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Verbos Reflexivos

(Reflexive Verbs)

Reflexive verbs are verbs which are accompanied by a pronoun, called a

reflexive pronoun, that serves “to reflect” the action of the verb back to the

He cut himself with the razor.

Reflexive pronouns end with –self in the singular and –selves in the plural.
As the subject (yo, tú, etc.) changes, so does the reflexive pronoun , because
they both refer to the same person or object.

The reflexive pronouns are: me nos

te os
se se
In the infinitive form, reflexive verbs all have se as their reflexive pronoun
(lavarse, peinarse, ducharse, etc.)

**In the dictionary, reflexive verbs are listed under the regular verb. For example,
under dormir you’ll find dormirse. The meaning of the reflexive verb versus the
non reflexive verb varies slightly due to the fact that the action is being done by
and to the same person. (dormir = to sleep, dormirse= to go to sleep)

The reflexive pronoun comes BEFORE the verb when it is conjugated:

Despertarse  Me despierto, te despiertas, se despierta

The reflexive pronoun is attached to the end of the infinitive when it is not
Voy a despertarme a las ocho de la mañana.

A reflexive verb is conjugated as normal, in any tense, and is accompanied by

the appropriate pronoun:

me peino nos penamos
te peinas os penáis
se peina se peinan

**Reflexive verbs are also used to show reciprocal action; when people do the
same action to each other:

Raúl y María se besan. = Raúl and Maria kiss each other.

Las chicas se miran. = The girls look at each other.

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