not identified not identified not identified not identified not identified not identified not identified not identified

OBM Level IV
Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified


OBM Row No.

924 924 924 924 924 924 924 924 924 924 924 924 924 924 924 924 924 924 924 924 924 924 924 924 924 924 924 924 924 924 924 924 924 924 924 924 924 924

12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12

Reporting Reporting Reporting Security Security Security Security Security Security Validation Non-standard Workorders Non-standard Workorders Non-standard Workorders Non-standard Workorders Non-standard Workorders Non-standard Workorders Non-standard Workorders Non-standard Workorders Non-standard Workorders Non-standard Workorders Production Type Production Type Production Type Production Type Production Type Production Type Production Type Production Type Production Type Production Type Production Type Production Type Production Type Repetitive Production Repetitive Production Repetitive Production Repetitive Production Shopfloor Document

Process Analysis Questions

Do the separate business units run their own Work In Process reports? What type of printers do you run Work In Process reports (including checks, purchase orders etc.) on? Where are they located? Do you run Work In Process reports for different companies or cost centers?

131320756.xls.ms_office Page 122

RD.020 Business Process Questionnaire OBM Level I Type = Setup Metric Process Performance
Setup Who records transactions in your system? Process Do you process move transactions real-time or periodically? Process Do you use a bar-code interface to process move transactions real-time? Process What is the average number of component requirements on a work order or repetitive schedule? How many work orders do you release each day? Do you "kit complete" into a finished goods staging area? Metric Metric Process Do you track where components are at on the shop floor? Process Do you allow partial completions of work orders? Process Do you review requirements for validation rules, allowing certain Customer Returns accounts to be valid with only certain other values? If so - please explain how it is done today. Are there any time-intensive Customer Returns operations/processes that need to be addressed? If so please elaborate on setup and processing.

OBM Level II 4294 4295 4296 4297 4298 4299 4300 4301 4302 4303 4304 4305 4306 4307 4308 4309 4310 4311 4312 4313 4314 4315 4316 4317 4318 4319 4320 4321 4322 4323 4324 4325 4326 4327
(OP) Operations (OP) Operations (OP) Operations (OP) Operations (OP) Operations (OP) Operations (OP) Operations (OP) Operations (OP) Operations Shop Floor Resource and Scheduling Shop Floor Resource and Scheduling Shop Floor Resource and Scheduling Shop Floor Resource and Scheduling Shop Floor Resource and Scheduling Shop Floor Resource and Scheduling Shop Floor Resource and Scheduling Shop Floor Resource and Scheduling Shop Floor Resource and Scheduling


not identified not identified not identified not identified not identified not identified not identified not identified not identified Correct Returned Material Authorizations

OBM Level IV
Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified


OBM Row No.

924 924 924 924 924 924 924 924 924

12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12

Shopfloor Document WIP Tracking WIP Tracking WIP Tracking WIP Tracking WIP Tracking WIP Tracking WIP Tracking WIP Tracking

Process Analysis Questions

Do you use custom WIP instructions?

(OF) Order Fulfillment

Customer Returns

Not Identified




(OF) Order Fulfillment

Customer Returns

Issue Returned Material Authorizations Not Identified



(OF) Order Fulfillment

Customer Returns

Issue Returned Material Authorizations Not Identified



(OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment

Customer Returns Customer Returns Customer Returns Customer Returns Customer Returns Customer Returns Customer Returns Customer Returns Customer Returns

Issue Returned Material Authorizations Not Identified Issue Returned Material Authorizations Not Identified Issue Returned Material Authorizations Not Identified Issue Returned Material Authorizations Not Identified Issue Returned Material Authorizations Not Identified Issue Returned Material Authorizations Not Identified Issue Returned Material Authorizations Not Identified Issue Returned Material Authorizations Not Identified Issue Returned Material Authorizations Not Identified


3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3

Inventory RMA RMA RMA Receiving RMA Receiving RMA Maintenance Maintenance Credit

(OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment

Customer Returns Customer Returns Customer Returns Customer Returns Customer Returns

Issue Returned Material Authorizations Not Identified Issue Returned Material Authorizations Not Identified Issue Returned Material Authorizations Not Identified Issue Returned Material Authorizations Not Identified Issue Returned Material Authorizations Not Identified


3 3 3 3 3

RMA Other Other RMA RMA

(OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment

Customer Returns Customer Returns Customer Returns

Issue Returned Material Authorizations Not Identified Not Identified Not Identified Not Identified Not Identified


3 2 2

Inventory Shipping Receiving

Process Do you have a formal Material Review Board for Returned Goods Disposition? If so - please describe how the Review Board processes returns disposition. Process Do you have a special subinventory for Returned Goods? If so - please describe this subinventory and how it is used in return transactions. Process Do you have return for repair? If so - please describe the process. Process Do you have return for replacement? If so - please describe the process. Process Do you track lot numbers when product is returned? If so - please describe the process. Process Do you track serial numbers when product is returned? If so - please describe the process. Process Do you use Return Material Authorizations? If so - please describe how they are issued, referenced, and used. Process How do you audit your Customer Returns data? Process How do you maintain your Customer Returns data? Process If the return is for credit, who is responsible for credit? Process Is there a connection between your Return Authorization number and the original Sales Order Number? If so - please describe the connection and how it works. Process Which operations/processes do you want to eliminate for Customer Returns? Process Which operations/processes do you want to streamline for Customer Returns? Process Who assigns the "RMA" number? Process Will you accept obsolete product for return? If so - please describe the process. Process Will you keep obsolete parts to repair Customer returns? If so - where do you store these parts and how are they used and differentiated from other stock? Process Are Customer returns sent to one of your plants/warehouse? Or are they sent to a third party first? Process Are items received directly into inventory? Process Do you have a standard process for Customer returns? If so - please describe the process. If not - please describe the major variations.

(OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment

Customer Returns Customer Returns Customer Returns

Not Identified Not Identified Not Identified

Not Identified Not Identified Not Identified


2 2 2

RMA Security RMA

(OF) Order Fulfillment

Customer Returns

Not Identified

Not Identified



(OF) Order Fulfillment

Customer Returns

Not Identified

Not Identified



Process Do you have documentation on your current system security requirements for Customer Returns? If so - is it current and used? Process Do you have returns for credit? If so - please elaborate on the process. Process Do you have security reports on who can run Customer Returns reports? (by Company, by cost center etc.) If so please elaborate on setup and processing. Setup,Process Do you have security requirements on who can enter data for Customer Returns ? (e.g. by Company? by cost center?) If so please elaborate on setup and processing. Process

131320756.xls.ms_office Page 123

RD.020 Business Process Questionnaire OBM Level I Type = Setup Metric Process Performance
Metric Process Do you receive returns to a Repair Center? If so - please describe the process. Do you require documentation (ie, Purchase Order or Return Material Authorization) before an item can be received? Do you run security reports on a regular basis for Customer Returns? If so how are these reports used? Do you ship RMA replacement inventory to customers? Process Process Process

OBM Level II 4328 4329 4330 4331 4332 4333 4334 4335 4336 4337 4338 4339 4340 4341 4342 4343 4344 4345 4346 4347 4348 4349 4350 4351 4352 4353 4354 4355 4356 4357 4358
(OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment Customer Returns Customer Returns Customer Returns Customer Returns Customer Returns Customer Returns Customer Returns Customer Returns Customer Returns Customer Returns Customer Returns Customer Returns Customer Returns Customer Returns Customer Returns Customer Returns Customer Returns Invoicing and Collection Invoicing and Collection


Not Identified Not Identified Not Identified Not Identified Not Identified Not Identified Not Identified Not Identified Not Identified Not Identified Not Identified Not Identified Not Identified Not Identified Not Identified Not Identified Not Identified Maintain Invoices Maintain Invoices

OBM Level IV
Not Identified Not Identified Not Identified Not Identified Not Identified Not Identified Not Identified Not Identified Not Identified Not Identified Not Identified Not Identified Not Identified Not Identified Not Identified Not Identified Not Identified Generate Invoices Generate Invoices


OBM Row No.

2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 4 4

Return Shipment RMA RMA Receiving Security Shipping Return Shipment Receiving RMA RMA Receiving Return Shipment Security Return Shipment RMA RMA Security Invoicing Other

Process Analysis Questions

Do you measure returns against original shipments? Do you receive returns to a 3rd party? if so - please describe the process.

Process Does the return shipment reference the original Sales Order? If so how is the reference made? Process How are items received? Process How many Customer returns do expect in an average month? Metric If applicable, how do you process returns of drop shipment orders? If not, do you inspect items at receiving? Is the replacement order a non-revenue shipment? Process,Setup Process

Process Map each GL user to a menu structure. Will any new ones need to be created for Customer Returns? If so - please describe why? Setup,Process Please describe how you ship replacement product? Process What kind of credit do you offer? (Cash, Goods, etc.) Process Who owns the returned product? Process Will there need to be terminal security for Customer Returns? if so - how is it implemented today? Setup Are there any other foreign currency issues regarding invoice generation? If so please categorize the issues and describe them. Process Are there any time-intensive Invoice Generation operations/processes that need to be addressed? Process Are there businesses in different GL Set of Books has you will need to invoice ? If so please list out these business and their differentiating aspects. Process Do collectors actively call customers on delinquent items? If so please describe the process and if and how these calls are tracked. Process Do you accept credit card payments for invoices? How do you process them? Process Do you allow partial payments of invoices? If so - please elaborate on setup and usage. Process Do you assign shipping charges for your invoices? Do you have an inventory item called 'freight' or 'miscellaneous charge'. If so - please identify all applicable charges. Process Do you charge finance charges? If so - how do you charge finance charges? Process Do you do cash requirements forecasting? If so - please describe the process Process Do you do miscellaneous invoicing? Please explain with examples. Process Do you forecast cash collection for collectors? If so please describe the setup and processing. Performance Do you generate pro-forma invoices? If so - please elaborate on setup and usage. Please provide SASE examples and highlight what information is required on a pro-forma invoice. Process Do you have a separate aging for collectors? Process Do you have any subsidiaries that bill customers in a foreign currency? If so please describe them and the currencies. Do you have different price schedules dependent on Customer or volumes? If so please explain how the differences in Customer or volumes translate to different price schedule. Please provide SASE examples. Do you have documentation on your current system security requirements for Invoice Generation? If so it current and how is it used? Process

(OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment

Invoicing and Collection Invoicing and Collection Invoicing and Collection Invoicing and Collection

Maintain Invoices Maintain Invoices Maintain Invoices Maintain Invoices

Generate Invoices Manage Collections Generate Miscellaneous Invoicing Not Identified


4 4 4 3

Invoicing Collections Customers Documents

(OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment

Invoicing and Collection Invoicing and Collection Invoicing and Collection Invoicing and Collection Invoicing and Collection

Maintain Invoices Maintain Invoices Maintain Invoices Maintain Invoices Maintain Invoices

Generate Invoices Generate Invoices Manage Collections Generate Miscellaneous Invoicing Manage Collections


4 4 4 4 4

Invoicing Collections Collections customers Collections

(OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment

Invoicing and Collection Invoicing and Collection Invoicing and Collection

Maintain Invoices Maintain Invoices Maintain Invoices

Generate Invoices Manage Collections Generate Invoices


4 4 4

Documents Collections Invoicing

4359 4360 4361 4362 4363 4364 4365 4366

(OF) Order Fulfillment

Invoicing and Collection

Maintain Invoices

Generate Invoices




(OF) Order Fulfillment

Invoicing and Collection

Maintain Invoices

Generate Invoices

Not module specific


(OF) Order Fulfillment

Invoicing and Collection

Maintain Invoices

Generate Invoices

Not module specific


(OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment

Invoicing and Collection Invoicing and Collection Invoicing and Collection Invoicing and Collection Invoicing and Collection

Maintain Invoices Maintain Invoices Maintain Invoices Maintain Invoices Maintain Invoices

Generate Invoices Generate Invoices Manage Collections Generate Invoices Generate Invoices

Not module specific AR AR AR AR

4 4 4 4 4

Security Invoicing Collections Invoicing Invoicing


Process Do you have security reports on who can run Invoice Generation reports? (by Company, by cost center etc.) If so please elaborate on setup and processing. Setup,Process Do you have security requirements on who can enter data for Invoice Generation? (e.g. by Company? by cost center?) If so please elaborate on setup and processing. Process Do you have standard default line items that you use? If so please describe these and provide SASE examples. Process Do you monitor your collectors performance? If so what metrics are used to monitor collections performance? Process Do you regularly invoice customers for the same items? If so please provide SASE examples. Process Do you require taxes to be established for use when preparing invoices? If so please describe how. Setup

Page 124

RD.020 Business Process Questionnaire OBM Level I Type = Setup Metric Process Performance
Setup Process Process Process Process Setup,Process Process Process Setup Process Process Process

OBM Level II 4367 4368 4369 4370 4371 4372 4373 4374 4375 4376 4377 4378 4379 4380 4381 4382 4383 4384 4385 4386 4387 4388 4389 4390 4391 4392 4393 4394 4395 4396 4397 4398 4399 4400 4401 4402 4403 4404
(OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment Invoicing and Collection Invoicing and Collection Invoicing and Collection Invoicing and Collection Invoicing and Collection Invoicing and Collection Invoicing and Collection Invoicing and Collection Invoicing and Collection Invoicing and Collection Invoicing and Collection Invoicing and Collection Invoicing and Collection


Maintain Invoices Maintain Invoices Maintain Invoices Maintain Invoices Maintain Invoices Maintain Invoices Maintain Invoices Maintain Invoices Maintain Invoices Maintain Invoices Maintain Invoices Maintain Invoices Maintain Invoices

OBM Level IV
Generate Invoices Generate Invoices Manage Collections Manage Collections Manage Collections Generate Invoices Generate Invoices Generate Invoices Generate Invoices Write Off Accounts Receivable Conduct Period End Close Grant Credit/Establish Limits Review/Release Customer Credit Holds

Not module specific Not module specific AR AR AR AR OM,AR OM,AR AR AR ALL OM, AR OM,AR

OBM Row No.

4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4

Validation Security customers Collections Collections Invoicing Documents Documents Invoicing Collections Open/Close Periods Credit Exception Handling

Process Analysis Questions

Do you review requirements for validation rules, allowing certain Invoice Generation accounts to be valid with only certain other values. If so please explain the process. Do you run security reports on a regular basis for Invoice Generation? If so please elaborate on setup and processing. Do you send customers statements? If so please describe the process and highlight any exceptions. Do you send dunning letters to customers? Do you send dunning letters to customers? If so - please describe the process, and provide SASE example of dunning letters. Do you use standard invoice lines with default pricing and default accounting information? If so - please provide SASE examples. Do you use the invoice as a ship confirmation to the Customer? If so please explain the process. Do you use the invoice as a ship confirmation to the Customer? If so please elaborate on the setup and process. Do you validate the tax rate against a Customers Ship To address when preparing invoices? If so please describe how. Do you write off receivable? Is there a specific dollar amount or time frame used by your Company for write-offs? How and when are the financial books closed each month, quarter, and year end? How and who extends credit limits for Customer orders? Is there an approval process currently? How and who releases and reviews credit holds for Customer orders?

(OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment

Invoicing and Collection Invoicing and Collection Invoicing and Collection

Maintain Invoices Maintain Invoices Maintain Invoices

Generate Invoices Generate Invoices Generate Invoices

AR AR Not module specific

4 4 4

Invoicing Invoicing Maintenance

(OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment

Invoicing and Collection Invoicing and Collection Invoicing and Collection Invoicing and Collection

Maintain Invoices Maintain Invoices Maintain Invoices Maintain Invoices

Generate Invoices Generate Invoices Manage Collections Manage Collections


4 4 4 4

Invoicing Collections Collections Collections

Process How are shipping charges calculated? Please describe the process from the calculation step to applying the charges, and describe any variations in the process. Process How are the revenue, receivable, freight and tax accounts configured for each invoice type? Process How do you audit your Invoice Generation data? Process How do you calculate your tax charges? What are the rates? Please describe how you tax - ex. by the city-state of the Customer ship to, by item, etc. Please provide representative examples. Process How do you charge finance charges? Process How do you enter/manage a credit amount owed to the Customer by your Company? How do you enter/manage a credit amount owed to your Company by the Customer How do you interface to your invoice system? If you do interface - please elaborate on setup and processing, highlighting any exceptions. How do you keep your tax rate information up to date? Please describe the update process. How do you maintain your Invoice Generation data? How do you maintain/audit your Customer data? How do you monitor Customer account status? How do you number your invoices? How do you receive notice to create/generate an invoice to bill a Customer? Process Process

(OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment

Invoicing and Collection Invoicing and Collection Invoicing and Collection Invoicing and Collection Invoicing and Collection Invoicing and Collection Invoicing and Collection Invoicing and Collection Invoicing and Collection Invoicing and Collection Invoicing and Collection Invoicing and Collection Invoicing and Collection Invoicing and Collection Invoicing and Collection Invoicing and Collection

Maintain Invoices Maintain Invoices Maintain Invoices Maintain Invoices Maintain Invoices Maintain Invoices Maintain Invoices Maintain Invoices Maintain Invoices Maintain Invoices Maintain Invoices Maintain Invoices Maintain Invoices Maintain Invoices Maintain Invoices Maintain Invoices

Generate Invoices Generate Invoices Generate Invoices Conduct Special Credit Review Conduct Special Credit Review Generate Invoices Generate Invoices Generate Invoices Generate Invoices Generate Invoices Generate Invoices Generate Invoices Generate Invoices Manage Collections Manage Collections Generate Invoices

OM,AR AR Not module specific AR, GL AR AR AR AR AR AR Not module specific OM AR AR AR Not module specific

4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4

Documents Invoicing Maintenance Invoicing Collections Invoicing Invoicing Invoicing Invoicing Invoicing Peak Statistics Invoicing Invoicing Collections Collections Security How do you track sales revenue on invoices? How is it reported?

Process Process Process Process Process Process Process Process How frequently do you invoice your customers? To what extent would this vary? Metric How many invoice types do you have? Please categorize and describe them. Setup,Metric How many invoices do you generate on a peak day? Performance How many invoices per month? Performance How often are sales orders invoiced? How often is a detailed expense statement run and to has is it distributed? Process Is the process for tracking actions to collect on delinquent accounts automated? If so please describe the automation process. Process Map each GL user to a menu structure. Will any new ones need to be created for Invoice Generation? If so - please elaborate on why Setup,Process Please describe all the different shipping methods you use, approximate frequency and identify any coding or abbreviation of each. Process Please describe to what extent terms and conditions of Customer agreements and/or payment terms change, based upon the status of Customer accounts? Process Metric

(OF) Order Fulfillment

Invoicing and Collection

Maintain Invoices

Generate Invoices



(OF) Order Fulfillment

Invoicing and Collection

Maintain Invoices

Conduct Special Credit Review



131320756.xls.ms_office Page 125

RD.020 Business Process Questionnaire OBM Level I Type = Setup Metric Process Performance
Process Process Process Setup,Process Performance Process Process Process What items appear on your invoices (inventory? non-inventory?) What specific information is required to print on an invoice? What metrics are used to monitor collections performance? What paper stock is used to print the invoices? What remit to address is assigned for your invoices? What sort of buckets do you use for cash requirements forecasting? (i.e. 30, 60, 90...) What type of units of measure do you use? Please provide examples and coding/abbreviation of each. When do you send the invoice. With each shipment? Please elaborate on the processing and any exceptions. Where and how often are your price schedules maintained? Where are the invoices printed? How many printers and where are they? Are you considering changing printers as part of this project? What is the turnaround time on Pre-printed forms? Which operations/processes do you want to eliminate for Invoice Generation? Process Metric Process Process Process Process Process Process

OBM Level II 4405 4406 4407 4408 4409 4410 4411 4412 4413 4414 4415 4416 4417 4418 4419 4420 4421 4422 4423 4424 4425 4426 4427 4428 4429 4430 4431 4432 4433 4434 4435 4436 4437 4438 4439 4440 4441 4442 4443 4444 4445
(OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment Invoicing and Collection Invoicing and Collection Invoicing and Collection Invoicing and Collection Invoicing and Collection Invoicing and Collection Invoicing and Collection Invoicing and Collection Invoicing and Collection Invoicing and Collection Invoicing and Collection Invoicing and Collection Invoicing and Collection Invoicing and Collection Invoicing and Collection Invoicing and Collection


Maintain Invoices Maintain Invoices Maintain Invoices Maintain Invoices Maintain Invoices Maintain Invoices Maintain Invoices Maintain Invoices Maintain Invoices Maintain Invoices Maintain Invoices Maintain Invoices Maintain Invoices Maintain Invoices Maintain Invoices Maintain Invoices

OBM Level IV
Generate Invoices Manage Collections Generate Invoices Generate Invoices Manage Collections Conduct Periodic Credit Review Manage Collections Manage Collections Generate Invoices Manage Collections Generate Invoices Generate Invoices Manage Collections Generate Invoices Generate Invoices Generate Invoices


OBM Row No.

4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4

Invoicing Collections Invoicing Invoicing Collections Collections Collections Collections Invoicing Collections Invoicing Invoicing Collections Invoicing Documents Invoicing

Process Analysis Questions

Please describe to what extent you use free format line items? If you use free format please provide SASE examples. To what extent do you run a detailed expense statement periodically and to has is it distributed? What are all prerequisites to invoicing? What are the units of measure you use when you bill customers for products and/or services? What are your goals for cash collection and DSO? What credit information is tracked for each Customer? What do your aging look like? What is the process for tracking actions to collect on delinquent accounts?

(OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment

Invoicing and Collection Invoicing and Collection Invoicing and Collection Invoicing and Collection Invoicing and Collection Invoicing and Collection Invoicing and Collection Invoicing and Collection Invoicing and Collection Invoicing and Collection

Maintain Invoices Maintain Invoices Maintain Invoices Maintain Invoices Maintain Invoices Maintain Invoices Maintain Invoices Maintain Invoices Process Adjustments Process Adjustments

Generate Invoices Generate Invoices Generate Invoices Place Customer on Credit Hold Generate Invoices Generate Invoices Generate Invoices Generate Invoices Process Customer Debit Memos Process Credit Balances and Refunds

AR Not module specific Not module specific AR AR AR Not module specific AR AR AR

4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4

Invoicing Other Other customers Invoicing Invoicing Security Invoicing Payments Collections

Process Process

Which operations/processes do you want to streamline for Invoice Generation? Who and how places Customer orders on credit hold?


(OF) Order Fulfillment

Invoicing and Collection

Process Adjustments

Correct Invoices



(OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment

Invoicing and Collection Invoicing and Collection Invoicing and Collection Invoicing and Collection Invoicing and Collection Invoicing and Collection Invoicing and Collection Invoicing and Collection Invoicing and Collection Invoicing and Collection Invoicing and Collection Invoicing and Collection Invoicing and Collection Invoicing and Collection

Process Adjustments Process Adjustments Process Adjustments Process Adjustments Process Adjustments Process Adjustments Process Adjustments Process Adjustments Process Adjustments Process Adjustments Process Adjustments Process Adjustments Process Adjustments Process Adjustments

Enter and Change Credit Memos Process Credit Balances and Refunds Not Identified Enter and Change Credit Memos Enter and Change Credit Memos Process Customer Debit Memos Process Customer Debit Memos Correct Invoices Enter and Change Credit Memos Enter and Change Credit Memos Process Customer Debit Memos Process Customer Debit Memos Enter and Change Credit Memos Process Credit Balances and Refunds


4 4 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4

Credit Collections Invoicing Invoicing Invoicing Invoicing Invoicing Open/Close Periods Invoicing Invoicing Invoicing Invoicing Collections Collections


Process Who maintains your valid payment terms? Please provide a list that decodes meanings to abbreviations. Process Why are credit memos used? Process Will there need to be terminal security for Invoice Generation? If so please explain why. Setup Will you need to invoice for the same items from different businesses ? Process Do you create chargebacks (Debit Items) for Customer deductions? Process Do you ever adjust receivable? If so - please describe the rationale used to determine when to adjust. Process Do you ever use invoice forms and/or the invoice entry process for transactions other than billing customers? If so - please provide SASE examples. Process Do you have return rules that initiate credit memos? If so - how are the return rules maintained, are they up to date, and how are they used? Process Do you limit the amounts when adjusting receivable? If so - how are amounts limited and why? Process Do you process any adjustments other than debit or credit memos? Please explain. Process Do you use Customer Account Credit Memos? Process Do you use Customer Account Credit Memos? If so - please describe how they are used and processed. Process Do you use Debit Memos? Process Do you use Debit Memos? If so please describe why and how they are used. Process How are adjustments to closed periods handled? Process How are Customer Account Credit Memos accounted for? Process How are Customer Account Credit Memos used? Process How are Debit Memos accounted for? Process How are Debit Memos accounted for? Process How do you enter/manage a credit amount owed to the Customer by your Company? Process How do you enter/manage a credit amount owed to the Customer by your Company? Process

Page 126

RD.020 Business Process Questionnaire OBM Level I Type = Setup Metric Process Performance
Process Process How often do you adjust payments? How often do you reverse payments? If you do adjust receivable - please describe the steps taken, items documented, and processing that occurs? Is a hard copy credit memo issued? If so - please describe how it is used. Is Accounts Receivable responsible for return credit? Metric Metric Process Process Setup What are the specific items that appear on Debit Memos? Process What are your policies and procedures about adjusting payments? What are your policies and procedures about reversing payments? What items appear on Customer Account Credit Memos? Process Process Process What items appear on Debit Memos? Process What specific items appear on Customer Account Credit Memos? Process Why are Customer Account Credit Memos used? Process Why are Customer Account Credit Memos used? Process Why are Debit Memos used? Process Why are Debit Memos used? Process Will credit memos be issued automatically upon return, or will you have special procedures for credit memos? Do you enter invoices in batches? If so - please describe the batch process. Do you enter your payments in batches? If so please describe the process. Process Process Setup Do you have customers who pay other customers invoices? If so - please describe the process and how you store this Customer relationship.

OBM Level II 4446 4447 4448 4449 4450 4451 4452 4453 4454 4455 4456 4457 4458 4459 4460 4461 4462 4463 4464 4465 4466 4467 4468 4469 4470 4471 4472 4473 4474 4475 4476 4477 4478 4479 4480 4481 4482
(OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment Invoicing and Collection Invoicing and Collection Invoicing and Collection Invoicing and Collection Invoicing and Collection Invoicing and Collection Invoicing and Collection Invoicing and Collection Invoicing and Collection Invoicing and Collection Invoicing and Collection Invoicing and Collection Invoicing and Collection Invoicing and Collection Invoicing and Collection Invoicing and Collection Invoicing and Collection Invoicing and Collection Invoicing and Collection Invoicing and Collection


Process Adjustments Process Adjustments Process Adjustments Process Adjustments Process Adjustments Process Adjustments Process Adjustments Process Adjustments Process Adjustments Process Adjustments Process Adjustments Process Adjustments Process Adjustments Process Adjustments Process Adjustments Process Adjustments Process Adjustments Process Adjustments Process Remittances Process Remittances

OBM Level IV
Enter and Change Credit Memos Enter and Change Credit Memos Correct Invoices Correct Invoices Process Credit Balances and Refunds Enter and Change Credit Memos Enter and Change Credit Memos Process Customer Debit Memos Correct Invoices Correct Invoices Enter and Change Credit Memos Process Customer Debit Memos Enter and Change Credit Memos Enter and Change Credit Memos Enter and Change Credit Memos Process Customer Debit Memos Process Customer Debit Memos Enter and Change Credit Memos Post Transactions Grant Credit/Establish Limits


OBM Row No.

4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4

Collections Credit Payments Payments Collections Credit Credit Invoicing Payments Payments Invoicing Invoicing Invoicing Invoicing Invoicing Invoicing Invoicing Credit Invoicing Payments

Process Analysis Questions

How do you enter/manage a credit amount owed to your Company by the Customer How does the credit department get the return goods information?

(OF) Order Fulfillment

Invoicing and Collection

Process Remittances

Grant Credit/Establish Limits


Payments Do you have documentation on your current system security requirements for Customer Payment ? If so - it is current and how is it used.


(OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment

Invoicing and Collection Invoicing and Collection

Process Remittances Process Remittances

Grant Credit/Establish Limits Apply Customer Receipts - Cash Application Adjustment

Not module specific AR

4 4

Security Do you have multiple "remit to's"? Collections Do you have security reports on who can run Customer Payment reports? (by Company, by cost center etc.) If so please elaborate on setup and processing. Do you have security requirements on who can enter data for Customer Payment ? (e.g. by Company? by cost center?) If so please elaborate on setup and processing. Do you receive deposits and/or prepayments? Do you receive non-Customer related payments?

Process Process

(OF) Order Fulfillment

Invoicing and Collection

Process Remittances

Grant Credit/Establish Limits

Not module specific



(OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment

Invoicing and Collection Invoicing and Collection Invoicing and Collection

Process Remittances Process Remittances Process Remittances

Grant Credit/Establish Limits Grant Credit/Establish Limits Customer Receipts - Unidentified Cash

Not module specific AR AR

4 4 4

Security Payments Payments

Process Process Process

(OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment

Invoicing and Collection Invoicing and Collection Invoicing and Collection

Process Remittances Process Remittances Process Remittances

Grant Credit/Establish Limits Grant Credit/Establish Limits Grant Credit/Establish Limits

Not module specific AR AR

4 4 4

Validation Collections Payments

Do you review requirements for validation rules, allowing certain Customer Payment accounts to be valid with only certain other values. If so please elaborate on setup and processing. Do you send customers statements? If so - please describe the process.

Setup Process

Do you use batch control counts and amounts? If so please describe the process. Do you use batch controls, such as counts and amounts? If so - please describe how these controls are used, checked, and verified.


(OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment

Invoicing and Collection Invoicing and Collection Invoicing and Collection Invoicing and Collection Invoicing and Collection Invoicing and Collection Invoicing and Collection

Process Remittances Process Remittances Process Remittances Process Remittances Process Remittances Process Remittances Process Remittances

Post Transactions AR Deposit Customer Receipts - Bank Deposits AR Deposit Customer Receipts - Bank Deposits AR Post Transactions Apply Customer Receipts - Cash Application Adjustment Customer Receipts - Unidentified Cash Grant Credit/Establish Limits AR AR AR AR

4 4 4 4 4 4 4

Invoicing Payments Payments Invoicing Collections Payments Payments

Process Do you use lock boxes? If so please describe how may lock boxes are in use and describe your process. Process Do you use more than one bank account and/or cash account? If so - please identify them. Setup How are batch invoices defined? What criteria are used to batch invoices? Setup How are multiple "remit to's" determined for a Customer? Process How are non-Customer related payments accounted for? Process How are payment batches identified? What criteria are used to batch payments? Setup

131320756.xls.ms_office Page 127

RD.020 Business Process Questionnaire OBM Level I Type = Setup Metric Process Performance
Process Process How do you handle payments without remittance information? AR AR AR 4 4 4 Payments Maintenance Payments How do you maintain your Customer Payment data? How do you receive and input payments? Process Process Setup,Process How do your customers generally pay invoices? Single check -- single invoice; single check -- multiple invoices; multiple checks -- multiple invoices. Please describe the process and any exceptions. Process How is cash applied? Process How is the accounts receivable mail processed for payments? Process How many checks are returned by the bank in a period? Metric, Process How many lockboxes do you use? 4 4 Payments Payments How many payments do you receive in a month? Map each GL user to a menu structure. Will any new ones need to be created for Customer Payment ? If so - please elaborate on the process. Metric Metric

OBM Level II 4483 4484 4485 4486 4487 4488 4489 4490 4491 4492 4493 4494 4495 4496 4497 4498 4499 4500 4501 4502 4503 4504 4505 4506 4507 4508 4509 4510 4511 4512 4513 4514 4515 4516 4517 4518
(OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment Invoicing and Collection Invoicing and Collection Invoicing and Collection Invoicing and Collection Invoicing and Collection


Process Remittances Process Remittances Process Remittances Process Remittances Process Remittances

OBM Level IV
Grant Credit/Establish Limits Customer Receipts - Unidentified Cash Customer Receipts - Unidentified Cash Grant Credit/Establish Limits Grant Credit/Establish Limits


OBM Row No.

4 4

Maintenance Payments

Process Analysis Questions

How do you audit your Customer Payment data? How do you handle payments from unknown sources?

(OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment

Invoicing and Collection Invoicing and Collection Invoicing and Collection Invoicing and Collection Invoicing and Collection Invoicing and Collection

Process Remittances Process Remittances Process Remittances Process Remittances Process Remittances Process Remittances

Grant Credit/Establish Limits Apply Customer Receipts - Cash Applications


4 4 4 4

Payments Payments Payments Payments

Process Accounts Receivable mail AR Post Transactions AR Deposit Customer Receipts - Bank Deposits AR Post Transactions AR

(OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment

Invoicing and Collection Invoicing and Collection Invoicing and Collection Invoicing and Collection Invoicing and Collection Invoicing and Collection Invoicing and Collection Invoicing and Collection Invoicing and Collection Invoicing and Collection Order Entry and Scheduling Order Entry and Scheduling

Process Remittances Process Remittances Process Remittances Process Remittances Process Remittances Process Remittances Process Remittances Process Remittances Process Remittances Process Remittances Enter Orders Enter Orders

Grant Credit/Establish Limits Grant Credit/Establish Limits Grant Credit/Establish Limits Post Transactions Grant Credit/Establish Limits Apply Customer Receipts - Cash Applications Grant Credit/Establish Limits Grant Credit/Establish Limits Apply Customer Receipts - Cash Applications Grant Credit/Establish Limits Not Identified Not Identified

Not module specific AR Not module specific AR AR AR AR AR AR Not module specific OM OM

4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 3

Security Collections Security Payments Payments What types of payments are received and input? (i.e. check, cash etc.) Payments Collections Collections Payments Security Order Taking Order Taking Please list any time-intensive Customer Payment operations/processes that need to be addressed? To what extent do you run security reports on a regular basis for Customer Payment ? What are the reasons for checks being returned by the bank? What types of payments are received and input? (i.e. check, cash etc.)

Setup,Process Process Process Process Setup,Process Setup,Process Which operations/processes do you want to eliminate for Customer Payment ? Process Which operations/processes do you want to streamline for Customer Payment ? Process Who applies cash? Process Will there need to be terminal security for Customer Payment? If so please describe how it is implemented today? Setup Are orders taken by one business unit which are then shipped from another business unit? Process,Setup Are your order takers assigned to a specific order type? Setup Do you check Available to Promise prior to quoting ship date? If so please elaborate on how you meet requested date by setup and processing.

(OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment

Order Entry and Scheduling Order Entry and Scheduling

Enter Orders Enter Orders

Not Identified Not Identified


3 3

Order Taking Order Taking Do you do check Customer credit prior to entering an order? If so please elaborate on setup and processing. Do you enter orders while the Customer is on the phone? If so please describe what information is captured on the phone and any follow-up steps. Do you give the Customer a ship date while on the phone? If so please elaborate on how you meet requested date by setup and processing.

Performance Process

(OF) Order Fulfillment

Order Entry and Scheduling

Enter Orders

Not Identified


Order Taking


(OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment

Order Entry and Scheduling Order Entry and Scheduling

Enter Orders Enter Orders

Not Identified Not Identified


3 3

Order Taking Sales

(OF) Order Fulfillment

Order Entry and Scheduling

Enter Orders

Not Identified



(OF) Order Fulfillment

Order Entry and Scheduling

Enter Orders

Not Identified



(OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment

Order Entry and Scheduling Order Entry and Scheduling Order Entry and Scheduling Order Entry and Scheduling

Enter Orders Enter Orders Enter Orders Enter Orders

Not Identified Not Identified Not Identified Not Identified


3 3 3 3

Security Order Taking Order Taking Order Taking

(OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment

Order Entry and Scheduling Order Entry and Scheduling

Enter Orders Enter Orders

Not Identified Not Identified


3 3

Validation Order Taking

Performance Do you have customers who order for other customers? Please explain the process and any exceptions. Process Do you have documentation on your current system security requirements for Order Placement? If so - is it current and how is it used. Process Do you have security reports on who can run Order Placement reports? (by Company, by cost center etc.) If so please describe how they are used. Setup,Process Do you have security requirements on who can enter data for Order Placement? (e.g. by Company? by cost center?) If so please elaborate on setup and processing. Process Do you process drop ship orders - where a third party supplier is delivering product you sold to your Customer on your sales order? Process,Setup Do you require hard copy of the Customer purchase order prior to order entry? If so please elaborate on setup and processing. Process Do you require hard copy of the international Customer PO prior to order entry? If so please elaborate on setup and processing. Process Do you review requirements for validation rules, allowing certain Order Placement accounts to be valid with only certain other values. If so please describe the process. Setup Do you take orders only from approved customers? If so please elaborate on setup and processing. Process

131320756.xls.ms_office Page 128

RD.020 Business Process Questionnaire OBM Level I Type = Setup Metric Process Performance

OBM Level II 4519 4520 4521 4522 4523 4524 4525 4526 4527 4528 4529 4530 4531 4532 4533 4534 4535 4536 4537 4538 4539 4540 4541 4542 4543 4544 4545 4546 4547 4548 4549 4550 4551 4552 4553 4554 4555 4556 4557 4558 4559 4560 4561 4562
(OF) Order Fulfillment Order Entry and Scheduling


Enter Orders

OBM Level IV
Not Identified


OBM Row No.


Order Taking

Process Analysis Questions

(OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment

Order Entry and Scheduling Order Entry and Scheduling Order Entry and Scheduling Order Entry and Scheduling Order Entry and Scheduling Order Entry and Scheduling Order Entry and Scheduling Order Entry and Scheduling Order Entry and Scheduling Order Entry and Scheduling Order Entry and Scheduling Order Entry and Scheduling Order Entry and Scheduling Order Entry and Scheduling Order Entry and Scheduling Order Entry and Scheduling Order Entry and Scheduling

Enter Orders Enter Orders Enter Orders Enter Orders Enter Orders Enter Orders Enter Orders Enter Orders Enter Orders Enter Orders Enter Orders Enter Orders Enter Orders Enter Orders Enter Orders Enter Orders Enter Orders

Not Identified Not Identified Not Identified Not Identified Not Identified Not Identified Not Identified Not Identified Not Identified Not Identified Not Identified Not Identified Not Identified Not Identified Not Identified Not Identified Not Identified


3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3

Order Taking Order Taking Order Taking Maintenance Order Taking Sales Sales Maintenance Order Taking Peak Statistics Order Taking Peak Statistics Peak Statistics Order Taking Order Taking Security Sales

Do you tell the Customer the freight and tax amount while on the phone? Please elaborate on the information sources, the information exchanged, and any need for follow-up. Process Do you tell the Customer the price of the order while on the phone? Please elaborate on the information sources, the information exchanged, and any need for follow-up. Process Do you track quotation success/failure rates? If so - please elaborate on setup and usage. Performance Do you use a Quotation system? If so please elaborate on setup and processing. Process How do you audit your Order Placement data? Process How do you convert quotes to orders? How do you handle orders from unknown customers? How do you handle orders without shipment information? How do you maintain your Order Placement data? How is a backorder placed? Please elaborate on setup and processing. Process How many backorders do you process on a peak day? How many of your locations take Orders? How many orders do you enter on a peak day? How many orders do you pick release on a peak day? If any, what percentage of sales order lines are sourced internally? Sourced externally? If applicable, what subset of your Customer base do you drop ship to? What percentage of sales orders are drop shipped? Map each GL user to a menu structure. Will any new ones need to be created for Order Placement? If so please elaborate why. Please list all time-intensive Order Placement operations/processes that need to be addressed? To what extent do you attempt to promise a time component for populating Date Requested information when entering sales order lines for shipment? To what extent do you capture demand class information for sales orders? Performance Process Performance Performance Process,Setup Process,Setup Setup,Process Process Process Process Process Process

(OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment

Order Entry and Scheduling Order Entry and Scheduling Order Entry and Scheduling Order Entry and Scheduling Order Entry and Scheduling Order Entry and Scheduling Order Entry and Scheduling Order Entry and Scheduling Order Entry and Scheduling Order Entry and Scheduling Order Entry and Scheduling Order Entry and Scheduling Order Entry and Scheduling

Enter Orders Enter Orders Enter Orders Enter Orders Enter Orders Enter Orders Enter Orders Enter Orders Enter Orders Enter Orders Import Orders Import Orders Import Orders

Not Identified Not Identified Not Identified Not Identified Not Identified Not Identified Not Identified Not Identified Not Identified Not Identified Run Order Import Populate Feeder System Not Identified


3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 3

Order Taking Order Taking Security Sales Peak Statistics Order Taking Order Taking Sales Which operations/processes do you want to streamline for Order Placement? Sales Security Sales Sales Sales Will there need to be terminal security for Order Placement? If so please describe how it is implemented today. Do you batch import sales orders? If so please explain the process. Do you do conversions for data? Do you import orders for sales? Do you use batch controls, such as counts and amounts? If so please explain how these controls are used and highlight any exceptions. To what extent do you run security reports on a regular basis for Order Placement? What are your policies and procedures about adjusting orders? What is the average number of lines per order per day? What is your procedure for currency conversion? When is an order considered a committed order? (i.e. at order entry, booking, when ship date promised) Which operations/processes do you want to eliminate for Order Placement?

Process Process Process Process Performance Setup Process Process Process Setup Setup Setup Setup

(OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment

Order Entry and Scheduling Order Entry and Scheduling Order Entry and Scheduling Order Entry and Scheduling Order Entry and Scheduling Order Entry and Scheduling Order Entry and Scheduling Order Entry and Scheduling Order Entry and Scheduling Order Entry and Scheduling Order Entry and Scheduling Order Entry and Scheduling

Import Orders Import Orders Import Orders Import Orders Import Orders Import Orders Import Orders Import Orders Import Orders Manage customers Manage customers Manage customers

Run Order Import Run Order Import Run Order Import Run Order Import Run Order Import Populate Feeder System Load Order Interface Load Order Interface Not Identified Maintain Corporate Customer Information Add Customer Locations Add customers Maintain Corporate Customer Information


4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 4 4 4

Sales Sales Sales Sales Sales Sales Sales Sales Sales customers customers customers How are batch orders defined? If applicable, to what extent do you use the Customers part number during a batch order import process? If applicable, what information do you import on Customer orders? What information needs to be changed? Please describe to what extent you enter orders in batches? What EDI format do you use? What interfaces will be used for orders? What transactions do you process? What types of orders do you import?

Process Setup Setup Setup Process Setup Setup Setup

(OF) Order Fulfillment

Order Entry and Scheduling

Manage customers



Process Do terms and conditions of Customer agreements and/or payment terms change based upon the status of their accounts? Process Do you add Customer locations at order entry? How often and who enters the additional locations? Setup Do you add customers at order entry? If so what information is entered? Process Do you automatically number Customer business purposes as they are created? If so please describe the process and highlight any exceptions. Process

131320756.xls.ms_office Page 129

RD.020 Business Process Questionnaire OBM Level I Type = Setup Metric Process Performance

OBM Level II 4563 4564

(OF) Order Fulfillment Order Entry and Scheduling


Manage customers

OBM Level IV
Maintain Corporate Customer Information


OBM Row No.



Process Analysis Questions

(OF) Order Fulfillment

Order Entry and Scheduling

Manage customers

Maintain Customer Agreements



4565 4566 4567 4568 4569 4570 4571 4572 4573 4574 4575 4576 4577 4578 4579 4580 4581 4582 4583 4584 4585 4586 4587 4588 4589 4590 4591 4592 4593 4594 4595

(OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment

Order Entry and Scheduling Order Entry and Scheduling

Manage customers Manage customers

Maintain Customer Delivery Requirements Maintain Customer Delivery Requirements Maintain Customer Delivery Requirements Maintain Corporate Customer Information Maintain Customer Categories Maintain Corporate Customer Information Maintain Corporate Customer Information Maintain Corporate Customer Information Maintain Corporate Customer Information Maintain Corporate Customer Information Maintain Corporate Customer Information


4 4

Backorders Backorders

(OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment

Order Entry and Scheduling Order Entry and Scheduling Order Entry and Scheduling

Manage customers Manage customers Manage customers


4 4 4

Backorders customers Customer Information Customer Information customers customers customers customers customers

(OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment

Order Entry and Scheduling Order Entry and Scheduling Order Entry and Scheduling Order Entry and Scheduling Order Entry and Scheduling Order Entry and Scheduling

Manage customers Manage customers Manage customers Manage customers Manage customers Manage customers


4 4 4 4 4 4

(OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment

Order Entry and Scheduling Order Entry and Scheduling

Manage customers Manage customers

Maintain Customer Agreements Maintain Customer Agreements


4 4

customers customers

(OF) Order Fulfillment

Order Entry and Scheduling

Manage customers

Maintain Customer Agreements



(OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment

Order Entry and Scheduling Order Entry and Scheduling Order Entry and Scheduling

Manage customers Manage customers Manage customers

Maintain Customer Agreements Maintain Customer Agreements Maintain Corporate Customer Information Maintain Corporate Customer Information Maintain Corporate Customer Information Maintain Corporate Customer Information Maintain Corporate Customer Information Maintain Corporate Customer Information Maintain Customer Delivery Requirements Maintain Corporate Customer Information Maintain Corporate Customer Information Maintain Corporate Customer Information Maintain Corporate Customer Information Maintain Corporate Customer Information Maintain Corporate Customer Information Maintain Corporate Customer Information Change Customer Data


4 4 4

customers customers customers

(OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment

Order Entry and Scheduling Order Entry and Scheduling Order Entry and Scheduling Order Entry and Scheduling Order Entry and Scheduling Order Entry and Scheduling Order Entry and Scheduling Order Entry and Scheduling Order Entry and Scheduling Order Entry and Scheduling Order Entry and Scheduling Order Entry and Scheduling Order Entry and Scheduling Order Entry and Scheduling

Manage customers Manage customers Manage customers Manage customers Manage customers Manage customers Manage customers Manage customers Manage customers Manage customers Manage customers Manage customers Manage customers Manage customers


4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4

Sales customers customers customers customers Backorders customers customers Sales customers customers Documents customers customers

Do you automatically number new customers as they are created? If so please describe the process and highlight any exceptions. Process Do you create reciprocal Customer relationships whenever you create a relationship between customers for tracking purposes? If so please describe the process and highlight any exceptions. Process Do you ever pick product destined to a different Customer, ship it to a higher priority Customer, and backorder the previous Customer? If so - please describe how this process works - please highlight any pertinent flags, statuses, etc. Process Do you generate separate pick lists for backordered product? If so please elaborate on the setup and process. Process Do you generate separate pick lists for backordered product? If so - please describe how this process works - please highlight any pertinent flags, statuses, etc. Process Do you have a central registry of customers which supports more than one business? Process Do you have a central registry of customers which supports more than one business? Process Do you have a central registry of customers which supports more than one business? If so please describe pertinent differentiating aspects of the registry Process Do you have a prospect system separate from the receivable customers? If so - please describe how it is used. Process Do you have multiple "remit to's"? If so please describe the reasons and highlight any exceptions. Process Do you have the same customers repeated multiple times in the data files or the same Customer for different operating units? Process Do you provide discount payment terms? If so please list and decode abbreviations to meanings. Setup Do you provide split term payment terms? If so please list and decode abbreviations to meanings. Setup Do you track and record relationships between customers e.g. franchises, subsidiaries etc.? If so please describe the process and highlight any exceptions. Process Do you use Customer agreements/contracts to manage specific discounts? If so please list and decode abbreviations to meanings. Process Do you use Customer agreements/contracts to manage specific invoicing policies? If so please list and decode abbreviations to meanings. Process Do you use Customer agreements/contracts to manage specific payment terms? If so please list and decode abbreviations to meanings. Process Do you use Customer agreements/contracts to manage specific price lists? If so please list and decode abbreviations to meanings. Process How are multiple "remit to's" determined for each Customer? If so please describe the process and highlight any exceptions. Process How do you default your sales person information onto a sales order? Could you default this information from the bill-to and/or ship-to locations you define for a Customer? Process, Setup How do you group your customers for credit limits/credit checks? Process,Setup How do you group your customers for interest charges for late payments? Process,Setup How do you group your customers for payment rules? Process,Setup How do you group your customers for statements? Process,Setup How do you handle shipment of backorders? Process How do you maintain/audit your Customer data? Process How do you receive notice to create/generate a Customer order? Process How do you store and maintain the relationship between salespeople and customers? Process, Setup How do you track Customer contact people? Process How do you track customers with different or multiple bill-to and ship-to addresses? Process How many "bill-tos" do you maintain for each Customer? Metric How many customers do you have? Metric How often and who makes changes to Customer records? Is there any authorization needed? Setup

131320756.xls.ms_office Page 130

RD.020 Business Process Questionnaire OBM Level I Type = Setup Metric Process Performance
Process Process What Customer information do you default and at what level? (Ex. payment terms, shipping, tax may default differently at the Customer header vs. bill to and ship to.) What percentage of orders have backordered lines? OM OM,AR AR OM,AR OM,AR OM,AR AR OM 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 3 Backorders What type of payment terms do you provide? customers customers customers Customer Information customers Will customers of different businesses be supplied with the same items ? customers Other What type(s) of customers do you have? Who has access to your Customer database? Process Who maintains Customer information? Process Who maintains your Customer information? Process Process Are there any time-intensive Order Fulfillment operations/processes that need to be addressed? Process Do you perform Available to Promise inquiries against multiple supply sources for the purposes of meeting sales order demand planning needs? If so please describe the process. Process Do you have documentation on your current system security requirements for Order Fulfillment? Please describe if it is current and how it is used. Process Do you have security reports on who can run Order Fulfillment reports? (by Company, by cost center etc.) If so please elaborate on setup and processing. Setup,Process Do you have security requirements on who can enter data for Order Fulfillment? (e.g. by Company? by cost center?) If so please elaborate on setup and processing. Process Do you inquire against sales orders? If so please describe the process and various methods used, query criteria etc? Process Do you measure re-schedules? If so please elaborate on setup and processing. Metric Do you obsolete items that currently have open orders? If so - please describe the process. Process Do you promise orders based on a master schedule plan? If so please elaborate on setup and processing. Process Do you run security reports on a regular basis for Order Fulfillment? If so please elaborate on setup and processing. Process Do you send order acknowledgments? If so please elaborate on setup and processing. Process Do you ship from multiple locations? If so please elaborate on setup and processing. Setup Do you track requested to actual ship dates by product? If so please elaborate on setup and processing. Metric Do you use purchase order number of purchase requisition information as part of your query? If so please describe the process. Process Does your Company respond to Request for Proposals (RFPs) to obtain work? If so - please describe how this process works - please highlight any pertinent flags, statuses, etc. Process How do you audit your Order Fulfillment data? Process How do you handle the open orders if there is an engineering change? Process How do you maintain your Order Fulfillment data? How does your Company monitor customers or Customer types in the RFP process? How does your Company monitor industries and market sectors in the RFP process? How does your Company monitor Proposal Cost Recovery in the RFP process? How does your Company monitor the Win/Loss rate in the RFP process? How is the shipping location determined? (i.e. by geography or product availability? How many orders are canceled in a month? How many orders do you receive in a month? How often do you adjust orders? How often do you cancel orders? Process Process Process Process Process Process Metric, Process Metric Metric Metric Setup Process Metric

OBM Level II 4596 4597 4598 4599 4600 4601 4602 4603 4604 4605 4606 4607 4608 4609 4610 4611 4612 4613 4614 4615 4616 4617 4618 4619 4620 4621 4622 4623 4624 4625 4626 4627 4628 4629 4630 4631 4632
(OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment Order Entry and Scheduling Order Entry and Scheduling


Manage customers Manage customers

OBM Level IV
Maintain Corporate Customer Information Maintain Corporate Customer Information Maintain Corporate Customer Information Maintain Customer Delivery Requirements Maintain Corporate Customer Information Maintain Customer Categories Maintain Corporate Customer Information Maintain Corporate Customer Information Maintain Corporate Customer Information Not Identified Not Identified


OBM Row No.

4 4

Customer Information customers Customer Information

Process Analysis Questions

To what extent can this information be changed and updated at the time of order entry? What credit information is tracked for each Customer?

(OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment

Order Entry and Scheduling Order Entry and Scheduling Order Entry and Scheduling Order Entry and Scheduling Order Entry and Scheduling Order Entry and Scheduling Order Entry and Scheduling Order Entry and Scheduling Order Entry and Scheduling

Manage customers Manage customers Manage customers Manage customers Manage customers Manage customers Manage customers Manage customers Manage Orders



(OF) Order Fulfillment

Order Entry and Scheduling

Manage Orders

Schedule Sales Order Ship Date


Order Taking

(OF) Order Fulfillment

Order Entry and Scheduling

Manage Orders

Not Identified



(OF) Order Fulfillment

Order Entry and Scheduling

Manage Orders

Not Identified



(OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment

Order Entry and Scheduling Order Entry and Scheduling Order Entry and Scheduling Order Entry and Scheduling Order Entry and Scheduling Order Entry and Scheduling Order Entry and Scheduling Order Entry and Scheduling Order Entry and Scheduling

Manage Orders Manage Orders Manage Orders Manage Orders Manage Orders Manage Orders Manage Orders Manage Orders Manage Orders

Not Identified Not Identified Schedule Sales Order Ship Date Not Identified Schedule Sales Order Ship Date Not Identified Send Sales Order Acknowledgment Schedule Sales Order Ship Date Schedule Sales Order Ship Date


3 3 4 3 4 3 4 4 4

Security Order Taking Order Taking Exception Handling Order Taking Security Order Taking Order Taking Order Taking

(OF) Order Fulfillment

Order Entry and Scheduling

Manage Orders

Not Identified


Order Taking

(OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment

Order Entry and Scheduling Order Entry and Scheduling Order Entry and Scheduling Order Entry and Scheduling Order Entry and Scheduling Order Entry and Scheduling Order Entry and Scheduling Order Entry and Scheduling Order Entry and Scheduling Order Entry and Scheduling Order Entry and Scheduling Order Entry and Scheduling Order Entry and Scheduling

Manage Orders Manage Orders Manage Orders Manage Orders Manage Orders Manage Orders Manage Orders Manage Orders Manage Orders Manage Orders Manage Orders Manage Orders Manage Orders

Not Identified Not Identified Not Identified Not Identified Not Identified Not Identified Not Identified Not Identified Schedule Sales Order Ship Date Cancel/Change Sales Order Cancel/Change Sales Order Cancel/Change Sales Order Cancel/Change Sales Order


3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4

RFP Maintenance Exception Handling Maintenance RFP RFP RFP RFP Order Taking Sales Sales Sales Sales

131320756.xls.ms_office Page 131

RD.020 Business Process Questionnaire OBM Level I Type = Setup Metric Process Performance
Process,Setup Under what circumstances do you hold a booked order? What are the reasons for canceled orders? What are your policies and procedures about canceling orders? Which operations/processes do you want to eliminate for Order Fulfillment? Process Metric,Process Process Process Which operations/processes do you want to streamline for Order Fulfillment? Process Who is responsible for putting orders on hold? Who is responsible for removing order holds? Who is responsible for resolving credit issues with order holds? OM ALL OM,SE, INV OM OM OM,SE, INV OM,SE, INV OM,SE, INV OM,SE, INV OM OM OM, AR OM OM OM OM OM OM OM OM OM OM OM,SE, INV OM,INV OM OM OM 4 3 3 4 4 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 4 4 4 4 Exception Handling Security Manage Items Order Pricing Order Pricing Product Types Product Types Product Types Manage Items Order Pricing Order Pricing Pricing Formulas Order Pricing Order Pricing Order Pricing Order Pricing Order Pricing Order Pricing Do you discount in percent or dollar amounts? Do they vary per order? Order Pricing Formulas Discounting Manage Items Product Types Order Pricing Order Pricing Order Pricing Do customers order products by lot or serial no.? If so please elaborate on setup and processing. Do customers order products by revision level? If so please elaborate on setup and processing. Do customers reference their part numbers or yours? How and when are Customer part numbers referenced? Do use serial numbers to track items? Do you combine discounting conditions? If so please elaborate on setup and processing. Do you compute the average selling price of a product on a regular basis? If so please describe how the setup and process works. Do you create additional price lists in your business or customers? If so how many and how often? Do you define a formula to create a price relation? Do you discount by Customer class? If so please elaborate on setup and processing. Do you discount by Customer or Customer site? If so - please describe setup and process. Do you discount by order type? If so please elaborate on setup and processing. Do you discount by product/product line or product category? Do you discount by purchase order number? If so please elaborate on setup and processing. Do you discount by quantity? If so - please describe setup and process. Will there need to be terminal security for Order Fulfillment? If so please elaborate on setup and processing. Are you able to view all transactions associated with a given revision, serial number and/or lot? Can price list be overridden at time of order entry? Do customers have multiple price lists? Do you use best price pricing? Process Setup Process Setup Setup Process Process Process Process Setup Metric Setup & Process Setup Setup Setup Setup Setup Setup Setup Setup Do you dynamically calculate the price based on a single or complex formula? Please provide details on setup and calculation? Setup Do you give total order price breaks? If so are they for all items or selected? Setup Do you group and track items by lot? Why and how? Process Do you have a material catalogue? If so please elaborate on setup and processing. Do you have any items on a price list other than standard items? ie: service, warranty, packaging, etc? Do you have default price lists? If so please describe the setup and processing. Do you have GSA contracts that limit your commercial pricing? If so please describe the setup and processing. Do you have rules based pricing? (e.g. such as a matrix for computer product and CPU model) If so please describe how the setup and process works and provide an example. Do you have total order discounts? If so please elaborate on setup and processing. Do you maintain inter-company price lists? If so please elaborate on setup and processing. Do you price using formula based pricing? Please explain. Do you sell expiration dated material? If so please elaborate on setup and processing. Do you sell multiple units of measure for a single product? If so please elaborate on setup and processing. Do you tie currency code to price lists? Please explain and how many? Setup Setup Setup Setup Process Process

OBM Level II 4633 4634 4635 4636 4637 4638 4639 4640 4641 4642 4643 4644 4645 4646 4647 4648 4649 4650 4651 4652 4653 4654 4655 4656 4657 4658 4659 4660 4661 4662 4663 4664 4665 4666 4667 4668 4669 4670 4671 4672 4673 4674
(OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment Order Entry and Scheduling Order Entry and Scheduling Order Entry and Scheduling Order Entry and Scheduling Order Entry and Scheduling Order Entry and Scheduling Order Entry and Scheduling Order Entry and Scheduling Order Entry and Scheduling Order Entry and Scheduling Order Entry and Scheduling Order Entry and Scheduling Order Entry and Scheduling Order Entry and Scheduling Order Entry and Scheduling Order Entry and Scheduling Order Entry and Scheduling Order Entry and Scheduling Order Entry and Scheduling Order Entry and Scheduling Order Entry and Scheduling Order Entry and Scheduling Order Entry and Scheduling Order Entry and Scheduling Order Entry and Scheduling Order Entry and Scheduling Order Entry and Scheduling Order Entry and Scheduling Order Entry and Scheduling Order Entry and Scheduling Order Entry and Scheduling Order Entry and Scheduling Order Entry and Scheduling Order Entry and Scheduling Order Entry and Scheduling


Manage Orders Manage Orders Manage Orders Manage Orders Manage Orders Manage Orders Manage Orders Manage Orders Manage Orders Manage Orders Manage Products and Pricing Manage Products and Pricing Manage Products and Pricing Manage Products and Pricing Manage Products and Pricing Manage Products and Pricing Manage Products and Pricing Manage Products and Pricing Manage Products and Pricing Manage Products and Pricing Manage Products and Pricing Manage Products and Pricing Manage Products and Pricing Manage Products and Pricing Manage Products and Pricing Manage Products and Pricing Manage Products and Pricing Manage Products and Pricing Manage Products and Pricing Manage Products and Pricing Manage Products and Pricing Manage Products and Pricing Manage Products and Pricing Manage Products and Pricing Manage Products and Pricing

OBM Level IV
Not Identified Resolve Sales Order Holds Cancel/Change Sales Order Cancel/Change Sales Order Not Identified Not Identified Resolve Sales Order Holds Resolve Sales Order Holds Resolve Credit Holds on Sales Orders Not Identified Not Identified Maintain Price List Maintain Price List Not Identified Not Identified Not Identified Not Identified Maintain Price Discounts Maintain Price List Add Price List Maintain Price List Maintain Price Discounts Maintain Price Discounts Maintain Price Discounts Maintain Price Discounts Maintain Price Discounts Maintain Price Discounts Maintain Price Discounts Maintain Price List Maintain Price List Not Identified Maintain Price List Maintain Price List Maintain Price List Maintain GSA Prices


OBM Row No.

3 4 4 4 3 3 4 4

Order Taking Exception Handling Sales Sales Other Other Exception Handling Exception Handling

Process Analysis Questions

If applicable - how do you track discrepancies between Suppliers drop ships to customers and the customers original purchase order to you?

(OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment

Order Entry and Scheduling Order Entry and Scheduling Order Entry and Scheduling Order Entry and Scheduling Order Entry and Scheduling Order Entry and Scheduling Order Entry and Scheduling

Manage Products and Pricing Manage Products and Pricing Manage Products and Pricing Manage Products and Pricing Manage Products and Pricing Manage Products and Pricing Manage Products and Pricing

Maintain Price List Maintain Price Discounts Maintain Price List Maintain Price List Maintain Price List Maintain Price List Maintain Price List


4 4 4 4 4 4 4

Order Pricing Order Pricing Order Pricing Formulas Product Types Product Types Order Pricing

Setup Setup Metric,Setup Setup Setup Process Setup


Page 132

RD.020 Business Process Questionnaire OBM Level I Type = Setup Metric Process Performance
Process Setup Setup Setup,Process Setup Setup Do you use pricing formulas? Please explain how they are calculated? Setup Do you use standard item codes with default pricing and default accounting information? If so please elaborate on setup and the defaulting processes.

OBM Level II 4675 4676 4677 4678 4679 4680 4681 4682 4683 4684 4685 4686 4687 4688 4689 4690 4691 4692 4693 4694 4695 4696 4697 4698 4699 4700 4701 4702 4703 4704 4705
(OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment Order Entry and Scheduling Order Entry and Scheduling Order Entry and Scheduling Order Entry and Scheduling Order Entry and Scheduling Order Entry and Scheduling Order Entry and Scheduling


Manage Products and Pricing Manage Products and Pricing Manage Products and Pricing Manage Products and Pricing Manage Products and Pricing Manage Products and Pricing Manage Products and Pricing

OBM Level IV
Not Identified Maintain Supplementary Charge Codes Maintain Price List Not Identified Maintain Price List Maintain Price List Maintain Price List


OBM Row No.

3 4 4 3 4 4 4

Manage Items Order Pricing Product Types Manage Items Product Types Discounting Order Pricing

Process Analysis Questions

Do you track items by revision ? Do you use charge codes for orders or shipping that need to be added on the Customer order? Do you use container items (items that contain other items)? If so please elaborate on setup and usage. Do you use decimal quantities for units or items? Do you allow returns or orders in decimal quantities? Do you use load items (items that are loaded into a container)? If so please elaborate on setup and usage. Do you use price breaks by weight, volume, order quantity, or order value?

(OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment

Order Entry and Scheduling Order Entry and Scheduling Order Entry and Scheduling Order Entry and Scheduling Order Entry and Scheduling Order Entry and Scheduling Order Entry and Scheduling Order Entry and Scheduling Order Entry and Scheduling

Manage Products and Pricing Manage Products and Pricing Manage Products and Pricing Manage Products and Pricing Manage Products and Pricing Manage Products and Pricing Manage Products and Pricing Manage Products and Pricing Manage Products and Pricing

Maintain Price List Not Identified Maintain Price List Maintain Price List Maintain Price List Maintain Price List Maintain Price List Maintain Price List Not Identified


4 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 3

Sales Sales Order Pricing Invoicing Order Pricing Product Types Order Pricing Discounting Manage Items Is there a cross reference to the customer part number? If so please elaborate on setup and processing. If not - is there a manual cross reference? If so please elaborate on setup and processing. What are the units of measure you use when you order items? What default information do you use for price lists? What types of discounts do you use? Please provide a list of major categories and SASE examples. Who has access to update or add pricing item to the price list? How often and when are changes made to the price list? Will you be obtaining prices from sources external to Oracle Pricing via API connected to your custom code? Please elaborate in detail. Do you need to reserve items globally? Does your sales force have remote access to sales history, orders, and returns? Do you r customers have access to the same? How do you attach customers to price lists? How do you link the specific products/services that you sell, with general ledger accounts at Invoice Entry? How many active price lists do you have? How many valid order products do you have? How will you default tax codes and tax groups to orders and control override ability? If so how are your price breaks used and applied? If yes, then when are serial numbers assigned (at receipt, at shipment)?

Setup,Process Setup Setup Setup,Process Metric Metric Setup Setup Process

(OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment

Order Entry and Scheduling Order Entry and Scheduling Order Entry and Scheduling Order Entry and Scheduling Order Entry and Scheduling Order Entry and Scheduling Order Entry and Scheduling Order Entry and Scheduling Order Entry and Scheduling

Manage Products and Pricing Manage Products and Pricing Manage Products and Pricing Manage Products and Pricing Manage Products and Pricing Manage Products and Pricing Not Identified Not Identified Not Identified

Not Identified Not Identified Maintain Price List Maintain Price Discounts Add Price List Maintain Price List Not Identified Not Identified Not Identified


3 3 4 4 5 4 2 2 2

Product Types Manage Items Order Pricing Order Pricing Security Order Pricing ATP ATP ATP

Setup Setup,Process Setup Setup Setup & Process Setup

(OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment

Order Entry and Scheduling Order Entry and Scheduling Order Entry and Scheduling Order Entry and Scheduling Order Entry and Scheduling Order Entry and Scheduling

Setup Order Process Setup Order Process Setup Order Process Setup Order Process Setup Order Process Setup Order Process

Defines and maintain Order Types Maintain Delivery and Transport Codes Maintain Delivery and Transport Codes Maintain Delivery and Transport Codes Maintain Delivery and Transport Codes Setup and maintain Abnormal Demand Triggers and Actions


4 4 4 4 4 4

Order Types Transportation Transportation Transportation Transportation Other

4706 4707 4708

(OF) Order Fulfillment

Order Entry and Scheduling

Setup Order Process

Maintain Delivery and Transport Codes



(OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment

Order Entry and Scheduling Order Entry and Scheduling

Setup Order Process Setup Order Process

Maintain Marketing Territory Codes OM,AR Defines and maintain Order Types OM

4 4

Sales Order Types

4709 4710 4711 4712

(OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment

Order Entry and Scheduling Order Entry and Scheduling Order Entry and Scheduling Order Entry and Scheduling

Setup Order Process Setup Order Process Setup Order Process Setup Order Process

Define and Maintain Order Cycles Maintain Freight Carriers Maintain Delivery and Transport Codes Maintain Freight Carriers


4 4 4 4

Sales Transportation Transportation Transportation

Process Do you reserve items from other than the defaulted warehouse? Do you need to view other warehouses? Process How do you reserve item(s) for customers and orders? Please explain in detail. Process Are there any automatic holds, authorizations, or approvals that must occur? If so please provide a current list of holds, authorizations, or approvals by order type. Process Are they Based on transportation availability? Process Are they based on Customer due date? Process Are they based on inventory needs at your regional sites? Process Are they based on shipment to regional areas? Process Do you have any triggers or actions in your current system that would require customizations? Please explain in detail. Process Do you have custom international shipping documents? If so - please elaborate on setup and usage. Please provide SASE examples and identify what information is required on international shipping documents. Process Do you have sales representatives? How many? Please describe the assignment, storage, and maintenance process of sales representatives. Process,Metric Do you have specific procedures for the taking of each type of order? If so please provide a current procedures documents. Process Do you maintain mandatory and/or optional reviews in your orders cycle for credit risk, legal compliance, and/or other approvals? If so please identify all reviews, possible outcomes, and cycles where they exist. Process Do you manage international shipments or does your carrier provide that service? Process Do you need a Transportation Calendar by Customer, by supplier, by carrier? Setup Do you need volume and weight information when tendering a load? Process

131320756.xls.ms_office Page 133

RD.020 Business Process Questionnaire OBM Level I Type = Setup Metric Process Performance
Process Do you take international orders? If so please elaborate on setup and processing. Do you track non-revenue sales credits? If so - how does this process work and highlight any exceptions. Do you track Sales Territory Information? If so please explain how this process works. Do you use a Shipping Calendar or Carrier Calendar? Do you use blanket orders? If so please elaborate on setup and processing. Process Process Process Setup Process Do you use order notes for customers or Customer service? Please explain and give examples. Do you wish to receive quotes for loads via the Internet? Do you wish to record freight charges onto the Sales Orders at the time of shipment? Do you wish to tender a load with a carrier via the Internet? Does the Transportation Plan effect available to promise dates to customers? Does the Transportation Plan include Sales Order Shipments and Service Repairs and RMA shipments? How do you assign commissions? How do you breakup territory for sales? Setup & Process Process Process Process Process Process Process Process How do you generate shipping schedules? 4 4 4 Transportation Transportation Departure Planning Sales 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 4 Transportation How may shipments per month? Order Types If applicable, could one departure have several Customer destinations? OM, SE OM, SE OM, SE OM, SE OM, SE OM, SE OM, WF OM, SE OM OM ALL OM, WF Departure Planning Departure Planning Departure Planning Departure Planning Departure Planning Departure Planning Sales Transportation Order Types Order Types Security Sales Is there a different paper trail for each order type? If so please describe the paper trail and audit purpose, by order type. Is your order volume steady or seasonal? Please explain why. If your sales order cycle involves product shipment, how do you manage partial shipments and resulting backorders? Is a delivery schedule integral with your current business software? If applicable, how do sequence vehicle load ordering for lines within a delivery? If applicable, how do you assign scheduled shipment lines to planned departures? If applicable, how do you estimate the numbers of containers required for shipment? If applicable, how do you factor in vehicle capacity information into your departure planning? If applicable, how do you schedule vehicle departures? Process Process Process Process Process Process Setup,Process Setup Process How is Sales Territory Information for tracking purposes derived? (i.e. Customer, salesperson etc.) How is the Transportation Plan communicated internally? How do you manage your carriers? How do you sequence deliveries within a departure? OM, SE Process Process Process Performance Process Process

OBM Level II 4713 4714 4715 4716 4717 4718 4719 4720 4721 4722 4723 4724 4725 4726 4727 4728 4729 4730 4731 4732 4733 4734 4735 4736 4737 4738 4739 4740 4741 4742 4743 4744 4745
(OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment Order Entry and Scheduling Order Entry and Scheduling Order Entry and Scheduling Order Entry and Scheduling Order Entry and Scheduling Order Entry and Scheduling Order Entry and Scheduling Order Entry and Scheduling Order Entry and Scheduling Order Entry and Scheduling Order Entry and Scheduling Order Entry and Scheduling Order Entry and Scheduling Order Entry and Scheduling Order Entry and Scheduling Order Entry and Scheduling Order Entry and Scheduling Order Entry and Scheduling Order Entry and Scheduling Order Entry and Scheduling Order Entry and Scheduling Order Entry and Scheduling Order Entry and Scheduling Order Entry and Scheduling Order Entry and Scheduling Order Entry and Scheduling Order Entry and Scheduling Order Entry and Scheduling Order Entry and Scheduling Order Entry and Scheduling Order Entry and Scheduling Order Entry and Scheduling


Setup Order Process Setup Order Process Setup Order Process Setup Order Process Setup Order Process Setup Order Process Setup Order Process Setup Order Process Setup Order Process Setup Order Process Setup Order Process Setup Order Process Setup Order Process Setup Order Process Setup Order Process Setup Order Process Setup Order Process Setup Order Process Setup Order Process Setup Order Process Setup Order Process Setup Order Process Setup Order Process Setup Order Process Setup Order Process Setup Order Process Setup Order Process Setup Order Process Setup Order Process Setup Order Process Setup Order Process Setup Order Process

OBM Level IV
Maintain Delivery and Transport Codes Defines and maintain Order Types Not Identified


OBM Row No.

4 4 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4

Transportation Order Types Sales Sales Transportation Order Types Order Taking Transportation Transportation Transportation Transportation Transportation Sales Sales

Process Analysis Questions

Do you plan production based on Departures?

Maintain Marketing Territory Codes OM,AR Maintain Freight Carriers Defines and maintain Order Types Define and Maintain Order Notes Maintain Freight Carriers Maintain Delivery and Transport Codes Maintain Freight Carriers Maintain Delivery and Transport Codes Maintain Delivery and Transport Codes OM,SE OM OM, SE OM, INV OM, INV OM, INV OM, INV OM, INV

Maintain Marketing Territory Codes OM,AR Maintain Marketing Territory Codes OM,AR Maintain Delivery and Transport Codes OM, SE Maintain Freight Carriers Maintain Delivery and Transport Codes OM, INV

Maintain Marketing Territory Codes OM,AR Maintain Delivery and Transport Codes OM, INV Defines and maintain Order Types Maintain Delivery and Transport Codes Maintain Delivery and Transport Codes Maintain Delivery and Transport Codes Maintain Delivery and Transport Codes Maintain Delivery and Transport Codes Maintain Delivery and Transport Codes Define and Maintain Order Cycles Maintain Delivery and Transport Codes Defines and maintain Order Types Defines and maintain Order Types Not Identified Define and Maintain Order Cycles Maintain Delivery and Transport Codes OM

(OF) Order Fulfillment

Order Entry and Scheduling

Setup Order Process


Departure Planning

4746 4747 4748 4749 4750

(OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment

Order Entry and Scheduling Order Entry and Scheduling Order Entry and Scheduling Order Entry and Scheduling Order Entry and Scheduling

Setup Order Process Setup Order Process Setup Order Process Setup Order Process Setup Order Process

Maintain Delivery and Transport Codes Maintain Customer Service Hold Codes Define and Maintain Order Cycles Defines and maintain Order Types Not Identified


4 4 4 4 3

Delivery Planning Exception Handling Sales Order Types Documents

Performance Map each GL user to a menu structure. Will any new ones need to be created for Order Fulfillment? If so please explain why. Setup,Process Please identify any sales order cycle that involves product shipment? Please highlight any exceptions. Setup,Process To what extent do you plan shipment departures - where a departure consists of delivery lines that are scheduled to be shipped in a specific vehicle on a specific date and time? Process To what extent do you use delivery based shipping - where a delivery consists of a set of delivery lines that are scheduled to be shipped to a Customers ship to location in a specific vehicle on a specific date and time? Process What are the factors that can place orders on hold? Please decode and abbreviations and meanings you may have to a 'holds list'. Setup What are the milestones of your sales order cycle? Setup What are the required processing steps for each type of order? Setup What are the types of documents that you generate? Please provide a complete, current list, and samples of each. Process

131320756.xls.ms_office Page 134

RD.020 Business Process Questionnaire OBM Level I Type = Setup Metric Process Performance
Setup What do you like about your current order entry system? Process What is the average number lines per order by order type? Performance Do you promise configured orders based on a master schedule plan? If so please elaborate on how you meet requested date by setup and processing. Not Identified Not Identified Validate if Configured Order Review and Resolve Exceptions/Changes Set Up Options Set Up Rules OM, BOM,WIP OM OM,INV OM,INV OM,INV OM,INV 3 2 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 3 Product Types Product Types Product Types Product Types Product Types Product Types Product Types Product Types Product Types Product Types When is a configured order considered a committed order? (i.e. at order entry, booking, when ship date promised) Do you accept Customer configured sales orders? If so please elaborate on setup and processing. Do you give the Customer a ship date while on the phone? If so please elaborate on how you meet requested date by setup and processing. If you process configured orders - do you attempt to reserve new sales order configurations to existing item master configurations? If you process configured orders, do you attempt to match a new sales order configuration to an existing configuration already in your item master? What percent of all orders are configured? Not Identified Setup and Maintain Price Promotions Setup and Maintain Price Promotions Setup and Maintain Price Promotions Setup and Maintain Price Promotions Setup and Maintain Price Promotions Setup and Maintain Price Promotions Setup and Maintain Price Promotions Setup and Maintain Price Promotions Setup and Maintain Price Promotions Setup and Maintain Price Promotions Setup and Maintain Price Promotions Setup and Maintain Price Promotions Setup and Maintain Price Promotions Setup and Maintain Price Promotions Setup and Maintain Price Promotions Setup and Maintain Price Promotions Setup and Maintain Price Promotions Setup and Maintain Price Promotions Setup and Maintain Price Promotions OM QP QP QP QP QP,AR QP QP QP, AR QP, AR QP QP QP, AR QP QP QP QP QP QP QP 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 Product Types Reports Price Lists Do you use an item hierarchy for the promotional price list ? Price Lists Do you use or require pricing reports? If so what type and format do you use? Reports Do your payment terms change during a promotion? If so please explain. Payment Terms Do your promotion dates change during a promotion? If so please explain. Promotions Dates How do you account for and process free goods? Free Goods How do you manage customer accrual dollars? Accruals How do you pay out customer accrual dollars? How often? Accruals Coupons Pricing Breaks Reports Security Pricing Attribute Who will maintain the pricing breaks? Pricing Breaks Who will maintain the pricing modifiers? Pricing Modifiers Who will maintain the pricing qualifiers? Pricing Qualifier Pricing Attribute Pricing Modifiers Process Will you have a need to change or add the pricing attributes during a effective promotion? Please explain. Setup Will you have a need to change or add the pricing modifiers during a effective promotion? Please explain. Setup Process Process How do you process Coupons? Is there a collection method for these coupons? Please explain. How often do you need to change or add the pricing breaks? For a promotion? Please explain. What historical reporting is required for promotions? If so how is this promotion history captured? What type of security is needed for pricing, promotions and discounting? Who maintains the promotional updates? Who will maintain the pricing attributes? Process Process Process Process, Setup Process, Setup Process Process Process Process Process Process, Setup Setup Are there any type of custom pricing reports you use? If so please elaborate with examples. Do you have items that are promotional items only? If so please explain. Metric Process, Setup Process Do you have documentation that is required to accompany the configured item(s) on the order? How do you check Available to Promise for configured orders? Who and how do you review or resolve exceptions or changes on configured orders? Do you have a special price list for configured products? If so - how does it differ and please provide a sample. Do you have constraint or specific rules for configuration orders? Do you accept configured sales orders? If so please elaborate on setup and processing. Do you have a validation process for configured orders? Process Setup Process Process Process Process Setup Process Process Process

OBM Level II 4751 4752 4753 4754 4755 4756 4757 4758 4759 4760 4761 4762 4763 4764 4765 4766 4767 4768 4769 4770 4771 4772 4773 4774 4775 4776 4777 4778 4779 4780 4781 4782 4783 4784 4785 4786
(OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment Order Entry and Scheduling Order Entry and Scheduling Order Entry and Scheduling Order Specification and Configuration Setup Order Specification and Configuration Setup Order Specification and Configuration Setup Order Specification and Configuration Setup Order Specification and Configuration Setup Order Specification and Configuration Setup Order Specification and Configuration Setup Order Specification and Configuration Setup Order Specification and Configuration Setup Order Specification and Configuration Setup


Setup Order Process Setup Order Process Setup Order Process Generate Order Specification/Configuration to Bas Not Identified Review and Resolve Exceptions Review and Resolve Exceptions Setup Order Specification and Configuration Setup Order Specification and Configuration Setup Order Specification and Configuration Setup Order Specification and Configuration Setup Order Specification and Configuration Specify and Configure Order

OBM Level IV
Defines and maintain Order Types Defines and maintain Order Types Defines and maintain Order Types


OBM Row No.

4 4 4

Order Types Order Types Order Types

Process Analysis Questions

What are the types of orders that you process? (i.e. goods, services, returns) Please provide a categorized list of all order types.

(OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment

Submit Sales Order Documentation OM,INV Set Up Options Not Identified Not Identified OM,INV OM, BOM,WIP OM

(OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment

Order Specification and Configuration Setup Specify and Configure Order Order Specification and Configuration Setup Specify and Configure Order Order Specification and Configuration Setup Specify and Configure Order Order Specification and Configuration Setup Specify and Configure Order Order Entry and Scheduling Order Entry and Scheduling Order Entry and Scheduling Order Entry and Scheduling Order Entry and Scheduling Order Entry and Scheduling Order Entry and Scheduling Order Entry and Scheduling Order Entry and Scheduling Order Entry and Scheduling Order Entry and Scheduling Order Entry and Scheduling Order Entry and Scheduling Order Entry and Scheduling Order Entry and Scheduling Order Entry and Scheduling Order Entry and Scheduling Order Entry and Scheduling Order Entry and Scheduling Manage Products and Pricing Manage Products and Pricing Manage Products and Pricing Manage Products and Pricing Manage Products and Pricing Manage Products and Pricing Manage Products and Pricing Manage Products and Pricing Manage Products and Pricing Manage Products and Pricing Manage Products and Pricing Manage Products and Pricing Manage Products and Pricing Manage Products and Pricing Manage Products and Pricing Manage Products and Pricing Manage Products and Pricing Manage Products and Pricing Manage Products and Pricing

Not Identified Not Identified


3 3

Product Types Product Types

Process Process

(OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment

Not Identified


Product Types


131320756.xls.ms_office Page 135

RD.020 Business Process Questionnaire OBM Level I Type = Setup Metric Process Performance
Setup Setup Setup Setup Setup Setup Setup Setup Setup Setup Setup

OBM Level II 4787 4788 4789 4790 4791 4792 4793 4794 4795 4796 4797 4798 4799 4800 4801 4802 4803 4804 4805 4806 4807 4808 4809 4810 4811 4812 4813 4814 4815 4816 4817 4818 4819 4820 4821 4822 4823 4824 4825 4826 4827 4828
(OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment Order Entry and Scheduling Order Entry and Scheduling Order Entry and Scheduling Order Entry and Scheduling Order Entry and Scheduling Order Entry and Scheduling Order Entry and Scheduling Order Entry and Scheduling Order Entry and Scheduling Order Entry and Scheduling Order Entry and Scheduling


Manage Products and Pricing Setup Order Process Setup Order Process Setup Order Process Setup Order Process Setup Order Process Setup Order Process Setup Order Process Setup Order Process Setup Order Process Setup Order Process

OBM Level IV
Setup and Maintain Price Promotions Setup and Maintain Promotions Setup and Maintain Promotions Setup and Maintain Promotions Setup and Maintain Promotions Setup and Maintain Promotions Setup and Maintain Promotions Setup and Maintain Promotions Setup and Maintain Promotions Setup and Maintain Promotions Setup and Maintain Promotions


OBM Row No.

4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4

Pricing Qualifier Price Lists Pricing Attribute Coupons Pricing Modifiers Pricing Modifiers Pricing Modifiers Pricing Qualifier Pricing Attribute Pricing Modifiers Price Lists

Process Analysis Questions

Will you have a need to change or add the pricing qualifiers during a effective promotion? Please explain. Are there any Oracle CRM applications that will need promotion pricing in addition to Order Management Pricing? Please explain Are there any other pricing attributes that will be used for pricing? Please explain. Do you accept coupons on an customer order? If so how much of the coupon do you apply? Do you create cascading modifiers? Do you create eligibility rules for modifiers by assigning list or line level qualifiers? Do you create exclusive modifiers? Do you currently use some form of eligibility qualifiers for pricing? Do you currently use some form of pricing attributes for pricing? Do you currently use some form of pricing modifiers for pricing? Do you define a listing of predefined lookup types and associated values for pricing? Do you ever add additional item(s) to the promotion while the promotion is in effect? If so how often and how is it applied for effectively within the promotion? Do you have different payment terms that are attached to promotions? If so please explain. Do you have separate price lists for promotions? If so how many? Do you mark discounts exclusive or incompatible to each other? Do you match effectively dates for promotional discounting? Please explain.

(OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment

Order Entry and Scheduling Order Entry and Scheduling Order Entry and Scheduling Order Entry and Scheduling Order Entry and Scheduling Order Entry and Scheduling Order Entry and Scheduling Order Entry and Scheduling Order Entry and Scheduling Order Entry and Scheduling Order Entry and Scheduling Order Entry and Scheduling Order Entry and Scheduling Order Entry and Scheduling Order Entry and Scheduling Order Entry and Scheduling

Setup Order Process Setup Order Process Setup Order Process Setup Order Process Setup Order Process Setup Order Process Setup Order Process Setup Order Process Setup Order Process Setup Order Process Setup Order Process Setup Order Process Setup Order Process Setup Order Process Setup Order Process Setup Order Process

Setup and Maintain Promotions Setup and Maintain Promotions Setup and Maintain Promotions Setup and Maintain Promotions Setup and Maintain Promotions Setup and Maintain Promotions Setup and Maintain Promotions Setup and Maintain Promotions Setup and Maintain Promotions Setup and Maintain Promotions Setup and Maintain Promotions Setup and Maintain Promotions Setup and Maintain Promotions Setup and Maintain Promotions Setup and Maintain Promotions Setup and Maintain Promotions


4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4

Price Lists Payment Terms Price Lists Pricing Breaks Pricing Modifiers Coupons Free Goods Pricing Modifiers Free Goods Coupons Pricing Modifiers Deals & Accruals Pricing Modifiers Deals & Accruals Price Lists Pricing Breaks

Process, Setup Setup Setup Setup

Setup Do you offer a coupon(s) for future pricing discounts when specific item(s) are ordered? Setup Do you offer buy one get one type of free goods? If so please explain how they are applied. Setup Do you offer discounts as well as surcharges for pricing modifiers? Setup Do you offer free goods? How does your free goods get applied to the order line? Setup Do you offer gift certificates? If so how do you process them on a promotional order? Setup Do you offer item upgrades or item replacements for a specific item ordered? Please Explain. Setup Do you offer multiple deals for the same customer/order? Please explain and also how this is achieved? Setup Do you offer other item discounts when specific item(s) are ordered? Setup Do you use deals for specific or groups of customers in pricing? Setup Do you use negative promotional pricing? Please explain in detail how this is used. Do you use pricing breaks? How do you apply them? Do you use terms upgrades based on customer items ordered where by upgrading payments, shipping or freight terms? Please explain? Setup Setup

(OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment

Order Entry and Scheduling Order Entry and Scheduling Order Entry and Scheduling Order Entry and Scheduling Order Entry and Scheduling Order Entry and Scheduling Order Entry and Scheduling Order Entry and Scheduling Order Entry and Scheduling Order Entry and Scheduling Order Entry and Scheduling Order Entry and Scheduling Order Entry and Scheduling Order Entry and Scheduling Order Entry and Scheduling

Setup Order Process Setup Order Process Setup Order Process Setup Order Process Setup Order Process Setup Order Process Setup Order Process Setup Order Process Setup Order Process Setup Order Process Setup Order Process Setup Order Process Setup Order Process Setup Order Process Setup Order Process

Setup and Maintain Promotions Setup and Maintain Promotions Setup and Maintain Promotions Setup and Maintain Promotions Setup and Maintain Promotions Setup and Maintain Promotions Setup and Maintain Promotions Setup and Maintain Promotions Setup and Maintain Promotions Setup and Maintain Promotions Setup and Maintain Promotions Setup and Maintain Promotions Setup and Maintain Promotions Setup and Maintain Promotions Setup and Maintain Promotions


4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4

Payment Terms Coupons Promotions Dates Price Lists Price Lists Price Lists Price Lists Pricing Attribute Price Lists Deals & Accruals Price Lists Price Lists Pricing Modifiers Pricing Qualifier Pricing Modifiers Will you be using N-Dimensional pricing to discount in promotions? Please explain. Will you need to setup profile classes for customer promotional pricing? Please explain. Will you use add promotional goods to a customer order and adjust pricing when a customer orders specific item(s)? Will you use customer classes or specific customer groups for eligibility qualifiers? Will you use multiple modifier types in discounting a customer order? How is the coupon validated for discounting a promotion? How long do your promotions run for? Do your promotions dates overlay with other promotions? How will the promotion price list be determined? Are there any exceptions to the rules applied here? What currencies will be used for pricing promotions? Are the price lists setup for this currency now? What event phases need to be mapped for pricing and discounting? Are there any restrictions? Please explain. What system sourcing will be used for promotion pricing? Please elaborate if other than Oracle Pricing. Will pricing attribute sourcing rules will be used? Please explain how these rules apply? Will the pricing/promotions be applicable to the entire organization or to one operating unit? Will you be creating monetary or non-monetary promotional accruals?

Setup Setup Setup Setup Setup Setup Setup Setup Setup Setup Setup Setup Setup Setup Setup

131320756.xls.ms_office Page 136

RD.020 Business Process Questionnaire OBM Level I Type = Setup Metric Process Performance
Setup Setup Setup Setup Setup Setup How do you track market demand for your products? Collection/Analysis Do you have regional market demand? Collection/Analysis Do you use historical demand to assist the forecasting process? INV, MPS, OM Web Customers Demand Planning, OM Demand Planning, OM Demand Planning, OM Demand Planning, OM Demand Planning, OM Demand Planning, OM Demand Planning, OM Demand Planning, OM Demand Planning, OM Demand Planning, OM Demand Planning, OM APS, SCP, MPS/MRP APS, SCP, MPS/MRP APS, SCP, MPS/MRP APS, SCP, MPS/MRP APS, SCP, MPS/MRP APS, SCP, MPS/MRP APS, SCP, MPS/MRP APS, Demand Planning, SCP, MPS/MRP MPS MPS 1006 1006 1006 1006 1006 1006 10 10 10 10 10 10 Collection/Analysis Collection/Analysis Demand Forecast Do you create a forecast for each demand source? Demand Forecast Collection/Analysis Collection/Analysis Process Do you use formal methods and/or PC based tools to assist the forecasting process? Process Do you use different forecasting techniques for different sources of demand? Process Do you use any of the following forecasting techniques? Exponential smoothing? Hot-Winters? Seasonal adjustments? Trend Lines? Best-fit model? Process Do you have seasonal or highly variable demand? Process Do you create multiple forecasting scenarios? Sales Forecast, Marketing Forecast, Budget, Constrained vs. Unconstrained? Process Do you consolidate forecasts for production? Process Do you create forecast reconciliation by generating aggregate forecasts from detailed forecasts? Process Do you create forecast reconciliation by generating detailed forecasts from aggregate forecasts? Process Do you forecast in multiple units of measure? (DFUs) Process Do you forecast by product family or by configuration model or by item or in some combination? Process Do you forecast end item and/or spares demand? Process Do you forecast configured products? Process Do you group demand forecasts for planning or consumption or order promising purposes? Setup Do you separate your demand forecast from the forecast used to drive production? Process How many and on what level for an item do you forecast on a weekly basis? Monthly basis? Performance What is the forecast system processing time during the peak forecast period? Performance How do you maintain your Forecasting data? Process How long does the typical forecast cycle take (from source to consolidation of forecast)? Metric What types of drivers would cause forecast changes and adjustments? Process Do you track forecast accuracy, and change your plans accordingly? Performance Where is the last point in the current system that allows you to change forecasts? Do you drive near term production from sales orders and/or forecasts? Process Do you collaborate with your customers to allow them to enter, via the web, their own forecasts? What are your forecast demand sources? Process Process Process Process Process

OBM Level II 4829 4830 4831 4832 4833 4834 4835 4836 4837 4838 4839 4840 4841 4842 4843 4844 4845 4846 4847 4848 4849 4850 4851 4852 4853 4854 4855 4856 4857 4858 4859 4860 4861 4862 4863 4864 4865
(OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment (OF) Order Fulfillment Order Entry and Scheduling Order Entry and Scheduling Order Entry and Scheduling Order Entry and Scheduling Order Entry and Scheduling Order Entry and Scheduling


Setup Order Process Setup Order Process Setup Order Process Setup Order Process Setup Order Process Setup Order Process Manage Forecasts Manage Forecasts Manage Forecasts Manage Forecasts Manage Forecasts Manage Forecasts Manage Forecasts Manage Forecasts

OBM Level IV
Setup and Maintain Promotions Setup and Maintain Promotions Setup and Maintain Promotions Setup and Maintain Promotions Setup and Maintain Promotions Setup and Maintain Promotions Generate Updated Forecast Identify and Establish Policies Generate and Setup Forecasting System Identify and Establish Policies Identify and Establish Policies Conduct Sales and Operational Planning Conduct Sales and Operational Planning Conduct Sales and Operational Planning Conduct Sales and Operational Planning Conduct Sales and Operational Planning Conduct Sales and Operational Planning Conduct Sales and Operational Planning Define and Setup Forecasting System Define and Setup Forecasting System Define and Setup Forecasting System Define and Setup Forecasting System Define and Setup Forecasting System Define and Setup Forecasting System Conduct Sales and Operational Planning Conduct Sales and Operational Planning Identify and Establish Policies Identify and Establish Policies


OBM Row No.

4 4 4 4 4 4

Pricing Qualifier Pricing Qualifier Pricing Qualifier Pricing Breaks Pricing Qualifier

Process Analysis Questions

Will you use order amounts or line volumes for eligibility qualifiers? Will you use Order Types, Shipment Date, or Line Type as a predefined eligibility qualifier?? Will you use Payment Term, Freight Term, or Shipping Terms, as a predefined eligibility qualifier? Will you use price breaks to discount or surcharge price adjustment or benefit when a customer orders one or more specific item(s)? Will you use specific customers, Bill-To, or Sales Channel as a predefined eligibility qualifier?

(PF) Planning and Forecasting Demand Management (PF) Planning and Forecasting Demand Management (PF) Planning and Forecasting Demand Management (PF) Planning and Forecasting Demand Management (PF) Planning and Forecasting Demand Management (PF) Planning and Forecasting Demand Management (PF) Planning and Forecasting Demand Management (PF) Planning and Forecasting Demand Management

1006 1006

10 10

(PF) Planning and Forecasting Demand Management (PF) Planning and Forecasting Demand Management

Manage Forecasts Manage Forecasts

1006 1006

10 10

Collection/Analysis Collection/Analysis

(PF) Planning and Forecasting Demand Management (PF) Planning and Forecasting Demand Management (PF) Planning and Forecasting Demand Management (PF) Planning and Forecasting Demand Management (PF) Planning and Forecasting Demand Management (PF) Planning and Forecasting Demand Management (PF) Planning and Forecasting Demand Management (PF) Planning and Forecasting Demand Management (PF) Planning and Forecasting Demand Management (PF) Planning and Forecasting Demand Management (PF) Planning and Forecasting Demand Management (PF) Planning and Forecasting Demand Management

Manage Forecasts Manage Forecasts Manage Forecasts Manage Forecasts Manage Forecasts Manage Forecasts Manage Forecasts Manage Forecasts Manage Forecasts Manage Forecasts Manage Forecasts Manage Forecasts

1006 1006 1006 1006 1006 1006 1006 1006 1006 1006 1006 1006

10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10

Collection/Analysis Collection/Analysis Collection/Analysis Collection/Analysis Demand Forecast Forecast Level Forecast Level Forecast Level Demand Forecast Demand Forecast Forecast Level Maintenance

(PF) Planning and Forecasting Demand Management (PF) Planning and Forecasting Demand Management (PF) Planning and Forecasting Demand Management

Manage Forecasts Manage Forecasts Manage Forecasts

Identify and Establish Policies Issue Forecast Generate Performance Measures

1006 1006 1006

10 10 10

Maintenance Maintenance Maintenance Generate Performance Measures Demand Forecast Demand Forecast Demand Forecast Demand Forecast Demand Forecast

(PF) Planning and Forecasting Demand Management (PF) Planning and Forecasting Demand Management (PF) Planning and Forecasting Demand Management (PF) Planning and Forecasting Demand Management (PF) Planning and Forecasting Demand Management (PF) Planning and Forecasting Demand Management

Manage Forecasts Manage Forecasts Manage Forecasts Manage Forecasts Manage Forecasts Manage Forecasts

Generate Performance Measures Review Forecast Conduct Sales and Operational Planning Conduct Sales and Operational Planning Conduct Sales and Operational Planning Conduct Sales and Operational Planning


1006 1006 1006 1006 1006 1006

10 10 10 10 10 10

Process Do you stock material to respond to seasonal or highly variable demand? I.e. forecast inaccuracy Process How quickly can you respond to rapid demand changes without adding safety stock? Process Do you keep extra capacity available because of demand fluctuations? I.e.; forecast inaccuracy Process

131320756.xls.ms_office Page 137

RD.020 Business Process Questionnaire OBM Level I Type = Setup Metric Process Performance

OBM Level II 4866 4867 4868 4869 4870 4871 4872 4873 4874 4875 4876 4877 4878 4879 4880 4881 4882 4883 4884 4885 4886 4887 4888 4889 4890 4891 4892 4893 4894 4895 4896 4897 4898 4899 4900
(PF) Planning and Forecasting Demand Management


Manage Forecasts

OBM Level IV
Conduct Sales and Operational Planning Conduct Sales and Operational Planning Identify and Establish Policies Identify and Establish Policies Identify and Establish Policies Conduct Sales and Operational Planning Conduct Sales and Operational Planning

SS Web Apps

OBM Row No.



Demand Forecast

Process Analysis Questions

To reduce forecast uncertainty, do you intend to collaborate, by sharing information, with your trading partners? Forecasts from Customers and supply commitments from your Suppliers?

(PF) Planning and Forecasting Demand Management (PF) Planning and Forecasting Demand Management (PF) Planning and Forecasting Demand Management (PF) Planning and Forecasting Demand Management (PF) Planning and Forecasting Demand Management (PF) Planning and Forecasting Demand Management

Manage Forecasts Manage Forecasts Manage Forecasts Manage Forecasts Manage Forecasts Manage Forecasts



10 10 10 10 11 11

Demand Forecast Operations Operations Operations Forecasting Forecasting Generate Performance Measures Reporting Reporting

Not module specific 1006 Not module specific 1006 Not module specific 1006 MRP MRP BIS, Demand Planning 1006 1006

Process How often do you have to change materials to respond to changes on demand? (For example, if you are in the clothing business, change from wool to cotton). Process Which operations/processes do you want to streamline for Forecasting? Process Which operations/processes do you want to eliminate for Forecasting? Process Are there any time-intensive Forecasting operations/processes that need to be addressed? Process Do you manipulate forecasts and automatically turn them into the MPS? Describe your techniques. Process How long does the MPS take to finalize? Metric What business performance statistics do you monitor for Forecasting? Process What are your Forecasting reporting requirements with respect to functional vs. foreign currencies? Setup, Process What are your Forecasting reporting requirements with respect to summary or detail formats? Obtain report listing. Setup, Process What reports do you currently generate to meet your Forecasting reporting requirements? Provide examples of each. Include source (could be manual), user, frequency, number of copies. SETup, Process Is there any Forecasting reporting requirement that your current set of reports does not meet? Setup Are Forecasting reports standard across multiple Manufacturing sites, for example, subsidiaries? Setup Are Forecasting reports standard across multiple levels within Manufacturing sites, i e., divisions? Setup What information is needed i e., actual sales orders, are required on Forecasting reports? Setup Do you provide a "key" of content/information somewhere on the Forecasting report? Setup What Forecasting reports are grouped together on a regular basis and printed in one print run? SETup, Process Who receives a copy of the Forecasting reports? Process What is the criteria for determining who should receive a copy of any Forecasting report? Process How do you update a Forecasting reports distribution list? Process Is the process to update a Forecasting reports distribution list documented? Process How long does it take to update a Forecasting reports distribution list? Process How long should it take to update a Forecasting reports distribution list? Process Who performs the tasks associated with updating a Forecasting reports distribution list? Process Is there any requirement for on-line (softcopy) distribution and/or remote location printing for Forecasting reports? SETup, Process Do some of these Forecasting reports belong in report sets? Always being run together? Setup Do the separate business units run their own Forecasting reports? Process, Performance What type of printers do you run Forecasting reports (including checks, SETup, purchase orders etc.) on? Where are they located? Performance Do you run Forecasting reports by sales channel, by production site, by product family? Process Do you have security requirements on who can enter data for Forecasting? (e.g. by planner, by production site, by corporate site?) Process Do you have security reports on who can run Forecasting reports? (by planner, by production site, by corporate site?) SETup, Process Will there need to be terminal security for Forecasting? Setup Do you run security reports on a regular basis for Forecasting? Process Do you have documentation on your current system security requirements for Forecasting? Process Map each GL user to a menu structure. Will any new ones need to be created for Forecasting? SETup, Process

(PF) Planning and Forecasting Demand Management (PF) Planning and Forecasting Demand Management (PF) Planning and Forecasting Demand Management

Manage Forecasts Manage Forecasts Manage Forecasts

Generate Performance Measures Identify and Establish Policies Identify and Establish Policies


10 10 10

Not module specific 1006 Not module specific 1006

(PF) Planning and Forecasting Demand Management (PF) Planning and Forecasting Demand Management (PF) Planning and Forecasting Demand Management (PF) Planning and Forecasting Demand Management (PF) Planning and Forecasting Demand Management (PF) Planning and Forecasting Demand Management (PF) Planning and Forecasting Demand Management (PF) Planning and Forecasting Demand Management (PF) Planning and Forecasting Demand Management (PF) Planning and Forecasting Demand Management (PF) Planning and Forecasting Demand Management (PF) Planning and Forecasting Demand Management (PF) Planning and Forecasting Demand Management (PF) Planning and Forecasting Demand Management (PF) Planning and Forecasting Demand Management (PF) Planning and Forecasting Demand Management (PF) Planning and Forecasting Demand Management (PF) Planning and Forecasting Demand Management (PF) Planning and Forecasting Demand Management

Manage Forecasts Manage Forecasts Manage Forecasts Manage Forecasts Manage Forecasts Manage Forecasts Manage Forecasts Manage Forecasts Manage Forecasts Manage Forecasts Manage Forecasts Manage Forecasts Manage Forecasts Manage Forecasts Manage Forecasts Manage Forecasts Manage Forecasts Manage Forecasts Manage Forecasts

Identify and Establish Policies Identify and Establish Policies Identify and Establish Policies Identify and Establish Policies Identify and Establish Policies Identify and Establish Policies Identify and Establish Policies Identify and Establish Policies Identify and Establish Policies Identify and Establish Policies Identify and Establish Policies Identify and Establish Policies Identify and Establish Policies Identify and Establish Policies Identify and Establish Policies Identify and Establish Policies Identify and Establish Policies Identify and Establish Policies Identify and Establish Policies

Not module specific 1006 Not module specific 1006 Not module specific 1006 Not module specific 1006 Not module specific 1006 Not module specific 1006 Not module specific 1006 Not module specific 1006 Not module specific 1006 Not module specific 1006 Not module specific 1006 Not module specific 1006 Not module specific 1006 Not module specific 1006 Not module specific 1006 Not module specific 1006 ALL 1006

10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10

Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting

Not module specific 1006 Not module specific 1006

(PF) Planning and Forecasting Demand Management (PF) Planning and Forecasting Demand Management (PF) Planning and Forecasting Demand Management (PF) Planning and Forecasting Demand Management (PF) Planning and Forecasting Demand Management (PF) Planning and Forecasting Demand Management

Manage Forecasts Manage Forecasts Manage Forecasts Manage Forecasts Manage Forecasts Manage Forecasts

Identify and Establish Policies Identify and Establish Policies Identify and Establish Policies Identify and Establish Policies Identify and Establish Policies Generate and Setup Forecasting System

Not module specific 1006 Not module specific 1006 Not module specific 1006 Not module specific 1006 Not module specific 1006 Not module specific 1006

10 10 10 10 10 10

Security Security Security Security Security Security

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RD.020 Business Process Questionnaire OBM Level I Type = Setup Metric Process Performance
Performance Metric Do you pick to order ? Plan DRP Plan DRP Plan DRP Plan DRP Plan Production Materials Print Shop Packets Print Shop Packets Release Production Schedule Release Production Schedule Release Production Schedule Set Policies & Parameters Set Policies & Parameters not identified Plan DRP Plan DRP Plan DRP Plan DRP Plan DRP Plan DRP Plan DRP Plan DRP Plan DRP Plan DRP Plan DRP Plan DRP Plan DRP Plan DRP Plan DRP Plan DRP Plan DRP Plan DRP Plan DRP Plan DRP Plan DRP Plan DRP Plan DRP Set DRP Policies & Parameters Set DRP Policies & Parameters Set DRP Policies & Parameters Set DRP Policies & Parameters Set Material Planning Policies & Parameters Set Material Planning Policies & Parameters Set Material Planning Policies & Parameters Set Material Planning Policies & Parameters Set Material Planning Policies & Parameters Set Material Planning Policies & Parameters Set Material Planning Policies & Parameters Set Material Planning Policies & Parameters Not identified Set DRP Policies & Parameters Set DRP Policies & Parameters Set DRP Policies & Parameters Set DRP Policies & Parameters Set DRP Policies & Parameters Set DRP Policies & Parameters Set DRP Policies & Parameters Set DRP Policies & Parameters Set DRP Policies & Parameters Set DRP Policies & Parameters Set DRP Policies & Parameters Set DRP Policies & Parameters Set DRP Policies & Parameters Set DRP Policies & Parameters Set DRP Policies & Parameters Set DRP Policies & Parameters Set DRP Policies & Parameters Generate Replenishment Orders Generate Replenishment Orders Generate Replenishment Orders Generate Replenishment Orders Generate Replenishment Orders Generate Replenishment Orders INV MPS WIP APS, SCP MRP, WIP MRP MRP MRP MRP, PO, WIP MRP, PO MRP, WIP MRP NS INV 1043 1043 1043 1043 1026 924 1022 12 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 11 11 11 11 1022 1022 1022 1022 1043 22 22 22 22 11 Material Planning Do you maintain a delivery schedule to your regions or to your sites? Material Planning Material Planning Material Planning WO & PO Release Operations Operations WO & PO Release WO & PO Release WO & PO Release WO & PO Release Planning Production Type Distribution Network Distribution Network Distribution Network Distribution Network Distribution Network Distribution Network Distribution Network Distribution Network Distribution Network Distribution Network Distribution Network Distribution Network Distribution Network Distribution Network Distribution Network Distribution Network Distribution Network Inter-warehouse Fulfillment Inter-warehouse Fulfillment Inter-warehouse Fulfillment Inter-warehouse Fulfillment Inter-warehouse Fulfillment Inter-warehouse Fulfillment Process Do you build to the delivery schedule to each region? (That is, build to a truck schedule). Process Do you plan to include DRP requirements in a global material and capacity plan? (I.e.; plan the entire supply chain?) Process Do you have just-in-time needs for purchasing or production? Setup Are you required to Print Shop floor packets? If so what is the basis of the requirement? Process Do you retain shop floor documentation( the hard copies) after production is completed? If so, for how long? Process How often do you launch work orders or purchase orders? Setup Do you automatically generate and confirm released workorders and purchase orders? Process Do you autorelease to suppliers based on the material plan? Process Do shortages play a major role in scheduling and launching work orders? Do you 'kit short' shop orders? Process Do you need delivery dates quoted real time? Do you use available to promise routines? Performance Do you use flow manufacturing? Setup Do you have warehouses and manufacturing organizations in different geographic locations? Setup Are these locations regionalized? Are virtual locations needed? Setup Do you manufacture or perform any value-added functions at your remote sites? Process Do you maintain service locations? Setup Do you differentiate service locations from warehouse and manufacturing sites? Setup Do you maintain products at multiple sites? Process Do you have a central engineering design center that supports multiple sites? Setup Is there a central item maintenance function? If Yes where is it located? Setup Do you manufacture the same product at multiple sites? Process Do you have central planning and purchasing functions? Process Do you have central purchasing contract negotiations, but decentralized purchasing functions? Process How do you cost and value inventory at each of the sites? Setup Do you ship products between sites? Process Do you drop-ship from your remote sites to customers? Process Do you consolidate customer shipments? Process Do you ship from a main finished goods site? Process Do you track on-time deliveries at each site? Metric Do you use an internal requisition system? Process Do you use sales orders to ship against warehouse purchase orders? Process Do you differentiate shipments to and from your warehouses from shipments to outside customers? Setup Do you use a min-max inventory replenishment system? Process Do you use DRP Replenishment orders? Process Do you use EDI technology to see demand from remote sites? The Internet? Process

OBM Level II 4901 4902 4903 4904 4905 4906 4907 4908 4909 4910 4911 4912 4913 4914 4915 4916 4917 4918 4919 4920 4921 4922 4923 4924 4925 4926 4927 4928 4929 4930 4931 4932 4933 4934 4935 4936 4937 4938
(PF) Planning and Forecasting Demand Management Distribution and Production (PF) Planning and Forecasting Schedules Distribution and Production (PF) Planning and Forecasting Schedules Distribution and Production (PF) Planning and Forecasting Schedules Distribution and Production (PF) Planning and Forecasting Schedules Distribution and Production (PF) Planning and Forecasting Schedules Distribution and Production (PF) Planning and Forecasting Schedules Distribution and Production (PF) Planning and Forecasting Schedules Distribution and Production (PF) Planning and Forecasting Schedules Distribution and Production (PF) Planning and Forecasting Schedules Distribution and Production (PF) Planning and Forecasting Schedules Distribution and Production (PF) Planning and Forecasting Schedules Distribution and Production (PF) Planning and Forecasting Schedules Distribution and Production (PF) Planning and Forecasting Schedules (PF) Planning and Forecasting Distribution Resources Plan (PF) Planning and Forecasting Distribution Resources Plan (PF) Planning and Forecasting Distribution Resources Plan (PF) Planning and Forecasting Distribution Resources Plan (PF) Planning and Forecasting Distribution Resources Plan (PF) Planning and Forecasting Distribution Resources Plan (PF) Planning and Forecasting Distribution Resources Plan (PF) Planning and Forecasting Distribution Resources Plan (PF) Planning and Forecasting Distribution Resources Plan (PF) Planning and Forecasting Distribution Resources Plan (PF) Planning and Forecasting Distribution Resources Plan (PF) Planning and Forecasting Distribution Resources Plan (PF) Planning and Forecasting Distribution Resources Plan (PF) Planning and Forecasting Distribution Resources Plan (PF) Planning and Forecasting Distribution Resources Plan (PF) Planning and Forecasting Distribution Resources Plan (PF) Planning and Forecasting Distribution Resources Plan (PF) Planning and Forecasting Distribution Resources Plan (PF) Planning and Forecasting Distribution Resources Plan (PF) Planning and Forecasting Distribution Resources Plan (PF) Planning and Forecasting Distribution Resources Plan (PF) Planning and Forecasting Distribution Resources Plan (PF) Planning and Forecasting Distribution Resources Plan (PF) Planning and Forecasting Distribution Resources Plan


Set Policies & Parameters Control Production Activity

OBM Level IV
Set Material Planning Policies & Parameters Set Material Planning Policies & Parameters


OBM Row No.

1006 1043



Process Analysis Questions

Do you need to prioritize demand? by profit margin, by customer priority, by demand type, by promise date? Do you hit your production schedules within your tolerance?



INV 1022 BOM, INV, MRP, OE, WIP 1022 NS INV INV ENG INV INV, WIP MRP, PO MPS/MRP INV INV, OM, PO INV, OM, PO NS NS NS INV, OM, PO INV, OM, PO OM INV MPS/MRP, Supply Chain NS 1022 1022 1022 1022 1022 1022 1022 1022 1022 1022 1022 1022 1022 1022 1022 1022 1022 1022 1022 1022

131320756.xls.ms_office Page 139

RD.020 Business Process Questionnaire OBM Level I Type = Setup Metric Process Performance
Process Metric How many replenishment orders do you request at peak periods? Performance How many items do you forecast replenishment demand for per period? Performance How do you maintain your Distribution Planning data? Process How do you audit your Distribution Planning data? Process Which operations/processes do you want to streamline for Distribution Planning? Which operations/processes do you want to eliminate for Distribution Planning? Are there any time-intensive Distribution Planning operations/processes that need to be addressed? Do you provide a "key" of content/information somewhere on the Distribution Planning report? What Distribution Planning reports are grouped together on a regular basis and printed in one print run? Who receives a copy of the Distribution Planning reports? What is the criteria for determining who should receive a copy of any Distribution Planning report? How do you update a Distribution Planning reports distribution list? Is the process to update a Distribution Planning reports distribution list documented? How long does it take to update a Distribution Planning reports distribution list? How long should it take to update a Distribution Planning reports distribution list? Who performs the tasks associated with updating a Distribution Planning reports distribution list? Is there any requirement for on-line (softcopy) distribution and/or remote location printing for Distribution Planning reports? Do some of these Distribution Planning reports belong in report sets? Always being run together? Do the separate business units run their own Distribution Planning reports? What type of printers do you run Distribution Planning reports (including checks, purchase orders etc.) on? Where are they located? Process Process Process Setup SETup, Process Process Process Process Process Process Process Process SETup, Process Setup Process, Performance SETup, Performance Process Process SETup, Process Setup Do you run security reports on a regular basis for Distribution Planning? Process Do you have documentation on your current system security requirements for Distribution Planning? Process Map each GL user to a menu structure. Will any new ones need to be created for Distribution Planning? SETup, Process Do you plan to infinite capacity? Setup Do you need to plan with finite capacity constraints? Setup Do you plan to infinite material? Setup Do you need to plan with finite material constraints? Setup Do you need to plan with optimizations that meet company objectives? What objectives? (Turns, Profit, Utilization?) Setup Do you need to run alternative plan simulations? Process Do you level load your production lines? How? Setup Are make/buy decisions impacted by capacity? Process

OBM Level II 4939 4940 4941 4942 4943 4944 4945 4946 4947 4948 4949 4950 4951 4952 4953 4954 4955 4956 4957 4958 4959 4960 4961 4962 4963 4964 4965 4966 4967 4968 4969 4970 4971 4972 4973 4974 4975
(PF) Planning and Forecasting Distribution Resources Plan (PF) Planning and Forecasting Distribution Resources Plan (PF) Planning and Forecasting Distribution Resources Plan (PF) Planning and Forecasting Distribution Resources Plan (PF) Planning and Forecasting Distribution Resources Plan (PF) Planning and Forecasting Distribution Resources Plan (PF) Planning and Forecasting Distribution Resources Plan (PF) Planning and Forecasting Distribution Resources Plan (PF) Planning and Forecasting Distribution Resources Plan (PF) Planning and Forecasting Distribution Resources Plan (PF) Planning and Forecasting Distribution Resources Plan (PF) Planning and Forecasting Distribution Resources Plan (PF) Planning and Forecasting Distribution Resources Plan (PF) Planning and Forecasting Distribution Resources Plan (PF) Planning and Forecasting Distribution Resources Plan (PF) Planning and Forecasting Distribution Resources Plan (PF) Planning and Forecasting Distribution Resources Plan (PF) Planning and Forecasting Distribution Resources Plan (PF) Planning and Forecasting Distribution Resources Plan (PF) Planning and Forecasting Distribution Resources Plan (PF) Planning and Forecasting Distribution Resources Plan


Plan DRP Plan DRP Plan DRP Plan DRP Plan DRP Plan DRP Plan DRP Plan DRP Plan DRP Plan DRP Plan DRP Plan DRP Plan DRP Plan DRP Plan DRP Plan DRP Plan DRP Plan DRP Plan DRP Plan DRP Plan DRP

OBM Level IV
Generate Replenishment Orders Generate Replenishment Orders Generate Replenishment Orders Generate Replenishment Orders Set DRP Policies & Parameters Set DRP Policies & Parameters Set DRP Policies & Parameters Set DRP Policies & Parameters Set DRP Policies & Parameters Set DRP Policies & Parameters Set DRP Policies & Parameters Set DRP Policies & Parameters Set DRP Policies & Parameters Set DRP Policies & Parameters Set DRP Policies & Parameters Set DRP Policies & Parameters Set DRP Policies & Parameters Set DRP Policies & Parameters Set DRP Policies & Parameters Set DRP Policies & Parameters Set DRP Policies & Parameters


OBM Row No.

1022 1022 1022 1022 1022 1022 1022 1022 1022 1022 1022 1022 1022 1022 1022 1022 1022 1022 1022 1022 1022

22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22

Material Planning Material Planning Material Planning Material Planning Maintenance Maintenance Operations Operations Operations Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting

Process Analysis Questions

How does each site or region record demand? Forecast, Customer Orders, interfaced requirements from other sites? What is the average lead-time from requisition to delivery?

(PF) Planning and Forecasting Distribution Resources Plan (PF) Planning and Forecasting Distribution Resources Plan (PF) Planning and Forecasting Distribution Resources Plan (PF) Planning and Forecasting Distribution Resources Plan (PF) Planning and Forecasting Distribution Resources Plan (PF) Planning and Forecasting Distribution Resources Plan (PF) Planning and Forecasting Distribution Resources Plan (PF) Planning and Forecasting Distribution Resources Plan (PF) Planning and Forecasting Manufacturing Plan (PF) Planning and Forecasting Manufacturing Plan (PF) Planning and Forecasting Manufacturing Plan (PF) Planning and Forecasting Manufacturing Plan (PF) Planning and Forecasting Manufacturing Plan (PF) Planning and Forecasting Manufacturing Plan (PF) Planning and Forecasting Manufacturing Plan (PF) Planning and Forecasting Manufacturing Plan

Plan DRP Plan DRP Plan DRP Plan DRP Plan DRP Plan DRP Plan DRP Plan DRP Plan Production Capacities Plan Production Capacities Plan Production Capacities Plan Production Capacities Plan Production Capacities Plan Production Capacities Plan Production Capacities Plan Production Capacities

Set DRP Policies & Parameters Set DRP Policies & Parameters Set DRP Policies & Parameters Set DRP Policies & Parameters Set DRP Policies & Parameters Set DRP Policies & Parameters Set DRP Policies & Parameters Set DRP Policies & Parameters Determine Capacity Planning Method Determine Capacity Planning Method Determine Material Planning Method Determine Material Planning Method Determine Material Planning Method Determine Material Planning Method Balance Resource Loads Balance Resource Loads


1022 1022 1022 1022 1022 1022 1022 1022 1026 1026 1026 1026 1026 1026 1026 1026

22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11

Reporting Reporting Security Security Security Security Security Security Process Process Process Process Process Process Capacity Planning Capacity Planning Do you run Distribution Planning reports for different companies or cost centers? Do you have security requirements on who can enter data for Distribution Planning? (e.g. by company? by cost center?) Do you have security reports on who can run Distribution Planning reports? (by company, by cost center etc.) Will there need to be terminal security for Distribution Planning?

131320756.xls.ms_office Page 140

RD.020 Business Process Questionnaire OBM Level I Type = Setup Metric Process Performance
Process How often do you review capacity requirement? (Hourly, Daily, Weekly, Quarterly etc.) Do you share resources between Departments work centers. How do demand forecasts feed master scheduling? Metric Process Process Do you use MRP plans to negotiate Supplier prices? Process Do you distribute MRP plans for supplier consigned inventory? Process How do you schedule production? Setup What are your Master Scheduling reporting requirements with respect to summary or detail formats? Obtain report listing. What reports do you currently generate to meet your Master Scheduling reporting requirements? Provide examples of each. Include source (could be manual), user, frequency, number of copies. Are there any Master Scheduling reporting requirement that your current set of reports does not meet? Are Master Scheduling reports standard across multiple Sets of Books, for example, subsidiaries? Are Master Scheduling reports standard across multiple levels within a Set of Books, i e., divisions? What account codes and/or descriptions are required on Master Scheduling reports? Do you provide a "key" of content/information somewhere on the Master Scheduling report? What Master Scheduling reports are grouped together on a regular basis and printed in one print run? Who receives a copy of the Master Scheduling reports? Setup, Process

OBM Level II 4976 4977 4978 4979 4980 4981 4982 4983
(PF) Planning and Forecasting Manufacturing Plan (PF) Planning and Forecasting Manufacturing Plan (PF) Planning and Forecasting Manufacturing Plan (PF) Planning and Forecasting Manufacturing Plan (PF) Planning and Forecasting Manufacturing Plan (PF) Planning and Forecasting Manufacturing Plan (PF) Planning and Forecasting Manufacturing Plan (PF) Planning and Forecasting Manufacturing Plan


Plan Production Capacities Plan Production Capacities Plan Production Capacities Plan Production Materials Plan Production Materials Plan Production Materials Plan Production Materials Plan Production Materials

OBM Level IV
Analyze Resource Utilization Determine Capacity Planning Method Determine Capacity Planning Method Generate MRP Review MRP Data Generate MRP Generate MPS Publish the Master Production Schedule


OBM Row No.



Capacity Planning Capacity Planning Capacity Planning

Process Analysis Questions

Do you run capacity simulations?



Forecasting Planning Planning


11 11

Planning Reporting

Not module specific 1026

4984 4985 4986 4987 4988 4989 4990 4991 4992 4993 4994 4995 4996 4997 4998 4999 5000 5001 5002 5003 5004 5005 5006 5007 5008 5009

(PF) Planning and Forecasting Manufacturing Plan (PF) Planning and Forecasting Manufacturing Plan (PF) Planning and Forecasting Manufacturing Plan (PF) Planning and Forecasting Manufacturing Plan (PF) Planning and Forecasting Manufacturing Plan (PF) Planning and Forecasting Manufacturing Plan (PF) Planning and Forecasting Manufacturing Plan (PF) Planning and Forecasting Manufacturing Plan (PF) Planning and Forecasting Manufacturing Plan (PF) Planning and Forecasting Manufacturing Plan (PF) Planning and Forecasting Manufacturing Plan

Plan Production Materials Plan Production Materials Plan Production Materials Plan Production Materials Plan Production Materials Plan Production Materials Plan Production Materials Plan Production Materials Plan Production Materials Plan Production Materials Plan Production Materials

Publish the Master Production Schedule Publish the Master Production Schedule Publish the Master Production Schedule Publish the Master Production Schedule Publish the Master Production Schedule Publish the Master Production Schedule Publish the Master Production Schedule Publish the Master Production Schedule Publish the Master Production Schedule Publish the Master Production Schedule Publish the Master Production Schedule Publish the Master Production Schedule Set Material Planning Policies & Parameters Set Material Planning Policies & Parameters Set Material Planning Policies & Parameters Set Material Planning Policies & Parameters Set Material Planning Policies & Parameters Set Capacity Planning Policies & Parameters Set Capacity Planning Policies & Parameters Set Material Planning Policies & Parameters Set Material Planning Policies & Parameters Set Material Planning Policies & Parameters Set Material Planning Policies & Parameters Set Material Planning Policies & Parameters Set Material Planning Policies & Parameters Set Material Planning Policies & Parameters

Not module specific 1026 Not module specific 1026 Not module specific 1026 Not module specific 1026 Not module specific 1026 Not module specific 1026 Not module specific 1026 Not module specific 1026 Not module specific 1026 Not module specific 1026 Not module specific 1026

11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11

Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting

SETup, Process Setup Setup Setup Setup Setup SETup, Process

(PF) Planning and Forecasting Manufacturing Plan (PF) Planning and Forecasting Manufacturing Plan (PF) Planning and Forecasting Manufacturing Plan (PF) Planning and Forecasting Manufacturing Plan (PF) Planning and Forecasting Manufacturing Plan (PF) Planning and Forecasting Manufacturing Plan (PF) Planning and Forecasting Manufacturing Plan (PF) Planning and Forecasting Manufacturing Plan

Plan Production Materials Plan Production Materials Plan Production Materials Set Policies & Parameters Set Policies & Parameters Set Policies & Parameters Set Policies & Parameters Set Policies & Parameters

Not module specific 1026 MRP MRP, WIP APS, SCP, MPS/MRP APS, SCP APS, SCP APS, CRP, SCP APS, SCP 1043 1043 1026 1026 1026 1026 1026

11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11

Reporting Planning Planning Process Process Process Process Process

(PF) Planning and Forecasting Manufacturing Plan (PF) Planning and Forecasting Manufacturing Plan

Set Policies & Parameters Set Policies & Parameters


1026 1026

Planning Planning

(PF) Planning and Forecasting Manufacturing Plan

Set Policies & Parameters




(PF) Planning and Forecasting Manufacturing Plan (PF) Planning and Forecasting Manufacturing Plan

Set Policies & Parameters Set Policies & Parameters



Planning Planning

(PF) Planning and Forecasting Manufacturing Plan (PF) Planning and Forecasting Manufacturing Plan

Set Policies & Parameters Set Policies & Parameters


1026 1026 11

Planning Planning

Process What is the criteria for determining who should receive a copy of any Master Scheduling report? Process How long does it take to update a Master Scheduling reports distribution list? Process Do some of these Master Scheduling reports belong in report sets? Always being run together? Setup What type of printers do you run Master Scheduling reports (including checks, purchase orders etc.) on? Where are they located? SETup, Performance Do you have separate planning/scheduling groups? Do you have planner/ buyers? Setup What kind of on-line planning tool do you use? Process Do you plan to generate a Master Production Schedule? Process Do you plan to generate a Master Production Schedule for each manufacturing plant or a global MPS? Process Do you plan to generate a Material Requirements Plan for each manufacturing plant or a global MRP? Process Do you plan to generate Rough Cut Capacity Plans? Process Do you plan to generate the RCCP simultaneously with the MPS? Process Do you need to create a holistic optimization plan based on a single data model that creates one plan from strategic supply chain planning down to detailed factory floor scheduling? Process Do you need integrated performance management based on inventory turns? Performance Do you need Distributed planning? i.e. the planning engine is on a separate server capable of consolidating the data from multiple transaction systems. Performance Do you use Net Change Planning? Net Change planning will only replan those items that have received transactions or definition changes. Process Would you like the MPS/MRP or DRP to automatically source a planned order? Process Do you need the MPS/MRP or DRP to back off intransit lead times, in addition to replenishment lead times when suggesting a release date? Metric Do you plan Discrete production? Process

131320756.xls.ms_office Page 141

RD.020 Business Process Questionnaire OBM Level I Type = Setup Metric Process Performance
Process Do you plan Process production? 1026 1026 1026 1026 1026 1026 1026 1026 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 Planning Do you plan Flow Lines production? Planning Do you plan Assemble to Order production? Planning How often do you generate a master schedule or material plan? MPS MRP MRP MRP, WIP MRP MRP Not module specific 1026 Not module specific 1026 Not module specific 1026 Not module specific 1026 Not module specific 1026 ALL 1026 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 Planning What is your typical planning horizon? Planning Do you run material plan simulations? Planning Do you have to schedule tooling requirements? Planning Do you plan for preventive maintenance? Planning Do you plan periodic maintenance of Machine resources. Planning How do you update a Master Scheduling reports distribution list? Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Security Security Security Do you run security reports on a regular basis for Master Scheduling? Not module specific 1026 Not module specific 1026 Not module specific 1026 PJM, SCP PJM, SCP AP AP AP AP AP AP AP AP AP 1026 1026 Security Security Process Do you have documentation on your current system security requirements for Master Scheduling? Process Map each GL user to a menu structure. Will any new ones need to be created for Master Scheduling? Security SETup, Process Do you need to identify a specific MPS for a specific project? Process Process Do you need to identify a specific MRP for a specific project? Process Process How long do you do check reconciliation? Check Reconciliation Process Do you get a tape from the bank for check reconciliation? If yes, who can Check Reconciliation provide us with the format of the bank tape's data? Process, Setup Is there a requirement to do on-line bank reconciliation's? Check Reconciliation Process Is there a requirement to support multiple domestic bank accounts? How many and where? Disbursement Setup Is there a requirement to support foreign currency bank accounts? How many and where Disbursement Setup What disbursement (document) types are currently processed through these bank accounts? Disbursement Setup How are your current payment terms structured? Disbursement Setup Do you use percent due or amount due with payment terms? Disbursement Setup Disbursement Are payment due dates calculated based on a specific day of the month or on a number of days from the payment terms date? Setup Is there a provision for discounts within the current payment terms? Describe the discounts currently available, and those needed additionally for the future. Setup How are discount dates calculated - based on a specific day of the month or on a number of days from the payment terms date? Setup Is there a requirement to use multiple discount levels at present or in the future? Setup How many different AP sites issue checks for suppliers? Metric How many checks do you write/produce per period? Is there a requirement to use Computer Generated checks? Metric Process Do you run Master Scheduling reports for different companies or cost centers? Do you have security requirements on who can enter data for Master Scheduling? (e.g. by company? by cost center?) Do you have security reports on who can run Master Scheduling reports? (by company, by cost center etc.) Will there need to be terminal security for Master Scheduling? Is the process to update a Master Scheduling reports distribution list documented? How long should it take to update a Master Scheduling reports distribution list? Who performs the tasks associated with updating a Master Scheduling reports distribution list? Is there any requirement for on-line (softcopy) distribution and/or remote location printing for Master Scheduling reports? Do the separate business units run their own Master Scheduling reports? Process Process Process Process SETup, Process Process, Performance Process Process SETup, Process Setup Process Process Process Process Setup Process Process Process Process

OBM Level II 5010 5011 5012 5013 5014 5015 5016 5017 5018 5019 5020 5021 5022 5023 5024 5025 5026 5027 5028 5029 5030 5031 5032 5033 5034 5035 5036 5037 5038 5039 5040 5041 5042 5043 5044 5045 5046 5047 5048 5049
(PF) Planning and Forecasting Manufacturing Plan (PF) Planning and Forecasting Manufacturing Plan (PF) Planning and Forecasting Manufacturing Plan (PF) Planning and Forecasting Manufacturing Plan (PF) Planning and Forecasting Manufacturing Plan (PF) Planning and Forecasting Manufacturing Plan (PF) Planning and Forecasting Manufacturing Plan (PF) Planning and Forecasting Manufacturing Plan (PF) Planning and Forecasting Manufacturing Plan (PF) Planning and Forecasting Manufacturing Plan (PF) Planning and Forecasting Manufacturing Plan (PF) Planning and Forecasting Manufacturing Plan (PF) Planning and Forecasting Manufacturing Plan (PF) Planning and Forecasting Manufacturing Plan (PF) Planning and Forecasting Manufacturing Plan (PF) Planning and Forecasting Manufacturing Plan (PF) Planning and Forecasting Manufacturing Plan (PF) Planning and Forecasting Manufacturing Plan (PF) Planning and Forecasting Manufacturing Plan (PF) Planning and Forecasting Manufacturing Plan (PF) Planning and Forecasting Manufacturing Plan (PF) Planning and Forecasting Manufacturing Plan (PF) Planning and Forecasting Manufacturing Plan (PF) Planning and Forecasting Manufacturing Plan (PF) Planning and Forecasting Manufacturing Plan (PR) Procurement (PR) Procurement (PR) Procurement (PR) Procurement (PR) Procurement (PR) Procurement (PR) Procurement (PR) Procurement (PR) Procurement Accounts Payable Accounts Payable Accounts Payable Accounts Payable Accounts Payable Accounts Payable Accounts Payable Accounts Payable Accounts Payable


Set Policies & Parameters Set Policies & Parameters Set Policies & Parameters Set Policies & Parameters Set Policies & Parameters Set Policies & Parameters Set Policies & Parameters Set Policies & Parameters Set Policies & Parameters Set Policies & Parameters Set Policies & Parameters Set Policies & Parameters Set Policies & Parameters Set Policies & Parameters Set Policies & Parameters Set Policies & Parameters Set Policies & Parameters Set Policies & Parameters Set Policies & Parameters Set Policies & Parameters Set Policies & Parameters Set Policies & Parameters Set Policies & Parameters Set Policies & Parameters Set Policies & Parameters Make Payments Make Payments Make Payments Make Payments Make Payments Make Payments Make Payments Make Payments Make Payments

OBM Level IV
Set Material Planning Policies & Parameters Set Material Planning Policies & Parameters Set Material Planning Policies & Parameters Set Material Planning Policies & Parameters Set Material Planning Policies & Parameters Set Material Planning Policies & Parameters Set Material Planning Policies & Parameters Set Material Planning Policies & Parameters Set Material Planning Policies & Parameters Set Material Planning Policies & Parameters Publish the Master Production Schedule Publish the Master Production Schedule Publish the Master Production Schedule Set Material Planning Policies & Parameters Set Material Planning Policies & Parameters Set Material Planning Policies & Parameters Set Material Planning Policies & Parameters Set Material Planning Policies & Parameters Set Material Planning Policies & Parameters Set Material Planning Policies & Parameters Set Material Planning Policies & Parameters Set Material Planning Policies & Parameters Set Material Planning Policies & Parameters Set Material Planning Policies & Parameters Set Material Planning Policies & Parameters not identified not identified not identified not identified not identified Distribute Payments not identified not identified not identified


OBM Row No.




Process Analysis Questions

Do you plan Repetitive production?

Not module specific 1026 Not module specific 1026 Not module specific 1026 Not module specific 1026


(PR) Procurement (PR) Procurement (PR) Procurement (PR) Procurement (PR) Procurement (PR) Procurement

Accounts Payable Accounts Payable Accounts Payable Accounts Payable Accounts Payable

Make Payments Make Payments Make Payments Make Payments Make Payments Make Payments

not identified not identified not identified Generate Payments Generate Payments Generate Payments



Disbursement Disbursement Disbursement Disbursement Disbursement Disbursement

131320756.xls.ms_officeAccounts Payable

Page 142

RD.020 Business Process Questionnaire OBM Level I Type = Setup Metric Process Performance
Process Process Process

OBM Level II 5050 5051 5052 5053 5054 5055 5056 5057 5058 5059 5060 5061 5062 5063 5064 5065 5066 5067 5068 5069 5070 5071 5072 5073 5074 5075 5076 5077 5078 5079 5080 5081 5082 5083 5084 5085 5086 5087 5088 5089 5090 5091 5092 5093 5094
(PR) Procurement (PR) Procurement (PR) Procurement (PR) Procurement (PR) Procurement (PR) Procurement (PR) Procurement (PR) Procurement (PR) Procurement (PR) Procurement (PR) Procurement (PR) Procurement (PR) Procurement (PR) Procurement (PR) Procurement (PR) Procurement (PR) Procurement (PR) Procurement (PR) Procurement (PR) Procurement (PR) Procurement (PR) Procurement (PR) Procurement (PR) Procurement (PR) Procurement (PR) Procurement (PR) Procurement (PR) Procurement (PR) Procurement (PR) Procurement (PR) Procurement (PR) Procurement (PR) Procurement Accounts Payable Accounts Payable Accounts Payable Accounts Payable Accounts Payable Accounts Payable Accounts Payable Accounts Payable Accounts Payable Accounts Payable Accounts Payable Accounts Payable Accounts Payable Accounts Payable Accounts Payable Accounts Payable Accounts Payable Accounts Payable Accounts Payable Accounts Payable Accounts Payable Accounts Payable Accounts Payable Accounts Payable Accounts Payable Accounts Payable Accounts Payable Accounts Payable Accounts Payable Accounts Payable Accounts Payable Accounts Payable Accounts Payable


Make Payments Make Payments Make Payments Make Payments Make Payments Make Payments Make Payments Make Payments Make Payments Make Payments Make Payments Make Payments Make Payments Make Payments Make Payments Make Payments Make Payments Make Payments Make Payments Make Payments Make Payments Make Payments Make Payments Make Payments Make Payments Make Payments Make Payments Make Payments Make Payments Make Payments Make Payments Make Payments Make Payments

OBM Level IV
Generate Payments Generate Payments Generate Payments Generate Payments Write Manual Checks Create Single Payments Create Single Payments Enter Recurring Items Create Single Payments not identified not identified Generate Payments Generate Payments Enter Recurring Items Generate Payments Generate Payments Generate Payments Generate Payments Generate Payments Generate Payments Generate Payments Generate Payments Generate Payments Generate Payments Generate Payments Generate Payments Generate Payments not identified Generate Payments Generate Payments not identified not identified not identified


OBM Row No.


Disbursement Disbursement Disbursement Disbursement Disbursement Disbursement Disbursement Disbursement Disbursement Disbursement Disbursement Disbursement Disbursement Disbursement Disbursement Disbursement Disbursement Disbursement Disbursement Disbursement Disbursement Disbursement Disbursement Disbursement Disbursement Disbursement Disbursement Disbursement Disbursement Disbursement Disbursement Disbursement Disbursement

Process Analysis Questions

What is your process to cancel checks? Is there a requirement to use Electronic Funds Transfer? Is there a requirement to use Wire Transfers? Is there a requirement to process Automatic Payments?


Process Is there a requirement to process Manual Payments? If so, is a separate bank account used? Process Is there a requirement to process Partial Payments? Process Is there a requirement to process Pre-Payments? Process Is there a requirement to process Recurring Payments? Is there a requirement to process immediately available Quick Checks? Process What is the current procedure for vendor advances? How are vendor advances reconciled when the vendor invoice is submitted? Process Do you have, or do you require, a priority system for payments? Describe its use. Setup, Process What is your current payment cycle? (How often do you print checks?) Process If recurring payments are used, what is the normal period cycle for these payments? Process Are all invoices paid in local currency and what currency is used? If not local, list the foreign currencies used. Setup, Process Will there be a requirement to use multiple currencies in the future? List the foreign currencies expected. Setup, Process Do check payments have to be approved before they are run? Process Do you have a minimum or maximum payment amount per check? Do you have a minimum or maximum payment amount per run? What is the current check layout for computer generated checks? How many formats do you have? Provide samples. Do you print the check number on the check/remittance or is it pre-printed? SETup, Process Should a remittance advice note be produced, and when? How should an overflow situation be handled? Is there any special sequencing of checks when printing? Is there a dedicated printer or print tray for checks? What type of printer(s) is used for checks? List location(s) What period types would be used for these reports, e.g. weekly, monthly or quarterly? Where are the pre-printed checks stored? Is there a requirement to restrict the access to the check printing function? What position or function has this authority? What is the policy/procedure for handling stop payments? Process Process Process Setup Setup Process Process Setup, Process Process Process SETup, Process Setup, Metric Process Process

(PR) Procurement

Accounts Payable

Manage Receive Goods

not identified




(PR) Procurement

Accounts Payable

Manage Receive Goods

not identified




(PR) Procurement (PR) Procurement (PR) Procurement

Accounts Payable Accounts Payable Accounts Payable

Manage Receive Goods not identified not identified

not identified not identified not identified



Multi-Org Disbursement Disbursement

(PR) Procurement (PR) Procurement (PR) Procurement (PR) Procurement (PR) Procurement (PR) Procurement

Accounts Payable Accounts Payable Accounts Payable Accounts Payable Accounts Payable Accounts Payable

not identified not identified not identified not identified not identified not identified not identified

not identified not identified not identified not identified not identified not identified not identified

Not module specific PRPAYABLES 3 Not module specific PRPAYABLES 3 Not module specific PRPAYABLES 3 Not module specific PRPAYABLES 3 Not module specific PRPAYABLES 3 Not module specific PRPAYABLES 3 Not module specific PRPAYABLES 3

Security Validation Maintenance Maintenance Other Other Other

(PR) Procurement 131320756.xls.ms_officeAccounts Payable

Process What is the policy/procedure for handling void payments if they have been recorded? Process What is the policy/procedure for handling void payments if they have not been recorded? Process Do you produce INTRASTAT reports for the declaration of imports and exports involving the Intra-EU movement statistics of items. If so, attach sample. SETup, Process Do you produce EXTRASTAT reports for the declaration of imports and exports involving the movement statistics of items for countries outside the EU. If so, attach sample. SETup, Process Do you produce INTRASTAT/EXTRASTAT reports reporting the movement statistics of items with 'Country of Origin'. If so, attach sample. SETup, Process What are the requirements for reporting tax payments (e.g. company, rate or tax authority)? Setup How do you record taxes within the GL (number of accounts, type)? Setup Map each GL user to a menu structure (current system or Oracle system if trained). Will any new menus need to be created for Procurement? Setup, Process Do you review requirements for validation rules, allowing certain Procurement accounts to be valid with only certain other values. Setup How do you maintain your Invoice and Disbursement data (who enters, who reviews, etc.)? Who does the maintenance? Process How do you audit your Invoice and Disbursement data (e.g., matching, matching tolerances, etc.) and by whom? Process What operations/processes (e.g., matching, match error resolution, etc.) do you want to streamline for Invoice and Disbursement? Process What operations/processes (e.g., manual matching, etc.) do you want to eliminate for Invoice and Disbursement? Process Are there any time-intensive Invoice and Disbursement operations/processes that need to be addressed? Process

Page 143

RD.020 Business Process Questionnaire OBM Level I Type = Setup Metric Process Performance

OBM Level II 5095

(PR) Procurement Accounts Payable


not identified

OBM Level IV
not identified


OBM Row No.



Process Analysis Questions

Do you have security restrictions on who can enter/maintain data for Invoice and Disbursement? (e.g., by company, by cost center, by position) Please describe restrictions. Do you have security restrictions on who can process certain functions (e.g., print checks, void checks, etc.) for Invoice and Disbursement? (e.g., by company, by cost center, by position) Please describe restrictions.

Not module specific PRPAYABLES 3

5096 5097 5098 5099 5100 5101 5102 5103 5104

(PR) Procurement

Accounts Payable

not identified

not identified



Security Do you have security reports on who can run Invoice and Disbursement reports (by company, by cost center, by position)? Describe process and who runs reports. Will there need to be terminal security for Invoice and Disbursement?

Setup, Process

(PR) Procurement (PR) Procurement (PR) Procurement (PR) Procurement

Accounts Payable Accounts Payable Accounts Payable Accounts Payable

not identified not identified not identified not identified

not identified not identified not identified not identified

Not module specific PRPAYABLES 3 Not module specific PRPAYABLES 3 Not module specific PRPAYABLES 3 Not module specific PRPAYABLES 3

Security Security Security Security

Setup, Process

(PR) Procurement

Accounts Payable

not identified

not identified

Not module specific PRPAYABLES 3


(PR) Procurement (PR) Procurement

Accounts Payable Accounts Payable

not identified not identified

not identified not identified

Not module specific PRPAYABLES 3 AP PRPAYABLES 3

Validation Other

Setup Do you run security reports on a regular basis for Invoice and Disbursement? Describe process and who runs reports. Process Do you have documentation on your current system security requirements for Invoice and Disbursement? Please provide copy. Process Map each GL user to a menu structure (current system or Oracle system if trained). Will any new menus need to be created for Invoice and Disbursement? Setup, Process Do you review requirements for validation rules, allowing certain Invoice and Disbursement accounts to be valid with only certain other values? Setup What other audit requirements are needed? Process Do you have security requirements on who can enter/maintain data for Employee Expense (e.g., by company, by cost center, by position)?

(PR) Procurement

Accounts Payable

not identified

not identified

Not module specific PRPAYABLES 3

Security Do you have security restrictions on who can process certain functions (e.g., print checks, void checks, etc.) for Employee Expense? (e.g., by company, by cost center, by position) Please describe restrictions.


5105 5106 5107 5108 5109 5110 5111 5112 5113 5114 5115 5116 5117 5118 5119 5120 5121 5122 5123 5124 5125 5126 5127 5128

(PR) Procurement

Accounts Payable

not identified

not identified



Security Do you have security reports on who can run Employee Expense reports (by company, by cost center, by position)? Describe process and who runs reports. Will there need to be terminal security for Employee Expense?

Setup, Process

(PR) Procurement (PR) Procurement (PR) Procurement

Accounts Payable Accounts Payable Accounts Payable

not identified not identified not identified

not identified not identified not identified

Not module specific PRPAYABLES 3 Not module specific PRPAYABLES 3 Not module specific PRPAYABLES 3

Security Security Security

Setup, Process

(PR) Procurement

Accounts Payable

not identified

not identified

Not module specific PRPAYABLES 3


(PR) Procurement (PR) Procurement (PR) Procurement (PR) Procurement (PR) Procurement (PR) Procurement (PR) Procurement (PR) Procurement (PR) Procurement (PR) Procurement (PR) Procurement (PR) Procurement (PR) Procurement (PR) Procurement

Accounts Payable Accounts Payable Accounts Payable Accounts Payable Accounts Payable Accounts Payable Accounts Payable Accounts Payable Accounts Payable Accounts Payable Accounts Payable Accounts Payable Accounts Payable Accounts Payable

not identified Receive Supplier Invoicing Receive Supplier Invoicing Receive Supplier Invoicing Receive Supplier Invoicing Receive Supplier Invoicing Receive Supplier Invoicing Receive Supplier Invoicing Receive Supplier Invoicing Receive Supplier Invoicing Receive Supplier Invoicing Receive Supplier Invoicing Receive Supplier Invoicing Receive Supplier Invoicing

not identified not identified not identified not identified not identified not identified not identified not identified Enter Supplier Invoices Enter Supplier Invoices Enter Supplier Invoices Enter Supplier Invoices Enter Supplier Invoices Enter Supplier Invoices


Validation Matching & Approval Matching & Approval Matching & Approval Matching & Approval Matching & Approval Purchase Orders Purchase Orders Invoicing Invoicing Invoicing Invoicing Invoicing Invoicing

Setup Do you have documentation on your current system security requirements for Employee Expense? Please provide copy. Process Map each GL user to a menu structure (current system or Oracle system if trained). Will any new menus need to be created for Employee Expense? Setup, Process Do you review requirements for validation rules, allowing certain Employee Expense accounts to be valid with only certain other values. Setup Do you match your AP invoice with the PO? Setup How do you match AP invoice data with PO data? What types of data and tolerances? Process How do you match vendor information to your fixed assets systems when purchasing assets? Process Do you match your receipts with the PO's? Process Do you require 2, 3 or 4 way matching? Please specify which one. Setup, Process Are there payment terms, not defined in Accounts Payable, that need to be defined for Purchasing to order goods/services? Metric Will tax names and rates, currently defined in current systems' Accounts Payable, have to be revised in any way? How? Setup Do you require batch control to manage invoice entry? Setup, Process Who enters invoices and how often? Do you receive invoices at a central location? How do you physically store invoices once entered into the computer? Process Are invoices billed to distinct companies, cost centers or other? Please describe. How many invoices per period do you enter? Process Process Process

(PR) Procurement (PR) Procurement (PR) Procurement

Accounts Payable Accounts Payable Accounts Payable

Receive Supplier Invoicing Receive Supplier Invoicing Receive Supplier Invoicing

not identified not identified not identified



Invoicing Invoicing Invoicing

Metric Describe the security requirements on who can enter key AP processing data (invoice processing, payment processing, check processing)? Include what positions are involved and how? Setup, Process How are invoices identified (numbered)? vendors invoice number, date, next allocated number? Setup How many liability accounts do you use and what are they? Metric, Setup What frequently used (recurring) expense distributions are used within your current system (e.g. rent or telephone payments)? Please list.

(PR) Procurement (PR) Procurement

Accounts Payable Accounts Payable

Receive Supplier Invoicing Receive Supplier Invoicing

not identified not identified



Invoicing Invoicing Are these recurring expenses for fixed or varying amounts?

Setup Setup

131320756.xls.ms_office Page 144

RD.020 Business Process Questionnaire OBM Level I Type = Setup Metric Process Performance
Process Should invoices be matched completely, partially or both? Setup Do you currently have any tolerance levels for matching such as Price Tolerance, Quantity Ordered Tolerance, Quantity Received Tolerance, Tax Tolerance? Please specify those levels used and their limits.

OBM Level II 5129 5130

(PR) Procurement (PR) Procurement Accounts Payable Accounts Payable


Receive Supplier Invoicing Receive Supplier Invoicing

OBM Level IV
Enter Supplier Invoices Enter Supplier Invoices


OBM Row No.


Matching & Approval Matching & Approval

Process Analysis Questions

Will some invoices never have purchase orders?


5131 5132 5133 5134 5135 5136 5137 5138 5139 5140 5141 5142 5143 5144 5145 5146 5147 5148 5149 5150 5151 5152 5153 5154 5155 5156 5157 5158 5159 5160 5161 5162 5163 5164 5165 5166 5167 5168

(PR) Procurement (PR) Procurement (PR) Procurement

Accounts Payable Accounts Payable Accounts Payable

Receive Supplier Invoicing Receive Supplier Invoicing Receive Supplier Invoicing

Enter Supplier Invoices Enter Supplier Invoices Enter Supplier Invoices



Matching & Approval

(PR) Procurement

Accounts Payable

Receive Supplier Invoicing

Clear Supplier Holds



(PR) Procurement (PR) Procurement (PR) Procurement (PR) Procurement (PR) Procurement (PR) Procurement (PR) Procurement (PR) Procurement (PR) Procurement (PR) Procurement (PR) Procurement (PR) Procurement (PR) Procurement (PR) Procurement

Accounts Payable Accounts Payable Accounts Payable Accounts Payable not identified not identified not identified not identified not identified not identified not identified not identified not identified not identified

Receive Supplier Invoicing Receive Supplier Invoicing Receive Supplier Invoicing Receive Supplier Invoicing not identified not identified not identified not identified not identified not identified not identified not identified not identified not identified

Enter Supplier Invoices not identified Enter Supplier Invoices not identified not identified not identified not identified not identified not identified not identified not identified not identified not identified not identified



Not module specific PR Not module specific PR Not module specific PR Not module specific PR INV, PO INV, MRP, PO AP, PO INV, PO INV, MRP, PO PO PR PR PR PR PR PR

Setup Would you like to approve your vendor invoices on-line, by batch or have both Matching & Approval options? Setup What is the internal approval process for a vendor invoice in your organization Matching & Approval at present? Process Are there situations where a vendor invoice needs to be placed on hold and then manually released? Describe the situations and the approval process to Matching & Approval release the hold. Setup, Process Where an invoice needs to be placed on hold and then manually released, can these invoices be "posted" to the General Ledger? If not, please specify. Matching & Approval Setup, Process Do you directly associate (match) invoice distributions to receipt lines rather Matching & Approval than through the PO? Setup, Process Do you have receipts that must have currency exchange rates captured as of Matching & Approval the date of receipt and associated with that receipt? Setup, Process How do you reconcile the purchases made with procurement cards? Matching & Approval Setup, Process What operations/processes (e.g., sourcing, requisitions, etc.) do you want to streamline for Procurement? Other Process What operations/processes (e.g., manual requisitions, etc.) do you want to eliminate for Procurement? Other Process Are there any requested Procurement operations/ processes (e.g., on-line requisitioning, etc.) that need to be added? Other Process Will there need to be terminal security for Procurement? Security Setup Is purchasing centralized or decentralized in your organization and is this the strategy for the new system? Purchase Orders Setup If purchasing is decentralized, how many plants or locations do purchasing? Purchase Orders Setup Do you have single or multiple bill-to locations? Vendors Setup Vendors Purchase Orders Multi-Language Do you have single or multiple ship-to locations? If purchasing is decentralized, how many operating units are required to support purchasing security requirements. What date format is used by your current system's users and is this sufficient for your needs (e.g., 01-DEC-2000, 01-DEZ-2000, etc.)? What currency format is used by your current system's users and is this sufficient for your needs (e.g., 1,000,000.00 for US dollar, 1.000.000,00 for Germany, etc.)? Do you procurement cards issued to users in place of some PO's? How do you manage the issue and tracking of procurement cards? Can a buyer modify a PO or requisition without a corresponding change request/authorization from the requisitioner? How does a buyer communicate a modified PO or requisition if no change request/authorization from the requisitioner is needed? How do you select vendors to fill requisitions and place PO's? Does your procurement system utilize/issue requisitions? If so, please describe how used. Are requisitions automated or manual? Describe and attach sample. How are requisitions issued? What is the approval process for requisitions? Who can approve requisitions (e.g., the requesters, manager, etc.)? Setup Setup Setup

(PR) Procurement (PR) Procurement (PR) Procurement (PR) Procurement (PR) Procurement (PR) Procurement (PR) Procurement (PR) Procurement (PR) Procurement (PR) Procurement (PR) Procurement (PR) Procurement

not identified Ordering Ordering Ordering Ordering Ordering Ordering Ordering Ordering Ordering Ordering Ordering

not identified Manage Purchase Cards Manage Purchase Cards Manage Requisitions Manage Requisitions Manage Requisitions Manage Requisitions Manage Requisitions Manage Requisitions Manage Requisitions Manage Requisitions Manage Requisitions

not identified not identified not identified not identified not identified Select Suppliers not identified not identified not identified not identified not identified not identified



Multi-Language Purchase Orders Purchase Orders Buyers Buyers Requisitions Requisitions Requisitions Requisitions Requisitions Requisitions Requisitions

Setup Process Setup, Process Setup Process Setup, Process Process Setup Process Process


(PR) Procurement (PR) Procurement (PR) Procurement

Ordering Ordering Ordering

Manage Requisitions Manage Requisitions Manage Requisitions

not identified not identified not identified



4 4 4

Requisitions Requisitions Requisitions

Setup What criteria (e.g., value, commodity, plant, budget, other) is used for approval of requisitions? Setup Does the requisition generation/approval process change by item type (e.g., by direct inventory materials, expensed materials, etc.)? Describe processes. Setup, Process What is the resubmittal/approval process for rejected requisitions? Process Are requisitions entered in a central location or do they come from multiple locations? Do you import requisitions and from what source (outside systems, an MRP, an inventory system)? If so, please describe process to import them ? How do you identify items when requisitioning (by your item number, vendor part number, part number revision level, description, etc.)? Are requisitions combined for purchase order creation and how? Are vendors and prices always entered on the requisition or are they not required? Describe. Do you automatically or manually generate requisition numbers? Process

(PR) Procurement (PR) Procurement (PR) Procurement (PR) Procurement (PR) Procurement

Ordering Ordering Ordering Ordering

Manage Requisitions Manage Requisitions Manage Requisitions Manage Requisitions Manage Requisitions

not identified not identified not identified Select Suppliers not identified



4 4 4 5 4

Requisitions Requisitions Requisitions Requisitions Requisitions

Process Setup Process Setup Setup


Page 145

RD.020 Business Process Questionnaire OBM Level I Type = Setup Metric Process Performance

OBM Level II 5169 5170 5171 5172 5173 5174 5175 5176 5177 5178 5179 5180 5181 5182 5183 5184 5185 5186 5187 5188 5189 5190 5191 5192 5193 5194 5195 5196 5197 5198 5199 5200 5201 5202 5203 5204 5205 5206 5207 5208 5209
(PR) Procurement Ordering


Manage Requisitions

OBM Level IV
not identified


OBM Row No.




Process Analysis Questions

(PR) Procurement (PR) Procurement (PR) Procurement (PR) Procurement (PR) Procurement (PR) Procurement (PR) Procurement (PR) Procurement (PR) Procurement (PR) Procurement (PR) Procurement (PR) Procurement (PR) Procurement (PR) Procurement (PR) Procurement (PR) Procurement (PR) Procurement (PR) Procurement (PR) Procurement (PR) Procurement (PR) Procurement (PR) Procurement (PR) Procurement (PR) Procurement (PR) Procurement (PR) Procurement (PR) Procurement (PR) Procurement (PR) Procurement (PR) Procurement (PR) Procurement (PR) Procurement

Ordering Ordering Ordering Ordering Ordering Ordering Ordering Ordering Ordering Ordering Ordering Ordering Ordering Ordering Ordering Ordering Ordering Ordering Ordering Ordering Ordering Ordering Ordering Ordering Ordering Ordering Ordering Ordering Ordering Ordering Ordering Ordering

Manage Requisitions Manage Requisitions Manage Requisitions Manage Requisitions not identified not identified not identified not identified not identified not identified not identified not identified not identified Place Purchase Order Place Purchase Order Place Purchase Order Place Purchase Order Place Purchase Order Place Purchase Order Place Purchase Order Place Purchase Order Place Purchase Order Place Purchase Order Place Purchase Order Place Purchase Order Place Purchase Order Place Purchase Order Place Purchase Order Place Purchase Order Place Purchase Order Place Purchase Order Place Purchase Order

not identified not identified not identified not identified not identified not identified not identified not identified not identified not identified not identified not identified not identified not identified not identified not identified not identified not identified not identified not identified not identified not identified not identified not identified not identified not identified not identified not identified not identified not identified not identified not identified



4 4 4 4

Requisitions Requisitions Purchase Orders Requisitions Buyers Buyers Buyers Buyers Buyers Buyers Buyers Purchase Orders Purchase Orders Purchase Order Purchase Orders Purchase Orders Purchase Orders Purchase Orders Purchase Orders Purchase Orders Purchase Orders Purchase Orders Purchase Orders Purchase Orders Purchase Orders Purchase Orders Purchase Orders Purchase Orders Purchase Orders Purchase Orders Purchase Orders Purchase Orders

Do you order some items frequently enough to justify using express requisitions? Setup Can any employee potentially submit a requisition and/or PO? If not, what type of employees can do so? What percent of your employee base does this include? Process What goods or services do you order regularly? Process Are contracts on projects going to be used? If so, will they be associated with a line item on a requisition or purchase order? Process Do you allow requisitions created by MRP to 'self-approve' and be ready for PO release? Setup, Process Who are your buyers? How many are there? Where are they located? Setup Are your buyers assigned to certain vendors, commodities, or items? Please provide list os assignments. Setup What is the approval process for each buyer? Setup What are the purchasing limits for each buyer? Does the buyer merge requisitions together for a single order? Describe process. Is a buyer required to purchase from a requested vendor? Do you use expediters and how do you use them? Please list current/expected expediters. Are products purchased by one legal entity on behalf of another legal entity? Setup Process Setup Setup


Setup, Process Are purchase orders created from requisitions generated in other businesses? Describe how this is currently done. Process, Setup What types of purchase orders do you use (e.g., Standard, Blanket, Contract, etc.) and for what purpose? Setup How do you define each purchase order type? Setup Who (by position or name) has access to defining each type of purchase order? Setup How many purchase orders do you issue monthly? Metric On the average, how many ordered items (lines ordered) are on a PO? Metric At maximum, how many ordered items (lines ordered) are on a PO? What is the approval process for purchase orders? How many different formats do you have for printed purchase orders? Provide samples. Do you modify existing purchase orders? Describe process. Do you use unit of measure conversion for POs? If so, which ones (provide list)? What percentage of purchased parts are intended for manufacturing use? What percentage of purchased parts are intended for non-manufacturing use? What is the current process of creating a new purchase order for manufacturing use? (direct material) Are MRP planned purchase orders automatically assigned to a specific vendor? If so, based on what criteria? Are MRP planned purchase orders automatically assigned to an existing master or blanket order? If so, based on what criteria? Do you update or change the accounting distribution information for line items in your purchase orders? Do you create purchase orders from on-line requisitions? How do you control modifications to your purchase orders? Do you close purchase orders before they have been actually received & invoiced? Describe. Do you attach text (e.g., quality or material specifications, etc.) to your purchase order? How much text is required (provide worst case sample)? Do you automatically (by system) or manually generate purchase order numbers? Do you print supplier documents (e.g., RFQ's, PO's, etc.) in the language of the supplier? If so, please provide samples of each language supported. How do you maintain your Employee Expense data (e.g., expense reports submitted, rejected, etc.) and by whom? How do you audit your Employee Expense data (e.g., expense report vs. payment, etc.) and by whom? What operations/processes (e.g., on-live vs. paper submissions, etc.) do you want to streamline for Employee Expense? What operations/processes (e.g., manual reviews, paperwork matching, etc.) do you want to eliminate for Employee Expense? Are there any time-intensive Employee Expense operations/processes that need to be addressed? Metric Setup, Process Setup Setup Setup Metric Metric Process Process Process Process Process Setup Setup

(PR) Procurement (PR) Procurement

Ordering Ordering

Place Purchase Order Place Purchase Order

not identified not identified


4 4

Purchase Orders Purchase Orders

Process Setup

(PR) Procurement (PR) Procurement (PR) Procurement (PR) Procurement (PR) Procurement (PR) Procurement

Ordering Ordering Ordering Ordering Ordering Ordering

Place Purchase Order Process Expense Reports Process Expense Reports Process Expense Reports Process Expense Reports Process Expense Reports

not identified Enter Expense Reports Enter Expense Reports Process Employee Expenses Process Employee Expenses Process Employee Expenses


Multi-Language Maintenance Maintenance Other Other Other

Setup Process Process Process Process Process

Not module specific PREXPENREP 5 Not module specific PREXPENREP 5 Not module specific PREXPENREP 5 Not module specific PREXPENREP 5 Not module specific PREXPENREP 5

131320756.xls.ms_office Page 146

RD.020 Business Process Questionnaire OBM Level I Type = Setup Metric Process Performance
Process Setup, Process Process How frequently are employee expense claims processed? How many employee expense claims are processed per the frequency used above? Are these expense claims assigned a special pay priority (e.g., high or low, before/after other vendor payments)> What is the current procedure for employee advances? How are these reconciled when the expense claim is submitted? Do your employees have company credit cards? How are company credit cards managed (issued, audited, reconciled, etc.)? Metric Metric Process, Setup Process Process Process Process What document is used to transfer inventory from MRB to a warehouse location? Does your company respond to Request for Proposals (RFPs) to obtain work? If so - please describe how this process works - please highlight any pertinent flags, statuses, etc. How does your company monitor the Win/Loss rate in the RFP process? PO PO PO PO PO OFORDENTSC 28 OFORDENTSC 28 OFORDENTSC 28 OFORDENTSC 28 PRREQUISIT 4 RFP RFP RFP RFP RFQ How does your company monitor Proposal Cost Recovery in the RFP process? How does your company monitor industries and market sectors in the RFP process? How does your company monitor customers or customer types in the RFP process? What paperwork is involved to submit a requisition? Will different businesses need to be supplied with (share purchase volumes for) the same items? What businesses and what items/commodities? Process Process Process Process Process Process

OBM Level II 5210 5211 5212 5213 5214 5215 5216 5217 5218 5219 5220 5221 5222 5223 5224 5225 5226 5227 5228 5229 5230 5231 5232 5233 5234 5235 5236 5237 5238 5239 5240 5241 5242 5243 5244 5245 5246 5247 5248 5249 5250 5251 5252
(PR) Procurement (PR) Procurement (PR) Procurement (PR) Procurement (PR) Procurement (PR) Procurement (PR) Procurement (PR) Procurement (PR) Procurement (PR) Procurement (PR) Procurement Ordering Ordering Ordering Ordering Ordering Ordering Ordering Ordering Ordering Ordering Receiving and Inspection


Process Expense Reports Process Expense Reports Process Expense Reports Process Expense Reports Process Expense Reports Process Expense Reports Process Expense Reports Process Expense Reports Process Expense Reports Process Expense Reports Manage Inspect Goods

OBM Level IV
Process Employee Expenses Enter Expense Reports Process Employee Expenses Process Employee Expenses Process Employee Expenses Process Employee Expenses Process Employee Expenses Process Employee Expenses Process Employee Expenses Process Employee Expenses Not identified Review Request for Quote/Quotation Feedback Review Request for Quote/Quotation Feedback Review Request for Quote/Quotation Feedback Review Request for Quote/Quotation Feedback Review Request for Quote/Quotation Feedback not identified


OBM Row No.


Employees Employees Employees Employees Employees Employees Employees Employees Employees Employees Inspection

Process Analysis Questions

What requirement is there to process employee expense reports? Please describe. Is there a standard employee expense claim form? Provide sample. What is the current process to generate expense payments to employees?


(PR) Procurement (PR) Procurement (PR) Procurement (PR) Procurement (PR) Procurement (PR) Procurement

Sourcing Sourcing Sourcing Sourcing Sourcing Sourcing

Manage Bid and Proposal Manage Bid and Proposal Manage Bid and Proposal Manage Bid and Proposal Manage Bid and Proposal Manage Requisitions





(PR) Procurement (PR) Procurement (PR) Procurement (PR) Procurement (PR) Procurement

Sourcing Sourcing Sourcing Sourcing Sourcing

Manage Requisitions not identified not identified not identified not identified

not identified not identified not identified not identified not identified



Purchase Orders Purchase Orders Purchase Orders Purchase Orders Purchase Orders How do you manage subcontracting? Are procurement items ordered (requisition/PO) according to commodity class codes? What are the processes and logic for their use? How do you decide who to buy from? Do you take advantage of discounts or price breaks? What do you do when you want to stop purchasing from a particular vendor?

Setup Process Process Process Process


(PR) Procurement (PR) Procurement (PR) Procurement (PR) Procurement

Sourcing Sourcing Sourcing Sourcing

not identified not identified not identified not identified

not identified not identified not identified not identified



Purchase Orders Purchase Orders Purchase Orders Purchase Orders Do you require that purchase orders being sent to Vendors that are on hold in Accounts Payable be stopped? If so, how is this currently done? Are foreign currency conversions used? If so, how are exchange rates updated? Do you override the item description on a requisition or PO? How? Do you enter purchase orders for items that do not require "receipting"?

Setup Setup Setup Setup, Process

(PR) Procurement


not identified

not identified



Purchase Orders

(PR) Procurement (PR) Procurement (PR) Procurement (PR) Procurement (PR) Procurement (PR) Procurement (PR) Procurement (PR) Procurement (PR) Procurement (PR) Procurement (PR) Procurement (PR) Procurement (PR) Procurement (PR) Procurement (PR) Procurement (PR) Procurement

Sourcing Sourcing Sourcing Sourcing Sourcing Sourcing Sourcing Sourcing Sourcing Sourcing Sourcing Sourcing Sourcing Sourcing Sourcing Sourcing

not identified Obtain Bids & Quotations Obtain Bids & Quotations Obtain Bids & Quotations Obtain Bids & Quotations Obtain Bids & Quotations Obtain Bids & Quotations Obtain Bids & Quotations Obtain Bids & Quotations Obtain Bids & Quotations Obtain Bids & Quotations Obtain Bids & Quotations Obtain Bids & Quotations Obtain Bids & Quotations Obtain Bids & Quotations Obtain Bids & Quotations

not identified not identified not identified not identified not identified not identified not identified not identified not identified not identified not identified not identified not identified not identified not identified not identified


PRSOURCING 3 PR9001 PR9001 PR9001 PR9001 PR9001 PR9001 PR9001 PR9001 PR9001 PR9001 PR9001 PR9001 PR9001 PR9001 PR9001 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4

Purchase Orders Purchase Orders Purchase Orders RFQ RFQ RFQ RFQ RFQ RFQ RFQ RFQ RFQ RFQ RFQ RFQ RFQ

Process Are there non-payment vendor sites, not defined in Accounts Payable, that need to be defined for Purchasing to order goods/services? Please describe and provide list of samples. Process How are RFQs presently managed with respect to creation, transmittal, receipt/analysis and approval? Process Are the non-payment vendor sites, not defined in Accounts Payable, that need to be defined for Purchasing considered "RFQ Only" sites? Process Do you use request for quotations/bids? Process What is the process for creating a request for quotations/bids from your vendors? How do you enter/maintain quotations and other quotation information from your vendors? How do you decide which quotations are available to reference on your purchase orders? What items to be purchased (e.g., by item, by commodity, by cost level, etc.) require that valid request for quotations be used? How many RFQ's do you issue per month? Do you obtain quotations from phone, catalogs or by other means? Do you maintain quotations/bids history? How long? Are request for quotations/bids (RFQ's) automated? Do you use unit of measure conversion for RFQs? Are your requisitions or PO's associated with quotations? How? Do you keep track of price breaks on volumes? Do you receive notification from your system when a quotation is about to expire? Do you need to? Process Process Process Process Metric Process Process Setup Setup Process Process Setup

131320756.xls.ms_office Page 147

RD.020 Business Process Questionnaire OBM Level I Type = Setup Metric Process Performance
Process Process

OBM Level II 5253 5254 5255

(PR) Procurement (PR) Procurement Supplier Management and Evaluation Supplier Management and Evaluation


Manage Supplier Base Manage Supplier Base

OBM Level IV
Maintain Database Details Maintain Database Details


OBM Row No.


Maintenance Maintenance

Process Analysis Questions

How do you maintain your Procurement data (current system name, buy cards, etc.) and by whom? How do you audit your Procurement data (timing, event-driven) and by whom? Do you have security restrictions on who can enter/maintain data for Procurement (e.g., by company, by cost center, by position)? Please describe restrictions. Do you have security restrictions on who can process certain functions (e.g., assign item to Auth. Supply List, etc.) for Procurement (e.g., by company, by cost center, by position)? Please describe restrictions.

Not module specific PRSUPBASMA 5 Not module specific PRSUPBASMA 5

(PR) Procurement

Supplier Management and Evaluation

Manage Supplier Base

Maintain Database Details

Not module specific PRSUPBASMA 5



5256 5257 5258 5259 5260 5261 5262 5263 5264 5265 5266 5267 5268 5269 5270 5271 5272 5273 5274 5275 5276 5277 5278 5279 5280 5281 5282 5283 5284 5285

(PR) Procurement (PR) Procurement (PR) Procurement (PR) Procurement

Supplier Management and Evaluation Supplier Management and Evaluation Supplier Management and Evaluation Supplier Management and Evaluation

Manage Supplier Base Manage Supplier Base Manage Supplier Base Manage Supplier Base

Maintain Database Details Maintain Database Details Maintain Database Details Maintain Database Details



Security Security Security Security

Not module specific PRSUPBASMA 5 Not module specific PRSUPBASMA 5 Not module specific PRSUPBASMA 5

(PR) Procurement

Supplier Management and Evaluation

Manage Supplier Base

Add Information to AVL




(PR) Procurement

Supplier Management and Evaluation

Manage Supplier Base

Manage Supplier Catalogs




(PR) Procurement (PR) Procurement (PR) Procurement (PR) Procurement (PR) Procurement (PR) Procurement (PR) Procurement (PR) Procurement (PR) Procurement (PR) Procurement (PR) Procurement (PR) Procurement (PR) Procurement (PR) Procurement (PR) Procurement (PR) Procurement (PR) Procurement (PR) Procurement (PR) Procurement (PR) Procurement (PR) Procurement (PR) Procurement (PR) Procurement (PD) Product Development (PD) Product Development

Supplier Management and Evaluation Supplier Management and Evaluation Supplier Management and Evaluation Supplier Management and Evaluation Supplier Management and Evaluation Supplier Management and Evaluation Supplier Management and Evaluation Supplier Management and Evaluation Supplier Management and Evaluation Supplier Management and Evaluation Supplier Management and Evaluation Supplier Management and Evaluation Supplier Management and Evaluation Supplier Management and Evaluation Supplier Management and Evaluation Supplier Management and Evaluation Supplier Management and Evaluation Supplier Management and Evaluation Supplier Management and Evaluation Supplier Management and Evaluation Supplier Management and Evaluation Supplier Management and Evaluation Supplier Management and Evaluation Design Engineering Design Engineering

Manage Supplier Base Manage Supplier Base Manage Supplier Base Manage Supplier Base Manage Supplier Base Manage Supplier Base Manage Supplier Base Manage Supplier Base Manage Supplier Base Manage Supplier Base Manage Supplier Base Manage Supplier Base Manage Supplier Base Manage Supplier Base Manage Supplier Base Manage Supplier Base Manage Supplier Base Manage Supplier Base Manage Supplier Base Manage Supplier Base Manage Supplier Base Manage Supplier Base Manage Supplier Base Not identified Not identified Not identified

Manage Supplier Catalogs not identified not identified not identified not identified not identified not identified not identified not identified not identified not identified not identified not identified not identified not identified not identified not identified not identified not identified not identified not identified not identified not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified



Requisitions Vendors Vendors Vendors Vendors Vendors Vendors Vendors Vendors Vendors Vendors Vendors Vendors Vendors Vendors Vendors Other Vendors Vendors Disbursement Vendors Vendors Vendors Change Policy Change Policy Change Policy

(PD) Product Development


Design Engineering

Setup, Process Do you have security restrictions on who can run Procurement reports (by company, by cost center, by position)? Setup, Process Do you run security reports on a regular basis for Procurement? Describe process and who runs reports. Process Do you have documentation on your current system security requirements for Procurement? Please provide copy. Process Is a buyer required to purchase from an approved, or 'certified' vendor? Describe extent of these vendors (number, type, commodity, etc.). Setup Is there a pre-defined catalog or set of catalogs of items provided to requisitioners that defines the items, costs, and sources eligible to be ordered? If so, please describe the location of the catalog(s). Setup Is there a pre-defined exchange provided to requisitioners that defines the items, costs, and sources eligible to be ordered? If so, please describe the location of the catalog(s). Setup What is the basis for your vendor category breakdown? Setup Who currently maintains the vendor files (Procurement or Accounts Payable)? Process Do you have a single consolidated vendor list? Setup Do you have vendors listed in your files multiple times? Please describe purpose. Setup How do you manage vendors with multiple addresses? Setup Do you have preferred vendors and how do you identify them? Setup How do you manage vendor numbering? Setup Do you put employees as vendors? If not, how do you pay employee expenses? Setup Do you have a standard naming convention for vendors when the name is like "John Smith"? Is it "Smith John" or "John Smith"? Setup Do you have shared vendors between companies? Provide listing? Setup How many vendors do you have? Metric What vendor analysis do you perform? Process What vendor negotiating tools do you use? Process How are vendors categorized for financial tracking purposes? Setup Do you have a single consolidated vendor list for each legal entity/business or is it consolidated across all entities/businesses? Setup Do you track duplicate vendor information within the Payables system? Process Do you group vendors for payment purposes and how? Setup, Process Do you differentiate vendor sites which can receive payments and sites which cannot receive payments? Setup Do you have a central registry of vendors that supports more than one business? Process Do you provide vendors with access to their order data via the Internet? If not, is this a future need? Setup, Process How do you enroll/register your vendors to have Internet access to your order data for them? Setup, Process Do you require vendors to provide you with updates to their current PO's? If not, is this a future need? Setup, Process What is the rate at which you introduce changes? Metric Do you have a change control board or a configuration control group? Setup Do you use change requests as well as official change control orders? Process

131320756.xls.ms_office Page 148

RD.020 Business Process Questionnaire OBM Level I Type = Setup Metric Process Performance
Process Do you have a document control group? Design Engineering (PD) Product Development Design Engineering (PD) Product Development Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified ENG NS 953 953 15 15 Change Policy How do you get document approvals? Change Policy How many different kinds of Bills of Material do you maintain? (Manufacturing, Costed, Planned As-Built, As-Designed, As-Sold, Modular, Model, Planning, etc.) Does ECN Implementation increase the revision number or constitute a different part number for the end product? How many people initiate, process and implement ECNs? Do you comply with corporate level engineering changes? Design Engineering (PD) Product Development Design Engineering (PD) Product Development Design Engineering (PD) Product Development Design Engineering (PD) Product Development Design Engineering (PD) Product Development Design Engineering (PD) Product Development Design Engineering (PD) Product Development Design Engineering (PD) Product Development Design Engineering (PD) Product Development Design Engineering (PD) Product Development Design Engineering (PD) Product Development Design Engineering (PD) Product Development Design Engineering (PD) Product Development Design Engineering (PD) Product Development Design Engineering (PD) Product Development Design Engineering (PD) Product Development Design Engineering (PD) Product Development Design Engineering (PD) Product Development Design Engineering (PD) Product Development Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified BOM BOM BOM BOM, ENG BOM, ENG BOM NS BOM BOM BOM ENG, WIP ENG ENG ENG BOM, ENG 953 953 953 953 953 953 953 953 953 953 953 953 953 953 953 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 Change Policy Change Policy Change Policy Change Policy Change Policy Do you follow form - fit - function rules of interchangeability? Control Rules Do you manage engineering changes for configured product offerings? Control Rules Control Rules Control Rules Control Rules Control Rules Control Rules Control Rules Control Rules Control Rules Control Rules Control Rules Control Rules Control Rules Process Do you need to integrate changes in optioned bills of material with sales order changes? Process Do you use up all the material that you plan to obsolete? Process What type of effectiveness do you use? (Date, Lot, Serial) Process How do you deal with open shop orders when component revisions change? Process Do you differentiate between ECO and ECN, NORs, waivers? Process Do you create ECO's for items under Kanban control? Process If yes, then how do you manage that? Process Do you group similar products together into Product Families? Process Do you have a different process for items associated with Projects? Process Do you need to do revision tracking for government manufacturing? Process To what level do you have to track revisions for government (documents or parts)? Process Do you build product if obsolete bills of material are required for a production run? (Government build) Process If engineering changes require different purchased parts of subassemblies, how does the ECN initiate replacement part of purchase process? Process How do you maintain your New Product Introduction data? Process How do you audit your New Product Introduction data? Process Which operations/processes do you want to streamline for New Product Introduction? Process Which operations/processes do you want to eliminate for New Product Introduction? Process Are there any time-intensive New Product Introduction operations/processes that need to be addressed? Process Do you have security requirements on who can enter data for New Product Introduction? (e.g. by company? by cost center?) Process Do you have security reports on who can run New Product Introduction reports? (by company, by cost center etc.) SETup, Process Will there need to be terminal security for New Product Introduction? Setup Do you run security reports on a regular basis for New Product Introduction? Process Do you have documentation on your current system security requirements for New Product Introduction? Process Map each GL user to a menu structure. Will any new ones need to be created for New Product Introduction? SETup, Process Process What is the typical lead time for implementing ECNs? This question may depend on type of ECN. How are engineering changes communicated to manufacturing, distribution, order processing, shipping and other key organizations? Do you create ECNs as a result of product failure, customer returns, or purely from research and development? Describe this process. Do you design for manufacturability or assembly? Setup Setup Setup Process Process Process Setup

OBM Level II
(PD) Product Development


Not identified

OBM Level IV
Not identified


OBM Row No.



Change Policy

Process Analysis Questions

Do you retain change control history?

(PD) Product Development

Design Engineering

5289 5290 5291

(PD) Product Development

Design Engineering Design Engineering (PD) Product Development Design Engineering (PD) Product Development

Not identified Not identified Not identified

Not identified Not identified Not identified


953 953 953

15 15 15

Change Policy Change Policy Change Policy

Setup Setup Setup

5292 5293 5294 5295 5296 5297 5298 5299 5300 5301 5302 5303 5304 5305 5306 5307 5308 5309 5310 5311 5312 5313
(PD) Product Development


Design Engineering Design Engineering (PD) Product Development Design Engineering (PD) Product Development Design Engineering (PD) Product Development Design Engineering (PD) Product Development Design Engineering (PD) Product Development Design Engineering (PD) Product Development Design Engineering (PD) Product Development Design Engineering (PD) Product Development Design Engineering (PD) Product Development Design Engineering (PD) Product Development Design Engineering

Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified

Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified

953 953 953 953 953 953 953 953 953 953 953 953

15 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18

Control Rules Maintenance Maintenance Other Other Other Security Security Security Security Security Security

5314 5315 5316 5317 5318 5319 5320 5321 5322 5323 5324

131320756.xls.ms_office Page 149

RD.020 Business Process Questionnaire OBM Level I Type = Setup Metric Process Performance
Setup Do you track the cost of a new product introduction separately from you established production costs? How do you cost the new product? Do you establish a project for the new product? Design Engineering (PD) Product Development Design Engineering (PD) Product Development Design Engineering (PD) Product Development Design Engineering (PD) Product Development Design Engineering (PD) Product Development Design Engineering (PD) Product Development Design Engineering (PD) Product Development Design Engineering (PD) Product Development Design Engineering (PD) Product Development Design Engineering (PD) Product Development Design Engineering (PD) Product Development Design Engineering (PD) Product Development Design Engineering (PD) Product Development Design Engineering (PD) Product Development Design Engineering (PD) Product Development Design Engineering (PD) Product Development Design Engineering (PD) Product Development Design Engineering (PD) Product Development Design Engineering (PD) Product Development Design Engineering (PD) Product Development Design Engineering (PD) Product Development Design Engineering (PD) Product Development Design Engineering (PD) Product Development Document Release (PD) Product Development Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified PA, PJM 953 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 19 979 15 Costing Do you have an engineering production line for new products? ENG 953 BOM, ENG, INV, OE, WIP 953 OE OE NS ENG COST, OE COST, OE COST, OE ENG, PO PO INV, PO, MRP MPS INV, PO, WIP WIP OE ENG, WIP WIP OE WIP BOM, ENG, WIP ALL ALL 953 953 953 953 953 953 953 953 953 953 953 953 953 953 953 953 953 953 953 ECN Initiating New Products Initiating New Products Initiating New Products Initiating New Products Initiating New Products Pricing Is the price set independent of the cost of manufacture? Pricing Is the price set only on a competitive basis? Pricing Do you have a new product procurement procedure? Procurement Do you usually have to buy new tooling for new product introduction? Procurement Procurement Procurement Procurement Prototype Do you sell the prototypes? Prototype Do you do any design and prototyping prior to public announcements? Prototype Who builds prototypes, Production or Engineering? Prototype When do you release the new product to production? Prototype Do you have departments charge their time against these projects? Costing ECN Reporting Reporting What are your Engineering Change reporting requirements with respect to summary or detail formats? Obtain report listing. What reports do you currently generate to meet your Engineering Change reporting requirements? Provide examples of each. Include source (could be manual), user, frequency, number of copies. Is there any Engineering Change reporting requirement that your current set of reports does not meet? Are Engineering Change reports standard across multiple Sets of Books, for example, subsidiaries? Are Engineering Change reports standard across multiple levels within a Set of Books, i e., divisions? What account codes and/or descriptions are required on Engineering Change reports? Do you provide a "key" of content/information somewhere on the Engineering Change report? What Engineering Change reports are grouped together on a regular basis and printed in one print run? Who receives a copy of the Engineering Change reports? What is the criteria for determining who should receive a copy of any Engineering Change report? How do you update a Engineering Change reports distribution list? How many significant upgrades have you done to your current product over the past three years? What business performance statistics do you monitor for Order Placement? Performance Performance Process Setup, Process Process Process Process Process Do you allow enough lead-time for the planners and buyers to get in the correct material for the first production run? Do you build prototypes? Do you have buyers and planners who work specifically with new product introduction? Do your planners buy material based on a build forecast? Setup Setup Metric Metric Process Setup Process Process Setup How often does your Company introduce new products? Process How many new products do you introduce over a fiscal year? Metric Do your customers drive the new product introduction? Process Does your marketing department drive the new product introduction? Process Does general technology change in your industry drive new product introduction? How is the price of the product set? Process Process Process Metric Setup

OBM Level II
(PD) Product Development


Not identified Not identified Not identified

OBM Level IV
Not identified Not identified Not identified


OBM Row No.

953 953 953

18 18 18

Validation Costing Costing

Process Analysis Questions

Do you review requirements for validation rules, allowing certain New Product Introduction accounts to be valid with only certain other values.

(PD) Product Development

Design Engineering Design Engineering (PD) Product Development Design Engineering (PD) Product Development

5326 5327 5328 5329 5330 5331 5332 5333 5334 5335 5336 5337 5338 5339 5340 5341 5342 5343 5344 5345 5346 5347 5348 5349 5350 5351 5352
(PD) Product Development

Document Release Document Release (PD) Product Development Document Release (PD) Product Development Document Release (PD) Product Development Document Release (PD) Product Development Document Release (PD) Product Development Document Release (PD) Product Development Document Release (PD) Product Development Document Release (PD) Product Development Document Release

Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified

Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified


979 979 979 979 979 979 979 979 979 979

15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15

Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting

Setup, Process Setup Setup Setup Setup Setup Setup, Process Process Process Process

5353 5354 5355 5356 5357 5358 5359 5360 5361

131320756.xls.ms_office Page 150

RD.020 Business Process Questionnaire OBM Level I Type = Setup Metric Process Performance
Process Process Process Process Setup, Process Setup Process, Performance

OBM Level II
(PD) Product Development


Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified

OBM Level IV
Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified


OBM Row No.

979 979 979 979 979 979 979

15 15 15 15 15 15 15

Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting

Process Analysis Questions

Is the process to update a Engineering Change reports distribution list documented? How long does it take to update a Engineering Change reports distribution list? How long should it take to update a Engineering Change reports distribution list? Who performs the tasks associated with updating a Engineering Change reports distribution list? Is there any requirement for on-line (softcopy) distribution and/or remote location printing for Engineering Change reports? Do some of these Engineering Change reports belong in report sets? Always being run together? Do the separate business units run their own Engineering Change reports? What type of printers do you run Engineering Change reports (including checks, purchase orders etc.) on? Where are they located?

(PD) Product Development

Document Release Document Release (PD) Product Development Document Release (PD) Product Development Document Release (PD) Product Development Document Release (PD) Product Development Document Release (PD) Product Development Document Release (PD) Product Development

5363 5364 5365 5366 5367 5368 5369

(PD) Product Development

Document Release Document Release (PD) Product Development Document Release (PD) Product Development Document Release (PD) Product Development Document Release (PD) Product Development Document Release (PD) Product Development Document Release (PD) Product Development Document Release (PD) Product Development

Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified

Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified


979 979 979 979 979 979 979 979

15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15

Reporting Reporting Security Security Security Do you run security reports on a regular basis for Engineering Change? Security Security Security Do you run Engineering Change reports for different companies or cost centers? Do you have security requirements on who can enter data for Engineering Change? (e.g. by company? by cost center?) Do you have security reports on who can run Engineering Change reports? (by company, by cost center etc.) Will there need to be terminal security for Engineering Change?

Setup, Performance Process Process Setup, Process Setup Process Do you have documentation on your current system security requirements for Engineering Change? Process Map each GL user to a menu structure. Will any new ones need to be created for Engineering Change? Setup, Process Do you review requirements for validation rules, allowing certain Engineering Change accounts to be valid with only certain other values. Setup How do you maintain your Engineering Change data? Process How do you audit your Engineering Change data? Process Which operations/processes do you want to streamline for Engineering Change? Process Which operations/processes do you want to eliminate for Engineering Change? Process Are there any time-intensive Engineering Change operations/processes that need to be addressed? Process What business performance statistics do you monitor for Engineering Change? Process What are your Engineering Change reporting requirements with respect to functional vs. foreign currencies? Setup, Process How do you cost parts and labor for returned goods repairs? Metric Do you estimate the costs of repairs prior to the actual repair process? If so please describe the estimation process. Process Do you track the actual repair cost to the estimate? if so - please describe the tracking process and what information or tools are used. Metric What operations/processes (e.g., receiving inspection, SPC data logging, etc.) do you want to streamline for Quality Management? Process What operations/processes (e.g., incoming WIP inspection, etc.) do you want to eliminate for Quality Management? Process What time-intensive Quality Management operations/processes need to be addressed? Process What Quality Management data do you maintain and how is it maintained? Process How do you audit your Quality Management data? Process Does a current process baseline already exist for the Quality Management processes? If so, please provide copy. Process Do Quality Management policies, procedures and work instructions exist? If so, please provide sample. Process What group/organization is the primary customer for this Quality Management process? Secondary customer(s)? Process What is/are the key output(s) of the Quality Management process? Process What request or event launches the Quality Management processes? Please provide listing. Process

5370 5371 5372 5373 5374 5375 5376 5377

(PD) Product Development

Document Release Product Maintenance (PD) Product Development Product Maintenance (PD) Product Development Product Maintenance (PD) Product Development Product Maintenance (PD) Product Development Product Maintenance (PD) Product Development Product Maintenance (PD) Product Development Product Maintenance (PD) Product Development Product Prototype Validation (PD) Product Development Product Prototype Validation (PD) Product Development

Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Manage Product Data Manage Product Data

Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Estimate Costs Estimate Costs


979 964 964 964 964 964 964 964

15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 21 21

Validation Maintenance Maintenance Other Other Other Reporting Reporting Cost Cost

5378 5379 5380 5381 5382 5383 5384 5385 5386 5387 5388 5389 5390 5391 5392 5393 5394 5395 5396 5397
Quality Management Quality Management Quality Management Quality Management Quality Management Quality Management Quality Management Quality Management Quality Management Quality Management

Product Prototype Validation Corporate Quality Plan Corporate Quality Plan Corporate Quality Plan Corporate Quality Plan Corporate Quality Plan Corporate Quality Plan Corporate Quality Plan Corporate Quality Plan Corporate Quality Plan Corporate Quality Plan

Manage Product Data Manage Quality Plan Manage Quality Plan Manage Quality Plan Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified

Estimate Costs Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified



Cost Other Other Other Maintenance Maintenance ALL ALL ALL ALL ALL

131320756.xls.ms_office Page 151

RD.020 Business Process Questionnaire OBM Level I Type = Setup Metric Process Performance

OBM Level II 5398 5399 5400 5401 5402 5403 5404 5405 5406 5407 5408 5409 5410 5411 5412 5413 5414 5415 5416 5417 5418 5419 5420 5421 5422 5423 5424 5425 5426 5427 5428 5429 5430 5431 5432 5433 5434
Quality Management Quality Management Corporate Quality Plan Corporate Quality Plan


Not identified Not identified

OBM Level IV
Not identified Not identified


OBM Row No.



Process Analysis Questions


Quality Management Quality Management Quality Management Quality Management Quality Management Quality Management Quality Management

Corporate Quality Plan Corporate Quality Plan Corporate Quality Plan Corporate Quality Plan Corporate Quality Plan Corporate Quality Plan Corporate Quality Plan

Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified

Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified

14 14 14 14 14 14 14


Quality Management Quality Management Quality Management Quality Management Quality Management Quality Management Quality Management Quality Management Quality Management Quality Management Quality Management Quality Management Quality Management Quality Management Quality Management Quality Management Quality Management Quality Management Quality Management Quality Management Quality Management Quality Management Quality Management Quality Management Quality Management Quality Management Quality Management Quality Management

Corporate Quality Plan Corporate Quality Plan Corporate Quality Plan Corporate Quality Plan Corporate Quality Plan Corporate Quality Plan Corporate Quality Plan Corporate Quality Plan Corporate Quality Plan Corporate Quality Plan Corporate Quality Plan Corporate Quality Plan Corporate Quality Plan Corporate Quality Plan Corporate Quality Plan Corporate Quality Plan Corporate Quality Plan Corporate Quality Plan Corporate Quality Plan Corporate Quality Plan Corporate Quality Plan Corporate Quality Plan Corporate Quality Plan Corporate Quality Plan Corporate Quality Plan Corporate Quality Plan Corporate Quality Plan Corporate Quality Plan

Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified

Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified

14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14

ALL ALL ALL ALL ALL ALL ALL ALL ALL ALL ALL ALL ALL ALL ALL ALL ALL ALL Collect Quality Results Collect Quality Results Collect Quality Results Collect Quality Results Return Material Return Material Return Material Adjust Accounts Enhance Quality Collection Plans Enhance Quality Collection Plans

How does the customer recognize that the process has been completed (e.g., reports, alerts, etc.)? Process What are the business functions that must be accomplished in order to complete the process? Process List and classify each business function by type (a combination of Manual or System-assisted, and Internal or External) and responsible agent (owner). Process What decision steps are involved in the process, what are the outcomes and % likelihood for each outcome? Process What are the key decisions that drive the process? Process Create a pareto chart of causes or decision drivers of outcomes ("x" % of the time "y" happens because...). Process What are the policies that govern how the process will function? Process What are the constraints that limit or control the process? Process Do standards exist for process steps? Process What are the system transactions (list by "type" such as: control, status, movement, logistics, change, quality, balancing and reconciliation)? Process What is the primary information captured and used? Process What is the source of each set of key information? Process What are the data capture methods? Process Does a schematic exist that depicts all storage points for material? Process Does a schematic exist that depicts all storage points for information? Process What types of security and controls are used regarding key information? Performance How is data entry audited? Performance What are the activity drivers and how are they measured and valued? Performance Where are the process bottlenecks? Performance What are representative transaction volumes for key process steps? Performance What are the drivers of transaction volume surge and peak loads? Performance How stable is the transaction throughput? Performance What are the opportunities for improving the process? Performance Where are the current weak areas? Performance What are the redundancies (particularly data entry)? Performance What are the reasons for acquiring the new application system relevant to this business area? Performance What families of products or inputs carry the most value through the process? Performance How do you integrate your quality system(s) with other operating subsystems (like Purchasing, Inventory, Manufacturing, etc.)? Process What are the operating systems transactions from which quality results must be collected? Process Describe how quality results must be collected in "background" (i.e. no operator intervention)? Process Describe the procedure and level of difficulty encountered when new quality collection elements must be added to existing plans. Process Are field info (like returns) incorporated? Process What is the linkage between service systems, RMAs and serialized items? Process Will you accept obsolete products for return? Process Do you automatically take credit for returned goods in payables? Process How are quality collection plans revised, improved and generally updated based on corrective action cycles? Process To what extent can collection plans be user-defined (including key information)? Setup

131320756.xls.ms_office Page 152

RD.020 Business Process Questionnaire OBM Level I Type = Setup Metric Process Performance
Setup Do you maintain Specifications by input characteristic? 14 14 14 14 14 14 Specifications Specifications Specifications Specifications Collection Plans Collection Plans Do you maintain Specifications by a combination of Item and input characteristic? Supplier? Customer? Is it necessary to store schematics and other drawings on-line as electronic documents for inspection purposes? Do you maintain on-line specifications using: target values? Validation ranges? Lists of values? Do you have the capability to determine what quality characteristics must be entered based on other entries or actions? Do you reuse system-assisted, pre-built Quality Plans to simplify receiving inspection? What are the important characteristics and elements you plan to collect? (class by type: identification, reference, variables, attributes) Is data gathering restricted to subsets by family or other grouping to reduce volume? To what extent can elements be user-defined on collection plans (including lengths and precision, and validation logic)? Must users develop collection plans that vary by site or organization for the same transaction? To what other systems is quality information exported? Setup Setup Setup Setup Setup Setup

OBM Level II 5435 5436 5437 5438 5439 5440 5441 5442 5443 5444 5445 5446 5447 5448 5449
Quality Management Quality Management Quality Management Quality Management Quality Management Quality Management Quality Management Corporate Quality Plan Corporate Quality Plan Corporate Quality Plan Corporate Quality Plan Corporate Quality Plan Corporate Quality Plan Corporate Quality Plan


Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified

OBM Level IV
Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified


OBM Row No.




Process Analysis Questions

Do you maintain Specifications by Item & Operation?

Quality Management Quality Management Quality Management Quality Management Quality Management Quality Management Quality Management

Corporate Quality Plan Corporate Quality Plan Corporate Quality Plan Corporate Quality Plan Corporate Quality Plan Corporate Quality Plan Corporate Quality Plan

Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified

Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified


14 14 14 14 14 14 14

Collection Plans Collection Plans Collection Plans Collection Plans History Management Management

Setup Setup Setup Setup

Quality Management

Quality Compliance Mgmt

Not identified

Not identified



5450 5451 5452 5453 5454 5455 5456 5457 5458 5459 5460 5461 5462 5463 5464 5465 5466 5467 5468

Quality Management

Quality Compliance Mgmt

Not identified

Not identified




Quality Management Quality Management Quality Management Quality Management

Quality Compliance Mgmt Quality Compliance Mgmt Quality Compliance Mgmt Quality Compliance Mgmt

Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified

Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified


Security Security Security Security

Quality Management

Quality Compliance Mgmt

Not identified

Not identified


Quality Management Quality Management Quality Management Quality Management Quality Management Quality Management Quality Management Quality Management Quality Management Quality Management Quality Management Quality Management Quality Management

Quality Compliance Mgmt Quality Compliance Mgmt Quality Compliance Mgmt Quality Compliance Mgmt Quality Compliance Mgmt Quality Compliance Mgmt Quality Compliance Mgmt Quality Compliance Mgmt Quality Compliance Mgmt Quality Compliance Mgmt Quality Compliance Mgmt Quality Compliance Mgmt Quality Compliance Mgmt

Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified

Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified


14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14

Validation ALL ALL ALL ALL ALL ALL Monitor In-process controls Monitor In-process controls Monitor In-process controls Monitor In-process controls Monitor In-process controls Monitor In-process controls

Process How do you determine which products and business processes require quality control and reporting? Performance How does the quality management system interface with total preventive and predictive maintenance programs? Performance Do you have security restrictions on who can enter data for Quality Management? (e.g., by company, by cost center, by position)? Please describe restrictions. Process Do you have security restrictions on who can process certain functions (e.g., place or release quality holds, reject lots, etc.) for Quality Management (e.g., by company, by cost center, by position)? Please describe restrictions. Setup, Process Do you have security restrictions on who can run Quality Management reports (e.g., by company, by cost center, by position, etc.)? Setup, Process Will there need to be terminal security for Quality Management? Setup Do you run security reports on a regular basis for Quality Management? Describe process and who runs reports. Process Do you have documentation on your current system security requirements for Quality Management? Please provide copy. Process Map each GL user to a menu structure (current system or Oracle system if trained). Will any new menus need to be created for Quality Management? Setup, Process Do you review requirements for validation rules, allowing certain Quality Management accounts to be valid with only certain other values. Setup What technology and tools are needed at the business function (process step) level for data gathering, measurement or inspection? Process What are the control points for performance measurement and management? Status? Value? Location? Performance How do you measure value for key process steps? Performance How do you measure efficiency? Performance How do you measure response or service to the customer? Performance How do you measure the stability of key process steps? Performance Do you monitor serial cycle history (like multiple passes through testing or debugging)? Process Do you maintain statistical process controls (SPC)? Process Do you maintain SPC for supplier production processes? Process What are the key variables and attributes that are monitored during production? Process To what extent are Cp, Cpk and other process capability statistics maintained and used? Performance To what extent are correlation statistics maintained? Process

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RD.020 Business Process Questionnaire OBM Level I Type = Setup Metric Process Performance
Process Process Process Do you collect information "on everything", and not just failures (tests run, environmental factors, etc.)? Do you collect time-to-failure statistics? Is the current system transparent across suppliers (for both collection and reporting)? Do current procedures call for logging time spent debugging or troubleshooting failures? When gathering quality collection results from test or other automated equipment, how do you filter, screen or otherwise avoid a lot of unimportant excess data? Do you need to be able to back out any collected results? Process Is Cycle time a quality collection element? Process How do you gather failure analysis data from Suppliers and translate codes between systems? Are collection elements derived from other elements (like Symptom Code from comparison of results to specs)? Is the current system able to auto-populate collection elements? Process Process Process Process Process Process

OBM Level II 5469 5470 5471 5472 5473 5474 5475 5476 5477 5478 5479 5480 5481 5482 5483 5484 5485 5486 5487 5488 5489 5490 5491 5492 5493 5494 5495 5496 5497 5498 5499 5500 5501 5502
Quality Management Quality Management Quality Management Quality Management Quality Management Quality Management Quality Management Quality Compliance Mgmt Quality Compliance Mgmt Quality Compliance Mgmt Quality Compliance Mgmt Quality Compliance Mgmt Quality Compliance Mgmt Quality Compliance Mgmt


Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified

OBM Level IV
Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified


OBM Row No.


14 14 14 14 14 14 14

Monitor In-process controls Monitor In-process controls Collect Quality Results Collect Quality Results Collect Quality Results Collect Quality Results Collect Quality Results Collect Quality Results Collect Quality Results Collect Quality Results Collect Quality Results Collect Quality Results Collect Quality Results Collect Quality Results Collect Quality Results Collect Quality Results

Process Analysis Questions

How do you alert the appropriate personnel when quality nonconformance occurs? Does the quality system take or recommend action based on sampling or analysis of a series of outputs? How is failure data collected? What % is being entered manually?


Quality Management Quality Management Quality Management Quality Management Quality Management Quality Management Quality Management Quality Management Quality Management

Quality Compliance Mgmt Quality Compliance Mgmt Quality Compliance Mgmt Quality Compliance Mgmt Quality Compliance Mgmt Quality Compliance Mgmt Quality Compliance Mgmt Quality Compliance Mgmt Quality Compliance Mgmt

Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified

Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified


14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14


Quality Management Quality Management Quality Management Quality Management Quality Management Quality Management Quality Management Quality Management Quality Management Quality Management

Quality Compliance Mgmt Quality Compliance Mgmt Quality Compliance Mgmt Quality Compliance Mgmt Quality Compliance Mgmt Quality Compliance Mgmt Quality Compliance Mgmt Quality Compliance Mgmt Quality Compliance Mgmt Quality Compliance Mgmt

Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified

Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified


14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14

Test/Inspect Test/Inspect Test/Inspect Test/Inspect Test/Inspect Test/Inspect Test/Inspect Diagnose Quality Event Diagnose Quality Event Diagnose Quality Event Disposition nonconforming material Disposition nonconforming material Disposition nonconforming material

Process Are collection elements ever calculated as a function of other elements (in addition to constants)? Process Do you capture and report Supplier process factors that are affecting product quality? Process What collection import programs are in use? Process Are inspection control areas organized in these ways: internal (for characteristics), external (like packaging and handling), source process and administrative process (documentation)? Setup Are test and inspection instructions available at critical steps throughout the supply chain? Setup What sampling programs are in-place and what is their basis? Setup What types of "holds" are used after a quality event has occurred and before disposition is made? Setup What criteria is used to "pass" material during inspection? Process What percent of material passes during the first inspection? Performance Do you track "first-pass" inspection? Performance Does the system prompt suggested test or debug steps based on preliminary collection results? Process How is the Supplier quality event capture through corrective action managed? Process Are action rules and systematic notifications used when in-house quality events occur? Are these filtered by parameters in any way? Process How are material review board workflows enabled? Process Are responsibilities for dispositioning nonconformances established by name? Department? Role? Process What percentage of material is returned for re-work?

Quality Management

Quality Compliance Mgmt

Not identified

Not identified


Quality Management

Quality Compliance Mgmt

Not identified

Not identified

Quality Management

Quality Compliance Mgmt

Not identified

Not identified


Performance What percentage of material is scrapped?

Quality Management

Quality Compliance Mgmt

Not identified

Not identified


Disposition nonconforming material How long does it take you to disposition discrepant material? Disposition nonconforming material What are the policies governing repair vs. replace? Repair or Replace Take Corrective Action Take Corrective Action


Quality Management Quality Management Quality Management Quality Management

Quality Compliance Mgmt Quality Compliance Mgmt Quality Compliance Mgmt Quality Compliance Mgmt

Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified

Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified


14 14 14 14

Performance Process Is the corrective action loop closure automated or based heavily on manual methods and transmittal of hard-copy forms? Is the corrective action loop based on any workflow technology? Process Process

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RD.020 Business Process Questionnaire OBM Level I Type = Setup Metric Process Performance
Process Do you track corrective actions from MRB or Supplier audit event through analysis, action, change control (like ECO) and pre-control planning? Process Do you need to collect Symptom, Cause and Action codes along the corrective action loop? Do all process outputs serve as events for other quality or management processes? Do you measure re-work production volumes or costs? Do you do re-work off-line or during production? Process What are the components of enterprise wide quality costs and how are they gathered (including sources)? Do you collect actual costs for re-work and repair orders? How do you cost parts and labor for repairs to returned repairs? Performance Does failure-based system cover in-house as well as Suppliers so that a total picture (denominator) of production can be captured? Process Is there an integration with generalized reporting, especially graphics, paretos, etc.? Process Do you track PPM (parts per million) tracking the business functions? Process Are Pareto charts produced like: assembly type by diagnostic symptom? Process Is there product line quality information retrieval without resorting to manual entry? Process For Pareto charting, can you perform an initial selection to determine a subset from the universe of parts to include? Process Do time series charts include USL/LSL and UCL/LCL lines? Process Is it necessary to plot multiple characteristics on the same time series chart? Process What out-of-control conditions do you monitor (and what patterns) on control charts? Process Must collections plans be grouped for reporting purposes? Process Is it necessary to be able to report/chart/query results from a "list" of quality Collection Plans rather than from just one plan at a time? Process Does current charting system print multiple charts on the same page? Process Is it necessary to consolidate across systems? Process To what extent are Serial/Lot history records maintained? Process Is serial genealogy a business requirement? Process Do you currently report total defects per unit and defects per million for each Supplier-related material transaction? Process Are failure analyses reported by problem and product? Process Are there delays between quality event occurrence and reporting/analysis? What are the average delays by: reason? Product Family? Process? Performance What are the primary quality analysis reports in use? How are they used? By whom? Frequency? Performance Are variable inspection modes limited to first article or is 100% inspection used? Setup Do you maintain USL/LSL and UCL/LCL ranges on-line, and, if so, for what elements or characteristics are they maintained? Setup Do you need the results on quality collection to initiate another program (like transfer material to a hold area (subinventory)? Setup Must it be possible to link collection results together (for instance to calculate yield across several alternate paths within a routing)? Setup To what extent are systematic incoming inspection quality collection plans used to inspect Supplier products? Setup What are the types of predefined actions you can specify to be taken based on quality events (electronic mail, alerts, display to operator, etc.)? Setup Do you capture Supplier site and process audit results (Non-conformance, Corrective Actions)? Process How do authorized supplier lists tie in with the quality system? Setup Performance Performance Process Process Performance

OBM Level II 5503 5504 5505 5506 5507 5508 5509 5510 5511 5512 5513 5514 5515 5516 5517 5518 5519 5520 5521 5522 5523 5524 5525 5526 5527 5528 5529 5530 5531 5532 5533 5534 5535 5536 5537 5538
Quality Management Quality Compliance Mgmt


Not identified

OBM Level IV
Not identified


OBM Row No.


Take Corrective Action Take Corrective Action Take Corrective Action Take Corrective Action Take Corrective Action Take Corrective Action Capture Cost of Quality Capture Cost of Quality Capture Cost of Quality Analyze Quality Results Analyze Quality Results Analyze Quality Results Analyze Quality Results Analyze Quality Results Analyze Quality Results Analyze Quality Results Analyze Quality Results Analyze Quality Results Analyze Quality Results Analyze Quality Results Analyze Quality Results Analyze Quality Results Analyze Quality Results Analyze Quality Results Analyze Quality Results Analyze Quality Results Analyze Quality Results Analyze Quality Results Specifications Specifications Collection Plans Collection Plans Collection Plans

Process Analysis Questions

To what extent are system-based supplier certification records maintained?


Quality Management Quality Management Quality Management Quality Management Quality Management Quality Management Quality Management Quality Management Quality Management Quality Management Quality Management Quality Management Quality Management Quality Management Quality Management Quality Management Quality Management Quality Management Quality Management Quality Management Quality Management Quality Management Quality Management Quality Management Quality Management

Quality Compliance Mgmt Quality Compliance Mgmt Quality Compliance Mgmt Quality Compliance Mgmt Quality Compliance Mgmt Quality Compliance Mgmt Quality Compliance Mgmt Quality Compliance Mgmt Quality Compliance Mgmt Quality Compliance Mgmt Quality Compliance Mgmt Quality Compliance Mgmt Quality Compliance Mgmt Quality Compliance Mgmt Quality Compliance Mgmt Quality Compliance Mgmt Quality Compliance Mgmt Quality Compliance Mgmt Quality Compliance Mgmt Quality Compliance Mgmt Quality Compliance Mgmt Quality Compliance Mgmt Quality Compliance Mgmt Quality Compliance Mgmt Quality Compliance Mgmt

Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified

Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified


14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14

Quality Management Quality Management Quality Management Quality Management Quality Management Quality Management Quality Management

Quality Compliance Mgmt Quality Compliance Mgmt Quality Compliance Mgmt Quality Compliance Mgmt Quality Compliance Mgmt Quality Compliance Mgmt Quality Compliance Mgmt

Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified

Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified

14 14 14 14 14 14 14

Quality Management Quality Management Quality Management

Quality Compliance Mgmt Quality Compliance Mgmt Quality Compliance Mgmt

Not identified Not identified Not identified

Not identified Not identified Not identified



Collection Plans Process Audit ASL

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RD.020 Business Process Questionnaire OBM Level I Type = Setup Metric Process Performance

OBM Level II 5539 5540 5541 5542 5543 5544 5545 5546 5547 5548
Quality Management Quality Management Quality Management Quality Compliance Mgmt Quality Compliance Mgmt Quality Compliance Mgmt


Not identified Not identified Not identified

OBM Level IV
Not identified Not identified Not identified


OBM Row No.


ASL History History

Process Analysis Questions


Quality Management Quality Management Quality Management Quality Management Quality Management Quality Management Quality Management

Quality Compliance Mgmt Quality Compliance Mgmt Quality Compliance Mgmt Quality Compliance Mgmt Quality Compliance Mgmt Quality Compliance Mgmt Quality Compliance Mgmt

Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified

Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified


14 14 14 14 14 14 14

History History Management Management Management Management Management

5549 5550 5551 5552 5553 5554 5555 5556 5557 5558 5559 5560 5561 5562 5563 5564 5565 5566 5567 5568 5569 5570 5571 5572 5573 5574

Quality Management Quality Management Quality Management Quality Management Quality Management Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management

Quality Compliance Mgmt Quality Compliance Mgmt Quality Compliance Mgmt Quality Compliance Mgmt Quality Compliance Mgmt Quote and Contract Management Quote and Contract Management Quote and Contract Management Quote and Contract Management Quote and Contract Management Quote and Contract Management Quote and Contract Management Quote and Contract Management Quote and Contract Management Quote and Contract Management Quote and Contract Management Quote and Contract Management Quote and Contract Management Sales Administration Sales Administration Sales Administration Sales Administration Sales Administration Sales Administration

Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Quote Management Quote Management Quote Management Quote Management Quote Management Quote Management Quote Management Quote Management Quote Management Quote Management Quote Management Quote Management Quote Management Account Knowledge Management Account Knowledge Management Account Knowledge Management Account Knowledge Management Account Knowledge Management Account Knowledge Management

Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Accept Quote Obtain Approvals Generate Quotes Select Products/Services / Configure Sales Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified

ENG, QA NOT MODULE SPECIFIC QA QA QA ALL Oracle Sales Oracle Sales Oracle Sales Oracle Sales Mobile Oracle Sales Mobile Oracle Sales Oracle Sales, OM Oracle Sales Oracle Sales, OM Oracle Sales Oracle Sales Oracle Sales Oracle Sales Oracle Sales Oracle Sales Oracle Sales


14 14 14 14 14 24

Management Management Management Management Management General Quotes Quotes Quotes Quotes Visits Quotes Visits Quotes Quotes Quotes Quotes Quotes Opportunity Management Contact Management Contact Management Contact Management Contact Management Contact Management Contact Management Contact Management

1174 1208 1208 1208 1208 1208

24 24 24 24 24 24

Sales Management Sales Management

Sales Administration Sales Administration

Account Knowledge Management Account Knowledge Management

Not identified Not identified

Oracle Sales Oracle Sales

1208 1208

24 24

Do you maintain Supplier certification status optionally at site, site-product and site-process levels? Setup Do you have difficulty viewing Serial or Lot history with the current system? Setup Is it necessary to be able to maintain "history" records? Setup Do you maintain quality event and corrective action history for Serial/Lot/Item from receiving through WIP, rework, finished goods and material returns? Setup When characteristics or elements are no longer tracked, what happens to history? How is further input prevented? Setup What are the key indicators that are measured with the domain of the quality management system? Performance What is the frequency of data collection and reporting by representative product? Family of products? Business process? Performance How are reporting responsibilities assigned? Performance What are the drivers for updating reporting requirements? Performance How do you manage and control quality information dissemination? Performance Does operating policy support concurrent engineering methods by linking Supplier-generated quality characteristics and specifications plus Supplier corrective action history to Engineering prototype development? Process Do you compare quality trends to trends in productivity, supplier compliance, plant and equipment utilization and custom satisfaction? Performance Are quality control programs linked with design-of-experiments? Performance Do you segregate suspect material for planning purposes? Setup Do you segregate suspect material for costing and/or scrapping purposes? Setup What applications/methods are you using for placing orders and order fulfillment? Process What approvals are required for quotes? Process How do you generate quotes? Process Are there product configuration requirements for quoting? Process Are sales reps allowed to override pricing? Process, Setup Can a Sales Rep produce a quote and or a sales order on a customer site Setup Do you discount by line, volume, and/or the total quote? Process, Setup Does the Sales Rep have to print a quote or sales order on customer site Setup Does your salesforce create quotes? Provide examples of existing quotes? Setup, Process How are price lists organized? Please provide a sample of all price lists currently being used? Setup How long is a quote valid and what documents accompany a quote? Provide examples of each. Setup, How many different price lists do you have and how often are they updated? Setup, Process How many quotes are created for a single opportunity typically? Process How many accounts and contacts to you anticipate tracking? Metric What type of company or account information do you track for prospects/customers? Process What type of company or account information do you track for customers? Process What type of contact information do you track? Process How does account and contact information get entered into the current system? Setup, Process How does account and contact information get updated in the current system? Setup, Process Do you currently have a system for purging account and contact information? If so, what is the criteria for purging the information? Is it archived? Process Who needs to access account and contact information? Where do they Process, access the information from (i.e. home, office, hotel)? Performance

131320756.xls.ms_office Page 156

RD.020 Business Process Questionnaire OBM Level I Type = Setup Metric Process Performance
Process How many accounts and contacts do you anticipate tracking? Metric Do you pay commissions? Do you recognize commissions at time of booking? Do you split commissions? Which commissions system do you use? How do you maintain your Sales Compensation data? How do you audit your Sales Compensation data? Which operations/processes do you want to streamline for Sales Compensation? Which operations/processes do you want to eliminate for Sales Compensation? Are there any time-intensive Sales Compensation operations/processes that need to be addressed? How do you open/close an accounting period for Sales Compensation? Is the schedule to open/close an accounting period for Sales Compensation documented? How long does it take to open/close an accounting period for Sales Compensation? How long should it take to open/close an accounting period for Sales Compensation? Is closing an accounting period for Sales Compensation a hard close or a soft close? How are adjustments to closed periods for Sales Compensation handled? Who performs the tasks associated with opening/closing an accounting period for Sales Compensation? Where in your accounting cycle do you run standard reports and statements for Sales Compensation? What business performance statistics do you monitor for Sales Compensation? What are your Sales Compensation reporting requirements with respect to functional vs. foreign currencies? What reports do you currently generate to meet your Sales and Sales Compensation reporting requirements? Provide examples of each. Include source, user, frequency, number of copies, level of importance. Is there any Sales Compensation reporting requirement that your current set of reports does not meet? Are Sales Compensation reports standard across multiple Sets of Books, for example, subsidiaries? Are Sales Compensation reports standard across multiple levels within a Set of Books, i e., divisions? What account codes and/or descriptions are required on Sales Compensation reports? Do you provide a "key" of content/information somewhere on the Sales Compensation report? What Sales Compensation reports are grouped together on a regular basis and printed in one print run? Who receives a copy of the Sales Compensation reports? What is the criteria for determining who should receive a copy of any Sales Compensation report? How do you update a Sales Compensation reports distribution list? Is the process to update a Sales Compensation reports distribution list documented? How long does it take to update a Sales Compensation reports distribution list? How long should it take to update a Sales Compensation reports distribution list? Who performs the tasks associated with updating a Sales Compensation reports distribution list? Do some of these Sales Compensation reports belong in report sets? Always being run together? What type of printers do you run Sales Compensation reports (including checks, purchase orders etc.) on? Where are they located? Do you run Sales Compensation reports for different companies or cost centers? Do you have security requirements on who can enter data for Sales Compensation? (e.g. by company? by cost center?) Do you have security reports on who can run Sales Compensation reports? (by company, by cost center etc.) Process Process Process Process Process Process Process Process Process Process Process Process Process Process Process Process Process Process Setup, Process

OBM Level II 5575 5576 5577 5578 5579 5580 5581 5582 5583 5584 5585 5586 5587 5588 5589 5590 5591 5592 5593 5594 5595
Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management Sales Administration Sales Administration Sales Administration Sales Administration Sales Administration Sales Administration Sales Administration Sales Administration Sales Administration Sales Administration Sales Administration Sales Administration Sales Administration Sales Administration Sales Administration Sales Administration Sales Administration Sales Administration Sales Administration Sales Administration Sales Administration


Account Knowledge Management Account Knowledge Management Compensation Management Compensation Management Compensation Management Compensation Management Compensation Management Compensation Management Compensation Management Compensation Management Compensation Management Compensation Management Compensation Management Compensation Management Compensation Management Compensation Management Compensation Management Compensation Management Compensation Management Compensation Management Compensation Management

OBM Level IV
Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified


OBM Row No.

1208 1208

24 24 19 19 19 19

Contact Management Contact Management Commissions Commissions Commissions Commissions Maintenance Maintenance Operations Operations Operations Period Close Period Close Period Close Period Close Period Close Period Close Period Open Reporting Reporting Reporting

Process Analysis Questions

How do you currently control account or contact duplication?

1228 1228 1228 1228 1228 1228 1228 1228 1228 1228 1228 1228 1228 1228 1228

25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25

5596 5597 5598 5599 5600 5601 5602 5603 5604 5605 5606 5607 5608 5609 5610 5611 5612 5613 5614

Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management

Sales Administration Sales Administration Sales Administration Sales Administration Sales Administration Sales Administration Sales Administration Sales Administration Sales Administration Sales Administration Sales Administration Sales Administration Sales Administration Sales Administration Sales Administration

Compensation Management Compensation Management Compensation Management Compensation Management Compensation Management Compensation Management Compensation Management Compensation Management Compensation Management Compensation Management Compensation Management Compensation Management Compensation Management Compensation Management Compensation Management

Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified


1228 1228 1228 1228 1228 1228 1228 1228 1228 1228 1228 1228 1228 1228 1228

25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25

Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting

Setup, Process Setup Setup Setup Setup Setup Setup,Process Process Process Process Process Process Process Process Setup

Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management

Sales Administration Sales Administration Sales Administration Sales Administration

Compensation Management Compensation Management Compensation Management Compensation Management

Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified


1228 1228 1228 1228

25 25 25 25

Reporting Reporting Security Security

Setup,Performance Process Process Setup,Process

131320756.xls.ms_office Page 157

RD.020 Business Process Questionnaire OBM Level I Type = Setup Metric Process Performance

OBM Level II 5615 5616 5617 5618 5619 5620 5621 5622 5623 5624 5625 5626 5627 5628 5629 5630 5631 5632 5633 5634 5635 5636 5637 5638 5639 5640 5641 5642 5643 5644 5645 5646 5647 5648 5649 5650 5651
Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management Sales Administration Sales Administration Sales Administration Sales Administration


Compensation Management Compensation Management Compensation Management Compensation Management

OBM Level IV
Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified


OBM Row No.

1228 1228 1228 1228

25 25 25 25

Security Security Security Commissions

Process Analysis Questions

Will there need to be terminal security for Sales Compensation? Do you run security reports on a regular basis for Sales Compensation?

Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management

Sales Administration Sales Administration Sales Administration Sales Administration Sales Administration Sales Administration Sales Administration Sales Administration Sales Administration Sales Administration Sales Administration Sales Administration Sales Administration Sales Administration Sales Administration Sales Administration Sales Administration Sales Administration Sales Administration Sales Administration Sales Administration Sales Administration Sales Administration Sales Administration Sales Administration Sales Administration Sales Administration Sales Administration Sales Administration Sales Administration Sales Administration Sales Administration Sales Administration

Compensation Management Compensation Management Compensation Management Compensation Management Compensation Management Compensation Management Compensation Management Compensation Management Compensation Management Compensation Management Compensation Management Compensation Management Compensation Management Compensation Management Compensation Management Compensation Management Compensation Management Compensation Management Compensation Management Compensation Management Compensation Management Compensation Management Compensation Management Compensation Management Compensation Management Compensation Management Compensation Management Compensation Management Compensation Management Compensation Management Compensation Management Compensation Management Compensation Management

Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Determine Pay Point


1235 1228 1228 1228 1228 1228 1228 1235 1236 1241 1228 1228 1241 1241 1228 1199 1241 1235 1241 1241 1241 1240 1240 1228 1228 1228 1231 1228 1228

25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25

Commissions Commissions Commissions Commissions Commissions Commissions Commissions Commissions Comp Plan Comp Plan Commissions Comp Plan Comp Plan Comp Plan Comp Plan Comp Plan Comp Plan Comp Plan Comp Plan Comp Plan

Process Do you have documentation on your current system security requirements for Sales Compensation? Process How are you currently paying commissions? Process What is the source of transactions you pay commissions from? Oracle Apps, other apps, or custom apps? Is it integrated with your current system? Setup Can you bring over all the relevant data from your receivables application? Ex: Rep, date, amount, product. Setup Roughly how many lines will come over in an average month? Process How many different products and/or services do you compensate your salesforce on? Can these be hierarchically ordered? In which application are salesreps assigned to orders? How are they assigned? How many and what types of manual adjustments do you make? Does your order entry system allow multiple reps per line, either as a split or as a double comp situation? At what point in the order cycle do you pay commissions: Booking, invoice, payment etc. Do sales managers receive roll up credit from their subordinates? How many different kinds of compensation plans are there for your salesforce? Could 2 sales reps on the same plan have different rates? What is the duration of your comp plans (annual, bi-annual)? Process Process Process Process Process Process Process Process

Define Revenue Sharing Conditions OSC Define Compensation Structure Define Compensation Structure Not identified Not identified OSC OSC OSC OSC

Determine Compensation Structure OSC Not identified Not identified Create Compensation Criteria Determine Pay Point Create Compensation Criteria OSC OSC OSC OSC OSC

Process Are commissions paid at a flat rate or are the plans based on a tiered approach? Process Do you allow your sales reps to receive draws? If so, are they recoverable or non-recoverable? Process Do you pay independent agents such as resellers or vendors commissions? Process Do you pay rebates to customers? Process What do you base a sales reps commission rate on? Dollars sold, units, % discount given, margin? Are reps paid on booking, invoice or payment? Other? Are bonuses based on subjective or objective criterion? What are the objective bonuses based on (P&Ls, margin etc.)? Are there commonalities across plans? Shared elements? Are different lines of business incented differently? Process Process Process Process Process How often do you pay commissions, bonuses, draws, etc.? Process What application do you use to pay (not calculate) commissions? How many different reps do you pay through your compensation system? Process

Determine Compensation Structure OSC Determine Compensation Structure OSC Determine Compensation Structure OSC Not identified OSC, AP

Comp Plan Commissions Commissions Organization Organization Organization Reporting Reporting Reporting Operations Comp Plan Comp Plan Commissions How do you determine which rep(s) should get credit for a sale? Is that information entered manually or determined automatically through a rulebased system? If determined automatically, please specify rules.

Define Revenue Sharing Conditions OSC Define Revenue Sharing Conditions OSC Not identified OSC Implement and track Compensation Plans OSC Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified OSC OSC OSC OSC OSC

Process Is it possible that the same deal could roll up to two different reps in the same management chain? Process Will OSC be implemented at multiple sites? Setup, Process What are your commissions reporting requirements for Sales? Process Will anyone other than the comp analysts have access to commissions data? Process Do you have a requirement for OSC to touch the GL (accruals, adjustments)? Process Approximately, how long does the collection process take before completion? Process Can sales management make changes to comp plans easily? Process Do you use formulas to calculate commissions? Do your sales people understand how they are paid? Process Process

Determine Compensation Structure OSC

5652 5653 5654 5655 5656 5657

Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management

Sales Administration Sales Administration Sales Administration Sales Administration Sales Administration Sales Administration

Compensation Management Compensation Management Compensation Management Compensation Management Not identified Not identified

Define Compensation Structure Not identified Define Compensation Structure Not identified Not identified Not identified

OSC Telesales OSC OSC Oracle Sales Oracle Sales 1174 1174 24 24

Commissions Telesales Organization Operations Maintenance Maintenance How often do you collect transactions that you pay commisions? E.g., daily, weekly, monthly. How do you maintain your Sales data? How do you audit your Sales data? How does your company monitor telesales agent performance? How many people at your company handle the sales compensation function?

Process Process Process Process Process Process

131320756.xls.ms_office Page 158

RD.020 Business Process Questionnaire OBM Level I Type = Setup Metric Process Performance
Process Process Process Process Setup,Process Setup Process Process Setup Process Process Process Process Process Process Process, Metric Process, Metric Metric Process Process

OBM Level II 5658 5659 5660 5661 5662 5663 5664 5665 5666 5667 5668 5669 5670 5671 5672 5673 5674 5675 5676 5677 5678 5679 5680 5681 5682 5683 5684 5685 5686 5687 5688 5689 5690 5691 5692 5693 5694 5695 5696 5697 5698 5699 5700 5701 5702 5703 5704 5705
Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management Sales Administration Sales Administration Sales Administration Sales Administration Sales Administration Sales Administration Sales Administration Sales Administration Sales Administration Sales Administration Sales Administration Sales Administration Sales Administration Sales Administration Sales Administration Sales Administration Sales Administration Sales Administration Sales Administration Sales Administration


Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified

OBM Level IV
Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified

Oracle Sales Oracle Sales Oracle Sales Oracle Sales Oracle Sales Oracle Sales Oracle Sales Oracle Sales Oracle Sales Oracle Sales Oracle Sales Oracle Sales Oracle Sales Oracle Sales Oracle Sales ALL ALL Sales ALL ALL

OBM Row No.

1174 1174 1174 1174 1174 1174 1174 1174 1174 1174 1174 1174 1174 1174 1174 1174 1174 1174 1174 1174

24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24

Operations Operations Operations Security Security Security Security Security Validation General General General General General General General General General General General

Process Analysis Questions

Which operations/processes do you want to streamline for Sales? Which operations/processes do you want to eliminate for Sales? Are there any time-intensive Sales operations/processes that need to be addressed? Do you have security requirements on who can enter data for Sales? (e.g. by company? by cost center?) Do you have security reports on who can run Sales reports? (by company, by cost center etc.) Will there need to be terminal security for Sales? Do you run security reports on a regular basis for Sales? Do you have documentation on your current system security requirements for Sales? Do you review requirements for validation rules, allowing certain Sales accounts to be valid with only certain other values. What was the reason for purchasing/upgrading to this Oracle Sales application? What is the purpose of the relevant Sales systems/processes? What is the origin of the relevant Sales systems/processes (vendor or inhouse)? Is there an existing entity relationship (E-R) diagram of the current Sales application? Is there an existing diagram of the current Sales processes? What is your current Sales application? What sales related business areas and/or operations are targeted for improvement? What sales related business areas and/or operations are targeted for reengineering? List their priority? How do you see the application resolving your current deficiencies/issues in Sales? Can you provide a system flow diagram of connectivity between your core business applications? What type of information is exchanged between the current Sales application and your other systems/processes? Can you provide information flow schematics of the data passed/required between Sales and other connected/interfaced systems? What are your requirements for importing and exporting data from Sales?

Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management

Sales Administration Sales Administration Sales Administration Sales Administration Sales Administration Sales Administration Sales Administration Sales Administration

Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified

Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified

ALL Oracle Sales Sales Sales Sales ALL ALL ALL

1174 1174 1174 1174 1174 1174 1174 1174

24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24

General General General General General General General General What word processing package do the users use? What other Oracle applications do you have? What are your language/Global requirements? Do you have accounts spanning multiple countries where language and character sets need to be considered? What Communications hardware/software will the users be using? Do you have any multiple currency requirements? Do you have any multi-org requirements? How do you route sales calls? How long does it take to update a Sales report's distribution list? Are all customers attached to a price list? Are there any other high level requirements that you want to discuss? What Sales historical information do you currently maintain? What types of PCs do the users have? What are your on-line help/documentation requirements for Sales applications? What sales related manual operations/processes do you need to automate?

Process Process Process Process Process Performance, Process Setup Process

Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management

Sales Administration Sales Administration Sales Administration Sales Administration Sales Administration Sales Administration Sales Administration Sales Administration Sales Administration Sales Administration Sales Administration Sales Administration Sales Administration Sales Administration Sales Administration Sales Administration Sales Administration Sales Administration Sales Administration Sales Administration

Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified

Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified


1174 1174 1228 1228 1215

24 24 25 25

General General Organization Organization Telesales Reporting Pricing General Pricing Security Sales Sales Sales Security Customer Information Sales Product Types Sales Sales Pricing

Setup Performance Setup, Process Setup, Process Process Process Process Process

Can price lists be overridden? Describe any current features or functions of your application/system security? Do you accept configured orders? Do you allow partial payment of invoices? Do you check Available to Promise prior to quoting ship date? Do you currently have any limits on your system to prevent unauthorized use?

Process Process Process Process Process Process

Do you default other information (I.e., payment terms, shipping, tax) at the customer level? Do you enter customer information while on the phone? Do you give the customers a ship date while on the phone? Do you handle orders from unknown customers? Do you have customers that order for other customers? Do you have default price lists?

Process Process Process Process Process Process


Page 159

RD.020 Business Process Questionnaire OBM Level I Type = Setup Metric Process Performance
Process Process Process, Performance Process Process Process Process Setup, Process Process Process Do you use customer agreements/contracts to manage specific price lists? Process Do you use Return Material Authorizations? How do you check Available to Promise for configured orders? How is the shipping location determined? (9.e., by geography or product availability)? How many bill-to's do you maintain for each customer? How often do you change your passwords and codes? Is there an approval cycle for each type of order? What are the most pressing current issues or problems with your sales cycle processing? (Pain points and frustrations) What are the types of orders that you process? (e.g., goods, services, or returns What are the units of measure you use when you order items? What data will need to be converted from your existing systems? What legacy systems maintain customer information? Process Process Process Process Process Process Performance Process Process Setup, Process

OBM Level II 5706 5707 5708 5709 5710 5711 5712 5713 5714 5715 5716 5717 5718 5719 5720 5721 5722 5723 5724 5725 5726 5727 5728 5729 5730 5731 5732 5733 5734 5735 5736 5737 5738 5739 5740 5741 5742 5743 5744 5745 5746 5747 5748 5749 5750 5751 5752 5753 5754
Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management Sales Administration Sales Administration Sales Administration Sales Administration Sales Administration Sales Administration Sales Administration Sales Administration Sales Administration Sales Administration Sales Administration Sales Administration Sales Administration Sales Administration Sales Administration Sales Administration Sales Administration Sales Administration Sales Administration Sales Administration Sales Administration Sales Administration Sales Administration Sales Administration Sales Administration Sales Administration Sales Administration Sales Administration Sales Administration Sales Administration Sales Administration Sales Administration Sales Administration Sales Administration Sales Administration Sales Administration Sales Administration Sales Administration Sales Administration Sales Administration Sales Administration Sales Administration Sales Administration Sales Administration Sales Administration Sales Administration Sales Administration Sales Administration Sales Administration


Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Sales Organization Sales Organization Sales Organization Sales Organization Sales Organization Sales Organization Sales Organization Sales Organization Sales Organization Sales Organization Sales Organization Sales Organization Sales Organization Sales Organization Sales Organization Sales Organization Sales Organization Sales Organization Sales Organization Sales Planning Sales Planning

OBM Level IV
Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Define Users Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Define Roles Not identified define roles Channel Management Not identified

OC OC ALL OC OC OC OC iStore, Web Customers OC OC OC OC OC OC OC ALL OC Oracle Sales OC OC Oracle Sales Oracle Sales Mobile Oracle Sales Oracle Sales OC Oracle Sales Oracle Sales Oracle Sales Oracle Sales Oracle Sales Oracle Sales ALL Oracle Sales Oracle Sales Oracle Sales Telesales Oracle Sales Telesales Telesales Telesales Telesales Telesales Telesales Oracle Sales Oracle Sales Oracle Sales Oracle Sales Mobile

OBM Row No.


Pricing Pricing

Process Analysis Questions

Do you have promotional discounts? Do you have rule based pricing? (e.g., CPU model, monitor, keyboard) Do you have tools to do on-demand reports or queries?

Reporting Sales Sales Sales Sales Internet Sales Commissions Sales Sales Sales Product Types Sales Sales Security Sales General Sales Sales General General Background Reporting Reporting Customer Information Product Reporting 1174 1174 1174 1174 1174 1200 1200 1199 1189 1189 1215 1215 1215 1215 1215 1215 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 General General General General Will users be accessing the Sales application remotely? In what manner? General Territory Management Territory Management Territory Management Literature Fulfillment Literature Fulfillment Do certain telesales reps work with certain products/customers/languages? Telesales Telesales Telesales Telesales Telesales Telesales General Reporting Forecasting 19 1174 24 Commissions General How many agents at each site? Can you provide a document that lists the roles and responsibilities for your organization? Do your salesreps have a capacity to compare their own data with the rest of the sales force? Who is responsible for forecasting? Do you use channel sales? What sales/account information do users need access to while "disconnected" from the database? Do certain telesales reps work with certain customers? Do certain telesales reps work with certain languages? How many tele agents do you have? How many different sites do you perform telephone sales or service? What is the turnover rate for the sales force? Do you perform customer credit checking prior to entering the order? Do you ship from multiple locations? Do you take orders only from approved customers? Do you tell the customer the product price while on the phone? Do you use and Internet Service Provider for your web enabled systems, if any? Do you use channel sales? Do you use customer agreements/contracts to manage specific discounts?

Process What system will be the source of information for Mobile Field Sales, if Oracle Sales is being used what release will be running Setup, Process Who is currently responsible for creating or changing Sales reports? Setup, Process Who is in charge of running the reports? Setup, Process Who maintains customer information? Process Who maintains the item master and how often is this changed? Who receives a copy of a Sales Reports? What is the total number of users who have/will have access to the Sales application? How many users will have access to the Sales application for updating information? Classify your Sales users into different functional user groups. How many users will be accessing the Sales application at the same time? Performance, Metric Performance, Process Setup How is your sales force organized? Setup In general, how many reps work on an account? Setup Who in your organization will require the ability to request that a letter or collateral be sent? Who in your organization will require the ability to fulfill literature requests? Process, Setup Process, Setup Process Process Process Process Process Process Process Process, Performance Setup Setup Setup, Process Process Process Metric Metric Process


Page 160

RD.020 Business Process Questionnaire OBM Level I Type = Setup Metric Process Performance
Process What type of information do you track for sales partners? Process What do you sell? Who do you generally sell to? Process Do you bundle specific products or services? Setup How often do you have new products or services? Is this a fairly dynamic item master or does the item master remain relatively static? Process How many different types of products or services do you have? Are these products aligned into product families, classes, etc? Setup Is there a standard selling method across your organization? Across business lines? Across divisions? Process How long is your average sales cycle? Process Do you restrict access to information by employee or sales territory? Setup How do you define your forecasting periods? Setup How do you set up your sales quotas? By salesrep, product, etc. Who is responsible for determining and entering sales quotas? At what level does your organization forecast (i.e. item, product category)? Setup, Process Process Setup, Process What are the sales management requirements in terms of forecasting information? Describe the business process in which an event is organized and managed. Setup Setup

OBM Level II 5755 5756 5757 5758 5759 5760 5761 5762 5763 5764 5765 5766 5767 5768 5769 5770 5771 5772 5773 5774 5775 5776 5777 5778 5779 5780 5781 5782 5783 5784 5785 5786 5787 5788 5789 5790 5791 5792 5793 5794 5795 5796 5797 5798 5799
Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management Sales Administration Sales Administration Sales Administration Sales Administration Sales Administration Sales Administration Sales Administration Sales Administration Sales Administration Sales Administration Sales Administration Sales Administration Sales Administration Sales Administration Sales Administration Sales Administration Sales Administration Sales Administration Sales Administration Sales Administration Sales Administration Sales Administration Sales Administration Sales Administration Sales Administration Sales Administration Sales Administration Sales Administration Sales Administration Sales Administration Sales Administration Sales Administration Sales Administration Sales Administration Sales Administration Sales Administration Sales Administration Sales Administration Sales Administration Sales Administration Sales Administration Sales Administration Sales Administration Sales Administration Sales Administration


Sales Planning Sales Planning Sales Planning Sales Planning Sales Planning Sales Planning Sales Planning Sales Planning Sales Planning Sales Planning Sales Planning Sales Planning Sales Planning Sales Planning Sales Planning Sales Planning Sales Planning Sales Planning Sales Planning Sales Planning Sales Planning Sales Planning Sales Planning Sales Planning Sales Planning Sales Planning Sales Planning Sales Planning Sales Planning Sales Planning Sales Planning Sales Planning Sales Planning Sales Planning Sales Planning Sales Planning Sales Planning Sales Planning Sales Planning Territory Management Territory Management Territory Management Territory Management Territory Management Territory Management

OBM Level IV
Not identified Create Partner Programs Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Define Selling Methodology Not identified Define Sales Methodology Not identified Not identified Estimate Sales Quotas Not identified Not identified Not identified Create Sales Plan Not identified Not identified Define Selling Methodology Define Selling Methodology Define Selling Methodology Not identified Not identified Create Sales Plan Not identified Define Selling Methodology Not identified Define Selling Methodology Define Selling Methodology Not identified Create Sales Plan Not identified Define Selling Methodology Not identified Not identified Define Selling Methodology Define Selling Methodology Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Assign Accounts Not identified Not identified

Oracle Sales Oracle Sales Oracle Sales Oracle Sales Oracle Sales Oracle Sales Oracle Sales Oracle Sales Oracle Sales Oracle Sales Oracle Sales Oracle Sales Oracle Sales Oracle Sales Oracle Sales Telesales Telesales Oracle Sales Oracle Sales Telesales iStore, Web Customers Telesales Telesales Telesales Marketing Online Marketing Online Oracle Sales Oracle Sales iStore, Web Customers Oracle Sales Oracle Sales Marketing Online Palm iStore, Web Customers Palm Oracle Sales Oracle Sales iStore, Web Customers Mobile Oracle Sales All Oracle Sales Oracle Sales Oracle Sales Oracle Sales

OBM Row No.

1219 1174 1184 1191 1191 1174 1174 1208 1208 1200 1212 1228 1228 1212 1212 1190 1190 1228 1228 1215 1215 1215 1215 1215 1190 1190

24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 25 25

Contact Management Contact Management Product Contact Management Product Product Product Opportunity Management Opportunity Management Territory Management Forecasting Forecasting Forecasting Forecasting Forecasting Event Management Event Management Reporting Reporting Telesales Telesales Telesales Telesales Telesales

Process Analysis Questions

What type of information do you track on competitors?

Process How are you currently managing the details, cost, and effectiveness of an event? Process Is there any requirement for on-line distribution and/or remote location printing for Sales reports? Setup,Process Does each separate site/business units run its own Sales reports? Process,Performanc e Do you take sales orders over the phone? Process Do you take sales orders over the web? Process Do you perform outgoing sales calls? Do the same reps handle outgoing calls and incoming calls? How many different telephone workflows do you have? Approximately how many events do you hold every year? Describe the business process in which an event is organized and managed. Process Process Process Metric Process Describe your Sales cycle? Do they do any form of profitability analysis by product group, account etc. Process Process Do you currently sell your products and services via the Internet? Setup, Process Do you currently use any specific Sales methodology? Do you have promotional pricing? If so, how often? How are you currently managing the details, cost, and effectiveness of an event? How many palm devices will be used What business areas and/or operations are targeted for web enabling? Process Process, Setup Process Process Setup, Process What palm devices to be used What portion of your business is to new customers vs. current customers? Process Process What processes surrounding your sales cycle needs to be changed? How? Process What products and services are you planning to sell via the Internet? Setup, Process What sort of competitor information is the Sales Rep expected to collect Process Do you have different sales territories? Describe the current geographical distribution of your business and/or employees - present and future. Describe how your territories are organized. What are the qualifiers you use to place an account in a specific territory? Setup Who manages territory assignments? Setup How often are territories re-organized? When are they re-organized? Setup Setup Setup, Process Setup

24 24

Event Management Event Management General Reporting Internet Sales General Quotes



Event Management Palm Devices Internet Sales Palm Devices General General Internet Sales Reporting

19 1174 1200 1200 1200 1200 24 24 24 24 24

Commissions Territory Management Territory Management Territory Management Territory Management Territory Management

131320756.xls.ms_office Page 161

RD.020 Business Process Questionnaire OBM Level I Type = Setup Metric Process Performance
Setup How many territories do you have for Sales? Setup In general, how many reps work on a single territory? Setup How do you qualify leads? Do you rank leads based on certain criteria? If so, what is the criteria and what are the available ranks? How do you generate leads? What types of promotions do you currently use (i.e. advertisements, mailings)? Describe the business process in which a promotion is carried out. Do you use mail or call scripts? If so, who processes the responses? What sort of action items result from different responses? Process What types of events do you hold? Do you send letters of confirmation or evaluation letters to people enrolled in events? How do you invite contacts to events? Describe your business process for sending a letter or collateral to a contact. Process Process Process Process Do you send collateral based on answers from mail or phone questionnaires? Process, Setup Describe how telesales reps capture Sales leads as they come into telesales center? Do you send letters of confirmation or evaluation letters to people enrolled in events? Do your telesales reps have enough knowledge about the customers when they are performing outbound calls? How are calls linked to item details? Is it by company name or contact name? How are Sales leads updated and monitored as they progress through the sales cycle to close? How do you currently schedule callbacks to follow up on potential customer needs? How do you invite contacts to events? Process Process Process Process Process Process Process Process Setup, Process Process

OBM Level II 5800 5801 5802 5803 5804 5805 5806 5807 5808 5809 5810 5811 5812 5813 5814 5815 5816 5817 5818 5819 5820 5821 5822 5823 5824 5825 5826 5827 5828 5829 5830 5831 5832 5833 5834 5835 5836 5837 5838 5839 5840 5841
Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management Sales Administration Sales Administration Sales Administration Sales Cycle Execution Sales Cycle Execution Sales Cycle Execution Sales Cycle Execution


Territory Management Territory Management Territory Management Lead Management Lead Management Lead Management Lead Management

OBM Level IV
Assign Sales Organization Define Territories Assign Sales Organization Not identified Generate Sales Leads Generate Sales Leads Generate Sales Leads

Oracle Sales Oracle Sales Oracle Sales Oracle Sales Oracle Sales Telesales, Omktg Telesales, Omktg

OBM Row No.



Territory Management Territory Management Territory Management Opportunity Management Opportunity Management Promotion Management Promotion Management Promotion Management Event Management Event Management Event Management Literature Fulfillment Literature Fulfillment Telesales

Process Analysis Questions

Do you have territories that are assigned to sales partners?

1215 1215 1185 1185

24 24 24 24

Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management

Sales Cycle Execution Sales Cycle Execution Sales Cycle Execution Sales Cycle Execution Sales Cycle Execution Sales Cycle Execution Sales Cycle Execution Sales Cycle Execution Sales Cycle Execution Sales Cycle Execution Sales Cycle Execution Sales Cycle Execution Sales Cycle Execution Sales Cycle Execution

Lead Management Lead Management Lead Management Lead Management Lead Management Lead Management Lead Management Lead Management Lead Management Lead Management Lead Management Lead Management Lead Management Lead Management

Generate Sales Leads Generate Sales Leads Generate Sales Leads Generate Sales Leads Generate Sales Leads Not identified Not identified Generate Sales Leads Generate Sales Leads Not identified Not identified Not identified Generate Sales Leads Not identified

Telesales Telesales Telesales Telesales Telesales Telesales Telesales Marketing Online Telesales Telesales Telesales Telesales

1185 1190 1190 1190 1189 1189

24 24 24 24 24 24



Event Management Telesales Telesales Telesales Telesales

Marketing Online 1190 Telesales, Customer Care


Event Management Telesales

Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management

Sales Cycle Execution Sales Cycle Execution Sales Cycle Execution

Lead Management Lead Management Lead Management

Not identified Generate Sales Leads Not identified

Telesales, Omktg Marketing Online Oracle Sales 1190 24

Telesales Event Management Opportunity Management Opportunity Management Territory Management Territory Management Event Management Event Management Event Management Event Management Event Management Event Management IT Projects Sales People Sales People Background IT Contact Management 1190 1190 24 24 Event Management Event Management

Process How do your telesales reps retrieve contact/customer interests and/or business information? Process How do your telesales reps track inbound activity generated by campaigns or promotions? Is it by revenue or volume (response numbers, leads, opportunities, sales or revenue dollars)? Process What types of events do you hold? Process Who makes the determination on how leads will be distributed? Process Describe the business process in which a lead becomes a customer in your organization? Is this done manually, or are these leads distributed systematically to the salesforce? How are action items assigned to sales reps? How is it communicated that an action item has been completed? Describe how sales reps who are working on an account together communicate. Who enrolls people in events? Do you generally use the same facilities for different events? How do you choose a facility for an event? Do you have a record of facilities that you have used for events in the past?

Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management

Sales Cycle Execution Sales Cycle Execution Sales Cycle Execution Sales Cycle Execution Sales Cycle Execution Sales Cycle Execution Sales Cycle Execution Sales Cycle Execution Sales Cycle Execution Sales Cycle Execution Sales Cycle Execution Sales Cycle Execution Sales Cycle Execution Sales Cycle Execution Sales Cycle Execution Sales Cycle Execution Sales Cycle Execution Sales Cycle Execution

Lead Management Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified

Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified

Oracle Sales Oracle Sales Oracle Sales Telesales Telesales Telesales Telesales Telesales Telesales Mobile Oracle Sales Mobile Mobile Oracle Sales Mobile Oracle Sales Marketing Online Marketing Online

1224 1208 1208 1190 1190 1190 1190 1190 1190

24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24

Process Process Process Process Process Process Process

Who manages events that your organization puts on? Do you rank event facilities? Are there IT resources identified to support Field Sales Can a sale involve multiple partners, accounts and Sales Reps in a project

Process Process Performance Process

Can a Sales Rep sell in more than one currency Can a Sales Rep work in more than one language Describe the process from getting a lead to closing a sale Do the Sales Reps have suitable laptops/Palm devices to run Mobile Sales

Setup Setup Process Performance

Do you currently have a system to track action items for your organization? Process Do you generally use the same facilities for different events? Do you have a record of facilities that you have used for events in the past? Process Process

131320756.xls.ms_office Page 162

RD.020 Business Process Questionnaire OBM Level I Type = Setup Metric Process Performance
Setup, Process Do you need to track changes in sales stages? Setup Does a Sales Rep hold collateral, samples etc. Does a Sales Rep sell from stock that they carry How are actions etc. re-assigned when people are on holiday etc. How are customers to register for an event How are the event costs to be tracked and at what level of breakdown Process Process Process Process Process How are the events' objectives to e measured or quantified How do you choose a facility for an event? How do you ensure that resources (people, equipment) are not over booked or multiply booked for the same event item How does your telesales rep process orders currently? How is "invite only" to be enforced during registration How is the effectiveness of events measured How long does it take from getting a lead to closing a sale Process Process Process Process Process Process

OBM Level II 5842 5843 5844 5845 5846 5847 5848 5849 5850 5851 5852 5853 5854 5855 5856 5857 5858 5859 5860 5861 5862 5863 5864 5865 5866 5867 5868 5869 5870 5871 5872 5873 5874 5875 5876 5877 5878 5879 5880 5881 5882 5883 5884 5885 5886 5887 5888 5889 5890 5891 5892 5893
Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management Sales Cycle Execution Sales Cycle Execution Sales Cycle Execution Sales Cycle Execution Sales Cycle Execution Sales Cycle Execution Sales Cycle Execution Sales Cycle Execution Sales Cycle Execution Sales Cycle Execution Sales Cycle Execution Sales Cycle Execution Sales Cycle Execution Sales Cycle Execution Sales Cycle Execution Sales Cycle Execution Sales Cycle Execution Sales Cycle Execution Sales Cycle Execution Sales Cycle Execution Sales Cycle Execution Sales Cycle Execution Sales Cycle Execution Sales Cycle Execution Sales Cycle Execution Sales Cycle Execution Sales Cycle Execution Sales Cycle Execution Sales Cycle Execution Sales Cycle Execution Sales Cycle Execution Sales Cycle Execution Sales Cycle Execution Sales Cycle Execution Sales Cycle Execution Sales Cycle Execution Sales Cycle Execution Sales Cycle Execution Sales Cycle Execution Sales Cycle Execution Sales Cycle Execution Sales Cycle Execution Sales Cycle Execution Sales Cycle Execution Sales Cycle Execution Sales Cycle Execution Sales Cycle Execution Sales Cycle Execution Sales Cycle Execution Sales Cycle Execution Sales Cycle Execution Sales Cycle Execution


Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Opportunity Management Opportunity Management Opportunity Management Opportunity Management Opportunity Management Opportunity Management Opportunity Management Opportunity Management Opportunity Management Opportunity Management Opportunity Management Opportunity Management Opportunity Management Opportunity Management Opportunity Management Opportunity Management Opportunity Management Opportunity Management Opportunity Management

OBM Level IV
Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Forecast Opportunity Not identified Forecast Opportunity Forecast Opportunity Not identified Conduct Interactions Forecast Opportunity Forecast Opportunity Not identified Conduct Interactions Conduct Interactions Conduct Interactions Forecast Opportunity Forecast Opportunity Not identified Forecast Opportunity Forecast Opportunity Conduct Interactions Forecast Opportunity

Oracle Sales Oracle Sales Mobile, INV Mobile, INV Oracle Sales Marketing Online Marketing Online Marketing Online Marketing Online Marketing Online Telesales Marketing Online Marketing Online Mobile Marketing Online Mobile Palm Marketing Online Mobile Mobile Mobile Mobile Oracle Sales Oracle Sales Palm Mobile Oracle Sales Oracle Sales Marketing Online Mobile Marketing Online Mobile Mobile Oracle Sales Oracle Sales Oracle Sales Oracle Sales Telesales Mobile Oracle Sales Oracle Sales Oracle Sales Mobile Mobile Mobile Oracle Sales Oracle Sales Mobile Oracle Sales Oracle Sales Mobile Oracle Sales

OBM Row No.


Contact Management Contact Management Visits Visits Territories Event Management Event Management Event Management

Process Analysis Questions

Do you need the ability to track action items in the new Sales system?



Event Management Event Management Telesales Event Management Event Management Background Event Management IT Palm Devices Event Management IT IT IT IT Projects Reporting Palm Devices Background Contact Management Contact Management

Process How many types of events does the organization manage and what are the key information components of each type Process How often in a day will a Sales Rep replicate their data with the central server Performance How often will the palm device replicate with the corporate system Process How visible should events be to the rest of the organization How will new releases of software be issued to Sales Reps How will Sales Reps connect with Sales system How will Sales Reps laptops/Palm devices be repaired or replaced Process Setup Setup

Process How will the communications equipment be configured to handle the peak loads Performance In a project does the Sales Rep have access to all the accounts and partners involved Setup Is any analysis of lost sales is done, do they record reasons for success Process What data will the Field Sales person need to have access Process What is the typical sales value, are there big extremes of value What kind of action items need to be tracked (e.g. meetings, sales process steps)? What other organizations need access to account information, besides Sales? Who enrolls people in events? Who is ultimately responsible for the accuracy of data entered both by the field and central office Who manages events that your organization puts on? Will Sales Reps be able to keep personal data (phone numbers, to dos etc.) on their laptops/hand held devices? Will the replication process be initiated by the Sales Rep or will it be automated How do you create a forecast from opportunities in your pipeline? At what point do you consider an opportunity lost and remove it from your pipeline? At what point in the sales cycle is an opportunity forecasted? When an opportunity is forecasted, is it forecasted at 100% or is it weighted by win probability? Who sends collateral? Are there any seasonal or other fluctuations in the number of visits Do only certain Sales Reps contribute towards the sales forecast Do you need the ability to roll forecasts? Does a team of Sales Reps get put together for a specific bid How many calls will a Sales Rep handle in an average day How many visits are made by a Sales Rep in a day How much time does a Sales Rep spend traveling in an average day How often do you forecast? If multiple accounts are bidding for the same project how is duplication avoided in forecasting Is a Sales Rep given a schedule of visits or can they determine their own Is forecasting done by product or is it done by revenue? Is management able to adjust forecasted opportunities? What is the duration of an average sales visit Who needs access to forecasts? Process Setup Setup Process Process Process Setup Setup Process Process Process Setup, Process Process, Setup Performance Setup Process Process Metric Metric Metric Setup Process Setup Setup Setup Metric Setup



Event Management Background



Event Management IT IT Opportunity Management Opportunity Management Forecasting Forecasting Literature Fulfillment Background Sales People Forecasting Territories Background Background Background Forecasting Projects Visits Forecasting Forecasting Background Forecasting

1212 1222 1212 1212 1189

24 24 24 24 24


Page 163

RD.020 Business Process Questionnaire OBM Level I Type = Setup Metric Process Performance
Setup Setup Can an account be deleted under any circumstances ? Setup Does any special pricing format have to be setup for customers of a given account type ? How is a returning customer recognized ? How long can the customer maintain a login session? Setup How will this affect customer account management ? Process Once an account is created on the storefront, does anything have to be modified in ERP or other CRM apps ? What actions must be taken before a customer is deleted ? What information about the customer is sensitive I.e. should not be displayed unless the customer logs in ? What information can be updated on the account ? What information will you capture in order to create an account ? Setup What is your company's privacy policy? Process What kinds of accounts will you have for your customers ? Setup What kinds of customers will be using the website ? eg B2B, B2C Setup What would be the flow for creating an account ? eg. approvals needed ? Setup, Process Who can update account information ? Setup Setup Setup Setup Setup Setup Process

OBM Level II 5894 5895 5896 5897 5898 5899 5900 5901 5902 5903 5904 5905 5906 5907 5908 5909 5910 5911 5912 5913 5914 5915 5916 5917 5918 5919 5920 5921 5922 5923 5924 5925 5926 5927 5928 5929 5930 5931 5932 5933 5934 5935 5936 5937 5938 5939 5940
Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management Sales Cycle Execution Selling through the web Selling through the web Selling through the web Selling through the web Selling through the web Selling through the web Selling through the web Selling through the web Selling through the web Selling through the web Selling through the web Selling through the web Selling through the web Selling through the web Selling through the web Selling through the web Selling through the web Selling through the web Selling through the web Selling through the web Selling through the web Selling through the web Selling through the web Selling through the web Selling through the web Selling through the web Selling through the web Selling through the web Selling through the web Selling through the web Selling through the web Selling through the web Selling through the web Selling through the web Selling through the web Selling through the web Selling through the web Selling through the web Selling through the web Selling through the web Selling through the web Selling through the web Selling through the web Selling through the web Selling through the web


Territory Management Account Management Account Management Account Management Account Management Account Management Account Management Account Management Account Management Account Management Account Management Account Management Account Management Account Management Account Management Account Management Account Management Account Management Catalog Catalog Catalog Catalog Catalog Catalog Catalog Catalog Catalog Catalog Customer Service Customer Service Customer Service Navigation and Content Navigation and Content Navigation and Content Order Order Order Order Order Order Order Order Order Order Order Order Order

OBM Level IV
Define Territories Login Update Account Create Account Login Login Privacy Create Account Update Account Login Update Account Create Account Privacy Create Account Create Account Create Account Update Account Login Display Display Display Updates Display Display Display Display Pricing Display E-mail E-mail E-mail Content Search Content Shopping Cart Placing an Order Payment Payment Payment Payment Payment History Payment History Placing an Order Payment Payment

Oracle Sales iStore iStore iStore iStore iStore iStore iStore iStore iStore iStore iStore iStore iStore iStore iStore iStore iStore iStore iStore iStore iStore iStore iStore iStore iStore iStore iStore iStore iStore iStore iStore iStore iStore iStore iStore iPayment iPayment iPayment iPayment iPayment iStore iPayment iStore iStore iPayment iPayment

OBM Row No.


Territories Customer Information Customer Information Customer Information Customer Information Customer Information Customer Information Customer Information Customer Information Customer Information Customer Information Customer Information Customer Information Customer Information Customer Information Customer Information Customer Information Customer Information Catalog Catalog Catalog Catalog Catalog Catalog Catalog Catalog Customer Information Catalog Customer Service Customer Service Customer Service Customer Service Customer Service Customer Service Shopping Cart Order Management Order Management Order Management Order Management Order Management Order Management

Process Analysis Questions

How are territories grouped Are there any legal and/ or technical issues surrounding the use of cookies ?

How many currencies will the site be deployed in ? How many languages will the site be deployed in ? How many products will be displayed ? How often are updates made to the Catalog ? Is there a policy for currency display ? (eg. euro regulations) Is there a policy for product display ? (eg.only available products are shown)

Setup Setup Setup Setup Setup

Setup What kinds of multimedia do you anticipate using on the web storefront ? eg. audio clips, mpeg Setup What kinds of products do you intend to sell of the store ? eg. downloadable, shippable Setup What rules will affect product price ? Setup Who will provide product details ? ( Already available, outsourced data entry..) Setup Are there any restrictions or requirements surrounding e-mail ? Process How will incoming e-mail be dealt with ? What will e-mail be used for ? In what way will content be updated ? What performance parameters are acceptable for search ? Will a content management tool be required ? Are there any restrictions on items in the shopping cart ? Are there any restrictions on placing an order ? Are there any rules or requirements governing the use of payment instruments ? Do you have a distributed or centralized architecture for payment ? Do you have requirements for recurring authorizations in your business? Setup Do you have requirements for split payments in your business? Do you use wallets and digital certificates in your internet payment systems? Setup For what period of time should the order history be available ? I.e. how far back should the order history stretch ? How do you handle Return/Credits in your internet payment systems? How granular should the order history be ? How should the order be authorized ? How will payments be authorized ? Is this volume likely to fluctuate and by how much ? Setup Process Setup Process Process Performance Setup Process Process Process Process Process Setup Process Process Setup


Customer Service Order Management Customer Service Order Management Order Management Order Management

Sales Management 131320756.xls.ms_officeSelling through the web

Page 164

RD.020 Business Process Questionnaire OBM Level I Type = Setup Metric Process Performance
Process Process Setup

OBM Level II 5941 5942 5943 5944 5945 5946 5947 5948 5949 5950 5951 5952 5953 5954 5955 5956 5957 5958 5959 5960 5961 5962 5963 5964 5965 5966 5967
Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management Sales Management SL - Sales Management SL - Sales Management SL - Sales Management SL - Sales Management SL - Sales Management SL - Sales Management SL - Sales Management SL - Sales Management SL - Sales Management SL - Sales Management SL - Sales Management SL - Sales Management Selling through the web Selling through the web Selling through the web Selling through the web Selling through the web Selling through the web Selling through the web Selling through the web Selling through the web Selling through the web Selling through the web Selling through the web Selling through the web Selling through the web Selling through the web Sales Organization Management (SLS02) Sales Organization Management (SLS02) Sales Organization Management (SLS02) Sales Organization Management (SLS02) Sales Organization Management (SLS02) Sales Organization Management (SLS02) Sales Organization Management (SLS02) Sales Organization Management (SLS02) Sales Organization Management (SLS02) Sales Organization Management (SLS02) Sales Organization Management (SLS02) Sales Organization Management (SLS02) Sales Organization Management (SLS02) Sales Organization Management (SLS02) Account Management (SLS03) Account Management (SLS03) Opportunity Management (SLS05) Opportunity Management (SLS05) Opportunity Management (SLS05) Opportunity Management (SLS05) Opportunity Management (SLS05)


Order Order Order Order Order Order Order Order Order Order Order Order Order Security Security

OBM Level IV
Payment Payment Payment Return Payment Payment Payment Payment Payment Payment Payment Placing an Order Payment Not identified Not identified

iPayment iPayment iPayment iStore iPayment iPayment iPayment iPayment iPayment iPayment iPayment iPayment iPayment iStore iStore Sales Intelligence Sales Intelligence Sales Intelligence Sales Intelligence Sales Intelligence Sales Intelligence Sales Intelligence Sales Intelligence Sales Intelligence Sales Intelligence Sales Intelligence Sales Intelligence

OBM Row No.


Order Management Order Management Order Management Customer Service Order Management Order Management Order Management Order Management Order Management Order Management Order Management Order Management Order Management Security Security

Process Analysis Questions

What actions should be taken for a failed authorization ? What actions should be taken for a successful authorization ? What back-end payment systems do you currently integrate with ? What is your company's return policy?

Process What is your electronic payment system model ? For example, Host based or Terminal Based? Setup What is your transaction volume for credit card payments, credits, voids, etc per day? Performance What payment instruments will be accepted ? Process What restrictions apply on Return/Credits in your internet payment systems? Process What restrictions apply on Return/Credits in your internet payment systems? Process What restrictions apply to merchants in your internet payment systems? Process What risk management features are required ? Setup When should an ATP check be performed ? When should capture of payments occur ? What security concerns need to be addressed ? What security infrastructure is currently in place for e-commerce projects ? Setup Process Setup Setup

Define Sales Hierarchy (SL0761) Define Sales Hierarchy (SL0761) Define Sales Hierarchy (SL0761) Define Sales Hierarchy (SL0761) Define Sales Hierarchy (SL0761) Define Sales Hierarchy (SL0761) Define Sales Hierarchy (SL0761) Define Sales Hierarchy (SL0761) Define Sales Hierarchy (SL0761) Provide Methods and Tools (SL0763) Evaluate Product Margins (SL0765) Evaluate Product Margins (SL0765) Implement and Track Compensation Plan (SL0767) Analyze Productivity of Sales Reps (SL0768) Create Account Profile (SL0771) Create Account Profile (SL0771) Analyze Pipeline (SL0780) Analyze Pipeline (SL0780) Analyze Pipeline (SL0780) Analyze Pipeline (SL0780) Analyze Pipeline (SL0780)

SL0761 SL0761 SL0761 SL0761 SL0761 SL0761 SL0761 SL0761 SL0761 SL0763 SL0765 SL0765

Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting

Who receives a copy of the Sales reports? What is the criteria for determining who should receive a copy of any Sales report? How do you update a Sales reports distribution list? Is the process to update a Sales reports distribution list documented? How long does it take to update a Sales reports distribution list? How long should it take to update a Sales reports distribution list? Who performs the tasks associated with updating a Sales reports distribution list? Will anyone other than the sales organization have access to the sales data? How is the reporting structure of the sales organization defined? Please provide the organization structure.

Setup Setup Setup Setup Setup Setup Setup Setup Setup

What sales methodolgy and/or tools do you currently use? Process Do you currently analyze gross margin and revenue growth? If yes, how? If no, is this a need? Metric Do you currently analyze top/bottom product lines, groups, families? If yes, how? If no, is this a need? Metric Do you evaluate if the compensation plan is producing the desired selling performance. Do you track the individual performance/compensation of induvidual sales reps or sales groups? Do you currently track top/bottom customers? If yes, how? If no, is this a need? Do you currently identify critical customers? If yes, how? If no, is this a need? Do you currently track the length of sales cycles? If yes, how? If no, is this a need? Do you currently monitor and track win/loss ratios? If yes, how? If no, is this a need? Do you currently analyze average revenue per order? If yes, how? If no, is this a need? Do you currently determine the most and least effective sales channels? If yes, how? If no, is this a need? Do you currently analyze the amount of leads needed to meet quota? If yes, how? If no, is this a need?

5968 5969 5970 5971 5972 5973 5974 5975 5976

SL - Sales Management SL - Sales Management SL - Sales Management SL - Sales Management SL - Sales Management SL - Sales Management SL - Sales Management SL - Sales Management SL - Sales Management

Sales Intelligence Sales Intelligence Sales Intelligence Sales Intelligence Sales Intelligence Sales Intelligence Sales Intelligence Sales Intelligence Sales Intelligence

SL0767 SL0768 SL0771 SL0771 SL0780 SL0780 SL0780 SL0780 SL0780

Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting

Metric Metric Metric Metric Metric Metric Metric Metric Metric


SL - Sales Management

Opportunity Management (SLS05)

Analyze Pipeline (SL0780)

Sales Intelligence



Do you currently determine the most valuable revenue generating opportunities? If yes, how? If no, is this a need? Metric

131320756.xls.ms_office Page 165

RD.020 Business Process Questionnaire OBM Level I Type = Setup Metric Process Performance Metric Metric

OBM Level II 5978 5979

SL - Sales Management SL - Sales Management Opportunity Management (SLS05) Opportunity Management (SLS05)

OBM Level III Analyze Pipeline (SL0780) Analyze Pipeline (SL0780) Define Compensation Structure, Criteria, and Revenue Sharing Conditions (SL1676) Determine Pay Point (SL1677) Determine Pay Point (SL1677) Determine Pay Point (SL1677) not identified not identified not identified not identified

OBM Level IV

Sales Intelligence Sales Intelligence

OBM Row No. SL0780 SL0780


Category Reporting Reporting

Process Analysis Questions Do you currently determine the most risky opportunities? If yes, how? If no, is this a need? Do you currently analyze the pipeline by sales channel, status, or stage? If yes, how? If no, is this a need?


SL - Sales Management

Sales Organization Management (SLS02) Sales Organization Management (SLS02) Sales Organization Management (SLS02) Sales Organization Management (SLS02) Sales Organization Management (SLS02) Sales Organization Management (SLS02) Sales Organization Management (SLS02) Sales Organization Management (SLS02)

Sales Intelligence



Do you currently evaluate compensation plan effectiveness? If yes, how? If no, is this a need? Metric How do you establish the stages of the selling process upon which the salesperson is compensated or rewarded? Do you currently rank top and bottom sales performers? If yes, how? If no, is this a need? Do you currently calculate the return on compensation? If yes, how? If no, is this a need? How do you manage your sales force today (e.g. by objectives, facts, exceptions)? Please provide examples. What business performance statistics do you monitor for Sales? What are your Sales reporting requirements with respect to functional vs. foreign currencies? What are your Sales reporting requirements with respect to summary or detail formats? Obtain report listing. What reports do you currently generate to meet your Sales reporting requirements? Provide examples of each. Include source (could be manual), user, frequency, number of copies. Is there any Sales reporting requirement that your current set of reports does not meet? Are Sales reports standard across multiple Sets of Books, for example, subsidiaries? Are Sales reports standard across multiple levels within a Set of Books, for example, divisions? What account codes and/or descriptions are required on Sales reports? Do you provide a "key" of content/information somewhere on the Sales report? What Sales reports are grouped together on a regular basis and printed in one print run? Is there any requirement for online (softcopy) distribution and/or remote location printing for Sales reports? Do some of these Sales reports belong in report sets? Always being run together?

5981 5982 5983 5984 5985 5986 5987

SL - Sales Management SL - Sales Management SL - Sales Management SL - Sales Management SL - Sales Management SL - Sales Management SL - Sales Management

Sales Intelligence Sales Intelligence Sales Intelligence Sales Intelligence Sales Intelligence Sales Intelligence Sales Intelligence

SL1677 SL1677 SL1677 SLS02 SLS02 SLS02 SLS02

Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting

Metric Metric Metric Process Metric Process Setup

5988 5989 5990 5991 5992 5993 5994 5995 5996 5997 5998 5999

SL - Sales Management SL - Sales Management SL - Sales Management SL - Sales Management SL - Sales Management SL - Sales Management SL - Sales Management SL - Sales Management SL - Sales Management SL - Sales Management SL - Sales Management SL - Sales Management

Sales Organization Management (SLS02) Sales Organization Management (SLS02) Sales Organization Management (SLS02) Sales Organization Management (SLS02) Sales Organization Management (SLS02) Sales Organization Management (SLS02) Sales Organization Management (SLS02) Sales Organization Management (SLS02) Sales Organization Management (SLS02) Sales Organization Management (SLS02) Sales Organization Management (SLS02) Sales Organization Management (SLS02)

not identified not identified not identified not identified not identified not identified not identified not identified not identified not identified not identified not identified

Sales Intelligence Sales Intelligence Sales Intelligence Sales Intelligence Sales Intelligence Sales Intelligence Sales Intelligence Sales Intelligence Sales Intelligence Sales Intelligence Sales Intelligence Sales Intelligence


Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting

Setup Setup Process Setup Setup

Setup Setup Process

What browser are you using? Is it a corporate standard? Setup What type of printers do you use to run Sales reports? Where are they located? Setup Do you have any additional sales reporting requirements not already discussed? Process
Product costing is essential for completing product line profitability analysis. Can you rank the profitability of product lines (products) from highest to lowest and do you have a high confidence that your products are properly costing?

6000 6001 6002 6003

Strategic Enterprise Management Strategic Enterprise Management Strategic Enterprise Management Strategic Enterprise Management

Activity Based Costing Activity Based Costing

Not identified Not identified

Not identified Not identified


Product/Customer Cost Product/Customer Cost Product/Customer Cost Product/Customer Cost

Activity Based Costing Activity Based Costing

Not identified Not identified

Not identified Not identified


6004 6005 6006 6007

Strategic Enterprise Management Strategic Enterprise Management Strategic Enterprise Management Strategic Enterprise Management

Activity Based Costing Activity Based Costing Activity Based Costing Activity Based Costing

Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified

Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified



Product/Customer Cost Product/Customer Cost Product/Customer Cost Product/Customer Cost

Performance Do your product/product line costs consider the implications of marketing decisions on the indirect cost of production? Process, setup Do the various organizational functions in your company understand how their actions impact the cost of other functions and ultimately the products? Process Do you analyze the cost to serve each customer and what factors do you consider when making this analysis? Process, setup In many environments, analyzing product cost over its life cycle can be a critical determinant in strategy development and selection. Have you performed this evaluation and can you share your thought processes and results? Process, setup What is a one percent change in your costs worth to you on an annual basis? Performance Do you develop process mapping to assist in eliminating non-value added effort? Process Planning the expenditure is one requirement but do you track capital expenditures to assure that these investments are actually made? Process, setup

Page 166

RD.020 Business Process Questionnaire OBM Level I Type = Setup Metric Process Performance

OBM Level II 6008 6009 6010 6011 6012 6013 6014 6015 6016 6017 6018 6019 6020 6021 6022 6023 6024 6025 6026 6027 6028 6029 6030 6031 6032 6033 6034 6035 6036 6037 6038 6039 6040
Strategic Enterprise Management Strategic Enterprise Management Strategic Enterprise Management Strategic Enterprise Management Strategic Enterprise Management Strategic Enterprise Management Strategic Enterprise Management Strategic Enterprise Management Strategic Enterprise Management Strategic Enterprise Management Strategic Enterprise Management Strategic Enterprise Management Strategic Enterprise Management Strategic Enterprise Management Strategic Enterprise Management Strategic Enterprise Management Strategic Enterprise Management Strategic Enterprise Management Strategic Enterprise Management Strategic Enterprise Management Strategic Enterprise Management Strategic Enterprise Management Strategic Enterprise Management Strategic Enterprise Management Strategic Enterprise Management Strategic Enterprise Management Strategic Enterprise Management Strategic Enterprise Management Strategic Enterprise Management Strategic Enterprise Management Strategic Enterprise Management Strategic Enterprise Management Strategic Enterprise Management Activity Based Costing


Not identified

OBM Level IV
Not identified


OBM Row No.


Product/Customer Cost Product/Customer Cost Product/Customer Cost Product/Customer Cost Product/Customer Cost Product/Customer Cost Product/Customer Cost Product/Customer Cost Product/Customer Cost Product/Customer Cost Product/Customer Cost Product/Customer Cost Product/Customer Cost Product/Customer Cost Product/Customer Cost Product/Customer Cost Product/Customer Cost Operational and Strategic Control Operational and Strategic Control Operational and Strategic Control Operational and Strategic Control Operational and Strategic Control Operational and Strategic Control Operational and Strategic Control Operational and Strategic Control Operational and Strategic Control Operational and Strategic Control Operational and Strategic Control Operational and Strategic Control

Process Analysis Questions

Do you frequently perform make/buy analysis on products and components considering the product line profitability and return on invested capital?

Activity Based Costing

Not identified

Not identified


Activity Based Costing

Not identified

Not identified


Activity Based Costing

Not identified

Not identified


Activity Based Costing Activity Based Costing Activity Based Costing Activity Based Costing Activity Based Costing Activity Based Costing Activity Based Costing Activity Based Costing Activity Based Costing Activity Based Costing Activity Based Costing Activity Based Costing Activity Based Costing

Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified

Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified

Activity Based Costing Activity Based Costing

Not identified Not identified

Not identified Not identified

Activity Based Costing Activity Based Costing Activity Based Costing Activity Based Costing

Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified

Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified

Activity Based Costing Activity Based Costing Activity Based Costing Activity Based Costing Activity Based Costing

Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified

Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified


Activity Based Costing

Not identified

Not identified


Activity Based Costing Activity Based Costing Activity Based Costing Activity Based Costing

Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified

Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified

Integration Integration Integration Integration

Process What types of cost elements do you consider (Fixed, Variable, Administrative, etc.) in your make/buy analyses and are you satisfied that the cost analysis produces accurate information? Setup Is continuous improvement, cost tracking and control a high priority organizational initiative and if so, what key performance indicators do you use to track those improvements? performance, Metric What kind of cost system(s) do you use? (i.e.. Standard Cost, Activity Based) In situations where the in process times are lengthy how do you manage and track those costs on a periodic basis? Process Is your inter-company transfer pricing policies cost plus or markup based and is it causing an inflation of manufacturing cost to generate more profit for the producing plant? Setup Do you trace costs to activities or processes? Setup Is product and inventory valuation based on volume based drivers, such as labor and machine hours? Setup Does the company clearly understands its products, services, and customers? Process Do you evaluate the profitability of the product mix and pricing? Setup, Process Do you understand customer profitability? Process What is your pricing strategy towards low cost and low service customers? setup Do you select your suppliers based on total cost and product profitability or by lowest price per transaction? Setup, Process Does the product design take into account product manufacturing total cost and product profitability? Setup, Process Are order sizes, shipping arrangements, or supply chain efficiencies based on activity costs and profitability? Setup, Process Do you have an activity based system Process Do you measure the cost of capacity? Employees, plant, equipment, etc. Setup, Process Do you measure the cost of unused capacity? Setup, Process Do you identify the indirect costs to a business line such as design engineering, order entry, distribution and marketing efforts? How is this done. Process, setup Do you track costs to validate continuous improvement initiatives? Process, setup Considering your company cost structure, where is the greatest opportunity to reduce cost? Material, Direct Labor, Engineering, overhead, etc. Process, setup Do you view your plants as profit centers and therefore need to administer transfer pricing policies? Setup Do you perform extensive financial modeling, graphing and analysis? Setup Does financial performance dominate measures across activities, processes and cost centers? Setup Are employees involved in performance measurement within their operational areas? across cost centers to the extent they drive or influence the process performance? Process, setup Do employees review performance measures and are able to learn and react to the performance measures? Process, setup Do employees understand the financial impact of their performance on the cost of activities and processes, and overall profitability? Process, setup How do you protect your most profitable customers from your competition? Process, setup How do you win your competitors' profitable customers? Process, setup Do you track the activity cost drivers? such as machine hours, setup time, number of new products introduced, maintenance hours, etc. Setup, Process Does the array of consumer choices(options) ripple through your functional organizations driving up their support costs and inventory levels? Process, setup Are your Capital Expenditure plans influenced by customer/product line profitability when you develop your Strategic Plan? Process Is there an example of a capital expenditure in conflict with short term objectives? Performance Are you able to drill down in your organization and extract data to perform reliable cost comparisons between production facilities? Setup

131320756.xls.ms_office Page 167

RD.020 Business Process Questionnaire OBM Level I Type = Setup Metric Process Performance
Setup Setup, Process

OBM Level II 6041 6042

Strategic Enterprise Management Strategic Enterprise Management Activity Based Costing Activity Based Costing


Not identified Not identified

OBM Level IV
Not identified Not identified


OBM Row No.


Integration Integration

Process Analysis Questions

Are you required to extract data from multiple sources to complete assignments? Do you feed any activity costing information to your planning/budgeting or financial reporting systems? Do you feel your present Cost Systems are satisfactory from a planning and control aspect as well as strategic management perspective? Where do you think the respective strengths and weaknesses are? Are you getting meaningful cost and profit information that helps you manage your product lines and customers? Does your organization have confidence that the financial system provides accurate costs? Do your cost systems provide good information on which to make operating decisions such as pricing, make/buy? Do employees receive accurate information on the operational and financial performance of activities and process they impact? Do you have an integrated manufacturing or service delivery reporting system? If you have a costing system, do you have the ability to build different dimensions easily?

6043 6044 6045 6046 6047 6048

Strategic Enterprise Management Strategic Enterprise Management Strategic Enterprise Management Strategic Enterprise Management Strategic Enterprise Management Strategic Enterprise Management

Activity Based Costing Activity Based Costing Activity Based Costing Activity Based Costing Activity Based Costing Activity Based Management Analyzer

Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified

Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified


Quality Quality Quality Quality Quality Executive Reporting

Performance Performance Performance Performance Process, setup Process


Strategic Enterprise Management

Activity Based Management Analyzer

Not identified

Not identified

Executive Reporting What are the key executive reports that exist today?



Strategic Enterprise Management

Activity Based Management Analyzer

Not identified

Not identified

Executive Reporting What types of reports are most needed by executive to enhance and monitor and enhance performance? Executive Reporting Is there a need to publish profitability and cost reports on the web?



Strategic Enterprise Management

Activity Based Management Analyzer

Not identified

Not identified



Strategic Enterprise Management

Activity Based Management Analyzer

Not identified

Not identified

Executive Reporting Do you use graphs within the same reporting tool and the ability to publish this information on the web would enhance the understanding of business profitability? Executive Reporting Do you have a need to quickly report against cost objects in your database? (by product, product line, distribution channel, market segment, customer order? Do you have key performance measures that you report across the organization? Do operational managers' objectives include cost control and profitability improvement?


6053 6054 6055

Strategic Enterprise Management Strategic Enterprise Management Strategic Enterprise Management

Activity Based Management Analyzer

Not identified

Not identified


Activity Based Management Analyzer Activity Based Management Analyzer

Not identified Not identified

Not identified Not identified

Executive Reporting Executive Reporting

Setup Setup, Metrics


Strategic Enterprise Management

Activity Based Management Analyzer

Not identified

Not identified

Executive Reporting Do you compare actual costs against forecasts? by process, activity, or product. Executive Reporting Would performance be enhanced if managers can analyze current operational processing models and "to be" cost models? Executive Reporting Executive Reporting Executive Reporting

Setup, Process


Strategic Enterprise Management

Activity Based Management Analyzer

Not identified

Not identified

Setup, Process

6058 6059 6060

Strategic Enterprise Management Strategic Enterprise Management Strategic Enterprise Management

Activity Based Management Analyzer Activity Based Management Analyzer Activity Based Management Analyzer

Not identified Not identified Not identified

Not identified Not identified Not identified

Setup Is there a need to share costing and profitability models across locations and business units? Setup Are there specific product, activity, or process costs that need to be reported and tracked? Setup Do current costing reports reflect integrated figures to the GL or other sources of cost data? Setup, Process How frequently do you report on the cost and profitability of processes and products? Do you have a data warehouse from which costing and profitability analysis are performed? Setup, Process

6061 6062

Strategic Enterprise Management Strategic Enterprise Management

Activity Based Management Analyzer Activity Based Management Analyzer

Not identified Not identified

Not identified Not identified

Executive Reporting Executive Reporting


Strategic Enterprise Management

Activity Based Management Analyzer

Not identified

Not identified

Executive Reporting Do you use multidimensional reports where end users have the flexibility to build and generate reports? Executive Reporting

Setup, Process


Strategic Enterprise Management

Activity Based Management Analyzer

Not identified

Not identified


131320756.xls.ms_office Page 168

RD.020 Business Process Questionnaire OBM Level I Type = Setup Metric Process Performance

OBM Level II
Strategic Enterprise Management Strategic Enterprise Management Strategic Enterprise Management Strategic Enterprise Management Strategic Enterprise Management Strategic Enterprise Management Strategic Enterprise Management Strategic Enterprise Management Strategic Enterprise Management Strategic Enterprise Management Strategic Enterprise Management Strategic Enterprise Management Strategic Enterprise Management Strategic Enterprise Management Strategic Enterprise Management Strategic Enterprise Management Strategic Enterprise Management Strategic Enterprise Management Strategic Enterprise Management


OBM Level IV

ABM, ACTIVA, Balanced Score Card, GL, OBIS, OFA, OPA ABM, OFA, OBIS, OPA, GL ABM, ACTIVA ABM, ACTIVA, OPA ABM, ACTIVA ABM, ACTIVA ABM, ACTIVA ABM, ACTIVA ABM, ACTIVA, OFA, OBIS, OPA ABM, ACTIVA, OFA, OPA Balanced Score Card ABM, ACTIVA, Balanced Score Card, EDW, GL Balanced Score Card Balanced Score Card, GL Balanced Score Card Balanced Score Card Balanced Score Card, EDW Balanced Score Card Balanced Score Card ABM, ACTIVA, Balanced Score Card, OFA, OBIS, OSA, OPA, GL Balanced Score Card Balanced Score Card Balanced Score Card Balanced Score Card Balanced Score Card ABM, ACTIVA, Balanced Score Card, GL, Project Balanced Score Card Balanced Score Card ABM, ACTIVA, Balanced Score Card, EDW, GL Balanced Score Card

OBM Row No.



Process Analysis Questions

Do you have or need to have drill down reporting?

6065 6066 6067 6068 6069 6070 6071 6072 6073 6074 6075 6076 6077 6078 6079 6080 6081 6082 6083

Activity Based Management Analyzer Activity Based Management Analyzer Activity Based Management Analyzer Activity Based Management Analyzer Activity Based Management Analyzer Activity Based Management Analyzer Activity Based Management Analyzer Activity Based Management Analyzer Activity Based Management Analyzer Activity Based Management Analyzer Balanced Scorecard

Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified

Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified

Executive Reporting Executive Reporting Executive Reporting Executive Reporting Executive Reporting Executive Reporting Executive Reporting Executive Reporting Executive Reporting Executive Reporting Strategy What do you perceive your consumers' needs to be and how do you see them changing in the foreseeable future? Industry Trends Strategy Strategy If growth is a key issue for you what are your growth rate objectives? Strategy What would your competitors, customers, and suppliers say about you? Strategy Is revenue/market share growth paramount, or is profitability, return on investment and growing earnings per share your most pressing concern? Strategy Strategy Strategy What is your companys (your) vision for the future of the company? Mission/Vision/Value Statement] What are your long-term objectives and goals? [Obtain Do you have a need to access tables directly using advanced reporting tools such as SQL code generators? How would you define the business you are in? Is sophisticated security features such as row level at a business view level needed? Do you have a need to view activity costs locally or across rolled up hierarchies? Do you require unit cost analysis based on inventoried an non-inventoried items that influence production costs? Do you need to compare activity costs across cost centers, across costing models, and across time? Do you need to compare across models, leveraging the multi-model architecture of your cost database? Is there a business need to report cost centers sharing the same activity and all activities in a cost center? Would it simplify reporting if filtering is usable at any dimension to shorten reports to key areas? How critical is it to have processing time transparent to the end users?

Setup Setup Setup, Process Setup, Process Setup, Process Setup, Process Setup, Process Setup, Process Setup, Process Setup Setup

Balanced Scorecard Balanced Scorecard Balanced Scorecard Balanced Scorecard Balanced Scorecard

Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified

Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified

Performance Process Performance, Metric Performance Performance

Balanced Scorecard Balanced Scorecard Balanced Scorecard

Not identified Not identified Not identified

Not identified Not identified Not identified

Setup Can you describe what your strategies are to achieve competitive advantage and grow market share? Process Are these strategies succeeding and if so, how do you measure that success? Process What are your competitive strategies (i.e.. Cost, Quality, Customer service, etc.) and which are your strongest and weakest attributes? Performance, setup Of that list of critical success factors, which are the top three to five and does your current strategic plan address the achievement of these factors?

6084 6085 6086 6087 6088 6089 6090 6091 6092 6093 6094

Strategic Enterprise Management Strategic Enterprise Management Strategic Enterprise Management Strategic Enterprise Management Strategic Enterprise Management Strategic Enterprise Management Strategic Enterprise Management Strategic Enterprise Management Strategic Enterprise Management Strategic Enterprise Management Strategic Enterprise Management

Balanced Scorecard

Not identified

Not identified


Balanced Scorecard

Not identified

Not identified

Strategy Competition can take the form of substitute products as well as the more traditional companies. Do substitutes for your products exist that are considered in developing your strategies? Do you feel that you can achieve a competitive advantage and if so, does your strategic plan have objectives that will give you that competitive advantage? Your market capitalization has been increasing(decreasing) over the last few years. Do you attribute this to a recognition by the investment community of failure/(success) of your strategic plans? Why do you think your nearest competitor has generated high(lower) increases in shareholder value than your company? What do you admire(dislike) about that competitor? What are the new projects/initiatives approved by the board that will impact the business and can you quantitatively define what success is worth financially? Can you describe the ways in which you are building shareholder value? Strategy Strategy Strategy Implementation Strategy Implementation


Balanced Scorecard

Not identified

Not identified



Balanced Scorecard

Not identified

Not identified



Balanced Scorecard

Not identified

Not identified



Balanced Scorecard

Not identified

Not identified



Balanced Scorecard Balanced Scorecard Balanced Scorecard

Not identified Not identified Not identified

Not identified Not identified Not identified



Balanced Scorecard

Not identified

Not identified

Balanced Scorecard

Not identified

Not identified

Process What are the major initiatives you have underway to meet your growth objectives? Process, setup Can you execute your strategies from the boardroom or do you need to enlist the entire company to make them happen? Process Is "change" a key issue for you and your organization. If so, what are the dynamics of "change" at your company? Organizational structure? Culture? Process

131320756.xls.ms_office Page 169

RD.020 Business Process Questionnaire OBM Level I Type = Setup Metric Process Performance

OBM Level II
Strategic Enterprise Management Strategic Enterprise Management Strategic Enterprise Management Strategic Enterprise Management Strategic Enterprise Management Strategic Enterprise Management Strategic Enterprise Management Strategic Enterprise Management Strategic Enterprise Management Strategic Enterprise Management Strategic Enterprise Management Strategic Enterprise Management Strategic Enterprise Management Strategic Enterprise Management Strategic Enterprise Management Strategic Enterprise Management Strategic Enterprise Management Strategic Enterprise Management Strategic Enterprise Management Strategic Enterprise Management Strategic Enterprise Management Strategic Enterprise Management Strategic Enterprise Management Strategic Enterprise Management Strategic Enterprise Management Strategic Enterprise Management


OBM Level IV

ABM, ACTIVA, Balanced Score Card, EDW, GL, OM Balanced Score Card Balanced Score Card, OM Balanced Score Card Balanced Score Card Balanced Score Card Balanced Score Card Balanced Score Card Balanced Score Card ACTIVA, Balanced Score Card, GL, OM Balanced Score Card Balanced Score Card ACTIVA, Balanced Score Card, EDW, GL Balanced Score Card, ABM, OFA ABM, Balanced Score Card, OFA, OBIS, EDW ABM, Balanced Score Card, OFA, OBIS, EDW Balanced Score Card, OFA Balanced Score Card, GL, OFA, OBIS, FA Balanced Score Card, OFA, GL Balanced Score Card, OFA Balanced Score Card, OFA Balanced Score Card, OFA Balanced Score Card, OFA Balanced Score Card, OFA ACTIVA, Balanced Score Card, GL, HR Balanced Score Card, OFA, GL Balanced Score Card, EDW, GL, OBIS, OFA, OSA, OPA Balanced Score Card Balanced Score Card, OM, OSA Balanced Score Card, OSA

OBM Row No.



Process Analysis Questions

How often is the company reorganized?

6095 6096 6097 6098 6099 6100 6101 6102 6103 6104 6105 6106 6107 6108 6109 6110 6111 6112 6113 6114 6115 6116 6117 6118 6119 6120

Balanced Scorecard Balanced Scorecard Balanced Scorecard Balanced Scorecard Balanced Scorecard

Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified

Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified

Strategy Implementation Industry Trends Industry Trends Industry Trends Industry Trends What are the trends on sales growth rates, profitability, capacity utilization, warranty or returned goods? How would you prioritize the factors to which your industry must respond (i.e. customers, technology, competitors, globalization)? What do you see as the barriers to competitive entry into your marketplace and how, if at all, do you see those barriers changing? With the rapid pace of technological change have you considered how technology might change the character of your industry? If risks are either internal or external to the corporation can you describe the most critical marketplace risks which lie in each of these areas? Can you describe the real and/or perceived threats to which your industry must respond to now or in the future? Would you describe the risk profile for your industry as high and are your shareholder expectations aligned well with that profile? What does a company need to do well for admission to compete in your industry and are there companies exceeding these minimum requirements? describe how they are differentiating themselves.

Setup, process Performance, Metric Process, setup Process Process

Balanced Scorecard Balanced Scorecard Balanced Scorecard

Not identified Not identified Not identified

Not identified Not identified Not identified

Industry Trends Industry Trends Industry Trends

Process, setup Process, setup Metric

Balanced Scorecard

Not identified

Not identified

Industry Trends

Balanced Scorecard

Not identified

Not identified

Industry Trends

Balanced Scorecard

Not identified

Not identified

Industry Trends

Balanced Scorecard

Not identified

Not identified

Industry Trends

Performance Assuming your company possesses the competencies necessary to succeed in this industry, can you now describe the critical success factors that will give you a leadership position. Process, Metric With the rate of changing technology, do you have or do you see nontraditional competitors emerging that have been considered in your planning process? Process Have any of your competitors demonstrated technological advantages or have you considered how you might take advantage of technology to gain competitive advantage? Process What are the key performance indicators that measure a company's health? Metric, Performance Do you currently have an executive information system? Process Have you defined key performance indicators that are used throughout the company or what are the key metrics you use to measure the performance of the company? Metric, Process What organizational metrics do you track? Does the organization understand the key performance indicators they are being measured on? Metric, Performance Are you satisfied with your strategic planning process from the planning process as well as the quality of the resulting strategic initiatives? Process What processes are used to plan capital expenditures and rank their importance to a strategic goal? Process Planning and budgeting Can you describe how the budgeting process works in your organization? process What are your five biggest issues in the budgeting process? Performance How is the budget administered? Is there one person responsible for the process? Process How many people are involved in the budget process? Who are they? Process How long does your budget setup take? How long does the total budgeting process take? Process How many iterations are usually performed during the budget process? Process How many/which sources are used in the formulation of the budget? (i.e., General Ledger information, non-financial information such as headcount, salary information, square footage, etc.) Process How is the budget information reported and distributed? Process Are you satisfied with the responsiveness and relevancy of your management reporting systems? Process Which market segments are you the most effective and least effective in? Performance Do you have a measure for customer satisfaction? Metric How often do you conduct customer surveys? Metric

Balanced Scorecard Balanced Scorecard

Not identified Not identified

Not identified Not identified

Strategy Measures Strategy Measures

Balanced Scorecard

Not identified

Not identified

Strategy Measures

Balanced Scorecard

Not identified

Not identified

Strategy Measures

Balanced Scorecard

Not identified

Not identified

Strategy Planning

Balanced Scorecard Balanced Scorecard Balanced Scorecard Balanced Scorecard Balanced Scorecard Balanced Scorecard Balanced Scorecard

Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified

Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified

Strategy Planning Strategy Planning Strategy Planning Strategy Planning Strategy Planning Strategy Planning Strategy Planning

Balanced Scorecard Balanced Scorecard

Not identified Not identified

Not identified Not identified

Strategy Planning Strategy Planning

6121 6122 6123 6124

Strategic Enterprise Management Strategic Enterprise Management Strategic Enterprise Management Strategic Enterprise Management

Balanced Scorecard Balanced Scorecard Balanced Scorecard Balanced Scorecard

Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified

Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified

Strategy Reporting Customers Customers Customers

131320756.xls.ms_office Page 170

RD.020 Business Process Questionnaire OBM Level I Type = Setup Metric Process Performance

OBM Level II 6125 6126 6127 6128 6129 6130 6131 6132
Strategic Enterprise Management Strategic Enterprise Management Strategic Enterprise Management Strategic Enterprise Management Strategic Enterprise Management Strategic Enterprise Management Strategic Enterprise Management Strategic Enterprise Management Balanced Scorecard


Not identified

OBM Level IV
Not identified

Balanced Score Card, OSA Balanced Score Card, EDW, OM, OSA Balanced Score Card Balanced Score Card Balanced Score Card Balanced Score Card, OFA, GL Balanced Score Card Balanced Score Card ABM, ACTIVA, Balanced Score Card, OFA, OBIS, OSA, OPA, GL Balanced Score Card Balanced Score Card Balanced Score Card Balanced Score Card, EDW, OBIS Balanced Score Card, OM, OSA, OBIS Balanced Score Card Balanced Score Card Balanced Score Card, GL, OBIS, OFA AP, Balanced Score Card, EDW, OBIS, OM, OSA, OFA, OBIS, OPA Balanced Score Card, HR, GL ACTIVA, Balanced Score Card Balanced Score Card Balanced Score Card, HR, GL Balanced Score Card, HR, EDW, OFA, OSA, OBIS Balanced Score Card Balanced Score Card Balanced Score Card Balanced Score Card Balanced Score Card Balanced Score Card Balanced Score Card, HR ALL

OBM Row No.



Process Analysis Questions

From your customers perspective, what are the most valued things about your products or services? Performance Do you know your share of your customers' wallet? Metric If there are factors impacting customers repeat purchases what are they? Process, Metric If there are factors impacting customers increase purchases what are they? Process, Metric If there are factors impacting customers' cross buying, buying different products, what are they? Are you able to accurately measure profitability of your business units? How much confidence do you have in your forecasts and plans? Have you ever performed value added analysis to your business processes? Process, Metric

Balanced Scorecard Balanced Scorecard Balanced Scorecard Balanced Scorecard

Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified

Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified

Customers Customers Customers Customers

Balanced Scorecard Balanced Scorecard Balanced Scorecard

Not identified Not identified Not identified

Not identified Not identified Not identified

Financial Financial Financial Describe the elements that expedite and elements that prolong the cash to cash cycle? Do you track customer and product line profitability and the performance of processes that impact profitability?

Performance Performance Process

6133 6134 6135 6136 6137 6138 6139 6140 6141

Strategic Enterprise Management Strategic Enterprise Management Strategic Enterprise Management Strategic Enterprise Management Strategic Enterprise Management Strategic Enterprise Management Strategic Enterprise Management Strategic Enterprise Management Strategic Enterprise Management

Balanced Scorecard Balanced Scorecard Balanced Scorecard Balanced Scorecard Balanced Scorecard

Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified

Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified

Financial Financial Financial Financial Internal Processes What are the key financial performance measures that are critical to the business? How are the revenue and earning growth goals balanced with the cost control/reduction objectives? If you align the profitability of your product lines with your investment by product line? What is the RONA by product line? Do you know how internal processes impact, positively or negatively, the achievement of your strategy? Which internal processes contribute the most to customer loyalty, repeat purchases, and increase purchases? Do you set performance measures for key internal processes? Internal Processes Internal Processes

Process, Performance Metric, performance Process Metric, Process Process

Balanced Scorecard Balanced Scorecard Balanced Scorecard

Not identified Not identified Not identified

Not identified Not identified Not identified

Internal Processes

Process Performance What are the key measures used to monitor performance in key internal processes Metric Are managers of internal processes involved in strategy and direction setting? Process, setup Do internal process owners have the knowledge base about suppliers and customers to achieve the process objectives?

Balanced Scorecard

Not identified

Not identified

Internal Processes

6142 6143 6144 6145 6146 6147 6148 6149 6150 6151 6152 6153 6154 6155 6156

Strategic Enterprise Management Strategic Enterprise Management Strategic Enterprise Management Strategic Enterprise Management Strategic Enterprise Management Strategic Enterprise Management Strategic Enterprise Management Strategic Enterprise Management Strategic Enterprise Management Strategic Enterprise Management Strategic Enterprise Management Strategic Enterprise Management Strategic Enterprise Management OPM Enterprise Management

Balanced Scorecard Balanced Scorecard

Not identified Not identified

Not identified Not identified

Internal Processes

Process, setup Do you monitor measures to track the value added per employee such as the Learning and Growth revenue per employee? Process Do you measure employees' productivity? Learning and Growth Do you measure employees' satisfaction? how often? Learning and Growth Do you measure employee retention? by what? Learning and Growth Do you think that employees have the necessary enablers to achieve your financial, customer , and internal process objectives? for example, access to Learning and Growth information, training, climate for action, etc.? Are you satisfied with the current level of "agility" and "responsiveness" of Learning and Growth your organization? How could it be improved? How does an investor in your industry measure value? Measurement Do you routinely analyze/monitor your competitors to discern their strategies, strengths/weaknesses and has this information influenced any of your strategies? How? Policy How do you want to be perceived by your customers? Strategy Measures How do you want to be perceived by your suppliers? Strategy Measures How do you want to be perceived by your employees? Strategy Measures Are your career development, performance feedback, and employee Learning and Growth objective aligned with your strategic objectives? Do you have a copy of your current organization structure? How many sets Organization of Books do you currently have? Structure Can you provide a list of all companies that are legal entities, and require maintenance of a balanced set of books? What are their complete Organization addresses? Structure set up Process Setup, Metric set up set up Metric, performance Metric, performance Metric, performance

Balanced Scorecard Balanced Scorecard Balanced Scorecard

Not identified Not identified Not identified

Not identified Not identified Not identified

Balanced Scorecard Balanced Scorecard Balanced Scorecard

Not identified Not identified Not identified

Not identified Not identified Not identified

Process Performance Performance, Metric

Balanced Scorecard Balanced Scorecard Balanced Scorecard Balanced Scorecard Balanced Scorecard Strategic Objectives Detail/ Executed

Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Financial Planning

Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not Identified


OPM Enterprise Management

Strategic Objectives Detail/ Executed

Financial Planning

Not Identified


Setup, Process

131320756.xls.ms_office Page 171

RD.020 Business Process Questionnaire OBM Level I Type = Setup Metric Process Performance

OBM Level II 6157 6158 6159 6160 6161 6162 6163 6164
OPM Enterprise Management OPM Financial Management OPM Financial Management OPM Financial Management OPM Financial Management OPM Financial Management OPM Financial Management OPM Financial Management Strategic Objectives Detail/ Executed General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting


Financial Planning Process General Ledger Process General Ledger Process General Ledger Process General Ledger Process General Ledger Process General Ledger Process General Ledger

OBM Level IV
Not Identified Define General Ledger Open and Close Periods Define General Ledger Open and Close Periods Define General Ledger Open and Close Periods Establish Close Schedule Establish Close Schedule Define General Ledger Open and Close Periods Define General Ledger Open and Close Periods


OBM Row No.


Organization Structure Calendar Calendar Calendar Maintenance Maintenance Maintenance Security

Process Analysis Questions


OPM Financial Management

General Financial Accounting

Maintain General Ledger

Maintain General Ledger Chart of Accounts



6166 6167

OPM Financial Management OPM Financial Management

General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting

Maintain General Ledger Maintain General Ledger

Maintain General Ledger Chart of Accounts Maintain General Ledger Chart of Accounts


Setup Setup

6168 6169 6170 6171

OPM Financial Management OPM Financial Management OPM Financial Management

General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting

Maintain General Ledger Maintain General Ledger Maintain General Ledger

Maintain General Ledger Chart of Accounts Maintain General Ledger Chart of Accounts Maintain General Ledger Chart of Accounts Maintain General Ledger Chart of Accounts


Setup Validation Setup

OPM Financial Management

General Financial Accounting

Maintain General Ledger



6172 6173 6174 6175 6176 6177 6178 6179 6180 6181 6182

OPM Financial Management OPM Financial Management OPM Financial Management OPM Financial Management

General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting General Financial Accounting

Maintain General Ledger Maintain General Ledger Process General Ledger Process General Ledger

Maintain General Ledger Chart of Accounts Maintain General Ledger Chart of Accounts Define General Ledger Open and Close Periods Define General Ledger Open and Close Periods Maintain General Ledger Chart of Accounts Maintain General Ledger Chart of Accounts Verify Entry of All Current Period Transactions Define Cost & Profit Centers

Chart of Accounts Chart of Accounts Maintenance Security

OPM Financial Management

General Financial Accounting

Maintain General Ledger

Chart of Accounts

OPM Financial Management

General Financial Accounting

Maintain General Ledger

Set of Books

OPM Financial Management OPM Financial Management

General Financial Accounting Operations Analysis & Management Reporting Operations Analysis & Management Reporting Operations Analysis & Management Reporting Operations Analysis & Management Reporting

Process Inventory Manage Cost Accounting and Cost Allocation Manage Cost Accounting and Cost Allocation Manage Cost Accounting and Cost Allocation Manage Cost Accounting & Cost Allocation


Transactions Organization Structure Organization Structure Organization Structure

OPM Financial Management OPM Financial Management

Define Cost & Profit Centers Define Cost & Profit Centers


OPM Financial Management

Define Cost & Profit Centers


Chart of Accounts

6183 6184 6185

OPM Financial Management OPM Financial Management OPM Financial Management

Operations Analysis & Management Reporting Operations Analysis & Management Reporting Operations Analysis & Management Reporting

Manage Reporting Manage Reporting Manage Reporting

Generate Management Reporting and Statistics OPMACCT Generate Management Reporting and Statistics OPMACCT Generate Management Reporting and Statistics OPMACCT

Reporting Reporting Security

Do you have an organizational hierarchy that is defined, and current? May we have a copy? Setup, Process Can you provide a copy of your current company calendar year? Setup What is the number of periods in the calendar year? Metric What is the begin date of the year? What is the end date of the year? Metric Is the schedule for opening and closing calendar periods documented? May we have a copy? Process Do you have any other documentation on your calendar open and close procedures? May we have a copy? Process If you have multiple organizations, do they all close at the same time, or separately? Process Can you provide us with a list of users who should have access to the calendar? Setup, Metric There are four Account Types in OPM that are used for account and account key selection and reporting. These are: Asset, Liability, Equity, and Operating Expense. These are predefined in the system, do you want to modify these descriptions? Setup Do you have a current list of your Account Classes? These are user- defined classifications used to classify account types. (Ex: Account Type = Assets. Account Classes = Current Assets, Long-Term Assets) May we have a list of your account classes? Setup, Process Can you provide a list of Account Classes for each of the four Account Types? Setup Another sub-classification (of account types and classes) is the account usage code. These are user-defined, and is also used for reporting. Do you have a list of codes that you want to use as account usage codes? Setup Do you currently use Validation Codes? If so, how are they used? Can you provide an example? Setup, Process Have you determined the accounts you want to associate with the accounting units? May we have a list? Setup The account key combines an accounting unit with an account. Have you classified and sorted your account keys? May we have a copy? Setup, Process Do you have a copy of the mapping of your chart-of-accounts? May we have a copy? Is each account in your chart of accounts set up by company? Is each account valid for a particular company code? Setup Have you decided the way in which accounting units will be mapped to transactions? Setup, Process Who is responsible for opening and closing calendar periods? Setup, Process Do you have security requirements on who should have access to the calendar? (e.g. by company?) Setup, Process What is the structure of your account number? What segments are a part of your account number, company, location, cost center, account, sub-account? Setup How many sets of books and companies will be set up? Can you provide a list? Setup How will you map transactions from OPM to the General Ledger? What criteria will you use? Have you planned your accounting organizational hierarchy? Setup, Process Which are parent companies, which are subsidiaries? Setup, Process Do you currently have an organization code system? This is a short, unique code that identifies each organization. May we have a copy? Setup Which HR Organizations will be set up as Inventory Organizations? Setup, Process Do you have a current list of your accounting units (departments, plant, cost centers) for which you need to track balances? Can you provide a copy? Setup What reports do you currently generate to meet your Accounting Setup reporting requirements? Can you provide examples of each? Include source (could be manual), users, frequency, number of copies. Setup, Process, Metric Is there any Accounting Setup reporting requirement that your current set of reports does not meet? Setup Do you have documentation on your current system security requirements for Accounting Setup? Process

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RD.020 Business Process Questionnaire OBM Level I Type = Setup Metric Process Performance

OBM Level II 6186 6187 6188 6189 6190 6191 6192 6193 6194 6195 6196 6197
OPM Financial Management Operations Analysis & Management Reporting Operations Analysis & Management Reporting Operations Analysis & Management Reporting Operations Analysis & Management Reporting Operations Analysis & Management Reporting


Manage Reporting

OBM Level IV


OBM Row No.



Process Analysis Questions

Generate Management Reporting OPMACCT, and Statistics SYSADMIN Generate Management Reporting OPMACCT, and Statistics SYSADMIN Define Cost & Profit Centers OPMSY

OPM Financial Management OPM Financial Management

Manage Reporting Manage Cost Accounting and Cost Allocation Manage Cost Accounting and Cost Allocation Manage Cost Accounting and Cost Allocation

Security Organization Structure Organization Structure Organization Structure

OPM Financial Management OPM Financial Management OPM Information Technology Management OPM Information Technology Management OPM Information Technology Management OPM Information Technology Management OPM Information Technology Management OPM Information Technology Management OPM Information Technology Management

Define Cost & Profit Centers Define Costing Methods


Application Implementation Method Application Implementation Method Application Implementation Method Application Implementation Method

Define Business Requirements Define Business Requirements Define Business Requirements Define Business Requirements

Not Identified Not Identified Not Identified Not Identified


Security Documents Documents Documents

Application Implementation Method

Define Business Requirements

Not Identified



Application Implementation Method Application Implementation Method

Define Business Requirements Define Business Requirements

Not Identified Not Identified


Documents Documents

6198 6199 6200 6201 6202 6203 6204 6205 6206 6207 6208 6209 6210 6211 6212 6213 6214 6215 6216

OPM Information Technology Management OPM Information Technology Management OPM Information Technology Management OPM Information Technology Management OPM Information Technology Management OPM Information Technology Management OPM Information Technology Management OPM Information Technology Management OPM Information Technology Management OPM Information Technology Management OPM Information Technology Management OPM Information Technology Management OPM Information Technology Management OPM Information Technology Management OPM Information Technology Management OPM Information Technology Management OPM Information Technology Management OPM Information Technology Management OPM Information Technology Management

Application Implementation Method

Define Business Requirements

Not Identified



Application Implementation Method Application Implementation Method

Define Business Requirements Define Business Requirements

Not Identified Not Identified


Documents Documents

Application Implementation Method

Define Business Requirements

Not Identified



Application Implementation Method Application Implementation Method

Define Business Requirements Define Business Requirements

Not Identified Not Identified


Reporting Reporting

Application Implementation Method Application Implementation Method Application Implementation Method

Define Business Requirements Define Business Requirements Define Business Requirements

Not Identified Not Identified Not Identified


Security Maintenance Maintenance

Application Implementation Method Application Implementation Method Enterprise Architecture Planning Enterprise Architecture Planning Enterprise Architecture Planning Enterprise Architecture Planning Enterprise Architecture Planning Enterprise Architecture Planning Enterprise Architecture Planning Enterprise Architecture Planning

Define Business Requirements Define Business Requirements Analyze Information Architecture Analyze Information Architecture Analyze Information Architecture Analyze Information Architecture Analyze Information Architecture Analyze Information Architecture Analyze Information Architecture Analyze Information Architecture

Not Identified Not Identified Not Identified Not Identified Not Identified Not Identified Not Identified Not Identified Not Identified Not Identified


Maintenance Maintenance Other Maintenance Maintenance Maintenance Maintenance Maintenance Maintenance Other

Do you have security requirements on who can enter data for Accounting Setup? (e.g. by company?) Can you provide a list of users who should have access? Setup, Process Do you have security requirements on who can run Accounting Setup reports? (by company?) Can you provide us with a list of users who should have access? Setup, Process Can you provide a list of all manufacturing plants and their complete address? Setup Do you have any external organizations? (People are not assigned to an external organization.) If so, can you provide a list with current addresses? Setup Which, if any, manufacturing plants do you wish to enable Process Operations Control (POC)? Setup Each user, in OPM, is assigned to one or more organizations. Do you have a list of all the users that will be given access to OPM modules? Setup Can you provide a list of Document Types that you currently use? (Ex: Purchase Orders) Setup OPM has a list of supplied document types. Are there any document types that you need to add to this list? Setup Which document types do you wish to assign numbers to automatically, and which ones manually? Setup In your current document numbering schema, is there any significance? Can you explain the significance, and what it is used for? Setup What is the current length (number of digits) in your document numbering system? May we have a list, by document type, that is representative of your current numbering schema? Setup For each document type and organization combination, can you provide a starting document number? (Ex: 1000.) Setup Do you have a list of Geography Codes, that are used to reference address geographical areas on documents? Types of Geography Codes include: Country, State, Province, County. May we have a copy? Setup Do you have a system of storing and categorizing text in your current system? If so, may we have a copy of all text that is currently stored in your present system? Setup How is the text currently categorized? By document? By table? Which ones print on documents? Setup Do you currently represent longer descriptions or messages with short codes? If so, may we have a list? Are they printed on documents? Setup Do you currently have a list of codes to provide information on increases or decreases in inventory? May we have a copy? (OPM calls these Reason Codes.) Setup, Process Do they define: Inventory Adjustments, Movements, Production Transactions, and Purchasing Receipts? Setup, Process Looking at the organization structure, can you identify for each user, which OPM organizations they should be given access to? Can you provide us with a list? Setup, Process Who is responsible for the maintenance of Geography Codes? Setup, Process Who is responsible for the maintenance of text? Can you provide a list of Setup, Process, users who should be given access to these forms? Metric Who will be responsible for the maintenance of Reason Codes? Can you provide a list of users who should be given access to these forms? Setup, Process, Metric Who is responsible for the maintenance of user organization assignments? Setup Can you describe your current procedures for the Purging and Archiving of system information? Process What specific information is archived? What information is purged? Process Do you purge and archive Production Batches, and their associated detail transactions? Process Do you purge and archive Sales Order and Shipment Records? Process Do you purge and archive Purchase Order, Receipt, and Return records? Process Do you purge and archive Inventory Journal records? Process How frequently do you perform archiving of system information? How frequently do you purge? Metric Is your current purge and archive procedure documented? May we have a copy? Process

131320756.xls.ms_office Page 173

RD.020 Business Process Questionnaire OBM Level I Type = Setup Metric Process Performance

OBM Level II 6217 6218 6219 6220 6221 6222 6223 6224 6225 6226 6227 6228 6229 6230 6231 6232 6233 6234 6235 6236 6237 6238 6239 6240 6241 6242 6243 6244 6245 6246 6247 6248 6249 6250 6251 6252
OPM Information Technology Management OPM Information Technology Management OPM Information Technology Management OPM Information Technology Management OPM Information Technology Management OPM Information Technology Management OPM Information Technology Management OPM Information Technology Management OPM Materials Management OPM Materials Management OPM Materials Management OPM Materials Management OPM Materials Management OPM Materials Management OPM Materials Management OPM Materials Management OPM Materials Management OPM Materials Management OPM Materials Management OPM Materials Management OPM Materials Management OPM Materials Management OPM Materials Management Enterprise Architecture Planning Enterprise Architecture Planning Enterprise Architecture Planning Enterprise Architecture Planning Enterprise Architecture Planning Enterprise Architecture Planning


Analyze Information Architecture Analyze Information Architecture Analyze Information Architecture Analyze Information Architecture Analyze Information Architecture Analyze Information Architecture

OBM Level IV
Not Identified Not Identified Not Identified Not Identified Not Identified Not Identified


OBM Row No.


Other Maintenance Maintenance Maintenance Security Maintenance

Process Analysis Questions

Enterprise Architecture Planning Enterprise Architecture Planning Receiving & Inspection Receiving & Inspection Receiving & Inspection Receiving & Inspection Receiving & Inspection Receiving & Inspection Receiving & Inspection Receiving & Inspection Receiving & Inspection Receiving & Inspection Receiving & Inspection Receiving & Inspection Receiving & Inspection Receiving & Inspection Receiving & Inspection

Analyze Information Architecture Analyze Information Architecture Manage Receive Goods Manage Inspect Goods Manage Inspect Goods Manage Receive Goods Manage Receive Goods Issue Material Issue Material Issue Material Manage Inspect Goods Manage Inspect Goods Manage Inspect Goods Manage Inspect Goods Manage Receive Goods Manage Receive Goods Manage Inspect Goods

Not Identified Not Identified


Security Security Receiving Policies Maintenance Security Security Receiving Policies Inventory Transfer Inventory Transfer Inventory Transfer Maintenance Maintenance Maintenance Maintenance Receiving Policies Receiving Policies Returns

Refuse, Accept or Reject Deliveries ALL Initiate Corrective Action Initiate Corrective Action Receive Supplier Material ALL ALL N/A

Refuse, Accept or Reject Deliveries OPMINV Conduct Stock to Stock Transfers Conduct Stock to Stock Transfers Conduct Stock to Stock Transfers Initiate Corrective Action Initiate Corrective Action Initiate Corrective Action Initiate Corrective Action OPMINV OPMINV OPMINV OPMINV OPMINV OPMINV OPMINV

Refuse, Accept or Reject Deliveries OPMINV, OPMPMGT OPMINV, Refuse, Accept or Reject Deliveries OPMPMGT, PO OPMINV, Conduct Quality Inspection OPMPMGT, PO Move from Quality Inspection to MRB Review MRB Move from MRB Communicate With Warehouse Receiving Communicate With Warehouse Receiving Receive Supplier Material Receive Supplier Material OPMINV, OPMPMGT, PO OPMINV, OPMPMGT, PO OPMINV, OPMPMGT, PO OPMINV, PO OPMINV, PO

OPM Materials Management OPM Materials Management OPM Materials Management OPM Materials Management OPM Materials Management OPM Materials Management OPM Materials Management OPM Materials Management OPM Materials Management OPM Materials Management OPM Materials Management

Receiving & Inspection Receiving & Inspection Receiving & Inspection Receiving & Inspection Receiving & Inspection Receiving & Inspection Receiving & Inspection Receiving & Inspection Receiving & Inspection Receiving & Inspection Receiving & Inspection

Manage Inspect Goods Manage Inspect Goods Manage Inspect Goods Manage Yard Manage Yard Manage Receive Goods Manage Receive Goods Manage Receive Goods Manage Receive Goods Manage Inspect Goods Manage Inspect Goods

MRB Returns MRB Receiving Policies Receiving Policies Receiving Policies Receiving Policies Receiving Policies Receiving Policies Receiving Policies Direct Receipts

OPMMAC, PO OPMMGT, PO, SYSADMIN OPMOF, Refuse, Accept or Reject Deliveries OPMPMGT, PO OPMOF, Refuse, Accept or Reject Deliveries OPMPMGT, PO Conduct Receiving Inspection Conduct Receiving Inspection OPMPMGT OPMPMGT

OPM Materials Management OPM Materials Management

Receiving & Inspection Receiving & Inspection

Manage Receive Goods Manage Receive Goods

not identified not identified


Reporting Reporting

What operations/processes do you want to streamline, or eliminate for the Purge and Archive process? Process How do you audit your Purge and Archive data? Who is responsible? Process What criteria is used to determine when system information is to be archived? Process What criteria is used to determine when system information is to be purged? Process Do you have documentation on your current system security requirements for Purge and Archive? Please provide copy. Process How do you maintain your Purge and Archive data (who enters, who reviews, etc)? Who does the maintenance? Process Do you have security restrictions on who can enter/maintain data for Purge and Archiving of system data? (e.g., by company, by cost center, by position) Please describe restrictions. Setup, Process Map each P&A user to a menu structure. Will any new menus need to be created for Purge and Archive? Setup, Process Do you use FIFO/LIFO inventory management policies? Process, Setup What are your current inventory goals? Price goals? Quality goals? Metric Do you have security requirements on who can run Receiving reports? (by company, by cost center etc.) Setup, Process Do you have documentation on your current system security requirements for Receiving? Can you provide us with a copy? Process Do you receive into multiple warehouses, at each site? Can you provide a list? Process, Setup Do you order and receive items from other organizations/businesses (InterCompany)? Process, Setup Which sites do you transfer materials to or from? Process, Setup How do you perform inventory transfers? Describe the steps. Process How would you rate the accuracy of raw material on-hand balances? Packaging? MRO? Metric How would you rate your location accuracy? How much obsolescence are you experiencing? What inventory areas? Metric What projects are in place to enable improvement for on-hand balance accuracy? Process How would you rate the accuracy of planning parameters like lead-times or lot sizes? Metric What type of receipts do you process? Vendor? WIP? Customer Returns? Process Do you require lot traceability? How do you currently assign lot numbers? Do you tie back to vendor lot number? Process, Setup How do you manage items received that are rejected? Process When supplier inventory fails inspection, do you move the material into a MRB location, for further review? Do you have a quarantine location/ warehouse? Are there any special security requirements? Process How do you handle vendor returns? Describe the process. Who initiates the Return to Vendor transaction? Process What document is used to transfer inventory from MRB to a warehouse location? Process Do you use public warehousing? How many, and where are they located? Process Do you use consignment warehouses? If so, describe the mechanics. Process, Setup Do you accrue your receipts to the General Ledger? Process, Setup Do you validate receipts in terms of count, item and/or lot number? How are transactions performed? Who performs them? Setup, Process Do you perform (virtual) receipts of Drop Ship items? Process If yes, then what document or event drives the receiving transaction? Process Where is material received into the warehouse? Is it held in a particular location? Process Are any items received directly into inventory? Process How do you update a Receiving report's distribution list? Who performs the tasks associated with updating a Receiving reports distribution list? Process Is there any requirement for on-line (softcopy) distribution and/or remote location printing for Receiving reports? Setup, Process

131320756.xls.ms_office Page 174

RD.020 Business Process Questionnaire OBM Level I Type = Setup Metric Process Performance
Process How many sites perform receiving? Can you provide a list of Ship-To locations? What are the rules on item inspection? How are items selected for inspection? How are items received? How do you perform the receiving function? Describe the process. Do you have security requirements on who can enter data for Receiving transactions? (e.g. by company? by cost center?) What business performance statistics do you monitor for Receiving? Reporting What are your Receiving reporting requirements with respect to summary or detail formats? Obtain a report listing. Who receives copies of the Receiving reports? What reports do you currently generate to meet your Receiving reporting requirements? Provide examples of each. Include source (could be manual), user, frequency, number of copies. Are there any Receiving reporting requirements that your current set of reports does not meet? Are Receiving reports standard across multiple Sets of Books, for example, subsidiaries? Are Receiving reports standard across multiple levels within a Set of Books, i.e., divisions? Do you run Receiving reports for different companies or cost centers? What account codes and/or descriptions are required on Receiving reports? Reporting Receiving Policies Inspection Do you monitor the quality performance of your Suppliers? Supplier Tracking Are all items received against PO's? If not, what items are not and why? Receiving Policies Receiving Policies Receiving Policies Receiving Policies Receiving Policies Receiving Policies Receiving Policies Receiving Policies Receiving Policies Supplier Tracking QC Policies QC Policies Receiving Policies Receiving Policies Receiving Policies Reporting Maintenance MMRECEIPTS 4 Multi-Org Do you require documentation (ie, Purchase Order or Return Material Authorization) before an item can be received? Do you receive substitute items? Process Process, Setup Process, Setup How are the appropriate people notified when material is received that will relieve a shortage? If not, do you inspect items at receiving? Setup Process Process Process Process, Setup Process Process, Setup

OBM Level II 6253 6254 6255 6256 6257 6258 6259 6260 6261 6262 6263 6264 6265 6266 6267 6268 6269 6270 6271 6272 6273 6274 6275 6276 6277 6278 6279 6280 6281 6282 6283 6284 6285 6286 6287
OPM Materials Management OPM Materials Management OPM Materials Management OPM Materials Management Receiving & Inspection Receiving & Inspection Receiving & Inspection Receiving & Inspection


Manage Receive Goods Manage Receive Goods Manage Inspect Goods Manage Receive Goods

OBM Level IV


OBM Row No.


Receiving Policies Receiving Policies Inspection Receiving

Process Analysis Questions

Is there any business policy governing receipts?


OPM Materials Management OPM Materials Management

Receiving & Inspection Receiving & Inspection

Manage Receive Goods Manage Receive Goods


Setup, Process

OPM Materials Management

Receiving & Inspection

Manage Receive Goods

not identified


Setup, Process

OPM Materials Management OPM Materials Management OPM Materials Management OPM Materials Management OPM Materials Management OPM Materials Management OPM Materials Management OPM Materials Management OPM Materials Management OPM Materials Management OPM Materials Management OPM Materials Management OPM Materials Management OPM Materials Management OPM Materials Management OPM Materials Management OPM Materials Management OPM Materials Management OPM Materials Management OPM Materials Management OPM Materials Management OPM Materials Management OPM Materials Management OPM Materials Management OPM Materials Management OPM Materials Management OPM Materials Management

Receiving & Inspection Receiving & Inspection Receiving & Inspection Receiving & Inspection Receiving & Inspection Receiving & Inspection Receiving & Inspection Receiving & Inspection Receiving & Inspection Receiving & Inspection Receiving & Inspection Receiving & Inspection Receiving & Inspection Receiving & Inspection Receiving & Inspection Receiving & Inspection Receiving & Inspection Receiving & Inspection Receiving & Inspection Receiving & Inspection Receiving & Inspection Receiving & Inspection Receiving & Inspection Receiving & Inspection Receiving & Inspection Receiving & Inspection Receiving & Inspection

Manage Receive Goods Manage Receive Goods Manage Receive Goods Manage Receive Goods Manage Receive Goods Manage Receive Goods Manage Inspect Goods Manage Inspect Goods Manage Inspect Goods Manage Receive Goods Manage Receive Goods Manage Receive Goods Manage Inspect Goods Manage Receive Goods Manage Receive Goods Manage Receive Goods Manage Receive Goods Manage Inspect Goods Manage Inspect Goods Manage Inspect Goods Manage Inspect Goods Manage Receive Goods Manage Receive Goods Manage Receive Goods Manage Receive Goods Manage Inspect Goods Manage Receive Goods

not identified not identified not identified not identified not identified not identified Prevent Manufacture Item Shortages Conduct Receiving Inspection Conduct Quality Inspection

Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting

Setup, Process Setup Setup Setup Process

Refuse, Accept or Reject Deliveries OPMPMGT, OPMSY OPMPMGT, OPMSY, Refuse, Accept or Reject Deliveries PO Refuse, Accept or Reject Deliveries OPMPMGT, PO Prevent Manufacture Item Shortages OPMPMGT, PO Receive Supplier Material Receive Supplier Material Receive Supplier Material Receive Supplier Material Conduct Quality Inspection Conduct Quality Inspection Conduct Quality Inspection Conduct Quality Inspection OPMPMGT, PO OPMPMGT, PO OPMPMGT, PO OPMPMGT, PO OPMPMGT, PO OPMPMGT, PO OPMQM OPMQM

Refuse, Accept or Reject Deliveries PO Receive Supplier Material Receive Supplier Material not identified Initiate Corrective Action not identified PO PO SYSADMIN OPMPMGT, PO PO

OPM Materials Management

Receiving & Inspection

Manage Receive Goods

not identified




Process, Setup How do you handle receipt quantity and date exceptions? Is this process documented? Could you provide a copy? Setup, Process Do you use a receipt amount or dollar amount tolerance? How do you close a Purchase Order for receiving? Process, Setup How is material received? By Truck? Tanker? Rail Car? Ship? Other? How many transportation companies do you use? Process What types of information does Receiving transact? Process Do you track net/ tare/ gross weight numbers for vendor shipments? Process Do you use your own truck for vendor pick-up? Do you mix vendor loads? Do you have multiple PO's/ vendors per shipment? Process Do you track demurrage charges? If so, how? What is the volume? Process What types of QC inspections are performed? What types of tests? Process Do you have vendor specific tests for the items you buy? What types? How many? Performance Which sites are Bill-to Locations? Office sites? Internal locations? Process, Setup How are expensed items delivered to the requester? Describe the process. Process Do you want to prevent receivers from seeing the quantity ordered or quantity remaining to receive (blind receiving? Process, Setup What type of printers do you run Receiving reports on? Where are they located? Setup, Performance How would you rate transaction accuracy (I.e., receipts)? Metric Do you track the 'Country of Origin' for the items you receive? If so, please describe what items and how they are tracked. Setup Do you track the 'Country of Origin' for the items you have received while in your materials management/inventory system? If so, please describe your tracking process. Setup

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RD.020 Business Process Questionnaire OBM Level I Type = Setup Metric Process Performance
Process Process What is the process to receive expenses items? Process Are all items received against PO's? If not, what items are not and why? Process What is the process for shortages to items received? Process What is the process for processing non-compliant material? Process Do you order and receive items from other organizations/businesses (InterCompany)? How do you manage items received that are rejected? Are receipts (from vendors or manufacturing) validated, i.e. counted, weighed? How do you transact this receipt information, i.e. bill of lading or scale ticket? Are receipts (from vendors or manufacturing) validated, i.e. counted, weighed? How do you transact this receipt information, i.e. bill of lading or scale ticket? Is inventory accuracy a part of group and individual performance ratings? Setup,Process Setup,Process Process Process Process Process Performance Is there an incentive system for maintaining or improving the inventory accuracy goals? Do you have security requirements on who can enter data for inventory accuracy? Do you have security requirements on who can run inventory accuracy reports? Will there need to be terminal security for inventory accuracy? Is inventory accuracy a part of group and individual performance ratings? Performance Setup Setup Setup Performance Is there an incentive system for maintaining or improving the inventory accuracy goals? Do you have security requirements on who can enter data for inventory accuracy? Do you have security requirements on who can run inventory accuracy reports? Will there need to be terminal security for inventory accuracy? What units of measures do you use? Performance Setup Setup Setup Setup What are the conversions you use between units of measures Setup How do you measure inventory accuracy Metric How do you audit your inventory accuracy data? Process How efficient would you rate your inventory management process? Process What time intensive inventory accuracy processes need to be addressed? Process How many items do you have and of what types? Raw materials, packaging, intermediates, finished goods Setup What is your current naming convention for items? Does the current code communicate information about the item? Setup What types of reports are currently used to manage the inventory function. Give examples Process What is the volume for inventory transactions? Metric What types of inventory transactions are done? Items, quantities, etc. Process In what areas of the business are inventory transactions performed? Process How is inventory controlled? By lot, sublot, location or a combination of these? Setup, Process How are lot numbers configured? Random, sequential, date? Setup If you use multiple units of measures on an item how do you keep and order the inventory? Setup, Process

OBM Level II 6288 6289 6290 6291 6292 6293 6294 6295 6296 6297 6298 6299 6300 6301 6302 6303 6304 6305 6306 6307 6308 6309 6310 6311 6312 6313 6314 6315 6316 6317 6318 6319 6320 6321 6322 6323 6324
OPM Materials Management OPM Materials Management OPM Materials Management OPM Materials Management OPM Materials Management OPM Materials Management OPM Materials Management OPM Materials Management OPM Materials Management OPM Materials Management OPM Materials Management OPM Materials Management OPM Materials Management OPM Materials Management OPM Materials Management OPM Materials Management OPM Materials Management OPM Materials Management OPM Materials Management OPM Materials Management OPM Materials Management OPM Materials Management OPM Materials Management OPM Materials Management OPM Materials Management OPM Materials Management OPM Materials Management OPM Materials Management OPM Materials Management OPM Materials Management OPM Materials Management OPM Materials Management OPM Materials Management OPM Materials Management OPM Materials Management OPM Materials Management OPM Materials Management Receiving & Inspection Receiving & Inspection Receiving & Inspection Receiving & Inspection Receiving & Inspection Receiving & Inspection Receiving & Inspection Receiving & Inspection Receiving and Inspection Receiving and Inspection Receiving and Inspection Receiving and Inspection Warehouse Management Warehouse Management Warehouse Management Warehouse Management Warehouse Management Warehouse Management Warehouse Management Warehouse Management Warehouse Management Warehouse Management Warehouse Management Warehouse Management Warehouse Management Warehouse Management Warehouse Management Warehouse Management Warehouse Management Warehouse Management Warehouse Management Warehouse Management Warehouse Management Warehouse Management Warehouse Management Warehouse Management Warehouse Management


Manage Receive Goods Manage Receive Goods Manage Receive Goods Manage Receive Goods Manage Inspect Goods Manage Inspect Goods Manage Receive Goods Manage Receive Goods Manage Receive Goods Manage Receive Goods Manage Receive Goods Manage Receive Goods Manage Inventory Manage Inventory Manage Inventory Manage Inventory Manage Inventory Manage Inventory Manage Inventory Manage Inventory Manage Inventory Manage Inventory Manage Inventory Manage Inventory Manage Inventory Manage Inventory Manage Inventory Manage Inventory Manage Inventory Manage Inventory Manage Inventory Manage Inventory Manage Inventory Manage Inventory Manage Inventory Manage Inventory Manage Inventory

OBM Level IV
not identified Receive Supplier Material Receive Supplier Material Receive Supplier Material Prevent Purchase Item Shortages not identified Receive Material from Other Buildings Accept or Reject Deliveries Receive Supplier Material Receive Supplier Material Receive Supplier Material Receive Supplier Material Not Identified Make Stock Adjustments Make Stock Adjustments Make Stock Adjustments Make Stock Adjustments Not Identified Make Stock Adjustments Make Stock Adjustments Make Stock Adjustments Make Stock Adjustments Define Units of Measure Define Units of Measure Make Stock Adjustments Make Stock Adjustments Make Stock Adjustments Make Stock Adjustments


OBM Row No.


Multi-Org Receiving Receiving Receiving Receiving Receiving Receiving Receiving Receipts Receipts Receipts Receipts Accuracy Programs Accuracy Programs Security Security Security Accuracy Programs Accuracy Programs Security Security Security Maintenance Maintenance Accuracy Programs Accuracy Programs Accuracy Programs Accuracy Programs Manage Items Manage Items Reporting Maintenance Maintenance Maintenance Policies Maintenance Maintenance

Process Analysis Questions

Do you produce reports by item and/or supplier on the 'Country of Origin' for items received, stocked, or being used in production? If so, please describe your reporting process. What is the process to receive production material items?


Process An Item Addition / Deletion INV Process An Item Addition / Deletion INV Not Identified Make Stock Adjustments Not Identified Not Identified INV INV INV INV

Process An Item Addition / Deletion INV Process An Item Addition / Deletion INV Define Units of Measure INV

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RD.020 Business Process Questionnaire OBM Level I Type = Setup Metric Process Performance
Setup Who updates item master information? Process How do you have warehouses set up? Do you have consignment warehouses? Are warehouses location controlled? Are distribution centers used for finished goods? Setup Setup Setup, Process Is inventory transferred between warehouses? plants? distribution centers? Process Do you have an inventory locator system? Is it automated or manually maintained? Is inventory staged prior to being used in production? How is it done? Is a picklist used? What types of order policies do you use to order? Inventory levels, lot for lot, EOQ, Order point? Where do you maintain inventory planning parameters lead time and ordering rules? How are the validity of planning parameters validated? How are they revised and how frequently? Dow you have inventory that expires or is time sensitive? How is it currently controlled? What are your primary problems in performing the inventory function? Are these problems system, organizational, information or people? Are there redundancies in your inventory function? What functions might be removed? What information is needed in the inventory function that is not currently captured? How frequently are schedules changed due to inventory problems? What is the frequency of scale and equipment calibration? Setup, Process Process Setup, Process Setup, Process Setup, Process Setup, Process

OBM Level II 6325 6326 6327 6328 6329 6330 6331 6332 6333 6334 6335 6336 6337 6338 6339 6340 6341 6342 6343 6344 6345 6346 6347 6348 6349 6350 6351 6352 6353 6354 6355 6356 6357 6358 6359 6360 6361
OPM Materials Management OPM Materials Management OPM Materials Management OPM Materials Management OPM Materials Management OPM Materials Management OPM Materials Management OPM Materials Management OPM Materials Management OPM Materials Management OPM Materials Management OPM Materials Management Warehouse Management Warehouse Management Warehouse Management Warehouse Management Warehouse Management Warehouse Management Warehouse Management Warehouse Management Warehouse Management Warehouse Management Warehouse Management Warehouse Management


Manage Inventory Manage Inventory Manage Inventory Manage Inventory Manage Inventory Manage Inventory Manage Inventory Manage Inventory Manage Inventory Manage Inventory Manage Inventory Manage Inventory

OBM Level IV
Not Identified


OBM Row No.


Planning Maintenance Warehouse Mgt Warehouse Mgt Warehouse Mgt Stock Adjustments Warehouse Mgt Warehouse Mgt Planning Planning Planning Obsolete Materials

Process Analysis Questions

Is inventory responsibility segmented by inventory type or by buyer/planner?

Process An Item Addition / Deletion INV Manage Warehouse Layout Manage Warehouse Layout Manage Warehouse Layout Make Stock Adjustments Manage Warehouse Layout Manage Warehouse Layout Not Identified Not Identified Not Identified Manage Obsolete Materials INV INV INV INV INV INV INV INV INV INV

OPM Materials Management OPM Materials Management OPM Materials Management OPM Materials Management OPM Materials Management OPM Materials Management OPM Materials Management OPM Materials Management OPM Materials Management OPM Materials Management OPM Materials Management OPM Materials Management OPM Materials Management OPM Materials Management OPM Materials Management OPM Materials Management OPM Materials Management OPM Materials Management OPM Materials Management OPM Materials Management OPM Materials Management OPM Materials Management OPM Materials Management OPM Materials Management OPM Materials Management

Warehouse Management Warehouse Management Warehouse Management Warehouse Management Warehouse Management Warehouse Management Warehouse Management Warehouse Management Warehouse Management Warehouse Management Warehouse Management Warehouse Management Warehouse Management Warehouse Management Warehouse Management Warehouse Management Warehouse Management Warehouse Management Warehouse Management Warehouse Management Warehouse Management Warehouse Management Warehouse Management Warehouse Management Warehouse Management

Manage Inventory Manage Inventory Manage Inventory Issue Material Manage Receive Goods Manage Inventory Manage Inventory Manage Scrap Material Manage Inventory Manage Inventory Manage Inventory Manage Inventory Manage Inventory Manage Inventory Manage Inventory Manage Inventory Manage Inventory Manage Inventory Manage Inventory Manage Inventory Issue Material Manage Inventory Manage Inventory Manage Inventory Manage Inventory

Not Identified Not Identified Not Identified Issue Unplanned Material Receive Supplier Material Not Identified Not Identified Not Identified Not Identified Not Identified Manage Obsolete Materials Not Identified Not Identified Not Identified Not Identified Not Identified Make Stock Adjustments Make Stock Adjustments Issue Unplanned Material Make Stock Adjustments Issue Unplanned Material Not Identified Define Units of Measure Define Units of Measure Make Stock Adjustments


Other Maintenance Reporting Issues Receipts Reporting Cost Scrap Accuracy Programs Accuracy Programs Obsolete Materials Reporting Policies Reporting Reporting Reporting Stock Adjustments Stock Adjustments Issues Accuracy Programs Issues Accuracy Programs Maintenance Maintenance Accuracy Programs How many inventory turns occur for each type of inventory; raw materials, finished goods, intermediates, packaging? What is the inventory value of your safety stock?

Process Process Process Process Process Process

Metric What levels of scrap and shrinkage are you experiencing across your inventory types? Process What inventory benefits do you hope to gain with the system? Performance What programs are currently in place to enhance inventory accuracy? Process Is inventory obsolescence a problem? How much in terms of cost and efficiency? Process How is inventory performance measured? In what areas? How are your current performance levels? Metric Who performs the measurement? Metric What are your inventory accuracy reporting requirements with respect to summary or detail formats? Process What reports do you currently generate to meet your inventory accuracy reporting requirements? Process Is there any inventory accuracy reporting requirement that your current set of reports does not meet? Process Do you allow inventory adjustments independent of cycle counts and physicals? Process Who is allowed to do inventory adjustments? Process Are material shortages an issue for your operation? Performance What is the overall accuracy goal? Performance How many parts are on a daily shortage list? Process Do you have documentation on your current system requirements for inventory accuracy? Process What units of measures do you use? Setup What are the conversions you use between units of measures Setup How do you measure inventory accuracy Metric

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RD.020 Business Process Questionnaire OBM Level I Type = Setup Metric Process Performance
Process How efficient would you rate your inventory management process? Process What time intensive inventory accuracy processes need to be addressed? Process How many items do you have and of what types? Raw materials, packaging, intermediates, finished goods Setup What is your current naming convention for items? Does the current code communicate information about the item? Setup What types of reports are currently used to manage the inventory function. Give examples Process What is the volume for inventory transactions? Metric What types of inventory transactions are done? Items, quantities, etc. Process In what areas of the business are inventory transactions performed? Process How is inventory controlled? By lot, sublot, location or a combination of these? Setup, Process How are lot numbers configured? Random, sequential, date? Setup If you use multiple units of measures on an item how do you keep and order the inventory? Setup, Process Is inventory responsibility segmented by inventory type or by buyer/planner? Setup Who updates item master information? Process How do you have warehouses set up? Do you have consignment warehouses? Setup Are warehouses location controlled? Setup Are distribution centers used for finished goods? Setup, Process Is inventory transferred between warehouses? plants? distribution centers? Process Do you have an inventory locator system? Is it automated or manually maintained? Setup, Process Is inventory staged prior to being used in production? How is it done? Is a picklist used? Process What types of order policies do you use to order? Inventory levels, lot for lot, EOQ, Order point? Setup, Process Where do you maintain inventory planning parameters lead time and ordering rules? Setup, Process How are the validity of planning parameters validated? How are they revised and how frequently? Setup, Process Dow you have inventory that expires or is time sensitive? How is it currently controlled? Setup, Process What are your primary problems in performing the inventory function? Are these problems system, organizational, information or people? Process Are there redundancies in your inventory function? What functions might be removed? Process What information is needed in the inventory function that is not currently captured? Process How frequently are schedules changed due to inventory problems? Process What is the frequency of scale and equipment calibration? Process How many inventory turns occur for each type of inventory; raw materials, finished goods, intermediates, packaging? Process What is the inventory value of your safety stock? Metric What levels of scrap and shrinkage are you experiencing across your inventory types? Process What inventory benefits do you hope to gain with the system? Performance What programs are currently in place to enhance inventory accuracy? Process Is inventory obsolescence a problem? How much in terms of cost and efficiency? Process How is inventory performance measured? In what areas? How are your current performance levels? Metric Who performs the measurement? Metric

OBM Level II 6362 6363 6364 6365 6366 6367 6368 6369 6370 6371 6372 6373 6374 6375 6376 6377 6378 6379 6380 6381 6382 6383 6384 6385 6386 6387 6388 6389 6390 6391 6392 6393 6394 6395 6396 6397 6398
OPM Materials Management OPM Materials Management OPM Materials Management OPM Materials Management OPM Materials Management OPM Materials Management OPM Materials Management OPM Materials Management OPM Materials Management OPM Materials Management OPM Materials Management OPM Materials Management OPM Materials Management OPM Materials Management OPM Materials Management OPM Materials Management OPM Materials Management OPM Materials Management OPM Materials Management OPM Materials Management OPM Materials Management OPM Materials Management OPM Materials Management OPM Materials Management Warehouse Management Warehouse Management Warehouse Management Warehouse Management Warehouse Management Warehouse Management Warehouse Management Warehouse Management Warehouse Management Warehouse Management Warehouse Management Warehouse Management Warehouse Management Warehouse Management Warehouse Management Warehouse Management Warehouse Management Warehouse Management Warehouse Management Warehouse Management Warehouse Management Warehouse Management Warehouse Management Warehouse Management


Manage Inventory Manage Inventory Manage Inventory Manage Inventory Manage Inventory Manage Inventory Manage Inventory Manage Inventory Manage Inventory Manage Inventory Manage Inventory Manage Inventory Manage Inventory Manage Inventory Manage Inventory Manage Inventory Manage Inventory Manage Inventory Manage Inventory Manage Inventory Manage Inventory Manage Inventory Manage Inventory Manage Inventory

OBM Level IV
Make Stock Adjustments Make Stock Adjustments Make Stock Adjustments


OBM Row No.


Accuracy Programs Accuracy Programs Accuracy Programs Manage Items Manage Items Reporting Maintenance Maintenance Maintenance Policies Maintenance Maintenance Planning Maintenance Warehouse Mgt Warehouse Mgt Warehouse Mgt Stock Adjustments Warehouse Mgt Warehouse Mgt Planning Planning Planning Obsolete Materials

Process Analysis Questions

How do you audit your inventory accuracy data?

Process An Item Addition / Deletion INV Process An Item Addition / Deletion INV Not Identified Make Stock Adjustments Not Identified Not Identified INV INV INV INV

Process An Item Addition / Deletion INV Process An Item Addition / Deletion INV Define Units of Measure Not Identified INV INV

Process An Item Addition / Deletion INV Manage Warehouse Layout Manage Warehouse Layout Manage Warehouse Layout Make Stock Adjustments Manage Warehouse Layout Manage Warehouse Layout Not Identified Not Identified Not Identified Manage Obsolete Materials INV INV INV INV INV INV INV INV INV INV

OPM Materials Management OPM Materials Management OPM Materials Management OPM Materials Management OPM Materials Management OPM Materials Management OPM Materials Management OPM Materials Management OPM Materials Management OPM Materials Management OPM Materials Management OPM Materials Management OPM Materials Management

Warehouse Management Warehouse Management Warehouse Management Warehouse Management Warehouse Management Warehouse Management Warehouse Management Warehouse Management Warehouse Management Warehouse Management Warehouse Management Warehouse Management Warehouse Management

Manage Inventory Manage Inventory Manage Inventory Issue Material Manage Receive Goods Manage Inventory Manage Inventory Manage Scrap Material Manage Inventory Manage Inventory Manage Inventory Manage Inventory Manage Inventory

Not Identified Not Identified Not Identified Issue Unplanned Material Receive Supplier Material Not Identified Not Identified Not Identified Not Identified Not Identified Manage Obsolete Materials Not Identified Not Identified


Other Maintenance Reporting Issues Receipts Reporting Cost Scrap Accuracy Programs Accuracy Programs Obsolete Materials Reporting Policies

131320756.xls.ms_office Page 178

RD.020 Business Process Questionnaire OBM Level I Type = Setup Metric Process Performance
Process Process Process Process Process Are material shortages an issue for your operation? Performance What is the overall accuracy goal? Performance How many parts are on a daily shortage list? Process Do you have documentation on your current system requirements for inventory accuracy? Do you have a cycle count program? What procedures are available? What iis the count frequency for items based on ABC ranking? Process Process Process What are the daily count volumes by rankiing? Setup, Process With what frequency do you count your inventory? Process What inventory losses or gain were booked for the last physical inventory and cycle count? Metric What are your current accuracy levels for physical inventory gains/losses? Metric What are your current accuracy levels for cycle count variances/ Metric Do you use ABC classification? If yes what criteria do you use to derive ABC values? Setup How often do you count all your items in any given inventory location? Process Who is responsible for cycle counts? Setup Do you do automatic cycle counts for items that show zero on hand? Process Do you cycle count while inventory is being transacted for other business purposes? Process Is there a tolerance level for physical inventory? Metric What are your inventory tolerances? Metric Do you require recounts on out of tolerance items? Process Do you research inventory variances? Process Are your physical inventories "wall to wall"? Process Do you shut down production for wall-to-wall physical inventories? Process Do you have a separate physical inventory database? Setup, Process Do you freeze inventory for a physical? Process Do you create inventory tags? What type of information do they have on them? Setup How long does a wall-to-wall physical inventory take? Process Do you actually count inventory in WIP or just value the location? Process Do you reconcile transaction logs on a regular basis? Process How often do you take physical inventories? Setup, Process Do you perform multiple counts for each entry with different counters? Do you compare counts? What happens when counts do not match? Do you recount? Send different counters to verify? Auditors? Process How do you handle zero quantities or negative balances during the Physical Inventory process? Empty locations even though the computer has a value? Setup, Process

OBM Level II 6399 6400 6401 6402 6403 6404 6405 6406 6407 6408 6409 6410 6411 6412 6413 6414 6415 6416 6417 6418 6419 6420 6421 6422 6423 6424 6425 6426 6427 6428 6429 6430 6431 6432
OPM Materials Management OPM Materials Management OPM Materials Management OPM Materials Management OPM Materials Management OPM Materials Management OPM Materials Management OPM Materials Management OPM Materials Management OPM Materials Management OPM Materials Management OPM Materials Management OPM Materials Management OPM Materials Management OPM Materials Management OPM Materials Management OPM Materials Management OPM Materials Management OPM Materials Management OPM Materials Management OPM Materials Management OPM Materials Management OPM Materials Management OPM Materials Management OPM Materials Management OPM Materials Management OPM Materials Management OPM Materials Management OPM Materials Management OPM Materials Management OPM Materials Management OPM Materials Management OPM Materials Management OPM Materials Management Warehouse Management Warehouse Management Warehouse Management Warehouse Management Warehouse Management Warehouse Management Warehouse Management Warehouse Management Warehouse Management Warehouse Management Warehouse Management Warehouse Management Warehouse Management Warehouse Management Warehouse Management Warehouse Management Warehouse Management Warehouse Management Warehouse Management Warehouse Management Warehouse Management Warehouse Management Warehouse Management Warehouse Management Warehouse Management Warehouse Management Warehouse Management Warehouse Management Warehouse Management Warehouse Management Warehouse Management Warehouse Management Warehouse Management Warehouse Management


Manage Inventory Manage Inventory Manage Inventory Manage Inventory Manage Inventory Manage Inventory Manage Inventory Issue Material Manage Inventory Manage Inventory Manage Inventory Manage Inventory Manage Inventory Manage Inventory Manage Inventory Manage Inventory Manage Inventory Manage Inventory Manage Inventory Manage Inventory Manage Inventory Manage Inventory Manage Inventory Manage Inventory Manage Inventory Manage Inventory Manage Inventory Manage Inventory Manage Inventory Manage Inventory Manage Inventory Manage Inventory Manage Inventory Manage Inventory

OBM Level IV
Not Identified Not Identified Not Identified Make Stock Adjustments Make Stock Adjustments Issue Unplanned Material Make Stock Adjustments Issue Unplanned Material Not Identified Conduct Cycle Counting Classify and Analyze ABC Items Conduct Cycle Counting Conduct Cycle Counting Conduct Physical Counts Conduct Physical Counts Conduct Cycle Counting Classify and Analyze ABC Items Conduct Cycle Counting Conduct Cycle Counting Conduct Cycle Counting Conduct Cycle Counting Conduct Physical Counts Conduct Physical Counts Conduct Physical Counts Conduct Physical Counts Conduct Physical Counts Conduct Physical Counts Conduct Physical Counts Conduct Physical Counts Conduct Physical Counts Conduct Physical Counts Conduct Physical Counts Conduct Physical Counts Conduct Physical Counts


OBM Row No.


Reporting Reporting Reporting Stock Adjustments Stock Adjustments Issues Accuracy Programs Issues Accuracy Programs Cycle Count Process Cycle Count Process Cycle Count Process Cycle Count Process Reconciliation Physical Inventory Cycle Count Process Cycle Count Process Cycle Count Process Cycle Count Process Cycle Count Process Cycle Count Process Physical Inventory Physical Inventory Physical Inventory Physical Inventory Physical Inventory Physical Inventory Physical Inventory Physical Inventory Reporting Physical Inventory Physical Inventory Reconciliation Physical Inventory

Process Analysis Questions

What are your inventory accuracy reporting requirements with respect to summary or detail formats? What reports do you currently generate to meet your inventory accuracy reporting requirements? Is there any inventory accuracy reporting requirement that your current set of reports does not meet? Do you allow inventory adjustments independent of cycle counts and physicals? Who is allowed to do inventory adjustments?

6433 6434

OPM Materials Management

Warehouse Management

Manage Inventory

Conduct Physical Counts


Physical Inventory

OPM Materials Management

Warehouse Management

Manage Inventory

Conduct Physical Counts


Physical Inventory

131320756.xls.ms_office Page 179

RD.020 Business Process Questionnaire OBM Level I Type = Setup Metric Process Performance

OBM Level II 6435 6436 6437 6438 6439 6440 6441 6442 6443 6444 6445 6446 6447 6448 6449 6450 6451 6452 6453 6454 6455 6456 6457 6458 6459 6460 6461 6462 6463 6464 6465 6466 6467 6468 6469 6470
OPM Materials Management OPM Materials Management Warehouse Management Warehouse Management


Manage Inventory Manage Inventory

OBM Level IV
Conduct Physical Counts Conduct Physical Counts


OBM Row No.



Process Analysis Questions

OPM Materials Management

Warehouse Management

Manage Inventory

Conduct Physical Counts


OPM Materials Management OPM Materials Management

Warehouse Management Warehouse Management

Manage Inventory Manage Inventory

Conduct Physical Counts Conduct Cycle Counting


OPM Materials Management OPM Materials Management OPM Materials Management OPM Materials Management OPM Materials Management OPM Materials Management OPM Materials Management OPM Materials Management OPM Materials Management OPM Materials Management OPM Materials Management OPM Materials Management OPM Materials Management OPM Materials Management OPM Materials Management OPM Materials Management OPM Materials Management OPM Materials Management OPM Materials Management OPM Materials Management OPM Materials Management OPM Materials Management OPM Materials Management OPM Materials Management OPM Materials Management OPM Materials Management OPM Materials Management OPM Materials Management OPM Materials Management OPM Materials Management OPM Materials Management

Warehouse Management Warehouse Management Warehouse Management Warehouse Management Warehouse Management Warehouse Management Warehouse Management Warehouse Management Warehouse Management Warehouse Management Warehouse Management Warehouse Management Warehouse Management Warehouse Management Warehouse Management Warehouse Management Warehouse Management Warehouse Management Warehouse Management Warehouse Management Warehouse Management Warehouse Management Warehouse Management Warehouse Management Warehouse Management Warehouse Management Warehouse Management Warehouse Management Warehouse Management Warehouse Management Warehouse Management

Manage Inventory Manage Inventory Manage Inventory Manage Inventory Manage Inventory Manage Inventory Manage Inventory Manage Inventory Manage Inventory Manage Inventory Manage Inventory Manage Inventory Manage Inventory Manage Inventory Manage Inventory Manage Inventory Manage Inventory Manage Inventory Manage Inventory Manage Inventory Manage Inventory Manage Inventory Manage Inventory Manage Inventory Manage Inventory Manage Inventory Manage Inventory Manage Inventory Issue Material Issue Material Manage Receive Goods

Conduct Cycle Counting Conduct Cycle Counting Conduct Physical Counts Conduct Physical Counts Not Identified Not Identified Not Identified Not Identified Make Stock Adjustments Not Identified Not Identified Not Identified Not Identified Not Identified Not Identified Not Identified Not Identified Make Stock Adjustments Not Identified Not Identified Not Identified Not Identified Conduct Physical Counts Conduct Physical Counts Not Identified Not Identified Not Identified Not Identified Not Identified Not Identified Resolve a Receiving Discrepancy


How do you inventory silos? Bulk storage? Off-site? Finished Goods, Rejected material, Off-site, Rail Cars or Totes? Physical Inventory Process Do you use special inventory adjustment codes for physical inventory? How many? Who is responsible for update? Physical Inventory Setup What types of problems are uncovered during the reconciliation process? Incorrect Item #'s? Un-entered receipts or shipments? Are the problems itemized by severity Physical Inventory Performance How do you book a reconciled inventory? What types of presentation occur to upper management? May we have samples? Physical Inventory Performance Do you have special characteristics in your cycle count program (i.e., Control Cycle Count Process Counts for expensive items)? Setup, Process What types of cycle count procedures are in place? Do they audit approvals internally? Externally? Have you been relieved of physical Cycle Count Process inventories due to your program? Process How do you reconcile cycle counts? Do you use the variance method to book? Total Quantity Replacement? Reconciliation Process What types of reports originate from cycle counting? Physical Inventory? May we have samples? Reporting Process Do you require special output for your Audit firm? For Corporate? May we have samples? Reporting Process Do you have a financial inventory close process? Policies Process How do you close an accounting period for inventory accuracy? Other Process How long does it take to close an accounting period for accuracy? Other Process Is closing an accounting period for inventory accuracy a hard or soft close? Other Process How are adjustments to closed periods for inventory accuracy handled? Stock Adjustments Process How do you open an accounting period for inventory accuracy? Other Process Who performs the tasks associated with opening and closing an accounting period for inventory accuracy? Other Process Are inventory accuracy reports standard across multiple Sets of Books? Reporting Process What account codes are required on inventory accuracy reports? Reporting Setup, Process Do you have a financial inventory close process? Policies Process How do you close an accounting period for inventory accuracy? Other Process How long does it take to close an accounting period for accuracy? Other Process Is closing an accounting period for inventory accuracy a hard or soft close? Other Process How are adjustments to closed periods for inventory accuracy handled? Stock Adjustments Process How do you open an accounting period for inventory accuracy? Other Process Who performs the tasks associated with opening and closing an accounting period for inventory accuracy? Other Process Are inventory accuracy reports standard across multiple Sets of Books? Reporting Process What account codes are required on inventory accuracy reports? Reporting Setup, Process What were the inventory swings in dollars for actual inventory versus accounting book values? Reconciliation Metric What was the inventory write-off in dollars Physical Inventory Metric What type of information is exchanged with Finance regarding inventory? Reporting Process What type of information is exchanged with Finance regarding inventory? Reporting Process Do you use safety stock to reduce variation between supply and demand Planning Process Do you use safety stock to reduce variation between supply and demand Planning Process How is inventory allocated to shipments and production orders? Issues Process How is inventory allocated to shipments and production orders? Issues Process What occurs when there is a mismatch between documents and validated counts? Receipts Process

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RD.020 Business Process Questionnaire OBM Level I Type = Setup Metric Process Performance
Process Process Process Process

OBM Level II 6471 6472 6473 6474 6475 6476 6477 6478 6479 6480 6481 6482 6483 6484 6485 6486 6487 6488 6489 6490 6491 6492 6493 6494 6495 6496 6497 6498 6499 6500 6501 6502 6503 6504
OPM Materials Management OPM Materials Management OPM Materials Management OPM Materials Management OPM Materials Management OPM Materials Management OPM Materials Management OPM Materials Management OPM Materials Management OPM Materials Management OPM Materials Management OPM Materials Management OPM Materials Management Warehouse Management Warehouse Management Warehouse Management Warehouse Management Warehouse Management Warehouse Management Warehouse Management Warehouse Management Warehouse Management Warehouse Management Warehouse Management Warehouse Management Warehouse Management


Manage Receive Goods Manage Inventory Manage Inventory Manage Inventory Issue Material Manage Inventory Issue Material Manage Inventory Manage Inventory Manage Inventory Manage Inventory Manage Inventory Manage Inventory

OBM Level IV
Resolve a Receiving Discrepancy Make Stock Adjustments Make Stock Adjustments Not Identified Issue Unplanned Material Not Identified Issue Unplanned Material


OBM Row No.


Receipts Stock Adjustments Stock Adjustments Policies Issues Policies Issues Policies Obsolete Materials Policies Obsolete Materials Maintenance Maintenance

Process Analysis Questions

What occurs when there is a mismatch between documents and validated counts? How do you track inventory movements, receipts, quality problems? Is the information manually kept or automated? How do you track inventory movements, receipts, quality problems? Is the information manually kept or automated? What levels of inventory accuracy are required for maintaining continuous efficient production? How ere these levels defined? How often is production stopped due to shortages?

Process An Item Addition / Deletion INV, QA Identify Obsolete and Discrepant Material INV, QA Process An Item Addition / Deletion INV, QA Identify Obsolete and Discrepant Material INV, QA Define Units of Measure Define Units of Measure INV, SYS INV, SYS

OPM Materials Management OPM Materials Management

Warehouse Management Warehouse Management

Issue Material Issue Material

Conduct Stock to Stock Transfers Conduct Stock to Stock Transfers


Other Other

OPM Materials Management

Warehouse Management

Manage Inventory

Set Up & Review Stock Locations



OPM Materials Management OPM Materials Management

Warehouse Management Warehouse Management

Issue Material Issue Material

Conduct Stock to Stock Transfers Conduct Stock to Stock Transfers


Other Other

OPM Materials Management OPM Materials Management OPM Materials Management

Warehouse Management Warehouse Management Warehouse Management

Manage Inventory Receive to Inventory Receive to Inventory

Set Up & Review Stock Locations not identified not identified


Other Receiving Policies Receiving Policies

OPM Materials Management OPM Materials Management

Warehouse Management Warehouse Management

Manage Inventory Manage Inventory

Define Units of Measure Define Units of Measure


Other Other

OPM Materials Management OPM Materials Management OPM Materials Management

Warehouse Management Warehouse Management Warehouse Management

Manage Inventory Manage Yard Manage Inventory

Define Units of Measure Communicate With Warehouse Receiving Define Units of Measure

Maintenance Receiving Policies Other

OPM Materials Management

Warehouse Management

Manage Inventory

Define Units of Measure


Other Non-standard Workorders

Process What levels of inventory accuracy are required for maintaining continuous efficient production? How ere these levels defined? Process How often is production stopped due to shortages? Process Do you control inventory by lot status or QC hold codes? Setup How is rejected or out-of-spec inventory handled/controlled? Setup, Process Do you control inventory by lot status or QC hold codes? Setup How is rejected or out-of-spec inventory handled/controlled? Setup, Process What types of units of measures do you use, volume, mass, etc? Setup What types of units of measures do you use, volume, mass, etc? Setup How do you handle movement activities? Do you provide paperwork between locations? On-line transactions? Who does this function? Process How long does it take on average to move inventory between warehouses? Do you keep track of in-transit inventory? Setup, Process Do you separate inventory storage? Are Raw Materials stored separately? Finished Goods? Does this impact MRP reporting requirements? Process How do you handle movement activities? Do you provide paperwork between locations? On-line transactions? Who does this function? Process How long does it take on average to move inventory between warehouses? Do you keep track of in-transit inventory? Setup, Process Do you separate inventory storage? Are Raw Materials stored separately? Finished Goods? Does this impact MRP reporting requirements? Process Do you use bar coding technology? What type? In what ways? Process, Setup Is bar coding a long term objective? What is the timing? Process, Setup Do you have a list of specific UOM Types defined? These are used to classify UOM groups, to measure a particular physical characteristic. (Ex: volume, mass, length, count.) Setup Do you have a table of all current Units of Measure that are used by your company? May we have a copy? Setup Who will be responsible for the maintenance of UOM Types, UOM's, and UOM conversions? Which users should be given access to these system Setup, Process, setup forms? Metric Do you plan material receipts into the receiving dock? If so, what does the schedule look like? May we have a copy? Process Can you also provide a list of all necessary unit of measure conversions that are used within each type? Setup Within each UOM Type, can you identify which UOM value will be the reference against which all other UOM's of the same type will be based? The reference UOM is used for the conversions. Setup Describe the process for manufacturing rework? Is a workorder created? Process Metric, Process, Performance Metric, Process, Performance

OPM Operations OPM Operations OPM Operations OPM Operations OPM Operations OPM Operations OPM Operations

Shop Floor Execution Shop Floor Execution Shop Floor Execution Shop Floor Execution Shop Floor Execution Shop Floor Execution Shop Floor Execution

Perform Work Center Operations Perform Work Center Operations Inspect Quality of Goods Perform Work Center Operations Perform Work Center Operations Perform Work Center Operations Perform Work Center Operations

Rework Rejects Record Operation Completion Inspect Goods Record Operation Completion Move To Inspection Record Operation Completion Record Operation Completion

How do you measure capacity compliance? Who is accountable? Reports Reports

Do you link quality and costing criteria as part of the measurement? What is used? May we have samples? Do you require entry of information such as temperature or strength as part of Shopfloor Document the batch information? Process Describe the process for storing manufacturing rework? Non-standard Workorders Process Do you process move transactions real-time or periodically? WIP Tracking Process Do you use a bar-code interface to process move transactions real-time? WIP Tracking Process

131320756.xls.ms_office Page 181

RD.020 Business Process Questionnaire OBM Level I Type = Setup Metric Process Performance

OBM Level II 6505 6506 6507 6508 6509 6510 6511 6512 6513 6514 6515 6516 6517 6518 6519 6520 6521
OPM Operations OPM Operations OPM Operations OPM Operations OPM Operations OPM Operations OPM Operations OPM Operations Shop Floor Execution Shop Floor Execution Shop Floor Execution Shop Floor Execution Shop Floor Execution Shop Floor Execution Shop Floor Execution Shop Floor Execution


Perform Work Center Operations Perform Work Center Operations Perform Work Center Operations Perform Work Center Operations Perform Work Center Operations Perform Work Center Operations Perform Work Center Operations Perform Work Center Operations

OBM Level IV
Complete Work Orders Complete Work Orders Complete Work Orders Record Operation Completion Complete Work Orders Complete Work Orders Record Operation Completion Rework Rejects


OBM Row No.


Validation Maintenance Security Production Type WIP Tracking Security WIP Tracking Non-standard Workorders

Process Analysis Questions

Do you review requirements for validation rules, allowing certain Work in Process accounts to be valid with only certain other values. How do you audit your Work in Process data?

OPM Operations OPM Operations OPM Operations OPM Operations

Shop Floor Execution Shop Floor Execution Shop Floor Resource & Scheduling Shop Floor Resource & Scheduling

Perform Work Center Operations Perform Work Center Operations Manage Work Orders Manage Work Orders

Record Operation Completion Complete Work Orders Expedite Materials Schedule Shop Floor


Reports Security WO & PO Release Planning

Process Map each GL user to a menu structure. Will any new ones need to be created for Work in Process? Setup, Process Do you use batches or schedules to collect actual costs? Setup Do you allow partial completions of batches? Process Do you have security requirements on who can enter data for Work in Process? (e.g. by company? by cost center?) Process Who records transactions in your system? Can you describe the process? Process Do you repair customer products? Do you perform product upgrades? What documentation is created? Process How do you report actual manufacturing results? Do you use a data collection system? If so, what type? Manual or automatic? Can you Process, describe the process? Performance Is terminal security required for Work in Process? Setup Do you hit your production schedules within your tolerance? Metric What business groups are involved with the production process? Who participates in the planning process? What is your biggest headache within the production process? Material availability? Schedule changes? Equipment? Shortage of Labor Skills? Do you have any "mixed-mode" manufacturing on your production line? Process Process, Performance

OPM Operations

Shop Floor Resource & Scheduling

Manage Resources

Evaluate Plant Requirements



OPM Operations

Shop Floor Resource & Scheduling

Manage Work Orders

Schedule Shop Floor

Repetitive Production How do you schedule production?


OPM Operations

Shop Floor Resource & Scheduling

Manage Work Orders

Schedule Shop Floor

Planning How is the process initiated? Call-in sheets? MRP output? Manual schedule?


OPM Operations

Shop Floor Resource & Scheduling

Manage Work Orders

Schedule Shop Floor

Planning What type of information do you require to perform your job function?


OPM Operations

Shop Floor Resource & Scheduling

Manage Work Orders

Schedule Shop Floor

Planning How do you maintain your Work in Process data?


6522 6523 6524 6525 6526 6527 6528 6529 6530 6531

OPM Operations OPM Operations

Shop Floor Resource & Scheduling Shop Floor Resource & Scheduling

Manage Work Orders Manage Work Orders

Schedule Shop Floor Schedule Shop Floor

Maintenance Security

Setup, Process Do you have documentation on your current system security requirements for Work in Process? May we have a copy? Process Do you automatically generate and confirm released batches? Process Are there time-intensive Work in Process operations/processes that need to be addressed? What are your Work in Process reporting requirements with respect to functional vs. foreign currencies? What are your Work in Process reporting requirements with respect to summary or detail formats? Obtain report listing. Is the processing or production activity constrained by hold tank or vessel size? Are you constrained by size or routing type? What are the average number of operations for each routing? How detailed are they? Can you provide samples? What is the average number of ingredient requirements on a batch or repetitive schedule? How are batch sizes determined? Customer order quantity? Container size limitations? Process Setup, Process Setup, Process Process Process Metric Metric

OPM Operations OPM Operations OPM Operations OPM Operations OPM Operations OPM Operations OPM Operations OPM Operations

Shop Floor Resource & Scheduling Shop Floor Resource & Scheduling Shop Floor Resource & Scheduling Shop Floor Resource & Scheduling Shop Floor Resource & Scheduling Shop Floor Resource & Scheduling Shop Floor Resource & Scheduling Shop Floor Resource & Scheduling

Manage Work Orders Manage Resources Manage Work Orders Manage Work Orders Manage Work Orders Manage Work Orders Manage Work Orders Manage Material Control

Schedule Shop Floor Evaluate Plant Requirements Schedule Shop Floor Schedule Shop Floor Schedule Shop Floor Schedule Shop Floor Expedite Materials Issue Material

WO & PO Release Other Reporting Reporting Planning Planning Production Type WIP Tracking

6532 6533 6534 6535 6536

OPM Operations OPM Operations

Shop Floor Resource & Scheduling Shop Floor Resource & Scheduling

Manage Resources Manage Resources

Evaluate Plant Requirements Evaluate Plant Requirements


Production Type Do you manufacture on a repetitive basis? Production Type What types of hard-copy documentation are used? Is a document packet issued that contains formula, batch control record, QC information etc.?

Setup, Process Setup

OPM Operations OPM Operations OPM Operations

Shop Floor Resource & Scheduling Shop Floor Resource & Scheduling Shop Floor Resource & Scheduling

Manage Work Orders Manage Material Control Manage Work Orders

Schedule Shop Floor Issue Material Schedule Shop Floor


Shopfloor Document Do you have pass-thru or phantom configurations? WIP Tracking Planning

Setup, Process Setup, Process Do you rescale production batches based on material? Available equipment? Customer order changes? Process

131320756.xls.ms_office Page 182

RD.020 Business Process Questionnaire OBM Level I Type = Setup Metric Process Performance
Process Setup, Process Process Setup, Process Setup Do you use pull tickets for repetitive schedule replenishment? Process Do you keep any components for repetitive on the production floor? Setup Do you pre-weigh chemicals and pre-stage prior to batch processing? Process Setup, Process

OBM Level II 6537 6538 6539 6540 6541 6542 6543 6544 6545 6546 6547 6548 6549 6550 6551 6552 6553 6554 6555 6556 6557 6558 6559 6560 6561 6562 6563 6564 6565 6566 6567 6568 6569 6570 6571 6572
OPM Operations OPM Operations OPM Operations OPM Operations OPM Operations OPM Operations OPM Operations OPM Operations OPM Operations Shop Floor Resource & Scheduling Shop Floor Resource & Scheduling Shop Floor Resource & Scheduling Shop Floor Resource & Scheduling Shop Floor Resource & Scheduling Shop Floor Resource & Scheduling Shop Floor Resource & Scheduling Shop Floor Resource & Scheduling Shop Floor Resource & Scheduling


Manage Resources Manage Work Orders Manage Resources Manage Material Control Manage Material Control Manage Material Control Manage Material Control Manage Material Control Manage Work Orders

OBM Level IV
Evaluate Tooling Requirements Expedite Materials Evaluate Plant Requirements Issue Material Issue Material Issue Material Issue Material Receive Materials Issue Material


OBM Row No.


Maintenance Production Type Production Type Production Type Production Type Repetitive Production Repetitive Production WIP Tracking

Process Analysis Questions

Do you interact with R&D for new or improved formulations? What information Is required? Who supplies it? Do you use routings and alternate routings? Are transactions recorded against each step in the routing? Do you do any outside processing? Is outside processing listed as a routing step on the workorder ? Do you use lead time offsets for the components and issue to the floor based on operations scheduling? Do you use batches or schedules to control material movement?

OPM Operations

Shop Floor Resource & Scheduling

Manage Material Control

Issue Material


OPM Operations OPM Operations OPM Operations OPM Operations OPM Operations OPM Operations OPM Operations OPM Operations OPM Operations

Shop Floor Resource & Scheduling Shop Floor Resource & Scheduling Shop Floor Resource & Scheduling Shop Floor Resource & Scheduling Shop Floor Resource & Scheduling Shop Floor Resource & Scheduling Shop Floor Resource & Scheduling Shop Floor Resource & Scheduling Shop Floor Resource & Scheduling

Manage Material Control Manage Resources Manage Resources Manage Material Control Manage Material Control Manage Resources Manage Work Orders Manage Resources Manage Resources

Issue Material Not Identified Not Identified Issue Material Issue Material Evaluate Labor Requirements Schedule Shop Floor Evaluate Plant Requirements Evaluate Plant Requirements


Are you lot controlled? Do you have to reconcile ingredient quantities against Shopfloor Document formula quantities? How do you account for consumed ingredients within the production process? Input completed batch sheets? Automatic meter consumption? Backflush? Shopfloor Document Are scales and other equipment types functional? What is the calibration frequency? Preventive Maintenance? How would you rate the control of priorities? WIP Tracking Performance Measurement Performance Measurement How would you rate the accuracy of inventory on-hand balances? Location accuracy of material? Part number identification? How much obsolescence or expired shelf life material exists?

Process Process, Performance Performance Performance Metric, Process Process Setup, Process Process Process Process

OPM Operations OPM Operations OPM Operations OPM Operations OPM Operations OPM Operations OPM Operations OPM Operations OPM Operations OPM Operations OPM Operations OPM Operations OPM Operations OPM Operations OPM Operations OPM Operations OPM Operations

Shop Floor Resource & Scheduling Shop Floor Resource & Scheduling Shop Floor Resource & Scheduling Shop Floor Resource & Scheduling Shop Floor Resource & Scheduling Shop Floor Resource & Scheduling Shop Floor Resource & Scheduling Shop Floor Resource & Scheduling Shop Floor Resource & Scheduling Shop Floor Resource & Scheduling Shop Floor Resource & Scheduling Shop Floor Resource & Scheduling Shop Floor Resource & Scheduling Shop Floor Resource & Scheduling Shop Floor Resource & Scheduling Shop Floor Resource & Scheduling Shop Floor Resource & Scheduling

Manage Work Orders Manage Work Orders Manage Work Orders Manage Work Orders Manage Work Orders Manage Work Orders Manage Work Orders Manage Work Orders Manage Work Orders Manage Work Orders Manage Work Orders Manage Work Orders Manage Work Orders Manage Work Orders Manage Work Orders Manage Work Orders Manage Resources

Schedule Shop Floor Schedule Shop Floor Schedule Shop Floor Schedule Shop Floor Schedule Shop Floor Schedule Shop Floor Schedule Shop Floor Schedule Shop Floor Schedule Shop Floor Schedule Shop Floor Schedule Shop Floor Schedule Shop Floor Schedule Shop Floor Schedule Shop Floor Schedule Shop Floor Schedule Shop Floor Evaluate Plant Requirements


Do you use repetitive count points to collect labor and material through a Repetitive Production repetitive process? Which processes? Do you validate lot numbers of raw ingredients (i.e., QA approval) prior to usage? WIP Tracking How many shifts do you run? Is there consistency with operator skills? Maintenance Is there a batch - part number - customer relationship? Shopfloor Document Which operations/processes do you want to streamline for Work in Process? Other Which operations/processes do you want to eliminate for Work in Process? Other What reports do you currently generate to meet your Work in Process reporting requirements? Provide examples of each. Include source (could be manual), users, frequency, number of copies. Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Production Type Do you run Work in Process reports for different companies or cost centers? Work centers, machines? Do you manufacture discrete batches (work orders)? Is the process to update a Work in Process reports distribution list documented? Who performs the tasks associated with updating a Work in Process reports distribution list? Is there any requirement for on-line (softcopy) distribution and/or remote location printing for Work in Process reports? Do some of these Work in Process reports belong in report sets? Always being run together? Do the separate business units run their own Work in Process reports? Is there any Work in Process reporting requirement that your current set of reports does not meet? Are Work in Process reports standard across multiple Sets of Books, for example, subsidiaries? Are Work in Process reports standard across multiple levels within a Set of Books, i.e., divisions? What account codes and/or descriptions are required on Work in Process reports? Do you provide a "key" of content/information somewhere on the Work in Process report? What Work in Process reports are grouped together on a regular basis and printed in one print run? Who receives a copy of the Work in Process reports? How frequently are they generated? What is the criteria for determining who should receive a copy of any Work in Process report? How do you update a Work in Process reports distribution list?

Setup, Process Setup Setup Setup Setup Setup Setup, Process Process Process Process Process Process Setup, Process Setup Process, Performance Process Setup

131320756.xls.ms_office Page 183

RD.020 Business Process Questionnaire OBM Level I Type = Setup Metric Process Performance
Setup Are you a continuous process manufacturer? Process Do you use batches or schedules to record material transactions only? Setup Do you backflush component material? Process How many batches do you release each day? Metric Do you "kit complete" into a manufacturing staging area? Do shortages play a major role in scheduling and launching batches? Do you 'kit short' shop orders? How firm is your production schedule?

OBM Level II 6573 6574 6575 6576 6577 6578 6579 6580 6581 6582 6583 6584 6585 6586 6587 6588 6589 6590 6591 6592 6593 6594 6595 6596 6597 6598 6599 6600 6601 6602 6603 6604 6605 6606 6607 6608
OPM Operations OPM Operations OPM Operations OPM Operations OPM Operations Shop Floor Resource & Scheduling Shop Floor Resource & Scheduling Shop Floor Resource & Scheduling Shop Floor Resource & Scheduling Shop Floor Resource & Scheduling


Manage Resources Manage Resources Manage Material Control Manage Material Control Manage Work Orders

OBM Level IV
Evaluate Plant Requirements Evaluate Plant Requirements Issue Material Issue Material Schedule Shop Floor


OBM Row No.


Production Type Production Type Production Type Production Type WIP Tracking

Process Analysis Questions

Do you manufacture both discrete and repetitive on the same line?

OPM Operations OPM Operations OPM Operations OPM Operations OPM Operations OPM Operations OPM Operations OPM Operations OPM Operations OPM Operations OPM Operations OPM Operations OPM Operations

Shop Floor Resource & Scheduling Shop Floor Resource & Scheduling Shop Floor Resource & Scheduling Shop Floor Resource & Scheduling Shop Floor Resource & Scheduling Shop Floor Resource & Scheduling Shop Floor Resource & Scheduling Shop Floor Resource & Scheduling Shop Floor Resource & Scheduling Shop Floor Resource & Scheduling Shop Floor Resource & Scheduling Shop Floor Resource & Scheduling Shop Floor Resource & Scheduling

Manage Material Control Manage Work Orders Manage Work Orders Manage Work Orders Manage Work Orders Manage Work Orders Manage Work Orders Manage Work Orders Manage Work Orders Manage Work Orders Manage Work Orders Manage Material Control Manage Work Orders

Identify Shortages Schedule Shop Floor Expedite Materials Expedite Materials Schedule Shop Floor Schedule Shop Floor Schedule Shop Floor Schedule Shop Floor Schedule Shop Floor Schedule Shop Floor Issue Material Issue Material Schedule Shop Floor


WIP Tracking Planning

Process Process

Who is responsible for the execution of production orders? WIP Tracking Do you have just-in-time needs for production? WO & PO Release WO & PO Release Shopfloor Document Do you account for all issued documentation at month-end? WIP Tracking How many batches do you make in a week? A month? A year? Shopfloor Document Do you keep intermediates or finished product stored and pack it out when an order is placed? Do you segment the production process with making intermediates prior to start-up of the next production process? WIP Tracking Does the production process or formula composition lend themselves to Shopfloor Document adjustments, blends or rework? Do you run production with consistent UOM's or do they change (i.e., lbs vs Shopfloor Document gl)? How do you schedule the processing area? The filling area? What is the capacity for batching? For filling? Planning How would you rate the quality and technology of the production process? How would you describe the efficiencies within the production process? Maintenance What improvements are necessary? How would you improve the production or manufacturing process? Maintenance What are your unique production requirements? How would you enhance them? Maintenance What is the utilization rate of equipment? Maintenance What is the utilization rate of Manpower? Maintenance How is production performance measured? Performance Measurement What level of production variances exist? Yield? Usage? Performance Measurement Are you penalized for cost or for delivery infractions? Or both? Performance Measurement What business performance statistics do you monitor for Work in Process? Maintenance Are the performance measures linked by functional area or against the overall business direction? Maintenance How is QA integrated within the production process? Are the operators in Shopfloor Document charge of their own quality? How do you keep track of issued production documentation? Manually Shopfloor Document assigned number? Automatic computer assignment? Does your batch numbering scheme have meaning? Shopfloor Document What type of printers do you run Work in Process reports on? Where are they located? Reporting Do you have security requirements for running WIP reports? Do you monitor or run security reports on a regular basis for Work in Process? Security Do you practice order quotation against existing inventory? Future production? If so, how? Order Entry Do you practice order quotation against existing inventory? Future production? If so, how? Order Entry How do you schedule your manufacturing groups? Workcenter? Factory? Product area? Analyze Needs WIP Tracking Metric Process Process Process Process Process Process Do you use Firm Planned Orders (FPO's) within your planning process? MRP? How many pages are contained within the document package? Process Process Metric Process

OPM Operations OPM Operations OPM Operations OPM Operations OPM Operations OPM Operations OPM Operations OPM Operations OPM Operations OPM Operations OPM Operations OPM Operations OPM Operations OPM Operations

Shop Floor Resource & Scheduling Shop Floor Resource & Scheduling Shop Floor Resource & Scheduling Shop Floor Resource & Scheduling Shop Floor Resource & Scheduling Shop Floor Resource & Scheduling Shop Floor Resource & Scheduling Shop Floor Resource & Scheduling Shop Floor Resource & Scheduling Shop Floor Resource & Scheduling Shop Floor Resource & Scheduling Shop Floor Resource & Scheduling Shop Floor Resource & Scheduling Shop Floor Resource & Scheduling

Manage Resources Manage Resources Manage Resources Manage Resources Manage Resources Manage Resources Manage Resources Manage Resources Manage Resources Manage Resources Manage Work Orders Manage Work Orders Manage Work Orders Manage Work Orders

Evaluate Tooling Requirements Evaluate Tooling Requirements Evaluate Plant Requirements Evaluate Plant Requirements Evaluate Labor Requirements Not Identified Not Identified Not Identified Not Identified Not Identified Schedule Shop Floor Schedule Shop Floor Schedule Shop Floor Schedule Shop Floor


Performance Process, Performance Process, Performance Process Process Performance Performance Performance Process Process Setup, Process Setup, Process Setup Setup, Performance

OPM Operations OPM Order Fulfillment OPM Order Fulfillment OPM Planning & Forecasting

Shop Floor Resource & Scheduling Order Entry & Scheduling Order Entry & Scheduling Distribution & Production Schedules

Manage Work Orders Enter Orders Enter Orders Release Production Schedule

Schedule Shop Floor Not Identified Not Identified Not Identified


Process Process Process Setup, Process

131320756.xls.ms_office Page 184

RD.020 Business Process Questionnaire OBM Level I Type = Setup Metric Process Performance
Setup, Process, Performance Setup, Process Setup, Process Setup, Process Is the enterprise JIT oriented? How frequently are raw materials received? Analyze Needs How do you schedule manufacturing? Is it forecast driven? Longest runs first? FIFO/LIFO? Special ratios (I.e.Critical ratio)? How do you schedule manufacturing? Is it forecast driven? Longest runs first? FIFO/LIFO? Special ratios (I.e.Critical ratio)? Scheduling What are the types of documents that you generate? Can you provide us Shopfloor Document with samples of each? How do you track vendor performance to schedule? Generate Performance Measurements How do you track vendor performance to schedule? Generate Performance Measurements What programs are in place that get you to 100% accuracy? Generate Performance Measurements Does your enterprise work as a cross-functional team to solve problems? Generate Performance Measurements Does your enterprise review performance formally? Is it posted for everyone Generate to see? Performance Measurements What are your primary areas for improvement? For Support groups? Generate Performance Measurements What types of projects exist for continuous improvement within your facility? Generate Performance Measurements What programs are in place that get you to 100% accuracy? Generate Performance Measurements Does your enterprise work as a cross-functional team to solve problems? Generate Performance Measurements Does your enterprise review performance formally? Is it posted for everyone Generate to see? Performance Measurements What are your primary areas for improvement? For Support groups? Generate Performance Measurements What types of projects exist for continuous improvement within your facility? Generate Performance Measurements How often do you review capacity requirements? (Hourly, Daily, Weekly, Quarterly etc.) Reports What types of reports do you use to manage this aspect of your business? May we have samples? Reports How does your enterprise handle bottleneck resource scheduling? Capacity Planning How do you evaluate capacity utilization? Percentage? Graphically? Analyze Needs Is capacity utilization a key measurement criteria for manufacturing? What are the targets? Analyze Needs Do you generate the RCCP simultaneously with the MPS? Analyze Needs What are your major bottlenecks? Machine? Labor? Material? Capacity Planning What is your capacity run rate? What affects your capacity? Scheduling Metric, Process Process Process Process

OBM Level II 6609 6610 6611 6612 6613 6614 6615 6616 6617 6618 6619 6620 6621 6622 6623 6624 6625 6626 6627 6628 6629 6630 6631 6632 6633 6634 6635
OPM Planning & Forecasting OPM Planning & Forecasting OPM Planning & Forecasting OPM Planning & Forecasting OPM Planning & Forecasting OPM Planning & Forecasting OPM Planning & Forecasting OPM Planning & Forecasting Distribution & Production Schedules Distribution & Production Schedules Distribution & Production Schedules Distribution & Production Schedules Distribution & Production Schedules Distribution & Production Schedules Distribution & Production Schedules Distribution & Production Schedules


Release Production Schedule Release Procurement Schedule Release Procurement Schedule Print Shop Packets Release Procurement Schedule Release Production Schedule Release Production Schedule Print Shop Packets

OBM Level IV
Not Identified Not Identified Not Identified Not Identified Not Identified Not Identified Not Identified Not Identified


OBM Row No.


Reports Supplier Scheduling Supplier Scheduling Shopfloor Document

Process Analysis Questions

What type of dispatch reports or schedules are used? Are they followed? How do you schedule your vendors? What is the scheduling vehicle? BPO? EDI? How do you schedule your vendors? What is the scheduling vehicle? BPO? EDI? Do you use custom WIP instructions?

OPM Planning & Forecasting

Distribution & Production Schedules

Release Procurement Schedule

Not Identified



OPM Planning & Forecasting

Distribution & Production Schedules

Release Procurement Schedule

Not Identified Set Material Planning Policies & Parameter Set Material Planning Policies & Parameter Set Material Planning Policies & Parameter



OPM Planning & Forecasting

Manufacturing Plan

Set Policies & Parameters



OPM Planning & Forecasting

Manufacturing Plan

Set Policies & Parameters



OPM Planning & Forecasting

Manufacturing Plan

Set Policies & Parameters



OPM Planning & Forecasting

Manufacturing Plan

Plan Production Materials

Not Identified



OPM Planning & Forecasting

Manufacturing Plan

Plan Production Materials

Not Identified Set Material Planning Policies & Parameter Set Material Planning Policies & Parameter Set Material Planning Policies & Parameter



OPM Planning & Forecasting

Manufacturing Plan

Set Policies & Parameters



OPM Planning & Forecasting

Manufacturing Plan

Set Policies & Parameters



OPM Planning & Forecasting

Manufacturing Plan

Set Policies & Parameters



OPM Planning & Forecasting

Manufacturing Plan

Plan Production Materials

Not Identified



OPM Planning & Forecasting OPM Planning & Forecasting OPM Planning & Forecasting OPM Planning & Forecasting OPM Planning & Forecasting OPM Planning & Forecasting OPM Planning & Forecasting OPM Planning & Forecasting

Manufacturing Plan Manufacturing Plan Manufacturing Plan Manufacturing Plan Manufacturing Plan Manufacturing Plan Manufacturing Plan Manufacturing Plan

Plan Production Materials Plan Production Capacities Plan Production Capacities Set Policies & Parameters Plan Production Capacities Plan Production Capacities Plan Production Capacities Plan Production Capacities

Not Identified Analyze Resource Utilization Determine Capacity Planning Method Set Capacity Planning Policies & Parameters Analyze Resource Utilization Analyze Resource Utilization Not Identified Analyze Resource Utilization


Process Metric Setup, Process Process Metric, Process Process, Performance Process Process, Performance

6636 6637

OPM Planning & Forecasting

Manufacturing Plan

Set Policies & Parameters

Set Capacity Planning Policies & Parameters Set Capacity Planning Policies & Parameters

Capacity Definition Do you use infinite capacity requirements planning?

Metric, Process, Performance

OPM Planning & Forecasting

Manufacturing Plan

Set Policies & Parameters

Analyze Needs

Setup, Process

131320756.xls.ms_office Page 185

RD.020 Business Process Questionnaire OBM Level I Type = Setup Metric Process Performance

OBM Level II


OBM Level IV


OBM Row No.



Process Analysis Questions

How are capacity problems communicated within your enterprise?


OPM Planning & Forecasting

Manufacturing Plan

Plan Production Capacities

Launch Finite Capacity Planning

Capacity Planning What type of planning is performed? Do you have a centralized planning function? Do you analyze capacity from a rough cut perspective? Do you calculate cost and potential cash flow analysis? Can we have samples of these reports and documents? What type of planning is performed? Do you have a centralized planning function? Do you analyze capacity from a rough cut perspective? Do you calculate cost and potential cash flow analysis? Can we have samples of these reports and documents? Is Finance involved with your capacity activities? Where? What level?



OPM Planning & Forecasting

Manufacturing Plan

Plan Production Materials

Update MPS



6640 6641 6642

OPM Planning & Forecasting

Manufacturing Plan

Plan Production Materials

Update MPS Set Capacity Planning Policies & Parameters Set Capacity Planning Policies & Parameters



OPM Planning & Forecasting OPM Planning & Forecasting

Manufacturing Plan Manufacturing Plan

Set Policies & Parameters Set Policies & Parameters

Analyze Needs Do you require Finite Capacity Planning? If so, where? Analyze Needs How do you currently plan capacity? Do you perform long range capacity planning? Medium range? Daily planning? Analyze Needs Do you perform rough cut capacity planning? (RCCP)

Process Setup, Process

6643 6644 6645 6646 6647 6648 6649 6650 6651 6652 6653 6654 6655 6656 6657

OPM Planning & Forecasting

Manufacturing Plan

Plan Production Capacities

Determine Capacity Planning Method Determine Capacity Planning Method


OPM Planning & Forecasting

Manufacturing Plan

Plan Production Capacities

Analyze Needs What information do you use for adjustments? Single level pegging? Full level pegging? Analyze Needs Do you need to plan with finite material constraints? Analyze Needs What capacity methods are used within your manufacturing environment? Analyze Needs Analyze Needs Maintenance Do you perform schedule simulation? If so, how? Who coordinates? Capacity Planning Do you perform schedule simulation? If so, how? Who coordinates? Capacity Planning Reports Do you use input/output control devices for measuring capacity consumption rates? In what areas would you focus attention for improvement with capacity?

Setup, Process

OPM Planning & Forecasting OPM Planning & Forecasting OPM Planning & Forecasting OPM Planning & Forecasting OPM Planning & Forecasting OPM Planning & Forecasting OPM Planning & Forecasting OPM Planning & Forecasting

Manufacturing Plan Manufacturing Plan Manufacturing Plan Manufacturing Plan Manufacturing Plan Manufacturing Plan Manufacturing Plan Manufacturing Plan

Plan Production Capacities Plan Production Capacities Plan Production Capacities Plan Production Capacities Set Policies & Parameters Plan Production Capacities Plan Production Capacities Set Policies & Parameters

Analyze Resource Utilization Not Identified Determine Capacity Planning Method Determine Capacity Planning Method Set Capacity Planning Policies & Parameters Analyze Resource Utilization Analyze Resource Utilization Set Capacity Planning Policies & Parameters Set Capacity Planning Policies & Parameters Determine Capacity Planning Method Set Capacity Planning Policies & Parameters Not Identified Not Identified

Process Setup, Process Setup, Process Setup, Process, Performance Process Process Process How much money is spent to resolve capacity problems? Sub-contracting? Offload? Metric, Process Do you use standard hours or product volume or product rates to define capacity? Are you able to calculate capacity variables into time? Setup, Process Describe your capacity planning methodology? Process Do you plan for external capacity? Other divisions? Sub-contractors? Setup, Process Do you require vendors to provide you with updates to their current PO's? If not, is this a future need? Process Do you require vendors to provide you with updates to their current PO's? If not, is this a future need? Process Do you measure schedule compliance? Actual quantities to plan? To date? What levels are the enterprise performing to? Metric, Process, Performance Do you overlap operations? Are you a continuous process manufacturer? Process What happens when capacity shortages are identified? How do you resolve them? Process Do you use preventive maintenance to optimize capacity? If so, how do you plan for preventive maintenance? Process Do you work toward a desired productivity level? What's the level? Metric, Process, Performance What programs are in place to enhance capacity utilization? Process, Performance Do you have documentation on your current system security requirements for MRP? Process Do you have documentation on your current system security requirements for MRP? Process How do you model your capacity? What element types exist (i.e., machines, labor, tools, raw material)? Setup, Process Do you currently have routings or operation profiles that define process steps? Can you provide a copy? Setup, Process

OPM Planning & Forecasting OPM Planning & Forecasting OPM Planning & Forecasting OPM Planning & Forecasting OPM Planning & Forecasting

Manufacturing Plan Manufacturing Plan Manufacturing Plan Manufacturing Plan Manufacturing Plan

Set Policies & Parameters Plan Production Capacities Set Policies & Parameters Plan Production Capacities Plan Production Capacities

Capacity Definition Analyze Needs Analyze Needs Supplier Feedback Supplier Feedback

6658 6659 6660 6661 6662 6663 6664 6665 6666 6667

OPM Planning & Forecasting OPM Planning & Forecasting OPM Planning & Forecasting OPM Planning & Forecasting OPM Planning & Forecasting OPM Planning & Forecasting OPM Planning & Forecasting OPM Planning & Forecasting OPM Planning & Forecasting OPM Planning & Forecasting

Manufacturing Plan Manufacturing Plan Manufacturing Plan Manufacturing Plan Manufacturing Plan Manufacturing Plan Manufacturing Plan Manufacturing Plan Manufacturing Plan Manufacturing Plan

Plan Production Capacities Set Policies & Parameters Plan Production Capacities Set Policies & Parameters Plan Production Capacities Plan Production Capacities Plan Production Materials Plan Production Materials Set Policies & Parameters Set Policies & Parameters

Analyze Resource Utilization Set Capacity Planning Policies & Parameters Balance Resource Loads Set Capacity Planning Policies & Parameters Analyze Resource Utilization Analyze Resource Utilization Review MRP Data Review MRP Data Set Capacity Planning Policies & Parameters Set Capacity Planning Policies & Parameters

Reports Capacity Definition Capacity Planning Capacity Definition Analyze Needs Maintenance Security Security Capacity Definition Capacity Definition

131320756.xls.ms_office Page 186

RD.020 Business Process Questionnaire OBM Level I Type = Setup Metric Process Performance
Setup, Process Setup, Metric, Process Setup, Process Process How would you rate the accuracy of your forecast? Metric Who owns the demand information? How is it communicated? Do you supply Distribution Warehouses or other facilities? If so, can you provide us with a list? How would you rate the accuracy of your forecast?

OBM Level II 6668 6669 6670 6671 6672 6673 6674 6675
OPM Planning & Forecasting OPM Planning & Forecasting OPM Planning & Forecasting OPM Planning & Forecasting OPM Planning & Forecasting Manufacturing Plan Manufacturing Plan Manufacturing Plan Manufacturing Plan Manufacturing Plan


Set Policies & Parameters Set Policies & Parameters Set Policies & Parameters Set Policies & Parameters Plan Production Materials

OBM Level IV
Set Capacity Planning Policies & Parameters Set Capacity Planning Policies & Parameters Set Capacity Planning Policies & Parameters Set Capacity Planning Policies & Parameters Update MPS


OBM Row No.


Capacity Definition

Process Analysis Questions

What are the unique features of your routings or operation profiles? Do you have dedicated routings? If so, how many and for what products?

Capacity Definition Capacity Definition Maintenance MPS Do you use alternate resources or routings? products? Do you deactivate routings? What frequency and for what

OPM Planning & Forecasting OPM Planning & Forecasting

Manufacturing Plan Manufacturing Plan

Plan Production Materials Plan Production Materials

Update MPS Update MPS



Process, Metric Metric

OPM Planning & Forecasting

Manufacturing Plan

Plan Production Materials

Update MPS



Who owns the demand information? How is it communicated? Do you supply Distribution Warehouses or other facilities? If so, can you provide us with a list? What types of planning documentation do you use? Formulas? Balance onhand? Customer orders? Forecast? MPS? Can we have samples of this information?

Process, Metric


OPM Planning & Forecasting

Manufacturing Plan

Set Policies & Parameters

Set Material Planning Policies & Parameter

Documentation What types of planning documentation do you use? Formulas? Balance onhand? Customer orders? Forecast? MPS? Can we have samples of this information? Documentation MPS MPS MPS MPS MPS MPS Maintenance Maintenance Generate Performance Measurements Generate Performance Measurements Generate Performance Measurements Generate Performance Measurements Generate Performance Measurements Generate Performance Measurements What are the primary causes for routing discrepancies? How do they get corrected? How would you rate the quality of planning information? What type of demand does your company use? Is it forecast? Customer orders? A hybrid of both? How do you account for customer orders and forecast demand? Do you consume forecast with customer orders? How do you handle orders in excess of forecast? How do you apply unconsumed forecast? What type of demand does your company use? Is it forecast? Customer orders? A hybrid of both? How do you account for customer orders and forecast demand? Do you consume forecast with customer orders? How do you handle orders in excess of forecast? How do you apply unconsumed forecast? How would you rate the accuracy of your routings?


6677 6678 6679 6680 6681 6682 6683 6684 6685 6686 6687 6688 6689 6690 6691 6692 6693 6694 6695 6696 6697 6698

OPM Planning & Forecasting OPM Planning & Forecasting OPM Planning & Forecasting OPM Planning & Forecasting OPM Planning & Forecasting OPM Planning & Forecasting OPM Planning & Forecasting OPM Planning & Forecasting OPM Planning & Forecasting

Manufacturing Plan Manufacturing Plan Manufacturing Plan Manufacturing Plan Manufacturing Plan Manufacturing Plan Manufacturing Plan Manufacturing Plan Manufacturing Plan

Set Policies & Parameters Plan Production Materials Plan Production Materials Plan Production Materials Plan Production Materials Plan Production Materials Plan Production Materials Set Policies & Parameters Set Policies & Parameters

Set Material Planning Policies & Parameter Update MPS Update MPS Update MPS Update MPS Update MPS Update MPS Set Capacity Planning Policies & Parameters Set Capacity Planning Policies & Parameters Set Material Planning Policies & Parameter Set Material Planning Policies & Parameter Set Material Planning Policies & Parameter Set Material Planning Policies & Parameter Set Material Planning Policies & Parameter Set Material Planning Policies & Parameter

Process Process Process Process Process Process Process Metric, Process Metric, Process

OPM Planning & Forecasting

Manufacturing Plan

Set Policies & Parameters

Performance How accurate are your planning parameters for lead-time? Lot sizes? Onhand inventory balances? Formula accuracy? Performance How would you correct the problems associated with information integrity and accuracy? Process How would you rate the quality of planning information? Performance How accurate are your planning parameters for lead-time? Lot sizes? Onhand inventory balances? Formula accuracy? Performance How would you correct the problems associated with information integrity and accuracy? Process Are make/ buy decisions impacted by capacity?

OPM Planning & Forecasting

Manufacturing Plan

Set Policies & Parameters

OPM Planning & Forecasting

Manufacturing Plan

Set Policies & Parameters

OPM Planning & Forecasting

Manufacturing Plan

Set Policies & Parameters

OPM Planning & Forecasting

Manufacturing Plan

Set Policies & Parameters

OPM Planning & Forecasting

Manufacturing Plan

Set Policies & Parameters

OPM Planning & Forecasting OPM Planning & Forecasting OPM Planning & Forecasting OPM Planning & Forecasting OPM Planning & Forecasting OPM Planning & Forecasting OPM Planning & Forecasting

Manufacturing Plan Manufacturing Plan Manufacturing Plan Manufacturing Plan Manufacturing Plan Manufacturing Plan Manufacturing Plan

Plan Production Capacities Plan Production Capacities Plan Production Materials Set Policies & Parameters Plan Production Materials Set Policies & Parameters Set Policies & Parameters

Not Identified Analyze Resource Utilization Generate Non-MRP Planned Orders Set Capacity Planning Policies & Parameters Generate MRP Set Material Planning Policies & Parameter Set Material Planning Policies & Parameter

Capacity Planning Maintenance Non-standard Workorders Maintenance What programs are in place to enhance Set-up reduction? Clean-up consolidation? Operator cross-training? Are routings created for Non-standard jobs? What is the procedure?

Setup, Process Process, Performance Process Process Setup, Process Process Setup, Process

What group is responsible for routings? Can you provide us with a list of user names? Do you use safety stock or reorder points? Do you plan for scrap or use phantoms? MRP Please define how much inventory exists by organizational group? By plant? Planning Parameters By inventory classification (I.e. raw materials)? Do you transfer inventory between warehouses to meet item requirements? Planning Parameters Describe the process. Is it a manual procedure?

131320756.xls.ms_office Page 187

RD.020 Business Process Questionnaire OBM Level I Type = Setup Metric Process Performance
Performance What was the result of your last physical inventory? What was the dollar writeoff? What was the variance swing?

OBM Level II 6699 6700 6701 6702 6703 6704 6705 6706 6707 6708 6709
OPM Planning & Forecasting Manufacturing Plan


Set Policies & Parameters

OBM Level IV
Set Material Planning Policies & Parameter Set Material Planning Policies & Parameter Generate MRP Set Material Planning Policies & Parameter Set Material Planning Policies & Parameter Set Material Planning Policies & Parameter Set Material Planning Policies & Parameter


OBM Row No.


Generate Performance Measurements Generate Performance Measurements MRP

Process Analysis Questions

How many inventory turns are you experiencing? Total? R/M's? Packaging? Finished Goods?

OPM Planning & Forecasting OPM Planning & Forecasting OPM Planning & Forecasting OPM Planning & Forecasting

Manufacturing Plan Manufacturing Plan Manufacturing Plan Manufacturing Plan

Set Policies & Parameters Plan Production Materials Set Policies & Parameters Set Policies & Parameters


OPM Planning & Forecasting

Manufacturing Plan

Set Policies & Parameters


OPM Planning & Forecasting

Manufacturing Plan

Set Policies & Parameters


OPM Planning & Forecasting

Manufacturing Plan

Plan Production Materials

Review MRP Data

OPM Planning & Forecasting

Manufacturing Plan

Plan Production Materials

Review MRP Data

OPM Planning & Forecasting

Manufacturing Plan

Plan Production Materials

Generate MRP

OPM Planning & Forecasting

Manufacturing Plan

Plan Production Materials

Generate MRP

Performance Do you use safety stock or reorder points? Do you plan for scrap or use phantoms? Setup, Process Please define how much inventory exists by organizational group? By plant? Planning Parameters By inventory classification (I.e. raw materials)? Process Do you transfer inventory between warehouses to meet item requirements? Planning Parameters Describe the process. Is it a manual procedure? Setup, Process How many inventory turns are you experiencing? Total? R/M's? Packaging? Generate Finished Goods? Performance Measurements Performance What was the result of your last physical inventory? What was the dollar writeGenerate off? What was the variance swing? Performance Measurements Performance How do you source product? Do you perform a make vs buy analysis? If so, who is involved? Is the procedure documented? May we have a copy? MRP Setup, Process How do you source product? Do you perform a make vs buy analysis? If so, who is involved? Is the procedure documented? May we have a copy? MRP Setup, Process What type of material planning methodology do you use? Manual? MRP? Another system? MRP Process What type of material planning methodology do you use? Manual? MRP? Another system? MRP Process Please describe the organization configuration for planning. Organization Structure Please describe the organization configuration for planning.


OPM Planning & Forecasting

Manufacturing Plan

Set Policies & Parameters

Set Material Planning Policies & Parameter

Setup, Process

6711 6712 6713 6714 6715 6716 6717 6718 6719 6720 6721 6722 6723 6724 6725 6726 6727 6728

OPM Planning & Forecasting

Manufacturing Plan

Set Policies & Parameters

Set Material Planning Policies & Parameter Set Material Planning Policies & Parameter Review MRP Data Review MRP Data Review MRP Data Review MRP Data Set Material Planning Policies & Parameter Set Material Planning Policies & Parameter Set Material Planning Policies & Parameter Set Material Planning Policies & Parameter Set Material Planning Policies & Parameter Not Identified Review MRP Data Set Material Planning Policies & Parameter Set Material Planning Policies & Parameter Set Material Planning Policies & Parameter Set Material Planning Policies & Parameter Not Identified

Organization Structure Will you be generating MRP and MPS reports? If so, user planning classes are required. Have you defined your user planning classes? MPS MRP MRP Other What functional areas are dependent upon planning information? Other Planning Parameters Planning Parameters Planning Parameters Planning Parameters Do you use status codes that prevent ingredient usage? How is it viewed? By warehouse? By lot? By status code? Do you use status codes that prevent ingredient usage? How is it viewed? By warehouse? By lot? By status code? Who owns the update of the inventory item master and the corresponding computer systems update? Who owns the input and maintenance of planning parameters like lead-times and lot sizes? Do you have multiple lead-times and lot sizes for your materials? Are you multi-sourced? Do you use preference logic based on cost? Location? Available inventory? Please provide examples. How do you currently access inventory balance information? When you plan ingredients, components or products, do you segregate them by commodity? Planner? Product family? When you plan ingredients, components or products, do you segregate them by commodity? Planner? Product family? What functional areas are dependent upon planning information?

Setup, Process

OPM Planning & Forecasting OPM Planning & Forecasting OPM Planning & Forecasting OPM Planning & Forecasting OPM Planning & Forecasting OPM Planning & Forecasting OPM Planning & Forecasting OPM Planning & Forecasting OPM Planning & Forecasting

Manufacturing Plan Manufacturing Plan Manufacturing Plan Manufacturing Plan Manufacturing Plan Manufacturing Plan Manufacturing Plan Manufacturing Plan Manufacturing Plan

Set Policies & Parameters Plan Production Materials Plan Production Materials Plan Production Materials Plan Production Materials Set Policies & Parameters Set Policies & Parameters Set Policies & Parameters Set Policies & Parameters

Setup Setup, Process Setup, Process Process Process Setup, Process Setup, Process Process Process

OPM Planning & Forecasting OPM Planning & Forecasting OPM Planning & Forecasting

Manufacturing Plan Manufacturing Plan Manufacturing Plan

Set Policies & Parameters Plan Production Materials Plan Production Materials


Planning Parameters Planning Parameters MRP Generate Performance Measurements

Process Process

What is your longest lead-time Item code? How many item codes do you plan? Do you perform periodic analysis of planning parameters to fine-tune them? If so, how frequent and in what areas? How do you do it?

Process, Metric

OPM Planning & Forecasting OPM Planning & Forecasting OPM Planning & Forecasting

Manufacturing Plan Manufacturing Plan Manufacturing Plan

Set Policies & Parameters Set Policies & Parameters Set Policies & Parameters


OPM Planning & Forecasting OPM Planning & Forecasting

Manufacturing Plan Manufacturing Plan

Set Policies & Parameters Plan Production Materials


Performance Who owns the update of the inventory item master and the corresponding Planning Parameters computer systems update? Process Who owns the input and maintenance of planning parameters like lead-times Planning Parameters and lot sizes? Process Do you have multiple lead-times and lot sizes for your materials? Are you multi-sourced? Do you use preference logic based on cost? Location? Planning Parameters Available inventory? Please provide examples. Process How do you currently access inventory balance information? Planning Parameters Process

131320756.xls.ms_office Page 188

RD.020 Business Process Questionnaire OBM Level I Type = Setup Metric Process Performance
Process, Metric

OBM Level II 6729 6730 6731 6732 6733 6734 6735 6736 6737 6738 6739 6740 6741 6742 6743 6744 6745 6746 6747 6748 6749 6750 6751
OPM Planning & Forecasting Manufacturing Plan


Plan Production Materials

OBM Level IV
Review MRP Data Set Material Planning Policies & Parameter Generate Non-MRP Planned Orders Generate Non-MRP Planned Orders Generate MRP Generate MRP Generate MRP Set Material Planning Policies & Parameter Review MRP Data Generate MRP Generate MRP Generate MRP Set Material Planning Policies & Parameter Review MRP Data Generate MRP Review MRP Data Generate MRP Review MRP Data Review MRP Data Review MRP Data Review MRP Data Review MRP Data Review MRP Data


OBM Row No.


MRP Generate Performance Measurements Non-standard Workorders Non-standard Workorders MRP MRP

Process Analysis Questions

What is your longest lead-time Item code? How many item codes do you plan? Do you perform periodic analysis of planning parameters to fine-tune them? If so, how frequent and in what areas? How do you do it? Do you tie non-standard jobs to specific expense accounts?

OPM Planning & Forecasting OPM Planning & Forecasting OPM Planning & Forecasting OPM Planning & Forecasting OPM Planning & Forecasting OPM Planning & Forecasting

Manufacturing Plan Manufacturing Plan Manufacturing Plan Manufacturing Plan Manufacturing Plan Manufacturing Plan

Set Policies & Parameters Plan Production Materials Plan Production Materials Plan Production Materials Plan Production Materials Plan Production Materials


Performance Setup Do you tie non-standard jobs to internal or external accounts for processing? Setup What is your planning time horizon? Do you plan at different intervals, like long, medium or short range? How do you link the planning intervals? Is it procedural? Process Process Process

OPM Planning & Forecasting OPM Planning & Forecasting OPM Planning & Forecasting OPM Planning & Forecasting OPM Planning & Forecasting

Manufacturing Plan Manufacturing Plan Manufacturing Plan Manufacturing Plan Manufacturing Plan

Set Policies & Parameters Plan Production Materials Plan Production Materials Plan Production Materials Plan Production Materials


OPM Planning & Forecasting OPM Planning & Forecasting OPM Planning & Forecasting OPM Planning & Forecasting OPM Planning & Forecasting OPM Planning & Forecasting OPM Planning & Forecasting OPM Planning & Forecasting OPM Planning & Forecasting OPM Planning & Forecasting OPM Planning & Forecasting

Manufacturing Plan Manufacturing Plan Manufacturing Plan Manufacturing Plan Manufacturing Plan Manufacturing Plan Manufacturing Plan Manufacturing Plan Manufacturing Plan Manufacturing Plan Manufacturing Plan

Set Policies & Parameters Plan Production Materials Plan Production Materials Plan Production Materials Plan Production Materials Plan Production Materials Plan Production Materials Plan Production Materials Plan Production Materials Plan Production Materials Plan Production Materials


Separate data base copies? What is done to ensure consistency with demand profiles? Do you have variable calendars? Do certain facilities run 7 days/wk while others run 5 days/week? How do you currently coordinate this supply flow? Planning Parameters Do you use inventory buffers? Do you use time fences? What planning horizons are typical? MRP What is your planning time horizon? Do you plan at different intervals, like long, medium or short range? MRP How do you link the planning intervals? Is it procedural? MRP Separate data base copies? What is done to ensure consistency with demand profiles? MRP Do you have variable calendars? Do certain facilities run 7 days/wk while others run 5 days/week? How do you currently coordinate this supply flow? Planning Parameters Do you use inventory buffers? MRP Do you use time fences? What planning horizons are typical? MRP Who is responsible for performing the material planning function? Security Security Security Security MRP Which operations/ procresses do you want to streamline for MRP? MRP MRP Reporting Reporting Do you have security requirements on who can enter data for MRP? (e.g. by company? by cost center?) How do you maintain your Material Requirements Planning data? Do you have security requirements on who can enter data for MRP? (e.g. by company? by cost center?) Who is responsible for performing the material planning function?

Setup, Process Process Process Process Process

Setup, Process Process Setup, Process Setup, Process Setup, Process Setup, Process Process

6752 6753 6754 6755 6756 6757 6758

OPM Planning & Forecasting OPM Planning & Forecasting OPM Planning & Forecasting OPM Planning & Forecasting OPM Planning & Forecasting OPM Planning & Forecasting OPM Planning & Forecasting

Manufacturing Plan Manufacturing Plan Manufacturing Plan Manufacturing Plan Manufacturing Plan Manufacturing Plan Manufacturing Plan

Plan Production Materials Plan Production Materials Plan Production Materials Plan Production Materials Plan Production Materials Plan Production Materials Plan Production Materials

Review MRP Data Review MRP Data Review MRP Data Review MRP Data Review MRP Data Review MRP Data Review MRP Data


Reporting Reporting MRP MRP MRP Reporting Reporting

6759 6760 6761 6762

OPM Planning & Forecasting OPM Planning & Forecasting OPM Planning & Forecasting OPM Planning & Forecasting

Manufacturing Plan Manufacturing Plan Manufacturing Plan Manufacturing Plan

Plan Production Materials Plan Production Materials Plan Production Materials Plan Production Capacities

Review MRP Data Review MRP Data Generate Non-MRP Planned Orders Not Identified


Reporting Reporting Non-standard Workorders Analyze Needs

Process Are there time-intensive MRP operations/ processes that need to be addressed? Process What are your MRP reporting requirements with respect to summary or detail formats? Obtain report listing. Setup, Process Are there any MRP reporting requirements that your current set of reports does not meet? Setup, Process What is the criteria for determining who should receive a copy of MRP reports? How do you update the distribution list? Who is responsible for updating this list? Is this procedure doucmented? May we have a copy? Process Is there any requirement for on-line (softcopy) distribution and/or remote location printing for MRP reports? Setup, Process How do you maintain your Material Requirements Planning data? Process Which operations/ procresses do you want to streamline for MRP? Process Are there time-intensive MRP operations/ processes that need to be addressed? Process What are your MRP reporting requirements with respect to summary or detail formats? Obtain report listing. Setup, Process Are there any MRP reporting requirements that your current set of reports does not meet? Setup, Process What is the criteria for determining who should receive a copy of MRP reports? How do you update the distribution list? Who is responsible for updating this list? Is this procedure doucmented? May we have a copy? Process Is there any requirement for on-line (softcopy) distribution and/or remote location printing for MRP reports? Setup, Process Where do you source materials for non-standard jobs? Process Do you plan to infinite material availability? Setup, Process

131320756.xls.ms_office Page 189

RD.020 Business Process Questionnaire OBM Level I Type = Setup Metric Process Performance
Performance Process, Performance

OBM Level II 6763 6764 6765 6766 6767 6768 6769 6770 6771 6772 6773 6774 6775 6776 6777 6778 6779 6780 6781 6782 6783 6784 6785 6786 6787 6788 6789 6790 6791 6792 6793 6794 6795
OPM Planning & Forecasting OPM Planning & Forecasting Manufacturing Plan Manufacturing Plan


Plan Production Materials Plan Production Materials

OBM Level IV
Not Identified Review MRP Data


OBM Row No.


Generate Performance Measurements MRP Generate Performance Measurements MRP Reporting

Process Analysis Questions

What business performance statistics do you monitor for Material Planning?

Do you perform a rescheduling function when you know dates have slipped? If so, what is the procedure? What business performance statistics do you monitor for Material Planning?

OPM Planning & Forecasting OPM Planning & Forecasting OPM Planning & Forecasting OPM Planning & Forecasting OPM Planning & Forecasting OPM Planning & Forecasting OPM Planning & Forecasting OPM Planning & Forecasting OPM Planning & Forecasting OPM Planning & Forecasting

Manufacturing Plan Manufacturing Plan Manufacturing Plan Manufacturing Plan Manufacturing Plan Manufacturing Plan Manufacturing Plan Manufacturing Plan Manufacturing Plan Manufacturing Plan

Plan Production Materials Plan Production Materials Set Policies & Parameters Set Policies & Parameters Plan Production Materials Plan Production Materials Plan Production Materials Plan Production Materials Plan Production Materials Plan Production Materials

Not Identified Review MRP Data Set Material Planning Policies & Parameter Set Material Planning Policies & Parameter Review MRP Data Review MRP Data Review MRP Data Review MRP Data Generate MRP Generate MRP

Do you perform a rescheduling function when you know dates have slipped? If so, what is the procedure? Do you run MRP reports for different companies or cost centers? Do you run MRP reports for different companies or cost centers?

Performance Process, Performance Setup, Process Setup, Process

Reporting MRP MRP MRP MRP Reporting Do you generate MRP for each manufacturing plant? Reporting Generate Performance Measurements Generate Performance Measurements Non-standard Workorders How do you track Manufacturing performance to schedule? How many employees use MRP to plan materials? Can you provide us with a list? How many employees use MRP to plan materials? Can you provide us with a list? Do you use a buyer/ planner configuration or do you handle purchasing and manufacturing independently? Do you use a buyer/ planner configuration or do you handle purchasing and manufacturing independently? Do you generate MRP for each manufacturing plant?

Metric Metric Setup, Process Setup, Process Setup, Process Setup, Process

OPM Planning & Forecasting

Manufacturing Plan

Plan Production Materials

Not Identified


Performance How do you track Manufacturing performance to schedule? Performance How do you schedule these types of non-standard jobs? Process Which users will be associated with each planning class? Can you provide a list of each user name, and which planning classes they should be given access to? Do you require vendors to provide you with updates to their current PO's? If not, is this a future need? How do you handle your vendors if they run contrary to your calendar? How would your vendors rate your planning accuracy? Performance How do you handle your vendors if they run contrary to your calendar? Process How would your vendors rate your planning accuracy? Performance If a user has more than one planning class, which one should be designated as their default? Can you provide a list of username and the default planning class? Setup Do you ship customer orders direct from your plant? If so, what volume or percentage? Process, Metric Do you ship customer orders direct from your plant? If so, what volume or percentage? Process, Metric How are results communicated between functional areas? Process How are results communicated between functional areas? Process Do you generate Rough Cut Capacity Plans? Do you generate the RCCP simultaneously with the MPS? Process What happens if rough cut defines a significant capacity problem? What activities transpire? Process Do you generate Rough Cut Capacity Plans? Do you generate the RCCP simultaneously with the MPS? Process What happens if rough cut defines a significant capacity problem? What activities transpire? Process Do you have documentation on your current system security requirements for Forecasting? Can you provide a copy? Process What documents are the real information drivers for your enterprise? Special logbooks? Special PC applications independent of the formal system? The current system? Process What documents are the real information drivers for your enterprise? Special logbooks? Special PC applications independent of the formal system? The current system? Process Setup, Process, Metric Process Process

OPM Planning & Forecasting OPM Planning & Forecasting

Manufacturing Plan Manufacturing Plan

Plan Production Materials Plan Production Materials

Not Identified Generate Non-MRP Planned Orders Set Material Planning Policies & Parameter Not Identified Review MRP Data


OPM Planning & Forecasting OPM Planning & Forecasting OPM Planning & Forecasting

Manufacturing Plan Manufacturing Plan Manufacturing Plan

Set Policies & Parameters Plan Production Capacities Plan Production Materials


Security Supplier Feedback MRP Generate Performance Measurements MRP Generate Performance Measurements

OPM Planning & Forecasting OPM Planning & Forecasting

Manufacturing Plan Manufacturing Plan

Plan Production Materials Plan Production Materials

Not Identified Review MRP Data


OPM Planning & Forecasting

Manufacturing Plan

Plan Production Materials

Not Identified Set Material Planning Policies & Parameter Not Identified Not Identified Resolve Abnormal Demands Resolve Abnormal Demands Conduct Rough Cut Capacity Planning Schedule and Reschedule Orders Conduct Rough Cut Capacity Planning Schedule and Reschedule Orders Identify and Establish Policies


OPM Planning & Forecasting OPM Planning & Forecasting OPM Planning & Forecasting OPM Planning and Forecasting OPM Planning and Forecasting OPM Planning and Forecasting OPM Planning and Forecasting OPM Planning and Forecasting OPM Planning and Forecasting OPM Planning and Forecasting OPM Planning and Forecasting OPM Planning and Forecasting

Manufacturing Plan Picking and Shipping Picking and Shipping Demand Management Demand Management Demand Management Demand Management Demand Management Demand Management Demand Management

Set Policies & Parameters Ship Sales Orders Ship Sales Orders Manage Forecasts Manage Forecasts Manage Forecasts Manage Forecasts Manage Forecasts Manage Forecasts Manage Forecasts


Maintenance Shipping Shipping MPS MPS Capacity Planning MPS Capacity Planning MPS Security

Demand Management

Manage Forecasts

Resolve Abnormal Demands


Demand Management

Manage Forecasts

Resolve Abnormal Demands


131320756.xls.ms_office Page 190

RD.020 Business Process Questionnaire OBM Level I Type = Setup Metric Process Performance
Process Do you keep extra capacity available because of demand fluctuations? I.e.; forecast inaccuracy What are your forecast demand sources? Do you create a forecast for each demand source? OPMFCST OPMFCST OPMFCST OPMFCST OPMFCST OPMFCST OPMFCST OPMFCST OPMFCST OPMFCST OPMFCST Collection/Analysis Do you have regional market demand? Demand Management Demand Management Demand Management Demand Management Demand Management Demand Management Demand Management Demand Management Demand Management Demand Management Manage Forecasts Manage Forecasts Manage Forecasts Manage Forecasts Manage Forecasts Manage Forecasts Manage Forecasts Manage Forecasts Manage Forecasts Manage Forecasts Identify and Establish Policies Conduct Sales and Operational Planning Identify and Establish Policies Identify and Establish Policies Identify and Establish Policies Identify and Establish Policies Identify and Establish Policies Identify and Establish Policies Identify and Establish Policies Identify and Establish Policies Demand Forecast Collection/Analysis Forecast Level Maintenance Maintenance Operations Operations Operations Reporting Reporting Process Do you create multiple forecasting scenarios? Sales Forecast, Marketing Forecast, Budget, Constrained vs. Unconstrained? Process How many and on what level for an item do you forecast on a weekly basis? Monthly basis? Quarterly? Metric, Performance What is the forecast system processing time during the peak forecast period? Metric, Performance How do you maintain your Forecasting data? Process Which operations/processes do you want to streamline for Forecasting? Process Which operations/processes do you want to eliminate for Forecasting? Process Are there any time-intensive Forecasting operations/processes that need to be addressed? Process What are your Forecasting reporting requirements with respect to functional vs. foreign currencies? Setup, Process What are your Forecasting reporting requirements with respect to summary or detail formats? Obtain a report listing. Setup, Process What reports do you currently generate to meet your Forecasting reporting requirements? Provide examples of each. Include source (could be manual), user, frequency, number of copies. Setup, Process Is there any Forecasting reporting requirement that your current set of reports does not meet? Setup Are Forecasting reports standard across multiple Sets of Books, for example, subsidiaries? Setup Are Forecasting reports standard across multiple levels within a Set of Books, i e., divisions? Setup What information is needed i e., actual sales orders, are required on Forecasting reports? Setup What account codes and/or descriptions are required on reports? Setup Do you provide a "key" of content/information somewhere on the Forecasting report? Setup What Forecasting reports are grouped together on a regular basis and printed in one print run? Setup, Process Who receives a copy of the Forecasting reports? Process What is the criteria for determining who should receive a copy of any Forecasting report? Process How do you update a Forecasting reports distribution list? Process Is the process to update a Forecasting reports distribution list documented? Can you provide a copy? Process How long does it take to update a Forecasting reports distribution list? How long should it take? Process Who performs the tasks associated with updating a Forecasting reports distribution list? Process Is there any requirement for on-line (softcopy) distribution and/or remote location printing for Forecasting reports? Setup, Process Do some of these Forecasting reports belong in report sets? Always being run together? Setup Do the separate business units run their own Forecasting reports? Process, Performance What type of printers do you run Forecasting reports (including checks, purchase orders etc.) on? Where are they located? Setup, Performance Do you run Forecasting reports by sales channel, by production site, by product family, for different companies or cost centers? Process Do you create forecast reconciliation by generating aggregate forecasts from detailed forecasts? Detatiled forecasts from aggregate forecasts? Process Do you forecast in multple units of measure? (DFUs) Process Do you forecast end item and/or spares demand? Process Do you forecast Co-Products and/ or By-Products? Process Process Process Process

OBM Level II 6796 6797 6798 6799 6800 6801 6802 6803 6804 6805 6806 6807 6808 6809 6810 6811 6812 6813 6814 6815 6816 6817 6818 6819 6820 6821 6822 6823 6824 6825 6826 6827 6828 6829 6830 6831 6832
OPM Planning and Forecasting OPM Planning and Forecasting OPM Planning and Forecasting OPM Planning and Forecasting OPM Planning and Forecasting OPM Planning and Forecasting OPM Planning and Forecasting OPM Planning and Forecasting OPM Planning and Forecasting OPM Planning and Forecasting OPM Planning and Forecasting OPM Planning and Forecasting OPM Planning and Forecasting OPM Planning and Forecasting OPM Planning and Forecasting OPM Planning and Forecasting OPM Planning and Forecasting OPM Planning and Forecasting OPM Planning and Forecasting OPM Planning and Forecasting OPM Planning and Forecasting OPM Planning and Forecasting OPM Planning and Forecasting OPM Planning and Forecasting OPM Planning and Forecasting OPM Planning and Forecasting OPM Planning and Forecasting OPM Planning and Forecasting OPM Planning and Forecasting OPM Planning and Forecasting OPM Planning and Forecasting OPM Planning and Forecasting OPM Planning and Forecasting OPM Planning and Forecasting OPM Planning and Forecasting OPM Planning and Forecasting OPM Planning and Forecasting Demand Management Demand Management Demand Management Demand Management


Manage Forecasts Manage Forecasts Manage Forecasts Manage Forecasts

OBM Level IV
Generate Performance Measures Conduct Sales and Operational Planning Identify and Establish Policies Conduct Sales and Operational Planning


OBM Row No.


Maintenance Demand Forecast Collection/Analysis

Process Analysis Questions

What types of drivers would cause forecast changes and adjustments?

Demand Management Demand Management Demand Management Demand Management Demand Management Demand Management Demand Management Demand Management Demand Management Demand Management Demand Management Demand Management Demand Management Demand Management Demand Management Demand Management Demand Management Demand Management Demand Management

Manage Forecasts Manage Forecasts Manage Forecasts Manage Forecasts Manage Forecasts Manage Forecasts Manage Forecasts Manage Forecasts Manage Forecasts Manage Forecasts Manage Forecasts Manage Forecasts Manage Forecasts Manage Forecasts Manage Forecasts Manage Forecasts Manage Forecasts Manage Forecasts Manage Forecasts

Identify and Establish Policies Identify and Establish Policies Identify and Establish Policies Identify and Establish Policies Identify and Establish Policies Identify and Establish Policies Identify and Establish Policies Identify and Establish Policies Identify and Establish Policies Identify and Establish Policies Identify and Establish Policies Identify and Establish Policies Identify and Establish Policies Identify and Establish Policies Identify and Establish Policies Identify and Establish Policies Identify and Establish Policies Identify and Establish Policies Identify and Establish Policies Define and Setup Forecasting System Define and Setup Forecasting System Define and Setup Forecasting System Define and Setup Forecasting System


Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting

Demand Management Demand Management Demand Management Demand Management

Manage Forecasts Manage Forecasts Manage Forecasts Manage Forecasts


Collection/Analysis Demand Forecast Forecast Level Forecast Level

131320756.xls.ms_office Page 191

RD.020 Business Process Questionnaire OBM Level I Type = Setup Metric Process Performance
Process Do you use a two-level master schedule for configured products? OPMFCST OPMFCST Forecast Level Maintenance Generate Performance Measures Generate Performance Measures Process How long does the typical forecast cycle take (from source to consolidation of forecast)? Metric How do you audit your Forecasting data? Process What business performance statistics do you monitor for Forecasting? Process Do you have security reports on who can run Forecasting reports? (by planner, by production site, by corporate site, by company, by cost center?) Security What measures are used for forecast accuracy? OPM Planning and Forecasting OPMFCST, OPMINV, OPMMPS, OPMMRP, OPMOF OPMFCST, OPMINV, OPMMPS, OPMMRP, OPMOF OPMFCST, OPMINV, OPMOF OPMFCST, OPMMPS OPMFCST, OPMMPS OPMFCST, OPMMPS OPMFCST, OPMMPS OPMFCST, OPMMPS OPMFCST, OPMMPS OPMFCST, OPMMPS, OPMMRP, OPMCAP OPMFCST, OPMMPS, OPMMRP, OPMOF, PO OPMFCST, OPMMRP OPMFCST, OPMOF Setup, Process

OBM Level II 6833 6834 6835 6836 6837 6838

OPM Planning and Forecasting OPM Planning and Forecasting OPM Planning and Forecasting OPM Planning and Forecasting OPM Planning and Forecasting OPM Planning and Forecasting Demand Management Demand Management Demand Management


Manage Forecasts Manage Forecasts Manage Forecasts

OBM Level IV
Define and Setup Forecasting System Define and Setup Forecasting System Issue Forecast


OBM Row No.


Forecast Level

Process Analysis Questions

Do you forecast configured products?

Demand Management

Manage Forecasts

Generate Performance Measures


Demand Management

Manage Forecasts

Generate Performance Measures


Demand Management

Manage Forecasts

Identify and Establish Policies


Demand Management

Manage Forecasts

Review Unconsumed Forecast

MPS What measures are used for forecast accuracy?


6840 6841 6842 6843 6844 6845 6846 6847

OPM Planning and Forecasting OPM Planning and Forecasting OPM Planning and Forecasting OPM Planning and Forecasting OPM Planning and Forecasting OPM Planning and Forecasting OPM Planning and Forecasting OPM Planning and Forecasting

Demand Management Demand Management Demand Management Demand Management Demand Management Demand Management Demand Management Demand Management

Manage Forecasts Manage Forecasts Manage Forecasts Manage Forecasts Manage Forecasts Manage Forecasts Manage Forecasts Manage Forecasts

Review Unconsumed Forecast Define and Setup Forecasting System Identify and Establish Policies Conduct Sales and Operational Planning Conduct Sales and Operational Planning Conduct Sales and Operational Planning Conduct Sales and Operational Planning Conduct Sales and Operational Planning

MPS Do you use historical demand to assist the forecasting process? Collection/Analysis Collection/Analysis Demand Forecast Demand Forecast Demand Forecast Forecasting Forecasting Do you track forecast accuracy, and change your plans accordingly? Generate Performance Measures To reduce forecast uncertainty, do you intend to collaborate, by sharing information, with your trading partners? Forecasts from Customers and supply commitments from your Suppliers? Demand Forecast Demand Forecast Collection/Analysis Generate Performance Measures Forecast Level Do you perform multi-dimensional analysis? I.e. forecast accuracy by product, by region, by customer, by sales rep? Where is the last point in the current system that allows you to change forecasts? How do you track market demand for your products? Do you separate your demand forecast from the forecast used to drive production? Do you manipulate forecasts and automatically turn them into the MPS? Describe your techniques. How long does the MPS take to finalize? Do you use formal methods and/or PC based tools to assist the forecasting process? Do you group demand forecasts for planning or consumption or order promising purposes? What demands do you satisfy by using forecasts?

Process Process Process Setup Process Process Process Metric, Process


OPM Planning and Forecasting

Demand Management

Manage Forecasts

Generate Performance Measures

Metric, Process, Performance

6849 6850 6851 6852 6853 6854 6855 6856 6857 6858 6859 6860 6861 6862 6863

OPM Planning and Forecasting OPM Planning and Forecasting OPM Planning and Forecasting OPM Planning and Forecasting OPM Planning and Forecasting OPM Planning and Forecasting OPM Planning and Forecasting OPM Planning and Forecasting OPM Planning and Forecasting OPM Planning and Forecasting OPM Planning and Forecasting OPM Planning and Forecasting OPM Planning and Forecasting OPM Planning and Forecasting OPM Planning and Forecasting

Demand Management Demand Management Demand Management

Manage Forecasts Manage Forecasts Manage Forecasts

Conduct Sales and Operational Planning Review Forecast Generate Updated Forecast

Process Process Process

Demand Management Demand Management

Manage Forecasts Manage Forecasts

Generate Performance Measures Define and Setup Forecasting System


Metric, Process Do you forecast by product family, by configuration model, by item, or in some combination? Do you have security requirements on who can enter data for Forecasting? (e.g. by planner, by production site, by corporate site, by company, by cost center?) Do you stock material to respond to seasonal or highly variable demand? I.e. forecast inaccuracy Do you drive near term production from sales orders and/or forecasts? Process

Demand Management Demand Management Demand Management Demand Management

Manage Forecasts Manage Forecasts Manage Forecasts Manage Forecasts

Identify and Establish Policies Conduct Sales and Operational Planning Conduct Sales and Operational Planning Conduct Sales and Operational Planning Conduct Sales and Operational Planning Identify and Establish Policies Identify and Establish Policies Identify and Establish Policies Not Identified Not Identified

Security Demand Forecast Demand Forecast Demand Forecast

Process Setup, Process

Demand Management Demand Management Demand Management Demand Management Distribution & Production Schedules Distribution & Production Schedules

Manage Forecasts Manage Forecasts Manage Forecasts Manage Forecasts Release Production Schedule Release Production Schedule


Demand Forecast Security Security Collection/Analysis WO & PO Release WO & PO Release

Process How quickly can you respond to rapid demand changes without adding safety stock? Process How often do you have to change materials to respond to changes on demand? (For example, if you are in the clothing business, change from wool to cotton). Metrics, Process Will there need to be terminal security for Forecasting? Setup Do you run security reports on a regular basis for Forecasting? Process Do you collaborate with your customers to allow them to enter, via the web, their own forecasts? Process How do you schedule production? Does production scheduling provide any feedback to Master Scheduling? Process How do you schedule production? Does production scheduling provide any feedback to Master Scheduling? Process

131320756.xls.ms_office Page 192

RD.020 Business Process Questionnaire OBM Level I Type = Setup Metric Process Performance
Process What is your current backorder volume? Why is this number at this level? Distribution & Production Schedules Distribution Resources Plan Distribution Resources Plan Control Production Activity Plan DRP Plan DRP Not Identified Generate Replenishment Orders Generate Replenishment Orders OPMPM APS, OPMMPS APS, OPMMPS OPMOF, OPMMPS, OPMPM OPMOF, OPMMPS, OPMPM APS, OPMCAP, OPMMPS APS, OPMCAP, OPMMPS APS, OPMCAP, OPMMPS APS, OPMCAP, OPMMPS APS, OPMCAP, OPMMPS APS, OPMCAP, OPMMPS APS, OPMCAP, OPMMPS, OPMMRP APS, OPMCAP, OPMMPS, OPMMRP APS, OPMCAP, OPMMPS, OPMMRP, OPMPM APS, OPMCAP, OPMMPS, OPMMRP, OPMPM Not Application Specific Not Application Specific OPMFCST, OPMMPS OPMFCST, OPMMPS OPMFCST, OPMMPS OPMFCST, OPMMPS OPMFCST, OPMMPS OPMFCST, OPMMPS OPMFCST, OPMMPS OPMFCST, OPMMPS OPMFCST, OPMMPS, OPMMRP OPMFCST, OPMMPS, OPMMRP OPMINV OPMINV WO & PO Release DRP DRP Do you pass MPS information into a Distribution Requirements Planning system? How does this work? Do you pass MPS information into a Distribution Requirements Planning system? How does this work? Do you use preferred warehouses for shipment of your customer orders? What basis is used? Lowest cost? Nearest ship point? Do you use preferred warehouses for shipment of your customer orders? What basis is used? Lowest cost? Nearest ship point? DRP Capacity Planning Do you run capacity simulations? How do they impact the creation of a MPS? What is your typical planning horizon? Do you perform long/medium/short range planning? If so, how does the planning occur? Who gets involved? Who approves the plans? Do you simulate MPS changes? If so, how? MPS Capacity Planning Do you run capacity simulations? How do they impact the creation of a MPS? What is your typical planning horizon? Do you perform long/medium/short range planning? If so, how does the planning occur? Who gets involved? Who approves the plans? Do you simulate MPS changes? If so, how? MPS Are make/buy decisions impacted by capacity? How are these decisions reflected in the MPS, or MRP runs? Capacity Planning Are make/buy decisions impacted by capacity? How are these decisions reflected in the MPS, or MRP runs? Capacity Planning Do you level load your production lines? Does this have any impact on how you create a MPS? Capacity Planning Do you level load your production lines? Does this have any impact on how you create a MPS? Capacity Planning Security Security Maintenance Forecasting Forecasting MPS Maintenance Forecasting Forecasting MPS Process Do you have documentation on your current system security requirements for Master Scheduling? Process Do you have documentation on your current system security requirements for Master Scheduling? Process How do you maintain your Master Scheduling data? Process How do demand forecasts feed master scheduling? Process Do you manipulate forecasts and automatically turn them into the MPS? Describe your techniques. Process Do you generate a Master Production Schedule for each manufacturing plant? Or one global MPS? Process How do you maintain your Master Scheduling data? Process How do demand forecasts feed master scheduling? Process Do you manipulate forecasts and automatically turn them into the MPS? Describe your techniques. Process Do you generate a Master Production Schedule for each manufacturing plant? Or one global MPS? Process Do you generate MRP for each manufacturing plant? Process Do you generate MRP for each manufacturing plant? Process Process Process Process Process Process Setup, Process Process Process Process Process

OBM Level II 6864 6865 6866 6867 6868 6869 6870 6871 6872 6873 6874 6875 6876 6877
OPM Planning and Forecasting OPM Planning and Forecasting OPM Planning and Forecasting OPM Planning and Forecasting OPM Planning and Forecasting OPM Planning and Forecasting OPM Planning and Forecasting OPM Planning and Forecasting OPM Planning and Forecasting OPM Planning and Forecasting OPM Planning and Forecasting OPM Planning and Forecasting OPM Planning and Forecasting OPM Planning and Forecasting Distribution & Production Schedules


Control Production Activity

OBM Level IV
Not Identified


OBM Row No.


WO & PO Release

Process Analysis Questions

What is your current backorder volume? Why is this number at this level?

Distribution Resources Plan

Plan DRP

Set DRP Policies & Parameters


Setup, Process

Distribution Resources Plan Manufacturing Plan

Plan DRP Plan Production Capacities

Set DRP Policies & Parameters Launch Capacity Requirements Plan

Manufacturing Plan Manufacturing Plan Manufacturing Plan

Plan Production Materials Plan Production Materials Plan Production Capacities

Update MPS Update MPS Launch Capacity Requirements Plan



Manufacturing Plan Manufacturing Plan

Plan Production Materials Plan Production Materials

Update MPS Update MPS



Manufacturing Plan

Plan Production Capacities

Analyze Resource Utilization

Manufacturing Plan

Plan Production Capacities

Analyze Resource Utilization


OPM Planning and Forecasting

Manufacturing Plan

Plan Production Capacities

Analyze Resource Utilization

6879 6880 6881 6882 6883 6884 6885 6886 6887 6888 6889 6890 6891 6892 6893

OPM Planning and Forecasting OPM Planning and Forecasting OPM Planning and Forecasting OPM Planning and Forecasting OPM Planning and Forecasting OPM Planning and Forecasting OPM Planning and Forecasting OPM Planning and Forecasting OPM Planning and Forecasting OPM Planning and Forecasting OPM Planning and Forecasting OPM Planning and Forecasting OPM Planning and Forecasting OPM Planning and Forecasting OPM Planning and Forecasting

Manufacturing Plan Manufacturing Plan Manufacturing Plan Manufacturing Plan Manufacturing Plan Manufacturing Plan Manufacturing Plan Manufacturing Plan Manufacturing Plan Manufacturing Plan Manufacturing Plan

Plan Production Capacities Plan Production Materials Plan Production Materials Plan Production Materials Plan Production Materials Plan Production Materials Plan Production Materials Plan Production Materials Plan Production Materials Plan Production Materials Plan Production Materials

Analyze Resource Utilization Update MPS Update MPS Update MPS Update MPS Update MPS Update MPS Update MPS Update MPS Update MPS Update MPS

Manufacturing Plan

Plan Production Materials

Generate MRP


Manufacturing Plan Manufacturing Plan Manufacturing Plan

Plan Production Materials Plan Production Materials Plan Production Materials

Generate MRP Not Identified Not Identified

MRP How much obsolescence does your enterprise experience? MPS How much obsolescence does your enterprise experience? MPS How would you rate the quality of your planning data? Lead-times? Lot Sizes? Product Sourcing? Available capacity? Inventory? What are the accuracy levels? MPS

Process Metric Metric


OPM Planning and Forecasting

Manufacturing Plan

Set Policies & Parameters

Set Material Planning Policies & Parameter


Setup, Process

131320756.xls.ms_office Page 193

RD.020 Business Process Questionnaire OBM Level I Type = Setup Metric Process Performance

OBM Level II
OPM Planning and Forecasting OPM Planning and Forecasting OPM Planning and Forecasting OPM Planning and Forecasting OPM Planning and Forecasting OPM Planning and Forecasting OPM Planning and Forecasting OPM Planning and Forecasting OPM Planning and Forecasting


OBM Level IV


OBM Row No.



Process Analysis Questions

How would you rate the quality of your planning data? Lead-times? Lot Sizes? Product Sourcing? Available capacity? Inventory? What are the accuracy levels?

6895 6896 6897 6898 6899 6900 6901 6902 6903

Manufacturing Plan

Set Policies & Parameters

Set Material Planning Policies & Parameter Set Material Planning Policies & Parameter Set Material Planning Policies & Parameter Update MPS Update MPS Update MPS Update MPS Update MPS Publish the Master Production Schedule

MPS Do you have calendar variations for plants? How do they vary? What shift patterns are used? MPS Do you have calendar variations for plants? How do they vary? What shift patterns are used? MPS How do you audit your Master Scheduling data? Maintenance Other Other Other Reporting Reporting

Setup, Process

Manufacturing Plan

Set Policies & Parameters

Setup, Process

Manufacturing Plan Manufacturing Plan Manufacturing Plan Manufacturing Plan Manufacturing Plan Manufacturing Plan Manufacturing Plan

Set Policies & Parameters Plan Production Materials Plan Production Materials Plan Production Materials Plan Production Materials Plan Production Materials Plan Production Materials

Setup, Process Process Which operations/processes do you want to streamline for Master Scheduling? Process Which operations/processes do you want to eliminate for Master Scheduling? Process Are there time-intensive Master Scheduling operations/processes that need to be addressed? Process What business performance statistics do you monitor for Master Scheduling? Process What are your Master Scheduling reporting requirements with respect to summary or detail formats? Obtain report listing. Setup, Process What reports do you currently generate to meet your Master Scheduling reporting requirements? Provide examples of each. Include source (could be manual), user, frequency, number of copies. Setup, Process Are there any Master Scheduling reporting requirements that your current set of reports does not meet? Setup, Process Are Master Scheduling reports standard across multiple Sets of Books, for example, subsidiaries? Setup Are Master Scheduling reports standard across multiple levels within a Set of Books, i.e., divisions? Setup What account codes and/or descriptions are required on Master Scheduling reports? Setup Do you provide a "key" of content/information somewhere on the Master Scheduling report? Setup What Master Scheduling reports are grouped together on a regular basis and printed in one print run? Setup, Process Who receives a copy of the Master Scheduling reports? Are they viewed online? Do you receive a hard copy? Process What is the criteria for determining who should receive a copy of any Master Scheduling report? Process How do you update a Master Scheduling reports distribution list? Process Is the process to update a Master Scheduling reports distribution list documented? Process How long does it take to update a Master Scheduling reports distribution list? How long should it take? Process Who performs the tasks associated with updating a Master Scheduling reports distribution list? Process Is there any requirement for on-line (softcopy) distribution and/or remote location printing for Master Scheduling reports? Setup, Process Do some of these Master Scheduling reports belong in report sets? Always being run together? Setup Do the separate business units run their own Master Scheduling reports? Setup, Process, Performance Do you run Master Scheduling reports for different companies or cost centers? Setup, Process How do you currently control demand input? Do you have planners modify demand based on actuals on a weekly basis? Is it controlled from a central logistics focal point? Process Are you forced to run against Marketing requirements without making changes? Process Do you need to identify a specific MPS for a specific project? Process Do you plan only Process/ Batch production? Process Do you plan any repetitive production? Rework? Discrete? Assemble-toOrder? Process How long does the MPS take to finalize? Metric How long does the system take to create an MPS at peak periods? Performance How do you plan for preventive maintenance? How does this impact the Master Scheduling process? Process

6904 6905 6906 6907 6908 6909 6910 6911 6912 6913 6914 6915 6916 6917 6918 6919 6920 6921 6922 6923 6924 6925 6926 6927 6928

OPM Planning and Forecasting OPM Planning and Forecasting OPM Planning and Forecasting OPM Planning and Forecasting OPM Planning and Forecasting OPM Planning and Forecasting OPM Planning and Forecasting OPM Planning and Forecasting OPM Planning and Forecasting OPM Planning and Forecasting OPM Planning and Forecasting OPM Planning and Forecasting OPM Planning and Forecasting OPM Planning and Forecasting OPM Planning and Forecasting OPM Planning and Forecasting OPM Planning and Forecasting OPM Planning and Forecasting OPM Planning and Forecasting OPM Planning and Forecasting OPM Planning and Forecasting OPM Planning and Forecasting OPM Planning and Forecasting OPM Planning and Forecasting OPM Planning and Forecasting

Manufacturing Plan Manufacturing Plan Manufacturing Plan Manufacturing Plan Manufacturing Plan Manufacturing Plan Manufacturing Plan Manufacturing Plan Manufacturing Plan Manufacturing Plan Manufacturing Plan Manufacturing Plan Manufacturing Plan Manufacturing Plan Manufacturing Plan Manufacturing Plan Manufacturing Plan

Plan Production Materials Plan Production Materials Plan Production Materials Plan Production Materials Plan Production Materials Plan Production Materials Plan Production Materials Plan Production Materials Plan Production Materials Plan Production Materials Plan Production Materials Plan Production Materials Plan Production Materials Plan Production Materials Plan Production Materials Plan Production Materials Plan Production Materials

Publish the Master Production Schedule Publish the Master Production Schedule Publish the Master Production Schedule Publish the Master Production Schedule Publish the Master Production Schedule Publish the Master Production Schedule Publish the Master Production Schedule Publish the Master Production Schedule Publish the Master Production Schedule Publish the Master Production Schedule Publish the Master Production Schedule Publish the Master Production Schedule Publish the Master Production Schedule Publish the Master Production Schedule Publish the Master Production Schedule Publish the Master Production Schedule Publish the Master Production Schedule


Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting

Manufacturing Plan Manufacturing Plan Manufacturing Plan Manufacturing Plan Manufacturing Plan Manufacturing Plan Manufacturing Plan Manufacturing Plan

Plan Production Materials Plan Production Materials Plan Production Materials Plan Production Materials Plan Production Materials Plan Production Materials Plan Production Materials Plan Production Materials

Update MPS Update MPS Update MPS Update MPS Update MPS Update MPS Update MPS Update MPS


MPS MPS MPS Planning Planning MPS MPS Planning

131320756.xls.ms_office Page 194

RD.020 Business Process Questionnaire OBM Level I Type = Setup Metric Process Performance

OBM Level II 6929 6930 6931 6932 6933 6934 6935

OPM Planning and Forecasting OPM Planning and Forecasting OPM Planning and Forecasting OPM Planning and Forecasting OPM Planning and Forecasting OPM Planning and Forecasting OPM Planning and Forecasting Manufacturing Plan Manufacturing Plan Manufacturing Plan Manufacturing Plan Manufacturing Plan Manufacturing Plan Manufacturing Plan


Plan Production Materials Plan Production Materials Plan Production Materials Plan Production Materials Plan Production Materials Plan Production Materials Plan Production Materials

OBM Level IV
Update MPS Update MPS Update MPS Update MPS Update MPS Update MPS Publish the Master Production Schedule


OBM Row No.


MPS Maintenance Other Other Other Reporting Reporting

Process Analysis Questions

What are the focal areas within Master Production Scheduling that should be improved? How do you audit your Master Scheduling data?

6936 6937 6938 6939 6940 6941 6942 6943 6944 6945 6946 6947 6948 6949 6950 6951 6952 6953 6954 6955 6956 6957 6958 6959 6960 6961 6962 6963 6964

OPM Planning and Forecasting OPM Planning and Forecasting OPM Planning and Forecasting OPM Planning and Forecasting OPM Planning and Forecasting OPM Planning and Forecasting OPM Planning and Forecasting OPM Planning and Forecasting OPM Planning and Forecasting OPM Planning and Forecasting OPM Planning and Forecasting OPM Planning and Forecasting OPM Planning and Forecasting OPM Planning and Forecasting OPM Planning and Forecasting OPM Planning and Forecasting OPM Planning and Forecasting OPM Planning and Forecasting OPM Planning and Forecasting OPM Planning and Forecasting OPM Planning and Forecasting OPM Planning and Forecasting OPM Planning and Forecasting OPM Planning and Forecasting OPM Planning and Forecasting OPM Planning and Forecasting OPM Planning and Forecasting OPM Planning and Forecasting OPM Planning and Forecasting

Manufacturing Plan Manufacturing Plan Manufacturing Plan Manufacturing Plan Manufacturing Plan Manufacturing Plan Manufacturing Plan Manufacturing Plan Manufacturing Plan Manufacturing Plan Manufacturing Plan Manufacturing Plan Manufacturing Plan Manufacturing Plan Manufacturing Plan Manufacturing Plan Manufacturing Plan

Plan Production Materials Plan Production Materials Plan Production Materials Plan Production Materials Plan Production Materials Plan Production Materials Plan Production Materials Plan Production Materials Plan Production Materials Plan Production Materials Plan Production Materials Plan Production Materials Plan Production Materials Plan Production Materials Plan Production Materials Plan Production Materials Plan Production Materials

Publish the Master Production Schedule Publish the Master Production Schedule Publish the Master Production Schedule Publish the Master Production Schedule Publish the Master Production Schedule Publish the Master Production Schedule Publish the Master Production Schedule Publish the Master Production Schedule Publish the Master Production Schedule Publish the Master Production Schedule Publish the Master Production Schedule Publish the Master Production Schedule Publish the Master Production Schedule Publish the Master Production Schedule Publish the Master Production Schedule Publish the Master Production Schedule Publish the Master Production Schedule


Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting

Manufacturing Plan Manufacturing Plan Manufacturing Plan Manufacturing Plan Manufacturing Plan Manufacturing Plan Manufacturing Plan Manufacturing Plan Manufacturing Plan Manufacturing Plan Manufacturing Plan Manufacturing Plan

Plan Production Materials Plan Production Materials Plan Production Materials Plan Production Materials Plan Production Materials Plan Production Materials Plan Production Materials Plan Production Materials Plan Production Materials Plan Production Materials Plan Production Materials Plan Production Materials

Update MPS Update MPS Update MPS Update MPS Update MPS Update MPS Update MPS Update MPS Update MPS Update MPS Update MPS Update MPS


MPS MPS MPS Planning Planning MPS MPS Planning MPS MPS MPS Planning

Process Which operations/processes do you want to streamline for Master Scheduling? Process Which operations/processes do you want to eliminate for Master Scheduling? Process Are there time-intensive Master Scheduling operations/processes that need to be addressed? Process What business performance statistics do you monitor for Master Scheduling? Process What are your Master Scheduling reporting requirements with respect to summary or detail formats? Obtain report listing. Setup, Process What reports do you currently generate to meet your Master Scheduling reporting requirements? Provide examples of each. Include source (could be manual), user, frequency, number of copies. Setup, Process Are there any Master Scheduling reporting requirements that your current set of reports does not meet? Setup, Process Are Master Scheduling reports standard across multiple Sets of Books, for example, subsidiaries? Setup Are Master Scheduling reports standard across multiple levels within a Set of Books, i.e., divisions? Setup What account codes and/or descriptions are required on Master Scheduling reports? Setup Do you provide a "key" of content/information somewhere on the Master Scheduling report? Setup What Master Scheduling reports are grouped together on a regular basis and printed in one print run? Setup, Process Who receives a copy of the Master Scheduling reports? Are they viewed online? Do you receive a hard copy? Process What is the criteria for determining who should receive a copy of any Master Scheduling report? Process How do you update a Master Scheduling reports distribution list? Process Is the process to update a Master Scheduling reports distribution list documented? Process How long does it take to update a Master Scheduling reports distribution list? How long should it take? Process Who performs the tasks associated with updating a Master Scheduling reports distribution list? Process Is there any requirement for on-line (softcopy) distribution and/or remote location printing for Master Scheduling reports? Setup, Process Do some of these Master Scheduling reports belong in report sets? Always being run together? Setup Do the separate business units run their own Master Scheduling reports? Setup, Process, Performance Do you run Master Scheduling reports for different companies or cost centers? Setup, Process How do you currently control demand input? Do you have planners modify demand based on actuals on a weekly basis? Is it controlled from a central logistics focal point? Process Are you forced to run against Marketing requirements without making changes? Process Do you need to identify a specific MPS for a specific project? Process Do you plan only Process/ Batch production? Process Do you plan any repetitive production? Rework? Discrete? Assemble-toOrder? Process How long does the MPS take to finalize? Metric How long does the system take to create an MPS at peak periods? Performance How do you plan for preventive maintenance? How does this impact the Master Scheduling process? Process What are the focal areas within Master Production Scheduling that should be improved? Process Do you generate Master Production Schedules? Process What type of MPS outputs are used to manage your enterprise? May we Process, have sample reports? Performance How often do you generate a master schedule or material plan? Process

131320756.xls.ms_office Page 195

RD.020 Business Process Questionnaire OBM Level I Type = Setup Metric Process Performance

OBM Level II 6965 6966 6967 6968 6969 6970 6971 6972 6973 6974 6975 6976 6977 6978 6979 6980 6981 6982 6983 6984 6985 6986 6987 6988 6989 6990 6991 6992 6993 6994 6995 6996 6997 6998 6999
OPM Planning and Forecasting OPM Planning and Forecasting OPM Planning and Forecasting OPM Planning and Forecasting OPM Planning and Forecasting OPM Planning and Forecasting OPM Planning and Forecasting OPM Planning and Forecasting OPM Planning and Forecasting OPM Planning and Forecasting OPM Planning and Forecasting OPM Planning and Forecasting OPM Planning and Forecasting OPM Planning and Forecasting OPM Planning and Forecasting OPM Planning and Forecasting OPM Planning and Forecasting OPM Planning and Forecasting OPM Planning and Forecasting OPM Planning and Forecasting OPM Planning and Forecasting OPM Planning and Forecasting OPM Planning and Forecasting OPM Planning and Forecasting OPM Planning and Forecasting OPM (PR) Procurement OPM (PR) Procurement OPM (PR) Procurement OPM (PR) Procurement OPM (PR) Procurement OPM (PR) Procurement OPM (PR) Procurement OPM (PR) Procurement OPM (PR) Procurement OPM (PR) Procurement Manufacturing Plan Manufacturing Plan Manufacturing Plan Manufacturing Plan Manufacturing Plan


Plan Production Materials Plan Production Materials Plan Production Materials Plan Production Materials Plan Production Materials

OBM Level IV
Update MPS Update MPS Update MPS Update MPS Update MPS


OBM Row No.



Process Analysis Questions

Manufacturing Plan

Plan Production Materials

Update MPS

Manufacturing Plan Manufacturing Plan Manufacturing Plan

Plan Production Materials Plan Production Materials Plan Production Materials

Update MPS Update MPS Update MPS

Manufacturing Plan

Plan Production Materials

Update MPS

Manufacturing Plan

Plan Production Materials

Update MPS Publish the Master Production Schedule Publish the Master Production Schedule Update MPS Update MPS Update MPS Update MPS Update MPS Update MPS Publish the Master Production Schedule Update MPS Publish the Master Production Schedule Publish the Master Production Schedule Update MPS Publish the Master Production Schedule not identified not identified not identified not identified not identified not identified Distribute Payments not identified not identified not identified

Manufacturing Plan

Plan Production Materials

Manufacturing Plan Manufacturing Plan Manufacturing Plan Manufacturing Plan Manufacturing Plan Manufacturing Plan Manufacturing Plan Manufacturing Plan Manufacturing Plan Manufacturing Plan Manufacturing Plan Manufacturing Plan Manufacturing Plan Accounts Payable Accounts Payable Accounts Payable Accounts Payable Accounts Payable Accounts Payable Accounts Payable Accounts Payable Accounts Payable Accounts Payable

Plan Production Materials Plan Production Materials Plan Production Materials Plan Production Materials Plan Production Materials Plan Production Materials Plan Production Materials Plan Production Materials Plan Production Materials Plan Production Materials Plan Production Materials Plan Production Materials Plan Production Materials Make Payments Make Payments Make Payments not identified Make Payments Make Payments Make Payments Make Payments Make Payments Make Payments


Do you have to schedule tooling requirements? How does this impact Master Scheduling? Planning Process Do you generate Master Production Schedules? MPS Process What type of MPS outputs are used to manage your enterprise? May we Process, have sample reports? MPS Performance How often do you generate a master schedule or material plan? Planning Process Do you have to schedule tooling requirements? How does this impact Master Scheduling? Planning Process What types of performance measures do you use to measure MPS compliance? May we have samples? Process, MPS Performance What types of performance measures do you use to measure MPS compliance? May we have samples? Process, MPS Performance What happens when a master schedule requirement is missed? Do you reschedule? Do you maintain it as past due? MPS Process What happens when a master schedule requirement is missed? Do you reschedule? Do you maintain it as past due? MPS Process Describe the MPS planning process. Do you use the MasterSchedule to initiate Blanket Purchase Orders? To enable independent plant execution? To extrapolate cost projections for inventory? MPS Process Describe the MPS planning process. Do you use the MasterSchedule to initiate Blanket Purchase Orders? To enable independent plant execution? To extrapolate cost projections for inventory? MPS Process What type of printers do you run Master Scheduling reports on? Where are they located? Reporting Setup, Performance What type of printers do you run Master Scheduling reports on? Where are they located? Reporting Setup, Performance How many employees create Master Production Schedules? MPS Metric, Setup Do you have security requirements on who can enter data for Master Scheduling? (e.g. by company? by cost center?) Security Setup, Process Map each GL user to a menu structure. Will any new ones need to be created for Master Scheduling? Security Setup, Process How many employees create Master Production Schedules? MPS Metric, Setup Do you have security requirements on who can enter data for Master Scheduling? (e.g. by company? by cost center?) Security Setup, Process Map each GL user to a menu structure. Will any new ones need to be created for Master Scheduling? Security Setup, Process Do you have security reports on who can run Master Scheduling reports? (by company, by cost center etc.) Security Setup, Process Is terminal security required for Master Scheduling? Security Setup Do you run security reports on a regular basis for Master Scheduling? Security Process Do you have security reports on who can run Master Scheduling reports? (by company, by cost center etc.) Security Setup, Process Is terminal security required for Master Scheduling? Security Setup Do you run security reports on a regular basis for Master Scheduling? Security Process How long do you do check reconciliation? Check Reconciliation Process Do you get a tape from the bank for check reconciliation? If yes, who can Check Reconciliation provide us with the format of the bank tape's data? Process,Setup Is there a requirement to do on-line bank reconciliation's? Check Reconciliation Process What are the requirements for reporting tax payments (e.g. company, rate or tax authority)? Disbursement Setup Is there a requirement to support multiple domestic bank accounts? How many and where? Disbursement Setup Is there a requirement to support foreign currency bank accounts? How many and where Disbursement Setup What disbursement (document) types are currently processed through these bank accounts? Disbursement Setup How are your current payment terms structured? Disbursement Setup Do you use percent due or amount due with payment terms? Disbursement Setup Disbursement Are payment due dates calculated based on a specific day of the month or on a number of days from the payment terms date? Setup

131320756.xls.ms_office Page 196

RD.020 Business Process Questionnaire OBM Level I Type = Setup Metric Process Performance

OBM Level II 7000 7001 7002 7003 7004 7005 7006 7007 7008 7009 7010 7011 7012 7013 7014 7015 7016 7017 7018 7019 7020 7021 7022 7023 7024 7025 7026 7027 7028 7029 7030 7031 7032 7033 7034 7035 7036 7037 7038 7039 7040 7041 7042 7043 7044 7045 7046 7047 7048
OPM (PR) Procurement OPM (PR) Procurement OPM (PR) Procurement OPM (PR) Procurement OPM (PR) Procurement OPM (PR) Procurement OPM (PR) Procurement OPM (PR) Procurement OPM (PR) Procurement OPM (PR) Procurement OPM (PR) Procurement OPM (PR) Procurement OPM (PR) Procurement OPM (PR) Procurement OPM (PR) Procurement OPM (PR) Procurement OPM (PR) Procurement OPM (PR) Procurement OPM (PR) Procurement OPM (PR) Procurement OPM (PR) Procurement OPM (PR) Procurement OPM (PR) Procurement OPM (PR) Procurement OPM (PR) Procurement OPM (PR) Procurement OPM (PR) Procurement OPM (PR) Procurement OPM (PR) Procurement OPM (PR) Procurement OPM (PR) Procurement OPM (PR) Procurement OPM (PR) Procurement OPM (PR) Procurement OPM (PR) Procurement OPM (PR) Procurement OPM (PR) Procurement OPM (PR) Procurement OPM (PR) Procurement OPM (PR) Procurement OPM (PR) Procurement OPM (PR) Procurement OPM (PR) Procurement OPM (PR) Procurement OPM (PR) Procurement OPM (PR) Procurement OPM (PR) Procurement OPM (PR) Procurement Accounts Payable Accounts Payable Accounts Payable Accounts Payable Accounts Payable Accounts Payable Accounts Payable Accounts Payable Accounts Payable Accounts Payable Accounts Payable Accounts Payable Accounts Payable Accounts Payable Accounts Payable Accounts Payable Accounts Payable Accounts Payable Accounts Payable Accounts Payable Accounts Payable Accounts Payable Accounts Payable Accounts Payable Accounts Payable Accounts Payable Accounts Payable Accounts Payable Accounts Payable Accounts Payable Accounts Payable Accounts Payable Accounts Payable Accounts Payable Accounts Payable Accounts Payable Accounts Payable Accounts Payable Accounts Payable Accounts Payable Accounts Payable Accounts Payable Accounts Payable Accounts Payable Accounts Payable Accounts Payable Accounts Payable Accounts Payable


Make Payments Make Payments Make Payments Make Payments Make Payments Make Payments Make Payments Make Payments Make Payments Make Payments Make Payments Make Payments Make Payments Make Payments Make Payments Make Payments Make Payments Make Payments Make Payments Make Payments Make Payments Make Payments Make Payments Make Payments Make Payments Make Payments Make Payments Make Payments Make Payments Make Payments Make Payments Make Payments Make Payments Make Payments Make Payments Make Payments Make Payments Make Payments Make Payments Make Payments Make Payments Make Payments Receive Supplier Invoicing Receive Supplier Invoicing Receive Supplier Invoicing Receive Supplier Invoicing Receive Supplier Invoicing Receive Supplier Invoicing

OBM Level IV
not identified not identified not identified Generate Payments Generate Payments Generate Payments Generate Payments Generate Payments Generate Payments Generate Payments Write Manual Checks Create Single Payments Create Single Payments Enter Recurring Items Create Single Payments not identified not identified Generate Payments Generate Payments Generate Payments Enter Recurring Items Generate Payments Generate Payments Generate Payments Generate Payments Generate Payments Generate Payments Generate Payments Generate Payments Generate Payments Generate Payments Generate Payments Generate Payments Generate Payments not identified Generate Payments Generate Payments not identified not identified not identified Generate Payments Generate Payments Enter Supplier Invoices Enter Supplier Invoices Enter Supplier Invoices Enter Supplier Invoices Enter Supplier Invoices Enter Supplier Invoices


OBM Row No.


Disbursement Disbursement Disbursement Disbursement Disbursement Disbursement Disbursement Disbursement Disbursement Disbursement Disbursement Disbursement Disbursement Disbursement Disbursement Disbursement Disbursement Disbursement Disbursement Disbursement Disbursement Disbursement Disbursement Disbursement Disbursement Disbursement Disbursement Disbursement Disbursement Disbursement Disbursement Disbursement Disbursement Disbursement Disbursement Disbursement Disbursement Disbursement Disbursement Disbursement Disbursement Disbursement Invoicing Invoicing Invoicing Invoicing Invoicing Invoicing

Process Analysis Questions

Is there a provision for discounts within the current payment terms? Describe the discounts currently available, and those needed additionally for the future.


Setup How are discount dates calculated - based on a specific day of the month or on a number of days from the payment terms date? Setup Is there a requirement to use multiple discount levels at present or in the future? Setup How many different AP sites issue checks for suppliers? Metric How many checks do you write/produce per period? Metric Is there a requirement to use Computer Generated checks? What is your process to cancel checks? Is there a requirement to use Electronic Funds Transfer? Is there a requirement to use Wire Transfers? Is there a requirement to process Automatic Payments? Process Process Process Process

Process Is there a requirement to process Manual Payments? If so, is a separate bank account used? Process Is there a requirement to process Partial Payments? Process Is there a requirement to process Pre-Payments? Process Is there a requirement to process Recurring Payments? Is there a requirement to process immediately available Quick Checks? Process What is the current procedure for vendor advances? How are vendor advances reconciled when the vendor invoice is submitted? Process Do you have, or do you require, a priority system for payments? Describe its use. Setup, Process Would you use a priority system for payments? Process What is your current payment cycle? (How often do you print checks?) Process If recurring payments are used, what is the normal period cycle for these payments? Process Are all invoices paid in local currency and what currency is used? If not local, list the foreign currencies used. Setup, Process Will there be a requirement to use multiple currencies in the future? List the foreign currencies expected. Setup, Process Do check payments have to be approved before they are run? Process Do you have a minimum or maximum payment amount per check? Do you have a minimum or maximum payment amount per run? What is the current check layout for computer generated checks? How many formats do you have? Provide samples. Do you print the check number on the check/remittance or is it pre-printed? Setup,Process Should a remittance advice note be produced, and when? How should an overflow situation be handled? Is there any special sequencing of checks when printing? Is there a dedicated printer or print tray for checks? What type of printer(s) is used for checks? List location(s) Process Process Process Setup Process Process Setup,Process Setup, Metric Process Process

Setup What period types would be used for these reports, e.g. weekly, monthly or quarterly? Process Where are the pre-printed checks stored? Process Is there a requirement to restrict the access to the check printing function? What position or function has this authority? Setup, Process What is the policy/procedure for handling stop payments? Process What is the policy/procedure for handling void payments if they have been recorded? Process What is the policy/procedure for handling void payments if they have not been recorded? Process Do you pay any vendors on a priority basis according to funds available? Setup,Process Is there a requirement to prioritize payments? Setup Do you require batch control to manage invoice entry? Who enters invoices and how often? Do you receive invoices at a central location? How do you physically store invoices once entered into the computer? Process Are invoices billed to distinct companies, cost centers or other? Please describe. Process How many invoices per period do you enter? Metric Describe the security requirements on who can enter key AP processing data (invoice processing, payment processing, check processing)? Include what positions are involved and how? Setup,Process Setup,Process Process Process

OPM (PR) Procurement

Accounts Payable

Receive Supplier Invoicing

not identified




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RD.020 Business Process Questionnaire OBM Level I Type = Setup Metric Process Performance

OBM Level II 7049 7050 7051 7052 7053 7054 7055 7056
OPM (PR) Procurement Accounts Payable


Receive Supplier Invoicing

OBM Level IV
not identified


OBM Row No.



Process Analysis Questions


OPM (PR) Procurement OPM (PR) Procurement OPM (PR) Procurement OPM (PR) Procurement OPM (PR) Procurement OPM (PR) Procurement OPM (PR) Procurement

Accounts Payable Accounts Payable Accounts Payable Accounts Payable Accounts Payable Accounts Payable Accounts Payable

Receive Supplier Invoicing Receive Supplier Invoicing Receive Supplier Invoicing Receive Supplier Invoicing Receive Supplier Invoicing Receive Supplier Invoicing Receive Supplier Invoicing

not identified not identified Enter Supplier Invoices Enter Supplier Invoices Enter Supplier Invoices Enter Supplier Invoices Enter Supplier Invoices



Invoicing Invoicing Matching & Approval

How are invoices identified (numbered)? vendors invoice number, date, next allocated number? Setup What frequently used (recurring) expense distributions are used within your current system (e.g. rent or telephone payments)? Please list. Setup Are these recurring expenses for fixed or varying amounts? Setup Is there a requirement to match invoices to related purchase orders? Setup How are you currently matching invoices to purchase orders? Process Will some invoices never have purchase orders? Process Should invoices be matched completely, partially or both? Setup Do you perform 2, 3 or 4 way matching of invoices? Setup,Process Do you currently have any tolerance levels for matching such as Price Tolerance, Quantity Ordered Tolerance, Quantity Received Tolerance, Tax Tolerance? Please specify those levels used and their limits.

Matching & Approval Matching & Approval Matching & Approval Matching & Approval

7057 7058 7059 7060 7061 7062 7063 7064 7065 7066 7067 7068 7069 7070 7071 7072 7073 7074 7075 7076 7077 7078 7079 7080 7081 7082

OPM (PR) Procurement OPM (PR) Procurement OPM (PR) Procurement

Accounts Payable Accounts Payable Accounts Payable

Receive Supplier Invoicing Receive Supplier Invoicing Receive Supplier Invoicing

Enter Supplier Invoices Enter Supplier Invoices Enter Supplier Invoices



Matching & Approval

OPM (PR) Procurement OPM (PR) Procurement

Accounts Payable Accounts Payable

Receive Supplier Invoicing Receive Supplier Invoicing

Clear Supplier Holds Enter Supplier Invoices



OPM (PR) Procurement OPM (PR) Procurement OPM (PR) Procurement OPM (PR) Procurement OPM (PR) Procurement OPM (PR) Procurement OPM (PR) Procurement OPM (PR) Procurement OPM (PR) Procurement OPM (PR) Procurement OPM (PR) Procurement

Accounts Payable Accounts Payable Accounts Payable Accounts Payable Accounts Payable Accounts Payable Accounts Payable Accounts Payable Accounts Payable Accounts Payable Accounts Payable

Receive Supplier Invoicing not identified not identified not identified Receive Supplier Invoicing not identified not identified not identified not identified not identified not identified

Enter Supplier Invoices not identified not identified not identified not identified not identified not identified not identified not identified not identified not identified



Setup Would you like to approve your vendor invoices on-line, by batch or have both Matching & Approval options? Setup What is the internal approval process for a vendor invoice in your organization Matching & Approval at present? Process Are there situations where a vendor invoice needs to be placed on hold and then manually released? Describe the situations and the approval process to Matching & Approval release the hold. Setup,Process Describe the approval process when invoices need to be placed on hold and Matching & Approval manually released? Process Where an invoice needs to be placed on hold and then manually released, can these invoices be "posted" to the General Ledger? If not, please specify. Matching & Approval Setup,Process What other audit requirements are needed? Other Process Other Disbursement Invoicing Validation Maintenance Maintenance Other Other Other How many liability accounts do you use and what are they? Do you review requirements for validation rules, allowing certain Procurement accounts to be valid with only certain other values. How do you maintain your Invoice and Disbursement data (who enters, who reviews, etc)? Who does the maintenance? How do you audit your Invoice and Disbursement data (e.g., matching, matching tolerances, etc.) and by whom? What operations/processes (e.g., matching, match error resolution, etc.) do you want to streamline for Invoice and Disbursement? What operations/processes (e.g., manual matching, etc.) do you want to eliminate for Invoice and Disbursement? Are there any time-intensive Invoice and Disbursement operations/processes that need to be addressed? Do you have security restrictions on who can enter/maintain data for Invoice and Disbursement? (e.g., by company, by cost center, by position) Please describe restrictions. Do you need to restrict access to certain functions? How do you record taxes within the GL (number of accounts, type)? Setup Metric,Setup Setup Process Process Process Process Process Process

Not module specific PRPAYABLES 3 Not module specific PRPAYABLES 3 Not module specific PRPAYABLES 3 Not module specific PRPAYABLES 3 Not module specific PRPAYABLES 3 Not module specific PRPAYABLES 3

OPM (PR) Procurement

Accounts Payable

not identified

not identified

Not module specific PRPAYABLES 3


OPM (PR) Procurement OPM (PR) Procurement OPM (PR) Procurement OPM (PR) Procurement

Accounts Payable Accounts Payable Accounts Payable Accounts Payable

not identified not identified not identified not identified

not identified not identified not identified not identified

Not module specific PRPAYABLES 3 Not module specific PRPAYABLES 3 Not module specific PRPAYABLES 3 Not module specific PRPAYABLES 3

Security Security Security Security

OPM (PR) Procurement

Accounts Payable

not identified

not identified

Not module specific PRPAYABLES 3


OPM (PR) Procurement

Accounts Payable

not identified

not identified

Not module specific PRPAYABLES 3


OPM (PR) Procurement

Accounts Payable

not identified

not identified

Not module specific PRPAYABLES 3


OPM (PR) Procurement OPM (PR) Procurement

Accounts Payable Accounts Payable

not identified not identified

not identified not identified

Not module specific PRPAYABLES 3 Not module specific PRPAYABLES 3

Security Security

Process Do you have security reports on who can run Invoice and Disbursement reports (by company, by cost center, by position)? Describe process and who runs reports. Setup,Process Will there need to be terminal security for Invoice and Disbursement? Setup Do you run security reports on a regular basis for Invoice and Disbursement? Describe process and who runs reports. Process Do you have documentation on your current system security requirements for Invoice and Disbursement? Please provide copy. Process Map each GL user to a menu structure (current system or Oracle system if trained). Will any new menus need to be created for Invoice and Disbursement? Setup,Process Do you review requirements for validation rules, allowing certain Invoice and Disbursement accounts to be valid with only certain other values? Setup Do you have security requirements on who can enter/maintain data for Employee Expense (e.g., by company, by cost center, by position)? Process Do you have security reports on who can run Employee Expense reports (by company, by cost center, by position)? Describe process and who runs reports. Setup,Process Will there need to be terminal security for Employee Expense? Setup

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RD.020 Business Process Questionnaire OBM Level I Type = Setup Metric Process Performance

OBM Level II 7083 7084 7085 7086

OPM (PR) Procurement OPM (PR) Procurement Accounts Payable Accounts Payable


not identified not identified

OBM Level IV
not identified not identified


OBM Row No.


Security Security

Process Analysis Questions

Do you run security reports on a regular basis for Employee Expense?

Not module specific PRPAYABLES 3 Not module specific PRPAYABLES 3

OPM (PR) Procurement

Accounts Payable

not identified

not identified

Not module specific PRPAYABLES 3


OPM (PR) Procurement

Accounts Payable

not identified

not identified

Not module specific PRPAYABLES 3


7087 7088 7089 7090 7091 7092 7093 7094 7095 7096

OPM (PR) Procurement OPM (PR) Procurement OPM (PR) Procurement

Accounts Payable Accounts Payable Accounts Payable

not identified Receive Supplier Invoicing Receive Supplier Invoicing

not identified not identified Enter Supplier Invoices



Security Matching & Approval Matching & Approval

OPM (PR) Procurement

Accounts Payable

Manage Receive Goods

not identified




OPM (PR) Procurement

Accounts Payable

Manage Receive Goods

not identified




OPM (PR) Procurement OPM (PR) Procurement OPM (PR) Procurement OPM (PR) Procurement OPM (PR) Procurement

Accounts Payable Accounts Payable Accounts Payable Accounts Payable Accounts Payable

Manage Receive Goods Receive Supplier Invoicing Receive Supplier Invoicing Receive Supplier Invoicing Receive Supplier Invoicing

not identified not identified not identified not identified not identified



Multi-Org Matching & Approval Matching & Approval Purchase Orders Purchase Orders

7097 7098 7099 7100 7101 7102 7103 7104 7105 7106 7107 7108 7109 7110 7111 7112 7113 7114 7115 7116 7117

OPM (PR) Procurement OPM (PR) Procurement OPM (PR) Procurement OPM (PR) Procurement OPM (PR) Procurement

Accounts Payable Accounts Payable Accounts Payable Accounts Payable Accounts Payable

not identified Receive Supplier Invoicing Receive Supplier Invoicing Receive Supplier Invoicing Receive Supplier Invoicing

not identified not identified not identified not identified not identified



Security Matching & Approval Matching & Approval Matching & Approval Matching & Approval

OPM (PR) Procurement OPM (PR) Procurement OPM (PR) Procurement OPM (PR) Procurement OPM (PR) Procurement

Accounts Payable not identified not identified not identified not identified

not identified not identified not identified not identified not identified

not identified not identified not identified not identified not identified

SYSADMIN Not module specific Not module specific Not module specific PO


Security Other Other Other Multi-Language

OPM (PR) Procurement OPM (PR) Procurement OPM (PR) Procurement OPM (PR) Procurement OPM (PR) Procurement OPM (PR) Procurement OPM (PR) Procurement OPM (PR) Procurement OPM (PR) Procurement OPM (PR) Procurement OPM (PR) Procurement

not identified not identified not identified not identified not identified not identified not identified Ordering Ordering Ordering

not identified not identified not identified not identified not identified not identified not identified Process Expense Reports Process Expense Reports Process Expense Reports Process Expense Reports

not identified not identified not identified not identified not identified not identified not identified Process Employee Expenses Enter Expense Reports Process Employee Expenses Process Employee Expenses



2 2 2 2 2 2 2

Multi-Language Purchase Orders Vendors Purchase Orders Purchase Orders Vendors Security Employees Employees Employees Employees

Process Do you have documentation on your current system security requirements for Employee Expense? Please provide copy. Process Map each GL user to a menu structure (current system or Oracle system if trained). Will any new menus need to be created for Employee Expense? Setup,Process Do you review requirements for validation rules, allowing certain Employee Expense accounts to be valid with only certain other values. Setup Do you have security restrictions on who can process certain functions (e.g., print checks, void checks, etc.) for Employee Expense? (e.g., by company, by cost center, by position) Please describe restrictions. Setup, Process Do you directly associate (match) invoice distributions to receipt lines rather than through the PO? Setup,Process Do you have receipts that must have currency exchange rates captured as of the date of receipt and associated with that receipt? Setup,Process Do you produce INTRASTAT reports for the declaration of imports and exports involving the Intra-EU movement statistics of items. If so, attach sample. Setup,Process Do you produce EXTRASTAT reports for the declaration of imports and exports involving the movement statistics of items for countries outside the EU. If so, attach sample. Setup,Process Do you produce INTRASTAT/EXTRASTAT reports reporting the movement statistics of items with 'Country of Origin'. If so, attach sample. Setup,Process Do you match your AP invoice with the PO? Setup How do you match AP invoice data with PO data? What types of data and tolerances? Process Are there payment terms, not defined in Accounts Payable, that need to be defined for Purchasing to order goods/services? Metric Will tax names and rates, currently defined in current systems' Accounts Payable, have to be revised in any way? How? Setup Do you have security restrictions on who can process certain functions (e.g., print checks, void checks, etc.) for Invoice and Disbursement? (e.g., by company, by cost center, by position) Please describe restrictions. Setup, Process How do you match vendor information to your fixed assets systems when purchasing assets? Process How do you reconcile the purchases made with procurement cards? Setup,Process Do you require 2, 3 or 4 way matching? Please specify which one. Setup, Process Do you match your receipts with the PO's? Process Map each GL user to a menu structure (current system or Oracle system if trained). Will any new menus need to be created for Procurement? Setup,Process What operations/processes (e.g., sourcing, requisitions, etc.) do you want to streamline for Procurement? Process What operations/processes (e.g., manual requisitions, etc.) do you want to eliminate for Procurement? Process Are there any requested Procurement operations/ processes (e.g., on-line requisitioning, etc.) that need to be added? Process What date format is used by your current system's users and is this sufficient for your needs (e.g., 01-DEC-2000, 01-DEZ-2000, etc.)? Setup What currency format is used by your current system's users and is this sufficient for your needs (e.g., 1,000,000.00 for U.S., 1.000.000,00 for Germany, etc.)? Setup Is purchasing centralized or decentralized in your organization and is this the strategy for the new system? Setup Do you have single or multiple ship-to locations? Setup If purchasing is decentralized, how many plants or locations do purchasing? Setup If purchasing is decentralized, how many operating units are required to support purchasing security requirements. Setup Do you have single or multiple bill-to locations? Setup Will there need to be terminal security for Procurement? Setup What requirement is there to process employee expense reports? Please describe. Process Is there a standard employee expense claim form? Provide sample. Setup, Process What is the current process to generate expense payments to employees? Process How frequently are employee expense claims processed? Metric



Page 199

RD.020 Business Process Questionnaire OBM Level I Type = Setup Metric Process Performance

OBM Level II 7118 7119 7120 7121 7122 7123 7124 7125 7126 7127 7128 7129 7130 7131 7132 7133 7134 7135 7136 7137 7138 7139 7140 7141 7142 7143 7144 7145 7146 7147 7148 7149 7150 7151 7152 7153 7154 7155 7156 7157 7158 7159 7160 7161
OPM (PR) Procurement OPM (PR) Procurement OPM (PR) Procurement OPM (PR) Procurement OPM (PR) Procurement OPM (PR) Procurement Ordering Ordering Ordering Ordering Ordering Ordering


Process Expense Reports Process Expense Reports Process Expense Reports Process Expense Reports Process Expense Reports Process Expense Reports

OBM Level IV
Process Employee Expenses Process Employee Expenses Process Employee Expenses Process Employee Expenses Process Employee Expenses Process Employee Expenses


OBM Row No.


Employees Employees Employees Employees Employees Employees

Process Analysis Questions


How many employee expense claims are processed per the frequency used above? Metric Are these expense claims assigned a special pay priority (e.g., high or low, before/after other vendor payments)> Process,Setup What is the current procedure for employee advances? Process How are these reconciled when the expense claim is submitted? Process Do your employees have company credit cards? How are company credit cards managed (issued, audited, reconciled, etc.)? Process Do you import requisitions and from what source (outside systems, an MRP, an inventory system)? If so, please describe process to import them ? Process

OPM (PR) Procurement OPM (PR) Procurement OPM (PR) Procurement OPM (PR) Procurement OPM (PR) Procurement OPM (PR) Procurement OPM (PR) Procurement OPM (PR) Procurement OPM (PR) Procurement OPM (PR) Procurement OPM (PR) Procurement OPM (PR) Procurement OPM (PR) Procurement OPM (PR) Procurement OPM (PR) Procurement OPM (PR) Procurement OPM (PR) Procurement OPM (PR) Procurement OPM (PR) Procurement OPM (PR) Procurement OPM (PR) Procurement OPM (PR) Procurement OPM (PR) Procurement OPM (PR) Procurement OPM (PR) Procurement OPM (PR) Procurement

Ordering Ordering Ordering Ordering Ordering Ordering Ordering Ordering Ordering Ordering Ordering Ordering Ordering Ordering Ordering Ordering Ordering Ordering Ordering Ordering Ordering Ordering Ordering Ordering Ordering Ordering

Manage Requisitions Process Expense Reports Process Expense Reports Process Expense Reports Process Expense Reports Process Expense Reports Place Purchase Order Place Purchase Order not identified not identified not identified not identified Manage Requisitions Manage Requisitions not identified Manage Requisitions Place Purchase Order Place Purchase Order Place Purchase Order Place Purchase Order Place Purchase Order Place Purchase Order Place Purchase Order Place Purchase Order Place Purchase Order Place Purchase Order

not identified Enter Expense Reports Enter Expense Reports Process Employee Expenses Process Employee Expenses Process Employee Expenses not identified not identified not identified not identified not identified not identified not identified not identified not identified Select Suppliers not identified not identified not identified not identified not identified not identified not identified not identified not identified not identified



Requisitions Maintenance Maintenance Other Other Other Purchase Orders Purchase Orders Buyers Buyers Buyers Buyers Buyers Buyers Buyers Requisitions Purchase Order Purchase Orders Purchase Orders Purchase Orders Purchase Orders Purchase Orders Purchase Orders Purchase Orders Purchase Orders Purchase Orders At maximum, how many ordered items (lines ordered) are on a PO? How do you maintain your Employee Expense data (e.g., expense reports submitted, rejected, etc.) and by whom? How do you audit your Employee Expense data (e.g., expense report vs. payment, etc.) and by whom? What operations/processes (e.g., on-live vs. paper submissions, etc.) do you want to streamline for Employee Expense? What operations/processes (e.g., manual reviews, paperwork matching, etc.) do you want to eliminate for Employee Expense? Are there any time-intensive Employee Expense operations/processes that need to be addressed? Are MRP planned purchase orders automatically assigned to a specific vendor? If so, based on what criteria? Are MRP planned purchase orders automatically assigned to an existing master or blanket order? If so, based on what criteria? Are your buyers assigned to certain vendors, commodities, or items? Please provide list of assignments. Are buyers assigned by part, commodity, plant, randomly, other?

Process Process Process Process Process Process Process Process Setup


Setup Does the buyer merge requisitions together for a single order? Describe process. Process Is a buyer required to purchase from a requested vendor? Setup Can a buyer modify a PO or requisition without a corresponding change request/authorization from the requisitioner? Setup How does a buyer communicate a modified PO or requisition if no change request/authorization from the requisitioner is needed? Process Do you use expediters and how do you use them? Please list current/expected expediters. Setup How do you select vendors to fill requisitions and place PO's? Setup,Process What types of purchase orders do you use (e.g., Standard, Blanket, Contract, etc.) and for what purpose? Setup How do you define each purchase order type? Setup How many purchase orders do you issue monthly? Metric On the average, how many ordered items (lines ordered) are on a PO? Metric Metric How many different formats do you have for printed purchase orders? Provide samples. Setup Obtain a copy of each type of PO format Setup What percentage of purchased parts are intended for non-manufacturing use? Metric Do you create purchase orders from on-line requisitions? Process How do you control modifications to your purchase orders? Do you attach text (e.g., quality or material specifications, etc.) to your purchase order? How much text is required (provide worst case sample)? Setup

OPM (PR) Procurement OPM (PR) Procurement OPM (PR) Procurement OPM (PR) Procurement OPM (PR) Procurement

Ordering Ordering Ordering Ordering Ordering

Place Purchase Order Manage Requisitions Manage Requisitions Manage Requisitions Manage Requisitions

not identified not identified not identified not identified not identified


Purchase Orders Requisitions Requisitions Requisitions Requisitions

Process Does your procurement system utilize/issue requisitions? If so, please describe how used. Process What is the approval process for requisitions? Process Who can approve requisitions (e.g., the requesters, manager, etc.)? Setup What criteria (e.g., value, commodity, plant, budget, other) is used for approval of requisitions? Setup Does the requisition generation/approval process change by item type (e.g., by direct inventory materials, expensed materials, etc.)? Describe processes. Setup, Process What is the resubmittal/approval process for rejected requisitions? Process Who creates requisitions? Are requisitions combined for purchase order creation and how? Process Process Are vendors and prices always entered on the requisition or are they not required? Describe. Setup Do you automatically or manually generate requisition numbers? Setup Do you order some items frequently enough to justify using express requisitions? Setup

OPM (PR) Procurement OPM (PR) Procurement OPM (PR) Procurement OPM (PR) Procurement OPM (PR) Procurement OPM (PR) Procurement OPM (PR) Procurement

Ordering Ordering Ordering Ordering Ordering Ordering Ordering

Manage Requisitions Manage Requisitions Manage Requisitions Manage Requisitions Manage Requisitions Manage Requisitions Manage Requisitions

not identified not identified not identified not identified Select Suppliers not identified not identified



Requisitions Requisitions Requisitions Requisitions Requisitions Requisitions Requisitions

131320756.xls.ms_office Page 200

RD.020 Business Process Questionnaire OBM Level I Type = Setup Metric Process Performance

OBM Level II 7162 7163 7164 7165 7166 7167 7168 7169 7170 7171 7172 7173 7174 7175 7176 7177 7178 7179 7180 7181 7182 7183 7184 7185 7186 7187 7188 7189 7190 7191 7192 7193 7194 7195 7196 7197 7198 7199 7200 7201 7202 7203 7204 7205 7206 7207
OPM (PR) Procurement OPM (PR) Procurement OPM (PR) Procurement OPM (PR) Procurement OPM (PR) Procurement OPM (PR) Procurement Ordering Ordering Ordering Ordering Ordering Ordering


Manage Requisitions Manage Requisitions not identified not identified Manage Requisitions Manage Requisitions

OBM Level IV
not identified not identified not identified not identified not identified not identified


OBM Row No.


Requisitions Requisitions Purchase Orders Purchase Orders Purchase Orders Requisitions

Process Analysis Questions


Can any employee potentially submit a requisition and/or PO? If not, what type of employees can do so? What percent of your employee base does this include? Process What goods or services do you order regularly? Process Are products purchased by one legal entity on behalf of another legal entity? Setup,Process Are purchase orders created from requisitions generated in other businesses? Describe how this is currently done. ProcessSetup Are contracts on projects going to be used? If so, will they be associated with a line item on a requisition or purchase order? Process Do you allow requisitions created by MRP to 'self-approve' and be ready for PO release? Setup,Process Do you print supplier documents (e.g., RFQ's, PO's, etc) in the language of the supplier? If so, please provide samples of each language supported. Setup What is the approval process for each buyer? Setup What are the purchasing limits for each buyer? What is the approval process for purchase orders? Setup Setup, Process Do you use unit of measure conversion for POs? If so, which ones (provide list)? Setup Are requisitions automated or manual? Describe and attach sample. Setup How are requisitions issued? Process Are requisitions entered in a central location or do they come from multiple locations? Process How do you identify items when requisitioning (by your item number, vendor part number, part number revision level, description, etc.)? Setup What is the current process of creating a new purchase order for manufacturing use? (direct material) Process What percentage of purchased parts are intended for manufacturing use? Metric Do you modify existing purchase orders? Describe process. Setup Do you close purchase orders before they have been actually received & invoiced? Describe. Setup Do you automatically (by system) or manually generate purchase order numbers? Setup Who (by position or name) has access to defining each type of purchase order? Setup Who are your buyers? How many are there? Where are they located? Setup Do you update or change the accounting distribution information for line items in your purchase orders? Process Do you procurement cards issued to users in place of some PO's? Process How do you manage the issue and tracking of procurement cards? Setup,Process How are RFQs presently managed with respect to creation, transmittal, receipt/analysis and approval? Setup, Process How do you decide who to buy from? Process Do you take advantage of discounts or price breaks? Process What do you do when you want to stop purchasing from a particular vendor? Process Do you enter purchase orders for items that do not require "receipting"? Setup,Process Do you use request for quotations/bids? What is the process for creating a request for quotations/bids from your vendors? How do you enter/maintain quotations and other quotation information from your vendors? How do you decide which quotations are available to reference on your purchase orders? What items to be purchased (e.g., by item, by commodity, by cost level, etc.) require that valid request for quotations be used? How many RFQ's do you issue per month? Do you obtain quotations from phone, catalogs or by other means? Do you maintain quotations/bids history? How long? Are request for quotations/bids (RFQ's) automated? Do you use unit of measure conversion for RFQs? Are your requisitions or PO's associated with quotations? How? Do you keep track of price breaks on volumes? Process Process Process Process Process Metric Process Process Setup Setup Process

OPM (PR) Procurement OPM (PR) Procurement OPM (PR) Procurement OPM (PR) Procurement OPM (PR) Procurement OPM (PR) Procurement OPM (PR) Procurement OPM (PR) Procurement OPM (PR) Procurement OPM (PR) Procurement OPM (PR) Procurement OPM (PR) Procurement OPM (PR) Procurement OPM (PR) Procurement OPM (PR) Procurement OPM (PR) Procurement OPM (PR) Procurement OPM (PR) Procurement OPM (PR) Procurement OPM (PR) Procurement OPM (PR) Procurement OPM (PR) Procurement OPM (PR) Procurement OPM (PR) Procurement OPM (PR) Procurement OPM (PR) Procurement OPM (PR) Procurement OPM (PR) Procurement OPM (PR) Procurement OPM (PR) Procurement OPM (PR) Procurement OPM (PR) Procurement OPM (PR) Procurement OPM (PR) Procurement OPM (PR) Procurement OPM (PR) Procurement OPM (PR) Procurement OPM (PR) Procurement OPM (PR) Procurement OPM (PR) Procurement

Ordering Ordering Ordering Ordering Ordering Ordering Ordering Ordering Ordering Ordering Ordering Ordering Ordering Ordering Ordering Ordering Ordering Ordering Ordering Sourcing Sourcing Sourcing Sourcing Sourcing Sourcing Sourcing Sourcing Sourcing Sourcing Sourcing Sourcing Sourcing Sourcing Sourcing Sourcing Sourcing Sourcing Sourcing Sourcing Sourcing

Place Purchase Order not identified not identified Place Purchase Order Place Purchase Order Manage Requisitions Manage Requisitions Manage Requisitions Manage Requisitions Place Purchase Order Place Purchase Order Place Purchase Order Place Purchase Order Place Purchase Order Place Purchase Order not identified Place Purchase Order Manage Purchase Cards Manage Purchase Cards Obtain Bids & Quotations not identified not identified not identified not identified Obtain Bids & Quotations Obtain Bids & Quotations Obtain Bids & Quotations Obtain Bids & Quotations Obtain Bids & Quotations Obtain Bids & Quotations Obtain Bids & Quotations Obtain Bids & Quotations Obtain Bids & Quotations Obtain Bids & Quotations Obtain Bids & Quotations Obtain Bids & Quotations Obtain Bids & Quotations Obtain Bids & Quotations Obtain Bids & Quotations Manage Requisitions

not identified not identified not identified not identified not identified not identified not identified not identified not identified not identified not identified not identified not identified not identified not identified not identified not identified not identified not identified not identified not identified not identified not identified not identified not identified not identified not identified not identified not identified not identified not identified not identified not identified not identified not identified not identified not identified not identified not identified not identified


Multi-Language Buyers Buyers Purchase Orders Purchase Orders Requisitions Requisitions Requisitions Requisitions Purchase Orders Purchase Orders Purchase Orders Purchase Orders Purchase Orders Purchase Orders Buyers Purchase Orders Purchase Orders Purchase Orders Purchase Orders Purchase Orders Purchase Orders Purchase Orders Purchase Orders RFQ RFQ RFQ RFQ RFQ RFQ RFQ RFQ RFQ RFQ RFQ RFQ RFQ RFQ RFQ RFQ


PRSOURCING 3 PRSOURCING 3 PRSOURCING 3 PRORDERING 3 PR9001 PR9001 PR9001 PR9001 PR9001 PR9001 PR9001 PR9001 PR9001 PR9001 PR9001 PR9001 PR9001 PR9001 PR9001 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4

Process Do you receive notification from your system when a quotation is about to expire? Do you need to? Setup Do you require RFQ's before you create a purchase order? Process Who typically invoices an RFQ? Process What paperwork is involved to submit a requisition? Process


131320756.xls.ms_office Page 201

RD.020 Business Process Questionnaire OBM Level I Type = Setup Metric Process Performance

OBM Level II 7208 7209 7210 7211 7212 7213 7214 7215 7216 7217 7218 7219 7220 7221 7222 7223 7224 7225 7226 7227 7228 7229 7230 7231
OPM (PR) Procurement OPM (PR) Procurement Sourcing Sourcing


Manage Requisitions not identified

OBM Level IV
not identified not identified


OBM Row No.


Purchase Orders Purchase Orders

Process Analysis Questions

Will different businesses need to be supplied with (share purchase volumes for) the same items? What businesses and what items/commodities?


OPM (PR) Procurement OPM (PR) Procurement OPM (PR) Procurement

Sourcing Sourcing Sourcing

not identified not identified not identified

not identified not identified not identified



Purchase Orders Purchase Orders Purchase Orders

Setup Are foreign currency conversions used? If so, how are exchange rates updated? Setup Are procurement items ordered (requisition/PO) according to commodity class codes? What are the processes and logic for their use? Setup Do you override the item description on a requisition or PO? How? Setup How do you manage subcontracting? Do you require that purchase orders being sent to Vendors that are on hold in Accounts Payable be stopped? If so, how is this currently done? Process

OPM (PR) Procurement


not identified

not identified



Purchase Orders

OPM (PR) Procurement OPM (PR) Procurement OPM (PR) Procurement OPM (PR) Procurement OPM (PR) Procurement OPM (PR) Procurement OPM (PR) Procurement OPM (PR) Procurement OPM (PR) Procurement OPM (PR) Procurement

Sourcing Sourcing Supplier Management & Evaluation Supplier Management & Evaluation Supplier Management & Evaluation Supplier Management & Evaluation Supplier Management & Evaluation Supplier Management & Evaluation Supplier Management & Evaluation Supplier Management & Evaluation

not identified Obtain Bids & Quotations Manage Supplier Base Manage Supplier Base Manage Supplier Base Manage Supplier Base Manage Supplier Base Manage Supplier Base Manage Supplier Base Manage Supplier Base

not identified not identified not identified not identified not identified not identified Maintain Database Details Maintain Database Details Maintain Database Details Maintain Database Details



Purchase Orders Purchase Orders Other Vendors Vendors Disbursement Maintenance Maintenance Security Suppliers


Not module specific PRSUPBASMA 5 Not module specific PRSUPBASMA 5 Not module specific PRSUPBASMA 5 OPMPMGT, PO

OPM (PR) Procurement

Supplier Management & Evaluation

Manage Supplier Base

Add Information to AVL




OPM (PR) Procurement

Supplier Management & Evaluation

Manage Supplier Base

Manage Supplier Catalogs




OPM (PR) Procurement OPM (PR) Procurement OPM (PR) Procurement OPM (PR) Procurement OPM (PR) Procurement

Supplier Management & Evaluation Supplier Management & Evaluation Supplier Management & Evaluation Supplier Management & Evaluation Supplier Management & Evaluation

Manage Supplier Base Manage Supplier Base Manage Supplier Base Manage Supplier Base Manage Supplier Base

Manage Supplier Catalogs not identified not identified not identified not identified



Requisitions Vendors Vendors Vendors Vendors

OPM (PR) Procurement

Supplier Management & Evaluation

Manage Supplier Base

Maintain Database Details



7232 7233 7234 7235 7236 7237 7238 7239 7240 7241

OPM (PR) Procurement OPM (PR) Procurement OPM (PR) Procurement OPM (PR) Procurement OPM (PR) Procurement OPM (PR) Procurement OPM (PR) Procurement OPM (PR) Procurement OPM (PR) Procurement OPM (PR) Procurement

Supplier Management & Evaluation Supplier Management & Evaluation Supplier Management & Evaluation Supplier Management & Evaluation Supplier Management & Evaluation Supplier Management & Evaluation Supplier Management & Evaluation Supplier Management & Evaluation Supplier Management & Evaluation Supplier Management & Evaluation

Manage Supplier Base Manage Supplier Base Manage Supplier Base Manage Supplier Base Manage Supplier Base Manage Supplier Base Manage Supplier Base Manage Supplier Base Manage Supplier Base Manage Supplier Base

Maintain Database Details not identified not identified not identified not identified not identified not identified not identified not identified not identified



Security Vendors Vendors Vendors Vendors Vendors Vendors Vendors Vendors Vendors

Process Are there non-payment vendor sites, not defined in Accounts Payable, that need to be defined for Purchasing to order goods/services? Please describe and provide list of samples. Process Are the non-payment vendor sites, not defined in Accounts Payable, that need to be defined for Purchasing considered "RFQ Only" sites? Process Do you track duplicate vendor information within the Payables system? Process Which vendors should be grouped and why? Setup,Process Do you differentiate vendor sites which can receive payments and sites which cannot receive payments? Setup Do you have a central registry of vendors that supports more than one business? Process How do you maintain your Procurement data (current system name, buy cards, etc.) and by whom? Process How do you audit your Procurement data (timing, event-driven) and by whom? Process Do you have documentation on your current system security requirements for Procurement? Please provide copy. Process What are the names and locations of your freight carriers? What accounts do you charge them to? Setup, Process Is a buyer required to purchase from an approved, or 'certified' vendor? Describe extent of these vendors (number, type, commodity, etc). Setup Is there a pre-defined catalog or set of catalogs of items provided to requisitioners that defines the items, costs, and sources eligible to be ordered? If so, please describe the location of the catalog(s). Setup Is there a pre-defined exchange provided to requisitioners that defines the items, costs, and sources eligible to be ordered? If so, please describe the location of the catalog(s). Setup Who currently maintains the vendor files (Procurement or Accounts Payable)? Process How many vendors do you have? Metric What vendor negotiating tools do you use? Process Does commodity coding help identify vendors? Setup Do you have security restrictions on who can enter/maintain data for Procurement (e.g., by company, by cost center, by position)? Please describe restrictions. Setup, Process Do you have security restrictions on who can process certain functions (e.g., assign item to Auth. Supply List, etc.) for Procurement (e.g., by company, by cost center, by position)? Please describe restrictions. Setup, Process What is the basis for your vendor category breakdown? Setup Do you have a single consolidated vendor list? Setup Do you have vendors listed in your files multiple times? Please describe purpose. Setup How do you manage vendors with multiple addresses? Setup Do you have preferred vendors and how do you identify them? Setup How do you manage vendor numbering? Setup Do you put employees as vendors? If not, how do you pay employee expenses? Setup Do you have shared vendors between companies? Provide listing? Setup What vendor analysis do you perform? Process

131320756.xls.ms_office Page 202

RD.020 Business Process Questionnaire OBM Level I Type = Setup Metric Process Performance
Setup How are vendors categorized for financial tracking purposes? Setup Do you have a single consolidated vendor list for each legal entity/business or is it consolidated across all entities/businesses? Setup Do you group vendors for payment purposes and how? Setup,Process Do you have a standard naming convention for vendors when the name is like "John Smith"? Is it "Smith John" or "John Smith"? Setup Do you require vendors to provide you with updates to their current PO's? If not, is this a future need? Setup,Process Do you provide vendors with access to their order data via the Internet? If not, is this a future need? Setup,Process How do you enroll/register your vendors to have Internet access to your order data for them? Setup,Process Do you have security restrictions on who can run Procurement reports (by company, by cost center, by position)? Setup,Process Do you run security reports on a regular basis for Procurement? Describe process and who runs reports. Process What do you consider the unique aspects of how your business handles formulas? Process Map each GL user to a menu structure. Will any new ones need to be created for New Product Introduction? Setup,Process Do you review requirements for validation rules, allowing certain New Product Introduction accounts to be valid with only certain other values. Setup What are your security requirements for creating lab formulations? What are the requirements for passing them for usage to Manufacturing? Setup, Process What processes do you want to streamline for new product introductions? Process What business performance statistics do you monitor for new product introduction? Metric What are your reporting requirements for new product information? Process What reports do you currently generate to meet these reporting requirements? Process Is there any new product introduction reporting requirements that your current set of reports does not meet? if yes explain Process How often do you introduce new products? Process How many significant upgrades have you done to your current product over the past three years? Process How long does the typical new product introduction take, from decision/design to production release to market? Process How do you maintain your New Product Introduction data? Process How do you audit your New Product Introduction data? Process Which operations/processes do you want to streamline for New Product Introduction? Process Which operations/processes do you want to eliminate for New Product Introduction? Process Are there any time-intensive New Product Introduction operations/processes that need to be addressed? Process Do you have security requirements on who can enter data for New Product Introduction? (e.g. by company? by cost center?) Process Do you have security reports on who can run New Product Introduction reports? (by company, by cost center etc.) Setup,Process Will there need to be terminal security for New Product Introduction? Setup Do you run security reports on a regular basis for New Product Introduction? Process Do you have documentation on your current system security requirements for New Product Introduction? Process Describe your development process Process Do you track the cost of a new product introduction separately from your established production cost? Process How is the price of the product set? Process Is the price set independent of the cost of manufacture? Process Is the price set only on a competitive basis? Process

OBM Level II 7242 7243 7244 7245 7246 7247 7248 7249 7250 7251 7252 7253 7254 7255 7256 7257 7258 7259 7260 7261 7262 7263 7264 7265 7266 7267 7268 7269 7270 7271 7272 7273 7274 7275 7276 7277 7278
OPM (PR) Procurement OPM (PR) Procurement OPM (PR) Procurement OPM (PR) Procurement OPM (PR) Procurement OPM (PR) Procurement OPM (PR) Procurement OPM (PR) Procurement OPM (PR) Procurement OPM (PR) Procurement OPM Product Development OPM Product Development Supplier Management & Evaluation Supplier Management & Evaluation Supplier Management & Evaluation Supplier Management & Evaluation Supplier Management & Evaluation Supplier Management & Evaluation Supplier Management & Evaluation Supplier Management & Evaluation Supplier Management & Evaluation Supplier Management & Evaluation Design Engineering Design Engineering


Manage Supplier Base Manage Supplier Base Manage Supplier Base Manage Supplier Base Manage Supplier Base Manage Supplier Base Manage Supplier Base Manage Supplier Base Manage Supplier Base Manage Supplier Base Design Initial Concept Design Initial Concept

OBM Level IV
not identified not identified not identified not identified not identified not identified not identified not identified Maintain Database Details Maintain Database Details Review Concept Viability Review Cost Projections


OBM Row No.


Vendors Vendors Vendors Vendors Vendors Vendors Vendors Vendors Security Security Other Security

Process Analysis Questions

Are vendors categorized for reporting purposes?


OPM Product Development

Design Engineering

Design Initial Concept

Review Cost Projections



OPM Product Development OPM Product Development OPM Product Development OPM Product Development OPM Product Development OPM Product Development OPM Product Development OPM Product Development OPM Product Development OPM Product Development OPM Product Development OPM Product Development OPM Product Development OPM Product Development OPM Product Development OPM Product Development OPM Product Development OPM Product Development OPM Product Development OPM Product Development OPM Product Development OPM Product Development OPM Product Development OPM Product Development

Design Engineering Design Engineering Design Engineering Design Engineering Design Engineering Design Engineering Design Engineering Design Engineering Design Engineering Design Engineering Design Engineering Design Engineering Design Engineering Design Engineering Design Engineering Design Engineering Design Engineering Design Engineering Design Engineering Design Engineering Design Engineering Design Engineering Design Engineering Design Engineering

Make Preliminary Design Make Preliminary Design Make Preliminary Design Make Preliminary Design Make Preliminary Design Make Preliminary Design Make Preliminary Design Make Preliminary Design Make Preliminary Design Make Preliminary Design Make Preliminary Design Make Preliminary Design Make Preliminary Design Make Preliminary Design Make Preliminary Design Make Preliminary Design Make Preliminary Design Make Preliminary Design Make Preliminary Design Make Preliminary Design Design Initial Concept Design Initial Concept Design Initial Concept Design Initial Concept

Verify BOM Make Detailed Design Make Detailed Design Make Detailed Design Make Detailed Design Make Detailed Design Make Detailed Design Make Detailed Design Make Detailed Design Maintain BOM Verify BOM Make Detailed Design Make Detailed Design Make Detailed Design Make Detailed Design Make Detailed Design Make Detailed Design Make Detailed Design Make Detailed Design Make Detailed Design Review Cost Projections Review Cost Projections Review Cost Projections Review Cost Projections


Security Maintenance Reporting Reporting Reporting Reporting Maintenance Initiating New Products Initiating New Products Maintenance Maintenance Other Other Other Security Security Security Security Security Initiating New Products Costing Pricing Pricing Pricing

131320756.xls.ms_office Page 203

RD.020 Business Process Questionnaire OBM Level I Type = Setup Metric Process Performance
Metric Do you have a change control board or a configuration control group? Setup What is the typical lead time for implementing Formulas? Setup Do you design for manufacturability or assembly? Process Do you follow form - fit - function rules of interchangeability? Process Do you use up all the material that you plan to obsolete? Process How many formulas do you have? What types? Do you have special costing formulas? Do you use formulas to create co-products or by-products? Are phantoms used in your formulas? Process Setup Setup How are formulas configured? By unit value or percentage? Setup Do you use a single routing for multiple formulas/versions? Setup How accurate are your present formulas? Metric How accurate are your present routings? Metric Who verifies and approves formulas? Process Is there a formulation engineering group in your company? Process Do you have an engineering production line for new products? Process Does general technology change in your industry drive new product introduction? Process Do you track the cost of a new product introduction separately from you established production costs? Metric How do you cost the new product? Setup Do you have a new product procurement procedure? Process How do you deal with open shop orders when component revisions change? Process Do you use routings to capture cost information? Setup, Process Do you define and maintain a sequence for operational activities including resource usage and process quantities? Setup, Process Are direct labor resources tied to your routings? Setup Are there direct labor skill categories identified in the routings? if so list them Setup Do you attach overhead to your resources? if so what types? Setup Do you have buyers and planners who work specifically with new product introduction? Setup How is the process controlled? Do you have special formulas that are under laboratory control? Process Do you need to maintain lab formulas for historical purposes? Process What is your volume of laboratory formulations? Process Do you maintain Laboratory formulas? Do you modify versions? If so how do you control them? Setup, Process Do special conversions exist and what is the decimal precision for the conversions? Setup What types of technical parameters do you use when developing formulas? Setup Does your current system provide for these calculations? List some examples Process Do you use technical parameter results to calculate new technical parameters? Setup Do you vary potency or strength when developing lab formulas? Process What type of mathematical expressions are used when developing formulas? Setup Do you require effectivity control for lab formulas? Process

OBM Level II 7279 7280 7281 7282 7283 7284 7285 7286 7287 7288 7289 7290 7291 7292 7293 7294 7295 7296 7297 7298 7299 7300 7301 7302 7303 7304 7305 7306 7307 7308 7309 7310 7311 7312 7313 7314 7315 7316
OPM Product Development OPM Product Development OPM Product Development OPM Product Development OPM Product Development OPM Product Development OPM Product Development OPM Product Development OPM Product Development OPM Product Development OPM Product Development OPM Product Development OPM Product Development OPM Product Development OPM Product Development OPM Product Development OPM Product Development OPM Product Development OPM Product Development OPM Product Development OPM Product Development OPM Product Development OPM Product Development OPM Product Development OPM Product Development OPM Product Development OPM Product Development OPM Product Development OPM Product Development OPM Product Development OPM Product Development OPM Product Development OPM Product Development OPM Product Development OPM Product Development OPM Product Development OPM Product Development OPM Product Development Design Engineering Design Engineering Design Engineering Design Engineering Design Engineering Design Engineering Design Engineering Design Engineering Design Engineering Design Engineering Design Engineering Design Engineering Design Engineering Design Engineering Design Engineering Design Engineering Design Engineering Design Engineering Design Engineering Design Engineering Design Engineering Design Engineering Design Engineering Design Engineering Design Engineering Design Engineering Design Engineering Design Engineering Design Engineering Design Engineering Design Engineering Design Engineering Design Engineering Design Engineering Design Engineering Design Engineering Design Engineering Design Engineering


Design Initial Concept Design Initial Concept Design Initial Concept Design Initial Concept Design Initial Concept Make Preliminary Design Make Preliminary Design Make Preliminary Design Make Preliminary Design Make Preliminary Design Make Preliminary Design Make Preliminary Design Make Preliminary Design Make Preliminary Design Design Initial Concept Make Preliminary Design Design Initial Concept Design Initial Concept Design Initial Concept Design Initial Concept Make Preliminary Design Make Preliminary Design Make Preliminary Design Make Preliminary Design Make Preliminary Design Make Preliminary Design Make Preliminary Design Design Initial Concept Make Preliminary Design Make Preliminary Design Make Preliminary Design Make Preliminary Design Make Preliminary Design Make Preliminary Design Make Preliminary Design Make Preliminary Design Make Preliminary Design Make Preliminary Design

OBM Level IV
Review Concept Viability Review Concept Viability Review Concept Viability Review Concept Viability Review Concept Viability Confirm item usage Maintain BOM Maintain BOM Maintain BOM Maintain BOM Route Maintenance Verify BOM Route Maintenance Verify BOM Review Concept Viability Confirm Prototype Review Concept Viability Review Cost Projections Review Cost Projections Review Concept Viability Confirm item usage Route Maintenance Route Maintenance Route Maintenance Route Maintenance Route Maintenance Maintain BOM Review Concept Viability Maintain BOM Maintain BOM Maintain BOM Make Detailed Design Make Detailed Design Make Detailed Design Make Detailed Design Make Detailed Design Make Detailed Design Verify BOM

Formula Formula Formula Formula Formula Formula Formula Formula Formula Formula Formula Formula Formula Formula FORMULA FORMULA FORMULA FORMULA, COST FORMULA, COST FORMULA, PO Formula, Prod Formula, Prod Formula, Prod Formula, Prod Formula, Prod Formula, Prod INV, PO, MRP LAB LAB LAB LAB LAB LAB LAB LAB LAB LAB LAB

OBM Row No.


Change Policy Change Policy Change Policy Change Policy Control Rules Control Rules Maintenance Maintenance Maintenance Change Policy Control Rules Other Other Control Rules Initiating New Products ECN Initiating New Products Costing Costing Procurement Control Rules Maintenance Maintenance Maintenance Maintenance Maintenance Procurement Initiating New Products History Maintenance Maintenance Validation Validation Validation Validation Validation Validation Control Rules

Process Analysis Questions

What is the rate at which you introduce changes?

131320756.xls.ms_office Page 204

RD.020 Business Process Questionnaire OBM Level I Type = Setup Metric Process Performance
Process Do you require fixed quantities for ingredients like catalysts? Setup Do you replace existing ingredients with modified ingredient versions? How is this handled? Process Do you require text information with lab formulas? Is there any special format? Setup, Process Do you use special item codes? Setup Do you use special UOM's? What are they and what types? Setup How do you maintain your new product introduction data? Process How are lab requirements for ingredients communicated? How are they procured or planned for? Process How do you prevent usage of laboratory ingredients within the manufacturing process? Process When do you release new product to production? What is the release process? Process Do you use existing quality control assay and test information to test laboratory formulas? If so what types? Setup, Process Does your marketing department drive the new product introduction? Process Do your customers drive the new product introduction? Process How many new products do you introduce over a fiscal year? Metric Do you sell the prototypes? Process When do you release the new product to production? Process How often does your Company introduce new products? Process Do departments charge their time against these projects? Process Do you establish a project for the new product? Process Do you usually have to buy new tooling for new product introduction? Setup Do you build prototypes? Process Who builds prototypes, Production or Engineering? Process Do you have departments charge their time against these projects? Performance Do you do any design and prototyping prior to public announcements? Process What are your Formula Change reporting requirements with respect to summary or detail formats? Obtain report listing. Setup, Process What reports do you currently generate to meet your Formula Change reporting requirements? Provide examples of each. Include source (could be manual), user, frequency, number of copies. Setup,Process Is there any Formula Change reporting requirement that your current set of reports does not meet? Setup Do you have security requirements on who can enter data for Formula Change? (e.g. by company? by cost center?) Process Do you have security reports on who can run Formula Change reports? (by company, by cost center etc.) Setup,Process Will there need to be terminal security for Formula Change? Setup Do you run security reports on a regular basis for Formula Change? Process Do you have documentation on your current system security requirements for Formula Change? Process How are formula changes communicated to manufacturing, distribution, order processing, shipping and other key organizations? Setup What type of effectiveness do you use? (Date, Lot, Serial) Process Do you have multiple locations making the same formula? If yes do any of the ingredients vary? Setup If you have multiple formulas for the same products how are they differentiated (i.e. size, date, routing, customer) Setup Do you establish formula effectivities by: date, plant, customer, production quantity? Setup

OBM Level II 7317 7318 7319 7320 7321 7322 7323 7324 7325 7326 7327 7328 7329 7330 7331 7332 7333 7334 7335 7336 7337 7338 7339 7340 7341 7342 7343 7344 7345 7346 7347 7348 7349 7350 7351 7352 7353
OPM Product Development OPM Product Development OPM Product Development OPM Product Development OPM Product Development OPM Product Development OPM Product Development OPM Product Development OPM Product Development OPM Product Development OPM Product Development OPM Product Development OPM Product Development OPM Product Development OPM Product Development OPM Product Development OPM Product Development OPM Product Development OPM Product Development OPM Product Development OPM Product Development OPM Product Development OPM Product Development OPM Product Development OPM Product Development Design Engineering Design Engineering Design Engineering Design Engineering Design Engineering Design Engineering Design Engineering Design Engineering Design Engineering Design Engineering Design Engineering Design Engineering Design Engineering Design Engineering Design Engineering Design Engineering Design Engineering Design Engineering Design Engineering Design Engineering Design Engineering Design Engineering Design Engineering Design Engineering Document Release


Make Preliminary Design Make Preliminary Design Make Preliminary Design Make Preliminary Design Make Preliminary Design Make Preliminary Design Make Preliminary Design Make Preliminary Design Make Preliminary Design Make Preliminary Design Make Preliminary Design Design Initial Concept Design Initial Concept Make Preliminary Design Make Preliminary Design Make Preliminary Design Make Preliminary Design Make Preliminary Design Design Initial Concept Make Preliminary Design Make Preliminary Design Make Preliminary Design Make Preliminary Design Make Preliminary Design Manage Release

OBM Level IV
Confirm Item Usage Make Detailed Design Confirm Item Usage Maintain BOM Make Detailed Design Make Detailed Design Make Detailed Design Confirm Item Usage Verify BOM Route Maintenance Confirm Prototype Review Concept Viability Review Concept Viability Make Detailed Design Confirm Prototype Confirm Prototype Make Detailed Design Make Detailed Design Review Concept Viability Route Maintenance Confirm Prototype Confirm Prototype Make Detailed Design Confirm Prototype Release Documentation


OBM Row No.


Control Rules Validation Change Policy Maintenance Maintenance Maintenance Maintenance Procurement Control Rules Control Rules Validation Initiating New Products Initiating New Products Initiating New Products Prototype Prototype Initiating New Products Maintenance Costing Procurement Prototype Prototype Costing Prototype Reporting

Process Analysis Questions

How are lab ingredients controlled that appear in more than one formula?

OPM Product Development OPM Product Development OPM Product Development OPM Product Development OPM Product Development OPM Product Development OPM Product Development OPM Product Development OPM Product Development OPM Product Development OPM Product Development OPM Product Development

Document Release Document Release Document Release Document Release Document Release Document Release Document Release Document Release Document Release Document Release Document Release Document Release

Manage Release Manage Release Manage Release Manage Release Manage Release Manage Release Manage Release Manage Release Manage Effectivity Manage Effectivity Manage Effectivity Manage Effectivity

Release Documentation Release Documentation Manage Documentation Control Manage Documentation Control Manage Documentation Control Manage Documentation Control Manage Documentation Control Release Documentation Manage Effectivity Control Date Manage Effectivity Control Date Manage Effectivity Control Date Manage Effectivity Control Date

ALL ALL ALL ALL ALL ALL ALL Formula Formula Formula Formula Formula

Reporting Reporting Security Security Security Security Security Change Policy Control Rules Control Rules Control Rules Control Rules

131320756.xls.ms_office Page 205

RD.020 Business Process Questionnaire OBM Level I Type = Setup Metric Process Performance
Setup Setup Setup Is text required as part of formula information? Setup Do you audit formula and routing accuracy? Process Who does the audit? What is the frequency? Process What type of formula retention requirements do you have? Process Do you use routings for your formulas? Setup, Process Do you record actual material usage at each routing step? Process Do you record other than material usage at each routing step?, i.e. labor, machine hours How many resources are include in a typical routing? How many operations are included in a typical routing? Process Setup, Process Setup How are machine resources tied to your routings? By workcenter, departments, production lines? How are changes made and documented on your manufacturing formulas? What types of hard copy information is required? Is this information currently passed to Manufacturing? How is the manufacturing group notified of formulation changes? Does your process require overlapping of operations? Setup, Process Process Process Process Setup, Process Does the manufacturing group adhere to the formulation composition? Can they make variations? How do you get document approvals? How do you maintain your Formula Change data? Process Process Process How do you audit your Formula Change data? ALL ALL ALL ALL Formula Documentation Formula Documentation Formula Formula Change Policy Change Policy Change Policy Maintenance Which operations/processes do you want to streamline for Formula Change? Other Which operations/processes do you want to eliminate for Formula Change? Other Other Change Policy Process Process Process Are there any time-intensive Formula Change operations/processes that need to be addressed? Process Do you use change requests as well as official change control orders? Process Do you retain change control history? Process Do you have a document control group? Setup How many people initiate, process and implement Formula Changes? Setup Do you create formula changes as a result of product failure, customer returns, or purely from research and development? Describe this process. Process Who is responsible for maintaining Formulas? R&D? Engineering? Process How many levels are your formulas? Setup, Process How is a formula currently inactivated? Process How often are formulas revised? Process What is the volume of formula transactions made in your current environment? Process What is the volume of maintenance performed for ingredient changes? Process Do you have mass change capability in your system? Process Who can submit changes to formulas and routings? Process

OBM Level II 7354 7355 7356 7357 7358 7359 7360 7361 7362 7363 7364 7365 7366 7367 7368 7369 7370 7371 7372 7373 7374 7375 7376 7377 7378 7379 7380 7381 7382 7383 7384 7385 7386 7387 7388 7389 7390
OPM Product Development OPM Product Development OPM Product Development OPM Product Development OPM Product Development OPM Product Development OPM Product Development OPM Product Development OPM Product Development OPM Product Development OPM Product Development OPM Product Development OPM Product Development OPM Product Development OPM Product Development OPM Product Development OPM Product Development OPM Product Development OPM Product Development OPM Product Development OPM Product Development OPM Product Development OPM Product Development OPM Product Development OPM Product Development OPM Product Development OPM Product Development OPM Product Development Document Release Document Release Document Release Document Release Document Release Document Release Document Release Document Release Document Release Document Release Document Release Document Release Document Release Document Release Document Release Document Release Process Development Process Development Product Maintenance Product Maintenance Product Maintenance Product Maintenance Product Maintenance Product Maintenance Product Maintenance Product Maintenance Product Maintenance Product Maintenance


Manage Effectivity Manage Effectivity Manage Effectivity Manage Release Manage Release Manage Release Manage Release Manage BOMs/Routings Manage BOMs/Routings Manage BOMs/Routings Manage BOMs/Routings Manage BOMs/Routings Manage BOMs/Routings Manage BOMs/Routings Manage Release Manage Release Manage Process Engineering Manage Process Engineering Manage Engineering Change Order Manage Engineering Change Order Manage Engineering Change Order Manage Engineering Change Order Manage Engineering Change Order Manage Engineering Change Order Manage Engineering Change Order Manage Engineering Change Order Manage Engineering Change Order Manage Engineering Change Order

OBM Level IV
Manage Effectivity Control Date Manage Effectivity Control Date Manage Effectivity Control Date Release Documentation Manage Documentation Control Manage Documentation Control Manage Documentation Control Manage BOM/Routing Control Manage BOM/Routing Control Manage BOM/Routing Control Manage BOM/Routing Control Manage BOM/Routing Control Manage BOM/Routing Control Manage BOM/Routing Control Release Documentation Release Documentation Assemble Process Change

Formula Formula Formula Formula Formula Formula Formula Formula, Prod Formula, Prod Formula, Prod Formula, Prod Formula, Prod Formula, Prod Formula, Prod Formula, Prod Formula, Prod Formula, Prod

OBM Row No.


Control Rules Control Rules Maintenance Maintenance Control Rules Control Rules History Maintenance Maintenance Maintenance Maintenance Maintenance Maintenance Change Policy Reporting Change Policy Maintenance Change Policy Change Policy Maintenance

Process Analysis Questions

Do you manage multiple effectivities that overlap in certain condition? Are these managed with user-defined priority logic? Do you define rule-based effectivities to specify the exact conditions under which the formula is defined? Do you specify effectivities by formula and routing version?

Assemble Process Change Formula, Prod Maintain ECO Documentation status ALL Implement ECO Maintain ECO status Evaluate ECO Evaluate ECO Evaluate ECO Request ECO Maintain ECO status Maintain ECO status Request ECO ALL Documentation

OPM Product Development OPM Product Development OPM Product Development OPM Product Development OPM Product Development OPM Product Development OPM Product Development OPM Product Development OPM Product Development

Product Maintenance Product Maintenance Product Maintenance Product Maintenance Product Maintenance Product Maintenance Product Maintenance Product Maintenance Product Maintenance

Manage Engineering Change Order Manage Engineering Change Order Manage Engineering Change Order Manage Engineering Change Order Manage Engineering Change Order Manage Engineering Change Order Manage Engineering Change Order Manage Engineering Change Order Manage Engineering Change Order

Create ECO Maintain ECO Documentation status Request ECO Request ECO Request ECO Implement ECO Implement ECO Implement ECO Request ECO

Formula Formula Formula Formula Formula Formula Formula Formula Formula

Change Policy Maintenance Control Rules Control Rules Maintenance Maintenance Maintenance Change Policy Control Rules

131320756.xls.ms_office Page 206

RD.020 Business Process Questionnaire OBM Level I Type = Setup Metric Process Performance

OBM Level II 7391 7392 7393 7394 7395 7396 7397 7398 7399 7400 7401 7402 7403 7404 7405 7406 7407 7408 7409 7410 7411 7412 7413 7414 7415 7416 7417 7418 7419 7420 7421 7422 7423 7424 7425 7426 7427 7428
OPM Product Development OPM Product Development OPM Product Development OPM Product Development OPM Product Development OPM Product Development OPM Product Development OPM Product Development OPM Product Development OPM Product Development OPM Product Development OPM Product Development OPM Product Development OPM Product Development OPM Product Development OPM Product Development OPM Quality Management OPM Quality Management OPM Quality Management OPM Quality Management OPM Quality Management Product Maintenance Product Maintenance Product Maintenance Product Maintenance Product Maintenance Product Maintenance Product PrototypeValidation Product PrototypeValidation Product PrototypeValidation Product PrototypeValidation Product PrototypeValidation Product PrototypeValidation Product PrototypeValidation Product PrototypeValidation Product PrototypeValidation Product PrototypeValidation Corporate Quality Plan Corporate Quality Plan Corporate Quality Plan Corporate Quality Plan Corporate Quality Plan


Manage Engineering Change Order Manage Product Design Database Manage Product Design Database Manage Product Design Database Manage Product Design Database Manage Engineering Change Order Certify Products Certify Products Manage Product Data Manage Product Data Certify Products Manage Product Data Manage Product Design Manage Product Design Certify Products Certify Products Maintain Quality Directive / Mission Maintain Quality Directive / Mission Maintain Quality Directive / Mission Manage Quality Plan Manage Quality Plan

OBM Level IV
Resubmit ECO Maintain Item Master Database Maintain Item Master Database Maintain Item Master Database Maintain Item Master Database Implement ECO Comply with Corporate Standards Comply with Quality Plan Manage Product Design Manage Product Design Comply with Corporate Standards Manage Product Design Estimate Product Costs Estimate Product Costs Comply with Corporate Standards Comply with Quality Plan Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified


OBM Row No.


Change Policy Change Policy Control Rules Maintenance Control Rules Change Policy Change Policy Control Rules Control Rules Control Rules Change Policy Control Rules Maintenance Reporting Other Other ALL Management Management Other ALL

Process Analysis Questions

How many schedule changes are made due to ingredient problems?

OPM Quality Management OPM Quality Management OPM Quality Management OPM Quality Management OPM Quality Management OPM Quality Management OPM Quality Management OPM Quality Management OPM Quality Management OPM Quality Management OPM Quality Management OPM Quality Management OPM Quality Management OPM Quality Management OPM Quality Management OPM Quality Management OPM Quality Management

Corporate Quality Plan Corporate Quality Plan Corporate Quality Plan Corporate Quality Plan Corporate Quality Plan Corporate Quality Plan Corporate Quality Plan Corporate Quality Plan Corporate Quality Plan Corporate Quality Plan Corporate Quality Plan Corporate Quality Plan Corporate Quality Plan Corporate Quality Plan Corporate Quality Plan Corporate Quality Plan Corporate Quality Plan

Manage Quality Plan Manage Quality Plan Manage Quality Plan Manage Quality Plan Manage Quality Plan Manage Quality Plan Manage Quality Plan Manage Quality Plan Manage Quality Plan Manage Quality Plan Manage Standards & Measurements Maintain Quality Directive / Mission Maintain Quality Directive / Mission Maintain Quality Directive / Mission Manage Quality Plan Manage Quality Plan Manage Quality Plan

Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified

ALL ALL ALL ALL ALL ALL ALL ALL ALL ALL ALL Enhance Quality Collection Plans Enhance Quality Collection Plans Collection Plans ALL ALL ALL

Process Does Formula Implementation increase the revision number or constitute a different part number for the end product? Setup Do you group similar products together into Product Families? Process Are intermediates included as part of your formulas? Setup, Process Do you have a different process for items associated with Projects? Process How are formula variations handled; adjustments, blends, rework Process Do you comply with corporate level engineering changes? Setup Do your formulas contain hazardous materials? Do they require regulatory information? How do you do it today? Process Are formulas scaled? Are they scaled by percent or product quantity? Setup Are all ingredients scaled or are some held at constant quantities? Setup How accurate are your formulas? Do you substitute ingredients? How are substitutions tracked? Setup, Process How are ingredients released to your formulas? Automatic, incremental, manual? Setup, Process Do you perform or wish to perform activity based costing? Process Do you track value-added and non-value-added costs? Process Is there a linkage between actual production and the R&D function? How is this currently handled? Process Is Quality Assurance involved in the formulation process? In what way? Process What are the policies that govern how the process will function? Process How do you determine which products and business processes require quality control and reporting? Performance Do you have an incentive program for building and shipping quality product? Performance What operations/processes do you want to eliminate for Quality Management? Process What are the business functions that must be accomplished in order to complete the process? Process List and classify each business function by type (a combination of Manual or System-assisted, and Internal or External) and responsible agent (owner). Process What are the key decisions that drive the process? Process What are the constraints that limit or control the process? Process What types of security and controls are used regarding key information? Performance Where are the process bottlenecks? Performance What are representative transaction volumes for key process steps? Performance What are the drivers of transaction volume surge and peak loads? Performance How stable is the transaction throughput? Performance What are the opportunities for improving the process? Performance Where are the current weak areas? Performance Do standards exist for process steps? Process How are quality collection plans revised, improved and generally updated based on corrective action cycles? Process To what extent can collection plans be user-defined (including key information)? Setup To what extent can elements be user-defined on collection plans (including lengths and precision, and validation logic)? Setup Do Quality Management policies, procedures and work instructions exist? If so, please provide sample. Process What is/are the key output(s) of the Quality Management process? Process How does the customer recognize that the process has been completed (e.g., reports, alerts, etc.)? Process

131320756.xls.ms_office Page 207

RD.020 Business Process Questionnaire OBM Level I Type = Setup Metric Process Performance

OBM Level II 7429 7430 7431 7432 7433 7434 7435 7436 7437 7438 7439 7440 7441 7442 7443 7444 7445 7446 7447 7448 7449 7450 7451 7452 7453 7454 7455 7456 7457 7458 7459 7460 7461 7462 7463 7464 7465 7466 7467 7468 7469 7470
OPM Quality Management OPM Quality Management OPM Quality Management OPM Quality Management OPM Quality Management OPM Quality Management OPM Quality Management OPM Quality Management OPM Quality Management OPM Quality Management OPM Quality Management OPM Quality Management OPM Quality Management OPM Quality Management OPM Quality Management OPM Quality Management OPM Quality Management OPM Quality Management OPM Quality Management Corporate Quality Plan Corporate Quality Plan Corporate Quality Plan Corporate Quality Plan Corporate Quality Plan Corporate Quality Plan Corporate Quality Plan Corporate Quality Plan Corporate Quality Plan Corporate Quality Plan Corporate Quality Plan Corporate Quality Plan Corporate Quality Plan Corporate Quality Plan Corporate Quality Plan Corporate Quality Plan Corporate Quality Plan Corporate Quality Plan Corporate Quality Plan


Manage Quality Plan Manage Quality Plan Manage Quality Plan Manage Quality Plan Manage Quality Plan Manage Quality Plan Manage Quality Plan Manage Quality Plan Manage Quality Plan Manage Quality Plan Manage Quality Plan Manage Quality Plan Manage Quality Plan Manage Quality Plan Manage Quality Plan Manage Quality Plan Manage Quality Plan Manage Quality Plan Manage Standards & Measurements

OBM Level IV
Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified


OBM Row No.


ALL ALL ALL Collect Quality Results Specifications Specifications Specifications Specifications Collection Plans Collection Plans Collection Plans Collection Plans History Management Collection Plans Maintenance ALL ALL ALL

Process Analysis Questions

Does a schematic exist that depicts all storage points for material or information? Process What are the reasons for acquiring the new application system relevant to this business area? Performance What families of products or inputs carry the most value through the process? Performance Describe the procedure and level of difficulty encountered when new quality collection elements must be added to existing plans. Process Do you maintain Specifications by Item & Operation? Setup Do you maintain Specifications by input characteristic? Do you maintain Specifications by a combination of Item and input characteristic? Supplier? Customer? Do you maintain on-line specifications using: target values? Validation ranges? Lists of values? Do you have the capability to determine what quality characteristics must be entered based on other entries or actions? Do you reuse system-assisted, pre-built Quality Plans to simplify receiving inspection? Is data gathering restricted to subsets by family or other grouping to reduce volume? Must users develop collection plans that vary by site or organization for the same transaction? To what other systems is quality information exported? Setup Setup Setup Setup Setup Setup Setup

OPM Quality Management OPM Quality Management OPM Quality Management

Corporate Quality Plan Corporate Quality Plan Corporate Quality Plan

Manage Standards and Measurements Not identified Manage Standards and Measurements Not identified Manage Standards and Measurements Not identified


Collection Plans Specifications Maintenance

OPM Quality Management OPM Quality Management OPM Quality Management OPM Quality Management OPM Quality Management OPM Quality Management OPM Quality Management OPM Quality Management OPM Quality Management OPM Quality Management OPM Quality Management OPM Quality Management OPM Quality Management OPM Quality Management OPM Quality Management OPM Quality Management OPM Quality Management OPM Quality Management OPM Quality Management OPM Quality Management

Corporate Quality Plan Corporate Quality Plan Corporate Quality Plan Corporate Quality Plan Corporate Quality Plan Corporate Quality Plan Corporate Quality Plan Corporate Quality Plan Corporate Quality Plan Corporate Quality Plan Corporate Quality Plan Corporate Quality Plan Corporate Quality Plan Corporate Quality Plan Corporate Quality Plan Corporate Quality Plan Corporate Quality Plan Corporate Quality Plan Corporate Quality Plan Corporate Quality Plan

Manage Standards and Measurements Not identified Manage Standards and Measurements Not identified Manage Standards and Measurements Not identified Manage Standards and Measurements Not identified Manage Standards and Measurements Not identified Manage Quality Plan Not identified


Collection Plans Collect Quality Results Collect Quality Results Collection Plans Collect Quality Results Adjust Accounts Management

Process How does the quality management system interface with total preventive and predictive maintenance programs? Performance Do you sample material? How often? Process Do you require text as part of the QC function? Is it product or assay specific? Setup, Process What reports do you currently generate to meet your Quality reporting requirements? Performance Is there any quality reporting requirements that your current set of reports does not meet? Performance What are the activity drivers and how are they measured and valued? Performance What are the important characteristics and elements you plan to collect? (class by type: identification, reference, variables, attributes) Setup Do you specify assay results formats? Process Do you define specific assay units of measure? If yes what types? Setup Do you establish assay requirements such as saturation, temperature, viscosity, color and flavor among other characteristics? Setup, Process What types of quality testing do you perform? For example, raw materials, finished goods, packaging, WIP, vendor site Setup, Process What types of tests are run? For example chemical, microbiological, packaging? Process Do you use master assays and then vary individual test ranges for products, ingredients and/or intermediates? Setup, Process How many assays are performed by sample type? What is the volume of samples? Process Do you automatically take credit for returned goods in payables? Process Do you measure the cost of quality? Metric What Quality Management data do you maintain and how is it maintained? Process What request or event launches the Quality Management processes? Please provide listing. Process What is the source of each set of key information? Process What are the data capture methods? Process What are the redundancies (particularly data entry)? Performance How do you integrate your quality system(s) with other operating subsystems (like Purchasing, Inventory, Manufacturing, etc.)? Process Describe how quality results must be collected in "background" (i.e. no operator intervention)? Process Are field info (like returns) incorporated? Process Will you accept obsolete products for return? Process How do you audit your Quality Management data? How is data entry audited? Process Performance What are the operating systems transactions from which quality results must be collected? Process Do you use hold codes for material or product that is out of specification? If so what are their characteristics? Setup

Manage Standards and Measurements Not identified Manage Quality Plan Manage Quality Plan Manage Quality Plan Manage Quality Plan Manage Quality Plan Manage Quality Plan Manage Quality Plan Manage Quality Plan Manage Quality Plan Manage Standards & Measurements Manage Standards & Measurements Manage Standards & Measurements Manage Quality Plan Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified

Maintenance ALL ALL ALL ALL Collect Quality Results Collect Quality Results Return Material Return Material Maintenance ALL Collect Quality Results Specifications

131320756.xls.ms_office Page 208

RD.020 Business Process Questionnaire OBM Level I Type = Setup Metric Process Performance
Process Performance How do you measure efficiency? ALL How do you measure response or service to the customer? ALL How do you measure the stability of key process steps? ALL How are material review board workflows enabled? Disposition nonconforming material Disposition nonconforming material Management Repair or Replace Management Management Test/Inspect Take Corrective Action Capture Cost of Quality Analyze Quality Results Management Management Management Security For what reasons do you segregate suspect material? Planning, Costing, Scrap? Do you accept obsolete products for return? Are responsibilities for dispositioning nonconformances established by name? Department? Role? Process Do you have a material review board for suspect purchased material or customer returned material? What are the policies governing rework vs. replace? Performance Process Process Performance Performance Performance

OBM Level II 7471 7472 7473 7474 7475 7476 7477 7478 7479 7480 7481 7482 7483 7484 7485 7486 7487 7488 7489 7490 7491 7492 7493 7494 7495 7496 7497 7498 7499 7500 7501 7502 7503 7504 7505
OPM Quality Management OPM Quality Management OPM Quality Management OPM Quality Management OPM Quality Management Corporate Quality Plan Quality Compliance Mgmt Quality Compliance Mgmt Quality Compliance Mgmt Quality Compliance Mgmt


Manage Quality Plan Calibration & Audits Calibration & Audits Calibration & Audits Calibration & Audits

OBM Level IV
Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified


OBM Row No.


Collection Plans ALL

Process Analysis Questions

Are you required to reconcile material usage within QC? How is it currently done? How do you measure value for key process steps?

OPM Quality Management

Quality Compliance Mgmt


Not identified


OPM Quality Management OPM Quality Management OPM Quality Management OPM Quality Management OPM Quality Management OPM Quality Management OPM Quality Management OPM Quality Management OPM Quality Management OPM Quality Management OPM Quality Management OPM Quality Management OPM Quality Management

Quality Compliance Mgmt Quality Compliance Mgmt Quality Compliance Mgmt Quality Compliance Mgmt Quality Compliance Mgmt Quality Compliance Mgmt Quality Compliance Mgmt Quality Compliance Mgmt Quality Compliance Mgmt Quality Compliance Mgmt Quality Compliance Mgmt Quality Compliance Mgmt Quality Compliance Mgmt


Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified

Review Compliance Results & Reports Not identified Review Compliance Results & Reports Not identified Review Compliance Results & Reports Not identified Review Compliance Results & Reports Not identified Review Compliance Results & Reports Not identified Review Compliance Results & Reports Not identified Review Compliance Results & Reports Not identified Review Compliance Results & Reports Not identified

OPM Quality Management OPM Quality Management OPM Quality Management OPM Quality Management OPM Quality Management OPM Quality Management OPM Quality Management OPM Quality Management

Quality Compliance Mgmt Quality Compliance Mgmt Quality Compliance Mgmt Quality Compliance Mgmt Quality Compliance Mgmt Quality Compliance Mgmt Quality Compliance Mgmt Quality Compliance Mgmt

Review Compliance Results & Reports Not identified Review Compliance Results & Reports Not identified Review Compliance Results & Reports Not identified Analyze Suppliers Calibration & Audits Calibration & Audits Calibration & Audits Calibration & Audits Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified

Security ALL Management Collect Quality Results Collect Quality Results Collect Quality Results Collect Quality Results Management Disposition nonconforming material Take Corrective Action Disposition nonconforming material Management Management

Process Are test and inspection instructions available at critical steps throughout the supply chain? Setup Do all process outputs serve as events for other quality or management processes? Process What are the components of enterprise wide quality costs and how are they gathered (including sources)? Performance Is it necessary to consolidate across systems? Process How are reporting responsibilities assigned? Performance What are the drivers for updating reporting requirements? Performance Do you compare quality trends to trends in productivity, supplier compliance, plant and equipment utilization and custom satisfaction? Performance Do you have documentation on your current system security requirements for Quality Management? Please provide copy. Process Map each GL user to a menu structure (current system or Oracle system if trained). Will any new menus need to be created for Quality Management? Setup,Process What are the control points for performance measurement and management? Status? Value? Location? Performance Are you regulated by special groups for product compliance? If so which ones,, FDA, EPA? What are their special requirements? Performance Do you capture and report Supplier process factors that are affecting product quality? Process Is the current system able to auto-populate collection elements? Process Are collection elements ever calculated as a function of other elements (in addition to constants)? Process Do you use automatic test equipment for sample testing? if so what types? Setup, Process What are the key indicators that are measured with the domain of the quality management system? Performance What percentage of material is returned for re-work? Performance Do you track corrective actions from MRB or Supplier audit event through analysis, action, change control (like ECO) and pre-control planning? Process How long does it take you to disposition discrepant material?

OPM Quality Management

Quality Compliance Mgmt


Not identified


OPM Quality Management

Quality Compliance Mgmt


Not identified


OPM Quality Management OPM Quality Management OPM Quality Management

Quality Compliance Mgmt Quality Compliance Mgmt Quality Compliance Mgmt


Not identified Not identified Not identified


Performance Do you segregate suspect material for planning purposes? Do you segregate suspect material for costing and/or scrapping purposes? Setup Do you track and disposition customer returned material by lot number? Setup

OPM Quality Management

Quality Compliance Mgmt


Not identified


Disposition nonconforming material

OPM Quality Management OPM Quality Management

Quality Compliance Mgmt Quality Compliance Mgmt


Review Compliance Results & Reports Not identified Review Compliance Results & Reports Not identified


Test/Inspect Test/Inspect

Process Are inspection control areas organized in these ways: internal (for characteristics), external (like packaging and handling), source process and administrative process (documentation)? Setup What sampling programs are in-place and what is their basis? Setup

Page 209

RD.020 Business Process Questionnaire OBM Level I Type = Setup Metric Process Performance

OBM Level II 7506 7507 7508 7509 7510 7511 7512 7513 7514 7515 7516 7517 7518 7519 7520 7521 7522 7523 7524 7525 7526 7527 7528 7529 7530 7531 7532 7533 7534 7535 7536 7537 7538 7539 7540 7541 7542 7543 7544
OPM Quality Management OPM Quality Management OPM Quality Management OPM Quality Management OPM Quality Management OPM Quality Management OPM Quality Management OPM Quality Management OPM Quality Management OPM Quality Management OPM Quality Management OPM Quality Management OPM Quality Management OPM Quality Management OPM Quality Management OPM Quality Management OPM Quality Management OPM Quality Management Quality Compliance Mgmt Quality Compliance Mgmt Quality Compliance Mgmt Quality Compliance Mgmt Quality Compliance Mgmt Quality Compliance Mgmt Quality Compliance Mgmt Quality Compliance Mgmt Quality Compliance Mgmt Quality Compliance Mgmt Quality Compliance Mgmt Quality Compliance Mgmt Quality Compliance Mgmt Quality Compliance Mgmt Quality Compliance Mgmt Quality Compliance Mgmt Quality Compliance Mgmt Quality Compliance Mgmt


OBM Level IV


OBM Row No.


Test/Inspect Test/Inspect Test/Inspect Test/Inspect Diagnose Quality Event Diagnose Quality Event Take Corrective Action Take Corrective Action Take Corrective Action Analyze Quality Results Analyze Quality Results Analyze Quality Results Analyze Quality Results Analyze Quality Results Analyze Quality Results Analyze Quality Results Specifications Collection Plans

Process Analysis Questions

Review Compliance Results & Reports Not identified Review Compliance Results & Reports Not identified Review Compliance Results & Reports Not identified Review Compliance Results & Reports Not identified Review Compliance Results & Reports Not identified Review Compliance Results & Reports Not identified Review Compliance Results & Reports Not identified Review Compliance Results & Reports Not identified Review Compliance Results & Reports Not identified Review Compliance Results & Reports Not identified Review Compliance Results & Reports Not identified Review Compliance Results & Reports Not identified Review Compliance Results & Reports Not identified Review Compliance Results & Reports Not identified Review Compliance Results & Reports Not identified Review Compliance Results & Reports Not identified Review Compliance Results & Reports Not identified Review Compliance Results & Reports Not identified

What types of "holds" are used after a quality event has occurred and before disposition is made? Setup What criteria is used to "pass" material during inspection? Process What percent of material passes during the first inspection? Performance Do you track "first-pass" inspection? Performance Does the system prompt suggested test or debug steps based on preliminary collection results? Process Are action rules and systematic notifications used when in-house quality events occur? Are these filtered by parameters in any way? Process Is the corrective action loop closure automated or based heavily on manual methods and transmittal of hard-copy forms? Process Is the corrective action loop based on any workflow technology? Process Do you need to collect Symptom, Cause and Action codes along the corrective action loop? Process Does failure-based system cover in-house as well as Suppliers so that a total picture (denominator) of production can be captured? Process Must collections plans be grouped for reporting purposes? Process Is it necessary to be able to report/chart/query results from a "list" of quality Collection Plans rather than from just one plan at a time? Process To what extent are Serial/Lot history records maintained? Process Is serial genealogy a business requirement? Process Are failure analyses reported by problem and product? Process What are the primary quality analysis reports in use? How are they used? By whom? Frequency? Performance Are variable inspection modes limited to first article or is 100% inspection used? Process Do you need the results on quality collection to initiate another program (like transfer material to a hold area (subinventory)? Setup What are the types of predefined actions you can specify to be taken based on quality events (electronic mail, alerts, display to operator, etc.)? Process Do you have difficulty viewing Serial or Lot history with the current system? Setup Is it necessary to be able to maintain "history" records? Process Do you maintain quality event and corrective action history for Serial/Lot/Item from receiving through WIP, rework, finished goods and material returns?

OPM Quality Management OPM Quality Management OPM Quality Management

Quality Compliance Mgmt Quality Compliance Mgmt Quality Compliance Mgmt

Review Compliance Results & Reports Not identified Review Compliance Results & Reports Not identified Review Compliance Results & Reports Not identified


Collection Plans History History

OPM Quality Management OPM Quality Management OPM Quality Management

Quality Compliance Mgmt Quality Compliance Mgmt Quality Compliance Mgmt

Review Compliance Results & Reports Not identified Review Compliance Results & Reports Not identified Review Compliance Results & Reports Not identified


History History Management

OPM Quality Management OPM Quality Management OPM Quality Management OPM Quality Management OPM Quality Management OPM Quality Management OPM Quality Management OPM Quality Management OPM Quality Management OPM Quality Management OPM Quality Management OPM Quality Management OPM Quality Management OPM Quality Management OPM Quality Management

Quality Compliance Mgmt Quality Compliance Mgmt Quality Compliance Mgmt Quality Compliance Mgmt Quality Compliance Mgmt Quality Compliance Mgmt Quality Compliance Mgmt Quality Compliance Mgmt Quality Compliance Mgmt Quality Compliance Mgmt Quality Compliance Mgmt Quality Compliance Mgmt Quality Compliance Mgmt Quality Compliance Mgmt Quality Compliance Mgmt

Review Compliance Results & Reports Not identified Review Compliance Results & Reports Not identified Review Compliance Results & Reports Not identified Review Compliance Results & Reports Not identified Review Compliance Results & Reports Not identified Review Compliance Results & Reports Not identified Review Compliance Results & Reports Not identified Review Compliance Results & Reports Not identified Review Compliance Results & Reports Not identified Review Compliance Results & Reports Not identified Review Compliance Results & Reports Not identified Review Compliance Results & Reports Not identified Review Compliance Results & Reports Not identified Review Compliance Results & Reports Not identified Review Compliance Results & Reports Not identified


Security Security Monitor In-process controls Monitor In-process controls Monitor In-process controls History Analyze Quality Results Collect Quality Results Analyze Quality Results Analyze Quality Results Collect Quality Results Take Corrective Action History History Collect Quality Results

Setup When characteristics or elements are no longer tracked, what happens to history? How is further input prevented? Process How do you manage and control quality information dissemination? Performance Do you have security restrictions on who can run Quality Management reports (e.g., by company, by cost center, by position, etc.)? Setup,Process Do you run security reports on a regular basis for Quality Management? Describe process and who runs reports. Process What are the key variables and attributes that are monitored during production? Process How do you alert the appropriate personnel when quality nonconformance occurs? Process Does the quality system take or recommend action based on sampling or analysis of a series of outputs? Process Do you require retention of QC results? If so for how long? Do you retain samples? Process How do you identify samples? Process How many samples do you take by test group? i.e. raw materials, intermediates Process Do you identify the actions to be taken on out-of-spec material needing QC attention? Process What tests have variable results with respect to time? Performance Does testing occur in different locations? Setup, Process How do you control out-of-spec material? Quarantine, lot status Process Do you require traceability by associating results with the correct sample? Process Do you require traceability of ingredients and intermediates? Process Do you identify samples by item, location, sampling time and date? Process

131320756.xls.ms_office Page 210

RD.020 Business Process Questionnaire OBM Level I Type = Setup Metric Process Performance
Process Are there special requirements for labels or cross-referencing for Regulatory or R&D? How do you track the amount of shipments with quality problems? Process

OBM Level II 7545 7546 7547 7548 7549 7550 7551 7552 7553 7554 7555 7556 7557 7558 7559 7560 7561 7562 7563 7564 7565 7566 7567 7568 7569 7570 7571 7572 7573
OPM Quality Management OPM Quality Management OPM Quality Management OPM Quality Management OPM Quality Management OPM Quality Management OPM Quality Management OPM Quality Management OPM Quality Management OPM Quality Management OPM Quality Management OPM Quality Management OPM Quality Management OPM Quality Management OPM Quality Management OPM Quality Management OPM Quality Management Quality Compliance Mgmt Quality Compliance Mgmt Quality Compliance Mgmt Quality Compliance Mgmt Quality Compliance Mgmt Quality Compliance Mgmt Quality Compliance Mgmt Quality Compliance Mgmt Quality Compliance Mgmt Quality Compliance Mgmt Quality Compliance Mgmt Quality Compliance Mgmt Quality Compliance Mgmt Quality Compliance Mgmt Quality Compliance Mgmt Quality Compliance Mgmt Quality Compliance Mgmt


OBM Level IV


OBM Row No.


Take Corrective Action Management Collect Quality Results ALL Return Material Collect Quality Results Diagnose Quality Event Take Corrective Action Collection Plans Process Audit ASL ASL ASL Process Audit ASL Return Material Collect Quality Results Collect Quality Results Collect Quality Results ALL Analyze Quality Results Analyze Quality Results Management

Process Analysis Questions

What do you do when a sample is out-of-spec?

Review Compliance Results & Reports Not identified Review Compliance Results & Reports Not identified Review Compliance Results & Reports Not identified Review Compliance Results & Reports Not identified Analyze Suppliers Analyze Suppliers Analyze Suppliers Analyze Suppliers Analyze Suppliers Analyze Suppliers Analyze Suppliers Analyze Suppliers Analyze Suppliers Analyze Suppliers Analyze Suppliers Analyze Suppliers Analyze Suppliers Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified Not identified

Process Are there time-intensive Quality operations and issues that need to be addressed? Performance What percentage of your incoming material goes through an inspection process? How do you measure it? Process, Metric Is the current system transparent across suppliers (for both collection and reporting)? Process How is the Supplier quality event capture through corrective action managed? Process To what extent are system-based supplier certification records maintained? Process To what extent are systematic incoming inspection quality collection plans used to inspect Supplier products? Setup Do you capture Supplier site and process audit results (Non-conformance, Corrective Actions)? Process How do authorized supplier lists tie in with the quality system? Setup Do you maintain Supplier certification status optionally at site, site-product and site-process levels? Setup Do you have a vendor partnership program? What are the elements with respect to quality? Performance Do you measure your vendor performance based on QA or return statistics? Metric Do you have an approved vendor list based on vendor quality? Performance What paperwork do you prepare to return material to vendors? Process How do you gather failure analysis data from Suppliers and translate codes between systems? Process When gathering quality collection results from test or other automated equipment, how do you filter, screen or otherwise avoid a lot of unimportant excess data? Process Do you need to be able to back out any collected results? Process What technology and tools are needed at the business function (process step) level for data gathering, measurement or inspection? Process Is there product line quality information retrieval without resorting to manual entry? Process Are there delays between quality event occurrence and reporting/analysis? What are the average delays by: reason? Product Family? Process? Performance What is the frequency of data collection and reporting by representative product? Family of products? Business process? Performance Do you have security restrictions on who can enter data for Quality Management? (e.g., by company, by cost center, by position)? Please describe restrictions. Process Will there need to be terminal security for Quality Management? Setup How is failure data collected? What % is being entered manually? Process Do you collect information "on everything", and not just failures (tests run, environmental factors, etc.)? Process Do current procedures call for logging time spent debugging or troubleshooting failures? Process What collection import programs are in use? Process Do you have security restrictions on who can process certain functions (e.g., place or release quality holds, reject lots, etc.) for Quality Management (e.g., by company, by cost center, by position)? Please describe restrictions. Setup,Process Do you require specialized specifications? By vendor, item, customer, inprocess steps, location Setup, Process What percentage of material is scrapped? Performance Do you do re-work off-line or during production? Process What are the ways that you disposition suspect material during manufacturing? How is this measured? Process, Metric Do you rework outgoing product with quality problems? Process Under what circumstances is rework not an option?

OPM Quality Management OPM Quality Management OPM Quality Management OPM Quality Management

Quality Compliance Mgmt Quality Compliance Mgmt Quality Compliance Mgmt Quality Compliance Mgmt

Calibration & Audits Calibration & Audits Calibration & Audits

Not identified Not identified Not identified


Review Compliance Results & Reports Not identified

OPM Quality Management OPM Quality Management

Quality Compliance Mgmt Quality Compliance Mgmt

Review Compliance Results & Reports Not identified Review Compliance Results & Reports Not identified


OPM Quality Management OPM Quality Management OPM Quality Management OPM Quality Management OPM Quality Management OPM Quality Management

Quality Compliance Mgmt Quality Compliance Mgmt Quality Compliance Mgmt Quality Compliance Mgmt Quality Compliance Mgmt Quality Compliance Mgmt

Review Compliance Results & Reports Not identified Review Compliance Results & Reports Not identified Review Compliance Results & Reports Not identified Review Compliance Results & Reports Not identified Review Compliance Results & Reports Not identified Review Compliance Results & Reports Not identified


Security Security Collect Quality Results Collect Quality Results Collect Quality Results Collect Quality Results

7574 7575 7576 7577 7578 7579 7580

OPM Quality Management OPM Quality Management

Quality Compliance Mgmt Quality Compliance Mgmt

Review Compliance Results & Reports Not identified Review Compliance Results & Reports Not identified


Security Specifications Disposition nonconforming material Take Corrective Action Disposition nonconforming material Take Corrective Action Disposition nonconforming material

OPM Quality Management OPM Quality Management

Quality Compliance Mgmt Quality Compliance Mgmt


Not identified Not identified


OPM Quality Management OPM Quality Management

Quality Compliance Mgmt Quality Compliance Mgmt


Not identified Not identified


OPM Quality Management


Quality Compliance Mgmt


Not identified



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RD.020 Business Process Questionnaire OBM Level I Type = Setup Metric Process Performance
Process How are samples pulled for test? Manual, Operator, Random, By Shift? Process Do you validate test results for approvals prior to usage or shipments to customers? What percentage of product being shipped do you inspect and test? Do you track material on shipments by lot number? Process Do you measure re-work production volumes or costs? Performance Do you track quality information by lot number by incoming material, WIP or warehouses? How do you cost parts and labor for repairs to returned repairs? Do you collect actual costs for re-work? Performance Does the QC function interact with the Laboratory or R&D function? If so in what ways? Process Process Performance Process Metric

OBM Level II 7581 7582 7583 7584 7585 7586 7587 7588 7589 7590
OPM Quality Management OPM Quality Management OPM Quality Management OPM Quality Management OPM Quality Management OPM Quality Management OPM Quality Management OPM Quality Management OPM Quality Management OPM Quality Management Quality Compliance Mgmt Quality Compliance Mgmt Quality Compliance Mgmt Quality Compliance Mgmt Quality Compliance Mgmt Quality Compliance Mgmt Quality Compliance Mgmt Quality Compliance Mgmt Quality Compliance Mgmt Quality Compliance Mgmt


OBM Level IV


OBM Row No.


Collect Quality Results Collect Quality Results Analyze Quality Results Collect Quality Results Collect Quality Results Take Corrective Action Collect Quality Results Capture Cost of Quality Capture Cost of Quality ALL

Process Analysis Questions

Do you QC inspect individual production batches?

Review Compliance Results & Reports Not identified Review Compliance Results & Reports Not identified Review Compliance Results & Reports Not identified Review Compliance Results & Reports Not identified Review Compliance Results & Reports Not identified MRB Not identified

Review Compliance Results & Reports Not identified MRB MRB Not identified Not identified Review Compliance Results & Reports Not identified

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